SAFE FULL OF CASH Found In Storage Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds

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they're insane you ready okay oh these are hundred dollar bills welcome back to ideas guys and today since we cannot find any storage units in our area we're gonna drive over an hour to get a little itty-bitty one all the way in the country just to bring you guys a good video so make sure you leave it a thumbs up and subscribe to not already because we got about an hour and a half drive to go all the way out there to get into storage units you know what let's get on the road alright guys so we just got here to spend ten days we've been able to go through a unit so honestly I'm actually really excited to do this so let's see what we got [Music] alright guys so there's not much in the air but for 20 bucks it's all we pay for this I saw a bunch of vinyls on the side right there as you can see a bunch of Records I was like we might as well take the game over $20 we can have something good in there but let's get over there slowly that's the way their work boots so this Timberland these are a US Polo and it's only one it's weird but we have found one shoe like a lot of times in storage units I don't know why I'm gonna keep one foot on their wall like uniform for those boots we'll keep one and then just start the other one I don't know this whole thing has four steps of shoes ok now it has at least four different shoes that are just one the Reeboks and those in the boots it's just one shoe I don't get it man I don't get people go into here Oh diaper you know that at all French oh is that oh gosh where's Jeremy oh you mean what is that all that you don't walk people we can use them this looks like one of those bags it's actually designed to keep your food warm that's it if that metal like interior with the same yeah one hour delivery there we go food delivery feels like it I don't want it thrown out everywhere Oh we'll get him up let's see what was that oh geez Oh glad that I'm with all that to the side I'm glad I grabbed it at the right direction we got drugs so much drugs a bunch of random junk down there boom box it's empty I can already tell you there might be something light in here no phone Xbox 360 headset I know the East from those game style dumpster-diving days they're not worth much like an $85 at the most but still cool there's a lot of envelopes to which we're probably gonna go all the way through now if I just take way too long but eventually we will cuz we've found one of cars before we found money in temple ups before you can always do it never adjust all the paperwork away always check in because you just never know nothing else of value all right now you try to get some of these records Ray Charles greatest hits all right now I'll give you a fair warning right now I do not know all music so put all your roasts right down there to comment yes I know that is why don't you know who that I talked to American doesn't I don't know y'all hadn't get him out well we got this guy rev C L Franklin Ray Charles greatest hit that's the only thing I've heard of so far as Ray Charles and that one Bobby whatever Hello Dolly Lewis or Louis Armstrong more Ray Charles Makayla Jackson Oh greatest kid nut morning I thought I said Michael Jack Raleigh yeah desk I just look at her to angle I saw em jacks and olives Michael Jackson but Mahalia Jackson and Ella Fitzgerald that it you know just as I am yeah back to the beginning again I don't know which ones are valuable if any of those do have value you know something our kids make sure you let us know they're on the comments below cos well I'm sure that's a car stuff Pikachu Pikachu Oh this stamp you can see all my greatest tongue Pikachu dr. Ariel pastel jeans decent name-brand jeans usually sell for five dollars if they're random brand air pastel I might get $10 to pay yourself Poshmark always do Poshmark don't try to sell clothes on ebay unless you got like a reputable store we made that mistake already well I forgot our me is it real it's got a name on it - this might be real military oh yeah see this is the tank I saw I want another one and somebody told me that tags goes on offsetting military stuff so that's cool was the patch say their name Air Patrol no Civil Air Patrol there you go yeah I really am like I want to show that that's cool I always feel bad again with the military stuff but like he wanted better get it back at least they see now decently good close oaf are these air fast as well these are no name and we'll check the pockets to the pockets could have money we found like I think the most is like $12 but you can still find cash in pockets these look like they could be designer looking these are GS 115 that's what it says on there never heard of that one anyone know anything about some GS 115 gotta let us know down there and know what else is in here one more thing what is that coconuts what's the brain on a Russell Kemp let's fancy down it I'll wear this at a rock that mean now my size fit I'll finish out this side you wanna do some other bad yeah I'll take this like bagging all right Oh letter phone box in Oklahoma phones at phones are usually one of those things that are guarantee finding here and a storage minute well Brandon that sucker we got wears attack where is the tag where is it tunic Rocawear rock where he's not bad not over these fences but still resellable this heavy full of gold Bauer's execution oh my god we did just find it s itself please you know its food huh send this whole bag though what the Hales that's all food greens other stuff it's written on the cam for nineteen I guess that's when it's good until I mean really can't do that kind of just good forever but that the curler or those are curlers look through this one then you're gonna have to close the bag maybe it's apple cider vinegar oh I thought that was plastic oh do it at a run come here purple bag what's in a year what is that I'm gonna get this baggie out here not just soap and stuff anything else Nike bag that's pretty dirty though hey great another five hey it's actually in their legitimate copy where the Delta five that could pay for the unit right there last time we found a dumpster-diving it was still selling for like twenty four dollars I don't know what it's selling for anymore but it's gotta be 20 bucks too close to it if not 20 let's see so now we found an Xbox 360 headset in game waiting for next to be the controller in the console I don't see you nothing else let's put that right here and other only other thing over there to the car stuff some cribs any Watson yeah so now it's only right that we switch off all right guys first time going through storage unit I can't wait now we're gonna go through these two drugs and I think I feel like a couple things under there so let's see what we got yeah I don't know why they keep [Applause] we'll definitely check it but I mean all the way down to the bottom okay next bag why do you give the interesting paper nice and I get close back there's some paper right there I needed these for my hands and I was recording because it's freaking freezing in here yeah I'm feeling it I couldn't feel my hands when I was done all right uh again just close and again would you break what did I just break I think was the hangar crunched don't do it oh yeah yeah I don't lock you in here well good hear something just came apart looks like somebody's gonna that receipt see here's a sonogram uh-oh just what is a sonogram why did I say that I don't know wrong one it's a girl congratulations to whoever stored unit this is an iPhone 8 gig I thought you said iPhone 8 no no um modern timer a one two four one so if anybody is probably going on trial anyway but if anybody knows it oh my gosh anybody knows anything special about this electron from it I think it's just 3d I don't see any cracks girls I don't know if you know this hair hat if you take a dryer sheet and you have like frizzy hair just pull on your hair it makes the frizz go down I'm not even kidding what I don't have frizz but now my hair is gonna smell like a dryer sheet wallet there we go now things are getting interesting oh I'm sorry idea ID hmm that was just a business card a couple receipts okay are you trying to pull this out this is hard to disclose yeah I told uh you know you wouldn't think it makes a difference it really does yeah looks like a few business cards not that other than that I don't see no Thompson unfortunately I'll go throw like these two things and then you can take the rest of the corner all right move the Tigger movie I've seen hey that's that um I didn't even know this was like a cartoon remember that dog that we always find oh yeah oh yeah always just like the ear thing in there yeah over the toy I don't know it's not a Tickle Me Elmo is it some of those are valuable no this one has like strong V this one walks oh wow a batter in fact I'm here's missing but this is a dog oh all right so this is F&B a Sunday best collection it has a price tag for forty four ninety five so I wonder how old it is it could be worth more than that so yeah if anybody knows anything about this doll let us know all right address is it sure it where's the branch oh yeah it is elements that doesn't help me I don't know nope all right I'm with my part I'm gonna clear out this stuff and then he'll take the corner all right all right guys so back to me or finish it off where we start with first do this white guy all day it's just a mock screw that all the bags holy crap that's a bomb take it back just let's do the intestate and it's locked I mean you always assume we're doing just last this is gonna use your attic okay we're doing this a blast now I'm staying down here oh c'mon watch it be full of pennies are you change that's nothing I'm guessing pain you'd like to collect pennies for some reason this is harder than you think cuz I guess that I do this because I love this it's really really hard to leave that safe there you keep going through there if you call it a safe some people come like I say it's a lock box a lock it's safe I wouldn't quickly go through they're gonna go Hamburger Helper [Applause] [Music] today with some document on your chips there goodbye March 18th are good for another week value too I think you talk about dog Uncle Ben in a pelican anyone knows anything about beef stew let us know all right you ready I'm sorry like like I said it it is really hard to go between making quality videos and not just like jumping into it because I love love it it's really hard we got some person yeah and hey what is that and hauled out I don't think all this expensive at least their shoes aren't someone assumed that persons aren't either some hearings but they don't have any markings or anything on them so I'm gonna assume these look like the things that if you go to gauge their regular warehouse they have them at the front they're like five bucks or something like that alright you ready did I mean I almost hurt my finger that could be true maybe it's supposed to be yeah this doesn't work well let's go you ready yeah alright let's see I'm scared guys make sure you get the like button subscribe if you're not already oh god oh my god that's a hundred dollar bill get this you ready holy these are hundred dollar bills [Music] Osama bin Laden okay those have like presidents on us yeah these are the hundred dollar bills are fake look right here remember we stop 20s there's Chinese letters on them these are reprints that would have mean that that honestly would have been like there's more bin Laden 25 million oh we get that kavlock this is our real money to be like hundreds of millions or something but there's still okay hold on there's still lots of a handle looks real like that's a real dollar one buck but yeah these are look at that look at the really look right here you see this like on the real hundred how this parts all sparkly look how dull it is like it's just looks like it's printed straight yeah if you feel it I said it's got Chinese writing on the back end you could tell right here so literally that was like the biggest roar but oh we might still have good stuff I'm a dollar hold on look look okay look at the color dare you see the star I don't remember what it means I just remember a long time ago I doubt always used to tell me if you see a star on the bill to keep it I don't really know what yeah look right here I don't really remember what it means though and somebody says it in the comments I'm gonna feel stupid cuz I used to always look out for these but how do we mean that looks real at least right yeah okay that's real like fake morning I was like a silky just right paper a $2.00 bill I mean I don't see a star on that but I mean two dollar bills are still kind of somewhat rare so that's cool like okay I'm trying to feed my hive okay there looks like there's still a lot of stuff in here but that's just so like killing look at all this look at that it's that's ridiculous honestly whew under look at that I don't even like a few thousand easy like we're definitely like boom oh yeah look at that we gotta go through and love there's like a couple real ones in there or something that'd be happy look at these days so somebody's a money collected for sure look at that one I've never seen that before it's got a blue seal on it look where's the other dollar up look at that that's not every other dollar is it was a green stealin this one of the blue seal I know a lot of people collect money so they're gonna have to let me know look at that cereal 1957 B it's got a star on it is that what have a store on it okay this one does not have a star on it see it's just a number there's one on the back that does have a star on it so I don't really know yeah there's two fronts mustards like I really hold on now yeah this channel is a less is a major misprint like do pretty two fronts on a dollar which I mean I don't know yeah there's a lot of people to do collect money though so yeah let me know there's a lot of weird-looking bills in here now I want to check these hundred there's so many coins to hold on now that looks like the same thing again look at that a blue seal and a dollar and okay this one doesn't have a star but there's two blue seal dollars in there huh like I mean I don't know how I'm looking at something that's worth like $3 like worth a couple extra bucks or worth like hundreds or even thousands I have no idea so you guys please let me know I mean we'll do research when we get home and stuff too but sometimes I run research and come out wrong some think of cell there's even a five I mean whoa this is a series of 1928 look at the $5 bill I got a red seal on it from 1928 right here you right above that seal nearly a hundred years old like 90 some years old that's crazy okay so we could be sitting on our legitimate freaking treasure trove anyway this is a $20 unit $20 um we didn't have to drive an hour away but we mean I'm gonna be a straight honest with you obviously was not expecting money we're expecting clothes but as hopefully at least an interesting video for you guys cuz we've had a storage in a video ten days and this is I guess this is why everyone always tells me don't buy the ones that look like trash this is why you do buy the ones that look like trash because you just never know I mean obviously it's not as good as it look easy clean oh yeah we do that a lot but I mean look at that I mean even at face value this morning pretty much pays for the Union obviously I'm gonna assume it's worth a lot more than face value that's that's a Red Seal $2 bill look at that holy crap look at those I would assume the $2 bill would be even more rare because it does what's the year on these suckers 1953 and the one on the bottoms 1928 I mean I'm not a money collector but I know $2 bills are rarer than any other bill so I would assume like a red star $2 bill is extremely rare but again I have no idea that's crazy look at the backs look at that that's weird looking that's after you look at all these point if I just penny ears hold on we got hey a gold dollar just the old judges George Washington no this is James Monroe on that one and this is me or doesn't see like the United States has like three thousand dollar coins like everyone of any historical significance on one weird and there's gonna give regular nickel they don't even like buffalo nickels they're just like a regular nickel in a container with hair on it they're they're all really old that's why I feel like I'm a long time ago we found coins in like little baggies I remember asking something about being silver and I don't worry what people said all these nickels are from the 30s and 40s oh maybe they're silver maybe they've always been nickel I don't really know but that's crazy I mean look at them they're old like I said all 40s and 30s even so that's a guess that's why they're in a case same here same thing 1940 1947 1947 1948 comes from the 40s here huh ooh the only reason I know what these are called they're called Mercury dimes and the only reason I know that is because I found one before thought I found something super it sounded they're worth something I mean and I see them selling on eBay like just regular ones for a couple bucks but I keep it in the car for whatever we gonna scratch off I feel like is lucky but I have a couple Mercury dimes already but it looks like there's a few Mercury dimes and other dogs from the 40s and 50s in there that's pretty crazy what is this it's but these are all like indian head buffalo nickel look at that I mean at least the ones on the edge are know what assume the hold eggs full of them let's I don't really want to open it like no it screws off let me take like one or two out hold on your hand so I can focus on it yeah okay some of these are like the newer ones though hold on like look at that that one's from 2005 whatever they like redid that buffalo nickel back then it's this 2005 it's not nothing too special but I can tell you the ones on the bottom like that that's a legitimate old Indian nickel which is kind of cool so I don't know how many of these are gonna be old ones and how many these are gonna be new ones I really don't know so that's strange we have just a guy so I think Hollow Bicentennial quarter but for some reason it's like in its own case like these aren't overly rare or anything so I don't really know why they put it in a case like that it's really clean looking though so little drummer boy it's just a Bicentennial I don't know why I tended case I don't know what makes it more special than any other one check that out that's a dollar had a half dollar my bad looks like Benjamin Franklin on it that's cool we could have a treasure trove here that we really could have like hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of money I've really I just I hate being unknowledgeable on this stuff that's just another gold dollar with John Quincy Adams on that one so you know I was saying earlier they love to give gold coins to random people that $1 coin yeah it is intended $1 coin look at that it looks like um how what's his name eisenhower that's cool another $1.00 coin in 1970 with the same thing yeah the same thing look at that 1971 on that one cool ooh look at that all silver pennies now gosh I always forget this there's some kind of trick to this to where if they're magnetic they're probably not worth much but if they're they're not there are I don't know which way it goes so either magnetics worth more I'm not magnetic worth more I don't remember I didn't know a magnet determines if you have like a jackpot where thousands are just something worth like a buck or something like that look at this like I don't get why some of them are small specially look at that let's like the same coin doesn't it why you have one just thrown in there and one just in a case like is is it just condition because this one has a scratch across the sow that was just a hair never mind yeah is it because I mean this one's in better shape I really don't know that's insane but we definitely got our money back in face value but like I said he's got to be worth a lot more than face value to just regular half dollars I remember looking for these and I was a kid I used to collect open back then what else is that there's another dollar coin like I said a face value we probably have like 30 some dollars but at real value I have no idea more half dollars and just a ton of all we bagged pennies so guys yeah everything else is just random gold dollars we bet pennies and old half dollars but my question is I guess I mean maybe if your money collector I understand like you would collect these novelty bills like but these are trying to be funny you not I mean 25 million dollar thing on bin Laden that's just funny this isn't funny that's only funny if you left this in here and you're like haha I mean for 20 bucks we still got a lot but I don't think any of these are real shall we go through them all I mean they all what these look like or whatever to I mean the other one they're all with the same material yeah well I couldn't bin Laden be real already bin Laden two one go no whatever what 25 is that a billion George Bush is worth 1 billion dollars can we go cash sneak some where billions 25 millions and hundreds yeah bin Laden yeah look at that it's all bin Laden dollars for 25 million dollars that's crazy wasn't that the um I think that's the price they put on his head that's probably why they made the bill this is something kind of funny oh that light got right but yeah look at that one 1976 who's on there honorable a Ron Paul okay and yeah these are all fake hundreds I mean legitimately they're all fake like they just they just literally have Chinese writing on I'm other than the Chinese writing though I mean the only other way you can really tell is that this isn't shiny like the real real hundreds that things sparkly and it's like risen off the paper like this is flat straight across this is just straight from a printer unfortunately oh damn glad I didn't see that one for her that would make me cry but like I said a lot of fake money buy those coins in some of these bills could have tremendous huge value so you got like an hour and a half drive home I'm with her mother yeah I'm gonna keep the real fake ones I don't know we could probably something funny with that one day but anyway well take it all home we'll try to do some research on eBay but then again with coins and things like that I can see two things that look identical and one sells for a dollar one sells for 500 it's really really hard to tell unless you have an expert so we'll try to do some research but if you guys know anything let us know down in the comments but anyway we're gonna at the claim if guy and mess up hopefully if it's in the car and let's go home and do a recap alright guys so let's go through some of the crazy stuff we found here so as expected we got home we started looking some of these bills up and these coins up on eBay and just like we said earlier you'll see one sale for 2.40 cents one looks absolutely identical to me sell for $240 so I am still very clueless right now when it comes to these bills but since the shots were a little rough and we were there live you know it's more like exciting you know just goo shakey and whatnot so we're gonna go ahead and try to show most of the bills again the only one I don't have with me right now is the dollar the star on it because they put that another room but the two dollar bill looks to be just a regular two dollar bill to me I don't see anything special about it but then again like I said I'm not really an expert on money at all kind of no random facts here and there but not an expert B's the one dollar bill with the blue seal there remember there's two of these so I'll turn it around to and then that side as well did you see them both yeah so yeah the blue seal they're kind of crazy and I guess at that blue seal one there has a blue seal and a star next to the serial number so I'm guessing that one's more rare than the others maybe and we got another set here of two blue star dollars right there and then there's also one on the other side as well they just want to get clear views of these bills as much as possible so hopefully somebody able to give us an information on them and how to determine if they're a two dollar one or a freaking hundred dollar one then we got the two dollar bill which is in pretty rough shape there but it is also Red Seal and then we got the other $2 bill oops that's also a Red Steel as well so that's pretty cool and lastly the coolest looking one to me then they put the twos back really quick coolest looking one to me is the five dollar bill here never seen anything like that in my life it just it has like a really old look to I mean obviously they're all old we get that but that's just crazy I don't know why really cool and again I looked up all these and I see some of these going super cheap and then some of the same thing going super high so I don't know if it's just condition I don't know there's certain serial numbers people are looking for if it's certain date certain years are rarer than others just there's so much unknown right now all I know is I'm supposed to have thousands of dollars in a fake but lots of collectors money I think we got pretty good shots of the coins if anyone has any information on the money or the coins let us know down in the comments below but anyway guys that's gonna be it for this one thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure got in videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links to be falling screams click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching it until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 1,039,686
Rating: 4.6250896 out of 5
Keywords: safe full of cash, safe full of money, big safe full of money, found safe full of money, storage wars safe full of money, we found a safe full of money, cash found in storage locker, cash found in storage unit, found safe, found safe in storage unit, finding money in storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage auction locker, storage locker finds, storage unit finds, storage unit finds money, storage unit money found
Id: LsdrfJpdnxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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