JACKPOT! I FINALLY FOUND IT! $810 Storage Unit Pays Off BIG! BEST Storage Unit Finds EVER! HUGE ROI

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oh feel that weight feel that oh please please please please there they are there it is today we are going back to our big 810 storage unit and oh i got some news about that unit something really good but i'm not going to tell you that until we get there before we go you can see the truck's full of trash we got to go by the dump out here first and get rid of trash but i literally couldn't sleep last night because i couldn't wait to get back into this unit are you ready to get on the road and get it let's do it [Music] as you can see we're finally here at the dump time to get this whole thing unloaded and the truck empty favorite time of the day i just love eating stuff full of power off this into the dumpster so satisfying [Music] so we finally got back here at our 12 by 14 unit something like that paid 110 for it after fees it was close to 900 and we did rent it so we're in this unit about a thousand dollars or a little bit over that so there's a lot of room to make up but i got some news to tell you but first let me show you what it looks like before we get into it i'm going to tell you two things first let's start with the really good thing remember i found that chain yesterday i was guessing about 350. well our scale came in i got to weigh it and looked up the price with 14k and scrap gold alone that changed worth were 603 dollars over halfway what we paid to the unit with one fine in one box and we probably have 50 to 60 bucks left plus whatever is over here we don't know what's behind the mattress and things like that number two we found papers with the guy's name on it so we looked him up he's gone he passed away so the idea this unit being touched is probably very slim i really doubt anyone's been in here because well the owner died so it's probably completely untouched which is good news but i feel more of it kind of saying that's good news because it's never good that somebody died so i don't really ever know how to respond to that but whatever let's get into it and see what we got let's start with these little boxes i saw these last time and i was kind of curious what's in them because listen to the rattle they got doesn't that just sound weird look what we found last time remember now we can actually cut open tape instead of fighting with it all right let's see what was in this one whoa oh that's money i think i think all lancets these are the diabetic things aren't they yeah these are money it feels kind of bad because you know like you always see signs of people trying to buy these things because like i said in another video you know how the medical system works in the united states we make it for two dollars we make you pay 700 for so i guarantee you how much you think that is right that's money that is a real money box right there these might even be these are some of the testing strips that could be in there as well so you know what they're mixed in all throughout it's both i'm gonna say i don't know what to say what do you guys you guys have have bought this stuff or have to buy it how much you think that box is worth let me know in the comments all right so this is the other box that was over there this one doesn't quite have that rattle but it was right there with it too where did my knife just go oh you know black knife black truck kind of blends in let's just go down a little and that's what we found also is um army this will go back with the pictures and stuff like that so i'm not even going to mess with that put it right back in there so it does not hit the ground or anything like that so we're just going to set that actually i'm going to set this out here just so we don't accidentally take it with us let's get out this next box right here i guess it's also kind of little it says bedroom bedrooms very open you know what i mean that's your jewelry box by your bed your gun by your bed pillows clothes what bedroom looks like more medical stuff or random stuff but you know what this box right here this is what the box looked like they found to fill out all had the gold chain in it just like that it's like random who knows what i'm checking socks every little thing hey look fancy cat dinner it has a dexter on it congratulations for two years of what i don't know um let's see what's in this little bag this is thread oh no that's a cast i thought that was a holster at first um seeing vaseline oh look these are earrings let's look in here really quick and see if you see any markings it's hard to see outside it's so much easier once you get home that's a bracelet actually a piece of it just fell out so i doubt look at this string that holds it together it's like rubber it's not even metal so i doubt that's that any gold or anything like that but it's still a nice costume jewelry let's say jolly costume jewelry that'll go in our lot what is this a razor it looks like a razor to shave with old school um old cell phone other than that though just a bunch of random bedroom stuff like the box says let's see who's in this other little box i actually have no idea what that says any clue no all right that makes it a little bit more mysterious huh cut it right down the middle let's see what's in this one no this one doesn't want to rip right here all right well i see phone cases and tape this looks like another random one i like the sound of that oh keys that's not good here's the bible always skim through it because everyone always tells me now i've never found it's never happened to me yet that people put money in between faces i've bought hundreds of these units it's never happened to me one time yet oh it's open candy are like i don't think he's going like those breathing machines yeah what's in here i see like a little jewelry box like you see that yep let's see how i open this bag zip does oh it's a charger what a troll well that is a tablet that is a tablet not just a case [Applause] that's an amazon kindle i don't know if this is like broken or just dirty but if it's broken it'll go in the lot we sell you can sell broken phones and broken tablets there's lots on ebay you get a decent value form so you do which way it's all right this one looks just as gross that might be the keyboard that goes to that tablet right there but other than that i don't even want to go in there look at that bag that's something we'll go in later with gloves or something and other than that in here you got a card and some safety pins that is all i found some interesting looking stuff look at this remember we found something like this yesterday yep it was actually empty it's a watch case for like a super expensive watch but yesterday the one was empty let's see if we can get lucky today which one is it from that's the first not in there again i wonder since these boxes are so heavy duty can we sell them even if we don't find i still i'm still holding out that there's a jewelry boxing machine and i really feel like there's going to be if you can find gold in a pillow bottle you know they got jewelry somewhere in there let's get into this big box here what's in the staples box looking tired of seeing these they got a lot of invicta watches somewhere here's the rest of the box right here come on give me one nope they're gonna be somewhere they're gonna be somewhere along with something else um this looks like the roach killing lotion just your basic bathroom stuff but no pill bottles i see this time let's do something i wanted to do last time i would just kind of run out of time let's look at these you can see frames you know their artwork but that could be a very good thing or a cheap thing you know what i mean never really know with art oh that is a family picture we just exposed that's going back i tried not to that's all right we can i'll censor it you know that let's see what this big one is and make sure it's not personal first no it looks like some egyptian stuff look like egyptian artwork all right i don't think that would be worth a whole lot but then again i don't know it looks like a print to me so maybe let's see what this biggest one is oh no that's this frame is heavy duty it's like a jesus thing isn't it yeah it's really heavy too that's kind of cool i don't know who the artist is you see an artist name on it no no there's nothing on it huh maybe it'll be on the back of the canvas i want to check that when you get home because the back of it's really taped up so i don't really know looks like there's one more make sure it's not personal and yeah it is don't look at that there's actually one more here what is this last little one it's more like look more of the same kind of stuff so not so sure on those yet but they could be valuable this box has a lot of your favorite stuff at the bottom boy there's a whole hoard of hangers down there what are these are these like arch i mean this looks like nowadays all right right i would say maybe wine bottle holders maybe i don't have anybody to drink in my family right now so i couldn't tell you those iron is this a shark a shark iron um other than that we got a spikey ball i just kind of wanted to get this box out the way and of course this fluffy pillow right here other than that that's it this tote is obnoxiously heavy actually let's see what's in it don't let me in okay so i see clothes on the top let's get those out the way i see a bag what kind of bag this has got looks like sounds like tools look it's like empty where are they all at oh they're all right here check that out screwdrivers pliers wrench socket wrench things like that so leads me to believe this is probably going to be more the same let's make sure there's nothing under it first let's see an extension cord is brand new hard drive clothes paint scraper and yeah nothing else let's get this down see if this is what we think it is or if it's filed i don't hear any clanking so it's kind of scared i think paper in this side so that probably means there's going to be paper in here too let's see nope tools actually there's like an axe that's heavy duty i don't even know what it is or this one but they're heavy whatever they are so tool people let us know what we got there and if it's valuable or just cheap yard sale stuff the next tote this one's not as heavy but it always starts off with clothes but then you feel the weight and you're like there's no way it's all closed i see a jersey though who do we got long okay look how dirty it is but throwback from 87 so it might clean up it might be worth a little something let's see i see some shoes in here no brand name they got a soul thing over them so they're beat up anyway a couple bucks at the yard too what about this one it's not same thing yeah these are all just like cheap shoes the yard sale for a couple bucks if not donation um this tote is actually legitimately all nope never know a few tools down here at the bottom so we'll add to the tools building up a pretty nice tool lot in here too so couple tools all clothes all right so before i get to a box box we got this thingy and it is in there foot spa i'm not going to go through it because well you know what the claw is there's paper in there and whatever that it looks like a cast or a knee thing maybe so one of those in the foot spa nothing else in there i'm just gonna go ahead and push that in the truck because i wanted to get to the box underneath of it right here all right let's go to the little one first there's a little box inside of it it's all food look at this purse it's a purse full of food what brand is that purse i have no idea it doesn't stay on the inside it is gucci look now is it real or not that i don't know but it says gucci on it so that they can have the food in here [Applause] and the main thing first off we got nice clock and then what's in here staple gun a staple gun put it with the rest of the tools we've been finding all right let's see plates plates more plates lots of plates it's going to throw with the food another blanket so look at the bottom here an accuracy precision massager huh i don't know how much of that suckers work but looks like that's the only other thing in there but it's definitely feels like it's in there so hopefully that's valuable so this is a smaller box it says bedroom on it off dresser it doesn't feel like clothes though dresser usually means jewelry yeah people play jewelry on dressing come on let's see what do we got oh look what i see they're just earrings though nothing special go in the costumes i'm shaking this sucker this time nothing in there [Music] more of these yeah here's one of these a watch a couple of watches let's see what it is super speed never heard of it [Music] what else is in there is that a lighter looks like a copper lighter it works it's just a little windy phone random stuff here what do you think's in here feels heavy no but there's obviously something in there oh man it's probably just a book but we're gonna make sure yeah a little sim card thing this is just mail here mailing pictures there they moisturizing cream of course that's in there that's like brand new could be worth something yeah it's kind of cute there's another one of the same thing yeah like two of those [Applause] well actually i'm not just going to toss that aside what am i doing what's in there what the heck is this like the light up stuff from wish though so it's probably not the best quality with that come on man what do you think's in here what is that let's see if it's my brooch yeah hmm that's cool set that aside too anything else in here a freaking wrench for some reason it's in plastic nothing in there that looks like hair and ooh look come here come here come here sealed come on what you got for me and nothing and nothing unfortunately and well other than that not seeing nothing else in here look at this like a window panel just some little packaging things and a light bulb i mean so i just picked up this box and listen to that rattle i like that i really like that this one's completely unlabeled you see that nothing that's because they didn't want no one to know it wasn't this one it's the golden jewelry box that we've been waiting for it even with the tape cut man it just doesn't cooperate all right open all the way what is this there's another tactical vest that's what it looks like isn't it let's take it out here and make sure this looks like an interesting box overall yeah oh i think so too oh yeah look [Applause] it's a much smaller one though is that what it is looks like it might go around the waist not 100 sure but that whatever it is it was new extra care pack or exact care sorry but it's not nothing in there what's this glue boards for mice and some losing lottery tickets and hand sanitizer that hey look all right it's a pennies what's this this box now what is that dirt looks like dirt looks like clay you know what it could be a lot of people from the military have heard this in comments like when they serve in the middle east they bring some of it back home that's my only guess these maracas oh yes maracas what's in here looking like a ammo box yeah come on buddy please don't look you don't get to see one hit the ammo they want to see fine some of it is at least not very much though what do we got this looks like some remington buckshot 12 gauge i'm assuming you have 12 gauge this is oh yeah it's 556. that's what's up this stuff's hard to come by right now let's go ahead oh yes that is a beautiful find right there my ar needs that what's this boxed primed oh one millimeter these people that make their own probably these might be empty brass cases unless they made them no they're complete hollow points so more nine millimeter and before somebody asks no i never sell any of the ammo especially right now it's all being stocked up because you never know unless ooh what do you think this is full of 22. no it's bigger than that okay can't do it oh it might be exactly what we're looking for this is 762. look at that never heard of that one oh this whole thing full of it hold on a second oh yeah look at that whole thing's full that's what i like to see that's what we like to see we love ammo here at the jeebus family let's see what this is case logic might be cds actually we'll see this yeah it's actually cds so nothing really there but the maracas could obviously be something too because they do they don't look like they're factory made to me at least those look like they're very handmade and money and ammo i call that a good box all right we're gonna bring out these couple of boxes here and let's see what they are wow i just smashed my own finger well this one is one thing it looks like that looks like a foot thing doesn't it a boot yeah it's a foot boot i would imagine since it's a medical supplies it's probably not that expensive i mean not that cheap start yeah it's brand new so i imagine it's decent money there this one see all kinds of random stuff which i'd like to see what is this first one some lysol this looks like a like a lotion dispenser at one point right there cleaner a hand a riveter pet ball nothing epsom salt these are just look like what little decor thing probably for the bathroom office this is a straightening iron it looks like our curling iron one of the two this looks like some crazy medical stuff that you gotta wear when you enter brooms that's what i'm getting from what do you think yeah so that's probably not a good value box now i'm going to get this big boy out and see what we got inside of it right there we got a pony or a horse this is for you thank you you better not sell it to the art sale this time every time i give you a bear it goes at a yard sale don't do it let's see what's in what kind of pants are these nothing i would ever wear carolina colors they look like women yeah but you never know this whole bag's closed right here [Applause] i'm seeing clothes those are boost mobile headphones that aren't in clothes there except for this these look like fire stick boxes those things are really light so you don't know fire hd these are tablets aren't the tablet boxes there's no tablets in them unfortunately but that doesn't mean they're not somewhere else in the unit we already found one so there's a good chance the other one's in there too but yeah that box no good either so this little box says tapes and cds let's see if it's telling the truth or not where'd my knife go this time there it is come here big boy i need you cut cut you're designed to do one thing and you can barely do it well we kept like the dullest knife ever yeah this looks ooh look at that though what do you think's in here hmm that that price tag totally means 800 right not eight dollars yeah eight hundred yay that's what that is look in here though calvin hill there's jewelry in here somewhere oh no no no no no it's not gonna be please be in here that's got some weight to it come on no no it's got some ammo to it though but that was supposed to be a 38 revolver but you know what as disappointing as that is that still gives me more hope that it's gonna be somewhere else in this evening i haven't given up on that yet i never will other than that they're actually telling the truth the rest of this is all dvds another tablet box with nothing in it all dvds but this this better be in that freaking unit somewhere can i say i love how specific this stuff is labeled look at that it's under the end table all right i know what i keep under my end table boom boom boom let's see one there too this stupid knife will cut best buy bag is that another tablet box it is look at that another one this is a boss audio system oh and that that's in there hundred percent open no i don't think so look at that check that sucker out that's brand new i can't imagine it's cheap i don't think best buy puts prices on the boxes so we'll have to look it up it might be wrong i don't see nothing but that could be valuable for sure we got this looks like an ammo belt man so what this is this is a belt it goes across your chest as you put ammo in this is just like a bunch of decorations from the dollar tree thing like that somebody buy this a lot collectively for like five bucks or so other than that it's a tarp that is the big question right now how much is that worth i'm opening this one reluctantly it says kitchen on it and i did not like looking at kitchen stuff but maybe there's something else in the two ah it doesn't look like it based on what i see though hold on some of this tape doesn't want to give no that's legitimate there's a coffee maker in there though that's an easy fire somebody at the yard sale yesterday asked me if i had a blender well i do know i mean it's what do you think of blender sell for five or ten bucks two yeah that's probably i mean 15 bucks in there nothing fun look at my money is money all right so i'm taking out this ottoman because it's obviously not empty it's very heavy for its size let's see what's in the ottoman pillow um more random tools it looks like see wrench pliers level screwdriver your basics that looks like it could be new doesn't it yeah the car doing still in it oh i thought that was money yeah but hey little gift set no money got some money in it that's got a few pennies and a pill in there you see that yep what's this it's all male isn't it definitely stuff we got to go through though this is what survivor binoculars so maybe if they have rifle and you know rifle ammo in there maybe they are hunters and maybe these could be expensive or maybe they're military i don't know so they could be worth the money ooh that went what is that i can't even tell you what that is yeah i'd guess a piece to a clock but i'm not sure he's more binoculars another pair could be money again what's in here this one looks very random actually looks like a lot of clothes but we're gonna look anyway another wrench dog leash pictures empty phone box gloves and just yeah nothing too interesting other than that looks like we have mail with mail in it in this thing what is that open come here you fillet set so maybe there's a fisher too maybe there's some fishing equipment in there somewhere who knows there's just so much mystery at this point i feel like we've showed you so much but realistically we've barely touched it so let's just keep on digging so this is right here just a bag of clothes and like cheaper yard sale shoes the amazon prime box is empty right this right here so nothing to see in here let's throw that aside let's get this one here let's see what's in here really quick the real reason is i see this blue case and i want to make sure come on please please no gun lock it's got a little handbook for it everything they're in there somewhere i'm telling you they're in there somewhere i just don't know where let's see what else is in here what this looks very nice look this is one of these military knives look at this oh you know what else is cool about these because i found it before this actually unscrews and you can keep like you know something small in there if it overcome off oh something's in there what do they keep in there what's that oh matches yeah duh we found that in the last one we found too you never know when you'll need matches and the top of the knife actually has a compass on it look if you take that off so that's a cool little thing i think the last time we found one of these we sold it for like 45 bucks pretty fast so i like it i see more interesting looking stuff in here look a nice little set of drill bits oh what's that oh that's super nice it's got bears on it and everything oh i really like that one that's super cool let's see what else we got here a lot of ties what's the at the ml i bet you i feel it sounds like ammo or tools you know oh it's cartridges it's like co2 cartridges no this is not that's not this is 40 40 co so we'll take it we'll also see these um co2 cartridges which can be used for bb guns also but it can also be used for other bad stuff let's just zoom in with bb guns oh look that's loaded what kind of gun was this let's see 45 auto that's what my 1911 ticks that's beautiful let's put that shot back in there you guys to go to the shooting range to know that last bullet in the clip it just it kills your thumb every time that last one oh feel that weight feel that oh okay oh yeah oh please please please please there they all are there they all are we've been saying this watches would show up somewhere there they are what do we got in here this is a charles lally i'm probably pronouncing that very wrong this one i don't know that says say jag or something can't tell can't focus it's kind of starting to get dark can't see it i mean i can get close up but i can't read it i don't know this is like a pocket watch with a buckle on it you see that it opens right there sweet this is a no i hate time actually because i always pick it up and i see ex i'm like oh timex another watch oh look at this one that's nice so definitely watch a lot coming because i'm not seeing nothing overly expensive right now but people know how to fix them you can use the parts for the ones that aren't worth it fix the ones that are things like that and not to mention we had some more ammo in here this is nine millimeter it doesn't look like it looks shorter than usual but nine millimeter this that is a pick something i don't know but we'll definitely do some research on the watches well we knew we would find a case of them but it doesn't mean it's all of them yeah because these are invicta we didn't find any what's this nice little manicure kit no way no way there it is there it is this one is it the one that we found case more no beretta it's locked there it is yeah it's clear yeah there it is i told you it would be in here it's pretty oh yes it is what caliber is that is it a nine 380 auto all right that just being mud how many times did i tell you i wanted the pareto how many times did i tell you that well merry christmas thank you that's my christmas present i'll take it you know i'll gladly take it you only have to pay for it i'm gonna keep this out of it put it back in here without the magazine oh my god that's just made my day you don't even understand this is crazy does it feel like it too please please what is it dang it it's a brush oh what is this oh let's see yeah buddy invicta baby there they are yeah there's one let's see what it says on it limited edition too 198 out of 999 for that one oh look at this and it says it's two five this is silver cool we'll take it what is this one a tissue um looking that looks like uh something else and yeah that's like little pieces and stuff charger there's another drill charger but still no drill let's see look there's loose watches in here too here's one at least that one is a citizen not bad a lot of watches man a lot of watches um other than that the rest of it looks like a lot of this one didn't it not the watch look i almost missed this one an ice state than that the rest of it does look like clothes my mood is so high right now i can't even tell you let's see what's in this box right here that was like a movie i've been saying i wanted one of those for so long and there it is what do we have here from haiti it might just be a case there's a jewelry case but no jewelry stapler um let's see what else man i'm just on cloud nine right now some blast the other glass maybe they go some tables in there let's make sure they don't break um well staples for the stapler makes sense hmm i don't smoke um let's see let's see this box looks very random dog food you know what this looks like i see dog food i see like bug killer i feel like this is like somebody's they reached underneath their stink it went and then put it on a box i don't even know what this is a snake is it oh is this the part that goes in the toilet it goes in whatever drain but all right well that's all under this thing stuff in that box let's see what's in the see-through tote it says clothes but let's make sure that's legitimate oh i mean it's see-through so i think it's legitimate let's see what this is looks like cabin creek i know a lot of burb areas do their stuff like this too so got to make sure yeah i think this is legitimate all clothes all the way down so i don't want to look at this one but the reason i wanted to get this one is because the one on the bottom it looks like it has more kinds of random stuff in it so let me set this aside really quick and grab this one come to me all right this one looks more random i like random empty bag empty bag whoa please i beg of you i don't see a marking right off the front of my anywhere but i don't know one of the first signs i could tell something's fake as you can see it's kind of scraped off you know it's either plated or fake either which way it's junk this has none of that but recap we'll do a mini recap like we did last time papers more papers which are falling out get back in there papers oh look see what i see watches yeah there's one in here let's see what it is come here an auto why does that look so dirty look at my finger what is that no idea better not be dude there's the charger for them too they're from radio shack there's the charger i can imagine they can be worth a little something this fireworks where this sticks what's in here not what i was hoping for what's the little watch it's an f g that's all it says on f some pennies oh look here's a few more this is denica maybe d-e-n-a-c-c-i this one's on branded this one is coates de azur me trying to pronounce four and watch names is a joke these are fireworks yes they are that's what you're asking yeah cool um nothing there this looks like legitimate bathroom stuff yeah miller mail strap to the watch and there's another one a lot of watch lots here unbranded again but it has pretty colors on it so yeah what's that charger other than that there's some pennies and just some random this and that this box looks like clothes and it's really light so take a quick peek make sure we're not missing anything what's that home decor that truck's very loud home decor um this [Music] um balls lots of balls this box has real balls it really does curtain rods and yeah oh wow a bag of balls all right then yeah this box nothing in the book that box is man let's get rid of it i hate motorcycles let's see what's in this it's probably going to be closed because it's actually big i don't hear no rattling around yeah i figured that'd be the case but there'd be something hidden in there like this box of oh look another tablet box it's not in there i can tell you already but there's so many calibers i know like how many tablets does one family have um let's see what kind of purse we have although this is a purse isn't it that's a weird looking purse i just like to back it's got salt in it no joke so don't be so salty nothing else what a brand is it i don't know sorry i saw a gold necklace fall i didn't know what brand is it right here what is it i'm trying to focus on it dorsia dorsia that um clothes and clothes hey a grabber one of the better ones too all right all right this is just clothes and curtains it looks like there's a lot of curtains in here too so nothing interesting to look at though whatever that is i don't even know let's just put the toad away good news so we just got the blue toad moved and let me tell you i can see back here now all the way to the back all the way to the floor nothing but boxes i am in such a good mood today let's take this box out and see what we got like this thing what is it it's a boom boom boom boom right maybe right let's just set it over here camera 14 shooting this is a canon powershot 895. it could be some money it's got some weight to it so we'll see the last two we found one was 100 bucks one was 30 bucks so that's not bad could be in that range what is this it's a holster looks like a freaking holster to me doesn't it yeah oh look what i see money boom that means there's more in here right oh whoa hold on let's see um j runner nothing um hey get out get out get out phone case nothing in there what's that oh what's in this little guy more binoculars looks like it these are simmons binoculars and they're in there the rest of that just kind of random junk let's set it under your foot and go back in the box just a leather jacket i love the shoes hmm no brain where's the brand usually out on these inside bottom or inside anything on the come here bottom no on the inside i got my soul yeah white mountain means nothing means nothing very true another one another pair nothing anything they're the same brand it looks very similar it does let's see they have a implant so i can't tell you like a little sulfate insert insert not implant was that some heels they're pretty beat some more heels some more heels one of these at the bottom of these converse no they're you know polo us polo association whatever it's called and well what are these bummer and there this is about bumper this is a bummer it is kind of a bummer to find them but other than that yeah it's just all shoes in there unfortunately but hey we got a dollar and a camera let's bring out the cooler right hopefully there's not a body part in it that deer don't say that no hey is that one of the that's the box of the airbrush look so put in the box now paperworks papers cooler might be all paper huh looking like all paper all paper all paper all paper in there that's the bottom well that was very uneventful all right i got us another heavy ottoman here let's see what's in there ooh a lunch box jeez with looks like me no never mind that's so frustrating i'm glad you lost i hate people to scratch the bottom like where's the fun in that come on i'm seeing like glasses here aren't they open what the heck oh okay i was like come on where did i get in these things any brand on them hd vision if these ones are on tv do you always see all the time that's like for truck drivers and things like that i feel like i've seen them on tv a lot nothing oh what's that oh more of these yep look money right there money money money just tons of money sitting there what are these pictures yeah put those aside is this another cpap looks like it's baseball i'm gonna assume yeah that's another probably another cpap machine and the weird thing a lot of people ask can we buy that from us so the legality of selling those you cannot sell them to the end user i looked this up last night you have to sell them to a distributor which will then re-fix it and then sell to the end user if you sell it directly to you if i sell it to you directly and you use it i can get trouble for that i don't know why i would think because if i were to sell this to someone i mean who knows what kind of grime and whatever else is in it yeah i feel like they they take it send it or clean it make it healthier blah blah blah i'm looking at every single one of these actual pills actual pills and actual pills dang it i feel like i got the one lucky pill bottle but you never know i'm gonna keep checking see what down here is more more lancets so it's not an interesting to look at box but it's definitely a nice valuable box guys we're going to stop the boxes right now our truck's getting full it's starting to get late i don't want to have to deal with that crappy lighting again so we're going to take this stuff home we're going to run through it and show you anything we might have missed for this part and we'll see you then so before we go into the garage and do the total recap i want to talk to my gun people right now because i'm not a little lost i've never owned a beretta this is kind of confusing me so let me show you take a look right here at this gun can you see it right here is this the right side no this side let me see yeah look so is it a cheetah 86 cheetah i think is what it is or 84 cheetah or something like that but the thing is confusing me is right here can you see that where it says cal nine short yeah cal nine short but the rounds in here are 380. and this is a hundred percent the magazine for it because it even says on here look right here the same thing as the gun itself so i'm kind of lost but i've been looking up the let me see what the number is it's 86 or 84 am i just wrong i don't want to just keep saying it 86 cheetah cal 9 short 380 auto how's the caliber 9 it's just 380 i'm a little lost on that but i've been looking them up and i see them going for crazy prices in some instances i've seen one is up for auction i think on gun broker that had 40 some videos up to 1700 right now so i don't really know a price on it the cheapest one i've seen was on an auction two was up to about 900 bucks but it still had a couple days left so at a minimum i think if i decide to sell it i don't think i will this will pay for the entire unit just this baby right here now let's head into the garage and see what else we got all right now that we're in the garage let's show you some of the crazy stuff so first off you know we have this huge hoard of watches here we only found two of the invicta ones so far remember or probably how far you think of this unit maybe 15 to 20 percent there's still a lot of boxes to come but let me show you so invictas like rolexes and other high-end watches have model numbers and stuff on the back makes you look them up easy before i show you the prices i want to ask my watch people all the watches seem to be like this you see this to where there's like something missing right here that is an easy fix right or is it more complex so we look at fixing it ourselves or just sell them as is and they deal with it but first ones this one right here typed it into google it came right up on walmart see that price 615 dollars for that one this one same thing looked it right up it's not for sale apparently it's like a discontinued model but somebody has it on uh what's it called poshmark 600 for this one right there now obviously the other watches we're just gonna have to do a lot of research just haven't had the time yet because we need to get the video done but before we sell stuff it will be research and i also want to say before i show you a few other things this coming saturday we are going to have a first live auction in a long time we got a lot of good stuff piled up for you guys so if you want a chance to win it make sure you stop by on saturday but let me show you some of the other stuff we found that we missed earlier one little camera lens here what was it like 30 bucks or something like that about 30 dollars nothing like too crazy but still figured i'd show you if it go back in there so i've showed one little lighter that was copper it was a weird brand i looked it up it wasn't really worth much but this one here is an old zippo but look how bad a shape is in anyone out there that collects lighters know if that would have any value because i mean it's old and it's together does it work what do you think um no might not have any fluid in it it's probably just out of fluid but it's definitely an older zippo and it doesn't have an exact date on it but yeah that where is the ipad there was also well for one a samsung s7 edge it smashed obviously but i don't know if this one's still worth putting in the machine i know once upon a time i found one of these dumpster i mean they got 80 bucks whatever that was like three years ago actually that's the first video on this channel if you get bored you want to go look at it first video ever we found one of these in a dumpster and we got 80 bucks for it but that was three years ago that and there was a where is it by the way look at all the tablets we found remember we kept saying we're going to find them so a couple other tablets then we found a gen 1 ipad but they had it in a case and i see why the back of it pretty sticky it's not really worth much in good unlocked perfect shape it's like 70 bucks on ebay so i imagine locked out no charger and [ __ ] stuff on it maybe 20 or 30 bucks something like that but i don't know again we're still going through it and if it doesn't work like i said before you lot up tablets and smartphones on ebay people buy them for parts like crazy other than that we sorted through everything oh yeah i wanted to mention this i cannot find an original painting done i took a picture of it and image searched it and i can find prints of this going for like 25 to 35 bucks i cannot find an original that is a canvas if you look on the back here i peel this off to see it's the actual canvas in there not a print so that could also have a lot of value there's our trash these are the you know decent things or this right here is the stuff we got to look into those are just some decent things for the next time we have a yard sale but overall you know i'm happy we got a beretta boretta which i haven't decided if i'm gonna sell you because i didn't think it would be that valuable i told you earlier some of those are for going for nearly two grand if it's worth two grand i think i might let it go being six five i kind of like the full length pistols the short ones don't really fit right but it's still a little redder you guys that are gun people please let me know watch people please let me know so if you enjoyed this video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace [Music] out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 422,312
Rating: 4.850318 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 42WJQ-HcdWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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