Property Update Live Plus Bulk Auction

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you guys here hails low there heels low there do i spy two gray hoodies one here it wouldn't be a live stream without a gray hoodie [Music] and it wouldn't be a live stream without [Music] do you know who i'm gonna sing about probably me what makes you think i'm gonna sing about you um you're pretty predictable [Music] [Music] could be any georgie it doesn't mean it's you could be your dad for all you know when another started [Music] you ready they come with money burning a whole straight into their pockets they think they're winning but then their heads are spinning with the eyes popping out of their sockets when they see my georgie [Music] [Applause] with a you're getting good at that i've been practicing do you know what the next line is you do auctioneer cries looking into their eyes trying to get their money but they all back down when she comes to town when they get a good look at my honey my georgie my georgie buying a beautiful swordsies and others start to beat and then she swoops in with her [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the treasure hunt begins with family and friends till they're all hypnotized by the look in their eyes well it's all in her egyptian genes my georgie [Music] la [Music] then she swoops in with uh [Music] i had to take my socks off what my feet got hot which is unusual because usually my feet are cold you know what i i bring her i bring her to florida because she's always freezing now now she's burning up wait let me see and georgie taking her socks off in the camper they're on the floor forever more cause she'll never put them in the hamper my georgie how true is that come on that's off the fly i do leave i do leave socks out in case of an emergency they'll never make it into the hamper they only make it in the hamper once they get stinky really okay you leave your hoodies everywhere hoodie over here hoodie over here you guys can't see behind but there's a hoodie hanging first of all this is the work hoodie this is for work okay second of all this is for formal occasions hoodie okay and undercover filming hoodie and that hoodie that's over there so there you go three hoodies okay so and they're not on the floor to be fair i keep socks in two places to be fair in the common area in the bedroom okay so we we uh missed the super chat do you got the fist pump we missed we've been choosing everywhere this week colin sent us a super chat before we went live all right go ahead and get that and then i'll get you we just got another five dollar super chat but unfortunately we can't go for some reason we can't scroll back that far so here's a physical boom for colin who sent us a super chat we do we do have the fist pump and then another fist pump for whoever sent us a super chat draper said the dress hoodie exactly exactly for special occasions you just never know you never know is it me or has this week flown by so quickly i think part of it is we have literally driven all over the state of west virginia like or not west virginia well where we're at sometimes it feels like west virginia catherine thank you so much for the dollar we've been along the entire west coast of florida just about so we have driven this week so many miles and there's a purpose to it and now most of you would think that was to buy storage units it was not to buy storage units so one of it's to to buy things in preparation in preparation for the buying storage units and i feel like we just did a live stream seven days ago it just so happened i feel like we did a live stream seven days ago like seven days ago bc eagle deb said the same thing best holiday wishes to what the hails and family merry christmas to everybody early so man that week went by so quickly we had to get to florida early why did we have to get to florida early in preparation of everything if we're going to run a successful business we actually have to be here early so we have to prep the business right so not only getting familiar with the area and where where we would need to travel in order to get essentials we have to go shopping for everything mick draper mr draper has his pet scans and we are so thrilled he's doing well thank you so much everybody praying for mr draper and then catswana latchy five dollars william thank you so much uh-oh somebody's so sounds like george when she's hungry so back in ohio we have two open trailers two enclosed trailers but here in florida we want to at least get two enclosed trailers absolutely absolutely with the volume of storage units that we purchased we also had to figure out heavy equipment heavy equipment we also had to figure out a builder which i have that meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m so i'm meeting with the builder tomorrow at 10 a.m and then what else did we have to do uh we wanted to look for atvs which we've been looking for we've pushed that off of the agenda so so really what happens when you run a successful business and we talk about stewardship financial stewardship and running the business and being fun employed all the time with you guys so when you're running a business uh it's very very different entrepreneurial ship is very very different than working for somebody and clocking in nine to five and number one the greatest benefit is what george not having a job okay all right being unemployed you cannot get fired if you don't have a job yeah you can you can you can get fired so anyways um because we tell you all the time we're not unemployed we're fun employed we are fun employed so being fun employed the greatest aspect of fun employment is freedom not getting fired because you don't have a job nobody said you couldn't get fired from your unemployment now so so larry said did you guys get a tractor well we're getting to that so we've been all over we had to get to florida as soon as possible when you run a business another benefit of being an entrepreneur or running your business is the governmental irs tax code the laws are built to benefit business owners david foster just sent five dollars hello from north florida thank you david florida as well now what i mean by that is the government wants to encourage you to start a business and be self-employed and create other jobs for other people and so what they do is you get tax breaks southern yankee flipper 499 hit the 10 000 k 90 days this week thank you for what you both do wow nice that is awesome what an awesome milestone that is awesome 10k i remember when we hit 10k that was a big deal for us that's when we said all right we're going live streams oh merch that was it went if we get tanked announcement we bought merch and we changed the channel name and create created but that may not be subscribers that might be actual cash 10 000 and 90 days reselling that that's incredible that's absolutely incredible absolutely incredible so i'm thinking 10k of subscribers could be either could be both could be both who the hell either way that's amazing so when you when you own a business he said yes reselling i love it i love it when you own a business the government gives you tax breaks based on your business so uh with the business that we run we had to this is going to sound so counterproductive if you clock into a nine to five if you're not self-employed we had to get down here as fast as possible and spend money as fast as possible for the tax incentives for the business before the end of the year so that was my biggest concern we have to get on the property we have to start purchasing we have to make all of these all these purchases before we get up and running and so far um we have been able within 24 hours we will share this with you okay but we can't tell you everything because there are videos coming within 24 hours we spent over 60 000 we will share that with you and unfortunately and then not on just one thing there will be a video coming but unfortunately not a single dollar went towards a storage unit yet yet yes sad but yeah not yet we are i am having withdrawals from buying units and i'm especially having withdrawals from elvis don't even start don't even start woman you want to know how you get fired from fun employment you start talking about hope you find your alligator oh there's a video coming we'll can we give them the spoiler that we did finally see an alligator but we cannot tell anything else yeah uh finally saw our first gator sighting today and tony gonzalez five dollars how are you feeling today i feel good today was a really good day uh it was it was 81 degrees it was chilly in the morning but by noon boom it was perfect it was amazing i got to meet up with uh a friend of mine that i've been friends with since the ninth grade we drove two and a half hours south yeah got to meet her daughter her daughter's two now and her boyfriend and it was a good time we checked out the world's famous sponge doc and we had alligator bites which he tried bites for the very first time do not taste like chicken not even with ketchup i thought it tasted like chicken you did yeah no it tasted like trying to choose it was a little bit piece of rubber it was a little that was a bit more boring this is not working but would i order it again no probably not but i i definitely wanted to order it so that jeremy can at least say that he trade tried gator for the first time and we did but i'm proud of you for at least trying we did take the gator bites and we did something else with it that you're going to see on a video this week but we can't tell you right now frank and it's it's sick what george did with it frank frazier said five dollars says elvis misses me i hope so i'm telling you this is how you get fired from fun employment you keep this up this is how you get fired that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying so we've had a crazy week driving all over i mean how many miles do you think we've put on i have no idea lyle luma sent five dollars appreciate it lyle i don't know i mean like i said before this week has flown by so quickly that so maybe an extra thousand miles this week just driving looking at stuff whether we bought it or not and then another 10 pounds on me stress eating and then um another two layers of clothing on george because she's freezing because her thyroid's gone adam thank you so much for the two dollars we love you too yeah sundays are fun days really are and then on the way down to meet our friend for lunch we just listened to we listened to church online since we couldn't go to our home church anyway yeah they even if we were home in ohio we would still have to be on the live stream so then we just listened to church online on the way down yeah they learned how to stream on youtube they have a youtube channel so we just listened to it we offered to help them but they figured it out without us they're youtube geniuses now and then our church is still to the point where you have to make reservations in order to go in person to sit because they're still you know doing the six six foot social distancing so we'd rather just the nicest thing down here in florida okay so the nice thing down here in florida the local church is less than a minute away from literally a hoppiness we can walk there jinx and you owe me a nice day and we we haven't visited yet because we've been on the road so much so the past two sundays we've been on the road and so we do know services are at 11 a.m and we do know you don't have to register to actually you don't have to register to actually it's a smaller congregation and yeah it should be should be great uh how do you say how do you say that name tanisha tanisha sorry if we butchered your name she has coveted having a quarantine oh no oh no and for some reason we keep her entertained wow speedy recovered to you tanisha it's no fun well that depends how much of what the hails do you want to actually watch because there's like eight hundred medicine for you there's 800 episodes so if you wanna if you wanna if you wanna fake it a little bit longer just so you could stay at home and extend that two weeks into additional two weeks that's okay we can call it a vacation okay all right and then we had another one thank you carolyn thank you so much appreciate it so we've literally been all over uh you're going to see what we've purchased thus far and one of those items is being custom-made it's still it's still honestly it's in georgia we're going to have to pick it up in georgia but that's being custom-made we don't have it yet another item is being delivered from tennessee and another item we have here at the campground so one of the things that we shared with you in the video we're so fortunate that less than a minute away we pronounced it correctly oh that's great i'm so proud of myself yeah we're so fortunate less than a minute away there is a very family-friendly campground rv park it is it's absolutely incredible and the owners have been extremely flexible with us they've done a really they've done an incredible job with the campground and it's 15 minutes from the keys so eventually here's what we're going to do we're going to share with you eventually where the campground is we're going to do that after we move off of the campground and we get on the property and then that way you guys can book your stay at the campground uh we recommend it highly they've been fantastic phenomenal to work with flexible with us and even for us let's we've got a 20-foot trailer where do you put a 20-foot trailer because we're physically not on the property yet we're not on the ranch and they're allowing us to store that and we got the chickens here in charge so that saves us some money it's it's been it's been it's not having to store it at a storage facility so we're actually we're not on the ranch yet we're not a hundred we're we're just we should we should go into that a little we were hoping to get the keys thank you leroy sent five dollars later than tomorrow yeah so we we literally anticipated we would have the keys even though we don't think there's going to be actual keys remember i saw them they were on the ledge in the kitchen oh apparently the keys are on the ledge in the kitchen okay so i guess there are keys but in what basically to have the keys means we were hoping all the paperwork would be done karen sent five dollars appreciate it karen she said she sent money earlier may the lord bless you both thank you both times karen appreciate it though karen we love those canadian five dollars we love them so we were hoping the paperwork would get done and we'd be able to be on the property and not particularly us we want to move the chickens over to the property we want to start gutting the house we want to start prepping for the camper to go over there we probably we probably won't even take the camper over there until maybe february it all depends on how much it takes to prep but we wanted to move items over there we wanted to we wanted to start buying storage units so we can actually store we've got an entire barn that needs to be cleaned it looks like they had a bunch of treasure in there we wanted to go in we wanted to see all the treasure film all the treasure and we thought we thought for sure we would be on there if not friday we'd be on site this monday and we can tell you that that is not going to definitely not going to happen but we i mean in the back of my mind i knew that it wouldn't happen so quickly just because from talking to local real real estate agencies they've even kind of given me the time frame of how long these title companies taking because of coven and the only reason why it's not done yet is because we we are waiting for the title company and we've stressed the realtor of stress we've stressed we absolutely we want to be on site as fast as possible we tried to do an early occupancy agreement with the sellers and the the challenge there is there's six sellers six kids mom and dad passed away goes into an estate their six kids they all have to agree and they did not agree to actually rent us the the the property with an early occupancy it's not even going to try and pronounce that but those canadians love you too appreciate it we love canadians eh we were watching a canadian loon today and we're not talking about the one dollar coin uh carolyn wants to know does the rv campground have room for a 40-foot rv yeah mine's 30 minus 38 foot this camper is 38. so i'm 38 foot right now and 40 foot should have no problem whatsoever nice part is is those of you guys who actually you guys have rvs in camping i know a lot of you guys do the pull through so you can actually you don't have to back up you pull through and obx picker 499 for my favorite future gator ranchers hope all is well uh appreciated everything is going well it's going extremely well there are there are some there are going to be some major hiccups and uh those major hiccups are are going to part of it is already filmed and there's going to be a whole lot more filming and we're going to share that all with you and the uh we can't get too much into it right now because the videos are going to speak for themselves but there are going to be some major issues that we're going to have to deal with in regards to in regards to the purchase of the product my chair so they can see the fireplace give it more of an omelet oh you want the the fireplace yeah i should have put the tv down huh i forgot to do that uh what the hell's run in the background we don't have wi-fi on the tv i just voted for usb yeah that's true too we could have done that yeah i'm hoping by next sunday our setup will be will transition back to how we had it back in ohio where you have your own camera and then i'll have my own camera for the auction which i'll need fish netting a bunch of fish well minus the backdrop uh captain's tell us minus the backdrop just the way that we had our settings little plushies we need to get more plushies so well that's the other thing we wanted to get in there friday so we could actually gut and then we could actually set up live streaming and we we've got to get cameras up and part of this you're going to see this in the videos coming we have to it is an absolute we have to get cameras live streaming to the cloud cameras immediately immediately on the phone you want to tell them what type of uh things you got for the property as well the oh about 50 no trespassing signs no hunting so there are some major major issues and those major issues dealing with people major major issues and um you're gonna see it and and you're gonna see it you're gonna see it all and i i assure you it will infuriate you yeah frank chapman sent five dollars i pray for both of you loving being able to enjoy everything you share with us god bless thank you so much frank and then frank gosnell two dollars you need to come to marietta south carolina we probably drove through we've driven past we've driven through it yes we probably drove through so we're not on the property because the title company doesn't have the paperwork yet and we're begging them to finish so contractual wise the the closing is supposed to be december 23rd everything we have contract closing is scheduled for december 23rd based on the contract everything is signed everything's moving forward or sooner but the hiccup and the hold up is the title company has to finalize the paperwork which they have not done okay it's the hiccup in the holdup isn't us the money's there all we need to do is we need to wire it and and we're begging the title company to tell us where to wire it well the title company hasn't finished the paperwork then the paperwork has to go to six siblings some of those are in texas some of those are in they're scattered throughout the us and you have to get it all signed by the siblings all six of them then it has to come back and then they'll tell us okay you can transfer the money and then we get the keys and so it's it's a holding pattern that's a bit frustrating for us because we were willing to give them free money i mean it's literally we're already paying you this huge lump sum if you let us on the property early we'll just we'll give you more we'll rent but in hindsight yeah we offered a lump sum payment for a month had to come in and they said no they said no but in hindsight it's been probably better because we've been able to be at the campground when we were able to meet a ton of people we were able to meet a ton of people if we were on the property we would have met nobody never been able to meet the people that we've met well we would have met the neighbors and we've already met them personally i think the setup that we have now and being at is more beneficial has been extremely beneficial for us and this is the better route definitely so in a sense it was a blessing in disguise that they said no because again we would have never met half the people we've met so far so probably what we're going to do is leave the camper here longer than anticipated and then just go over to the ranch and then back and then go over to the ranch and back and yeah i'm okay with that and we'll get we'll get the we'll get the security systems up as fast as possible and once you once we release the videos i'm gonna give them a little teaser i'm gonna give them a little teaser all right i'm okay with whatever you want to show this is just a little teaser of what happened this week and it will infuriate you this is a local individual that did this to another neighbor in the middle of the night and i promise you it will infuriate you and uh there was so technically what you're seeing is arson what you're seeing is arson this is what has happened this is crazy you're gonna see a whole lot more later but we will tell you this is the neighbor right in front of us nikki t sent three dollars says hail's low to some awesome peeps hail's low nicotine we did get to meet up with nikki t and her hubby when we when we went back up and then we wanted to stop again on the way down and then we just we were like all right we gotta get there as fast as possible it was trying to be harder to to make the stops that we did this time around because we had the chicken with us and i was scared to death driving with the camper through through atlanta was the worst that was scary wendy blackwell sent two dollars and fifty cents is love from the great smoky mountains god bless y'all oh i appreciate it wendy yeah driving with the camper i probably lost five pounds just in terror and sweat and fear farts white knuckle syndrome i mean it was literally holding on to your steering wheel and then your knuckles turned white from just grabbing my muscles were so tense when we finally got here i was like george i need you i need you to get into you know and my muscles and so george me and george is like okay like no so finally she got her elbows and she dug as hard as possible and finally i loosened up you wanted a tip a deep tissue massage and i gave them a deep tissue massage with my elbows thank you so much cat bird prepper so it has been more beneficial being on the campground for sure yeah for sure yes absolutely that that's been a huge blessing huge blessing it really has been but everything the the property is amazing if you haven't seen that video yet the property is everything that we wanted and everything that is going to build the business and then some it's even once we got on it again it's even more than more it's better we saw the first time it is better it is better than we even anticipated and so we had so many people concerned going no you can't go to florida why the hells would you go to florida the mosquitoes are as big as birds how many mosquitoes have you seen so far zero oh wait wait now hold a second george it was cold this past week what about when we came down to view the property a month ago none none we're not here in mosquito season we planned that we anticipated that we planned that on well i think a lot of people think we're we're gonna move to florida permanently and be here year-round because they don't listen when we go we're only going to be here during the winter so the reason why we're moving down to florida one not only is it the storage unit cap capital of the world more storage units they're everywhere it fits our business model but also to get away from uh being in the snow and when you're working in this when you do what we do buying storage units at the bottom we do it makes it too difficult to feel your outside when it when there's snow outside thank you diana she says hello from montana it's freezing here yeah we don't miss the freezing it was nice that it was 81 degrees today we can actually work in that type of weather we just got back right before the live stream and george we're totally okay with the perfect day like hoodie hoodie weather is perfect we don't care if we don't steal our fingers so in the area of florida we're at you're going to get a number of days maybe two weeks total out of the winter where it's going to get down to 30 degrees and by noon by noon 60 degrees so in the mornings that's when we're driving to auctions and by noon that's when we're loading and filming and so we can feel our fingers which is amazing bonnie fleming sent five dollars be careful the property has been empty so long people feel like they that is true issue bonnie yeah and i think that's part of the issue and you are gonna see big time on the video we're gonna try and snip that in the bud big time on the videos coming out it we have some major issues to deal with some major things so the the transition down to florida the only thing the only hiccup we had was the blowout yes and me being scared to death driving and getting blown all over i mean you're literally you're driving with a 38 foot parachute and the property is perfect we love the location the location is central to everything we want to be near towards and the only issue is going to be people it's going to be neighbors and you're not it's going to disgust you beyond belief what you see there is uh there there is fencing around the property there will be more fencing but there will be more cameras there will be cameras all over the 70 acres there will be cameras all over all over there will be no trespassing which i hate i hate taking beautiful property and putting no trespassing signs but there will be mix buck 99 where do you go to pass florida storage plus where did what did we pass up today it was a storage king storage king and then storage castle and i was like we have to literally right across the street from us and get a video i'm the storage king king and this is my friend the other side was storage castle and it literally looked like a castle and we forgot we have to do that later kathy waters sent ten dollars so sorry atlanta was so bad to you must have been on 250 285 we're on 75. no way i live here i would have i i would be glad you made it we did make it we were thrilled to get here too yeah when when on the way down we timed it where we wouldn't get stuck in atlanta we planned because i was so scared and so tense for a lot lunch power and regular rush the wrong word it's just it's so intense when you're pulling a 38-foot camper and passes you and what happens it creates a vacuum and then it pulls you in and and then if wind blows it's a huge parachute and it pushes you all over the road so you literally are white-knuckled for the first night we drove eight and a half hours white knuckled after all that was like all right i need the break now i need the break and then we didn't want to do heavy traffic in atlanta so we planned it so we wouldn't be there in rush hour then once we got out of there then we had the blowout yeah two and a half hours from our destination but our first week what's the most what's the most fun you had this first week if if we were gonna have a blowout where we had the blowout was the perfect spot again it was like a blessing we talked about that on the way down because if we would have blown out earlier it was raining pouring okay it was pouring if we would have blown out the night before it would have been pitch dark so we had dry weather and it was drizzling and it was during the day and we found an amazing local company rudy's who took care of us and if you haven't yet we've asked you guys already even in the video leave them the greatest review you possibly can a lot of people already have and we appreciate those who have they were unbelievable to us and they didn't know who we were from anybody they don't they don't know that you have a following on youtube they knew nothing all they knew is there were people on the side of the road when he called he's they're like we're on our way we just said we'll take care of you we're on our way david weather's five dollars hi you guys wish i lived closer to y'all i'm a carpenter i would love to help you guys build your dream oh man thank you david thanks david what we're going to need is some private investigators here really soon we need some we're going to need to hire some people to follow somebody around maybe a couple people and i'm not joking so if you want to put in if you want to put in your resume they get paid by the hour to follow people to be a pi you're going to be a pi i'm not joking it's going to be extremely interesting it is going to be extremely interesting yeah but uh we've we we got perfect service from rudy's after we couldn't get anything from our insurance company we talked about that last week but a lot of people are like get triple a get triple a triple a will not aaa has not been helpful to us which is why we canceled they will not do anything that the truck has been hauling they won't touch it flipping adventures god's plan never fails he's the god of the perfect timing no worries enjoy the journey it's easy to say afterwards during during the blowout whole lot harder to say yeah so maybe triple h very true from state to state but we can assure you in ohio in our area they won't cover anything they have not been helpful so i know a lot of you have reached out and said that triple a has been amazing to you guys and they've helped out with your camper and your trails but for whatever reason in the ohio area we've had zero luck yeah so i've had to get the special coverage i have special roadside assistance coverage but my insurance my insurance agent said don't ever do this again just call local company and i will reimburse you for everything yeah he said don't even mess around with this anymore you've had too many you know headaches and i went perfect you get like you you maintain whatever the cost is we pay for it out of pocket and then your insurance company and then they'll reimburse first yep which is fine you probably probably get quicker service that way because you're you're alleviating the middleman yeah because the people we were calling before they're just the middleman and you have to wait longer so just calling someone direct you'll get quicker service destiny sent two dollars god will be with you always amen appreciated destiny so out of this entire week we've driven all over florida what has been your most fun experience and i'm i'm just gonna take a wild guess i'm gonna see if i can get a prop okay uh what has been your most fun experience my most fun experience this week this week and this week has flown by so quickly before we went live i'm like oh man i can't believe it's sunday already we did so much this week [Laughter] this week what is what has been your most fun experience matching john deere hats still have the tags on them and for free we got them for free yes we got to so there was jeff said two dollars thank you jeff uh appreciate it jeff so there was uh a couple things that we did that was a new experience for me so any anytime i i run into something that's a new experience for me is this better that's that's a good experience not a bad experience i don't look like a dad now no not at all uh i'm always gonna love it like we went shopping for heavy equipment i've never done that before we went shopping for atvs never done that before what else we went shopping for trailers trailer brand new trailers like i've gone with you to look at pre-owned trailers but this was a brand new trailer where it's never even been open before the back door that that comes out has never even been been opened before where both of you the the sales rep and you had to both push from the inside just to get it that baby was sealed it was part of the welding that got that melted and like got hooked right so i thought you would say getting free john deere hat i did make a new friend with uh the manager's dog his name is turkey or i thought you would say we went and hiked the property and we found the biggest cedar tree so far but we have not been that cedar tree was huge we've barely we honestly we barely i would say we've probably covered maybe we've walked on probably a quarter of the property we don't even know everything we have so far uh winter night warden sent five dollars i see oh there we go even with the 10 000 square feet building getting built are you still are you still fighting for the ohio warehouse yes yeah court is may 10th right now everything's on hold cassandra sent 4.99 thank you so much thank you and frank sent two dollars are you gonna put the horses back on the ranch um i don't think there were ever horses on the ranch me having horses before 45 horses on 175 acre ranch i have no desire to do horses again i do want peacock again i do want pygmy goats and fainting goats i do want pot belly pigs i do want chickens and they'll probably be a few other things in addition to what we already have they need more friends have you seen the mansion the mansion i mean the chicken coop there there is a chicken play care center off to the side i mean there is why would we not why would we not uh how many how many gators no don't answer gators because that's a video coming soon but how many water moccasins have you seen so far after i get these super chats chase sent 12 dollars i generally believe florida is so blessed to have you guys down there thank you so much chase facto sent five dollars if you're looking for somebody awesome trailer oh i missed it i missed it let me see if i can find it let me see if i can find it uh here we go if you're looking for awesome trailer reach out to texas pride trailers they do a lot of work with youtubers as well as highly recommended wow that's good to know we'll definitely keep that in mind that is really good to know for future right now we've secured two trailers one of them's in georgia being custom-made right now and then we have to go pick it up david sent 4.99 how are christian and patients doing they're doing phenomenal yeah they're doing great absolutely phenomenal they just put out another shipment of uh ebay sales for you guys yeah so yep they're doing fantastic really good mm-hmm so we've been we we got to hike the property what was the best part of the property that you saw the cedar grove was gorgeous there are a lot of cedars yeah we found out that the tall palmetto bushes aren't trees they're not palm trees so we're quickly learning that we're learning the fauna yes and i think the fact that the river flows through the property is pretty exciting yeah it reminds me when we were when we were walking the property i was telling jeremy i was like this reminds me this takes me back to my childhood when my siblings and i would spend hours in the woods there was acres and acres of woods in our backyard growing up and there was even a creek flowing through it so it totally reminded me of just being a little kid and just exploring the wooded area in our backyard so it brought back childhood memories for me i loved every minute of it lynn just sent two dollars that's a toonie that's not a loon that's two loonies or toonie thank you so much lynn appreciate it yeah the the creek running through the backyard isn't phenomenal yes we also we showed some tracks and we were joking around about deer by the way the deer down here they're small they're so small they're like small dogs i mean you feel like you just pet them and give them a bone yeah and so we're joking around as far as happy as ohio dear so when we're goofing around hopefully most of you guys understand our sarcasm and jokes but we still know so many of you don't get it but we are always joking on the videos we're always joking but uh the aspect of the the the deer we know there's deer debbie vaughn just sent two dollars towards your gators love you both thank you debbie we love you too but we know there's hog all over the property so we were talking yesterday to some local hunters and they shared with us the sweetest meat okay and we as we share this we understand that there are some people are going to feel hypersensitive about what we're about to say and others who could care less and if you feel hypersensitive about it feel free not to comment on this about your hypersensitivity because we don't care so that being said they shared with us the sweetest hog meat that you can get it's it's the 100 pound or less hogs and so juvenile ones so they're they're they're the smaller ones and they're the best meat and they're going to give us a butcher that's nearby as well and literally chatter saying that wild hog is great oh yeah they they said it's incredible so they said go for the hundred pounder or smaller and then they're giving us a local contact for a local butcher and we'll be able to have our own pork which is going to be amazing i've never had wild hog have you i know you had bubba bq this week oh that's probably one of my favorite uh things this week sing meal love songs five dollars thank you so much we found a new barbecue we found a barbecue spot we've been to two barbecue spots in the area and the one the first one wasn't wasn't that that great the second one she's burping back up still right now the second one was so good and i don't know i know it's a chain but i don't know where they are i know it's bubba [Music] towards your next gator meal rubber rubber thanks oh thank you so much jk thanks jk so they have everything that we ordered off the menu was just phenomenal i can't even wait to go back like we're dreaming about i was like i can't believe this place is a is a franchise chain i can't believe it it was so good it's so good and i'm sure a lot of you have are familiar especially if you live in florida are familiar with barbecues and then and then we then we start talking we're like man i hope the hog on the property tastes this good and because we would love we'd love to be able to take it to the butcher you got to remember i grew up in a family grocery store my family are butchers you we'd get the hog we'd get the so this is how you eat people so anybody who is offended by this right now you don't you don't eat unless these things take place so we get the the side of beef in we get a full hog in the whole deal you have to butcher it up so that's going to be fun for us that we can actually we can trap the hog and we can bring it to the butcher we could do whatever we want with that yeah so back to what the hunters said there so there's hunters here that come here every weekend they leave their their campers here and they come every weekend just to hunt and they told you the the sweetest meat is a hundred pound hogs and and but they also said something so they also said the bores what a lot of the hunters down here will do is they will catch the boars they'll tie them up and then they'll they'll they'll cut their man parts off and what that does is that that sweetens the meat later so then they let them all the all the male stuff all the all the impurity thoughts and all of the all the rage and anger it's just it's those bores no longer are thinking of uh of eight nippled sows okay so and so all of a sudden they're sweet to eat so that's what a lot of the hunters do they capture the boars the big bores then they castrate them and then they send them back out until the next year and then the meat is good again and then they try and find them again blazing tails just sent buck 49. and that keeps them that keeps them from reproducing as well but we know we already know they're all over the property there's no doubt the signs are all over especially back by the creek which the hogs are going to want the wetter area and during the season when we're here we are not here during the wet season we're here during the dryer season and we know where the hog are going to be too christy just sent a dollar thank you so much chris mom says pig farmers do the same thing with most of their males too yeah absolutely so we're looking forward to actually having some of our own farm meet that'll be fun that'll be fun you're gonna be bubba is going to be georgia georgia bq you're going to have to learn how bubba bq makes all that someone in the chat asked if egyptians eat pork you want to answer it yeah she just told you how much she loved baba i love pork all right i'm not it's the muslims that don't eat pork for religious beliefs but i'm not muslim i'm christian ed krupara just sent five dollars 36 years in florida loved it now living in panama wow so our first week here would you say you liked it or you loved it pretty loving it remember when we were filming out under the awning and you're like oh this is my news [Laughter] we got done recording a video and i'm just sitting there i was like this is where i want my office to be outside this is my office i'm just going to sort silver and gold and diamonds i'll work over here this will be my office i'll just take care of the silver gold diamonds and gems all day this is so i told her i was like well i already figured when we got to the house even though we're not going to use the house as a house that i already planned that we would we would build an office in the screened in porch area before that's before we tear the entire structure down remember all of you guys all know me well that's on there is just going to serve the purpose of storage right now and an office and a live stream area until until our build is done and then it'll all be gone and then we'll transfer it over everything will be transferred it's a it's a necessity right now it's an eyesore when we get all the new build up smart 1199 sent 4.99 thank you so much david the junkyard said if wars get too close just smack two pans together with with bacon grease in it like hey you want some are you aching yep yep yep for some bacon so the the the rep at the heavy equipment place wants to start hunting yeah so maybe he can hunt well the reality is anybody whenever you tell somebody hey you got land and if they're a hunter the very first question is can i hunt i mean it's going to happen no matter what my i had people begging when i was with 175 acres and people begging wanting to pay like hey i want exclusive hunting rights here's the money and it's just non-stop but hunters hunters always want another sweet spot that nobody else gets to when we want sweet meat we want some bubba bq catch us some catch us some wild wild hog and uh and the venison meat these deer they're like little dogs there's not going to be any meat to them because it's always so hot and so they're constantly there's no there's no ohio corn here there's no ohio corn there's not much for them there's a diet the diet has got to be nothing but lizards and gators and usually the gators are going to get the deer choose from yeah yeah dietary is going to keep you know if i was just eating with those deer eat i'd probably be thin too but instead yeah another thing i've never eaten was is venice never tried deer meat have you oh yeah and dear chili and woody beer jerky it's not my thing and deer deer bologna the deer bologna i did like the deer bologna yeah i did like deer bologna it just just tastes like baloney it all depends on how it's seasoned and and the butcher that's caring for it but maybe i'll try it one day but we know the pig down here the board the hog they're considered a nuisance obviously they were brought in they're invasive species and they're considered a nuisance so they just happened to be a delicious solution so that works out well so getting on the property finding the giant tree was that your most fun thing or was it actually eating the bubba bq barbecue was pretty good do you still have some in the fridge yeah yeah she does i do the i i have to say that the barbecue was the best barbecue i ever had and i was so shocked i told her i was like i cannot believe this is a franchise i order for an appetizer i ordered crinkle fries and the crinkled french fries were perfect they were deep-fried to perfection and then it comes with uh pulled pork on top and then melted cheese and then tractor grease sauce and their tractor grease sauce i didn't think i was gonna like it i told the waitress to put it on the side and they forgot to do that and uh it was actually incredible and then there they haven't they have like maybe eight different flavors of barbecues and moonshine was really good mixed with the ranch dressing oh so good dale asked aren't wild hog mean i saw a couple questions here so dale wild hog are probably mean but i guarantee you that wild hog has never met anybody as mean as george so so you get george going the wild hog does not stand a chance and i think it was amy or don't don't let them don't let them don't fool them what you're just as mean oh you wish six foot one thinks she's six foot one thinks she's six foot one um i'm as nice as nice can be until until you cross me in a way that that uh well you guys are gonna be able to see it on the videos coming soon i mean there's some things going on here that we are not not okay with shocking at all it is shocking like talk about culture shock and we absolutely will not tolerate it and you guys uh frankly you're gonna see a side of me that you've never seen on the videos before but um it's also what's gonna have to happen down here too so uh somebody else asked i think was amy amy said what about the antenna and we actually the cell tower so we've we've addressed this before let's address it again okay when you buy a piece of property okay whether it's me buying apartment buildings or you buying apartment buildings or whatever whatever you blank piece of pop property if there is a lease on that property you purchase property with existing leases that's apartments that's rental that's vacant land with a lease on it it doesn't it doesn't matter that things transfer hands the lease you buy think of it as that you bought the property and you bought the lease it all comes with it you buy it as is it doesn't get renegotiated the lease is up for renegotiation in 2058. now most people are thinking right now well with the cell tower lease jeremy why would you why would you want it or is it 2048 or 2058 do you remember it it might be 48. 50 years but it was 90. it's 48 it's 2048. i apologize i probably misspoke in the video too because it originally they got into the contract in 1998 and it's a 50 year lease it comes back up for negotiation in 2048. so most people will go well jeremy you're not getting any of the money why would you do that and if you if you look into cell tower leases they're they could be lucrative they the the money that a cell tower will pay to put on that piece of property will pay for that piece of property and much pay for your mortgage much much more and then some yeah much much more they're lucrative but the couple that entered into that that actual contract they took a much lesser they did something most people don't do nobody would ever do that and yet you just sit there and shake your head and went you lost millions i mean well i mean that's the potential of loss of millions of dollars i mean that speaks volumes so for the purchase from the purchase for me and going all right well you know future what the hails that would be my children you go well what if cell towers aren't a thing then well what it doesn't matter if self towers are a thing there there's going to be something ever going on there's always going to be something else there's always going to be something else there's an existing lease and whatever that next thing is is going to be there and so that lease is existing until 2048 and whatever is going to be there is going to be the next thing it comes up for renegotiation it may not be a cell tower in the way that we know it now in 2020 but something is going to be there the lease is there until 2048. now if all of a sudden they go you know 2048 we don't we don't need leases anymore everything's in outer space then guess what property's still mine my kids aren't going to care they're going to be like ah all right dude 5g it'll be like 10g you know what i probably do i would tell them leave the tower many of you guys don't know i've built high adventure zip lines i built a zip line in south africa over a lake i've been around the world building high adventure courses and i would tell them leave the cell tower i want to build a zip line on my property i'd probably build a zipline going just so that we can play on it so that would be a ton of fun yeah that would be a ton of fun but when when you have a lease an existing lease or easements or right-of-ways or am i missing anything easements leases right-of-ways i mean anything on property that already exists when you buy it whether there's a home or not everything transfers over as is you don't get to renegotiate those things and with 70 acres that area where the cell tower is being used it's just potential income in the future for us so it's not going to bother us at all as a matter of fact that was the one of the biggest issues out of all the property that we looked at this is where we got signal and strong our well our real estate agent jenny even said she's like this is the only place in the area yeah she's like this is nervous this is the only place you're going to get service and we well we're full-time youtubers and we went we have to have service we need it we have to have it and so it became it became a no-brainer first when you when i heard it was the largest piece of property that we looked at all of them out of all of them that we looked at then we had service and then it was so close to the keys it was so close to the top 15 minutes one way to the keys 15 minutes the other way to town where everything is and it was just it was a no-brainer this area this area could make so much money for people who know how to make money that's that's the emphasis there this area is prime for expansion and for generating income for people who know how to do that or maybe not even know how to do that people who have initiative to move things forward to do that so this is this is an incredible area to actually invest yeah it's it's gonna be a really it's been so far it's been a really good investment even though we're not physically on the property but once once we do get the keys it's on like a giant mosquito like a bird almost took george away did you see that you haven't seen any moccasins yet right we have not seen any snakes we haven't seen a single snake anywhere we've seen a couple deer but at the state park we saw them we haven't seen any on the property we haven't seen any wild boar on the property we just see evidence there's evidence everywhere at the border there's definitely evidence we did see a baby boar that was roadkill on the way to um the beach today and what else that's about it is we wouldn't have any we haven't even seen any wild turkey not yet not yet yeah i'm sure we will once we get because not only will we have security systems all over we'll have live streaming security what i mean by live streaming is if i get on my phone boom if there's any motion on the property it'll immediately it will let me know yeah so it'll go bam and they just asked about patience and christian i wonder if i deleted the videos yet i did i just had like 20 videos of them in my house so i already deleted them but it'll tell me immediately boom they're right here they're on the property and we'll have that all over the property again another huge benefit of having having access to the internet all over the property i can put those cameras anywhere and we'll have access to them motion sensor but we'll also have game trail cams on the property as well and we we will be setting up areas particularly for the wildlife i think one person left a comment they were like oh you bought property in florida the biggest joke he's like you fell for it you dummies and i was just sitting there i was shaking my head i was like all right this guy number one is probably broke this guy is probably living in his mom's basement probably not even his mom's basement probably mom doesn't have a basement probably living in a trailer and trying to tell us how to make money there's no way you're ever going to communicate with a person like that and get through because they can't see the potential or the business model that will make a the property will make it'll make a ton of money it literally will make a ton of money and we're in business we're unemployed that's the goal but somebody like that you'll never be able to communicate and get through to them they just go you're the biggest joke you got scammed you got taken nope we we have a solid business plan that's going to be absolutely incredible for and those types of people it's easy to just forgive them because they obviously don't understand the business model and that's okay they don't have to understand it and they never will but we don't we don't always show the entirety of the business model either yeah and uh we we did i don't remember did we say it in a video i think in the two years we were just looking at stats in the two years we've really been seriously doing this on youtube you guys have probably watched us in the videos spend roughly half a million dollars if you add it all up you've watched us storage storage units and that's not just storage units right well you got ramses we we showed ramses they're going to get to see other things what we did this past week which is going to be awesome i think you're really going to enjoy that but so what we don't do is you've watched in two years of spend half a million dollars what we don't do is show you the income side so we you and there's there's a couple reasons for that small we show such a small percentage of it but there's a couple reasons for that number one we want to teach you how to fish not give you fish and and so that's the process where we teach we show you how to profile how to buy what to look for and then buy right uh i'm gonna let you get that one with koran and said love you guys from india wow but then the initiative is up for you guys to actually time it is in india probably late or early but the initiative is for you guys to then take those principles that we teach you and go out and generate income so income is pretty much i mean it's it's a very private thing for people and so for us to go well you know here's our income there are there are times where we go hey this is this is what we've generated we might show you this is what it's sold for we might tell you one item this is what it's sold for or we'll tell you hey we should establish we established an ebay what the hell's just for you guys but there's other you know things like that so the the the income part of it that's that's a private thing you just don't go up to people and go hey how much income are you making and that's not something that we openly share on on the page either so hopefully that what i mean by that is a lot of people will watch and go oh man you guys are complete and total idiots we just watch you spend all this money and we never see you make any well obviously you're making money the business is making money and and otherwise we wouldn't have otherwise you wouldn't be able to keep going out and investing into your into your business but hopefully those of you who realize that you take those principles of business and that financial stewardship that we teach you you apply that to your own personal business and your business makes money and then the money you make in your business is none of our business unless you tell us you just made 10 grand in 90 days we are gonna be thrilled for you we're thrilled we love that we love that somebody just sent them a message saying hey i quit my job in june it was on the yahoo account quit my job in june you guys gave me this the courage and the initiative to go and be fun employed and just told us about the first two storage units they bought and made out like bandits and that's awesome and love it and we love to hear stories like that love it when people take it apply it and and really run with it that's a great thing yeah which we're about to apply and run with an auction auction you ready for this the first lot is gonna be a python that we caught is it the one i just dropped off in the office back there because that one bit back are we gonna do a practice uh we probably need to do a practice if you've been watching this week if you've been watching this week uh george and i have been going through uh jewelry you know they all want that irish that irish gold necklace i don't know what you did with it was that your you're gonna sell our palm trees this is practice she's going to sell the palm trees well before we practice you have to give all the guidelines oh yeah that's right look at me and jumping around because we're four minutes over oh no i'm like trying to hurry up if this is your first live auction i will go through the rules do you need some mail song in the background since we don't have any mail yet we are we our forward order is in our mail will get here if you sent something to us we will have it for next week yes we will so if you did if you sent something to our pl box then we should get it by next week make sure that you guys are in live chat not chop chat i get a ton of emails about the difference between live chat and top chat especially when it comes time to do the free giveaway you guys are in top chat and not live chat and you're thinking that you're one of the winners but you're not so make sure you are in live chat not in top chat reason being is because we at home everyone at home including us sees the chat as it goes in real time um all of the lots that i bring out this evening i'll start at a 25 dollar minimum bid we don't have mail we don't sorry all right that was the unplugged version that includes the unpaid version that includes free shipping if you live here in the u.s if you live in another country you're more than welcome to bid just keep in mind that shipping costs will be extra based on the weight dimensions and your location in the world um also know your cu your country's custom laws and if there's any import fees our auction style is minute to win it which i have to send you right probably i don't i can't do that while i'm on i'll find it okay um so it might be stupid dumb but that's stupid jeremy will hold up a one minute timer i just hope when i bring him out he says they don't see that meme that you sent me that nobody in their right mind should see keep going once jeremy says go then you can put your bids in the live chat a lot of you are asking how do i bid how do i bid you just put in the amount in the live chat again make sure you're in live chat not top chat jennifer just sent 4.99 lost track of the time watching y'all's older videos love from texas hope it's warm there it's 80 degrees today 81. it was a high of 81 today it was perfect perfect um our moderator flipping adventure adventures is our sold mod so once you see sold like she just did in the live chat and the highest bid before she says sold is the winner of the lot and then unfortunately any bids that come in after flipping adventure says sold does not count you have again you have a minute to put in your bids before time is out and flipping adventure says sold if you are the highest bidder you want to make sure you send us your contact information immediately to what the hills and between jeremy and our moderators will remind you where to send it and what to send mcmj just sent 4.99 and said three dollars all right appreciate it if you are the runner-up and you want to be considered the backup bidder you can also email us your information as well and make sure you send it immediately and then tomorrow morning i will send out paypal invoices so with paypal you can pay with either your paypal balance a credit card or debit card or your banking info jk said who needs a fire in florida he's right not for nothing but who needs a fire in florida it is burning up in here did you have the fan going what fan can you have the fire going without it blowing yeah i didn't have the air i didn't have the heat on oh okay just the light um remember that everything is sold as is um no guarantees no returns we auction things off to you as we find them in the storage units and then we will do a practice lot which is this palm tree and then don't forget you also have a chance to win a free lot at the end of the auction by answering the trivia question correctly now there was um some confusion last sunday on who the second winner was and i was able to go back into the chat and figure it out who our winner was you should announce that an hour later announce it now so they can argue about it while we're in the option i went back and i watched the george's word is final read george's word i read the live chat in live chat and the second person to answer correctly was liz barnes so liz barnes if you are watching make sure you email me and you will get [Music] the free giveaway that we gave away last sunday all right you ready to do the the practice and then you have to find the timer [Music] i'm ready okay i was gonna sing my georgie again i just thought maybe you'd be all for it if i sang my georgie oh look at this how funny is that are they back um yes for all of you guys that are asking about patience and christian they're at my house right now they're packaging so i just got the alert yep they're back they're in the house here let's see oh they're they're leaving right now these are your packages you got whoever's ordering this stuff there they are they're on the front porch right now so 10 o'clock at night they're shipping so there you go they're doing great as it happens i get to see it all right uh and that's the way the exact same thing will happen all over the 70 acres as it happens i'll get to see it okay i gotta find i gotta find the link okay this would be the perfect office to put my desk you've been sending me such crazy stuff under a palm tree with natural shades oh my goodness you've been sending me ridiculous stuff and i have to find the link you gotta forward it to yourself so that you're not scrolling all the way back um looks like i uh looks like you were stalking me and i had to block you so let me see what i can find here i can just do a regular timer don't you have a timer on your phone it's not fun that's not fun at all 60 minutes here we go it's got to be in a pl i should just put in a playlist we should do that we should do we'll put in a playlist for the future wait that's 60 minutes 60 seconds yeah yeah one way or another 60 minutes to bid so george usually sends it to me and i usually have it but but i can't do it since we're using my phone she was stalking me so i did i did i had to get her off my tail and i lost the message how's this that is let's see how this does oh i like it i like it i like it okay so this is this is the practice this doesn't count and then we will get into the actual items that do count you got a bit fast remember this is practice you got a bit furious it's still practice you don't really get this fake palm tree conkey says an hour to win it you get one minute to win it let's go here we go wait is that really okay okay i was seeing it backwards hopefully they're seeing it the right way and they just practice okay they are seeing it do the real they are seeing it the right way we got five golden rings big brat 27's giving us five golden rings helen bernard is giving us uh a palm tree i see five hundred dollars from laurel marielle's 7777 uh five seconds debbie vaughan has given us five coconuts we haven't seen a coconut yet either two gators and a boar from gumba bill and two turtles hawaii two coconuts i'd take two coconuts just for a bra so i could wear that uh one million wait i wore one of those in an episode seven stacks i'm not sure what the stacks are uh sean bennett 70 acre wall yes please yes please the funny thing is we moved here to get away from neighbors now we're gonna have to do it again by the way there is exactly there's exactly a 10 second delay i'm watching it from here and here there's exactly a 10 second delay all right sean is the winner with the 70 acre wall so now up for our first item like a trump up for is this buckles here we go now we can't we're not set up the way that we typically are so george is going to have to literally come to the camera wait where is it there we go come to the camera and show you each one like this okay so lot number one this is real it's on real bidding now first lot is belt buckles there's a total of a bunch there's 24 actual belt buckles and then there's like eight different accessories like this isn't a belt buckle but it's in the lot the belt buckle lot are we ever gonna run out of belt buckles this is the last of it until we can find more in a storage unit this is the last belt buckle made in the us yeah this is the last belt buckle lock from what the hails until we can find more in a storage unit somebody wants to know what is the carving above the tv frank um there's no carving unless you're talking about the cabinets there's cabinets is it looking at the wallpaper uh it might be looking like at the drape it could be the drapes yeah could be the drapes the window treatment you probably see the window treatments it looks like carving that would be my guess this is uh made in the usa frank said the leaves that's actually fabric that's not a carving oh it does kind of look like wood so that's fabric up above is up above is cabinets so this is kind of this camper is missing a piece normal campers would have bunk beds in this area for families this is the touring edition this camper is built to live out of this camper is built to actually go on the road and the live and so this this camper is really it's a living room you get a living room a kitchen a dining area a bathroom and a bedroom it's everything that we need i suppose it's everything that anybody would need at any time here's an avon belt buckle it's also missing a piece in the back did you say avon on that one wow a to the vaughn here's a military belt buckle cadets that's kind of cool huh butterfly it looks like it's made out of copper oh patience would love that butterfly being sarcastic right yeah she hates butterflies she's scared of them michael moran sent five dollars i really love your show you both helped so many people bless you jeremy and george thank you so much michael buckle's made out of nickel silver so is it right there nickel silver which means it's nine i'm pretty sure it means it's 90 silver that's nickel silver right let me check really quick let me check i want to know for sure before i tell you something dumb usually when i'm telling you something dumb it's because i'm joking around but i want to know nickel silver for sure nickel central ohio coal company they got a safety achievement award belt buckle oh there's no silver and nickel silver all right nickel silver ring alloys copper nickel zinc which and you guys are probably all saying this right now silver plated uh contains no silver the composition varies from seven to thirty percent nickel alloy moisture right use eighteen percent nickel silver eighteen percent nickel sixty percent copper and twenty percent nickel or excuse me twenty percent zinc this one's made in the u.s i knew that right we knew that once upon a time but yeah it's been a while i either knew it and forgot it or knew it and i've been up so many late nights george sleeps incredible in the camper me not doing so hot yes you have to sleep with like 10 pillows i'm okay with just one ten pillows and a king-sized bed no king-sized bed in the camper no king-sized bed here i can fall asleep on a roller coaster if you would ever get on one but you won't get on one she will not get on a roller coaster the older i get the more motion sickness i've become so the last time i wrote a roller coaster was two over two years ago when i first met jeremy i went with a group of friends and i got on a total of seven roller coasters and after that i was done alex proper sent book 99 miss hearing your animated speaking alex used to come to skyview ranch where i used to preach oh yeah alex was actually this one's missing a piece yeah alex was on staff alex was one of the wranglers working with the horses nice and then it looks like and grit hogging i think alex was grit hogging too this is an excess like a extra piece to go on a belt buckle that could be real turquoise i don't know and then this piece as well and then the next few pieces they're not belt buckles these are these are in the line just awesome things just random things you get three of these whatever they are you get them whatever these are because we haven't looked anything up heavy judy somebody says what is grit hogging grit hog is what we called our grounds maintenance crew working 170 acres in the foothills of the appalachian mountains in holmes county they we called them grit hogs because they would get so filthy dirty and so they were grit hogs grit hogging it and they worked hard i mean frankly frankly if you if you were employed by me you worked hard and a lot of a lot of what i did was i would have parents contact me after their kids worked for me and they said i sent you a boy and you you returned a man or i sent you i sent you a girl and you returned to woman and we taught them work ethic we taught them taking pride in their work we taught them the money clip that's right we taught them a lot of things and alex was part of that all right this is the belt buckle lock the belt back a lot is ready to roll ready to go random everything is as is no guarantees no returns this is the first lot and this one counts you got a bit fast you got a bit fierce because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go here we go with the belt buckle a lot all right we got leonard leonard's already in at a hundred dollars my dime came in at 50 as well winner's so high better at 100. we got adam durant at 24 which doesn't count at all because it has to be a minimum of 25 with free shipping fred for years at 48 sean is now at 129. sean bennett's high bidder right now 129 bear kitty at 44 dave grover coming in at 30. i think a lot of people are lagging behind make sure you hit refresh john doe's at 125 desean is still high bidder at 129. 129 with free shipping in the us free shipping in the us sean bennett is high bitter right now with how many 22 seconds to go oh babe i'm spitting on your laptop hope you don't mind hope you don't mind sean bennett is high bidder remember make sure you're in live chat make sure you bid fast make sure you bid furious ho oh 10 seconds to go and eight seven jim thompson now 130 130s high bid right now sean bennett was at 126 now jim's at 130 with sean bennett now at 131 131 jimmy who's at 130. sean is at 131 131 joe and now joe and seoul sean bennett 131 nice job sean all right sean you know what to do and just so everybody else knows what to do as well if you're the winning bidder tonight you want to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for sean that's going to be 131 and a lot you're going to say it's the belt lot you're going to send that to what the hails at normally we have it flashing up on the screen because of our setup here in the camper we don't it is what the hails at you must spell it right if we don't get it we're not responsible for you not getting your email to us and just a reminder if somebody bids and they do not pay they do get blocked from the channel there are too many people that rely on this for sourcing for reselling for us not to take it serious we want to help people feed their families pure and simple especially with all that's going on with the world we want to help others generate income for their families so don't bid if you're not serious we know sean is very serious sean you can go ahead and send all that information back up bitter i don't even remember who it was normally we would tell a backup better hey go ahead and send your information sean's gonna pay so back up better don't even worry about it you guys want to buy any belt buckles from you can message sean if you saw one that you loved you're like i like that tex hat i like the text ah it was missing the s you're like i want that texah uh belt buckle you can message sean right in the chat and he might sell to you we can't guarantee but you guys can talk to one another and see if you guys can work some deals another tip is to make sure you guys refresh and make sure you're in live chat in between every lot so that you make sure that you're not lagging all right what you got all right the next is this real pandora yes the next slot is a pandora lot now this bracelet i got for myself but wait this is a sean just sent the email thank you so much thanks sean so i bought this bracelet for myself but it kept getting caught on my hoodie and to be honest with you i just don't wear that much jewelry so this isn't a this isn't from a storage unit this is this is yeah this is my personal pandora bracelet so this is one of those um snake chain and there's a total of five charms on it so you know it's authentic because you bought it you bought it i bought this so the bracelet has um five different charms it's got the heart with the key it's got across cameras right here you're gonna have to get over into there and will you be sending a certificate of authenticity with this pandora bracelet i can here's a flying unicorn like a pegasus unicorn and then there's a coffee cup and then there is a passport in addition to the pandora bracelet there's more yep you also will get but wait there's and if you know pandora you know pandora's real sterling silver you get this tennis bracelet that comes with it now this tennis bracelet was this from an ex-boyfriend you tightened this was this from an ex-boyfriend no i just told you i bought it the next all right she bought this one too not from an ex-boyfriend this one she bought it she bought it i'm getting some stink eye right now like nobody yeah i just said i bought it i wasn't listening i'm okay do i ever and then and then it tightens down here and then it slides up you i can't get it so the tennis bracelet comes with it is that pandora as well this is pandora as well so it's a pandora tennis bracelet yep see it says pandora right there if you can see it thor milos one says you take paypal what george will do is she'll send you an invoice tomorrow morning and through that invoice you can pay with your paypal you can pay with your credit card you can pay with any source that you want you can pay you just click you click on the invoice and then you can pay any way you want all right this is the pandora and tennis bracelet lot this is not from a storage unit these were personally bought by george she is giving them up because they catch on her hoodies too much and we have to wear hoodies in storage units because they protect us from all kinds of things sharp things jeremy do you take packets of ketchup is that is that a source yes we do we do accept packets of ketchup not for payments not for payment though all right for a payment uh george says she will send a coa for anybody who purchases these and remember everything is as is no guarantees although georgia's guarantee she did personally buy these so that it is authentic pandora yeah and no returns you got a bit fast you got to bid furious barbara says i love you guys jeremy you are so funny barbara i appreciate you thinking i'm funny you and george are the only ones and that's why i do it for you barbara for you and for you for george you only got one minute to win it let's go here we go one minute to win it one minute to win it on the pandora a lot george is selling her pandora a lot we got tweety pies forty dollars we got oh my goodness we got bids everywhere uh we got leonard pretties and now at 90. i see a 90 bid right there we see grandma j is that 125 125 is high bid that i see right now ian's mom's at 100. 125 is the highest bid that i see right now i see dragon smoke at a 110 there are bids everywhere tina is not 130. 130. sean bennett is at 126. paddy's coming in at 110 with about full 30 or so seconds to go i saw 135 with let's play now we got tennessee genevieve is at 140. this is for the pandora a lot grandma james at 155 and paul hood is at 200 200 is a high bid right now with paul hood 200 with 19 seconds to go 200 karen came in at 131 it ends mama's at 135 and then she could jump it up to one 155 but 200 is still all high bid paul hood is the high bid joe s came in at 175 no joe s is trying to tell us that ian's mom is at 175 with three i mean five well i don't even know anymore how many seconds left to go grandma j just came in at 210. grandma j's now at 2 10. this is the pandora grandma jay got it at 210. grandma j wow all right grandma j here's what you're going to do you're going to send us your youtube name your real name even if your real name is grandma j who the hell's nose her name is george so your shipping address you're going to tell us your bid amount which was 210 and the lot the pandora lot you're going to send that to what the hails moderators are probably throwing that in the chat right now chat goes so fast we can't even read it all the time and that's why we appreciate the moderators so much moderators we love you thank you for all the help that you guys do we can't do it without you amazing we owe you moderators we owe you a florida uh get together sometime and then the back the backup bidder was at let me see if i can find who the backup bidder was it was paul hood your backup bidder so paul here's what you're going to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same you're going to send us your shipping address you're going to say i was 200 backup bidder on the pandora lot and you'll send that to what the hails if for some uh for unseen reason we don't get paid for that then paul you would be backupbidder we'll need those emails tonight and if we don't get those emails tonight then it'll go back up for auction tonight which we don't want to do that either we want you guys to get the items that you that you bid on all right uh scratching for the win said 210 was a great deal for pandora was a great deal pandora is it's all sterling silver and then the rose gold is sterling silver as well the next lot is another personal item of mine and it was it was a coach purse that i bought for myself when i graduated college as like uh yay me again we haven't bought any storage units while we've been here yet we are going this week even though we can't get on the property yet we do have a a trailer so we're gonna get a storage unit this week so it looks like george brought some of her own stuff this is a real coach purse that i bought from the coach store again this was like a graduation gift to myself but i don't even wear purses anymore i would like to wear my fanny pack i like to keep it simple and what i loved about this purse is it had three different compartments here's one here's one in the center here's another one so you have one compartment with the zip compartment inside you have this middle compartment here this is where i kept like my wallet in the middle and then you have this other compartment here that has two pockets on the inside jk moderator dinner we're all having we're gonna have bubba bq we're going to have a georgia beach and if you know anything about coach is they'll do lifetime warranties so you can take this to any coach store or any um store that sells coach and they'll clean it for you for free at any time and then if there's any damages to the hardware where they'll replace the hardware so it's like lifetime guarantee of any coach purse it's in pretty good condition i've treated it once um with leather ap but again i don't know purses i use what invoicing and payment software do you guys use he's looking for a similar setup everything is through paypal you don't have to buy software it's free just do it through paypal you send invoices done deal yep paypal my friend all right ready to auction it off all right this is another personal george item although there will be plenty of jewelry tonight yes i think uh they've been they've been looking for that they've been looking for the jewelry so this is a george item this is not from a storage unit therefore she can authenticate this was purchased from the coach store she personally purchased it everything is as is no guarantees although she is guaranteeing that this is an authentic coach no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you only have hopefully one wait wait wait wait i screwed it up i said don't go yet don't go yet you only have one minute to win it here we go here we go on the coach purse all right here we go on the coach purse fred for yourself at 50 sean is now 45 tina's at 45. and we got we got wow we got bonnie at 50 50 is high bid right now now we got edit 55 ed is that 55 single meal love you songs at 60 60. now adelia adele castro is at 100. adella is at 100 high bid right now is that adelia dragon smoke is now at 100. 110 for dragon smoke rosie just bit 100 as well leonard pitty is a 120 120s high bid right now karen came in at 111 but leonard's still at 121 pony's the highest bid rosie is now at 150. rosie is putting the gauntlet down rosie is at 150 on the authentic coach purse 150 brandon clark just came in at 233 brandon please confirm your bid at 233 brandon is saying 233 brandon confirm your bid that you actually are at 233 adele just came in at 180 180 180 brandon i need you to confirm before i will take your bid adella is going to be the high bidder right now at 180. 180 is the high bid with adela unless brandon actually confirms the bid 180 is the high bid that i'm seeing right now 180 and let's see what's out let's see what happens sold sold and brandon did not confirm his bid brandon did not confirm his bid therefore i'll give him a second more just to confirm one mississippi two mississippi nope brandon did not confirm his bid that i saw anywhere nor am i seeing it anywhere else so it looks like it looks like it's adela adella for 180 adele castro 180. so adela here's what you're going to do adela you're going to send us your youtube name your real name even if they're the same you're gonna send us your shipping address you're gonna tell us what the amount was 180 and a great deal a great great deal 180 and you're going to say it was the coach bag okay coach bag and then back up bid might have been rosie might have been rosie let's see here so adela was at 180 and joe s no that was brand joe s don't please don't don't repeat what the uh what the people are bidding at before the bidding is over because it's very it's very confusing it looks like you're bidding so don't repeat what people uh actually bid until the bidding is over then we need to know who actually won and then i is rosie at 150. so rosie you're back up on the coach purse we appreciate you helping joe we'll just try and keep it as unconfusing as possible all right no problem all right we've got jewelry and we got a lot of it uh storage legend says adela's my favorite one of my favorite buyers she is legit and here we go this is too legit to quit i don't even know how we're going to show it all should i just take the camera out and i can put it down so why don't you take the camera out point it down and i'll give you i'll give you oh light okay so the next slot are men's cufflinks and there's a total of 20 pair of cufflinks and then there's also in this bag six that aren't a pair they're just solo so if you guys watched our jewelry video this week you saw that there was this this little guy that was the mother of pearl with the pearl inside and the the clam shell i don't know if i'm helping or hurt i think it might be too bright it might be a little bit too bright so that one let's see what that does so you'll see all of the cufflinks here there's 20 pair and then here's a setup here's a set i think these are horses and a horseshoe yeah that's the first pair second pair these look like they're pearl as well what do you guys think light off dale said everything is shadowed with the light on yeah see what happens yep dave said turn your light off they said off off off off off off off off off and off it off they also keep the light off okay oh you know what i thought these and then i asked jeremy if he wanted these cufflinks because they have j on them and it looks like they're gold toned j's in pearl settings you said no didn't want them you know what i forgot and then these were either the letter c or the letter g it was hard to tell olight had a sale today and completely and totally forgot oh really yep uh oh we forgot to tell everybody these are pretty there's some pretty cool stuff going on carrie said would jeremy everywhere ever wear them nope no he would not nope jeremy hates dressing up hate it hate he will not go to a nice restaurant with me dressed up unless it's super casual he's not interested in stepping foot if it requires reservations he wants nothing to do with the establishment that's not this also looks like pearl i do much better digging holes out on on land pulling tractors these are hauling manual labor hauling boxes cleaning up mouse poop that's my scene i am a jean and hoodie all the way i i don't get i don't get along with the upper echelon not because not because of personality conflicts i just that's i i don't enjoy that stuff at all these are engraved john i i like comfort manual labor blue collar he likes to be comfortable and dressing up for him is not comfortable which i'm surprised that you were the executor for so long because you have to dress up every day and i did practically i had to dress up every day at college too here's some here's some golf deb say jeremy will you wear shorts i have shorts on right now but when we're in the storage units i typically amend jeans and that's for protection think of it think of jeans in the hoodie which we've shared this before the reason why i wear such an oversized hoodie is because that protects you in in storage units sharp items things falling mouse poop and then you pull that layer off of you from golfing and once you pull that layer off of you then then you throw it in the you throw it in the washing machine right away uh grandma wants to know if we got the email we got rosie's coach purse email we got paul hood's back up we got this is really cool but looks like a ruby gem but it's it's solo we couldn't find the other pair along with this grandma jay i'm not sure we got grandma jay's i'm looking uh if jane if jane short is grandma j we got it my guess is that my guess is jane short is grandma j so it's probably grandma james okay and adella wants to know did we get hers adella i don't see it yet all right so 20 pair they're all right here and then there's six that are one two three four five six yeah six that are so low that don't have the other pair you're ready to auction i'm ready if you're ready are you ready yep all right george is all ready with the cufflinks uh we did bring we did bring a lot of jewelry with us we brought what we could and we're having a little fun with competitions with it uh i will tell you that there is a rematch and i know jk started a whole hashtag online and uh he might he might have actually started momentum for something which is which is nice so a rematch has been filmed and that will be released tomorrow tomorrow all right you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states better picks is now at 100. better picks put that gauntlet down at 100 monica harper came in at 50 sing a meal love song sing me a love song is at 49 100 for better picks right now remember this 25 free shipping your bid comes with free shipping 100 put the gauntlet down scared everybody else off glenn came in at 35 kevin came in at 25. and vance john is now at 50. still at 100 high bid right now bill martin's at 51. glenn cameron at 60. better picks is still at 100 with about 13 uh 11 seconds to go glenn came back in at 60. better picks put the gauntlet down i think better picks might be getting it better picks might be getting it mary jones just came in at 85. mary might surprise us here better picks is that 100 mary jones is that 85. mary jones might be just bumping it up because she wants to be back up adela we just got your email all right better picks scared them all off from the beginning which is a great way to do it at the storage unit options jesse with clear thirst uses that tactic a lot he'll throw a big number up it scares everybody else and so he ends up getting them better picks here's what you're going to do you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for a hundred dollars to tell us the lot cufflink lot send that to what the hails at and then backupbidder mary jones mary jones you are back up at 85 exact same thing youtube name real name shipping address backup bid amount for 85 cuff link lot and we'll be ready to roll sean said his bids weren't showing up now is the time to refresh and make sure you are in live chat huh interesting his comment showed up saying that his bids weren't showing up my bids weren't showing up what was the thing that we learned that if people put dollar signs in it won't go or just only type numbers i or wait leonard put in a i see bear kitty 101 leonard 100 i think leonard might be lagging yeah they're probably lagging yeah make sure you guys refresh refresh refresh potentially potentially some of you are lagging right now but actually we can see right now many of you are lagging so what you want to do is you want to pull that whole the little the little ball down at the red line pull it all the way over to the right even if you just saw that i went to the left yeah or you can hit the refresh arrow or you can hop out of the live hop back on those are three different ways that you can refresh all right ready for the next oh my goodness here we go the next slot is a bunch of tie clips and money clips and you probably do not want light correct yeah we're not used to actually doing lives with so little light first one is world series of golf this is a money clip it comes in this case mary jones is definitely lagging too she just said i'm out here's a swank money clip that has the letter j and i asked you if you wanted this one too you said no no i don't use money clips i don't have any money to put in the money clips george takes it all i just got a mean look again i told you them wild hogs they've never seen something as mean as george she just did it again she did it again i'm the kind one i'm gonna here's the money clips this one's engraved john this one's engraved victor this one is engraved 1996 robbery guys there's a lot in there too here is a golf tie clip adella says next lot is jeremy's lucky underwear it comes in this cute little box oh conkey said it's the number 88 gets blocked by youtube that's so weird i wonder there's a reason it's a slang for something i forget why the number 88 gets blocked by youtube interesting here's another money clip of a flag i like this one a lot because it's like it's it's off color slang for something i forget what it is this reminded you of star trek yeah yeah when i saw that i was like oh beam me up scotty these are matching i'm gonna put the camera down a little bit because it's it's hard to hold it straight up it's hard to it's hard to keep it 100 100. there's for reals for reals there's a total of 22 tie clips and then there's a total of um grace don't have too many clips about elvis after watching elvis coin pushers and then there's a total of 20 i think 20 of these what are these called it's just a pin isn't it like a tie pin that might that might go into one that might i don't know i never really wore any of these that might go like in the tie and it keeps the small piece with the big piece i'm not sure though ty tap grandma jay said ty tap catherine said tai pins if these guys know better than i do you know me i just wear jeans and you want tonight all anything with it i tuck the back of the tie in between the the buttons in the opening that was my trick just tuck the back tie in in between the buttons here's a cool one sing me a love song said i never understood ties here's a sword and then that looks like it's made out of pearl that was cool when we found that that was cool swank most of these are um swank oh by the way this week uh i went into our local walmart we've never found the sherbet flavored albanese gummy bears at any walmart at any walmart and guess what our local walmart here in florida has them but there was only one bag there was one bag and i got it for george and guess who ate that entire bag not me it's still in the cupboard guess who ate 99 of that bag not me he tells you that he buys me candy all the time but really it's for him because he eats it all [Laughter] baby that was my peace offering for you that was a peace offering oh yeah yeah so you would stop being mean so ty these are called tie tacks yes has a w for what the hells so you would stop being hangry on me i believe there's 20 tie tacks so how many times have we been recognized since we've been down here so far uh no one's recognized me they recognize you it's the hoodie yeah they're like gray hoodie that must be german i'm too short like nobody in florida wears a gray hoodie in florida it's too hot another tie pin do you know how many pieces are in this lot did you count there's 22 tie clips six money clips and 20 miscellaneous and that includes the tie pins and then there's like other miscellaneous items there was a lot that we found like this is a t i counted this as miscellaneous i thought maybe that was a gauge for earrings or you know somebody would put that through you know those gauges that they put through their nose now like this i thought maybe that or a gauge for the ear but i guess it's a pie cap it looks like um a tea a gold tee you don't want me to get it put through my nose you got all kinds of stuff in there there is here's a little golf club cindy said that's just a large toothpick a big old toothpick these i think are pencils all right you're ready to auction them off i've never been more ready in all of my life all right 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states and if you're outside of the united states you're more than welcome to bid you're more than welcome to bid and just know your custom laws because they may not let you put a sword high tack they may think that's a weapon and they may say no on that you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you literally only have you have one minute to win it here we go usually i have a link it's easier all right we got vance john in fifty we got sean in at 89. he decided i will not put an 88 in the chat anymore catherine came in at 35 sean is still high better at 89 we got flynn flanders at 50. we got robert at 56 56 i bid with robert no no no no shawn's still at 89. we got bear kitty at 66 michael coming in at 75 and red real deal one at 49. dragon smoke is now at 100. michael fisher came in at 100. man catch wanna came in at 100 there are three 100 bids in a row michael fisher came back in 125 we got sean at 107 and catherine came in at 110 125 with michael fisher right now 125 is high bid right now this is the thai money clip lot diane just came in at 25 diane i think it's probably lagging behind right now needs to refresh bob fuller's in at 126. we had we had a bid with michael fisher at 125 and now barbara 126. my fish came back 135 135 is high bid with four with three with two one we got michael fisher came in at 135 he bid against himself at 150 they would have to beat his bid at 135 for the 150 to take it is michael fisher at 1 35. michael nobody bit against you at your 135 so you're 150. we're gonna we wiped that one away and it's 135. michael fisher is a high bidder michael you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount at 135 you're going to tell us what the lot was whatever conkey called it it's the tie and money clip lot send that email to what the hails at what the hell's that flipping adventures probably just put that in no debbie von just put the email in and then backup bidder backup bidder let's see that was 135. backup bidder was bob fueller it looks like at 126. i think it's bob at 126. bob you can send all the same information over to what hails just let us know you're the backup bidder at 126. first on if for any unforeseen reason we don't receive payment we'll let you know and we're going to want you guys to send those emails right away if you would please that way we know everything is set and ready to go all right here we go more jewelry this it's jewelry tonight guys next slide is it is jewelry earrings now michael there may be people michael there may be people such as smile time gifts that want to actually buy some of those items for you we won't share your information with them but you're welcome to negotiate and deal with them in the chat if you want to share your personal information how they can contact you or if you want to contact them if they share their information adam just sent two dollars here's two dollars to give the timer music the boot i'll see if i can find the original or you can just use a regular timer nah there's a couple vintage pieces in here like this this is sterling where's the one we usually use this is um has a screw back and i try and keep them together i try to keep them together this these are also sterling it says it right on there also a screw back probably instead of timer i'm gonna put countdown yeah you could do a countdown and how did you find the original one i think i typed in countdown 60-second countdown 60-second countdown that's what i have in right now no that's the one clip-ons these are monet so if you guys know anything about costume jewelry some of these vintage costume jewelries are worth money this is monet i think i think cocky sees my toes he sees your toes right now mm-hmm free bird sees my toes i i kicked my socks off how do they see your toes right now because your camera is actually leaning down i kicked my socks off it literally is burning up in here which means george is freezing i'm comfortable these are clip-ons but what did i say to you today this is our best winter ever yes the best these are also clip-ons we've had george and i have talked about this too we've had so many people say so many negative things about about florida like oh why would why the hills would you ever go there all of this stuff is too hot we're not going to be here in the summer we're not going to be here and we say it over and over and over again it just doesn't resonate they don't pick up with it we're here as a business move to generate income for the business but they can't they can't see that but we'll still make videos if they watch it they watch it if they don't they don't bill says he smells my feet so apparently he likes to smell my feet just like you all right all right all right why you always smelling my feet i crack your toes and i believe these are sterling too and scratch the bottoms of my feet yeah and scratch the tops of my feet [Music] and then you sniff them what they do what oh now you're gonna play that game sing me a love song screw backs sing me a love song says you need i need to let you pluck my toe hairs yes hails no he's got these long wearing hairs on his toes mary williams says he won't let me move he won't do florida them these are clip-ons mary we think it's a we honestly we've talked over and over again it's the smartest thing we've ever done and we should have done it a long time ago ted wants to know about the kelly's island property ted we are still waiting for them to let us know if they can provide legal access to the property so right now the property is landlocked and they're trying to get the township to actually say that these matches it's difficult to actually explain but basically in a nutshell on paper there were public roads on the island that they're saying give access to the property the township is saying yes those are public access roads but nobody in the township will say that is legal access to the property so right now we have we have an offer into them providing that they prove to us that it's not landlocked and we have legal access to the property thus far they have not been able to provide anything to us that says there's legal access to the property i don't have the other pair but this is gorgeous you probably turn that into a necklace or a brooch these are screw backs these are really pretty bubbles treasures said lived here for 18 years wants to go back we it's going to be perfect for us it really is the just the aspect of the pain screw backs in our hands now this piece right here fell off so it'll have to be glued back on the pain we feel in our hands trying to film in the cold work in the cold you know our feet our hands you name it we're never we're not gonna have to deal with that anymore we're going to be more efficient we're going to be able to do more work than we've ever been able to do before during these months it'll be great it will be great me ramirez says what happened to the warehouse we still have court on the warehouse uh my offer my offer to the owner of the warehouse so i do have a offer into the owner of the warehouse that offer expires on december 28th if she doesn't accept the offer then the offer is expired and we go to court may 10th 2021 we brought so much jewelry with us of course we find so much jewelry too do you have a bad back these are screw backs these are really pretty i think these are silver sterling as well william said did you check out the temps for the winter in florida absolutely we knew all of that beforehand yeah plus we spent we didn't we didn't come down here and spend weeks here last year in december we didn't come down here and spend a huge chunk of money to make a foolish decision this was a purely purely driven decision based on there's some other pieces in here that may not be a pair but there's parts and pieces based on george getting her thyroid out and being cold all the time so i had to buy her it's for it's a business move but it's also it's also a comfort move it's or would you call it a comfort move that's going to make a lot of good business sense or a business move that provides comfort with creating the business it's expansion of the business there it is all right you ready i am ready and for all of those uh just remember we will not be in florida during the summer we will be back in ohio for the summer we won't have summer months here we'll spend five months during the winter months here and then we'll be back in ohio maybe six months we might go we might split six and six now the best part of being in florida is what most floridians will tell you is there's no state income tax there's no there is none and so if you change your residency if you stay here for six months one day versus you know six months one day anywhere else in your state you change your state residency over here no income tax when you generate income that's huge no state no local and real estate taxes are hails is a lot cheaper okay that whole lot there jewelry 25 sorry bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got to be furious you only have one minute to win it new music for sean here we go what do you think you don't like it a little [Music] no oh putting the smackdown on the music all right we got sherry at 30. pam carter at 55 bear kitty at 89. he got ian's number one mom at 75. glenn at 75. ian's number one mom is at 95 and rosie said oh lord eileen is now at a hundred eileen's at 100 right now with 27 seconds left to go is number one mom is at 100. this is intense you feel it in the music 101 ian once even number one mom 101 you feel the intensity in that i feel like i'm in the industrial factory right now and jk said nobody wants to hear me anyway jk says this is a frantic auction fred said he had to mute it the music's too bad eileen's at 110. eileen is at 110 with no seconds to go i'll have to see if i can come up with something better than the next time no seconds to go it is eileen oh debbie vaughn almost got it patty almost got it eileen eileen 110 eileen you know what to do you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for 110 and the lot what did we call this lot conkey called it this is the jewelry lock earring lot george wants you to call it the earring lot she wants you to call it the earring lot so she knows exactly what it is you'll send that to what the heels at and backupbidder was backupbidder was honestly i don't know who backup bidder was eileen eileen pays so back up better she sends us all the gummy bears she pays in gummy bears have you seen if you go back and look a year for a year from ago uh where my weight was a year ago to where it is now eileen usually i blame george for for my weight gain now i get to blame george and eileen because of the gummy bears which i did finish that five pounds off a couple days ago a few days ago they're gone they're gone don't send any more eileen don't send any more i just told george i was like i i can't even bend over and tie my shoes right now this is out of control okay next lot bracelets so the next slot are a bunch of bracelets brace yourself for the bracelets let's see how we're doing with with messages coming in we got mike on the tie tac lot and better picks we got cufflink lot as well robert better picks we got before seven one one two one for the thailand i think we're doing all right let me see if anything's in the spam this one is a monet bracelet did you say money money i thought you said money this one that's the bill id bracelet that everybody's been asking for it's engraved bill yep everybody's been asking for that mm-hmm kerry said he's going to be working harder so he can handle it carrie as soon as i get on the property i will be out on the property every day i i will burn the extra pounds off which is about 35 right now it'll probably take me a couple months but the 35 extra pounds will melt off here's another monet bracelet which will be good i need to get the 35 pounds off so i can actually move again and breathe again and breathe again like bending over to tie my shoes yeah it has been it has been a little rough trying to breathe i wonder what what were you doing the other day that you couldn't breathe working on the camper so conkey will remember when we were driving to kelly's island it's got red white and blue when we were driving to kelly's island the fiberglass on one of the sides of the camper actually came out from the trim got caught in the wind driving 70 miles per hour bent the fiberglass back bent metal on the corner it was one of the scariest things and all we had was medical tape we had it we had tape medical tape in the first aid kit so i had to tape the fiberglass then george had to go and find and find duct tape so then we duct tape it kept coming loose kept coming loose we finally got gorilla tape and we got it sealed back up it was so crazy it was insane so we just left it taped i went to get it all repaired because i don't have time and i took it i took it to a company in akron and you had an appointment general rv i had an appointment two two hours later they still wouldn't see me and i was like you know what forget this if this is the way you're gonna treat people that you make an appointment with and i was i left so it never got fixed well now that we're here in florida you never call to try and make it right nope and i left them a bad review online and and uh and so now that we're here in florida i told george i was like well actually now that we're not on the property yet i have time so i fixed it i took it all apart i took all the trim out and then i resealed everything we we sealed it all back up and i fixed it all yesterday yesterday yesterday i fixed everything so it's all back the way that it should be and i was telling george i was like man i'm getting up and down i've got to climb up on top and get climbed back and we backed the truck up so the truck was officially my ladder i was like i can't even get up and down my weight is getting way too much which once we get on the property i think i think i'll be out on the property working the property so much and working the storage units that i think it'll it'll all burn off i've been there before you'll be scrawny like the deer here no probably not that you know you know my body makeup like i i don't even work out and i'm ripped but right now it's ripped with a layer 35 extra pounds of fat i've just i've been really lucky that my my body makeup is is muscle jk said vanilla grandpa talking like he's 64. i feel like it sometimes this i think is avon i thought i saw a marking that says avon yeah right there on the clasp tim said general rv in plant city since you like them so well general rv just it's crazy and i called primetime who makes the camper and i was like hey there's some issues with it and i told him i was like we have we have a great following on on youtube if you guys want to take this i was like let's do a video of you repairing the camper i'll pay you and or if you guys want to do it for free and i'll do a video and they were like well let us think about it they never got back with me so eventually we finally had time i told george i was like i'm gonna take care of this let's take care of it now i think some people panic they think you're gonna put them on blast or something if they mess up and so i think that tends to scare people away whereas we're going hey we want to do something great for you we want to yeah so we never heard back from them so i fixed i fixed that front corner where that fiberglass came loose and then the back corner there was an issue with the back corner so george and i took it to storage it was in a storage unit facility and it was parked with other campers and um basically in a nutshell she wasn't with me i didn't have an extra set of eyes and and i hit something in the back corner but i just brushed it but it pulled the trim off it broke uh it broke a light cover and so i fixed both of them while we've been here the floor is still not fixed in the camper so it looks much better what we're gonna do what we're so the outside is is fixed now both areas but the floor what we're going to do once we get over to the branch to the property then then i'm going to fix the floor in the camper over there but we're not going to do it here while we're at the campground and our idea was literally we were just going to we were going to put a floor over the floor so we're going to put a floating floor planks over the actual floor and not even mess around not even mess around with pulling the original floor out because with with campers with the lightweight campers they put a piece of quarter inch luan two inches of styrofoam in between and then another piece of quarter inch luan and so that's literally your floors two inches of styrofoam pancake like an oreo in between two pieces of quarter inch luan so what we were going to do instead of ripping that two inches down and having to build that two inches back up is just put put a floor on top of the floor and then boom done that is mike said general rv is a clown show based in michigan not good service yeah they get beat up on service this one's engraved arundo ronald said how do i find the merch ronald all you do to find our merch is you go right down below and there'll be a shelf it's called the shelf but it'll show you all the merch somebody said my husband needs a 5x that's all down below as well yeah all of our t-shirts and hoodies are set up to offer the sizes small through 5x now what i'm learning over time depending on where you are in the world because spring um tee springs has different printing warehouses throughout the world depending on what region you live in if they're out of your size it won't be available so we have nothing to do with it yeah we have no control if they're out of stock of a different size i would just if they don't have your size if you're getting ready to purchase just go back and check again in a couple weeks this is the last of it all right that's all the bracelets there are a hails of a lot of them so that's all the bracelets lot i didn't find a new timer did i we're gonna go back to the horrible music on the first one we'll go back to the horrible music on the first one the horrible music yeah so this is the bracelet lot 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and adam said you have to bid fast you have to bid furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go brace a lot we got nancy's at 52 nancy puts out in the first bit of 52.00 comes in at 55. pam comes in at 55 and now iowa nice is that 60. 60 is high bid right now with sherry coming in at 30 and he is number one mama's had a hundred is number one mom is that 100 mary came in at 900 as well right after ed with 92. pam carter is now high bid at 105. now ed is 122 is a high bid he's number one mom came in at 120 as well by eddie copper is still at 122. muriel is not 150. mary ells high bidder right now 150 with 27 seconds left to go 150 is the high bid we've got other bids coming in ian's number one one 25k that came in at 135. microphones are coming in at 150. he is number one mom is not 155. 155 is a high bid with 14 13. 155's high bid right now free shipping in the united states seven six five danny says good job reading jeremy i'm doing my best i'm doing my best mary elle's not 160. 160 is i've been right now with mary elle marielle's 160 michael fisher comes into 165 sold michael fisher just got the snipe in and look there's like 10 other snipes coming right now 10 meaning three there's a little bit of exaggeration this is the breeze this was the bracelet lot this was the bracelet lot michael fisher you're the winner you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for 165 and you're going to say it's the bracelet lot send that to what the hells backupbidder i believe backupbidder i believe was see if i can find it backupbidder was thing is i think it's catherine fell wait no mary mary elle marielle you are backupbidder at 160. so mary you can send all that stuff as well holy hails this is all the necklaces she's i might as well just go take a nap it's a lot jeez it's almost eight pounds all right eight pounds of necklaces remember we do not we have not had time to check any of this on on ebay so you're gonna see what you're gonna see it is what it is some of this you've seen in the recent like this was just in the video on friday right that was a friday video or did we film this and it's going to be on monday's video well whatever video it was on or is on uh this is a huge necklace lot i might i'm just gonna go get a snack i'm gonna go use the bathroom take a fart walk get a snack because you're gonna be here there is a ton of i'm not gonna show all the necklaces i sure hope not because we would be here for ever but whoever gets a slot you'll have fun going through all of them some of the sets in here you want a gummy some of the boxes come in a set so like this one comes with a necklace gummy wooden nose sherbet gummy because these are delicious i'm good thank you and then it comes with the earrings so this is the birthstone teardrop gift set so sapphire here is a goldtone chain avon if you're into jewelry making there are some pieces in here for the jewelry makers here's a holiday lights and necklace and earring set so it comes with here's the earrings and then the necklace our little christmas lights [Applause] now these necklaces came from multiple units not just one unit and usually when we find jewelry we just set it all aside and then once we have enough then i'll sort through it and then auction it off to you guys that's a lot of necklaces it is a lot there's a lot of really really pretty pieces in here and there may be real silver real gold in here so like i said before whoever gets the slot you'll have fun going through this michael fisher says he'll sell everything and can send itemized lists with pictures anybody who's interested in the items he's he's selling buying selling there's some pendants in this lot here's another set it comes with the necklace and the pendant and then matching earrings now the earring these are clip-on earrings this earring fell off so if you're good at gluing it back together a little bit of glue will fix that right up your snacky snack this is a pretty piece and then i think this might be coral again we don't we haven't authenticated it but this is a bracelet and a necklace it has this clasp how many pounds did i say this lot was eight almost eight pounds of necklaces a solid choker that's a lot of necklaces no pun intended it's a lot it's a lot of necklaces this was unique i think there's a belt in here this is a belt not a necklace so it's the necklace and one belt lot [Music] this i think was found in the unit with the save oh there's a little bit of tangle they want they want elvis music played in the background why you think you can find it while we're while i'm showing do you want to find a better countdown this is probably real silver uh debbie says your merch link says page missing so that link you gave me isn't working for them george will look into that debbie and she'll try and get get me the right link back cocky said merch tab is gone i don't know you can look into it later i see the merge tab right there just copy and paste it i'm not messing around with this during the live you can open up another window you're not very tech savvy i'm manual labor that's what i do best it's not my fault i'm the biggest you do the tech i do the manual labor there's another locket this is really pretty so i see the merch shelf right there robert says he sees the merch tab there is a tab that you can go to like if you know how to navigate uh youtube there's a there's a tab that says videos there's a tab that says community and then there's a tab that says store you can you can search for the merch there this is really pretty how about wise men little koala pendant only fools rush [Music] you will have to whoever gets the slot you will have to untangle [Music] now you [Music] wise men say only fools rush [Music] it's a turtle i like dodos and then you pop it open and it's a watch the clock [Music] this one's cute too this one's a purse [Music] i think i'm ready you guys there's a ton of necklaces that's probably real sterling with [Music] you you're ready [Music] minute to win it um i can be ready if you're ready okay next time don't point the camera at me scratching myself though okay here we go here we go we've got 25. now i'm spitting everywhere i'm snot rocketing here okay 25 25 minimum bid we've been in florida only a week and we're already going crazy 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and this is an eight pound necklace lot we have no idea how many necklaces are in there but there's a hail of a ton of them 25 here you go and we got it looks like we already got bids coming in we got kathy at 111. we got mary mary williams at 50. we got fredria at 100. we got we got pam carter at 150. pam carter's in 150 i mean number one mama's at 150. pam carter's out of 151st though mitch ladies at 120. niche lady i know you want me to teach you youtube i will get with you eventually i promise let me get settled in florida and we've got ian's number one mom at 175 maya magnus at 175 as well and 210 ian's number one mom is now at 210 210 is the high bid right now with the necklace lot 210 is the high bid 210 ian's number one mom 211 now kathy buckner 211 is live bid right now with kathy butler again came back and glenn came back into it eleven as well but now he's number one mom is at 220. 220 is a high bid pam carter came in at 212. jeremiah eddie you need to confirm that your 400 bid is for real jeremiah eddie please confirm your bid and time is up we got 212. we're gonna go with joel rubert i'm not gonna take the 400 bit until i know for sure and we got bids coming everywhere we got a jeremiah eddie at 400 we got a joe at 250. we got a kim in 250 we got an el corey at 350. and jeremiah is not it's not real all right thanks jeremiah and jeremiah you will no longer ever comment on any of our videos real bits only you guys you are done you are done and i'm gonna guess [Music] uh el covey we need to know was that real bid confirm and he confirms all right el confirms at 350. so we are at 350 el here's what you're going to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 350 and the actual item lot which was the necklace lot you're going to send that to what the hills what the hell's that backupbidder backupbidder was let's see if i can find out who backup bidder was well i don't know they just bid started coming everywhere okay there's the sold they probably are already telling who the backup bidder is and all right it might have been well joe was in at 250 everybody started just jumping bids up i think it's joe joe i think you are backupbidder at 250. so joe rubert you're at 250 and what you would do is you send all the same information all the same information and uh you can send that right to what the hails at appreciate it guys all right last slot before the last live questions i have no idea what the trivia question is going to be while you're showing this a lot i will go figure out what the trivia question is okay maybe we should just ask them what the trivia question should be and that way we don't even have to figure it out i know which video it's good but it'll just be even more confusing the next one is a watch lot here we go there is an entire stack of watches whoops you got to tighten it where do i tighten it use right here no it's in your hand oh it's bend down now you tightened it to where you can't now tighten it okay you got it and the niche lady wants to know will you sell the turtle that turtle is awesome all right while you're showing i'm gonna go figure out trivia okay there's a bag of watch pieces there's a couple bands in there there's some links in there so that'll come with a lot there's a couple um watches in here that are not complete like there's no clasp on this or the um the band but you can easily get that replaced if you're into fixing watches i don't know how many oh there's 60 watches in this lot here's a vintage timex watch same thing with this this one's snapped so a lot of these watches none of them have been tested a lot of them need new batteries one of the things you could do is if you do list it is selling it for parts people will buy watches for parts only here's a timex watch here's a vintage guest watch dollars got it you got it oh it's a good one too okay here's a a woman's timex watch here is a quartz watch that's a lot of watches 60 watches in the slot here's another quartz watch another quartz watch if i read that correctly this is a precision watch if you read it with precision it's a precision here's a timex watch milan william wants to know do you ship for free in the u.s yes we do yes so your high bid amount includes free shipping if you live here in the u.s here's a cool watch that cool green it's like that slime green [Music] this one has a compass levi's list says that green watch came out of the video of trivia questions [Music] white guy with that bond little egyptian this one's cute i like this one it's like a double rhymes with bob [Music] bob rob [Music] filming for you too man or egyptian girl this one's a pretty i thought they'd give it a whirl of filming on youtube here's a timex indiglo watch the hills here's an xavier watch this one's wool you're my sunshine my only sunshine warts make me happy [Music] how much i love you please don't take my [Music] i dreamed i held you in my arms [Music] when i awoke there i was missing are you giving them a head start for the extra song and i hung my head and i cried you know what oh these are my sons my only sunshine you [Music] this one's working it's actually working you never know dear how much i love you don't take my sunshine away [Music] somebody asked me to sing that so i just did it in the jungle the mighty jungle georgia's going to sleep time max [Music] andrew there wasn't enough to put an andrew in there here we go at the units the storage units i'm running around with andrew davinci at the units the storage units andrew's gonna do what i do and this one's cool and it's got pennies [Music] and all those other loonies [Music] carriage the face on this watch [Music] uh fred is now selling earplugs oh nice he saw a market and he ran with it another carriage watch rosie wants rosie wants a song with her name in it let's see what i can do let me see if i can write her song about rosie precision [Music] this one would be sold for parts only the face is missing but the rest of the watch is intact quartz this is the rosy song why don't you sing alone this is the rosie song why don't you sing along it goes rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie all the watches again [Music] that's a lot of watches we good to go yeah all right that is the watch lot that is the watch lobster watches the music in the background was free but the watch is 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you're welcome to the you're welcome to bid if you're outside the united states but there will be additional shipping fees and that being said everything is as is everything is sold as is we have not checked every battery we haven't even checked what the value is they just went in a lot you're getting it as is no guarantees no returns we are not guaranteeing that any of them work we're not guaranteeing batteries work it's what it is we're trying to represent everything as best as we possibly can and there's probably some good ones you probably were looking them up on ebay if you were smart and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have well if i can find the timer you literally only have one minute to win it we should do it to the rosie song all right here we go here we go all right we got christie in the 60s 60s i bid right now dragon smoke came in at 100. now adam burgess just sent two dollars and said i said something but i can't even see it it's gone now there are bids everywhere i see marker at 150 150 now i see shawn at 250. sean is in that 250. dog dogma guy 74 i'm not even sure dogma you're gonna have to oh there we go 120. i think the ibid right now is 250 with sean bennett 250 is the high bid right now on the watch lot you guys know watches hopefully you guys were actually looking some of these up you know that one lot one watch can pay for the entire lot if you get the right watch if you were actually work looking those up on ebay as we went 250 is still a high bid right now that i'm seeing from sean i saw fred freer coming at 200 as well bear kitty coming in 180 might be lagging behind a little bit ed is now at a 252 it is now at 2 52 with a few seconds left to go with three two sean is now 255 and sean is 255 right now sean's 255 dogman guys 74 man said as i expected and adam perkins said he'd give a hundred forty dollars for jar of farts flipping adventure said sold it is adam no it's not adam is sean it's sean sean for 255. sean for 255. remember if you saw any of these watches that you were interested in contact sean directly we can't guarantee that he'll sell them to you we we can't speak for sean but that's where you start the conversation not with us with sean and we'll see what happens there are you ready for some freebies yeah what are the freebies tonight who's ready for the free lunch i'm ready if you remember part of our backdrop we had this guy hanging on the what the hell's hoodie and we replaced it with a license plate we did and a lot of people thought that this was part of the design of the hoodie but it wasn't this is just a novelty pillow that we found in the store and then lo and behold we found another one in a series two like a year later we found another one we're twinning we are twinning this evening the free giveaway is going to be the benjamin dollar the doll the hundred dollar pillow we do like we do like benjamin's we do love benny you've won so many that we have to move some of them out we they have to fly out of the coupe benjamin franklin and his duck lips you will get the 100 pillow all right but to get the hundred dollar pedal pillow i was doing so well i wasn't really tripping over my words i was doing all right i wasn't yawning too much tonight and i can't even say pillow to get the pillow you gotta answer the trivia question correctly typically we usually take the trivia question from the least viewed video of the week because we want to give our super fans the opportunity to win because they are super fans they watch everything and what helps the channel the most is when you watch a video from the very beginning all the way to the very end youtube sees that as whoa and youtube pushes that to more people and that helps the channel greatly and so as such the video this week that got the least amount of views i thought was going to be that we bought an abandoned ranch not so that's actually doing really well it is doing really well that's doing really well uh the video is the five dollar unit it was the ending of the five dollar unit we found gold ring silver ring we found gift cards as a matter of fact the i brought the gift cards with us they were in the jewelry box but one of them was still in the jewelry box yeah we didn't even we didn't call the other cards but one of the cards had a hundred dollars written on it was that the dick's sporting yes it was the sporting good or no golf galaxy which is owned by dicks but it's all the same yes yes so we we wanted to find out we recently just did a uh cashing in gift cards video so we thought well let's just find out because it did have a hundred dollars on it and that unit ended up being pretty epic as it was with all the brand new toys and all the the silver and the gold and the coins and well we just saw some more of those coins wait they're gonna see those tomorrow okay so anyways there will be more coins that you'll see you'll see tomorrow because of the rematch um so it was just it ended up being incredible they're all in the chat they're all putting with the balance yeah the balance was zero which was shocking because they wrote a hundred on the back and they did not scratch the back off and when we get them and the backs aren't scratched off there almost always is money on them nine out of 10 times the balance there's a balance on it you just spent two more well we actually we we we spent a bp card today you did two walmarts and then i used up two walmart gift cards yesterday but they were very small amounts yeah but they were from that video that we did with the cash screen every dollar count yeah we use it we use them so we have we have a safe in the truck so there's a safe it's a it's a vehicle safe and then there's all those gift cards are in the safe right now with the money so when we go somewhere we use them so we happened to stop at bp today we were like well let's let's you use it so we pulled it out so yes that's uh there was no money on that gift card but that wasn't one of the coolest things that we found in there one of the coolest things we found in there was a uh oh oh oh what what do you own oh oh what what danielle says sign the pillows yeah if you guys are one of the winners the winner wants us to sign up you want us to autograph it probably have the chicken make sure you include that in the email do a chicken print on there too with poop just that'd be good all right all right so i'll keep that optional if you guys want the chicken to autograph it as well so they're already guessing stuff like just sean bennett saying spencer's aaron braden saying turtle shell they're all they're saying the cool stuff that came out of it mitchell is saying safe all right so one of the things in monday's video that we found was a giraffe and specifically i told the viewers where the draft came from i want to know where the giraffe came from where did the giraffe come from we specifically told in the video where the giraffe came from and fast that says i want a chicken print don't we all want a chicken print don't we all we all want a chicken print i can agree with that all right so where did where did the giraffe come from which was really a little premature foreshadowing foreshadowing where we were going so it was monday's video by the time you saw it on monday we were already we were already where we were you saw that probably five five or six days after it was actually videoed five or six days after it was actually videoed adam perkins just said just a quick i sent two dollars i didn't see what it says well i'll look back at it adam and the correct answer i do see i do see some uh kathleen said jeremy you're so silly uh julie said i need more coin pushers they probably the one of the biggest questions we keep getting in the comments says have we been out to find coin pushers yet and do you want to answer that the answer is not yet no it hasn't even been a priority so as silly as it sounds to most people we have to spend money before the end of the month before the end of the year for the business and so the highest priority right now is actually spending that money so that we save money i understand that sounds weird to some people i've been doing but that's the way the books work on where certain things are in the area and that takes up a lot of time and tomorrow i meet with the builder and we'll get there when we get there we'll get there we're going to get there there are higher priorities much higher priorities that have to be dealt with right now all right but um the item that was found was a giraffe it was a little stuffed plush giraffe which i probably even brought home for you i don't know maybe to go with the other plushies and it was from uh grandma jay says stiff nope not from stiff naples naples florida and so we got lisa had it right away nissan nagata you had it right away she had the very first answer and then tatanka mcelroy got it right after that as well eddie says he wants some chicken print but he didn't win it so it's lisa lisa nagata and then tatanka mcelroy got it as well so those are our two winners right there nice job guys nice i can't believe they came up with that i mean i think they're taking notes on the videos i really do they must be they they must have really good memories adam said they need elvis it's just a quick flight the airport is an hour away from us we planned that on purpose as well there were there was so much business decision in the location where we ended up that i mean probably you're viewing you viewing it from the outside you know we give you little snippets of what we were thinking but there's there's very intense business decisions made in the aspect of where we're at biker tim says i gotta start taking notes yeah well that that or or just ask flip and adventures because she knows everything so or debbie von typically does too they're yeah they're pretty much on that thing yeah yeah they're pretty much on it you getting tired oh i tried to have coffee before we went live so that i could because she didn't get a nap today i didn't have coffee i didn't have coffee and i didn't get enough no i don't really care about a nap i just didn't have coffee this morning you not care about a nap i don't take a nap every day so anyways um anyways anyways anyways we got a great week ahead we already have two videos prepped and ready and um there's gonna be some pretty intense stuff coming with the neighbors very very intense super dave wants to know what time zone are you in we're in the same time zone we were in ohio eastern standard time if we're lucky we'll get on the property this week we'll get on the property early wouldn't that be amazing fingers crossed that we do get on the property early but i don't know i don't know they blame kobe on everything when we kick the neighbors off the property i'm going to go covet coven covey made me do it i can't have you this close onto my property get off my property covey is that what it's going to be 5. looking forward to the next videos wholesome always keep it up ah appreciate it thank you guys so much for hanging out with us we'll be back next sunday with more lots probably more jewelry [Music] unless we get a storage unit this week which we are there we are that is in the plan to get a storage unit this week even if we can't store it on the ramp we have the trailer we we're going to pretty much store it in the trailer until we can get over to the ranch we have a 20 foot trailer here on the campground so we could easily store it there so we'll see you guys next sunday thank you guys so much for hanging out with us you know what i noticed last night what how beautiful and brilliant and bright the stars are here in this area it's so incredible he's happy he's the happy one [Music] this week will go by so probably [Music] like twinkle twinkle little star heart [Music] good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 56,199
Rating: 4.8923244 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, self storage, how to make money
Id: H0Nqmn-UNQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 0sec (10680 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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