I Bought A Navy Seal's Abandoned Storage Unit And FOUND MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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look there are more money oh we got money that's all money all the money we found this unit with actually real so we ended up with a grand total of Hold'em a treasure hunting with Jesus guys and guess what we're here to another storage facility I don't think we've evolved in here before well we just picked up a little 5x5 story duty maybe a little one now it's stuff in there which is why we got it for only 20 bucks but one thing that is in there is a guitar case if you saw our video in California that game will paid off very well for us we got $100 you in a guitar case ended of your top 500 bucks so you know what I think 20 bucks let's do it again don't forget to like this video and subscribe to do let's get into it [Music] all right so we're gonna start with a little pink bag here mostly cuz it looks like it's full of hangers and it's probably just hangers and hanguk so let's do anything hit it in there always possibility guys and the beautiful thing with clothes are everywhere take some as donations you can always drop them off so you're not stuck with the dump below or having to take your stuff to the dump you can always donate it to someone so that's why if it has a lot of clothes never bother to me you know you're never stuck with it what is this the Department of the Navy oh maybe look at that so we're gonna have somebody that was in the Navy at one point I'll see what else we got this looks like socks yeah what is that Oh oh my gosh this is can I ask why it's wrapped in a charger cord oh I'm gonna say if I'm glad I grabbed the cord okay now I have to be a little bit more careful you know what let's dump this out oh it was a lollipop really really yeah what is this right here the menu oh come on there's a quarter in there yeah there's a corner in it you see that that's just this is great let's see this paper says uh back to East Coast unit on the fraudulent transaction here we go now chocolate transaction this person was charged with four 26.90 two cents really oh my god babe you're gonna feel like when you get a little bit more than 26 dollars and some change okay this is wrong we should have bought gloves with this but we did I don't want to know I went to the fire forgot clothes ah goods in here what this is I'm sorry it there's an apology letter for something Oh we'll look into that later but was it a book back sure I want to rule it out let's get into the block bagging across not know more what we already found I'm scared I reach my hand into anything now we're gonna have to open it up slowly and look for us to the side alright there's something in there it's an office cord joy joy joy joy joy joy oh I'm scared open it a moment Jesus died and I'm wearing clothes this varakin Express thing Oh should have been a million dollars in there the waiter is receipt thing no I don't need that there's a whole bag hey what look is that real let me see it ripped but give it I don't see the red markings on it all right working the red market like I always see the fake bills have the red but Chinese stuff on it you can see it there I'll have to try this when we leave that's real it's pretty cool well that's only pay for the unit so I'll take it but over there buddy back put it over there just in case because we found a big money before so I'm not sure that's what I was basing off with the hundreds yeah 100 times like Chinese writing on it yes head shoulders knees and toes knees sorry body lotion it's all used papers might have been where their money was there's more in here somebody got tickets to Jesse ray eyes I heard you're hurt oh I thought it'd be something interesting I got excited Jesse and Jesse right lose to that candy or something else no don't say that I just touched it what is this what is this stuff use for do you see that yeah I don't weird stuff in storage yet let's get into the main part OOP nice Jordans already look at that they're red oh those are nice look they are hmm oh seven and a half eight six and a half ah just a bit too small the weight is huh but the Jordan flights to so that my side that's good but what are that one wearing a new Balance you're cool-looking that bad I'll put them aside to Tom makeup haul bag amazing right here people always tell me the videos go through the makeup like if I doing good like it's this thing and that thing I have no idea what make of it some Steve Madden heels really high heels look at these they're Jordans - what kind six-and-a-half youth as well those are nice I like them I'm hoping I find is that line your eyes I see I don't it's like me and guns guys by the way you nopales on Facebook you should go fall on base but we released an exclusive video a little while ago plus we're trying to grow that following a lot so we're gonna be putting more exclusive stuff on Facebook stuff you're not following us already you should go follow it and then gonna be in the description this looks like baby formula have socks that thing what are these makeup sponges meal yeah that this is prints way a Correctional Facility already know down just a little bit by the way I had to jail yeah we definitely have some of those in the Navy look at all the Navy stuff that explains a shirt from earlier oh oh whoa whoa whoa Thomas been suspicious of spoon to fork fork yeah if it was a spoon I want to thought something else but a fork I'm just thinking dress what is in here hi world know what what is that to be there's no like a little bead in there and these are just the things for the headphones so nothing interesting jewelry I think it's real there are more money a nickel put it over there look at I see Super Mario bar to the Tendo D s check that out looks like it's in good shape too let me see maybe like right after you throw it there's some jewelry here I don't know if these are real they don't look like it probably knocked but always gonna check it out look at that at that one I'll close the focus on it looks like a lot of diamonds if it's real came in here to this another quarter boom watching another like 30 cent around here's some more jewelry too I'm sure if this stuff is realer now I'm gonna throw it all aside just to make sure war change again remember these push pops good days good days other than that guys this bag looks like much junk now let's get into this one before we even get into it though it is a JanSport and those are resellable not from watch like five ten bucks but take it where do we go i don't know pocket I only want to stick my hand in these pockets no more but I'm doing it anyway I don't feel anything all right in here nope I feel something what did that do don't you want to know that disgusting paper in here oh we got money but best of all something hey this is yeah this looks real to go one two three four five ten bucks now 15 bucks they've seen it that twenties we're like me 35 bucks the other pay 40 for the unit you know what I'll take that way when you got to the guitar key [ __ ] well take that all day now I want to dig deeper in this thing festival sound I feel something like inside there that just I felt it through here and I'm just hoping it's not what it felt like oh yeah we'll just say that we might have found the box to it earlier I see the Tommy donated the humor part guys Danny OOP look what I found a wallet more money no no no every time we find monies like not in the wallet I noticed that feel like they take the money out of the wallet and then put the wallet maybe I forgot was there huh maybe or maybe the correctional papers they got locked up you never know there's a lot of possibilities of storage units I hate change so there's at least some change in there somewhere that's trash trash trash trash what is it oh here yeah it's like all pennies literally look at that nothing with pennies that's not exciting to buy it so money still money they're doing money and like everything we've opened so far I like did you get it I'll take the penny all right better shoes mmm I think I rock these memory foam I think I look good oh hello the tablet there's a diary it is they read huh they're written in one the first page is written in but all of those places they want to move to California in LA Hollywood isn't like that yeah I don't want to show it this is a hollywood west hollywood downtown LA I don't want to like show it just in case their stuffs on there but irony huh oh yes I'm so glad to see this this is okay this is kind of what I think I felt through the front of the bag and that shape got like something else something's hitting in the stock to later on damn it so we're sort of objects is it condiments yeah there it is I see that mm-hmm well that explains that vape into a corner and more I betcha I know it was anyone's about time maybe not 100% that's where they can weed you gave it to me with the top just trust me it looks like there's more interesting stuff but guys smell it yeah they have pictures in the Bible here they're 100% in military so try to get this kind of stuff back to the people oh that's all money we just keep leaking of money that's not all money yeah here's some more pictures though put these with the bottom all that kind of stuff and go back saying what that oh this is personal what there is money in here there's not much hair and stuff I don't get all the pictures out first but the rest of it there's a lot of change in there for sure what about do it and stuff I mean I doubt there's anything rare like Silver's or anything like that it's probably just change but hey money is money and I'll spend this thing what is that you see this he's like oh what is that I don't know drugs no no look in there now it works for set of pictures look in there change lots of change Oh under eyes the New Testament another Bible thing from the military that'll go back hello cat yeah yep that's Missy look there's a minute yeah I think it's just uh yeah thanks another people something very interesting see what do you think we got in here makeup or other other no powder bathroom stuff yeah it's all baby powder baby powder since I my hand just touched it yeah there's nothing else we got so everything expect to get it all right so we got this whatever that is it's like a shirt in here that's gonna baggy good I'm kind of sure it's probably lingerie isn't it I don't know that's that what are these just Robert don't exercise things and the rest of the bag I think is what is that give you a steady flow of power I guess it's probably the top candies probably for the bait pen spike I guess other than that to happen so that that's not never mind it looked like it at first there's more jewelry in here I almost sold it short that's makeup check that out again probably fake most likely but always gotta check it cuz you don't want to accidentally go gold away there's more stuff look you want a key to a nice sound does that mean we get a nice on that's not shady at all is it you ready mm-hmm I get into it that's just vape stuff again and I think that's just about it this time if there's an ID actually well put that with the personal stuff other than that now now it's actually empty all right so we just boobs bat-toad out because it was full of nothing but clothes unfortunately nothing looked high and hear anything so tossed aside this one definitely I stuff it in a thoughtful so let's look in here including this whatever that is pillow or the wolf would be a wolf not a sheep stop throwing stuff in I like throwing stuff menu pocket guide so everything on their menu hmm mozzarella sticks what's in this oh Lord Oh No do I open it yes gonna be oh it's all games look at this this is all games if DF games in Game Boy games Mario Luigi spongebob juice game this game why advanced here - yeah goosebumps war my baby I'll play this what is it huh oh yeah goosebumps I'll try here's another here's a 4 gigabyte SD card to another game that it's down to life hmm maybe here's another one this one satisfaction will not play that I am the Liege ease thousands that story will play that this one cooking mama too is boring here's a SD card along a book literally every single container we've opened up in this unit has had money in there some kind Noah that's how I like see what's in here any hose no panties where's no he's found like a lot of SP games and stuff so our Game Boy Advance games a game with yes games where's this system it's gotta be in here somewhere clothes more clothes yeah I don't care about clothes clothes will just be donated that's like here we go sounds interesting Oh pictures more shoes monkey light or junk doesn't look like much in here actually it looks like a lot of makeup containers and costume jewelry for sure let me through this picture is really quick yeah it's more personal anything in here you think no no other than that that looks like one should make this is pretty useless but I mean I seriously doubt that's real but if it is it's probably worth quite a nice little bit of money the rest of it's definitely junk let's keep going let's go into this last tote and then we'll finally see what the neck guitar case so let's see at first I was like just a bunch of donations just to gamble on the guitar case but you know we've actually find some pretty decent stuff in here so yeah I'm happy then northeast no it's not unfortunately closed some booty shake looks like this container might also be and it is other than a lighter it's nothing but clothes that is not exciting so I think it's time we get into that guitar case see we got so we got the guitar case it feels very light it doesn't feel like there's a guitar in there but if you push down on it there's there's definitely something in there so let's go through the pockets first nothing also noting anything in these little pockets no no no all right so I guess where's the zipper at right here let's see we got what do you think it is a guitar what if it's a violin okay another pocket up here or nope I'm thinking guitar there's a bunch of pigs all right you ready yep three two one and kaboom that's it has a little Luna let your light shine it has a model number and serial number and everything on it come on a second there's all that light up look on the left side of it oh look at that it's got a tuner and everything in it this can't be cheap oh yeah I'm gonna be wearing a little bit of money you ready Juicy's a pig all right I want to act like I played guitar I've never even the think it's probably the territory my life it touched a guitar not for that not for that well you know what that's a nice-looking guitar hold it up like that well you said the model number in the center yeah can you see it turn it towards me yeah yeah looks pretty nice focusing on the strings a little bit but it's in there I can't show it in the recap but that's gotta have some value to it you know what that for 20 bucks I think we did pretty good we got horns we got more than everybody's back and straight cash and we have a guitar you know what that's a good day time to clean up let's go home we'll do a recap so see you then so let's do a recap for this unit first we have some awesome news guys all the money we found in this unit was actually real so we ended up with a grand total of let's count out the bills first you got the poor beat up twenty dollar bill I have to spend because that's it's gross looking $20 $30 35 in cash or bills and then the change we have about three dollars there and I think about a dollar or something I lost count whatever says so four dollars they're just about $40 in change so are $40 total sorry so we pretty much double our money just into cash which is great we looked up the guitar it's back in the case now because after looking it up it actually looks like it's gonna have some decent value they're selling for between $220 and $450 this exact model so I don't want to take it out yet we might take it to a Guitar Center see what they offer us because as you can see in this little room this used to be our game case room looks a little different doesn't it it's all cleared out because we're getting the house ready and we're gonna get out of here soon more details on that later but we also got two nice pair of Jordans this one's only selling for about 25 30 bucks this one was selling from about 30 to 40 bucks so nice pair of Jordans there like we said the guitar we have nine Nintendo DS games here which is pretty sweet too to Game Boy Advance games these are just some memory cards so nothing that fancy and unfortunately for a week and see all the jewelry unfortunately is magnetic so it's fake but still twenty dollars last unit of the day because we had nothing look at that we're probably looking at $400 in the profit right there that's how we do it so anyway guys thank you so much for watching a video if you did enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time and if you do want to files on our social media links gonna be one screen click the link down the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have especially Facebook please Facebook we really want to grow the Facebook following thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 756,105
Rating: 4.2164702 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned mansion, abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, storage unit auction finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage hunters, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: XVVtpxWaGFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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