Old Storage Unit Owner Did Not Expect Us To FIND THIS! BIG MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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oh this one's really heavy iPhone 80 plus 64 gigabyte you ready look at all these phones somebody's arrested we meet out [Music] so let's start pulling stuff out see we get into first one all right here we go that's where it's a 150 right gross we got let's eat this later but boo McDonald's sauce honey mustard my favorite Taiwan don't see a brand name on it this one does have something let's see what that is you know J R squared mm-hmm not sure and we even got leaves bay leaves that looks like somebody's sister house I picked it off their tree put it in there called the seasoning ooh [Music] fig butter what is fig butter you ever heard of that butter made from things what's fig it's all sugar look at that it's all sugar it's no fat what kind of butter is no fat all sugar and sea salt oh yeah the first box doesn't look too interesting let's call it the next one let's pull out the basket see if there's anything other than clothes in here I hope so I see a mirror might just be a makeup mirror though look at that how you look you see yourself I probably I know I can't see myself I probably look horrible why I don't feel too good right now oh you sick hold me I'm not strapped did you still you're looking good thank you I'll play this we have not somebody's name on it so they let us look up the storage unit owner's name to look at that old phone [Music] galaxy kind of we're tied at I guess and the rest of it unfortunately does look like clothes did we see any good brand names or things like that we'll show you in the recap but I don't want to bore you with much clothes it's for the next thing let's call this box no much in it but maybe some kind of value so the first thing we'll see the hair straightener Remington I Holly no army can for his gun so you women out there you let me know it's just a good brand worth anything or a junk we have bras great yeah makeup looks like yeah more makeup ooh a little wallet but it smells a tag-along I let's see how much that cost doesn't say no if you love that but hey there's something in it one little secret piece of paper it's a love note I can't show this you have to get 2,000 likes maybe maybe I'll read their love note have you kind of messed up but you guys get 2000 legs we might enough you wanted to read it other than that doesn't look great so make up this one over here and we pull out another one really quick sure shoe holder right here so first thing we have flu let's see an iPhone box it's makeup galaxy check is this more makeup it is what's in here it feels like a little bit of weight to it open I'll see ya though nope but it'll go in our iPhone box but I get into fine enough for iPhone boxes lot them up and people will buy them on eBay we have I guess these are for putting makeup on right I guess they look like yeah they're just ear cleaner oh they're q-tips I never seen black q-tip what's this it's gum make sure that's what it is no pure gold yeah a spear gold you see alright guys sure go [ __ ] miners gold but now it's just gum oh yeah fruit punch pure distill makeup and makeup this one's from for the floor though so that stuff can get expensive let's put this stuff right here next little shelf what is that let's see Sephora again so this is gonna be some type of makeup I'm sure a whole bunch of makeup look at that our brush is not makeup itself then ooh this is heavy then makeup - cheese we have a lot of money here in makeup maybe I'm completely relying on you guys I know nothing about makeup Oh see just more clothes oh this is gonna be makeup isn't it see when I bid on this this looked like a tablet to me but this is yeah it's gonna be makeup again okay let's hope it's some high-end stuff clothes clothes and more clothes so nothing else on here but a bunch of makeup an IFO box let's get that in a van and go through the next so let's look at this yellow bag right here things more makeup ooh whatever it is this seen better days we have like a tumblr nothing in there stop texting me people you hear that phone go off and we have nothing what about this side also nothing so I think this thing's pretty useless I don't think anyone's gonna buy that in that kind of condition maybe like a dollar the flea market if somebody is desperate but other than that it's probably nothing just bring this box right here out to demand cuz this is the reason we bought the unit let's see if our game will pay it off here first see it's in the back what brand is that oMG like that's bad words look at the logo to see whatever it is new this is the paper that goes in the purse I wonder what brand it is I just know nothing about this kind of stuff look there's the strap and everything to it brand-spanking-new anything else anywhere else on this all let's see white medium Oh is a coach not coaches it when I started to see I think it probably was a gift somebody guys I always snip the price tags but we have white white medium that's all it says let's see if it straps and everything though looks like it should so that could be wear something hopefully have that an actual army bag no air walk just a style thingy with nothing in it that's part of a blunder Elise should I have to wear this for the rest of the video since I never found a tattoo I promised I would wear we never found him again will wear this for the rest of the video and abnormal this is look good yeah I'm cool oh it's falling off a head's too big we got spiders and teeth and Halloween dinging I shall wear this instead yeah I understand you I hope so and I had pretty big let's see let's see well it is this look beautiful and you're like greatest alright well I guess it's time to assess the situation this is what I did look how thin that is a lot of top of that thin is usually a good thing is that type C - looks like type C and HDMI so you type C is good because that's newer Pro Windows so we have the model right here model a - 6 0 ng W it's definitely Windows let's see what the sticker su look at this thing California I want it open is it yeah it's so thin so we see the stickers are not there it's an elite book but it does have an Intel i5 processor which is better than an i3 it's not cutting one so we got a hope we find a charger in here usually video usually I'll find a lot without the charger but I want to set this aside like over here cuz that's the big money hopefully these like pitbulls yep cuz you're always bought when we got here right there yep in case you're thirsty there's a little bit of beautiful sweet tea for you thank you so the rest of the box is pretty useless I'm talking serious with this on the rest of the box is useless but the laptop could be worth a lot of money we had to do some research into that fingers crossed it is so we also have one of these nice little things you set up by this year usually older people can sit in their chair eat it's pretty dusty but it's not like broke up or anything like that so a nice Clorox wipe to that will clean that off it's a good 5 or 10 bucks let's see what that's like a pullout I don't know then the priority mailbox yeah sideview mirror at the car mirror look look at that I know these can't be that cheap in there I don't know I don't know what kind of car goes to if anyone knows what kind of car goes to based on this hope so I'm not sure it's 2013 cars can't be that old it's got a good amount hopefully everything else in there is just paper so put that back in here so it doesn't get damaged but that in a laptop right now or probably where our money is at so now we're gonna pull this little box out these kind of boxes always interests me because why would you get this over like a tow you trying to protect something good thing that's unlock and all that's good or bad I just not locked looks like a bunch of wires alright it looks like a stay into a TV doesn't it oh my light bulb some let's glow face masks this is some very random stuff Oh scratch off did they win uh what are you had uncover uncover a money real symbol no they didn't win a lot of people keep losing scratch off so much wonder where that was the rest of it it looks like a lot of nothing got a lot of nothing so what's that bet in there pull something else out so we've got another bag here let's see what's in this one this is where the gold bars are heavy all right that's where the water bottles are hidden and nothing this thing a drain wig what is a drain wig hair oh alright imagine if you actually wore that is window cleaners I know obviously I'm just a imagine if you actually did it what's this huh what's going on here inappropriate stuff is what's going on here but we did fine that's where the money was hidden a hole to sink yeah this guy's know that aside that's bull something else out let's bring out the basket with the bag and see if we got something else cool what is this good question then an old radio am/fm scan it's from Radio Shack all right cool I guess that's the top to the blunder another part to a blunder looks like maybe yeah and this is a bag of bags in here it might just be all blankets which animal shelters take donations because most of these won't sell unless they're like handmade quilts so yeah that's probably gonna be a donation to the animal shelter just a bunch of blankets but well I keep the laundry basket because we only have one we that we don't buy weird stuff because we're like we're gonna find it in unit so we just wait to fill it up cutes a laundry basket don't either blanket something else out storage units just donate them at shelter don't throw them out look at that it's probably a good like 15 10 15 buckets wow that's a lot now I think we can get under it let's see what else we got here the whole thing Ninja Blender - these aren't pretty expensive I remember correctly so we have all the pieces which I'm pretty sure we do if we just keep finding pieces that probably worth a good amount what do you think so yeah so let's get this out of that part of it could be let's take a food processor I think you put this on top of there okay the blender or food processor yeah that's actually pretty cool I don't know let's take this out to the van or the cake and then pull something else out all right so some kitchen stuff in a gasoline canister over there but let's see what you got here there's just a pillow and blanket set that goes together I don't know if it's salad for all I just donate it let's see we got this box pull this one off to others chill to go all right let's see don't you guys like how we organized the van I mean it's such a small unit that it's not really relevant our charger oh look at that I feel like we found one in every unit don't we yep a ball please be your lawful burger I think that's exactly what it is let's see where's the head up cross your fingers guys where's it going out right there boom there's the charger so what's gonna know if this works I'm gonna set this somewhere right here I'll move it after I finished going through this box but they ask a question if you got a brand why would you name it the sack well I don't everything why would you name it the sack that's just not right well let's see what else we got in here cards us little tiny charger we have I don't know what that is helping make up let's see what else we have in here soda grape soda thing picture of a dog there's some change in here a quarter here's the money you know get out get out so they have 37 cents living large over here live in the heart let's go inside this sucker man get it open so we got what is that more makeup yeah well put all the makeup together yourselves a huge lot somebody wants to buy it messages I see you Nick I don't know what that was that's a vape isn't it yeah it's 2 o-two vapes little bees and stuff I feel something else in this there's like something there I don't know how to get to oh there's another pocket here that's why I look what is it makeup I'm still taking makeup all right over here a little bit more change we got like 40 cents an hour oh but we're keeping all the change together until we get a whole thing full look at that that's a part the top it's definitely menus what brand is that if anyone knows let us know royal crown sounds familiar doesn't it I think Crown Royal Michael we're making Bank and know this has something in it let's say I'll close but I feel more than close oh this one's really heavy this one's really heavy iPhone 8 + 64 gigabyte you ready please don't be make up I'm so nervous right now oh that's a stamp song they told us say it like it's got the ear buds oh dang it but these the wireless ones another wired but it's got the ear buds and we got some kind of Samsung phone but doubt it'll cut on no but it could maybe have some value not as much as would have been it was that iPhone 8 but it's something I guess said it over here at the laptop what is that absolute extract bait crap what is this no that does a phone glop drop I don't even know so we got glasses I need to type a designer doesn't look like it Harry Potter wears bracelet ankle bracelet then doesn't look like anything else in there anyone interest the rest of this bag does appear to just be closed sorry I'm gonna take the phone and a laptop put it somewhere else they're gonna pull something else out so in the corner here we have what looks like one of those water dispensers did you see in the office of like a doctor or something like that not really sure on a value on this Energy Star whole to have a house mm-hmm if you kind of convenient just to have it so it depending on value if it's like worst less than 50 bucks I might just keep it so look at this big sucker in the van and then I see a bunch of totes underneath though that are full of all kinds of random stuff so that should be fun let's get this moved so we just moved the mountain that close and got to the first tote let's see how it looks anything in this there is its people's OSI California is it weed yep enjoy oh yeah this is their weed back and look at their lighter even no so more makeup a bunch of who knows what papers carotene protein Dale Earnhardt that dude some money I don't know if this particular card is but it didn't like one of those screw in cases you can't even get into the look at that that could have some value for real so keep that here way up here just more random stuff what's in this big thing open look you guys think we do it again can we do it again oh let's see it's the only what two out of probably 150 storage units or more 150 to 200 have you ever found money in a card - looks like happy birthday stuff not seeing much of anything else glasses yeah not much anything else oh we got this this can have some value - we don't know but the rest of that totes junk but I think we have two more in there luck to be full of random stuff let's hope there's more money in Oh guys I'm super excited about this toy and we'll show you why let's get it over to the van first look at all these phone boxes here we have no idea how much money we have all right so let's see we got in the box look at all these phones let's look in the boxes first ooh this is gonna be a good day it's smashed but it's okay people buy easter parts so this is the lgk 20 that's one smart phone let's say on average these are five to ten dollars apiece for smash 4 there's people buy up the parts one that's got one in it to feel it look at that damn thing again maybe I'll find that iPhone it's smashed but cool 2 phones look at have $100 in films oh that's a tablet check that out a OneTouch tablet this is the same thing we put them in the locks if we can't get them to work so well count to phone the tablet I don't feel nothing this one this one feels like no phone there remember this phone yep that's what we used to have they suck this up yeah that's the one isn't it no it's not that's an 88 yeah well it's a j-3 anyway I think about j7 oh yeah three phones and this thing so far what is that yeah okay its new its new all the haters you're the bag of these time interesting don't have a phone I forgot that was the empty one touched that one aside lg flex 2 why somebody had this many phones oh look at that one lg flex that's like three or four smartphones already got a phone oh look at that that one looks good shaped you batteries right there that's a good there's another phone we're gonna leave them in there at this point set of eight looks like a big car Church I can't tell us something in the middle no maybe the phone no boost instructions so with all this one aside the phone the boxes aren't really worth keeping unless it's Apple or some Samson's Samsung Samsung this is some type of smoke thing here that's just a card but look at this box here how many phones do we have here Oh another changes these aren't there's an iPhone this one's an iPhone it's a little bit smashed I don't know which one it is definitely looks older but we're just gonna leave the phones in here at this point that there's just so many some of these are older models not worth the thing probably yeah that touch kinda that's a flip isn't it one of these I used to have one like these I used to hate touchscreen keyboard I think we yeah there's a phone in here look at this another samsung phone the amount of phones we have is getting a little cruel there's a camera we have coolpix right there the battery's not in that might be when one of the batteries go to Sony con Coolpix digital camera there's the battery right here actually there's a couple batteries and a couple of memory cards in here so that's good right there that's even more money alright don't say anything else about you here charger could go to any of the phones or the camera please be real please be real no I don't see a marking please please 14-karat no way that's 14 karat gold who is the first like real gold piece of jewelry I found I think I'm legit Li excited right now it's got some good way to it feel it I mean that's 14 karat yeah I'm sorry is the first piece of gold besides like a little FedEx things and like rightful real gold jewelry usually I don't even know the price of the gold oh look little iPod shuffle in there - nice put that in there we'll definitely go through these totes and the recaps gonna be a good recap for this unit guys we got a lot of electronics oh I bet you we have close to 15 to 20 smartphone that's about a hundred bucks there we have the gold necklace right here and then we have the laptop which if we can get it to work it's worth more and luckily since it's a Windows one they're really easy to factory restore so if we get it to cut on well basically sell it as restored get a lot of money we got one more tote and after this in the phones who knows what the nails get it alright guys locked oh I'm really excited right now oh I think I know what my new theory on buying units are this is the second time we've just bought it because of the over the end of the day we really didn't have one the last thought was the only thing I saw last time we did it we find a piece of art it's worth like $25,000 this time we were finding gold phones uh okay let's get in here I'm gonna do that smell food that's not good another lottery tickets not keeping losers office of the attorney oh-oh somebody's arrested I'll let you know in the recap makeup that's not going everyone I'm sorry I'm a little jumpy now we got this is instant mix game and only saw this last knife like $22 then like that on ebay that's 20 bucks change change who's seen that up to the South Park change change we had some earrings in here you see it they don't appear to have marks I don't know if hearings are marked like other jewelry though I don't never worn earring in my life we do have some more change in here I think it's gonna be silver no that's plastic what is that Catala stem caps for Cadillac party view expense official cars like a panel make up their drinking but everybody has this so it's obvious is you're drinking hey look hundred dollar that's a hole looking at it yeah what is it this jeez it's old is what it is hungry toffee for ramen everything else in there doesn't look too interesting so we'll load this up with you guys know how it goes we'll show you in the recap if there's anything else in there I think there's one more box left in the unit and then we're done but we made out good so before we call the last box that we want to show you we have this mirror here and the reason I was one of the pulling house because it backs like this usually if I feel like this and this kind of hook to me it usually means it's older so I'm not sure if it's like antique old or if it's just cheap or rebate or something like that but you guys will know more than I will so let me know in the comments I'm gonna go ahead and put this into vin and pull out that last box so we have the last box here the first thing that comes out is like a fir looking jacket it's by love tree but it says oh well still might have some value let's see mmm delicious this thing is like way too heavy to just be all closed unless it's a tightly packed which it looks like it might be okay they're wet that's why yeah mmm that's good smell of moldy clothes you know like when you go to the pool and you take the clothes off and then you throw them in the trunk and you forget through there and you open your trunk like a week later you're like oh my gosh what died in here that's the vibe I'm getting right here yeah guys we got probably 15 smart phones a nice laptop Ninja Blender and 14 karat gold necklace which I think that's pretty good for 150 bucks what do you say I think it's good so we're going to shut the van get home and do a recap once we get everything organized this unit epic alright guys let's do a recap from this Abbey little storage unit remember we only paid 150 bucks for it and well let's just say it paid off very very well so let's start over here on the left side the first thing we have is the ninja blender and it looks to have from what we see if you guys go one or have only one let us no wrong here but it seems to have all the pieces and I don't see a blade though but apparently they're cheap and replaceable the ninja let's get the exact name for you so you can look it up if you want yourself it's the auto IQ nutri ninja blender system when we look these up with eBay they were going for between 75 and 100 $20.00 pre-owned so that's probably a where $200 brand-new and it comes with three we're assuming these come with it they're all marked ninja there's three of these and then there's the little thing here which looks like it's just a food processor so that comes with it which is pretty cool so that's about ten hundred bucks yourself the best thing we're not the best thing one of the best things which is pretty cool as the huge a lot of smartphones I say this a lot in our videos which you can lock these ones up like this is a lgz something no one's gonna buy that by itself but when you've got a bunch of smartphones up on eBay people buy them because the people that repair phones need parts in they can get a lot of them out of these but we have one drop one two three one I phone still smartphone four five six seven eight nine ten separate smartphones in one storage unit ten in one now we also have a bunch of older flip films I don't know about those if anyone sells those let us know if they're worth keeping I want assume the same thing maybe you can lock them up I'm not too sure never sold it myself and we also got don't forget the tablet the game with the two we do the same things with the cheap tablets aren't worth much if you were to sell this by itself you might get like five or ten bucks maybe so we just lot um up with all the phones and we sell everything we usually get like 100 150 bucks for about twenty phones depending on models and things like that we also found the little tiny iPod right there if I remember I think these are the iPod shuffles you guys know I'm not an apple person and also not a hundred percent sure but it's really really little the thing I remember about these are they take a really weird charger that looks like a box cable so kind of strange now unfortunately the Dale Earnhardt car we found in the case was only worth about oops smartphone tower fell down only worked about ten bucks so not as impressive as I thought it was gonna be I knew like that his name I've never watched NASCAR I can't get into it at all but I know that name so when I that happens to me in another sport I usually assume it's a good value unfortunately only about ten bucks now we also kept these we look these up maybe some what's in the cards will let us know but there's actually three packs of these this already directly to you CZ l pv for four-piece tire valve stem cap for Cadillacs there's three of them I can't find an exact match on eBay sentinels they're really worth anything or not but since they're new in the package we decided to keep them one of the best things I found haven't got the weight yet but we got the little gold necklace here it's 14 karat go away I've tested it so it is real gold but it's kind of decent amount of weight to it I don't know how many grams or anything we usually throw the scales away because they're usually have drug residue on them now I wish I kept one but when we get it weighed out I just don't know I mean I'm thinking it'll pay for the unit I think it's about at least $150 then again this is the first piece of gold jewelry we've ever found in a storage unit we found little pins twice hundred fifty plus storages first piece of real gold jewelry everything so I'm not really good with gold yet we got the in sticks mini eight camera here unfortunately these are selling for about twenty to twenty-five dollars [ __ ] so take six seven off you're gonna get about fifteen bucks for this little Bay not a big deal we haven't even tested it so honestly for 15 bucks we might just flea market I don't know yet cuz I don't know if it's worth 15 bucks so we also have the Nikon Coolpix camera here and unfortunately it is not working very much money it's an older model and it's kind of healthy so it's only from what we see in fetching about ten dollars on eBay the batteries and everything are in there but that's probably be a flea market item cuz I don't think it's worth selling for few bucks on eBay not worth it then we also got the little Bowl here we set it aside because as we they'll actually into some of these things to be worth a lot of money this once again is Mark jr. squared for you math people or Jr's a little too in the top right so maybe that's worth some money and we also need a lot of help from the girls out here because we found a lot of makeup these are all the pallets that we're like pretty much brand new or almost brand new so we have one here that says startled it I have no idea guys obviously I'm not a makeup person target and we have Lamora nudes exposed and then we got Natasha donata diamond and blush I don't know if I'm pulling out like five below brands or $100 Collins from Sephora or Ulta I have no clue yet then we have a galaxy chick here we got two or not only one of the crown thirty-five color rose golden eyeshadow palettes then we have a morphe palette then lastly we got what is this one tart a high-performance Naturals I'm so clueless right now obviously have no idea what this stuff it so you guys please let me know that are familiar with makeup let me know down in the comments if we got a good rant or for just cheap stuff that's probably where I get this I just don't know what it is it's just an old looking wallet and it has those three keys in it just really weird strange fine there's nothing in the unit that the keys could have gone to so makes you wonder that's why we set it aside because just don't know now this laptop it was password locked because it was Windows and not Apple baby Jesus was really easily able to do it they actually refer factory we said it so it's already set back to new it's good it's got an i5 processor it's running Windows 7 it's only got a 100 gig hard drive but it does up 8 gigs of ram when we look this up on ebay some of them are selling as low as 180 and as high as about 320 bucks so we'll probably put it up for auction starting at 100 see where it goes but that's a good fine that could potentially double the what we spent on the unit good return on investment with one I know we also found we didn't show a video to see them these two Elvis signs now things like this I'm if they're actually old or they're just made to look old like this so if they're actually old they could have some value what if they're just remakes that are meant to look old they're probably not worth all that much going to be more flea market items but you know what I just noticed something unfortunately marked 2000 2005 on the back so that means it's definitely a remake so it's probably it's going to be like a little couple bucks at the flea market nothing special we also accept the laptop the outside let's knocked it down you see that put it down right over here don't want that to get hairy cuz that's the best moneymaker let's take a little necklaces I have no idea what gold it's 14 karat if I didn't say we got the little white purse here but still knew a tag still has the paper in it and everything like we said brand spanking new I don't know if this is coach or what there's a giant Sienna we showed you in the video that's all we have to go off because you know people give gifts they take the tags off and things like that so I just don't know there's a tag on the inside let's see if I can read it for you guys maybe you can help me out it's a man-made material thanks that's helpful this just says CC pound hash tag whatever you want to call it zero zero one four one eight six eight white medium not really sure that sing that's all it's in there but it's definitely brand-new so if it is coach or something like that it's definitely some good value in that again because it's brand spanking new we also kept this cool-looking and Hardy jacket it's a three XL but ed Hardy's a decently expensive brand not like overly overly expensive but well how do you like this with the chains and everything and it's pretty much new it doesn't look like it's been worn there's no spots on it so 3x guessed it now pull these 20 bucks on Poshmark we also got a JanSport bag they're not worth much retail we usually get like five ten dollars but they sell consistently people always buy a diesel when I list them up on fashion wire because seeing sport was a thing when I was in elementary school and apparently it still is today in 2019 these bags are reliable this feels like there's something in here hold on a second no there's just sticky notes I'll put this a what if there's money in there that have been crazy but and JanSport bag and we also have the car here which we're still at 100% which vehicle it actually goes to it says Made in Japan so maybe a Toyota I'm not sure but it looks to be a replaceable one all the bolts and everything at the bottom are still in there so somebody probably got theirs knocked off in order a replacement never happened to me before so don't know if it's expensive or the cheap fix so again you guys know let me know down in the comments lastly this was supposed to go to makeup I think I said on there that's got the table because it wasn't a palette but it's just the thing with a bunch of makeup brushes in it just like that so overall guys I think this unit was really good for 150 bucks so as you said before we usually sell about 18 to 20 smartphones for a hundred bucks so we got about 50 $60 in smartphones over there then we got the blender which could potentially sell for over $100 and then we got the gold necklace which is still the question mark right now I don't know if this is gonna be worth 150 R 80 or 400 I just I don't know I've never found gold before so I'm kind of excited about this because it is my first real gold jewelry fine then we get all to makeup palettes here then we have that and of course the best thing of all the HP laptop this is the reason we've been on the unit pretty much right here and it paid off it's a pro Windows HP elite folio 1040 g3 notebook PC I saw how thin it was and I saw it was all together thin is usually means newer in it has Windows 7 which even though it's an older so s now it's still one of the most widely and most most widely used the most popular Windows operating systems so I think Dad will fetch probably around $200 hundred something there close to them probably big for 500 bucks office hundred $50 Union you know what that's a good day in my book guy so if you did enjoy this video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want a falls in our social media links it gonna be right here on screen click the links down in the description below and make sure you fall so whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 124,496
Rating: 4.8638048 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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