LOADED From FLOOR To CEILING In MONEY! Epic Storage Unit Finds For HUGE Profit ROI

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so we're at a brand new storage facility guys and guess what we just bought a smaller one but a packed smaller one we only paid 200 and i think we got a great price for what you can see from the door check this out you guys that watch your videos know what i look for i say i like mystery boxes and mystery bags this unit defines mystery boxes in mystery bags we only paid 200 dollars for it and i thought that was a good price for the amount of stuff in here let's start pulling out boxes and see what we got all right there's so many boxes i feel like once i pull the wrong one this whole thing is going tumbling down on here oh boy i don't like seeing that word right there let's see what's in it it is christmas but look tigger digger the wonderful thing about tiggers in an empty box it's weird it's like a hummer a hummer just the box why'd you keep just a box and then frosty the snowman the santa hat and some christmas balls so let's get this box out you know another reason i love this unit look at what you can see in the top corner one two three four jordan boxes just right there you know what else i see now that i moved that box can you see what that box says shoes so if we got a bunch of jordans we got a bunch of money let's pull down the next box oh this one's unlabeled mystery i like it oh there's the label back where is it bathroom that's okay you know what people keep in the bathroom they keep the jewelry box in the bathroom what's in there is this just personal cards and whatnot oh look at this see ah nothing that'll mean it won't be somewhere else right a lot of people just like to keep the boxes and keep their jewelry somewhere else you know so it's okay i feel i got you ever have those nights where you just get such good sleep the next morning you feel just so energized how i feel right now i'm in the zone right now this is actual bathroom junk yeah junk junk junk unfortunately this box is what we call a trip to the dump what should i pull down next jordan boxes or the box that says shoes i want this one all right let's take out the boxes it says shoes on it please be good shoes oh look at that these are boxes please be in there oh my god that sounds like shoes their size nine bit too big a little bit too big for me but no way brand new baby or are they brand new i'm i mean they're pretty close yeah they're pretty close oh my gosh they're all in there i don't know what these are where did the size of these nikes eight and a half's all right nike backboard oh they're nice they're in there too i mean still like look at the bottom yeah they've probably been worn a couple times but nothing it won't come off very easy come on let's go four for four four four four yeah baby what are these they made 70 bucks for them size 10. nah those are a little bit more worn but still they're in overall good condition this is just dirt this will come right off like a lysol wipe lucky this material will come right off that's still monty right here four four four i don't really know what these are called spring or something probably women's shoes nope yeah they're loose yeah they look like women's shoes they're a little dirtier on the bottom but still overall like super good condition you know what that is that is a good sign for this unit now those are in there i kind of got to pull these down a half too oh no this one's empty but what are they they're jordan bct mids okay that no jordan flight remixes that doesn't mean they won't be somewhere else though this one oh that one's got white in it size eight air max ltd you ready bam they're in there and they're just a little dirty again like this stuff will come right off easy money right there okay it's one for three out of this side what about this one ah that one's empty but not bad we have what five basically new pairs of shoes at this point we could already have our 200 back and we're barely in it let's put on this oh wow wow what empty oh i'm so glad yeah you see what it says it's so glad at that point there's something in there actually let's see what that something is more shoe boxes what do these guys do look at this so they have to be in there i think they're gonna be in there somewhere there's four more shoe boxes in here including nike's i like this unit let's pull down this one can you get it out yeah oh it says music all right let's see what that is open up music oh nice cds lots of cds this is an ipod no it's an old phone but these are some brand new headphones all right and let's see juvenile i see r kelly yeah juvenile i mean some good stuff twins it looks like some old school right sure yeah this will be easy david banner david david that's good stuff everything we're pulling out of here so far has been awesome so we have some like winter vests here which let's see if they have a good brand on them based off the fact they buy jordans and nikes they might buy good brand other clothes too but yeah i don't even see a brand nope nothing that's kind of strange i'm braided best all right what about this one that's got something in it i see it you never understood vests trust yeah i don't understand it either like don't you want to keep everything warm why just your arms or just your body that's a trust vest this looks like oh an air mattress just leave it right here for a second that's why it's so heavy there's freaking dumbbells in it equipment there more workout equipment an rc car what is that what is this hidden in here huh what what are you opening this to me it does open it not heavy enough to have a gun in it it's a looks like one of the shock things tens of the unit ten three thousand yeah all right they sell for good don't they yeah they're decent and the rest of it in here is working out of cr equipment i keep saying equipment why is that putting an r in there where it's not at i don't know let's get this out just pulled this thingy down the only reason i pulled it down because i saw the nike bag in it but it doesn't feel like there's nothing in it let me just feel around make sure there's nothing in a stock because we found some expensive pistol grips and a sock in the last unit nothing in there i feel like but we'll check in more detail later what should i pull down next this box yeah let's get it out of the corner ah that's on the kitchen let's just put it right here and go through it yeah at least it looks like complete but also some random stuff in here too cds uh pencils what is this atlantic the cd case yeah cd case there's a lot of cd cases they're holy crap let's see if they're all burned or they're legit cds because legit cds will still sell ah no well looks like a lot of burn cds unfortunately let's check one more let's see if we can get lucky maybe one of these will be real cds no it's not a good others it's mixed okay it's mixed in there so we'll definitely have to go through and you know pull out the burned ones and just create lots based on the cds that are good so overall that's a pretty good box i'll take it so oh got a cooler here oh something felt empty but apparently it's not dirty though what's in here a flashlight uh this is like the one that everyone takes to the storage auctions live auctions to feel like a pro campbell soup thing just catching stuff in that let's see what's this jacket what another vest why somebody had so many vests what does that say mate mark mark pj mark all right i don't know anything about clothes brands not my thing let's see what's in this bit what kind of bag is this wiggly uh paperwork and young actually one of these little boxes these are test strips are they they're sounds like blood glucose test strips yes they are these are money to make sure they're not expired but people still buy the expired ones on ebay all the time yeah these expire in 2015 so they're gonna be worth a lot less unfortunately but if you go on ebay type in expired test strips they sell like hotcakes all day every day so not complaining about that let's see what this is the only other thing in here this is a clock radio hmm so that bag could be a lot of money too look at this coffee tin it just says ronnie ronnie what you got oh all right he's got his letters no fun there supposed to be more running interesting let's see if i can get this styrofoam cooler out right here oh there we go got stuff in it again this is still in the mailing package what do you think it could be oh well it's papers not what was thin in it dang it make sure these envelopes are all empty yeah they look all empty let's fill this up what do we got over here uh wow mail so let's just get rid of that another piggly wiggly bag with cbs bag with just boxes a little box this is good for shipping um well there's something down here a t-mobile phone that's an old phone if it is look at that this feels heavy though might be in there no just the paperwork and everything else that like i said with it look it's like a whole book in there and how to use a phone and then what is that oh oh feel that weight oh feel that 3ds come on come on where's it at where's it open please be in here no there's no way all that's booked really why do they include so many books i want something that has five buttons why i don't get it okay my excitement is went up and down look at this you see this bag you see what it says on there or you see that logo jordan logo but this is all boxes 100 there's no shoes in here unfortunately but that's like 10 empty jordan boxes we found so i still think they're in here somewhere there's a lot of this unit we haven't touched yet i'm not giving up hope that easily let's pull down this one i guess oh this is heavy luckily more boxes there's got to be a box in here there's nothing with shoes let's get this out really quick oh oh this is heavy put it right here yeah i hope the other side's sealed and that's not sealed side supposed to go down i hope so we'll see let's see what we get into the duct tape come on no way you got a heavy box this one's got weight to it without a doubt oh yeah beverly hills polo club boom in there they're like snow shoes yeah they are but they're in good shape without a doubt what are these ones stacy adams boom in the box both of them and they're in a watch what kind of watches in there with it an unlisted watch okay is that all it's in there yep they had to make sure they wore those shoes they wore that watch oh nikes what size eight and a halfs they're in there oh some air force is just the bottom's a little bit dirty but this will come out really easy too we just had to buy we just wore air forces at our wedding because that's how we roll and then we got the green pair skechers ooh boy skechers they're still in there too let's see this nikes again oh yeah they're in there these are eight and a half air force ones as well oh the blue ones they're just a little dirty again they'll come clean what are you making faces for over there are we making no money on this unit i might have to steal those i need a blue pair that's all right steal whatever you want and we got some sketches here you know that's how we roll with storage units we pick out what we want first more sketchers this is crazy those are a little dirty but not bad at all look at this tower over here we're building from this box that's pretty crazy look at this box here more sketchers and they're in there what what sketches you need i know we don't want sketches we want nikes and jordans that's where they're going ah skechers again yeah those are dirty but they're in there and then down here what's the last one we got of course they're sketchers boom those are in good shape then we got like a pair of nikes that without a box in here too but they're in good shape too and then we have a pair of k-swiss bam brand spanking yeah yep and another pair of sketchers bang one box probably what 10 pairs of shoes in there i think it's safe to say we got our money back already i'm pulling down the next box it's got a decent amount of weight to it what do we got in this one open open oh way this is insanity please be in here they're in there what side of these size nine nike air vision pros bam not even worn they don't even look like they've been worn maybe like once or twice it's crazy put those over there i'm running out of space over here we got so many pairs of shoes polo ralph lauren's boom brand spanking new there's another one we got some adidas they paid 70 bucks for these when they bought them bam in there too and lastly another pair of skechers boom they're in there it's like literally which last week was just to open a fishing store then the last unit was just open a toy store i guess now we're opening a foot locker too we have a lot of side businesses going here soon before we get any further guys this is the last date in december please just smash that like button all those people that usually hear me say this skip it and don't today's your turn go down there and like it too it's the last day of the month and of course subscribe if you're new because we do videos like this pretty much every day let's get into the next box i'm pulling out towels and throws all right yeah it's legit is that pirate it is isn't it no it's like yeah it is it's pyrex might be worth a little something it's not old though so it's not really worth too too much the vantage power actually where the money is that i'm already got a place to put it behind you there's no space to put it behind i'm gonna put it right here all right look at our look at our wall yeah hopefully we have to get to these units we're gonna be like ah you suck let's see look this is just storage on it oh look oh what are these like slides probably probably what do they say i don't know hydro giant jordan hydro premiere i would say slides probably probably let's pull out this big box that says storage on it oh this is heavy if this is shoes i see a shoe do you yes jordan here we go you ready yeah that's where they are they're kind of dirty but again one around in the washing machine check those out bang bang bang bang hopefully hoping that the loose shoes we find match up to the boxes we found too hopefully because we sell them with the box another pair of nikes right here i used to have those well you got a new pair you bought them another pair of sketchers no and there's a bunch of polos and stuff down here too let's make sure we don't see anything expensive what's that is that a jersey yes it is is it a real team it just says 79 football no name or nothing probably just some generic jersey you buy and the rest of it is just shirts now that christmas is over this is a liability to have these are impossible to get rid of unless it's about a week or two before christmas then you can all the rest of the year this is your street dump you can't give them away for free i have to put them on facebook and say i pay you to come get it that's the only way we get rid of it i'm starting to run out of stuff to pull out i wanted to start throwing some of these shirts on the ground throw all the shirts on the ground get some more boxes and your blanket all this stuff gonna have to go on the ground we'll check through all the clothes once we get home but i don't want to sit there and go through clothes with all you guys watching why did you put your clothes in bags seriously now we have to waste our bags hello ronnie let's see what's in this suitcase sonoma suitcase more clothes faded glory pretty sure that's old navy and yeah it's closed all the way down unfortunately so this is gonna go right over here with the other rest of the clothes oh look dvds but i want to get some more boxes because the shoes are exciting me take them all take all these clothes take all your clothes they're on hangers right yeah i guess hey look here's a leather jacket it looks like what kind of leather jacket is that levi levi leather jacket money money money madam adam [Music] get this out the way see some of this stuff could be designer clothes too we just got to check them just too much to do right now let's pull out this bag what do you think we got in here no it sounds weird oh no oh no what's in here though what do you got going on what's in your secret bag nothing what's this start here oh it's like the thing they give you when you first buy a phone all right that is this let's see what's in the main section to see if it's the same stuff or not let's open it up yeah this is a whole bag of paperwork let's just throw this out the way now i can get to this bedroom box it says bedroom right there and sharpie everything's in duct tape okay what's in your bedroom box buddy oh it's just clothes isn't it what's this just uh looks like a gift wrap or something uh yeah this looks like boxers ugh i'm about to burn my hands after this i just touched all over some of these boxers that's okay yeah this is all just closed let's just set it no don't do it don't do it box stay stay stay all right now let's pull out this one oh whoa oh heavy this one's heavy heavy hold on is it just stuck okay it's just stuck oh it's still pretty heavy though please don't be papers but i feel that kind of weight i'm always scared it's gonna be papers or books oh i think i see paper maybe not i see boxers too what's this no it's not paper randomness randomness candles what is that camera camera is it in there i can't tell cameras are light um no just the transfer wire this is a pair of binoculars that's got to be in there i feel the weight to it yeah those are new still in the box now i've got a lot of candles too we keep candles as long as they have a scent i always keep them oh nice so look smell smells good smells good alan and roth fraser fur that's mine that's my last name just thought a little differently yeah mine yeah and yours now this is the mini paper that's a mini paper shredder yeah all right so this whole box of candles let's open another one really quick yeah look this might be a whole box full of candles that might be why it's so heavy open another one candles all right i will keep all of these going in our closet yeah selling weeks every time we find candles we put them in our closet we just literally keep using them and so the house always kind of smells good under that is a lot of paperwork but i'm really happy with that box this box says nike and it feels like it's got two boxes but i feel like there's one pair of shoes in there not in that box oh the sketcher box of course the sketcher box has to be in there who owns this many sketchers those even sketchers those says new york lugs weird they're not in too bad of shape though so there's that you want to put these over here with lugs i just seen so many sketchers you know what i mean it kind of becomes like engraved in my mind let's see what's in this bag here open metro pcs they're the best they're sponsored by the ufc and you know that's why we use them straight up what is this oh those are like old gummy candies they're disgusting right now um there's a phone in there empty box and more paperwork don't want to look at that there's a lot of closed bags over here which could hold value could hold a value but we just got to check them out later it's going to toss them what happened to your bag man it's kind of grimy i get another one look at the hole in the wall whoa dang all right that so there's jeans in there and this could be good money too now let's try this all rc cars let's get this out of here this looks like it could be all rc cars check that out look at this little fast looking car and there's controllers there's controllers in here too what is that helicopter oh that would be fun an rc helicopter the hummer hummer there's all kinds of them in here and there's um controllers in here with them funny story one time when i was younger i bought one of these i got one of these at the arcade as a prize and it said 100 foot max on it so i was like let's take it 100 foot i pushed the controller up that thing flew so high in the sky never seen it again still have no idea where it went it went at least a couple hundred feet and just disappeared and it was gone i was like okay then rc cars so i found another mini paper shredder i keep avoiding it but the box keeps falling over so we got that is there somewhere to put it anywhere um i'll hold it we're kind of thinking of the whole hallway i took this one out this is the one with all the dvds in it let's just open a few and see if we actually got dvds or we got cases stomp the yard in there such a good movie this one's brand new so i know that's in there taking two in there you can usually tell if you get like four or five that are in there you know you're good flight dental washington it's in there monsters university it's in there too so we probably have 40 50 dvds quite a few i see in there are brand new too like look over here to another brand new one so bad boys that's money too let's see what's in this box now look how dirty that wall is what happened you seen that that's just grimy but yeah i think so facilities need to take better care this is oh you gonna troll me like that look what they wrote on the box playstation did i open it up and it's kitchen stuff oh we got beef now what is that smoking everywhere electronic cigarette where's the playstation man i can't say that and then not have it in there are these playstation games no they're just more speedy or burnt yeah i'm not saying no playstation in there it's a bunch of kitchen stuff you know what me and ronnie got beef now had to take some stuff out to the truck we're taking up too much room in the hallway so let's get into the next box now oh what does that say i thought i said for some reason i thought it was food man i was like is that the place in california are these all test strips please blood glucose test strips guys these are bank please now they're expired too they're all from 2015 so they all sell they're obviously cheaper i mean expired ones sell a lot cheaper than non-expired ones but they still sell like crazy what else do we got in here nothing white empty bags glasses nope not in there where's that receipt for they buy these glasses how much 43 bucks yeah that's what these are ooh what's that oh i only paid 17 shorts yeah well is that the right task deal yeah okay yeah it's marked steel yeah actually hold on now it says 925 on it this does it's too that's why i look two separate things yeah this is a steel bracelet well look little leopard put a leopard on it and this is a sterling silver i mean is this that steel necklace sterling silver bracelet right here all right there we go okay i got it right that time i'm so proud of myself and here's another glass case just see yes glasses what's in here more glasses no just in case more candles though oh you know what's in here watches all kinds of watches let me see if i can get them out hold on come here come here what was that that slipped out are you silver buddy i don't see any actually i do see him working stainless steel that sucks oh well so watch number one here what is that zoo york it looks like yeah zoo york here's a pair of glasses that probably went to the case this one just says quartz nothing anything overly expensive here just cheaper watches but still all right they all tell the same time because it says quartz too and there's another one in there so overall with the test strips the watches in the silver that's a good box this box is labeled very specifically so we should know exactly what's in there duh stuff all right there's stuff in there now i know let's see what kind of stuff what's this something's in there yeah it's stuff all right is it taped shut it is we'll get that open in a second pbs we have more uh test strips please these are now this is lotion unfortunately another box get out of here hold on what's this first there's a lot of interesting boxes in here this one's not taped that looks like a box of phone came in with no phone i see like paperwork and things like that what is this 3ds it's completely empty whatever it is unfortunately besides plastic so oh look there's the meter that'll sell with it the strips i mean and well vhs isn't random that would label us this stuff too let's see if i get this open real quick so i'm genuinely curious what's in this random box here i could rip tape let's see well it's open partially it's gonna destroy it i give up oh there's more scripts more test strips these expire again 2015 they're all 2015 but still they're still bunny this one says short starts shirts and thermal so let's make sure that's all it's in there labeling so far has been pretty accurate so i feel like that's what it's going to be but we're going to check anyway yeah i can already see thermal shirts yep that's what that is so let's put this one right here oops and of course it hits the wall and falls over because that's my luck that let's pull out this one get out fire all right well this one's super taped up this one might also be exactly what it says it looks like that way so yeah we're not gonna waste time going through these tank tops so i'm gonna take this basket out because i'll see shoes in it gbx i don't really know what gbx is but that's what the brand says these like plain pillows type things no idea what the heck is that on the end of it a ball a stress ball all right maybe somebody doesn't like planes i don't like them either shoes that what's in here it's all like soap tons this whole bag is full of like soap and other cleaning supplies all the way down so yeah we're not gonna look through that either so i threw out a bunch of bags of clothes in here and the bottom one under all the clothes looks like it's all shoes by the way a lot of the clothes look nice i see probably 30 to 40 pairs of jeans so that'll be definitely something we'll go through by the way poshmark links in the description but i don't see the zipper the zipper is gone oh here it is let's see what kind of shoes we got in here if anything's good what happened to these they like store them in mud they look there's even tim's down there you see that yep i am not going to mess with these right now because they look like they were literally buried by somebody's dog and then dug up and stored so i thought it'd be a good idea to move this toe to clothes out the way and look at this there's like a whole ant country i don't say colony but not even a colony it's like a whole country worth here that's just grimy now it's time to be a serial killer how many lives did i just take just now oh well they're all over our stuff they gotta go i'm gonna put this right here since we took the box out these look like sweatpants all sweatpants yeah look sweatpants all the way down there so that's that let's grab another one here oh this one's heavy this one's heavy heavy is that all clothes jeans more jeans we gotta have probably 40 to 50 pairs of jeans at this point i mean just tons all the way down so those are money even at freaking five bucks a piece we have 200 and just jeans easy last tote before we get into the boxes i'm gonna make an assumption we have sweatpants jeans these are dress pants shirts no this one's pretty good let's see empty box stafford essentials what is it it's nothing that was a wallet just can nothing in it weird boxers cat not seeing much else in there though just clothes and paper so let's just back it up they're building colonies guys they're even expanding they're doing like housing complexes in the back apparently underneath the totes that's just gross that's not my problem we're gonna get the stuff out of here and we're gonna make sure we're sorted in our driveway it's not coming in the house until it's all clear of ants so i took these boxes out first the top one's kitchen stuff the bottom one is closed i'm not looking at either this one says bathroom so bathroom system has jewelry boxes so i figured the bathroom one we would look through well let's see what we got in there no way are these all test strips holy crap look at this okay some of them are the needles but there's probably 10 or 15 boxes of test strips in there that's a money box not a jewelry box it might have all been uh bathroom rugs and the dallas cowboys looks like they're colors but not just an adidas so not much else in there but that bag cash money this box says living room on it let's see what you had going on in your living room buddy what do we have um let's check it out what are all these just mail joy my favorite this is all paper with another sketcher box this is all mail too let's see this is all mail is this mail or sketches actually let's check that out this one feels like mail yeah all mail and yeah that's full boxes man that's all your living room is like welcome to my living room what do you have in here papers papers papers papers you don't have a couch or tv papers another entire box here full of nothing but jeans i was about to just go through and i looked in there i saw jeans let's make sure it's not all jeans it's all jeans again we're talking 50 to 70 pairs at this point so just jeans so i just moved another box just to kitchen stuff but this one here i love when i see that written on the boxes shoes let's see what we got this man had to own a sketchbook like honestly let's see what they are the boxes are gross though gosh they're in there but they're just gonna have to go through the wires that's all we're gonna do with a lot of these probably just run through the washing machine because that'll clear off any of this like these are nikes look they're in there you see them yep that skechers okay those are kind of grimy i'm st john jeez this the worst facility had to get flooded or something yeah that the last thing that's in there is another box that says kitchen all over the place and it just wanted to show itself so we're gonna get the truck loaded up now what does your garage look like when you buy storage units all week and you spend so much time editing you only have time to list the stuff you need to sell well this is what it looks like look at our garage right now this is crazy there's literally nowhere left that you can even walk so we're gonna be spending a lot of times getting this stuff listed guys so make sure you follow us on ebay and poshmark those links are down in the description also you make sure you go down in the description and click the link for the live auction this saturday a bunch of the good stuff that we have on the table is going to be up for auction right here coins knife native american stuff fishing stuff bunch of fishing lures baseball cards all kinds of epic stuff so make sure you set that and show up this saturday guys
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 215,172
Rating: 4.8323874 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 2Gv5XCa65Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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