I Bought A CRIMINAL GUNMANS Abandoned Storage Unit At Auction! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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This guy is a goof but I was mildly interested

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/G_o_r_d_o_n 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
let's see it's in this little bag it's got heavy Oh guys look what I said welcome back and Troy's running with cheapest guy so here I have brand new storage facility once again cuz we just picked up a 5x5 storage unit you know I should pay for this one only twenty dollars because from the outside does not look like much why we were told by the storage manager facility that the person falls very hard keep it going for auction so you know what that makes a little bit more interesting let's hope there something cool in there don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] so there's seven black bag in here as you can see what did this person fight for to not go to auction that's what I'm wondering right now apparently a lot of people thought it was trash because no one would go about $20 and that's dirt cheap so we're gonna pull the first one out happy to what do you think we got in here I see a checkerboard you don't want to play any insects to you hey member what happened last time we're at Cracker Barrel you got the checkers hands I got check this okay that's it it looks like paperwork that of it Patrol this looks like a lot of paperwork so this stuff will probably go back to the front because this facility is a good facility they do give this stuff back to the people which is good we always like that I hate throwing away people's stuff do they won't take it but there are facilities out there like that put that aside this whole mop box and living paperwork that might be why the guys fought so hard to keep it couldn't be important documents to him filing tags isn't that great yes there's a lot of paperwork in here public notice that we'll go through this to see if we find anything interesting but most likely I think it's gonna be just this bag probably the stuff that they're gonna get back I think this whole bag is filed yeah look all files in here unfortunately that's not fun because that stuff that people will pay a lot to keep because it's important to them but for us buyers it's pretty useless unfortunately so identity all of the yelling I'll share my identity feat but but most likely but you can't pay a five by five storage unit that nobody probably wants your identity also in here we just have yeah no they don't that'd be stumping up for auction just more paperwork so you know what what's up that bag aside and let's call it an excellent alright guys I got a battle it's gonna pull up should be heavy here listen us we'll have you don't actually know tonight right off the bat something interesting house wait has good week actually I think a guest but I don't even know is it prize paperwork oh oh oh let's go hi hey Sony that thing we're gonna put that yeah after just after make them wait make you guys wait all the personal stuff we'll go back the super nice on management here we're gonna take it right back after we're done this this is a lot of handwritten letters and stuff like that um lot of personal stuff I don't want to whoa I saw that telling that hepatitis they wish missed that loans love TVs this is what they warned us about yeah and a vice of it's just paperwork but we got a lot of top which is pretty cool sorry Wow okay that's all paperwork look literally you can it's not even like word and I see you actually see it all shipping in this is all paperwork which all can all be returned and they did tell us a family for where you can pack we got a whole recycling plant so you won't that's it's not first yeah actually I was checking the livestock Church not cracked or anything no missing keys so my computer is kind of cracked well let's cut all not any chance my dad but you know what not a bad bad we got a lot of top we're gonna keep going through we're gonna see what else is fine let's go ahead and pull this one out I pulled this one out in the back because I'll show you that actually might look a little intriguing to me that any time you see this you know what that is that's hunting camo this is hunting clothes and what 200 you is that I like so much you know what let's hope we can find for the neck down Hey look another one - that's a whole suit you know what else you got in here just safety vests you have to wear orange when you go hunting - so that's a whole country right there and you don't want to pull a big chain yeah no more horrible here what is that that a motorcycle vest we got some type of leather vest here not really sure what it is it's X element its advanced motorcycle yeah let's check that out I don't know about this stuff I know harley-davidson stuff is very expensive for some reason so let's hope this fits in that category as well well we have hey please be type-c I know it's a broken Android charger look at that I don't think I would trust that with my phone personally what else do we got tablecloth now this is something new here that's why let's see yeah to move Wow guys can you still see it all no a little bit you know what we'll be right back there's some light to my cards here but these look like actual credit cards so these will also go back and EBT cards that'll go back with them too so if I end up wearing a fabulous make more than this waldina so far it's like half the year 75% of it well nothing else so now when I guess on to the next one after we get our life back let's go through another badges I see something kind of interesting in it just one no I don't know if that means costume I don't know if I meant didn't like you but not know what you kids in here uh-huh let me show you two different bags under but that's just a pig work really yeah okay make sure there's nothing under there it's just like tons of waters and stuff keep going this one is that's palpable kind of coated it the North Cape or anything like that it's on a check for um no it's Jordan something Oh Jordan Craig never heard of it somebody let it know in a comment yeah I don't know any grand trailer there y'all call me stupid with this paperwork yeah why does somebody need so many friends they don't think you've ever been thinner right you're a great person we support it sweet thank you oh I know okay guys not exactly I can't I don't know if that is right off the bat let's see yeah it does I'm all on your face heart heart heart heart heart never heard of it in my life hey River I know you're not a good combo to be doing close together yeah North Face that's actually how nice the size of that let's see we'll worry about that after thanks North heavy back listen hat or one huh and that the Wizards best basketball team in face of the earth Washington Wizards right watching like the snapback isn't it I'd keep it I'm gonna wash it yeah hey here's your hands in the rest of it it's just a plastic bag so we're gonna pull out something else see what else we got so we're gonna go ahead and take the next one up I'll see we can get this one got some weight to it for sure I don't weigh some value it sums up the diaper all there's diapers in here what are these pictures and more pictures it looks like a school project to be honest with you hey I don't know if that's a good brand right now but a hair straightener and it's definitely in the box let's make sure that was in the box make sure nothing else in here mission is not people work it's actually a combination of the two all right look there's paperwork on top but the actual hairdryer is in there but there's kind of weird they set up this in there I'm gonna look at that oh that's a heavy bag is actually whoa hey camera is it just fall out sure dude look at that a little camcorder right there probably not a very expensive one but quality is in there 1080p not bad so what's that that aside to anything else in here let's see it's in this little bag it's kind of heavy Oh guys look what I see nine-millimeter Luger shells I didn't keep some of my nosh it's not all mine some of them work we're not getting rid of any of the guns we go to California we're just leaving I'm a Virginia my family okay look at this laptop charger that's actually the charger - are you sorry buddy oh you know what does alright I don't pretty sure that goes to a revolver those are a beauty I'm that might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that goes like the inside of a revolver it's six rounds so do what if they're evolvers in a twenty dollar unit overall over a laptop look at this this may have a serious a nice look that buzzer if anyone touches the paperwork yeah for real you can have it back a day Oh Emma this is nine-millimeter well it's the same brand we just use when we bought our EK cheap nice and i see it federal has the only thing i use for these are 20 gauge shotgun shells nice open knife who knows what that was used for what is this Oh Ollie mo hollow points look 44 yeah we find a 44 vulvar in here I will crap my pants I really really will so there's a lot of ham over there shotgun shells again are these chuck and shells and these are pistols sorry 357 somebody has a cowboy wrong oh look at these look at this these are all the things for robbers - what if there's this many revolvers in this unit for 25 different caliber some of these are this is a 357 from these are forty fours they're all 44 from what I see I don't know and this is getting a little crazy that's all ammo in here let's set that aside another than that we got a couple more bad guys I think I'm getting a little bit excited let's go so I got another bag that's the shoes to the top it's kind of heavy so I kind of low entry this is actually kind of interesting unit huh no that's not what sighs a day let's see let's say all right but no one want that a big beefy come on I want these in they fit my feet no this is empty whatever this dude no but we got our money back home along - yeah no doctor nope no someone stole this from the library Oh Halloween this is a lot of stuff yeah you do around here way we do it snowpiercer is it in there nope nope more I'm gonna get I'm gonna catch it in the comment section there I'm just digging my hands right in here knows loves bottle yeah it's just like this stuff is paperwork paperwork paperwork it's all paperwork falling like a world of paperwork this printer paper filing it's no paper that's how you can print more paperwork what is this just till I don't want them man I hate to say it do this but wait what is that oh you know I felt I felt this and I was like no way I thought I was like the handle but now I'm like looking for a job and stuff you know everything I feel think it's a gun oh my golly it again by light we're about to come back guys all right guys last bag in here let's hope we can find it come on seriously anyone oh my gosh you see that oh my gosh pay for it that's papers we're gonna get in here we got to dig in this stuff before we get rid of the paper market stuff we're gonna dig deep in these bags and make sure we all miss nothing out of here I did listen paper paper paper we got in here phone charger another hair straight in there some wire that's it nothing anything else right now something like I don't know the way I thought to keep this unit IQ is telling us something's hidden somewhere I just don't know what and I just don't know where I don't know if it's money in one of these envelopes or if it's again up what smells like a little something that's I don't really like being the fool not me go yeah whoa ha yeah a whole stack could have next New York machine man only know what that one is bandit [ __ ] him isn't that just Nike porn hey Eddie - I'm not bad or just a sweatshirt pants anything in the pocket you think million dollars maybe it's gotta be something somewhere maybe an eagle no nothing unfortunately one more pair of jeans I'm gonna check into actually you know we did we found some money in the pants or I'm in the unit so now I'm kind of like more wanting to check everything these look like some nice jeans oh [ __ ] well except check on the front huh look at the front though Dargan Jordan nevermind the bowls well guys unfortunately they're actually that bags empty so what we're gonna do now let's go everything in more detail separate the paperwork from the clothes probably donate the clothes give the paperwork back and we'll see if we find anything when we miss so see you then all right guys so now that we're at home we have some very interesting information about this storage unit so we only pay 20 bucks for it so finally something valuable was not that important because we didn't invest that much money into it however with the amount of handgun ammunition we found I was more than happy because I love going to the range and you know what we've got a lot more than 20 dollars worth but the crazy part about this unit is the story so you guys don't watch our videos regularly you know I like to dig into these stories and find out how these storage units got abandoned in the first place so one of the things I do is I try to match up a bunch of addresses in there if I see the same name same addresses on lots of mail letters other things you could pretty much figure out who owned the storage unit really quick it's not that complicated so once we figured that out we punch it into Google arrest records things like that that's how we find this stuff out so we punch this guy's name into Google the first article that pops up is this story here so what happened last year this guy was arrested for shooting somebody luckily it was not a fatal shot the guy didn't die or anything but still we have a shooter the crazy part about this is if you remember earlier in the video I stated that the manager facility of the facility manager sorry said that this person fought really really hard to get this unit not going in the auction so there was nothing valuable in there right but what was in there you remember the little things that look like pieces that were of all with ammunition in them that could be something the article with the guy's name in it from shooting the person has a thing honor that if you have any information to contact the police which tells me the case might not have completely have been solved and if this guy was fighting this hard the cupids unit not going into auction there's got to be a reason for that if it's not valuable items obviously because we went through everything what else is that reason the only thing this pops out to me is that ammunition those little Aurora pieces could have gone to the weapon that was used to assault the guy shoot the guy last year so you know what if you guys want to see a follow-up on this maybe we contact the police in the area let them know and figure things out that way make sure you let us know down in the comments below if we should do that ever enough you guys say that you want to see a follow-up on this will definitely definitely do it so if you think so put it down in the comments below but for now guys that's gonna be it for this unit so if you didn't enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs out if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you want to follow us on our social media links are gonna be on screen click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 410,652
Rating: 4.1770401 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction Locker, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Storage Wars, Real Storage Locker, Storage Auction, Found in Storage Locker, Real Storage Auctions, I bought an abandoned storage unit, taco stacks, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage auction, storage wars finds money, storage wars finds drugs, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage unit finds
Id: HgvkOVBM3Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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