Opened The Safe In The BIGGEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE STORAGE UNIT! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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[Music] why go welcome back to try running with cheapest guys and it's gonna be part two to this huge massive $700 storage unit then we haul a storage locker so last time we showed you all the ammo we found the huge gun statement in there and there is so much more when you get back in maybe 10 percent maybe so we're gonna keep going through it and see what else we can find good so right next to the huge safe we have two more ammo crates last night we finally I'm afraid they were legitimately completely full of ammo so let's take these two no one's open let's take these two out and see what we got let's see let's get down here cuz I need to go into detail to open one first a smaller one ooh you know what this is 556 AR rounds I don't know how many is in each one check that up it's probably thirty rounds a box one two three four five six seven eight nine thirty rounds so each box is a clip or magazine whenever you want to say something to be nautical average a magazine whatever one two there's want so much in here there's three six nine twelve more thirteen fourteen boxes times 30 is like freakin 400 a lot of AR rounds you would like that a lot of here are around in the first one let's go into the bigger ammo box this looks like the last we open the other video we can get into this sucker whoo look at that another whole crate of ammo let's see what we got in here so this is 40 S&W hundred sixty five green rounds one two three four again 50 rounds a box so that's 200 rounds right there five six 300 rounds 7:8 400-500 another 600 rounds of ammo supply silent 9-millimeter this time is 40 S&W in this ammo crate so again two ammo crates completely loaded with the ammunition which only leads me to think one thing that safe is loaded it just has to be the only thing that would make sense so get another box here using this one something is not done really at this time dad looks like we have some mini cooper floor mats still brand new in the fox guy that's not bad it's got the little hooks on the back of it and everything those are brand new hey that'll still probably sell what's up guys hope you're having a wonderful day cuz I sure AM cuz this unit is amazing let's get into the suit we have some stuff in here I don't know Oh - I'm s this is just looks like a travel like I don't know Shampoo chapstick kind of kit exciting these are brand-new for the long haul I'd shoes and socks okay I guess these come on planes baby keep feet warm and ice comes from Delta this is like a brand new Delphis they're probably a brand new travel kit probably that's toothpaste toothbrush stuff like that Nick this suitcase came fresh off the plane with tissues um government with style says another delicate a BlackBerry battery might tell the best story about the blackberries with us do you remember this yeah isn't it the phone right the emeral your own the reg was like the first year we got together around the roller-coaster the Intimidator Kings Dominion like they have two seats right so like we went over one of those like corkscrew things but like somebody had their phone on there and they weren't supposed to have the phone on there because the thing goes 95 miles an hour and here comes the phone I've seen the phone then I seen his hand and it was a I was like Oh died here cuz I got my body just did dad like I didn't even mentally realize what was going on something that like I it's just one of those like moments where it's just like slow motion so right now we have a bunch of umbrellas we have two nice on bone right there we have a little travel case nothing in it it's a passport no there's no pad one shoulder bookbag not a minute of fuel never heard of that brand a lot of bad this bag I guess these are all well this is a lunchbox but all the other ones are like traveled actually like cosmetic stuff yeah got nothing in there about the person you know what that means not the money hopefully you're right this purse right here so little packaging in it and the brand off thing is forever 21 no come out in the wash though yeah I mean it's like kids think of stuff on video hmm what is that says chaps brand you see that yeah yep so many bags what does somebody need with so much that's the stash an alien wonder which ones 100 millions - not that one [Music] brand on this one XXL shirt size I'll stick yellow turns it over to the nice little backpack got a cotton ball ooh boy thousand dollars I don't think so this pocket there is honey packet honey gods that man is I just saw high crap that's it taste it I'm not saying for Jeremy so this I mean besides the side pockets this main part right here still has the tooth that's pretty much new as well feels like leather - yep let's see what else you got well makeup bag there Dollar Tree fog Lord we got there forever 21 again I keep saying 5 below like there's 5 blows out here I'm not used to that yeah this forever 21 pretty good condition aside from some scuff marks right here I don't know what forever 21 goes for most purses like forever 21 or like I don't get I can't get this close like guess or something I would assume maybe 10 to 20 bucks this is another makeup bag whatever a shark kids book bag feel like money lots of money that's just like a lunch box foot back another makeup bag this is one of those secret things this is Michael Kors nice straps I'm still not good enough to see if something's authentic or not but why do you buy storage units and you don't know everything that ever existed how do you do this Steve Madden wallet what a million in it oh it's definite was this the is this the tag for this purse looks like it's a medium satchel leather black I don't know maybe we'll find it $328 oh maybe not hopefully we'll find that and these are just coming insurance card that might be that this looks like it okay well we'll see if that has Michael Kors on it here's a t.j.maxx time for $200 no I don't know what this goes to all right just finished with this suitcase didn't want to bore you guys with all these random brands but found a few more Forever 21's some guests some Nine West so maybe I don't know between one and 200 I know between one and two hundred on this whole suitcase and bags alone so we pulled a bit more out of the unit as you can see we're starting to make a little bit of a dent kind of sorry let's just say we are alright let's get into here wait what okay this is trippy look at this that's kind of strange isn't it that's my I was about to freak out like this is a magic trick do you make my wallet hocus-pocus appear in there but okay he's not a nothing in there but we do have a nice thing of selling laptop here there may be nice and maybe not one all over and covered in dust and they ripped off all the sticker so we don't know what operating system what type of processor or anything's on itself they might be a good one I don't know we have a bunch of dusty toys in here along with some more hair lots of hair in this unit but as you guys tell us in the last one it's tough to be worth a lot of money so I'm not gonna complain about it in this box here speaking of hair you thought we found a lot last time that whole book bag with full of hair but check this one out one two three four I mean it's just completely full all the way the bottom probably twenty-five thirty more packs brand new and then here in it so that's a lot of money oops in here you think we're done with it here hold on it also got a laptop in here covered in stickers but this one's actually has the sticker zone it's a Windows 7 with an i5 processor that's not bad at all pretty decent laptop except that one aside and in this bag right here I'm looking their hair galore there's more and more hair these boxes here are also a crap ton more money added to the already massive profit margin in this one we found gun cases we found ammo we found gun boxes we found ammo crates we found everything that leads to one thing guns being in the safe so where we got to do today we're gonna hug it first alright then we do find the treasure oh yeah break it here we are where's the plan of attack today hammer and Bertha Bertha right here yeah Bert Oh for you guys don't know no on Jebus is channel this right here is birthday hi Bertha Bertha Sunday everybody say hi birth in the comments when she has the perfect amount of weightt the perfect amount of sharpness and everything to bust over safes I don't think there's a safe I meant that was unable lay it down you need help laying it down start now nothing ever - do not move she's running away it's gonna crash you ready ready to stay oh you heard that I heard that oh oh yeah plan of attack open activated oh wait should we try to use the Magnum before we destroy it let's try to eat you you know what man Magnum man did somebody order a magnet we did yes we did so they actually 1,200 pounds full force on that say Wukong magnet will come 1,200 pounds no finer than 1200 pounds the only reason I asked him did he have a magnet because the last couple times I had a safe people say put the magnet in you can hit the wattage whenever levers in are open but honestly I move that do that yeah there we go do you work don't seem sorry to subscribe it was said that but I think it's gonna happen first one way let's do this look Bart - usually likes to sit in the hedges alright I got you know alright it's gonna get some lip in there alright okay let me finish getting the shakes out when you put something in ready we got to get another crowbar Dewey high stakes out another one we got another Bessie yeah wait why don't you move our crowbar like further up the side over here yeah like waaah he had this there you go just keep cranking on the side now you'll hold it there no no part about it is we really are trying to get in this I think if that was a situation maybe I'm right now I can't look here you can't keep working it down a little bit I'm gonna come slide down that way so bend it up as much every time you slide down a hill slide down yeah this won't seem like it's gonna give you guys but in the end all right slide it to the like trying to get the bottom try to get the top part like you have the bottom like half open like that Bertha break water real Gimme a Break that water bottle Hey all right hold your bow right there hold it up maybe should flip your crowbar around pull it out right there cardio right now right thank you yeah there you go keep working on front get in right you ready they're gonna close okay this is a bad boy hang on I'll take here we're hoping the same side of the bar all right ready but we can give up no no fingers crossed guys you ready let's do it three two one go oh wow wow it looks like a lot of ammo holy crap and there are nice I've always wanted to be a ninja it's extremely heavy ammo there's hollow-point yeah hollow points a tram back to California illegal I don't even want to reach in there I don't want to touch it look at that ammo that's huge look at that bullet the magnitude of this is like what kind of forty five not even make sense the magnitude of it is a beautiful beautiful I'm like holy crap work was crazy oh yeah and a strong one day strong star there somewhere what do you think come on stop alright so we'll see one two those are all Winchester these are all one 4045 four boxes that's 200 rounds 300 rounds 400 rounds can still hold on I've got it Porter tonight here's another 150 rounds oh wait train yard did cardio all right well test you here 550 changing out a little pack here some buckshot 12-gauge buckshot no there hundred rounds you get you're good right I think he's good I think it'll keep going Oh what are you doing no lick it now for another hundred round your cell I think I'm running out of places the funny you got a bullet on your arm there oh sorry you dropping you is everything if you keep it in your arms you keep it I think everything else in there is actual just loose bullet there would be another magazine another mag another to Matt three mags three more Maggie this one's loaded too what's the possibility of something being behind that that this yeah I think in order to see that we have to come back for another video we might have to huh I think that's all we're gonna have to do for now for now he goes [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 54,432
Rating: 4.9053798 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: BhapWwtn8WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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