Bought $5,500 Military Storage Unit! NOT TOUCHED IN YEARS! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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so we just pulled out this vintage looking military trunk and before we even get inside of it I want to show you a couple things that we noticed on it one look at this right here if you can't see that on the camera United States Air Force written right on the side of the box but that's not it you come over here you can actually see where this was assigned back then which is pretty cool I've never seen anything like this in a unit in my life and you can look up apparently I don't know if a person to own this bought it or was trying to sell it but it is a 1943 footlocker which does make you World War 2 era so that's pretty crazy but the crazy part is that it's extremely heavy and I see we got yeah this unit it's like a museum all right to be careful don't want to let it fly first the basic Wits furniture industry 1940 1943 so it is definitely World War two inspected by DK wood all right first thing we got what is this an old American flag it looks old too doesn't it mm-hmm look at that you see how the white so faded like that definitely think it's an old flag it's called about make sure it doesn't hit the ground put it right here a hat or a couple hats three hats there's a really weird material I never felt anything like that in a baseball hat cap feel hot weather not sure they're military green so I don't know if they're actually military or maybe the guy bought it because they just collected a lot of military and they would fit with the uniforms I'm not sure check this bad boy out mmm doesn't that look like something you see like a wild wild west cowboy pull up on you pull out a revolver and go to work what does it say text Schumaker company down here says 41 six on it I don't really know what that means and everything and over here you got safely and know that um Safariland hey so that's pretty cool I wonder if it's ever seen any action what do you guys think looks pretty cool for sure this it looks like a tree doesn't it rebar let's see what it is the really old paperwork alright let's see look at that top tax helmets ready to protect on duty 23 bucks I don't know what the date on this is oh look it's a journal of California law enforcement 1969 wow that's old what else do we have in the walls we're back then yeah probably better than they are now then again that's not saying much all right paperwork what is that identification cards look at this old locking like pictures in here let's just get past the picture what is that Veterans Administration I don't want to look at that stuff honorable discharge it says for somebody in 1953 so after World War 2 so this might actually been like a World War two veteran unit get past that and get into the files I think it's like area 51 stuff they're gonna shoot us for finding oh I don't want to show that name oh this is a pilot proficiency check somebody might have been actually in the Air Force huh that's really really cool actually but I mean it has value what yeah it's very attractive how much he flew I think so so that's kind of cool what do we have here well got a tag hanging that says absolutely nothing great but inside oh wow look at this Warner Brothers wardrobe this is he using like a movie 16 times 25 45 where can you see what that says no Kleinert I'm not sure that's all I can read but it's really heavy-duty I didn't know if they make clothes you know so might be a prop except that look at this hat I'm cheating going on dish stuff I don't want this now look at that what hair you guys think this is from definitely probably military I don't see why anyone also need a freakin hardened metal hat unless you're playing football or something but definitely I would say military but I don't know where what era doesn't look like the world war helmet you see so maybe like Vietnam not sure not good at history look at this what do you think this was used at um I know like it's World War one when they really started implementing the trench warfare and stuff and using gas and all that it says lot B two for three but look on the strap there you see that it says F 24 and then two underneath of it whoa I don't see any other markings anywhere that is insane let's just something on the bottom actually it says a lot B two five six in the number on it it's be for one are 46 does that mean it's been at 46 I don't know it looks really old well an empty gun sleeve but it might be somewhere else in there you never know it's open well I thought we had to say Fort Knox but it's already open no other markings on the piggy bank yeah car behind us is trying to leave and making the audio bad I don't like them let's see look under there okay now and then you don't get to look not yet so we have this is definitely military of some sort anybody recognize the patches on the sleeve there hmm and look at this one I've never seen anything like that before mmm you see anything else like a branch or anything like that there it is look US army uniform but again it doesn't tell us the year so I don't really know how old it is I don't even start where do we start wonder anything this oh yes ammo can it's heavy well kinda and we think it to pull off first do you see a date on it oh look 250 cartridges date 68 hmm they're all stranded together look at that oh this is like a big machine gun look at this it goes thick for a long time to look in the can there's probably like 300 rounds of it okay that's pretty crazy think it's like a big machine gun like you see it goes on top like a tanker South interesting that's pretty sweet let's lock this back where it's kind of annoying sometimes it could be anyone has a shut not really it is else what is that like a designator you think I press that at all I don't know boss I'm up in there did I press it do it nope Oh dad there's some numbers on the back of it though you see that I'm kind of beat up though what is that dang another pencil in it u.s. property doesn't say necessarily it's military but stepless something I've never seen before hmm again definitely army what's a Texas 30 bucks I guess what's worse yeah but again we need you guys is helping the comments what air do you think it's from I don't think it's World War era I don't think so looks like Vietnam then again military knowledge is based off the games and videos I've watched out on me look at this one 5:36 dgo do you think it's a license plate mm-hmm where to what yeah I mean I could have just been the old license plates that's just how they were ooh look at this oh yeah look at these American Rifleman and another American Rifleman but they have a little tag huh look at that November 1955 that is really really old really I think I'd save that for last look at this what is that that's a San Francisco Police Department baby we're like an hour and a half away from there it's pretty cool not as hard as the military but still they're like a football helmet to me oh no we can't look at that one well I can't look at this symbol right here because it's kind of you know you too doesn't like that symbol but I'll just say it's German and it's probably World War 2 era if you catch my drift but is it a repro or is it a real one look that's some stuff inside of it - hmm that's kind of crazy like the skull though I want to show that but the skull looks kind of cool doesn't it yeah all right Oh play with me don't ya woman yeah well you won't I will no I'm scared look at that fuse m2 13 Mel 2:13 it's a grenade whoo can you like you think we get tested on the vehicles over there just go ahead pull those vehicles I'm gonna stow it Adam choice throw connait at him yeah I just throw it out yeah I don't think we want to blow it up I might call the chain reaction blow the truck Oh blow the car which my blower van up and we can't have that so let's not do this the only reason we got us a little canister here definitely military again huh military again hello we're about to worship you ass 1945 that's cool what is this go to 1942 a l-lot 19139 to the 40 millimeter mk1 round that's got to be like is this um screw no that's just the round imagine this that's gotta be like anti air vehicle there's nobody that's her person if it has to be nothing left of them that's got to be the biggest piece of you ever seen look at that this size of my forearm that is a big boy right there what is this thing not sure you ever seen this No all right somebody let us know we have there just know that looks like us actually that's kind of cool too definitely military again this whole unit it's like basically a military museum guys let's see before we get into that what is this I don't see nothing a piece of the hat looks like a piece of an all hat yeah so not sure about that either let's just pull it out well anytime you see the orange tip you know it's not a good day but it's like it's a bolt-action rifle caused by pears look at that never seen a bolt-action toy gun that's pretty cool bang hmm there's a new testament US Army and Navy addition another error maybe license plate again look at that it almost looks Jeremy knows it yeah this is German nice and slate and this is all World War 2 stuff at the time same almost not this big shell down let's put that back to holsters they go together Wow I gotta say it's probably one of the craziest trunks we've ever open guys ever all right guys I'm about to go through this box and I wanted to get into something else but hope you have any wonderful day so let's get this thing this mush caught my eye when I first looked into this unit I love this thing I don't know why but it just looks really really cool so what I noticed first is that right here it's like scratched inert I don't know what that's supposed to mean and on the bottom here I don't think you're gonna be able to see it on camera but 1945 it's also etched with em 1990 mm and it also has a long serial number on the bottom look like a tank round to me whatever it is it's bad but cuz I can't say no the other one so I'm gonna sit there myself but it's really really really cool so let's get into this box so right off the bat we have honourable discharge paperwork the United States Air Force award right here radiological defense vol 2 and it's from 1951 that's pretty cool my old stuff in here a Winchester Repeating Arms little plaque thing this looks and feels newer at 1991 still pretty cool yeah so cool just not like the vintage so this is the recruit department San Diego California graduation platoon from 1985 hmm there's all the men and women ladies should be probably sound should it be I should know I think I mean I don't see any right off the bat but I know they have to tie their hair up and that bun and put their matter on stuff um let's see where we have Ranger Jose International she's just a magazine I like finding the dates on this 1994 may be a good year here's 100 next is the SS the Third Reich 9 Hey look Alexandria Virginia really that's the hometown in the year in here it looks newer so 1988 ok condition for 1988 it's pretty cool yeah all right said this is this is a Booker here this looks like a photo-op let me look in here real quick um okay so this looks like the only and this is the only page that had something on it in here but it has a subpoena and summons extraordinary it's personal stuff has about Vernon again yeah Mount Vernon bounced off a waiter blah blah blah blah blah important some kind of court summons and on the back I mean it looks like just all that maybe all the guys in the platoon that were on the ship dressing up in costumes and stuff that's kind of weird they like that anyway they've been there no here's another song you guys property no trespassing but that only been safe at back and Eve in there actually this whatever was in here with a plastic sign to like Crescent oh okay those ladders on the back of it right Trenton winter of 1776 just a little story baby yeah no way that's right here's two more see we have okay so these were probably little boards that were put up in like a shop with maybe like on a wall and it had something beneath it or something like that yeah so we have Montreal 1775 and also Charleston some attention seventeen 1776 so what's significant about that year guys show you American history these next books their army field manual manual it's a grenade lon this is 57 mm 18 ours is to an M night we do they have an M right to hook on a Browning they have instruction guide to the browning machine gun and 18 because you never seen a Browning in action it's a huge machine gun that launches 50 cow shells apparently I didn't even know this has to be close to what like what this this thing went to this is an M 18 but something like this so we get fed in this way so it's more like an anti-tank instead of a tank yeah I find a bigger picture of it something like that that's a telescope I don't know that might be one of those we go on the car like that that's machine gun usually yeah so the emini little books are cool was there yeah in 1955 1952 51 55 44 on the m1 and m1a1 see the only reason I've heard of those guys is from ecology the game my last video games they actually teach you a good you like for me at least I played them before I learned about them in school so then when I went to learn about them again I'm like wow like these games are amazingly accurate this are here is a field manual for how to read a map we need that well it actually well I mean we don't really need it 1969 somebody's gonna say in the comments well why couldn't happen with a DBS it's like saying like I own a horse case the cars go down yeah this is a 1965 military symbols Field Manual 1984 Aviation Week and space technology so I think one one of these guys that we keep finding in here was definitely an air defense pilot with like in the trunk we found on the aviation stuff Soviet stream crossing equipment hmm okay there's no date or any other information on this this old bag okays navigation dead reckoning type a for no date there let's see if we can get this off don't break it what's in there nothing just an empty bag listen everybody that's no fun all right so we've got some newspapers down here San Francisco what date 1900 1901 wait wait this is 1965 up here but yeah wouldn't be back in this just says 1901 16 pages so yeah 1965 I think these are just like printed on there for the heck I don't think I'm fine well look this is February 16 1898 yeah yeah so I think it's just made updated but I want to show the personal thing all right so we have personal pictures here definitely male it's up to date oh no I thought that was a sign just a magazine I just like certain I guess it's just illustrations the horse illustration actually cool that's cool horses and rides of the Old West will reward $10,000 in gold coin movie paid by US government for the apparition dead or alive Sam and Belle Starr that's pretty cool laughs we got no teeth that is not teeth no this these are it looks like oats I just took something out because it's again you know that World War 2 era German history stuff that you dudes not too much of a fan of I covered all right this is next book not a fan of this again oh hey look Rolling Stones photo op hmm like actual maybe their own concert pictures I think really bad nation their their their own clippings that they wanted to keep miss the Union nineteen 1861-1865 Lincoln a book on a look and I'm gonna record under that right the era was here were little comic strips Department Army technical manual technical manual 72 I mean 1976 73 and I think these ship USS a little rock and this is the lasting Department of the Army Army Commendation Medal that it yeah that's didn't that but I mean overall I mean just personal stuff but I mean really really cool something like speeches on half this stuff cuz I don't know what it is but it's cool before we got is you know you got to show you two more crazy things look at this bad boy look at that right look at the length of it to me this looks like something like the British Redcoat army stuff would go like when they used to just line up and just stand across things out of like you know you're sure it's very very fitting for this unit it is right I think so too but look at the markings on the down here stuff can you see it yeah that's really nice you know see something really cool of course how about eight freakin m16 but it's just a replica guys it's all replicas look it's all painted it's just wood nothing it's a wood but it got me see all wood but it looks pretty cool doesn't it yeah nice display piece hope y'all like this military stuff I really love the military I like to show support and appreciation because without them we wouldn't have these freedoms to make these silly little youtube videos that people love to watch so much and if you want to see the rest of it there's a full playlist $5500 storage unit on my channel stores off from pirate feel free to go check it out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 400,341
Rating: 4.5149875 out of 5
Keywords: military storage unit, military storage unit finds, military storage, storage unit, military storage box, military storage containers, military storage containers for sale, storage unit military, i bought an abandoned storage unit, ww2 storage unit, military, storage auction, storage auctions, storage hunters ww2, storage units, storage wars, storage wars military finds, storage wars ww2, i bought an abandoned storage locker, ww2 storage, auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: bfvBGUmu-g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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