I Bought a MARINE SERGEANTS Storage Unit And Made BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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so we're here at another of being a storage unit that we just bought way too cheap it's so way too chief and I think we're gonna make a lot of money on this one we only paid $50 for this five by ten you ready to see if we make some money let's do it [Music] so when nobody's unit I let me show you the first two things I saw number one right here there's a price tag for one hundred and sixty dollars for something I don't know what it is but I figured we'll go at least 150 because of that and right in the middle there's a giant really thin flat screen TV just laying there I mean that's gonna pay for the unit that's why I thought $50 is like what's going on with you people let's get into it first let's pull all these frames see what we got going on what is this one Muhammad Ali I mean Shana but it looks cool I have to keep that cinema there we have someone like the ones that have open every office and doctor's office and like inspire but you don't really know what the picture has to do with anything all right that locks alone Oh Fran Dale look at that random rain still has the cardboard and everything on it never used this one here like all my specialty the brown paper alright let's get into this book right heavy Mac then front gee it looks super heavy alright let's see why are you doing here losing losing losing just like me alright what's in here that's nothing and let's think we have coats what is Marc Ecko I never heard of it these are all coats and there's some shoes oh these are fancy shoes what kind of what brand is this they're not even branded under this I see some kind of brand on the sole it's just black and flat maybe really read it smart smart choice just all clothes I look hey transformers look at the price Transformers $63 brand-new you know what else we got going on here said it just all clothes what I know this isn't close this is like a weighted thing for your ankle but the rest of it is all clothes hopefully that sells for close to that on eBay actually alright let's use in this gray bag it's got a lot of weight to it what is that an air mattress in your mattress well they always sell but not much we get like $5 for it if it's not pop another suitcase let's see what we got going on I'm seeing nothing I'm seeing nothing get into the main zipper and it looks like more clothes look the military clothes US Marine corpse so yeah this is this marine stuff too yeah look at that we be getting a lot of military lately but that's another thing we notice when I first bought the unit it's kind of dark in there but in the back corner you can see a military jacket and a military hat well we'll get to that when we get back there let's get this big blanket off though I see what's hiding in here yeah silly a little waffle maker look at that can we just buy one of these a little one yeah now we can make full-size waffles cool this will definitely try to get back I hate when I find these but there's no triangular flag we'll try to get that back to them hopefully let's put that aside what is this little thing here Paris is that this useful and penetrating whip is good for a dry skin you want that oh we got going here Jewelry Television is that a pearl necklace looks like it to me looks like it is it real yes that's in there maybe this is in there it is what is that I don't even know any idea no no nothing like that before Joan Rivers classic collection one of these just gross look I don't ever wear a bug there a bug jewelry that's that's no that's a no so it found some more jewelry here let's see that oh that has 90 bucks with another minute this one let's see if this has anything in it what are those I don't even know dragon stones and lastly this one looks like an actual jewelry box doesn't it oh that's a nice looking watch cloths Quebec it says cloths Quebec diamond do you think that could be real right here so I was looking at the watch and realized it out this certificate at the top and check this out this is a certifies time Pete says eight diamond set in a mother-of-pearl dial where five minutes envision and we might have already found something worth a lot more than we pay for it already that's how I like to do these things guys this is not the end of the jewelry look at this oh look at those there Nolan Miller some diamond looking heart earrings let's see you it's a moment alright yeah a lot another watch look at that one mm-hmm I think we might have been really good here I'm gonna have to hand these off I don't want him to get damaged luckily they're inter protective case for a reason look at this one oh look at that 14-karat gold boom let's see what's in this one get that hand off it nothing Oh No hey beautiful what are you doing here just writing it here - it says just the brand nomen Miller oh I don't see anything yet but look at that that might be real gold - I don't know let's set that aside what is this one - Joan Rivers collection again and we got some of these kind of beads I don't know if Joan Rivers is a very expensive brand or whatnot but we'll find out I just found something else that I know what it is cuz I know the box it comes in you know what that is and I've gotten lazy oh yeah Ashley oh yeah it's a laser in a flash I have to do it that it x2 laser and this is what she used a clip on the bottom of your rifle or shotgun if you want to or something but it's probably gonna go on one of my rifles but that is nice guys we just we have a hoard of jewelry in a gun part it's how we do this so we just realized something after moving look at all these locks this has been cut one two three and there was another one I kick so a minimum at least it's been cut already four times which they are fighting to save what's in there so that's usually assigned to me like if I'm buying online and I see the cut locks if there's something valuable in the unit so far look at this we just started in we are crushing all right this box it's very interesting let's see what we got going on besides okay an elephant everyone loves elephants with the trunk up apparently it's good luck all right yep this isn't one of the other things I see you're off the bat this is a Department of the Navy US Marine Corp certificate it looks like that's exactly what it is so they still go with the flag we'll try to get all the personal military stuff whoo look at that back to them that's the same type of thing no Creed Marine Corp you check that out that is a officers equipment patch right there Marine corpse that's kind of cool looks like we have more jewelry look at those has match the bracelets they do mmm something's in here what is that like a bracelet yeah all right then just set that aside look at all these watches this one is a shock resist brand this is a Geneva isn't Geneva expand I don't think it is you know that you don't I don't what don't quote me on that this is really say Hennessy look at that it's a Hennessy watch that's what I said isn't it look at all these watches this one's a Geneva as well like a hook one of the snap bracelets but it's a watch that's kind of cool I've never seen that look at this big boy though for real this one is a I can't read it the hands are block it's still ticking though but it's a four littling for Bentley Motors editing the video punch this watch in the eBay and are you seeing what I'm seeing they are selling for thousands of dollars what model do I have oh this might be the big ticket item I don't know that could be worth something too I think we're gonna do good on this unit though this is a light-sport thing another one's in here this one's another Geneva let's see what else we got sand everyone needs sand okay just look elephant again the trunk up not a little bit of damage on the back but yeah people like elephants bottom is it look is it oh yeah there's two legs missing well it's supposed to go like that actually looks super cool mm-hmm wedding glass is still in there crystal something and then we get out what is here here and this is supposed to be beat it looks like but it's not in there obviously it's some other stuff going on oh my gosh Charlie hold on oh we got trolled they could still be somewhere else in the unit so we're gonna set the Box aside just in case another than that looks like we have some personal pictures it'll go back same thing and it looks like in here we just have a bunch of DVDs which aren't really great sellers but they're there let's go through some of the stuff we've got here looks interesting like this nice army bag and this nice Pelican case what do you think's in here that thing bulldog the rest of it might be books what is this this thing yeah okay but look inside looks like a lot of books but we'll scan the books folks gonna have value especially textbooks like yeah they could be or somebody will have to scan them all to get home though well let you know in a recap but other than that it looks like just a bunch of books and things so look at that that is heavy-duty man and heavy-duty but yeah we'll get into that excuse me first this in here this isn't here isn't it okay boom look at that okay Ryobi drill there's the charger with the battery batteries are here and that doesn't happen very often not happen very often it's all there look at this I said this is socks I don't know what these were I mean I know they're football cards I got that much but I don't know how old they are let's look on the back of the card 1993 but the whole said I might be a complete set of some old football cards I don't really know but well that baby Jesus do the research on these I'm not really in the cards let's see how I got in here I set this one aside cause look at this we have even more of these military patches like this look at this there's four or five of them right here all patches so we're a hundred percent certain he was in the Marines in from what we found it was like a really smart kid I don't I don't want to think about what happens but full of a bunch of military patches in here and yeah I think it's time let's see what's in this big boy cuz this right here that looks really interesting what do you think we have you think we have a bullet throwing device you ready three two one oh no no laptop but that could be money too what is this is it laptop or DVD player I don't really know it looks like a DVD player yeah it is look that's no good let's look at this Dell right here Dell XPS let's see if we can see any specs on it get an open make sure it's not cracked things like that that's old it's running Windows Vista this thing's busted a so this thing is probably not gonna have much value unfortunately we got some Sony earphones and a bunch of paperwork not to not as much as I was hoping it's gonna be in that case unfortunately guys unfortunately the one light we needed to keep reporting just went out so we're gonna do this a little differently we're gonna kind of sort through and just show you the good stuff and take the junk out because do you really it's all black in there you can't see nothing so it's alright but we'll be back when we get some stuff out all right so we're about 95% of the way going through this unit and it's a gold mine first things first check out this Samsung TV which is to be wall-mounted before you judge it look at the side of it look how thin that is right that's a fairly new TV that's on its own I guarantee is worth quite a bit more than we paid for the storage unit it was only 50 bucks in that's a nice TV all the way in the back to Jordan boxes you know they're usually paying for work but no no not today come on look at those suckers practically brand-new look at the bottom I mean even worn like once ever very nice pair of shoes and then we also got these anything bottles any paperwork nope a nice pair of Jordans still in the box it's that Yankees blue look at the back of it 312 mmm sighs they're pretty nice side set this aside just because it's brand new never open $25 price tag on it probably a good 10 or $15 right and today with the Jordan boxes so we got the Marine uniform here I don't know if these are resellable I think these are personalized and if they are will rather get these back to the owner then sell it so you military people who let us know hopefully this goodness get back to them so we also got this to me this looks like the end of like a gas mask or something doesn't it it says canister Co chemical biological mask sounds pretty good guys huh I thought this looked like your thing that goes on the end of a gas mask so that's probably military related to we also got this little box a watches here check these out the box says elegant but the watches are actually one just psycho I like solid psycho and one is the elegant watch I don't know if these are expensive or not but it looks like it's in a pretty fancy box so let's hope it has some value too and they also got going on one more piece of jewelry I found in there this one was so much as you can see the crate their containers kind of smashed it was underneath a lot of stuff but we had this little thing here don't know if it's gold didn't actually look at I just put it aside it was a jewelry case let's see if we can see a marking on it it's too small in here we'll look it up when we get home to see if it's real gold or not but anyway another little piece of jewelry in that one then we also got more shoes these must've fell out when I dropped them but these look like the military shoes good belt face and stuff those look like they're in there and the rest of this is actually paperwork I don't even know there's anything else in here to tell you the truth but that's of their shoes these boom converses gray ones nice pair of shoes a king bottoms again maybe worn what once never if that and we also got right here I don't know if this brand is expensive Cole Han but this one look at the box I don't think boxes attached but I don't think these have ever been worn they look perfectly brand new like I don't think they've ever touched the ground no but they're Cole Haan Cole Haan Nike here you see that look in there yeah that's weird but I haven't came across these before so I don't know if they're expensive we'll figure it out in a bit so I almost tossed this bag aside just thinking it's close but I realize Ralph Lauren this is Ralph Lauren it sounds like maybe it's new it's not very likely but guess what every single thing in you Ralph Lauren shorts brand spanking new another Ralph Lauren T brand new with the tag that's the only till I checked I hope they're all brand new yep this one's brand new to tag still right there again brand new Ralph Lauren and we got a feed me there's just one brand new - I'm gonna say tag on this one oh you ruined it for me that's that that brand is your expensive actually yeah look at that that's pretty expensive see you will check you in a second and look at that brand new their price fifty five dollars on that all brand new Ralph Lauren this is a Ralph Lauren wallet - you have the money you spent on it but again hold that's retail that's a well over $200 resale I'm not sure but it's good money just want to point out that the receipt to the Ralph Lauren store what in there every single thing on here checks out they spent three hundred and ten dollars on clothes see this is why I shop at discount stores I don't care how much money I have my bank account I don't care about clothes these discount amen Ross hey Kay and Klein but look at this look in here you see this little Kenneth Cole bracelet watch but it still has its price tag on it for $95 brand-new never been worn right there and we also have this little thing I don't really know what this is doesn't feel like it's real metal but it was in there with it so I decided you know what before I toss it all let's make sure it's not nothing special I thought this is kind of interesting look at this brand-new package it had never even been open so you're like what is it let's say now what's open it literally just ripped it to make sure there's something in there actually what it is get out Omaha Steaks oh this better not be a stake in there swear I swear to you know that's a stake its behavior like this is chicken breast oh oh man this better be molded chicken di is that worse than money you guys let me know this I am Not sure we also got another pair of shoes over here this one is G H bass & Co but these are a hundred percent brand new little dish still in plastic now shoe like sneakers I'm kind of familiar with but dress shoes no look this might help what do you think they bought them for Oh sixty seventy five no way you can't really I think it says 75 it's so badly faded you can't really tell I said yeah I don't know this tell me that's a toss-up right now we'll find out I forgot to also mention I've been piling stuff on top of it we have a US Marine Corps luxury plush a blanket here that looks like it's still in the plastic obviously the posses been stored for a while so I think it's something dirty beating but you know what that looks like it's in good shape to this bag I thought was a little crazy and ironic so the last unit we bought also belonged to someone that from the military and we found the combat boots and people who are message' gonna say we sold out of all of them on eBay in like an hour off the video's release if we open this bag up it's literally full I don't even know how many pairs and these are like steel-toed foods I don't know if they go together but I'm telling you look we'll match them up obviously with this probably five or six pairs of these boots and these actually have a look on the side the US Marine Corps logo on the side so you know these are probably seeing some action and then there's three more pair in there I think I took out three so I think we have five or six pairs of military boots and the last ones we sold for I think 30 bucks apiece so you know what that's probably three four times we paid for the unit in in a bag so we also got some more stuff over here this looks like the Marine corpse hat thingy we sold think one of these are forums like 45 dollars long as it's not it doesn't have the name in there which it does it we sell them if it has like if somebody used this and the names in there we'll make sure they get it back but if it's unused like that then I'll probably be on eBay to these if you play video games just like always it the snipers we're always keep the Sun out of their eyes but just a nice little military hat this one again another military hat nothing written on the inside at all so that also depending on price now I'm luck these up in a while I thought we found one of those like a year and a half ago so I don't know if it still has value if it's going up or down but that this one just another military ID only I said on the side they're not worth much but since we have you know proof the guy did serve in the Marines all these kind of very likely seen some type of military action which just makes it cool to me that's cool then we also got is this the one there's two I don't know what this Christmas want to think well there's another loose blanket like this that's also u.s. Marine Corp not including the one that's still in the package so we'll show you more the recap of course like where this is just as going through its Holly's units crazy man I couldn't believe you got this for 50 like a TV's worth way more than that I was sitting in the open look at this right there and that looks a hole doesn't it hey how do you feel point nothing at me I feel kind of on top of the world actually Panasonic mini DV most of the stuff in this unit has been sitting for a while so I'm gonna assume unfortunately cameras and stuff they don't really hold their value the state gets advantage it's like a video game you know it has this point where you it's worth a lot of money than it's worth crap then all of a sudden it's vintage and it's worth more than it was to begin with right now mm-hm alright this bag I've set aside literally just because I don't know if it has value just military branded stuff so you guys let me know like this you can tell those are our says right there USMC maxscript glove right there USMC socks it's all milkers another pack military socks and I don't know about these but they're st. John's Bay and they're brand new they rip the price tag off of them but branded gloves this this is like a little army bag isn't it yep look at this army bag let's say on mmm that's I don't know what that means I don't want to show it I don't know about the name it's not the person's name it on the unit just some pants I think all the rest of it it's mostly use military stuff look at that combat hardened military bit so you know this guy's seen some seen some things out of here these are these are just personal books and writing and things like that nothing of any value the rest of it it's just used military clothes all right so I set this bag aside because it felt very heavy and it had a lot of weight let's see if it's good or bad weight first thing we have is this the suzanne somers collection oh look at that that's pretty nice you know if it's real jewelry or not we don't know what is this what is that it's got it in a Honda thing just random car stuff nothing exciting there but will you see more USMC US Marine Corps right here let's see what's inside of it we can this is documents and paperwork we'll get back what is this Oh hammer stall let's see if I can get it out Oh what's a kitchen knife look at that that's a fancy looking knife all right then what are these made in USA some khaki pants kind of shoes what are these these are Tim's not that kind of timberlands are those you know what that logos the other one shoes when you find like a weird shoe that's a normal granite either very unpopular or very popular expensive so we'll look that up that'll now pas these the beats no troll ever I thought we're gonna find those beats what is this weighted stuff what else do we go a journal do I dare look at it it's actually all used to this is all deploy this is don't look deployment day and tells everything about it that's kind of scary to see alright what else do we got going on in this sucker some big Nikes I always look like my size the rest of it I think our clothes oven easy slice knife and oh hey oh hey beautiful I wonder if that's never seen the inside of somebody you think so I hope they have a little oh no this one doesn't some of them have like a thing where you gonna unscrew and they store stuff inside of it but that's pretty deadly and that is it says us on it so that's probably military-grade right there is that all we have in here that is all that we have in this bag so usually I know we don't like to give away people's names and videos to try to keep it secret but the problem with this is the storage facility we talk to them these people have cut off contact they have no way of contacting the people and I don't know what to do with the military stuff such as this what was in the back of the unit so we usually we don't give the names away but Sergeant Isaac ice foster if anybody knows this please please contact us because if they can't contact the people if they have no choices they throw it away I don't want to get it thrown away so we're gonna take it home for now but hopefully somebody out there [ __ ] whatever you can let's get in front of the military guys let's find out who this is we have papers he made it home everything was good so I just don't know what happened all right so before we begin the recap on this unit I want to once again point out guys please help us get this video out there we have no way of contacting this person the manager at the facility has no way of contacting this person and we just have way too much personal family pictures family memories military memorabilia and stuff that I wasn't gonna leave behind because they would just have to get so we really want to get it back into people so please please help us get video out there I always say liking but especially today leave it a like say something in the comments just take high view don't nothing to say the more interaction you has the more YouTube's gonna push it the more better chance we haven't get into friends at the right eyes but now let's get into some of the stuff that we are gonna resell from the unit the biggest thing may be that watch did you see the prices of those those bread allowing something Bentley motor watches these some of these are selling for thousands and thousands of dollars some of them a little cheap is one for like 600 still when I looked up that brand that said that they make like the best aviation watches in the business I mean it's crazy expensive crazy expensive so we're gonna have to put that one aside with the like dome everyone we found a few videos ago cuz we want to go get them authenticated to make sure they're real before we sell on and get and the big fake and getting scanned and yeah want you to look out first first to start a little camera kit I thought it was an old piece of junk it's actually worth about $30 it's not as old and irrelevant as I thought it was but obviously knows where there's a good camera $30 excuse to be the theme because the Transformers here also about 30 bucks on eBay right now just think those two little items that's already more than we paid for the whole unit right there this thing was hidden I don't think I showed this on video but this is the came are you guys that are in the military stuff you might know what that is it's that beautiful military-grade pocketknife mmm that is savage these are about 30 or 40 bucks from what I see on eBay but I haven't quite excited if we're gonna sell it yet by the way the people that are interested in this stuff before everyone stares messaging us crazy stuff because every time we find military stuff we get like 10,000 messages in a day it's not gonna be possible for us to respond to it the email link is in the description below just click on that and you'll see the things that we're selling cuz it's just impossible to respond to everyone's comments nowadays we also got I don't know if it's worth anything laughs I was kind of cool the u.s. Marine Corp little teddy bear all dressed up just like a build-a-bear thing or something that they actually did not sure if it's build-a-bear it'll say build around their foot so it's probably something actually from them all right then we got this hat which has no markings and no nothing in it was I decide so I don't really know what that I mean obviously it's a military cap but I don't know doesn't have no rankings no nothing for me to really look it up and see what it's worth on it looks like something should go right here yeah they might have a pin there that's gone now I don't know this one here is worth about $45 or so online because it's got that Marine Corp logo stuff right there so that's about 45 dollars let me talk about the big huge money that you guys did not see on video so in the back of the unit there were those big green military-style crates and we didn't think nothing of them because when we opened them up it was just all kinds of papers in I wear like a paperwork when we get it home to sort there's all kinds of these military jackets or shirts or uniform tops whatever you want to call them the green camo in the desert camo and they're all brand new with tags and you know what the going rate on ebay is $30 and I guarantee you there's probably 15 to 30 if not more different tops in those crates so that could easily be six hundred to a thousand dollars even more profit I don't on top of the already thousand we have not even including this big one right here if it's worth some money if it's real but easily probably another thousand in military's office it's crazy not regenerate ops there's new pants there's new packs of socks which are like 15 bucks a pack there's different just different like under garments I guess like the dry fit stuff that they wear wet suits too but they weren't new there was like the u.s. like you oh I see them training in the USMC sweat suits sweat pants sweatshirt just what topic like boot camp yeah basically yeah that's what the word I was looking for was but I've got a lot of every other mention it's in the video we do know this guy he did not died calm so he did come home and just it's seen that's my first proper thought was but that's not the case we found that if he came home he was honorably discharged after an injury so he did come home that wasn't the thing so if anyone's thinking that that's not the case we also found out more brand-new Ralph Lauren this one of those like little moon prep you got sweaters but it has the price tag on it still for one hundred and fifteen dollars that's probably a good $40 $50 rebate item this one is also brand-new right yes yes it was look at that this one's from Macy's uh Ralph Lauren thing the problem is they didn't remove the security tag but I guess we'll just include that it's parently it's easy to get off you know what you're doing I'm not back sweat shirt yeah so I know but I'm not about ruining it and so I'll ruin it a lot everyone where's the other thing oh yeah this this wasn't the probably the coolest thing I found hidden I thought this is just a little case here but it's an e tool carrier if you don't know what that is allow me to show you really quick but this thing is like incredibly difficult to get into okay there it is but check that out looks like nothing to write with an expand into this and then into this let me get it out just like that and you know what's crazy you know I found out the metal this guy served in Afghanistan so I guarantee you that's in that zone here did not come from the local beach there's literally sand all over this show I guess and I'm pretty sure that's where it came from but these things I saw with this in the packer like $70 on ebay so that's so cool to sell it it's so cool let me set that mag aside at the pain to get back in there also in the bottom one of those military creates completely unexpected we had a stack of jerseys here and they look brand-new because that's Cowboys Jersey riot yeah definitely never been worn it's way too clean but it is a Nike Jersey and this one actually does have the tag on it let me get it out really quick cowboy the think it's a tie Evan Smith Jersey still has a tag on it Nike but it's not like yeah actually this one's not this one is Mitchell and nest but it had like a little throwback NFL authentic thing on the bottom here and it says 1995 Emmitt Smith on it but like we said brand-new with tags never worn it's also got this 75 patch on the front of it right there so I don't know what that's worth I've even get a chance to look these up now it's like 2:00 a.m. we're still digging we're still listening and searching this is a gold mine gold mine immediate I'll make myself stick we also got a Michael Jordan Jersey from the Wizards you don't see the wizard ones that off and usually when you find Michael Jordan it's like Air Jordan Brand or the Chicago Bulls but everyone forgets about his little wizard stunt standing did they - and that's in pretty decent shape there's like a little bit of something on the Z but you know then I'll come right out other than that that's pretty good I think I'm kind of out of breath talk about the other side of the table I already started yet um let's be sort of the boots because those were the easiest for me to remembrance because they're pretty much all the same so they're all mostly the Belleville brand they have different codes inside they're all around the same size I think most of them are like twelve or thirteen are is what they have in it and I think the armor first like the width of the boot but they they look to all have whether you can see it or not there's the USMC logo on the corner so I try to capture that some of the pictures by the way these are on eBay like he said we're gonna had definitely on these boots and this jewelry listed by the time I want Longhorns out yeah obviously more but genius are 100% gonna be listed for the most part they're all worth about 40 bucks apiece so that's five pair and the worst condition one as you can see there's like holes in here but this brand is more expensive so this is I got a question - I'm hoping somebody can answer it with military-grade items like this people that collect are you looking for perfection or seen action yeah cause like the ones that are in bad shape they're military grade boots we know that guys served is they're gonna decrease or increase the value you know those were used in combat somewhere in the Middle East so I just don't know how military memorabilia works is that like a increase that oh you know it's all action so it's worth more you're like no it's not in good condition so it's worth less I don't really know so I'm not a military collector or anything yeah so what did I say 40 bucks apiece find your marriage 200 bucks 200 bucks right there uh and then let's get into some of the jewelry so this is a Victoria wake wi e ck and it's a little like diamond ish i don't know if those are i don't think they're real diamonds but that's what it looks like diamond face watch I believe if I remember right when I was look at these that most of this stuff goes for about 20 to 50 and like I said they're gonna be able to even with the exact prices but don't quote me at least prices right now cuz I'm yeah this next one we have is the Nolan Miller glamour collection and these are actually clip-on heart earrings with probably like cubic zirconia stones in them we have a lot of this what is it called the Nolan Miller collections these right here are about twenty bucks as well they're like dangly heart earrings now Michael why do the prices vary so much look at two cycles look identical like one silver four bucks in one full Fred seventy-nine oh my gosh I have so this right here is another Nolan Miller and this is actually called the Lera ivory bracelet so ivory little flowers with some stones in the middle any legal what is they're having I really go I don't know I don't know if the ivory is real I don't know alright so let's pull this out okay so I actually - I can't like hold it anything go but this necklace right here I think is called like a raindrop necklace one is complete and the other one looks like it's missing one of the raindrops but after when I looked on even a one that was missing a raindrop still sold so I don't know how significant the raindrops are to this necklace but it is called the larvae or pave raindrop necklace and this is the same thing like I said one of them just one less ring drop than the other so there's two of those so much jewelry and then we get into the Joan Rivers collection this is like a yellow green and blue like flower bracelet I couldn't find this exact one and it doesn't list it with the names unfortunately like the the other brand does but again I feel like it's like 15 10 15 dollars or so like I said psycho watches they vary so much I don't really don't to list this for this one I think this was like 10 or 15 to 20 this is the elegan watch right here with the case and everything nice and there's some I'm in good condition I don't think any of this stuff like in the cases I've been worn maybe once or twice but can't be hunterson sure this one I think has been worn at all this is a Klaus Quebec it even has a certificate and instruction manual and the extra piece isn't a pin down there which is amazing so that's a complete set with a fancy box yeah and I think the only reason is because of like all the stuff it comes with so this one right here one more after this is well this one was very hard to find this is from jewelry television it's like a QVC thing I think it's called jtv technically but this is like the pearl jewelry set so it comes with the necklace the bracelet the earrings I think it's around fifty or sixty dollars for the whole set and I did the little pearl test like we you it's a tooth test if you want to test pro scratch on your cheese and it feels pretty they're real pearls and these felt gritty so these are eight to nine millimeter pearls I think the very last thing I have which is kind of cool this is probably one of the most expensive ones that we have it even though it's not like all the high-end this is just probably forty or fifty dollars right here so this one little pin right here supposed to be like a bumblebee and all these little color things around it you basically can interchange like the color in the middle of the bee and there's like a little magnetic strip for them to stick so I thought that was pretty cool but that is all the doors what we're showing you here is literally not even all we have wore jewelry just sitting out there we have more stuff it's gonna be on eBay we have a lot of stuff it's gonna be sold as a flea market and a lot of stuff we really want to get back to the owner of this unit including like the display box the trifle a flag and just a bunch of personal like certificates and things like that we don't I don't want to get rid of them and I really don't but we just don't know how to get ahold of them besides hopefully the right person see in the video that's all I know how to do is use our audience and try to get it back to them but anyway guys all in all $50 stores you in and I'm saying it's two thousand plus dollars easy I think what the merchandise it's crazy crazy crazy again if you're interested in any of the stuff we're showing that you a link will be down in the description below we're gonna try to have it most of it up by the time you see the video but I'm also a human so I don't know what's gonna happen yet hopefully it's all up there if not just keep watching and thank you guys for watching and subscribe if you're new leave the video a big fat thumbs up and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 183,853
Rating: 4.7095675 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit finds, I Bought a MARINE SERGEANTS Storage Unit, i bought an abandoned mansion, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, luggage auction, storage hunters, storage locker, storage unit, storage unit auction finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: vncQGv9JHas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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