NIKE JORDAN SHOE COLLECTION FOUND! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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hear that heard some cool man no way you see that the guy was arrested for distributing so here we are at another storage unit number 14 here we paid $90 for this unit the reason might be a little stupid with don't judge us we'll show you why when we get inside let's go [Music] so a little weird right here like we bought this unit three days ago we came back and for some reason I guess something inside fell these shoes we're not there they were not there that you know what I want away hardly ninety dollars they were there something has fallen somewhere because this picked a much front and center those shoes were not the area and there was a giant light in the back which is no longer visible so I don't know if somebody's been in here or something fell but something's definitely not the way it wasn't about the unit if those Jordans were there this thing want to win for probably two or three hundred easily so I think we got a good unit the only reason we really bought it is because there's a couple easy tools to sell over here and there's a dolphin's hat and you know that's baby to use steam for some reason but I guess let's they're gonna do it let's pull out this first bag well we got a leaf blower got some hats let's look at all the teams we have I guess everything in the chute it's dirty look at this my hands already looks like a mechanic's dolphins giant the bad giant or I guess the worst Giants another one these guys can you believe it this is they're gonna go up a Super Bowl what's going on this is an 80s and then that one alright also we got going wise all the hats like covered in like I used to work at a Toyota dealership and this is what everybody looks like all the time just covered in this black stuff if you don't really know where it comes from but that's where it is all the time they're fake ones is the bear paws they're not really hugs they just caught their ball they look very similar but they're not quite as expensive yeah what is this does to fun mountain that has a Bible anything said that's awesome just mail and a pen and that well yes is ready for a workout now who in the right mind thought this was a good idea who this is just wrong with so many levels it's not really a chainsaw well we have an expert gardener leaf blower but it's still super dirty look at my hands already I've been in this unit for five minutes let's just talk about a flashbacks all over again very nicely the chainsaw was a plug-in one yeah it is there's no blade on it but it's not very cool easily greasy I almost don't those kind of tools go really quick so that's good Oh wallet great this box will come even though I've never once found money in a wallet it's still exciting credit cards nope nope nope nope and nope another crappy wallet well how could you not leave cash would you leave all your personal bank cards behind something about that this doesn't doesn't calculate yeah just another Bible really old dirty Bible oh no what went on in this locker but it's not clean shaving kit nothing I'm gonna put it right here I'm gonna keep it here yeah you don't see this picture yeah those awesome medication Hey look at this this printer it's not destroy their took a nice little fall airboat look at it like what happened here like you just take the whole unit it's some type of a portal to the inside of a car looks like what's going on everything oh what's that that is a toilet seat that's what I needed it's new it's so random there's an this box here starting to fill up my little table up this is all pictures beauties let's see we go actual God let's probably see these in here markers I guess what kind of Cologne they get dull whatever yeah well not much else in here what's your random stuff and let's see how its have lack my handsome get as I keep wonder did you know when it's all done I feel like they're gonna be completely blocked let me bring back some nostalgic memories right now look at that please be kind in a rewind be honest be honest you never did it no one ever did it actually rewind it ever rewind it every round how is everyone with one in here why is everything so grimy what what did you do there's some printer cartridges hopefully yeah definitely it's our planner it's an HP so hopefully be lucky close and disgusting who knows what else so I'm just going through here more in depth order I found two gift cards and one has $10 and one has 5 $15 and McDonald's on sweetie down on the jeebies let's keep on going so we got a little computer monitor who knows if it even can see the screen anymore like I don't know what happened in this unit I really don't maybe something more dynamite they went off and that's why there's black powder everywhere I don't know speaking Spanish definitely gonna need this thing right here you probably should have used it but that's all cleaners in there which will probably need unit so that's a good I guess put that aside I know I don't want to touch him look what are these I don't even know what brand they are fetus are they indeed oh yeah they are the rest additions like this weird carpets that people put on a toilet for some reason a case I guess you want the mildew smell in your bathroom we got those too and look at all the night you see I really really don't want to touch them so we're gonna show them all to you in the recap because if I touching the probably lose half the value right now I'll touch so I had to go out and wash my hands and literally try to find some gloves they're not really my size I can't even extend my fingers but let's go through some of the shoes cuz they look to be one of the only things that are in good shape look at those or this one at least could I guess the size 9.5 because what are you about 8 8 these are 13 I'm about a 15 so usually we find shoes to finding that out the range is nobody but we got that one one page hey there good shape let's probably I don't know how much actually but here's another knife use its match right here no well let's put these aside I got a blue one and a green one look at those Jordans no just Nikes some purple Nikes I don't like finding singles now there's actually kind of nice but again one shoe same with the red one here one shoe wears a little well that looks like this thing black grimy stuff has we've been finding yeah I'll go to wipe it off with some wine no problem this one that'd be dinner we have that one no no another single this just in a Dido or does it smell Jordan right no Matt come on but not this one no we found those before we're getting really annoyed at this I don't like single shoes or not this one seriously how many single shoes are we gonna have here okay really really have what two matches those the converse tennis shoes I don't know they make these kind of things I didn't know converse or anything other than your typical chunks so more Nikes here we're getting a lot of single shoe that's not good this thing out is this when we first bought the unit that thing was clearly business pop yeah it was on top then we come back it's hidden behind all this stuff and their shoes everywhere so something's strange here I don't know what happened I know somebody got into the unit or what happened but I don't I don't know how stuff can fall like we didn't even see like a bag or a box of shoes when we got it it's like in why are half of the missing that's like a disco you see that yeah that's kind of strange recap there's some Golden State Warriors pillows trash let's see the TV do you track what do you think is it I don't know is it no I don't see any not externally at least we'll have to plug in a way to get home to see if we have an internal threat what else we got going on over here all these printers it looks paper towels what they're black to dress shoes in here what are they Stacy Adams we saw like a pair left like 30 bucks before they're not in the greatest shape but looking in here you've got all the stuff to clean up for us so we got another printer here two printers now and Printers are usually hidden mist usually they're like five ten dollars at a flea market sometimes you get lucky you get an expensive one but usually not the case it's an old computer that's a Windows 7 actually it's not too old so it old CPU here and don't see any specs on it today sir anything anyone that knows anything about computers a Sears they're kind of the bottom breed there so let's set that aside right now pretty well soothing the laptop jeez I don't think there's enough weight for there to be an actual laptop hey what oh look there's something in there though but it's disgusting but it'll clean up while this grime is not like rips and tears unfixable damage it's just dirty what is that when it goes I odor killer what owner killer okay and there's a book in there this is really random telling you this is a very random unit sorry detective work machines and well we got a Siri it's a drug addict storage unit how many bottles up what is it 30 milligram percocets we're sitting on like 15 bottles of those there's like there's like nine bottles of purposes are empty and like five bottles of ten milligram methadone which I believe is used to come off and if I'm right in what they normally give somebody that's coming out there's five milligrams right so this dudes taking six times what's normal it has that many bottles of them the thing is they're dating around the same time so like this probably hopping doctors hopping hospitals just piling up the pills which is I guess the people think of an into the system like that but series stir huggy let's pull this back out after it's all closed is this all closed ever this is a Sony DVD player three new DVD players aren't really worth much though extension cord the rest of it now the rest of it is that there's one more thing yeah ultrasonic repellents all right other than that it's a giant bag of dirty clothes I'm gonna start to dig into this pile in the corner looks like a lot of clothes dress plus more just dress clothes look at all these tags home oh I just saw tags on it something these don't have tag do they these new oh these shorts look they're brand new and they retail for 50 bucks must be a nice brand it's another pair these aren't shorts I mean they might be shorts Tony like me but some of these clothes might be brand new which could be also good money keep the wrong stuff out just dress code up a dress code look a dress clothes and more more clothes still closer closer that's Golden State and it's true like what did you do in this unit you blew something up something blue you see that bug it isn't laying on the camera knows I'm pretty sure it came out of here what else we got that these are a dirty bag of I don't know what this is it's a messy pcs we had a phone we have a phone box that's empty unfortunately phone chargers are in there we think this that's like bathroom stuff it's not necessarily new kind of gross actually I'm just gonna let it sit there and act like I didn't see that next day we got a 2,000 mile long extension cord in case you gotta like I don't know steal your neighbors power joking probably power tool holy you know what hey we didn't find out look at those oh they're super nice aren't they're in size ten maybe these are all the other shooters are and Isis using me nobody Hey look there's the master those so that's a nice pair Jordan take a lot of new stuff in here and look brand new pack of boxer briefs never opened brand new sheet set for a queen bed never opened well more pills into the detector same thing crazy do we find this one yet yes so there's the other pair of Jordans another complete pair we don't were to do a recap at the end to show you everything cuz it's getting kind of hectic right now what else we got I know we found that yeah so we do have a lot of shoes yellow highlighter Nikes Hey is that the one now this is Ana DITA it's a new one gonna DITA what are these these fundraisers yeah man there's a lot of shoes in here hold on what is that oh look inside Li you see how clean this side looks like boom you turning around what happened on that side in particular brand new world war two kind of weeds there's some war there's the highlighter ship there is there's the adidas Hey look another Jordan yeah look at that we find the other one of those I think we did it you just look that way I'm getting confused too many shoes for me where are these Nikes I don't know anymore Nike why doesn't one man need so many shoes i still have shoes they are dismissed like three years ago that's the easy box is it the easy box you think it's in there no way you see that there's a reason look at that um whatever that mean if they are they're literally brand new like the bottom they're not even like worn another brand new I don't know how to tell 11 9 something like that well Oh easy booster whatever there's the field either side on their website that's let's find another box yeah let's what else we are going get another that's nice too I found earlier than Abita and well another idea another and man I think that's just about it for this bag there's snow there's more there's more shoes guys during the recount will show you all the shoes they're gonna have like probably 25 pairs of shoes you easy this is something kind of bad to find out one where 85% done with the storage unit but the bad guy threw over with pills in it guess what there used the tree that's used for HIV and AIDS so we'd probably have a drug addict it was infected with AIDS not a good not a good look not a good person stuff the only thing I'm glad I got gloves but we're almost done at this point so he might as well finish anything happened it's already happened plot twist again so we're continuing we have a detective looking through stuff the guy was arrested for distributing so this is just obviously theory here if you have it as these such as AIDS I'm pretty sure you go to just about any clinic and get pain medication right so my thought is he's going for Medicare facility the facility jumping buying these pain pills and then reselling them on the street for money that's my that makes sense right you know what normal person has 18 bottles of 30 milligram preggers set in a two-month period that's not normal normal people don't do that unless they're either one massive drug addicts or two they're selling it and obviously we have proof that he was arrested for selling it so that's my guess let me hear yours all right real bag here at last she we had was money here money and they do awesome yeah a lot of change in here you hear that sounds like a bag of chain what if you just had all the money who's made from selling this stuff in here we found all the shoes all the money this would be this is a $90 you know you already like made way way more than we put in use at least ten bucks of shoes at least there's more shoes in here and there's something else in the FC look at that literally has a USB and off that's kind of expensive let's see Feli well what all the cheap booze actually than ready block doors it looks like look at that no ah thought it's a Gucci guess I just saw the G oh well that this am i right those are adidas you like do this as well even are cheaper it's not Jordan hi let's see right here one just a little thing full of paints there's more in there which probably that's spilled everywhere oh look at this geez can you see that China it's just loaded with change another pair of Nikes look at all this what's this yeast wash sir I don't know that I don't know I just don't trust anything info on this unit no more voice your edge hey I didn't I don't know I don't know if that's just a piece to it or the whole thing I don't know either but there's really this one looks like a lot of clothes what there is change at the bottom so there's money in there I don't know how much anything else and you were really missing it's prettier blocking down here crockpot oh well where oh look at this oh man see uh-huh detox same thing uh-huh I'm so lost baby you selling to support his using I don't know it's all pennies again look at that is probably another P pocket pennies though you see that there's a lot of them in there see what's in here and that's pretty much it last little box it looks like it might be who knows what what is this okay mm-hmm never use it wonder why well let's see what is this ooh this is a wallet with no money no maybe in a zipper open open open nope just cards Wow the rest of it you'll never guess pill bottles water bottle so you know what I think I did for now we have a big mess to clean up let's get into video recap alright welcome the footlocker should I say the recap of this storage unit guy we saw a lot of shoes in there were a lot of shoes everything you see on the table is still not all of them we literally could not fit all the different pairs of shoes on this table how do I even begin to recap this um yeah you see a lot of shoes that's not my thing one thing though they may not look great on camera but from what we've seen already you take a wipe to these they all just have that black powdery so whatever is all in this unit on them 95% of these once we take a rag to these and kick this black stuff off they look really really good conditioning really really good shape this is a lot of money where the shoes so just try to start in front nice pair of Jordans right here what is this Nikes I don't even know I don't know Nikes Nikes Nike I tried when I using the front Nikes Jordans Jordans Nikes think these are indeed is yeah one of those these two adidas converse these are penguins I never even heard penguins so I don't know if those are valuable these are indeed Asst Nikes Nikes Nikes Nikes Nikes and what are these amigas um because they're nudists because the ones that one yeah their idea they converse and down here we also got this pair like Miami Dolphin looking Nikes here these I don't even know what these are like it says Coleman Coleman yeah like a you know print are actually nice-looking to this is another pair of Nikes but again like they look dirty right but that is just that black powder they'll come right off you're done gone and that's not it's still another pair of Nikes down here and lastly finally another pair of ideas and don't forget is the Big Daddies basically pretty much brand new in the box Easy's they're so ugly I get they're expensive but they're just so gross you could have picked a better like there's better-looking ones than these but I think the best-looking pair Yeezys doesn't compare to a crappy pair of Jordans Jordans just looks better all around yeah let's count this up wonderful one two three four five pairs of shoes they're six six kinda me Easy's yes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 31 45 x 6 27 pairs of shoes in this unit and don't forget there's also a couple pairs of dress shoes that are out in there so we have about 30 pairs of shoes from one I wanted that unit maybe oh yes thinking was a $90 for a storage unit I think we did very well and that's just including these we got the disco light which is pretty G the computer which we didn't even try to plug that one wait jack plug the disco it does work we're gonna party tonight we're gonna party like a 1699 if you know that song lyrics from I like you but guys this is a massive score seems it every time we find like an arrest record their points of them selling drugs we have like a huge score that comes with it it's kind of ironic isn't it I mean some of our best videos on this channel literally our units where it's just a huge amount of shoes that come out of a drug dealer it's like a thing they just they like shoes for some reason I don't know why but they like shoes anyway I don't know how much this is all gonna be worth some of this Jordan for like $80 I hear some of these Nikes you're like 34 to use I don't know it's way more than a $90 we paid for the you at least we can say that for sure made a crap ton of money on it and it seems like we always deal with the drug dealer so if you enjoyed it leave it a fake fat thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 87,305
Rating: 4.7508845 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, NIKE JORDAN SHOE COLLECTION FOUND, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, abandoned storage units
Id: x1-UZ4LsLds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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