I Thought Palworld Was Going To Be Bad..

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hello yeah today we're playing power world I'm still unsure on how I feel about this game Let's Play it and find out start game I guess create new world what do we call this diamond island multiplayer oh wait oh squid might want to join so we can do multiplayer sick custom sand yeah I don't want to mess with this let's just do normal here we go choose a player name you canot edit your character game up the game is started okay this is not me right now this guy oh why is this guy two 4 eight we H in the eight pack that's crazy do we want to make ourselves we want to make someone else oh my but what the wow that's more like it that's me let's keep the legs stick thin let's do that this ain't accurate oh we need hair though oh my gosh looking kind of aggressive over here buddy I kind of want to make like an old man I don't know why yeah we're going to go custom color we're going OG do we have any like o the Mohawk is kind of sick actually I think we're ready this is us yes that's us we're here oh look it's wulu I know it's not it's not but yeah we look kind of cool actually oh here we go we're in the wind swept Hills dang this game looks kind of good oh oh my God kativa hello oh there some wood just grab it this thing's cute man Lambo oh this is the Wu isn't it you're definitely a wulu there's no way that you're not well Wu you just saw me just level up real quick oh oh oh he's F back I did not expect that yo stay away no don't no please please please don't no it says on the left fighting or rampaging wild Power of your bare hands isn't the best idea oh you're an idiot come here oh my God I feel so bad I think it might be dead oh we can push it hold [Laughter] on where's he going he's going to try and catch him he's still going oh that went way further than I thought he's still going yeah see you later buddy oh wow wow I feel so bad look look guys this has just been a misunderstanding wasn't my fault all right this wasn't my fault this seems like a good open area to me oh got Power Sphere push Q to throw a sphere and catch a power weakened poers are easier to catch I wonder where uh I've done this before oh these are the St points got it okay yeah I want one of these yes please power box store Powers yes please we got 10 down here campfire yes wooden structure set yo'll give me you know what just give me all these all of them please thank you what do we want to catch first actually there are shinies here though you can get shiny poers oh my God is he going to hit me why does it feel fun to fight them ow y his friends are coming oh capture rate 97 yeah his friend's coming oh my god did we get it y this looks sick we got it extremely weak and far too delicious yo we're going to eat these can I just yo send fight him fight him now oh he's level three I should have got you no get him buddy get him smack him up yeah get wrecked boy all come back this get there too far ahead of ourselves right now F Power Sphere produce that hey right now I need to make a power box guess we're just going to put it like here for now we can undo it right no wait wait wa wait oh my was that necessary okay power box management so now I can store you in here if I want to capture five Lambos to earn an XP bonus increase your player level by capturing 30 Pals so I need to access the power box it says summon a power to your base so this is where the base is pal of the base yo what's up chicky picky chicky chicky P so now they can work for you you better work hard as well you better remember how I caught you I don't know what happens at night but I'm kind of scared don't know how to feel about it so we can actually build a house already but I feel like we're going to need so much wood it's not going to be worth it so that's where our base is that blue outline so we kind of I'm way down already oh that's where the load is okay cool so that happens in Skyrim too oh my god look how low I am chest B bit thing I got it I got it set up right this can go in here oh I'm cold um great o yeah yeah yeah now now we're cooking literally I can do a bed for each of us right you're going to sleep over here let's all snuggle around this fire putting wooden straw next to a fire would be fine right it's going to be okay my bed shy build it indoors okay my powers are living it up right now I'm going to build house by the Sea yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah house by the Sea your boys going to be sleeping out in the open like this it's going to be great right sleep cannot use a bed without a roof they thought of everything this and then Roof oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah now it's oh yeah we're progressing let's go how World L is insane I'm not seeing none right right now how are we sleeping like this what's going on right next up catcher five Lambs to earn an XP bonus I guess we're going to have to do that then so if I capture all these sheep what am I going to do with them yeah you're getting ax to death buddy sorry 65 damage set on fire that would be hilarious stay away uh oh that is way more damage sorry sorry I do genuinely feel bad though bye oh wait I'm going to be capturing them I just killed them never mind why is this so funny see you okay now I see why the game is appealing it's literally like a parody of Pokémon with things that even look like Pokemon and um you can do stuff like that Pokemon would never let you do that oh God I need to do Q I'm a bad keyboard gamer guys I'm old now oh wait how do I just miss that yay motivational leader Lambo let's go it's ridiculous why it's a thing but also hilarious I see the appeal this is this is funny I can make some of these now make eight I need let's just let's just do three is he helping me yeah you can get lifted for that boy this is my favorite one you see this it don't look at that don't look at that that wasn't me you see this guy right here this is a hard worker this guy is not wake up I just thrown him in bed oh my God mames look at that guy I think we've destroyed the population of sheep around here why does it have to scream like that [Music] man y he went spinning oh wait it's you from earlier come to me do you know what it's actually kind of funny that they scream even when you throw the ball at them that's kind of funny too describe the game briefly Pokémon mixed with Ark mixed with rust mixed with there so many games like GTA maybe it's got guns in it I don't think he's even going to let me help him he's so happy with himself too right we're going to put some clothes on oh oh yeah we're looking good and old but good kill this man oh he's doing it he's doing it no I need to catch you I need to catch you go that's amazing please don't be the 2% I like the catching mechanics that's cool 100% getting there that should be my fifth one let's go so many games mix into one which is lots of people's criticism of the game but it's also the positive of the game like it's just taken loads of popular IPS kind of and ideas and put them into one game so it kind of make sense why it's so popular right now this where our Po's gun to sleep that's right the power is going to be sleeping better than us are we building we're out here building and we got expansion too crazy I'm going to do do you know what the building is actually super easy as well oh they are yeah they're crafting them that is cute you're right yes look at this that's cute bro we did it the Lambs are cute I feel bad that it's the first thing I killed and then I watched it go down the uh the hill it's really easy to build I'm impressed what are you doing oh I forgot I didn't have only sheep can you get up no please tell me you can get up oh why is the chicken after man guys I'm locked in I don't know if you can tell this is fun upgrade campfire Berry Plantation deploy a p to work to the base oh my God look at this guy on the right it says working a little slow probably a slacker it's probably cuz he has got a bed let's give the guy a little break man sorry sorry sorry I just want I just need to capture you right now don't take it personal right that's that's an Eevee hold on he don't go run into your big friends melpa that guy is smart just run over to the big boys knows I'm not going to follow him let's see if I get smacked up by these guys yeah what's up what's up oh God send the team ow oh God Flames what go Wu take him out boy that's it yeah smack him oh wait what kind of him oh he's doing damage oh you're backed into a corner now that's right get him get him 51% that's not good come on that's in our favor technically I think we're good yes you won't be able to use powers that are higher level than you oh no Lambo come back you're on fire buddy I'm in over my head I'm on fire let upgrade I think we get another pal now yeah five build a power gear workbench build a statue of power activate this pner ski to hold for parts then attack and use it as a flamethrower make offerings to enhance the stats of players in their Pals produce items allow pow you partner skills oh my God this is this is actually cool man I'm seeing something interesting down there maybe we do a little Adventure in a minute I'm just going to sleep oh my God what the yo what is happening oh they're here yo what the oh my God I'm going to try and capture him you can capture them yeah they ain't going in there stop it I'm I'm going to have to kill you you think you are yo good job pal good job good job well done what on Earth gold coin oh I got coins who do they think they are coming in here like that that was kind of terrifying oh he can't get to his bed that's really sad why can't I sleep today I've done it before oh cuz I'm online where is this where's squiddle what's up no no stop stop it get out I'm going to have to make a bed for this man I'm going to sleep right next to each other as close as we can get that's it hello why you why you jump scam me like that what is this game it's mental you got bubbles coming out of your head bro that's not normal I'm trying to have a sleep oh sorry my dreams so give me the low down you've played this game for what 20 minutes so you're pretty much an expert yeah yeah yeah so you need to have you got a tutorial on your top right yeah but I thought I'd just use you the D tutorial yeah so you need to punch trees that should be yo put my guy down come on now can I throw him in a fire you see what happens oh what's he got on his head he's got a rock on his head yeah he's he's working he's busy oh okay sorry I'll I'll stop trying to murder him oh he's on fire no you did it no quick for him in the lake please okay okay okay how do I run how do I run shift shift shift put him put him in the lake he's right he's coming back you going to catch him yeah I'll try oh missed terrible throw we're making rules rule one don't don't throw my sheep in the fire please if you put something on the crafting table this little guy right here you s on fire he'll um he'll craft it for you wait can we not craft do they have to craft for us or no we can they just help you and if you craft at the same time it will speed up it's cute I like it so far yeah me too I was expecting to just be like uh crash but I'm uh I'm in I'm locked in y put the guy down man I to get the bows out Penguins any good penguin yeah blow oh I haven't seen him yet wait oh I want one of these come on go make sure he's tenderize the kitty come on that's it congratulations who what's that thing down here it's like a big carrot in the ground I haven't ventured this far yet what you been doing for like half an hour I've been making sure I've got a ecosystem going you know you've been actually making progress oh it's a fast travel P okay okay decent I want one of these penguins all right you get that chest bro chest over there oh yeah now now we got coin 583 coins whoa what are these big chappies here you're going to get killed oh he's shooting me ow no oh my god get wrecked bro let me help you I'm going to die I'm going I'm out I just wanted the Penguin man did you get him I got him I don't believe you just stole my guy sorry bro I didn't mean to but I mean I saw I did come on get him yes so if you attack it oh no I just did you just steal my my power no your gu's on top I thought I did for a sec though is he gone wait where he the where's he gone he's fing oh no where'd he goall get away from this Maniac oh the mammoth is coming up he's coming back why are you here he's ready to stomp through wait his eyes are red just saying he's a level 34 he will destroy us actually I'll take one for the team again no no if you spawn next no no you should spawn next to him fine don't worry I got this I'm an expert oh wait oh my powers are all attacking it now no it's fine I'm going to lead it away oh my God don't worry my Powers all doing one damage are ruining the plan my powers are oh my God D this has gone bad this has gone very bad G horribly wrong oh I'm fully dead yeah I'm fully dead oh no that definitely could have gone better it definitely came back just to do that to you by the way look at my little Penguin man look at him face down let's have a look look at him oh my god let's put him where he loves oh my God this is so wholesome it's taking him to his bed to rest up really this is the kind of uh camaraderie you need right we need a go what what do you want to do we do need a go I need to I still need to catch Pals level up my base it says challenge the boss but I think yeah the guy's back please don't touch him he's back I'm just intimidating us can't wait to get powerful enough to wreck him I'm not going to lie that's just level 34 though ding ding ding dinner time no we got a villager Bell yes oh yeah is as well oh look you can change what it is attack Invaders or focus on work okay focus on work that did you see that sheep then he was off for w he were ready he was ready to go upgrade base level six build a Crusher jeez oh I like the sound of that can we put that big mammoth in it let's hope so did your cat die what's happening here what do you mean did she die there's a cat in carry it's a mine what happened to you mine's the fancy one it's it just fell asleep and he's just being carried back that's so wholesome just just a quick catnap oh he's angry at me did you just hit him I didn't do anything he's off for working that's all he needed on my screen it says it's upset and not willing to do any tasks it says and now he's slacking slacking off give him put him in the pool a shame yeah of Shame oh like I don't know if he can swim wait let's find out if I was a lifeguard I'd probably go in right about now but I'm not a lifeguard so he is kicking his legs pretty quick though cataa is stress e why are you stressed all been there love Ting is it because you almost drowned um she's just's got traa she's s having some chocolate yeah I think so oh I got a new bat actually yeah let's yeah oh I'm nearly dead oh my God they hit hard oh oh God yeah yeah yeah we're in trouble 37 capture R go go go go go go 58 you got it 79 80 let's go did you kill one no that fox did wait that was me never mind that's my guy a bit crazy these penguins do more damage than they should okay so you need somewhere in between the bat oh yeah you definitely get way more for catching oh really like a lot more yeah I got like 77 for catching a penguin XP yeah and 10 for one where you at there you are bro let's go capture the human let's grab him oh assault oh there's a God there's a God there 24 level 24 oh God he's got gun no I'm going to capture him I've got him no way I've got him I got a human I got a human we let's go quick level 24 with guns is kind of an issue I did not think that was going to work oh my yeah suckers where is he what's up boy oh they follow us they followed us wait wait what do we do wait he's shooting oh my God he just shot your guy how do we get out of this do we just die we I think we might just die yeah oh look how many of them there are oh no ring the bell everybody tack oh God this has not gone to plan oh my God you see his gun he's got a machine gun see how long I last go and shoot me boy you is up oh oh yeah that's crazy I think that's a pretty good introduction for me I'm going to yeah that that went I was going to say that went well but you know what it did I mean this is the most progress I've ever made so I I'll just let me know you're next on whenever Dan gets bored of this and I'll get bored of this all right and sounds good that was so fun I say we made pretty good progress today right here we are everything we did last time we kind of lost when you start you can't just carry the world we did last time into a server we tried it and I've lost all my like technology and stuff but it's okay we'll zip through it uh like right now and Squid actually rebuilt everything so he's rebuilt my terrible apartment complex we had going on he even re rebuilt the terrible like Shack here that's pretty much it we lost all of our progress but squid rebuilt the building progress we just need to get the technology back W I got something look at this he made me a little chesty and it's got stuff in it he's got all my stuff back from before what a legend so really we haven't lost that much progress at all so we got the oh we toos in yeah squid love you man thanks for doing that oh I have no Pals as well that's the problem we need to get going on the old Pals let's go capture our first pal on this save but we're pretty much back to where we were we just need clothes and stuff no sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I feel like yo what the did anyone else oh wait how did he he keeps disappearing come back here oh I killed him by accident that was my bad right I need a Lambo I need at least one okay we're good capture five Lambo I mean if you insist I like the third hit is doing more damage man I'm actually I do like this game a lot I feel like the spe is doing less damage right yes we're already level five this is sick hey look at us now we got 28 spheres left so we can increase our level but if we go up here as long as squid hasn't done it already I guess you start here this is where you spawn if you go down here gold coins oh that's what I don't have I got some Souls though there a whole path down here wait what you thought I was going to die didn't you anything down here feels like there should be oh copper key so there is chests over here we're pretty much back to where we were to be honest what is this oh we got an egg build an egg incubator to incubate pow eggs it's here so we need ancient technology points though but how on Earth do you get those oh we're at the beach any more Lambs there's a cave I feel like I'm in over my head here right we got to check this out we have to oh my God I did not know this was here wait so down the back here is a dungeon interesting it expires though level 13 boss not going to do that right now we will do though we're at level six our powers are not up to that right now we're getting raided by bandwagon fan girls oh my God what are you on Twitch am on Twitch yeah the fan gos are here that's I might have to kill them though I'm not sure that's how how you do it right I mean let's see what these look like oh two of your pals have fractures by the way what yeah you've been on for an hour and You' missed they were it already had happened when I was on oh there he is hey buddy I want to catch this where what are these things oh my God these are the F girls man I've just joined and I'm getting attacked by fers y you yed get it get in the balls no go go go go go PCH it 61% come on let me jump get in on get on come in come on let's go yes I'm dead bro I'm do you not have a parachute what did you think to the Village do you like it it's cool yeah it's like we never left really home from home looks great what I want to do today is I really want to go explore cuz we've only been far as the human and I I feel like we can get some better Powers today agreed we want to try and like get a mount or something as well that'd be good oh you know as well yeah yeah chat reminded me I found a dungeon oh did you yeah what was in it I didn't go in it cuz it's level 13 you have to like oh let's go now why not okay let's do it it's like back where you start where you spawn in I don't know if I can way point you the beach at the bottom of this section mhm it's on that beach okay at 200us 500 reckon we could try to do the boss today challenge the boss at R cic Tower you think I mean I think this is going to be like a mini boss oh I found some keys by the way I've got two copper Keys ni there's a chest here if you want to open it what' you get I got coins 10 arrows and a cloth schematic oh wa cloth schematic I'm guessing it's kind of like you can get different variants like rare epic you know like they the better sort of all right yeah down here yep down here it did have a timer on it though so I don't know what's going to happen boss level 303 a balls I press the wrong one um level 13 let's do it let's go let's go can't be that hard would you like to enter yes oh boy Nightwing out oh there's people with bats in here oh my god oh it's the guys lagging get him Nightwing get the fan girls out oh get wrecked God that's scary I just turn around and the runs like on him this looks pretty epic let's go this way I didn't expect this to be so vast we can catch these guys probably if you want to need a littleit tick too hard yeah oh he's following you he's coming for vengeance he's following you oh Jesus this guy look what jeez oh my God what is it Dodge away from don't kill him no no no I left him give me the me give me the me I really like the capture animation it's super cool yeah it's good in it I think I've got him hey look at this thing look at his face you got a face of clubbing yeah oh he jumping oh he's quick oh no get him 43 come on 43 roll the dice go on 71 you've got him 99 let's go ye let's go it wraps itself around an enemy's head sucking out their insides oh nice W this looks weird and different it does oh wait this looks oh here we go it's it's a fox fox pack no we gave all this way which one's the boss one this guy the big one can we capture bosses can you actually chat I don't uh can you capture boss's ChatOn was it just we just s it for the XP my my fox pack is near higher levels yeah you can apparently going to kill my how could you oh I'm hot oh no I'm on fire I'm on fire remember to um Dr away when it's close down I'm I'm still on fire I'm still on fire careful careful careful oh yeah I've taken it away I've taken it away now just we just shoot it or something where'd he go we just B it oh he going be able to get it down so low yeah I'll get it to one HP that's as low as I can get it really look at that thing no oh is this guy's a sucker he got two HP left you 23% oh 55 oh oh there we go y let's go I need those giggers this is pretty epic oh wait this is the guy so this the the one at the top there's two chests oo oh this is cool what is this thing what we get ignis a ruby called resistant P armor schematic oh uh did you I got a fire skill fruit you can like teach it a move it's like a TM yeah we got stuff to do we we're busy men today busy men got time for we've been productive so far was that one dungeon decent one dungeon um some Fang girls the Fang girls arrived oh I got an ancient civilization part so can I use this for the incubator I can and I can use that in the recipe for the incubator so we can do eggs oh excuse me sleepy peep let's have a see what happens ooh it works oh it works let's go okay that's good oh I like it someone said you can sell pets somehow can sell them you can sell them and you can eat them yeah I know you can eat them but you have to get a Cleaver or something and chop them up oh that's rough nice we're back on track we are this is good progress look at this guy's planting look at him we can't wait to work nice that is a cool one level 15 as well okay let's base upgrade time level seven let's go build Hot Springs oh the pals are going to love that yeah they are going to love that oh just in said check the padex entry for the Fang girls it is always chasing somebody around at first it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have become the target of it's deucher de that's a that's a word it's possible drops are suspicious juice and strange juice what I can't oh this a proper anime game huh craftable at the pal gear workbench oh this thing yeah oh I got to see this you ready for this oh here we go yo be careful well everything around here is made of wood he's looking at you he's like what are you going to do to me what do I have to pick it up what the hell oh wait wait wait you're doing it here we go we got oh my God yeah boy yeah you get the cooked meat that's great let's get some free food oh my God and then do it recharge uh yeah by the looks of it yeah that's cool sleepy weepy good night for tomorrow we fight the boss get fast TR my dud well that's the tower we need to get to yeah I wish you could just Glide there but unfortunately you stamina is pretty crap 12 arrows what is that what oh oh I thought it's two separate ones Oh I thought it was like a big caterpillar yeah same y they're huge oh yeah take it out don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it oh my God wait I go down to perfect health ow okay I might die these are hard to catch I'm entangled D I'm dead oh no no no no no this is not going well I caught one he's coming for me you get me up no don't kill it get it back oh sorry sorry let's got to be it let's go ow what was that it managed to launch an attack just before it went in y let's go nice oh wait do we actually have to go to the top of the tower hour of rain Syndicate 10 minutes join boss battle here we go you ready let's see what happens oh my god oh ooh oh we got some spicy cut scene spicy screens oh who this another Fango oh it's like a boss trainer [Music] Dam flashbang out oh it's this guy so I'm guessing we can't uh capture this one we capture Zoe and all together GIS bolt there was a glitch where it's got 42,000 Health look it's going down though you know yeah oh yeah we're to too bad at you I think we should just save our arrows cuz we're not doing anything out we might as well just watch the oh my God I think we do it all right at so just a time limit kill go he's on fire I did not mean to try and catch him what I didn't wonder what that was then I just noed she's riding him she's like on top of his head yeah I think we can do this you know come on fire hugie I want to fire hug him I'm waiting for some slaps box packs come here here we go here we go do it hey a big 40 damage let's go oh my God sticking away that's actually crazy yeah we're halfway there we're doing it I'm going to try and get some hits in cuz yeah true when it starts attacking us we going to be in trouble come on dinos as long as we still have PS left by the end we should be good cuz like literally if all our PS die we would have got bats to try and kill this thing and that's not going to go about yeah no come on din 1 ,000 we're doing all right I think he's glitched in the wall he's stuck he's stuck oh there we go this kind of Epic not going to lie it's going to be to how many have you got two I got two pickle these toes I'm doing my bit oh no God yeah he does like 200 damage a time oh 1,000 left my arrows did some damage go go go go go go go yeah hey we did it okay Five Points ancient technology points that's what we needed let's go we just survived that was decent so we can go and make the incubator now I think that was good though that was a good fight yeah that was epic he started I was expecting like a like a big breeding size just no it's literally just a Kinder Egg yeah now we get to see how long it'll take let's see set egg Rocky egg six hours oh my god when we're asleep the server will still run so I'm guessing that's why it's so long okay so egg check egg check little cold 4 hours oh God you're making him craft it too I'm not going to kill this guy we kill random yeah I can't gra he's so fast I think it's cuz he's yours how do you can you equip the chopper see see if you can do oh he's he's he's nicked it where'd he put it put chest put it in the four chest oh God like Master oh my God is in my hand go on drop him no I think you got to is this like a you got to pick him up I think oh my God yeah okay it's about to happen you ready I don't like this I killed the wrong one who you killed no the fox p no how could you that was that mine oh my God no I don't think it pixelated it did you see that's nice that a hot tub with a view hot tub streams yeah yeah we can write people's names on signs near it y for like a big donation there oh it is green oh look at oh you're coming over use it yeah yeah so happy so happy that's one with a fracture as well all right I'm going to log off for today we made progress yeah that was fun GG all around see you later guys this game is actually fun I didn't expect to like it so much but it's addictive we did good huh what do you guys think you're liking this game too cuz I am the boss fight was good I'm glad we survived we just survived we made good progress from last time considering we had to start from fresh basically bye bye Pals see you soon
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 161,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny
Id: h3FPvdfCeEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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