BANNED From Storage Auctions FOR LIFE... Last Time I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit! Profit ROI?

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we are completely banned from storage auctions and i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm just going insane [Music] today we're going to go clean out a storage unit but it could very well be our last one for a long time we're in kind of a very bad situation that i'll explain to you in a little bit but it's very unjust very unfair i will get your opinion on it very soon but we could very well be banned from storage auctions for a long time i hope not but for now let's go get in the car and let's go see what we got in this one and let me explain it all to you [Music] all right so we're here at the facility before we get into our unit let me explain to you this really messed up situation in my eyes so earlier this week we bid on five storage units got up the next morning looked at them all lost them all no big deal it's whatever you move on right then on saturday halloween day i get an email from storage treasurer saying that my account is suspended and blocked from bidding from this day forward so i can't even use storage stretchers no more i have no idea why i lost everything i've been on why no we go on there and click on their little email apparently now all of a sudden the unit was at 120 i lost it now it was back at 110 i wanted they didn't send me an invoice they didn't tell me i wanted they didn't do anything it's just congratulations you got a unit hope you don't have plans buddy there it is so my account is now suspended i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get that back couple details i left out now that it says all of a sudden i won the unit that means that i was supposed to have it cleaned out four days ago which is obviously impossible because they never let us know we had it to begin with and it even told me i lost you saw the screenshot i screenshotted it because i was gonna put them in videos that screenshot it all the ones i lost so i could put them in another video that i didn't end up making so i had evidence the proof that they already told me i lost but now that since i didn't clean it out like i was supposed to my account is suspended and i can't even bid no more which makes no sense literally i called store treasurer's customer service and they basically straight up told me i don't have a choice i have to go clean out the unit or my account is going to be suspended forever and they can charge my card for what the facility has to pay to clean it which is bs i mean i wanted the unit just because i wanted to make the video but still it's just really irking my nerves a lot but we paid 110 for the unit let's hope there's something in it and let's hope we can get our account back because with covet there's literally no live auctions it's storage treasures or guess what you are f worded let's get into the unit [Music] so we've been on the unit for a couple of reasons number one the nicely stacked nike boxes they are a little intriguing look at the one on top size eight that's somebody's size i know right there maybe the real reason is look at this on the ground over there pirate treasure really pirate finds a lot of stuff so you know that's just treasure in here if he stores it all the way in virginia from california i want to come in here and find it so let's get in there and see what we got first things first bag of clothes you guys know i don't want to look at them just kind of quick feel make sure there's nothing else in there that's all close with the exception of some paper here so i'm not interested in that first shoebox well i didn't even pay attention to this shoebox look at it taped up like that that's a little odd but it's ripped open it's one of those like scenty things yep we'll take it we'll take it and just a shoe box so let's set that outside the door let's get this little thingy out and hopefully we find the other drawer weird thing happened to us the other day we were selling a table on facebook marketplace and they wanted to come pick it up at midnight where like whenever we're up anyway so who cares they came by in our garage and it's literally shopped around all kinds of stuff we sold like what 75 dollars with the stuff to these random strangers at midnight yeah so i was like that was kind of cool that's the ideal situation that's all we keep stuff in our garage so when they come in to buy something like you're also looking for this this this and you're hoping for that to happen usually it doesn't but every now and then you'll get the people to walk around and buy everything you're like yeah so in here we got get out a light bulb a plastic light bulb is it one of those color changing ones yeah it looks like it might be and a barbie i'm assuming is it actual barbie or an off brand i don't know a barbie this might be your car so i think it might be a real barbie doesn't that look like a barbie car i mean i think why are you breaking it there's that there's this binder some drawings and some other things like that just school work this has glue bottle what else is in this little bag anything of interest or is it all like school stuff that looks like that moonsand stuff remember this does that and well other than that i'm not seeing anything without the more school stuff what is this this is more moon sand all right so a bunch of moons and i'm just going to get this back right on out of the unit let's pull up a bunch of these shoe boxes so first vans they're not as expensive as jordan's but uh that's not a good sign at all you know i feel like since i've got here all i've done is gamble and shoeboxes and it's not done a good job i need to stop gambling with shoeboxes so this is just pictures and things like that i'll leave this one behind for them uh well this one's empty completely this one hey let's be good they're actually like new too maybe i should keep gambling on shoeboxes these are 30 bucks brand new the price tags in it so some kids chucks converse all-stars whatever you want to call them i call them chucks what do you call it put it in the comments i feel like everyone has a different name chucks they're chunks exactly all right so this tote here looks like clothes close close close close close close what about this a gun oh yeah oh there's a pump more nerf gun huh let me pump it and it doesn't pop how do you fire it then i don't know it has ammo and i see it but it won't let me shoot it now you can't shoot me well that's disappointing this could get out the way did you hear that guys disappointing if you can't shoot well that's your fault i'm just going to blame you i think mm-hmm this this i think i look good in this don't you think yeah oh it's two different things either one they're leggings how to rock them um these are new whatever these are first this 10 bucks tried to fall these are new jeans ultra rise what brand are they pink celebrity pink is what it says 1331 trying to see if i can find a price on them but not seeing one but they're brand new so that's cool actually you look brand new too look at this definitely brand it looks like um dress pants or something like that cracky and two black khaki brand new and these look like jeans again i think whatever they are they're also brand new so brand new clothes i don't mind there's another beer jeans dragons yeah they might be jegging but the i don't know what the branded stuff is i don't want to open them obviously because they're new so we'll leave it at that for now all right stop breaking stuff this is all your fault there's the other part to the drawer there's the other part of the drawer you know what the funny thing is is i told you we had to wait to somebody else to come in and follow them in here so if we finished the unit before the place opened at 9 30 we're pretty much just trapped because the code they gave us that was going to work so might be trapped in here let's see what should i go to next this a chair thing some junk get this junk out i'm always scared of cleaners that have a yellow tint to them because that's a bottle of pee pee i'm gonna be mad a bottle of pee pee i don't want to touch it right now what's in it oh your favorite figures a whole bag of hangers just for you and rose petals that scented like apple cinnamon paprika why don't you smell it like it won't just make it smell like roses i don't know that remember that's the stuff that i was talking about in that one unit i'm just gonna pick the name of it yeah i do remember that and well i got a shoe looks scary didn't it don't lie yeah and this all right let me take it out a little bit that treasure chest though what what what's in there it's weird so this kitchen stuff ah come here looks like it this is like plates it looks like maybe there's multiple plates here they are a bunch of plates plastic kitchenware looks new everything's falling apart in here this is all your fault don't blame me that's the way that going so almost fell this is like all black brand new kitchenware we'll go through it a little bit more so in the recap because it's falling all over the place so we got oh damn you know what this is a weighted vest that is a weighted vest i want to pick it i thought it was a regular vest but no that is a weighted vest that is pretty heavy weighted too feel it it's not the normal light one oh normal light one what's the normal light one usually i feel like when i find them like 10 or 15 pounds or something like that not really that big of a difference so i'm like what's the purpose that that'll break you back that's a good one this what is that cushion toasty i don't want your cushions show me your shoebox well there's some scents for the scentsy lemon i hate anything citrus i hate lemons um one of the other limes i hate them all yeah don't do that glass cleaner um more cranberry why are you such weird smells give me some good ones normal ocean breeze yeah fresh linen those are the good ones vanilla lavender the best one is like the sugar cookies they're so good no not yet that's an event definitely not the part just yet this has got something weird in it probably books but let's hope not or if they are i thought the expensive one and that's what i always kind of hope not in there actual school stuff in the school bag but that's what happens most of the time unfortunately so let's set this aside out here let's see what's in the green toad here first what is that i thought there was like a cheat code when i first saw it oh geez look at this yeah no idea i thought it was like a chica it looks like that's me so in here we got a necklace oh god i see glitter that's crafting stuff i don't even want to touch the glitter you know once you get glitter on it you're done for like three years you're still finding it three years yes maybe more than that in places you don't even know how it got there yet so we've tested this yet but it's not the main reason no no not yet on go through this stuff first remember guys she's doing this to you i was gonna do it her fault let's see what's in here this looks like a gym bag doesn't it i guess they used to bring out the basketballs and stuff in oh yeah yeah oh well that's kind of gross i don't really know what's in there but it's really sticky speed stick junk junk is what it is let's tell it how it is more jobs and well more bathroom i hate bathroom any jewelry in there no what is this hello world and the rest of it i think is going to be closed yeah the rest of this down here is all close feel the bottom now make sure it's all closed boring i don't want to look at it let's see what this little thing is since i'm not allowed to look at the shoes what is that believe by brilliance never heard it me neither open well whatever it was is no longer in there unfortunately maybe cologne or something i'm assuming oh my gosh huh it looked like jewelry to me maybe now shoeboxes all right um that's about right that's about right i felt good about this you ready mm-hmm oh let's actually see shoes uh but they took a beating geez i don't know if those are recoverable good thing with these is that at least they're like that leather like slick but we'll see we just gotta look up the kind yeah i mean if they're worth saving depending on the price you gotta look at the price i'm jordan you know some jordans are like 40 dollars some are like 500 you know really now we gotta look them up look at the stock i am just being very bad today please don't come near me i will use this in self-defense i will do all right put it down back up next back up next back up keep going keep going more keep going you're gonna put me into the spiderwebs back here now what's in the bowl oh let's go wait to it let's see i've ripped it open this is why not what are these things that go in here curlers yeah those and this is yeah there's more bathroom stuff it's leaking rubbing alcohol back up whoa whoa uh red by kiss hair dryer um what is this it looks like a bloody knife doesn't it look at this just a bloody knife you know just in case anyone acts up okay i gotta look let's see what that is i have to that's definitely a knife why does it look like there's blood on it oh it's red look at the bottom though yeah that looks like a bloody knife but more kitchen stuff and more bathroom stuff oh what's up everybody my turn to go through the unit hope you're having a great day let's get into the rest of this stuff by the way store dogs pirate merch i think it was more fitting for you to open the chest i know i know i got pirate treasure and i got stored after heart sweatshirt it's finished all right let's see what's in the rest of this stuff hopefully we find something good hopefully hopefully hopefully fingers crossed they're crossed toes crosstalk so we have just kids toys in here we have a gun another one two guns that's so dangerous at least mine works oh mine had ammo in it so is this baby shark doo doo it is you're making this more complicated everything's like weirdly put together in this unit all right let's see what's in here well what was in there i think there was glass at the bottom so it looks like we have some shoes some boots although it looks so good i know you would he has a sticker why wouldn't i because look at him so these have a 29.99 price tag on them i don't see a brand though but maybe poshmark we have some glitter slides we have some of these those like the croc um material some slip-on shoes tom true i think that's these walmart see at walmart um the other pair of those kids boots that are kind of dirty olive oil where's papa i don't know we got fun um hawaiian scent that's better than lemon uh time true shoes again and um these kind of slides still i mean all cheap yard sales shoes what else we got is this the bag i just lose it no that one's a a dinosaur i don't know i would guess dinosaur yeah let's call it that see what's in here more kids toys a couple monster trucks i don't know if you call it monster trucks but monster trucks over there stop making this complicated um and then right here we just have a couple bottles of laundry detergent that'll like probably have like this much in the bottom yeah you gotta say one that's like 50 cents there yeah gotta put it in storage but other than that all that right there is pretty much trash next bag we have right here that mold it looks like mold that looks like mold to me trash yeah i mean i could feel the weight of it just feels like oh well you're gonna know now i told you everything's put together in here with like nothing that's literally just a couple towels and blankets and that top blanket definitely has mold on it so i don't really want to touch it this is another clothes bag all clothes isn't that your favorite yeah here's the top to that rolling thing that we brought out in the beginning broken now no place just so we needed yeah saving two dollars right there yeah cause those really cheap ones yeah um i just wanna like move this have some weight to it i'm taking my line now i'm not have some weight to it now i'm gonna i just want to check it out we have this thing that says beware keep out let's see where else is treasure there better be something good in here don't do it i won't i won't i'll set it right here in the corner actual treasure right there two backs you know how you um threatened threatening me with that piece of wood earlier maybe now i got two plastic bats to do the same well i have a gun on my waist no you don't yeah i do no you don't yeah i do you like that i have a real i'm just kind of awkward into that but i was about to do uh beavis's line are you threatening me uh this trainer i love beavis but it's better no yeah absolutely shut up do you guys watch me with some butthead who is better beavis or bud head put in the comments but has iq is one b zero yes beavis is the dumber of the two a hundred percent that's probably why i like them more but because bbs is hilarious all right so this whole bag is just kids books the people that came to our garage the other day that's all they were asking for like over and over again kids what kids what kids books whoa there you go more of this stuff stuff but you see like this is what i was trying to tell you in the other one like it's all like it looks like liquidy stuff right here and then it's all white stuff here i don't really know exactly what it is what else is in here though uh and it looks like they've maybe tried to make a bunch of it maybe maybe no idea uh what's next oh i know what those are everlasting you ready to do this out uh yeah as long as you don't knock me out there's boxing in mma or just boxing um yeah just boxing gloves dang it usually they come in a pair like a pair of boxing apparel again too just boxing gloves hey boxing gloves aren't cheap no you're right this stuff right here is just junky stuff trash yeah so i'm just gonna put that over there by the way is it appropriate to come to work in pajamas man this is not pajamas yeah it is their dual purpose no i could wear them during the day and for pajamas stop judging me okay i'm in my pajamas too it's okay i'm gonna roll close this pajamas so yeah it doesn't matter all right this is all bedding and that's all i feel in here this is like a um allergic mattress thing allergic mattress thingy yeah something cover your mattress and it helps with like dust mites and stuff like that i don't know i'm gonna look on amazon i used to have one how much an allergic mattress thing these usually i don't know leave me alone all right so this this shoe box right here hey look a lot of paintball masks they're just nerf masks they i mean they go to these two guns but um whoa that fire i know didn't have any ammo on it did it no this one no okay and then a coloring book but we found um those really like hot heavy duty ones that we found in california had those masks yeah a long time i got the big nerf guns yeah microwave a red one too yep red microwave and it's like it's clean that's an easy twenty point five bucks it's actually pretty clean yeah it's like maybe use a couple times i see like some standard here but please compare the other one next we have is next we have is that made a lot of sense this is the next thing that we came in contact with one of these of three drawer plastic bin thing super easy style for like five ten dollars another shoe box that's what we had luck with last time yep i don't know that is that just seems dirty it looks like a pink version of the thing that could be even running up that off wires in the eos yeah nothing in that by the way found another jordan here that one's sturdy yeah i mean overall a little better shape but the same dirtiness i see more shoes on here hopefully we have a whole bag of shoes down here that would be nice this right here is all kids toys don't want to really go through that this looks like medicine slash bathroom um stuff want to play a game what we'll just start taking people's pills randomly first one to fall out loses um yeah no that's bad joking no no no uh what else is in here that's like all bathroom stuff i was making sure i didn't see like a hey look a phone what kind of phone well it's a bejeweled one yeah is that a case here no um no it's they actually glued it one idiot one of these things yeah stop destroying our stuff you're gonna give us i want to find like a little um container with the julienne yeah something tells me if they have jewelry in this unit maybe like those little quarter ones you get in front of the grocery store walkie talkie like a kid's walkie talkie is not a real one yeah so this just has the phone in it let's move this over here you know what unit what i don't forgive you i know he's trying to say sorry to me but i'm not forgiving it i mean i don't know if it has all the pieces but it's in there another game here headbands dollar never played it before yes this thing is gross we owe them a dollar all right what's in this bag because i see the matching part of this jordan's here too bad no i really don't know wash them up a little bit all right these hug no no very very cheap version of a guitar probably walmart yes down here i mean i can literally like break this at the bottom else in there besides those shoes there is something absolutely amazing right here check it out toilet paper you know people would have done for that a few months ago i know they would have killed literally killed people for it i feel like people got trampled and actually died now i would not be surprised you know yeah we had high god we'd have toilet paper to hide from the scary virus all right next tote here we have can i ask you a question how come it's okay for a hundred people to go to walmart stuff check out and line up like they're doing macarena that's perfectly safe but having a live auction of about 10 or 15 people outdoors is extremely dangerous i don't know that's a mystery to me too why can't three people are not going to small business but 500 can go on a big one yep why answer my questions but i mean seriously though like if you guys have a logical explanation or something that like like that please tell us because at this time we're i get so annoyed just like a restaurant yet outside of the restaurant you're good you walk inside you gotta put a mask on walk to your table where sit down no it's like we're all gonna breed the same air it's all gonna be circulated throughout the building with ac on like what just somebody explain the logic to me like how much i can get it yeah i don't know that's all close yeah it's all fun i'm so over it i'm getting so annoyed with it next then here is oh baby that'll go back yeah there is see this bag here that is so heavy jewelry no this big thing a lotion baby lotion money there it is of course no more uh oh hold on wait did you hear that house how that sounded is it silver i don't know what's the date on the quarters um quarters no that's not 2 000 1991 that is a state on it okay yeah nothing old but 75 80 90 a dollar a dollar oh there's another a dollar in five nickel yeah and there's a couple pieces of like earrings down here but other than that nothing else in this bag this see what else is down here hopefully stuff besides flips hey hey more cake all right a baby bottle piggy bank i'll take it i'll take it it's gonna be like three or four bucks yeah maybe we'll find one come on keep going oh box by the way there's nothing in there but um somebody commented that and maybe laughed so far because like literally every time you pick up a box oh how do i do it because i think if you would think after 150 of them i would know the weight by now but like it still just feels too heavy to me when i pick it up i mean they do have like a weird amount of weight to it even without a phone i'm still getting excited every time i find one so we have some baby jackets on hangers down here which is the hard thing that i'm feeling and over here is nothing so the rest of that is closed but i found a baby bottle with the jeans three more totes left back here and then we get to the pirate chest right i'm not missing anything right now okay all right what's in this tote we have a you know scoot it over a little bit i kind of blocked the light too dark uh wait so we had an extension cord we have this cord and an hdmi this is like a common like computer monitor tv cord so we'll definitely keep that close close close close close close close nothing but clothes in there pull the next tote over this is a little lighter well at least we have some totes here yeah if nothing else yeah nothing in there but close and i wonder what's in the last one yeah this one oh god look look at it all what the heck is that i don't know that ants you don't have a light jeez make sure it's not only your pants or nothing no holy you know what that's like a million of them is it ants or spiders those are ants they gotta be ants give me give me the truckies all right guys we got a light here but look at this like that's literally a pile of ants i've never seen this many ants in my life because it's a little infested yeah a little bit infested so let's get in the pirate chest now i'm glad we have the back of the pickup truck because i would not be putting this stuff in the car no no no no no at least it's going in the back so there's ants in it they're going to fly and you know 1.95 so that's gross so i just said we were going to the pirate chest but i completely forgot that we hadn't even touched this yet because he actually caught me so off guard so what do we have in here we have another slide hair skin and nails um olive oil spray um more pairs of shoes down here any just more new like baby clothes looks like mostly women's shoes or i'm true walmart brand you know when you see bugs like that you constantly feel like an itch or like you feel like something's on you constantly even though it's not a headlight i keep scratching my legs and my feet now i keep feeling something on it even though there's not i've like never seen that like a pile of pants like that yeah that's pretty crazy um here's a bag i don't know cash money makeup dang it what's up these are like magnet letters okay yeah it's kind of random nothing else in there anything else in here i found another couple bags here yeah change um what is this i don't care uh here's some change right here oh there's a good amount in there a little 1910 gold yeah come on nike it doesn't say anything on it though but there's a lot of changes it's a lot of quarters that's probably five left more so there all right next bag looks like a makeup bag yeah i didn't have to make a bag make a bag with a couple lighters in here what can someone answer that for me why don't i always find lighters and makeup bags there's something to use a lighter for with your makeup i don't know i'll say don't ask me all right that is it for that let's get into that pirate chest pirate chest right here time to get into it waited this whole unit to get into it let's see better be good three two one get out of here come on come on there has to be something hidden under this are you serious this is literally all just panties no this one's not panties but pads yeah i know oh look at that rocket ship piggy bank that's cool really well so yeah that was our pirate's treasure but uh that's kind of disappointing but nevertheless we'll go through all this stuff we'll get it home go through it all in detail and get you guys a recap once we get home see you then can i just point out once again i feel like i do it every time we clean out a unit how useful this little net is it's literally 17 bucks at walmart and it makes this stuff so easy for what we do so many random little things throw it all in there layer it make it even throw a net over it it's so freaking quick so much better than those really tight single string bungees you got to worry about pulling snapping knocking your eye out i hate those things these things so easy before we get into the recap i want to talk a little bit more about this whole band situation because it's really sucky so i talked to storage treasures customer service on a halloween afternoon around three o'clock is when i got the email and called them and like i said earlier they basically told me too bad so sad you have to go clear out the unit or else your accounts will be banned which is bs but i wanted the unit so i was like alright i'm just going to let it slide they told me that basically after clean up the unit and they put it in the computer that it's cleared out on their side then they'll go to their side go to storage treasures from public storage to storage and the account will be clear that was saturday afternoon it's now three in the afternoon on monday november 2nd three days later the unit was paid for that saturday we literally as soon as we got the email we got in the car drove down there and paid to get the stuff fixed up it's monday afternoon they have still done absolutely nothing about it so as of right now we are completely banned from storage auctions and i don't know what i'm going to do i'm just going insane i really really don't they're making me really mad yes there's other sites out there but anyone that does this for a living knows all the other sites combined don't even have half of what's listed on storage treasures they are the main go-to storage auction company and now they banned us so i don't know what we're gonna do right now but let's go do a recap of the unit we got and let's just hope things get fixed over time all right so let's do that quick little recap now there really wasn't too much as you didn't see in the video but as you can see over here to the yard sale pile is pretty much the majority of the unit microwave weighted vest some of the toys over here piggy bank some of the kitchen stuff clothes i think these were all clothes right here clothes and shoes the cheap shoes are over here but the only thing that we did find that you didn't see were their pink actual uggs not the weird off-brand walmart ones pink uggs so i mean that's another 30 bucks probably on poshmark we got the dirty jordans the less dirty jordans those are okay these will probably come clean these will probably end up going in the yard they'll call it to be honest for like five or ten bucks the baby converses brand new literally never even worn before all the change ended up being almost right under ten dollars like nine dollars and 80 cents or something like that right under 10 bucks and change which i mean can't complain with cash but anyway overall that's pretty much all we had in here obviously the big problem is right now being banned from source traders so let's hope that gets fixed right now sound off in the comments let me know what you think about it because it's kind of making me mad and if you got to do anything about it let's do something about it i don't know what to do about it but i feel like we should do something about it it's kind of annoying but if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 79,014
Rating: 4.8576174 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: hWtFZVBkWtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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