I Bought a Storage Unit In The RICHEST CITY EVER! MADE BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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that is the third jewelry box here that is like jewelry October for the diamond ring company and the box is in there oh my god we found that he was arrested for the possession and distribution of drugs [Music] welcome back to treasure hunting with TVs guys we finally picked us up a storage unit now a storage unit anywhere we actually picked one up in San Jose California never been there before the highest home market in the country the average house costs 1 million eighty-five thousand dollars so our chances of finding good stuff here is really high and I'm so excited to finally have a storage universe and hose that let's get in the van ahead out there and see what we got [Music] so we're finally here first unit in San Jose it's only a 5x5 and we paid 400 dollars which may sound like a lot for a 5x5 but on here they're usually going for six to almost a grand for a 5x5 so for on here I was really happy it looks packed don't breathe it like the video subscribe if you're new let's go make some money [Music] c400 may seem like a lot but for a bath on the stuff I think it's a pretty good deal don't forget at 15% buyer's premium 9.75% sales tax so total we're in this unit about 497 dollars which really isn't bad for San Jose so let's go through it it's texting if we can make some money I think coach from here let's see if we got a good grand Seeley at forever 21 that's a good sign it's not like high high end but on Poshmark forever 21 stock will sell maybe not for much like I bet you but you tend to like forever for one jacket first items money I like that let's go to the next one these are just more clothes kid that's rolling off of everything I love the dust I saw the desk chair that's a puma hoodie but it's kind of used this looks like North Face from here Lily yeah it's like a little North Face police North Face is also good money after we wash it up of course Dusty's you been in it for a while again I bet you that 15 20 bucks pretty good let's get into this thing what is this I'll get that later let's see what's in this duffel bag I like duffle bags this tool what's in here like jewelry making stuff isn't it oh cool I think all right that's kind of interesting if I'm wrong guys this is a DVD player which always good like usually five dollars if I'm special won at the flea market so not a big find in something this is another DVD player what is that [Applause] okay so many really like their DVD players like a DVD player collector we got three DVD players okay no more DVD players I think this guy really had a DVD player problem not gonna lie wait a lot of UT players that it's just so stranger sell out they did so I'm getting some of these clothes out the way and trying what brain is that snowflake bran perfect for California a teddy bear uh more clothes that year I thought that was maybe like an award it looked like some type of award it's just a decorative thing and like a little mini table that's kind of strange this is also really heavy of a clock look at that bench mark court and on the top says in recognition of five years of service so huh that's definitely really have you fresh small clock maybe that has some value to is that a lunch box I see oh boy no one else in here actually at all I guess ring yeah I don't think Bostick ring yeah yeah what is this this looks like a tool alright and and it's not a devious Locker if we don't find one of those robber coats we're just gonna put the Cheech and Chong box aside so another sweater again let's check the brands even anything special this is a Eddie Eddie Bauer not bad Steve sit again like I said not big money but every little thing adds up that's how you make money here what is in here a filter care service kit whatever it is it's in there if that's what it is my favorites Remington I like Remington awesome razor come on you know what right now during this quarantine look at the price these have been going for an ebay go look at it go this old listing and look right now these are going for said hold a FM radio look at that oh that's kind of cool I already worried a little something what else is in this thing you know weed killer everything else that not like for anything more like just gonna be too particularly valuable but isn't it alright let's get this table down or get this tablet and this all right well I you know what I'm not even gonna gamble this is a certain variety of adult entertainment we're not gonna talk about that's not a good sign what is this it's poem book replace one letter not gonna talk about it not gonna talk about it that like a little ol okay dad name I get this chair stole this out come here so a stool bucks maybe it's kind of crooked maybe maybe maybe it alright three what is this careful it's probably been here for who knows how long no carry they're not worth too much you use unfortunately what ten to twenty dollars depending on the brand so so in here we have random another aunt Anna just very very random stuff okay yeah one of those foot pedicure things I'm not going up farther than this so I also got an ironing Warren does we usually also five dollars or so to blue market cuz do people really still use irons anyway we always tell them but I don't know anyone keep your Jessica Simpson fancy stuff here yeah price tags alright so I'm gonna try to reach stuff up here so does it come falling down on us flow yep that's kind of creepy looking i skeletons it's a skeleton couple hmm kind of strange-looking I'm not gonna lie that aside what else is up here this check magic tracks still in here looks like pinnacle panicle let's see if I get this table Oh check that more ah here's a minute I think that's another straw it's not good and a key this move like a metal rack corner shower right all right okay this is like the main reason we wanted this unit cuz I saw a guitar here and last time we found a music unit it was very nice to us alright let's see we go I'm kind of scared after over town before logitech speaker what's in the flux cars little Volkswagen from one out of 30 or scale 137 when they're made with their plastic so they're not to a mobile-phone braids alright that's better oh gosh that don't point the camera in there they get this out I phone 7 plus doesn't feel too heavy though so I don't think it's gonna be in there but empty box alright hold on a second I gotta move some stuff here alright let's go back to the boss tear cards oh I dare open this blank DVD proceed with caution okay that one's okay carrot cards of are open it's kind of cool okay let's see this block you just came tumblin another DVD player why is 170 is so many beauty play honestly like one or two per unit understand but this is like eight somebody really enjoy their DVDs like really really enjoyed one is this speaker cyrus series serious no Cyrus is on fire look in here first oh look some like fun stuff like that that way we can't fit all the stuff in the van we'll put it on top - how bad all right let's see what I see food and VHS is two of my all-time favorites to find them unit something is what is that yeah so we got some VHS is patent the brothers a Titanic it's mostly they'll old classic for movies where the money's at with VHS is for the most part but we'll check them all again mmm what do you think's in here I'm kind of scared I didn't even you play gosh don't even say that okay beauties there's no is more DVD players why oh there's all the actual DVDs look one two three rows of them in here actually so there's quite a few DVDs in here what about them they're not all YouTube appropriate DVDs but unless I didn't just move that there's DVDs we'll look through is this sweatshirt like team hoodies at least then I don't know I don't know what team is I know it's teams at least sports hoodies ER the value so we got massive here if it collapses I'm stealing you just so you know not my fault you notice our company is like a six out of ten it's not that good all right so we got some more clothes which could be good to be bad I don't know yet in a pan our favor let's see what's in this box here no jeans are actually good in Italy but it's like this offer final urgent there's a long so that's not a bad box it's just not a very I take a look at box money why not I'll set that aside then the collapse of the treasure chest there's something in it yeah what is that adhesive really this is supposed to contain the blooms and gems and all that stuff not freakin karela spray gosh now movies worried look at this boogie board what is it wakeboarding a wakeboard I've never eaten any of them the ones that like when that when the wave comes up you throw it and you try to ride it like on the I'm sure I just call them surfboard short surfboard longer sorcerer for Ascanius Airport what is this frame here why is all the way in the corner my question yeah art or frames in here yeah look at that oh it's a nice mirror - it's heavy see we got not the San Francisco Giants apparently - San Jose Giants probably minor league team out here well I was hoping the math makes it better in the San Francisco Giants you know how hard is to find a San Francisco Giants fan like is there any other mouth there it's really hard okay what is the purpose of this oh it's a Dali that comes down yeah okay that makes a lily I didn't understand what are you carrying on hi-tec a knee or something I don't know about yeah the doctor what's overheat up cafe some pepper tree cafe Capri yeah Cafe Milano that's not Italian doesn't it make you look like this ma ma ma make some meatballs maybe I'm just weird mmm that so it's Lou this box I don't know what is this does that microscope is this um that looks old but it's cool does it work oh yeah it works yeah mm-hmm some kind of like maybe this guy on a pirate ship I don't know Oh God only one look at your CDs you're making a lamp some CDs another lamp and a fan and hiring like decent flea market items just not like Oh exciting items but I'll take it no let's see what's it big boy here's gonna have you two let's share myself all right so rocket exposure boot I don't know about this cuz I got it safely for another razor you know what I'll take them their money right now they're your money money money more money so we'll take it Swiss gear that's do you see ya hear that that's what I think it is laptop are another DVD player why does somebody need so many like that's gotta be ten [Music] bucks this crystal stone deck some type of cards rocks all right we got rocks powershot acid to be 100 or 1000 it's still in there yeah that's kind of cool it might work we'll try it out for sure bad not bad have an interesting box what is this though this another speaker isn't yeah all right interesting box I'm feeling I know what this is even though I was kind of hoping I'm wrong it looks like a old cassette case but and they don't even get sense they're just the cases literally just empty cassette cases that is what we call trap no way around that one let's see what's in this it's another DVD player I'm saying like honestly it's doing it's doing silly it [Applause] get out what is wrong with it okay dad stay what is this is it maybe maybe maybe alarm clock speaker thing ooh look at this number here that's a very big camera in there we'll look at second hold on this is first this has got me intrigued what is that look I fusion I guess I got something you hook your phone up to play music like aux hookup that's probably where the hold like iPhone or iPod would go what's in here that's probably well that's kind of cool although it's worth anything was still kind of cool nonetheless look at this oh my gosh I just love to say that hold on off dumb dog look at this oh man this is a news reporter stuff how do you feel I'm recording you first I think mine's better just a little bit no a lot it put that over here he remembers to that show do you remember this show it's one of those shows that I always thought I never watched it as a kid but I remember seeing him all the time the Crayola what does that Crayola camera alright that's strange that's strange we have more camera that look at this nice another little digital camera hopefully they all work they sell good for us in our live auction some hoping and they work is that another one sure it isn't it another camera box just cameras November's disease you had to record back in the day even I remember that I got you a present your favorite thing oh yeah you're all taped together now look at that we made a mess so how dare you choose fun just to be suit-and-tie Superseries and boring all the time so that you can hate your entire life don't you know how this works everything's going down you know what you know you broke the cassettes they're worth like I mean nothing but you know Ice Cube baby I feel like I've never seen like a rap cassettes I feel like they're always weird country stuff rock and roll and other stuff we've had zero luck with these things ever in the past I don't ever have - open it okay I got my hand yes box is a closed but oh how would you stored literal crack ooh they store literal crap in the middle of their clothes that's disgusting now that you put that in there oh this box here what do you think we got service champs huh whatever then why do you put so many pieces of tape on it it better not be like clothes or towels as you protect this heavily they're like some prize it's towel that's not only gonna guested me huh it's like I've done this before like a bunch of towels so it usually gets just donated because we can't ever sell them and people always need towels blankets ooh let's see what this is I guess I feel like this is supporting that whole hours anyway oh I don't know sombrero I like this I'm Vera oh that's cool no it's L forget enough I don't know if some of these are expensive this one's definitely brand-new paper still in it obviously the plastics still on it I would assume that the brand name would be inside the middle part but that's something we'll have to check out once we get it home but that could definitely be worth a good amount of cash I feel like I wanted to like a mega what's that word very very I'll look see mariachi mariachi dance this is another thing that's completely hit or miss like 85% of these are completely worthless but some of these will sell on eBay for like $50 or more some of the dvd/vhs combo can sell for almost $100 a little cross just a memory away what is that liquid bandage spray you know I distinctly remember this because when I got my first tattoo I didn't know if I'd get in the pool and we were on vacation so I have to keep spraying that stuff over my fatsia you get in the pool what is this these are probably readjusting VHS is I don't want to look any further I can see what they are so I got two boxes off they almost crushed me but they didn't quite oh this one looks like an apple yes no but this is like their bathroom it looks like so from what I'm seeing doesn't look very promising what is it that opening nothing great so this box out the way now let's see what's in this smaller the two this one looks like [Music] it hasn't been packed by some guy moving it looks like it's professionally packed it's shipped to a studio alright see no no it's definitely packed for some random person who that's got some way to it what is this one that's the iPhone 8 plus one of those people huh you got to buy every single one right when it comes out for what reason I don't know nothing in there unfortunately okay these fan yeah he's going in right now see what this isn't a second look at this over here yeah just go Giants all right what's in here CD case looks like music for the most part nothing like good music CDs I guess okay big boy oh gee that was heavier than deluxe let's see what we got not kitchen stuff it's like a cuisine art the deep fryer and it's probably like something you hang in a kitchen faith but today a kitchen box again flea market times that's not bad that's a good $25 in that box but right now me don't know what anything here that's completely full of VHS is on both sides a little stuck but all VHS is then we have a second one up here so I'm just gonna go ahead and get those out the way cuz I don't want to look at VHS tapes right now these are one of the scariest things for me to find this storage unit because it usually means one or two things it's empty or it's got stuff in it one has stuff in it it's usually really smelly disgusting old rotten food I hope that's not the case today please hey toys so we got a turtle goofy this Santa thing like everybody anywhere - ever met had in their house at one point and so we're little collectible figures of you oh gosh I Red Sox won that deserves to get hit with a baseball bat I'm gonna make it fun of the Giants the San Francisco Giants now I feel bad for that because nothing's as gross as the Red Sox they're the absolute roses most disgusting disgrace to sports ever could you tell me a key span but toys alright let's see what's in this box we got Tim in the box alright Tim alright more of these guys like dancing and married skeleton figures like yeah at least I remember hearing about that it's like a Hispanic holiday right so we got two of those and yeah these like look kind of cool you looking really nice actually but yeah there's two of those in there there's two of those statues and that's literally it for that box but these are cool abilities gonna hopefully be worth maybe a little something so more flea market stuff just kind of like wicker shelves and things like that then we got metal kitchen shelf like a drain board maybe yeah how to solid said KitchenAid I didn't really know that yeah we got this queen-size bed set which was sixty bucks when they bought it so maybe get a little something out of that too like a waiter flea market right now is a pretty good-looking unit right now all right now it's just hard to sell stuff yeah what is this I don't know all right let's see what's in this box here this is interesting so we got what is that darken Jarrod Kevin Durant I know why did I didn't think I stuff that didn't makes you wonder why do you store that why this is the first time manufacturer All American time people talk more San Francisco giant stuff yeah all that stuff is wrapped up in here so hopefully it's interesting looking at the jewelry lots did I find the jewelry what do you think I've no idea I don't want to guess because I don't wanna get like that I just want to be surprised it's the random box the battery box well that's it for that box this box has been treating me for a while so you see this die or die oh let's see what's in there yeah do you see what I see the diamond ring company and the box is in there alright look at this the diamond ring company ring box with a $10,000 ring right right oh my god this is like TV stuff you don't really usually find big diamond rings in it it's possible it's possible so I just got down this big CD book and well I should it look like CDs at least and a bunch of them a bunch bunch of them was that that's just in there okay Ozzy Osbourne Red Hot Chili Peppers Nevada yeah I mean there's a lot in here actually probably sell this thing as a Metallica is one big a lot of CDs and just let somebody go ham on it it's probably in being old end up being what we did where did you see Oh have a new show but you know what and yeah there's some shady uppy I think but you know what I don't see on the CDs parental advisory and listen the censored Eminem is like listen to somebody talk scratch a chalkboard just doesn't sound right but there's any like you don't have to hold HP CDs there's a lot of use of CDs I probably go through get all the ones that are junk like burn CDs and computer installation discs out of there and just saw this huge thing one big line i [ __ ] it'll do good I got a really heavy box that's currently farthest where is this place no nope very random stuff let's see what kind of random stuff so dear and it's baby yeah Nico RC does an RC car T in Lyman that's a gross candles and weird stuff so for the moment I laid eyes on his unit picture online I was trying to figure out what the heck this thing is now I'm here I got it out and I'm holding it and I'm still trying to figure out what the heck this thing is the good news it's got a 60 dollar price tag on it from Pier one but there's Jim what is it it's artist I want to see it tomorrow second to that one got a price tag on it yes sixty dollars alright so can a woman alright you ready guys this is a first aid quality crafted guitar isn't it beautiful yeah listen to [Music] that totally wasn't sound effect that was me playing believe it now I'm just that good all right don't quit don't go into car here getting ready pare it down effect don't do it it's like call us one of these shell things I've ever seen honestly let's see we got on the drawers so this one can walk people I look like walkie-talkies to me but watch outside walkie-talkies this another razor and don't know cheap players I don't read one oh I haven't seen it so long to have one of them more razors guys these razor all dowling DeLong any one of those really protective caters helping or something oh boy hey Bert house well tango yes yeah what's all this that's this bathroom icky stuff and that's just very random completely random is this those old cable wires I don't want to look at guys we kind of packing as we go and look at our fans it's getting really full and well we still have quite a bit left inside the unit this one you start to get a little nervous because all that still in there I think we're gonna be able to pull it off I think we're gonna pull it off what do you think put it down in the comments I like to hear people's opinions I like to see it experienced people like guests of it because I think we're gonna do it alright let's see what's in this little plastic container you that's to me that it goes like excited cartoon moments you know we're talking about you know let's see here that a jewelry box better be on top just let's take a little coffin man Oh what is it though can be it or not peppers is like the stuff you see in decoration tonight yeah it's gonna last leaf as nice people that every auction we have so many asses we have rocks this is $40 when they bought it but I think the president needs gone quite a bit like these two these are expensive this one is $60 and I bought it oh we might have found our saving grace hmm this one is $46 and they bought it all right this one $33 oh yeah good let me put this somewhere see the other ones we look at that this one doesn't have a price tag either really cool this one was $25 over but still probably a good amount of Chuck money back right there yeah that's probably the best thing we came across so far my opinion interest wise at least so I'm happy with that just got rid of a bunch of Christmas totes because you don't want to see them I don't want to see him so this the first one we got - it's not Christmas if you don't know this is mm you don't know life I'm keeping this it's the evil monkey that is the third jewelry box we found initiate a string no this is a bolo tie oh there's your bolo tie about a Timex hey time I should always see the X at the X at the end of the call and no pay that is nine to five yeah over really actually got real more even though it's just silver I'll take it I'll take it and what about this that's not gonna be silver if it won't be pretty heavy about yeah now that's not silver it's tarnishing but hey you know what they still got a piece of silver in hand what is this bold thing that's excelling she is and a hook that's kind of cool but I'm gonna keep this out because that's the first real piece of jewelry so far let's see what else is in this tote though because I might be another jewelry box or like a sugary thing [Music] I guess they decide okay still wearing Abel lucky in a jewelry box with their kitchen stuff makes sense makes sense alright so we moved a lot of books out and more Christmas decorations that nobody wants to see you got to be taupe that looks interesting cuz I see this kind of paper that papers it oh this looks like all types of collectible that's a nice camera lens too these are not cheap usually let's see we got your Toyota Buster Posey alright John O'Hurley yeah we fix that in a second that's really cool I really like the Native American type stuff doesn't have a price tag on it but it looks nice Jonah's the don father Don Steele all right this is the stuff that I always wonder about like you know everyone like what kind of sentimental value this how does somebody and why they kept it all eventually that's heavy I think there's more someone in need alright so we got top layer off safely without damage to nothing to get to the bottom here it looks like we have Jerry Bailey Saratoga this looks like George W Bush his hat says w gol stupid and weapons of mass destruction we had a couple of San Francisco Giants guys here Dusty Baker and Johnny Cueto there we got football player can't tell the helmet mark grabbed might be college don't look at this metal card see if it's a hole it's metal but these are usually metal even the newer ones that I don't think it's all we got San Francisco like there's truck and then this one another bobblehead cool first time we came to pop the ball like clash it's definitely pretty cool and that might trump the other thing so far a bit the bet I think is the best oh we've opened so far that's it was all so let's Lewis is happy let's see if the tone under it is even more awesome we always say the best stuff is usually dad is like Julia yeah there's a jewelry off number 400 number five that's got something in it and it's pen pens some pens can be worth money though so I'm not gonna discount them yet we got a look at the brands and stuff when we get home believe it or not there's a pen what is that that's empty that's definitely not this ah what is that a monkey okay California flowery lot down there that's not a box what is this hmm that can be vintage too but let's get some of these boxes out you like the sound of that don't forget and what we'll do a recap and show you anything we missed so that feels empty unfortunately that's another one of those inky ones yeah all right that feels empty - empty oh that's definitely not ah thumbtacks oh yeah you never find them on y'all the only way you'll find it was on the bottom this one is cool phone two phones three phones and a knife hmm well I'd add to our phone pile we always like the phones that aren't worth selling singularly if you lock them up on eBay and lots of like say 10 to 20 you'll find them over time you'll get 100 bucks for people by for part so now I'll add to my part but that's uh pretty cool-looking that's an old cigar box you notice that yeah look just go slowly for some weird cigars cool I was an interesting box - they're definitely the batter stoves in the back of this unit for sure all right let's pull this one these are all of like shavings in there I got a man that's a little bit shady than that definitely some cutters but whatever let's see what's in this one no no oh yeah all right yeah before I do that who else just sees this and gets instantly just furious from elementary smile yes I think I still know how to play hot cross buns I carry what does it play hot cross buns and Mary how to win this look at that big boy look at that that's super nice see if I can see a brand on the back of it no not from here they're big heads look at them yeah that's a polo in the u.s. polo and that once looks like Skechers Cosi we got in this box - this looks interesting well swear the diamond rings are this is where very random probably personal things are because it doesn't look like anything valuable might leave that behind they take it um that it's this that's nothing what are Halsey okay their matches at the bottom are these freaking pipes no they're not pipes oh no they're wide tops this is wine alright cool little collection that's emptied and fell what is this IATI flash do you think it's one of this yes lessons attached to a thingy look it's pretty cool let's see alright no here's another watch put the watches this one's a Kenneth Cole those are good oh yeah we'll set this over here put that with the other watches um some other stuff an inhaler a few cars with their 2000 there now or nothing unfortunately so no another camera will have a lot of digital camera that really hope these well hey that works that's very unusual to find one that cuts on right here it's probably the one that uses like real batteries and not that crappy rechargeable ones so that oh look at this another watch Oh ooh that's a very valuable coin but it's not it it looks like the Golding Walking Liberty yeah what did you say this looks like the silver necklace with honor let's see this is a little piece of it's not marked silver mine is that looks steel but maybe it's silver no this isn't silver Thanks it was a good hope those good huh what's this in here I like these kind of boxes okay somebody's like lighter collection and I ran those down collection in other stuff collection other hobbies paraphernalia collection let me make sure if you seem appropriate first glasses and a guitar all right another one of these just like quartz clocks personal pictures will leave behind what is this I thought so here was not lighting if it is Jerry Rice football hard floor 90 lot more pens down there just random little huh these are a business card yeah that's about it it was pretty interesting to this this is a Sherwood audio/video stereo receiver our v6 or six zero one zero are the winner of this sony five CD disc exchange system because you're kind of like receptive VHS some of these are worthless something's are randomly worth a lot of money just depends on the model in people's childhood they want to relive the childhood even if it's crap punched in I buy crap game to do crap stuff much out of to so let's help the valuable all right Sarah Lee like cheaply made well made or what cuz obviously celebrate this but you guys to do let us know if you think these are worth something you're now or how much will probably end up depending how much they got roofing them is one big a lot and probably costing off anything a lot of day-to-day stuff so hear that stuff make sure you look for the live auction alright so this box look interesting cuz I saw buzzing like a piano and that is that's a Barbie piano hmm so in this spa solo in the spotlight from 1995 almost as old as me one year way kind of a cool piano the only list thing that we see in there is that TV it's not really that news baby and now comes the hard part trying to get the stuff in the van which is gonna be fun since we're you're in San Jose as a UFC Fan guy you know I had to come by even though nobody's here and just see the American Kickboxing Academy some of the best champions in UFC history first time I ever got to see that gym in person that's super super cool all right guys so I just finished editing the video before we do the recap you guys know I like to do a lot of digging lucky to the people and see what I could find so he had a very weird name very weird last name I should say so it was really easy to find them when I searched him I like to see people's criminal past so yeah the recharge is from years back but they one of them was kind of violent but that was years ago it didn't affect the unit now but as a theme for our Channel in January this year we get another possession and distribution charge which means that once again for how many times is this now like 250 the dude was technically a drug dealer it's crazy how much it happens with it again I think we're like the only channel it's weird enough to go to criminal background research on people after we buy their units but if you wanted to know that's why they lost their unit because the arrest times add up perfectly to the lien process so we got that figured out okay after so so so many hours of cleaning sorting and all that good stuff we have some piles in the garage so bottom room here this is our live auction slash eBay stuff so we have the sombrero we have we're assuming we wanted to point these out to see if any of you guys can help us these are folk dolls is what mom and Jebus said they might be because it looks like they are like hand-stitched and they're like a hard I don't know um so we have that another cool thing we found was this $130 Spanish 3 foot jewelry box that's what it says on Spanish on the bottom we have the whole tote of rocks and this is a in addition I found in the bottom another box so that's cool we have two matching jewelry boxes here we have the cigar box we have other jewelry boxes as well I set aside these clocks because we weren't sure what to do with those yet this is possible Eva this is possible eBay and I'm not sure what the jewelry boxes yet and we found a par for the remote control now the underside it looks like a battery goes here and it's not there but maybe it has resale value maybe not I don't know in the condition it's in this whole box right here is literally there than mortals collectibles everything in here is they Day of the Dead Spanish holiday this camera right here the Power Shot I tested it works charger and everything's in there these are a couple pieces of Pyrex that I set aside and this is some old stuff again this is even slash live auction stuff we still got to go through and figure out what we want to list on eBay and what we want to put in the live auction what about this this yes this is like gold so this is like paper that we put in most of the live auction boxes at you Bay to protect everything oh and let me say this I found a whole roll all right all of this stuff right here I'm going to try to list on Facebook marketplace or other local apps to see if I can get rid of all that very quick [Applause] through and I'm pretty sure every box here was shown on video so we weren't really worried about that two more piles so all these are VHS tapes that we have to look up all three of these boxes plus one of there we actually have a lot of little rascal VHS tapes I know I feel like little rascals are pretty popular so I figured that might have some value okay so these are also like Facebook Marketplace probably because they're so heavy it'd be easy to do that I found a charger but not yet the wire for the walkie talkie some remotes that might go to that TV this is what I wanted to ask you guys about so now I'm gonna find glass and two little holders here which I'm assuming you could put something on here and put it under the glass to figure it out but I don't really know how to look this up beauty system I know I don't it was just in this teal bag right here so I didn't know how to look it up so kind of stumped on that this right here this is all in Greek we might list this on eBay I looked at over by the ISBN this probably live auction and we have a little pile of these which I think you said our phone charms right yeah yeah it'll fall on charms and I want to look these two things up as well yeah it's what did we start we left at 8:00 this morning 8:00 this morning and it is almost 10 o'clock right now so we have been going besides eating for maybe like 20-30 minutes we've been going the whole day 14 hours Oh 14 hours straight so that is literally all the powers we got if anyone's thinking they're interested in stuff in the unit don't send us messages come to the live auctions on Saturdays to where most of the stuff that we'll be selling will be going out so if you're interested in any of it make sure you come by Saturday said every minder once we put it up but just look for the live stream Saturday but anyway guys that's it for this unit it was an awesome one don't forget to like the video and subscribe for your new and until next time double xp cell
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 200,254
Rating: 4.7573252 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: F082G_eVDDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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