Yard Sale Customer GOES OFF ON US! "Don't Put Me On Camera!" Making That Money! Yard Sale Finds!

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just a girlfriend it just records what happens here [Music] you know what time it is it is 2 20 in the morning guess what time we went to bed that's right trick question we didn't we've been up all night sorting through this stuff because we're about to have our one dollar yard sale one dollar or last yard sale in a few hours and if neighbors we wake you up right now i'm so sorry it's 2 30 in the morning but our garage is packed to a brim and we're gonna have to start bringing stuff out literally now just to keep sorting quick tour of the garage real quick we have trash over there live auction stuff has been pulled already furniture will go to an auction house when we get a chance the rest of the stuff is what we have to load out so we have all of these boxes all those bags and boxes right there more boxes and more boxes let's get started because we're gonna be tired [Music] finally done setting up and it is daylight out so we can finally record all of this stuff so in a second i want to show you all down the driveway but first i want to show you the best sign ever to have a yard sale that we don't know what's in the boxes all a dollar or less enjoy your treasure hunt so i just want people to grasp the concept that all of these boxes are literally full to the brim of who knows and that they need to do a little bit of digging so hope you guys enjoy the treasure hunt if you're watching this and came today so here's the overall pan of the driveway it literally spans all the way down but look at all these boxes christmas decorations easter decorations glassware kitchenware toys mostly glassware a bunch of different holiday things collectibles bhs dvds baskets jewelry boxes books school supplies binders more books over there we have more books some clothes some random this dresser clothes random nail polish over there more random then we have all those picture frames over there it is very hard to walk up and down these things especially when i'm trying to record with the camera but i'll show you more clothes right there randomness randomness over here we have more randomness collectibles cool home decor this is all the um goodwill palette bags that we still have then we have like some couple cheap perches purses purchase a goodwill bag again some glassware some toys and stuffed animals guys we were literally working on this from 2 a.m until about 30 minutes ago so it literally took us four and a half hours or so to do all of this so can't wait for people to get here let's get into the action all right one two three four five about five bucks thank you you too send everyone you know thank you have a good one how about a dollar yeah i go for a dollar all right you can't walk away with nothing i know and that's right and i don't have a dollar either all right let's see we got 45 35 45 fifty sixty seventy seventy five eighty here i'll just take eighty thank you let's take all the silver you wanna depending on these okay i'll put them in my change jar i appreciate that tell everybody you know everything is a dollar or less yes ma'am i do thank you a dollar signs don't lie all right thank you thank you tons of stuff in each box try to get a good treasure hunt while you're searching three four five six seven eight eight okay yep okay you're eight dollars can you sit on the frog find something else all right one dollar you got it here oh thank you what you got how about one two three four and then i want to do the uh telescope okay five keep the chain for right now i'll be right back okay i'm gonna keep shopping all righty do you want to hold on to that for now yeah okay i need two computer monitors two computer monitors so one two on those and then we'll do a three four let's see if i got change i should give you this might need the ones later thank you how about two two dollars all right thank you just let me know how many you want and then okay just tell me what you want to pay for and we'll see thanks yep hi um telescope yeah somebody bought it yeah one of the first things to go yeah that was when my mom was trying to come at eight yeah yeah one of the first things to go how much lesson a dollar everything's a dollar or less it's not a lie i know i saw him carrying it away i'm like man i could have gotten it hey me okay so um we also want that world painting that's on the curve um and then let me we have one two and then three three all right and then that for four yeah all right okay let me see if i have two i don't what do you got you got anything smaller no i literally don't went to the tank just take it he's gonna have to go back and count probably yeah yeah that's all right we'll keep track of this and i know you guys it's like seven steps that's all right we'll make it work i don't want to care cause you're still picking up stuff yeah just wait till your pile is done and then we'll count it good morning everyone i'm not creepy all right thank you yeah yeah all right baby work your way out did you see it did you see it on facebook did you look at the signs no we watch on your live option you mentioned it is that email y'all got it but i heard you're going to change that format so i guess we're not going to be able to watch it now no you can watch it so we just set up this membership thing to where we only take bids from members so yeah that's the only reason we did that but everybody else can still watch that's actually cool yeah yeah all right honey let me swing by this guy all right there he is maybe you want let me know fans subscribers there's jeebus and then we got all right so four then we'll do five six seven eight two those two yeah about 20 for all of it plus the four in the car twenty-four yeah it's like two i did two for a dollar on the books and then whatever else is in there she's like it's a dollar why not see thank you you're welcome wait a minute hold on there's a lot of people right here hold on take it you too wow this besides my javascript this is a funny one man treasure hunt yeah the driveway all right what we got all right we got the blanket one two three four and this five thank you have a good day guys all done yeah all right let's see what we got one two three four five six seven eight nine how about eight because i'll do the two for golly that was a daughter just take it just take it i saw it immediately fell on my knees my nephew's over there that's his pile excuse me coming behind you how do i get over here okay sure dollar two three four five six seven about ten for all of it twelve yeah extra a tip thank you thank you guys have a good day pack it all right let's see if i have cheese i'm right here i love your gopro you got going thank you anti-theft device hey there you go plus we have a youtube channel so that's another reason awesome units around here yeah um we've we've gone as far as winchester before but mostly around here richmond north folk sometimes it looks like so much fun it is oh my god maybe one day check out the youtube channel i know you want to i see you looking at it i will buy it and spray paint it wait i'm trying so i'll get the bookcase all right i'll get it so one down there are you all set are you still what do you say okay the box can be available all right okay okay so dresser or bookcase sorry dollar two three four five six seven eight eight nine ten you're like fifteen all done one dollar one two three we'll do three dollars for everything yeah three dollars three that's a cute lead is that two dollars so it's a two-prong it's like two-circle i don't know how to explain it i got it like it's a pretty common wire i just never found it with it are you all set so one two three three dollars okay uh i'll just get this okay one dollar okay a five here's one five no i you guys all set i think so all right let's take this stuff on this trigger okay are you still shopping are you good okay good so one two three or is it together it's together okay one two three four how about ten bucks for everything sounds great thank you ma'am thank you have a good day all right one two about four dollars all right all right you can have that for free okay thank you all for you all right so we'll do about one dollar for all those two or three purple pen and then everything just goes oh yeah did i say three you just have some grocery bags perfect thank you all right here you go seven yeah y'all have a great day me too yeah yeah yeah yep thank you good everybody deals today all right let's see if i got change 20 10 hiding back here and five five no okay here we can one two three four five six three there you go thank you so you really do find storage for it yes that's kind of cool yeah you see what you know like we watch storage uh storage boards i think it is yep that's kind of cool yeah i mean it seems like it would be kind of neat and you never know what you're going to find but that's it i mean there you go thank you guys have a good one how about three i don't have much change left started with none so i have six ones thank you i needed these [Music] 20 bucks for everything all right what's that thing just a gopro it just records what happens here oh wow that's okay i won't put you on camera that's three dollars for that tote of gift bags as well and i did a couple things two for a dollar okay just let me know i probably would buy some more but i'm gonna help you with somebody help me with this pretty cool yeah thank you man thank you yeah all right thank you thank you have a good day you're back we went to a church yard sale right up the road and we said let's come back so you're gonna shop around some more i think we do are you good yeah okay these are here too yeah look they're always looking right here um i think so i'll look again just okay that's not yours all this up here and then the birdhouse and below all right we'll do one about five bucks for it appreciate it [Music] yes oh oh they're so cute let me see how i have changed okay thank you there you go we'll just have it thank you fine i got a new uh we'll see are you all set yeah all right one two three four five six six dollars yeah okay are you all set all right what you got three i'm not getting the ball thank you thank you all right what did i say fine there you go thank you thank you i'm sorry all right let me help you get it can you grab it from that side there you yep you got more stuff yeah can you get all of them like one dollar for you yes okay she's so cute i love your hair thank you have a good day guys all set okay yeah all right let's see what we got oh there's two dollars for all of those three four five how about six seven yeah glad you guys can make it again thank you yes ma'am okay that's our full-time job really you need to tell everybody here subscribe yeah how about 10 bucks perfect all right thank you thank you yeah for sure all right so we'll do let's see one two okay and i'm guessing the total that was right in there yeah yeah that's for sure um how about 20 for it all okay like that every day all right do you have a youtube channel yes treasure hunting there we go i appreciate it thank you have a good day guys watch out no other dollars here just give me those two yeah you have that for free thank you you're welcome it makes it easier myself okay 20. sounds fine for all those figures all right how about it's broken okay bound to happen five bucks for all of those good ones five girls yeah want to fix that or you want me to toss it on super glue i'll still do five bucks for everything okay thank you all right go ahead thank you sir have a good day thank you have a good day so just this stuff right here right yep just right here okay let's see hanging out one two how about 15 for everything sounds good to me all right there you go thank you thank you guys all right it's just for today yes you guys separate yeah okay um make her pay for everything how about four for yours for these thoughts i got all my stuff over there too baby okay okay okay so how about 15 for everything 15 yeah how about a 29 okay yeah because just now i appreciate that i'm glad you guys like it we got to be known for the best yards downtown that's what i'm trying to do thank you thank you oh thank you guys so much now this is awesome i'm glad you enjoyed it i really do thank i might want to sit in a second to be honest i do not i don't i couldn't find a charger to it you know how much you would want for it a dollar two dollars uh that for a dollar the taser for a dollar sorry one two two boom not warm warm time jacket off down these boxes it was so cold last night i loved it it was cold this morning i love it i hope it snows me too better me too i love snow me too me too no i don't want summer get it out of here i knew all right thank you thank you have a good day you are too cute i like your shoes oh thank you i eat you up you are too cute i like your shirt thank you how old are you you were uh oh too cute he just turned three right there oh yeah i see enough how about five bucks for all that work all right [Music] [Music] let's see what we got we have what is this a vampire all right a fly on your skeleton i like it that's a good room good job yay hey you just you just relaxed you've done your work now my back is killing me but i had to go look through all the stuff just give her everything for 10. all right 10. all right all right baby thank you ma'am thank y'all y'all have a lot of stuff tell me about it for real all day to get rid of this stuff and i'm not i'm not you say you're not going to steal it i'll give it i looked at it yeah so how much do you want a dollar a dollar yes ma'am can't beat that girl you know those real leopards legs on that i'm like so bad you got all this stuff too yeah all right let's see i won't move nothing else two three four how about five bucks for it off oh five foot two yes i don't know okay yeah i'm gonna dig some more okay all right one two three three thank you thank you have a good day so you guys by the by the storage units yep i'm crazy about i have one russian blogger he lives in florida that's what he does what's the what's his name oh shoot remember you're all set all right let's see what we got we have one two three four how about five bucks for everything okay i mean it's not nice like that one there you go there's thank you guys all right i'm going over here to see my nephew's room he's done made we have some skeletons some christmas things jackson show me your room you add more stuff oh we got a lot of halloween stuff here's sweetheart ghost look look at me we got here your purple and green webbing your skeleton your chains maybe you set it down that way you can decorate your room the way you want okay whoa look at this that's cool a chain the chain can you say hi jackson say hi to the camera say hi [Music] oh my goodness christmas thank you i'm looking okay thank you a panda head oh a pin my panda head look at that hey amber crazy oh here comes panda oh christmas is back all right so what did i say five ten and what else we got 11 12 13 14. this box or no all right 15 for everything exact change there we go thank you thank you thank you my wallet let me hold that too thank you trade yesterday oh you can keep the dollar with you okay i appreciate it thank you thank you have a good day you can't beat that nope there you go thank you you're welcome hello time to find something in my head thank you thank you okay finally done free sale is over yard sale is over and we actually had a lot of customers so that was great so let me tell you the grand total which is drumroll please that was terrible 678 is what we made today which is not half bad for the amount of stuff like i said as long as we make money and clear out the garage that is all we really care about so if you guys did enjoy it please leave it a thumbs up and subscribe if you are new follow us on social media as always can't wait for the next yard sale peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 120,508
Rating: 4.9168777 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale finds 2020, yard sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds youtube, yard sale flipping, yard sale money, yard sale pokemon cards, yard sale profit, yard sale selling tips, yard sale selling tricks, yard sale tips and tricks for sellers, best yard sale finds ever, how to make money at a yard sale, selling yard sale items on ebay, things to sell at a yard sale, yard sales near me, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: -WLb5vo5TVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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