I Bought A Storage Unit For $5! THESE Were BRAND NEW! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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now it's the moment we've been waiting for the mysterious old suitcase it has some obvious age to it ready 3 2 1 25 $10 $5 but here no tamil to go 10 min to 10 5 10 5 dollar bid now I'm gonna go down where to go 10 anybody else guys and we got a 5 10 $5 unit today now all the way out here about two and a half hours 120 miles north in Pennsylvania never been here before just pick this up for 5 bucks it's just steel I feel like this is a crime that should not be legal oh it's so cheap so we're gonna rip it open let's hope we make some big money guys don't forget to like the video subscribe to do let's get into it [Music] so let's start going through the unit first we are right next to the highways of the audio gets a little bit shady guys there's nothing we could really do about it sorry but let's start digging in we can destroy the cars I think we should destroy the cars destroy the cops car Chuck in multiple cocktails and you think it's all closed we stated in the last video - I never shy away from close people you don't want to handle them you can donate clothes literally anyway then I don't think there's anywhere you can't go within 5 miles to find somewhere to donate clothes they're always free to get rid of but look at these I should rock them right no no I shouldn't you do it try to get into the bear backyard I try to get into them let's see what else we got in here just a remote boring I think this is all baby clothes yeah baby Jesus I think you know what I'm implying all right so that old coach is gonna be a donation we don't have nothin to do with it so we'll go ahead and do anything let's keep going to see what else we could pull out hey guys had like my new shoes hey boys come on he was lookin good - he was rockin this thing don't almost as good as my jeans now not quite almost oh ma I can't take credit from my boy what's up guys I gotta go through this toe because it has my name on it oh yeah I got another tournament you do but baby stuff wait that could be a baby Jesus stuff I know it's a lot of baby clothes it is a lot of people if I have blow my fingers so anything white it's gonna be there's nothing to believed in a washing machine can't solve down here nothing at the bottom on that side and nothing at the bottom on that side it's closed oh look what we did I think that was a new baby book bubbling I think is just a default picture all right so this pacifiers I'm glad I was wrapped up baby totally little socks look Oh baby hip it in that more toys here nothing weird literally all baby these are all the boy clothes oh well five bucks will gonna help a lot of people out of all of these are some puppies all right guys baby playtime baby this is great wait did you touch these on the put their mouth on it yeah oh go stuffed guys so I'm gonna go through this stuff that jiva's knock down our amber knock down don't blame you re oh whoa right into the trailer I'm not gonna smell it they used um No go there go this way right stand back hey girls look I don't know it's things like this they're worth they're still worth something although I can teach you something and not the one plus we go through kind of stuff I've never even had like a little brother a little sibling I don't know what baby's doing baby clothes and whatnot so you know I'm just gonna I'm gonna leave it sit for them to go through the next box we're gonna go ahead pull this one down even though I kind of got a little bit of an idea what I think's gonna be in there no way I'm I think it might be more baby stuff you know yeah to ask what his name was baby as he was here I'm scared to push the button ooh I feel like it's gonna sing some copyrighted music yeah this is literally hey there's some new stuff down here too but it's a discount it down like $2 from Toys R Us look at that they're all gone aren't they Thanks that one's all baby clothes too far out one more this is just gonna be most likely seems like it's gonna be a huge donation but for five bucks that's cool I'm glad at that yep what do we got oh baby - looks like we have some stuff that's not close finally Pikachu I used to have these in those little - oh there's the other one I don't know what they're worth anymore but they're there okay go long go long rule 42 look 42 huh who's trying to kill me that should be illegal but what I'm a senior you are those you're graduating huh Oh think so no trust me the s game cases that's all right fine send the stylist is in here well we find the system we only pay five bucks I'm a cab happy camper happy camper caffeine inhaler no baby toys baby toys paper all right so nothing in there as of now cookies you seen your hat finally graduate I'm so done with school guy I'm gonna graduate now sweet doll it takes you just gotta find it what is this Oh what is that mini TV mm-hmm sounds interesting doesn't it this one does not have anything exciting either unfortunately Spicer next poke the baby bottles yeah a frozen camera for a kid this thing might be back support thing unlimited data talk text is it phone and ear [Music] fortunately not a samsung galaxy on five never heard of that guys the important of them look the best right now the Sun is very bright it's a font and old thing frost word I mean public head that's for sure no word search and a frozen flashlight I'm dropping everything so I'm just gonna put it in here put this in two years is all closed by the way we have some bottle cleaner some bottle like holder so they don't kids them drop their sippy cups this that I don't know that is and oh here's a black oh there's a black one you see you know this looks like looks like there's some more baby shoes on here this is a pair of sandals empty are they decorated it oh and a blow dryer that's it for that joke alright let's go this suitcase that's labeled amber everything its name was amber I didn't get that that's what you doing over there man he said I need a flashlight the one I had was too big that works you know what won't give that flashlight to him you can have it guys we haven't stopped subscribe to Paddy's that's that man right over there thank you hey I want you guys know that I'm fat and I'm sweaty so I'm gonna sit down and go we're going through this free off so you don't have to do it wait this is one of those I'm suitcases with an annoying amount of zippers do this I got it open three to nothing oh that's hot stuff in it this is a million dollar hey there is it in there yeah what's this I think this is tons of don't take it personal stuff stuff this is I need this who we have a million table empty sorry empty guys let's get in here million cats in here their food all please be food for Jeremy frozen I should use these we should okay hey yes games yeah actually in the iCarly I love that don't don't don't make fun of me don't make fun of me name I probably came to her high school and I was excited I'm not even gonna lie I was the tenth grade you know what I'm not afraid to admit it I guess what I'll have him in with the games there's one more guy oh good this boy's gonna keep going through stuff and I mean I don't love this this jewelry you know keep that I'm gonna put that on to now on because that's every might advice cuz I'm too broke to afford good change let's read their diary sorry I'm just throwing everything everywhere huh Oh yo yo check this out yo yo yo destructive yo child found in storage unit that's about it so we're gonna move on to the next thing so we also have this old looking we don't have any suitcase up here but unfortunately you guys are gonna have to wait till later to see it we're gonna set it aside because we have to build the dramatics we have to make it intense we have to make you crave it and want it that's what we do here at Redding Jebus what else we got here there that's karaoke step oh yeah frozen karaoke even we'll get down later down I'm not let's see we got in here monkey bag what do you think we got um yeah whoever guessed more baby stuff I'm gonna donate a lot of stuff though everything so far I think besides the DF games probably could just be better to donate check out this little stroller Minnie Mouse here's a used diaper another used diaper I'm just helping everybody out you know it's how I was trying to wipe the sweat off what is this contains no tissue tissues looks like nothing else in here but nice little meow stroller that's not bad so let's see we got a black suitcase what do you think stuff bottles and baby clothes it's not it's a bad egg in a Jordan box they got shoes in 212 C look at that pretty much brand new look at that nice those are nice brand yeah they sell the paper in them and everything can't be in a brand new pair of Jordans is anything else in here no the rest that suitcase it's completely empty unfortunately one of the main reasons we set 5 bucks as we know it easily you can sell that stroller for 20 but honestly since we have so much baby stuff thinking we might just donate all of the baby stuffs other than the Jordans in the games at this point so nice little stroller here move it out and keep going alright guys now this tote there's something here with this - good question me - alright so I get my play music for the baby he just set him down fold the ball it had to be a daycare you moms out there yeah [Music] so this has paired off ooh this is all doll accessories possible cousin here per second because I see a new games down here I think this is Elsa is it Anna or else I think this is Elsa [Applause] this is one of those like press lights I remember a brand new tiara twist and loop I remember these bracelets so we were like the thing a while ago Freddie chalk yeah our sidewalks all right so I have brand new memory brand-new Candyland brand-new chutes and ladders the F case but it feels white no cyanosis we've got anyone in here somewhere yeah it's in here it's in this alright so we have a baby book that is not brand new but its name in there this is empty these are one of those phrase where you put a picture of your baby every month until the first year breast pump hey the cradle oh this personal this is personal in a Minnie Mouse where does this science fair award nice I'm block out the name but 2006 i intrude okay now all right nothing else in there except for ultrasound and a few other personal but this last case oh good yeah so I put all this stuff back in there we're going on the next one wonderful mysterious suitcase here go throw this pocket see this is probably my favorite thing you go through yes I'm reasoning in a pocket no glove that's okay oh no I'm not dying today promise you ready I said we're gonna find frozen slip right guys look what we just found in our unit what a crate of loves guess what not we like needles I love it when they hit my fingers all right baby shoes all kinds of baby shoes these aren't owns or anything no expensive brands that I know of and this is hospital papers mail some school stuff for our game before variety that's how they recognize that all right so we're gonna go through a couple hope like totes yeah oh no is it all baby because hey yeah it a lot of good yeah we're gonna be donating a lot but it's not interesting stuff to go through spider spider G buzz buzz this cm I think you can look in here and tell what I'm about to say what is it like so focusing on this spider right now you stare me to touch it no you know what say Auto huh don't do it yeah I don't do it I'll do it do it touch it stop playing with the spider all right oh he's only close hey get off boy trying to go through this no we're playing with pet spiders spiders he's cool dude temper sometimes so how they fight to poison me killed me but I resurrect because you know this is all just clothes they're all just totes full of baby clothes so we're gonna I'm gonna see what's in that black thing right here yeah yeah side Jim I thought we were saving you go right ahead alright let's go through we got it's nothing we got this thing yes I love things oh I know what this is what is it it's a stroller well it could be money but no is it no it's not the play pin that's up yeah playback well I guess at this point you can go with all the rest of our stuff yeah we're gonna see what's in this okay let's go keep checking it out so let's go ahead and pull out the last suitcase you need so a lot what do you think's in it this has to be whether the Tendo DSS we found styluses we found reasons we found games it's got to be in here it only makes sense sorry about that guys that come out trouble funny hey we got the other it the owner have no offense you kind of need it alright dude come on you they don't know there you have it thank you nothing in there alright let's get into the main one this is one of the ones that has 80 zippers - my favorite kind let's take 30 minutes turn figure out how to unzip it I like sneaking off the car ah well huh I think it's all yeah that whole suitcase is just more baby clothes guys no des unfortunately now it's the moment we've been waiting for the mysterious old suitcase it has some obvious age to it as you can see there's rust here there's scuff marks everywhere it's obviously seen better days so what do you think's in there you think this is a million dollar if you think this has been we've been waiting for the whole time yeah you ready three two one it's O paper our favorite here second favor now our favorite is dirty mattresses but we also love papers looking furniture Oh broken furniture is great too we also love hangers and all that great stuff yeah I don't think we have anything of interest in here unfortunately just a bunch of paperwork so that's all we got for you on this one so we donated all the stuff in the unit you know what the world has its weird way of paying people back because that's what we bought one lottery ticket while they went to get gas 400 dollars check that out win all symbol right there you know what $20 take it 400 our just the most I ever won first ticket we get out here in Pennsylvania you know what I'm happy what's up guys welcome to the recap of this unit I do I hope you did enjoy this one so I'm gonna go through the recap and then I'm also gonna go through a subscribers fan mail that they sent us so this unit most of this stuff was baby clothes like you saw bottles new box of diapers stroller bassinet type things I don't know what you call that math thing that played music so all that stuff got donated to help people in need of course because there's no point in selling yeah I'd rather give it away um and then we have some DS games open to dance games in one 3ds game anyway cuz I can't get it open we have iCarly and baby pals honestly I probably played on Carly like he said if we all used to watch our car at iCarly and we're not ashamed of it anyway um frozen Olaf's quest it was new at Game Stop $30 none of us have a 3ds so um not sure what we're gonna do with this yet but that and then these beautiful Jordan's 12c Jordan Retro 13 GP pink bottoms black and white amazing looking brand-new they still have the paper in the middle on the suggested retail on these we're 80 bucks which is pretty awesome I'm like I wish these were my size because I absolutely love them to death alright um so in 2d subscriber package so there's a ladder oh by the way Wanda Rhonda right yes Wanda pebbles that's what I'm gonna call use I wanna see a lassie I'm pretty sure your last names on YouTube ever say it anyway Wanda pebbles thank you for this package by the way we already ate the meat and cheese sticks cuz we were working hard one day on the house and had my lunch yet so they're going but Wanda also sent cooling towels both with me and D was his name on the back four packages of poppies poppies there's those little like cracker sticks if you haven't heard of them a little cute kitty sticker with some wings on it inside the letter which is a very long letter but I'll read a little bit of it was a postcard says California Sun golden state Golden State looks like a license plate alright so this says to my new extended YouTube family Jebus amber mama James and baby cheetahs this is Wanda aka pebbles from SoCal we have spoke a few times during a live chat I wanted to hit you all up a couple weeks ago but I couldn't my mind wasn't right on June 1st some personal things that I won't read on video but basically she sent about four pages of this she said so when you see my pop on please my peoples call me pebbles and you all are my peoples I'm closing this so I can get it in the mail thanks for taking us on your road trip then if you see a German George tell them what the hills hit me up - god bless pebbles aka Wanda Wanda we were with them today yeah as you saw did you see you can hear behind the camera anyway I so wanted to thank you again I will read all this and it'll go up on our wall for fan mail again if you guys want to sit in this female we're gonna create a wall when we do move to pretty much display all your love for the channel and we love you guys send us fan mail into the fuel box steel which they're gonna have somebody check it by merch if you have that already we have the link in the channel art or in the description or on the about page so that's gonna be completely it for this one guys if you didn't enjoy it leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time and if you do want to follow us on social media links are gonna be on screen but they're also down the description below make sure your falls on whatever you have especially Facebook thank you so much for watching and until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 84,168
Rating: 4.7284298 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction Locker, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Storage Wars, Real Storage Locker, Storage Auction, Found in Storage Locker, Real Storage Auctions, I bought an abandoned storage unit, taco stacks, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage auction, storage wars finds money, storage wars finds drugs, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage unit finds
Id: 3hK6cKVJkFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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