HOW TO Stealth Attack, Steal, and Surprise in Baldur's Gate 3

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steing stealing ambushing all those things can seem very straightforward but in this video today I'm going to break down how they actually work so you can navigate around the world and take advantage of either stealing things setting up ambushes if you're playing a gloomstalker or just kind of stealthing your way through stuff now this is your first time on my channel the way I do things here is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so that you can go ahead about your life if you so wish so um with that being said it's kind of hard to to paraphrase this whole entire system but essentially how stealthing works on uh a top level is you hold down shift to see where everything's view is and you are either not obscured when you see that little sun right there that little uh my cursor it's a full sun or you are lightly obscured like this if you're lightly obscured then they have to make a check to see you you have to do a you have to make a hiding check and if you pass it they can't see you uh really the trick to this what I'm really going to kind of H upon this entire video is using this turnbas mode once you've turned on turnbas B mode you can do pretty much everything and you can navigate away from people's sight or anything that would maybe break this hide or this invis you can go about stealing you can go and set up ambushes whatever it is that's really the gist of what we'll be talking about and if that's all you want to know get back to making your stealthy murder character that I know you've been daydreaming about you can jump ahead to any part of this video that in you the most using the chapters with the timeline and the description and please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe if you are heading out each one of those things does help me out in a huge way and I've got 89% unsubscribed viewer base on the channel and I'm trying to change that metric here before the year's end let's get started here on how to stealth steel and ambush in balers Gate 3 the first thing to talk about is stealthing and being obscured because that's that's a big part of it it's kind of like the underlying feature behind all of this so just a kind of recap what we were talking about in the intro if I hold down shift we can see um what everyone's view or vision is and where I am either obscured or not obscured now for all intents and purposes unless you use something like fog or Darkness it's very difficult to become heavily obscured on your own but if I go ahead and press C go into stealth I am now considered obscured so even though this says lightly obscured it is considered obscured for any items any kind of rules that will say You must be obscured this is it hiding in a lightly subsur area has to make a stealth check when caught so this is going to hit me I made a stealth check and I am fine but there we go I failed the stealth check so basically what you're going to do here is you're going to constantly be making these um stealth checks anytime you are not obscured and you're stealthing around right if I go like this and uh right okay right now I'm not obscured so clear area hiding in an unobscured era will be area will be caught on site so if I just kind of wait here take a step right there going to stay in the yeah a second they I've seen I go ahead and I stand back up and I'm out of stealth now if I go here and I shut these lights off and turn these brazers off and I go ahead and go to the stealth this character is going to come back around and I'm I'm lightly obscured right and we'll see that the character will have to make a hide check right I'll have to do a little sneak roll and see if by pass so this is why using turn base mode is absolutely crucial we'll get into that in a little second here but I want to kind of show this portion off AB looking out for there we go high successful and I kind of have to constantly make these checks um so it's there we go so we're we're good to go we're fine highly successful we got another person coming right we're still we lightly obscured so they have to make a stealth check unless they get within I think it's like five or 10 feet of me then they just yeah okay they they were too close I think and I just blew it or I failed it but either way if you fail it you'll just stand back up um if this is a hostile creature this will clearly start an engagement but this is why manipulating if you're trying to do some stealing or something like that turning off all this light now creates all this more this lightly obscured area for you to take advantage of that's going to be the big thing for you is being able to kind of take advantage of this okay I'm right here caught got caught got CAU caught and you can use any kind of means like okay going in viz or using any of the gloomstalker abilities or Shadow mon abilities all like the many abilities that give you stealth and stuff like that many items will talk about being obscured so it's really just that's the that's what it's talking about being lightly obscured heavy obscured is going to be usually from a magical Source more often than not U but now that we've kind of we've done that let's talk more about how to navigate all this next up let's talk about stealing now stealing is pretty straightforward system you simply steal things right but there's ways that you can kind of approach this and game this to the best of your ability the big thing is if you are in kind of like a nice dark area like this you'll want to shut off any kind of light sources you can to maximize your observation whatever the hell make sure you're obscured right so we can go ahead and press C right now and we're relatively good right she she might hear me and turn around or she might just like oh you're too close I'm going to break your stealth hey hi how are you so there's a lot of things that that that can go wrong here because when it comes to stealing it's not just simply about the item so if I hold down all I can see all my items here that you're trying to steal it's the weight of the item the heavier items actually make a little bit more um sound when you steal them so if I want to go steal those that leather armor those simple boots it'll make more sound than the scroll of a vivify and they might just turn around on you see it but there's a way you can game this system one of the easiest things is to enter turn base mode but there's another thing we're going to do here some some Tom fery with Shadow heart the old bait and switch like a Tom and Jerry cartoon so we're going to go ahead and press C to jump into stealth he's going to go ahead and mosy on over there we're going to go click Shadow heart and we're going to go start a conversation and we're going to start a conversation so that back that NPC's back is to the items I'm going to steal we click character select down here and go back to our character and press enter turn base mode now we really kind of have as much time as we need and I'm going to go into this more when I talk about assassinating um I don't know why I infed it like that but I did yink walk over here and turn now what you need to really be mindful of is that is a stolen item so if I hang out here for long enough time it might even happen in in the contents of this video she'll discover that and go yo did you steal something because the item stolen I'm still in the near vicinity and it'll kind of all come together let's go ahead and push through this conversation I'll walk away she she might still say like oh Thief but let's just leave the area now we just kind of scoodle soon as she as soon as her sight falls on that location she be like ah something something's a miss so that's kind of how easy and straightforward stealing is it doesn't need to be this over the top situation uh using turnbas mode and stuff like that in conjunction can allow you to do things without even having to talk to the NPC but we did that and we're good to go right we've stolen the item we're set it's in our inventory RI just joins the stack of our of our existing items right so use this to get you some items that you are like oh I kind of want this I want to sell that whatever it is and you already playing a stealth stealthy type of character right you got that uh uh that hiding capability go ahead and snake those things it just can be a little cumbersome because the system isn't 100% exact on how it really works so making sure you're entering into turnbas mode or using an NPC to distract is what enables you to get this off without having to constantly reload but there you go that's how hiding works and again lastly too like I said don't stay in the area steal it and walk away and if I walk back over there right now she probably won't t something I might have to zone out but either way if you stay there after you've stolen something and try to sell it right back to them they'll be like oh that's stolen yeah so I'm good right now right she she's clearly walked past this position she hasn't noticed it but had I stayed there she would have been like thief and and confronted me so make sure you move away then come back before you want to do any kind of selling or fencing of your stolen goods now that we've talked about stealthing and stealing and all sorts of things let's put this together to talk about how you would trigger an AM Ambush or surprising your Target and we're using these two guys over here who actually it's not going to mind I'm saying they're not they're not hostile so this is going to be easy for me to set up but the big thing we're going to use is enter turn base mode on a PC shift enter or press this button and this pretty much locks everything in place that and then enables me to have some fun and I can use this right now you know I can enter um into stealth and that's going to cost me an action this basically jumps into things as if it were combat but I don't have to worry about some stuff so like okay let's go ahead and press hide I'll end my turn and end turn and end turn and end turn and then the environment takes its turn they would go on any kind of Patrol routes that they're on their patrol routes up to 30t doing their things that they would normally do and it just allows me to come back in here right I've got my action back I'm hidden I can do whatever I want so in this scenario I would use a sneak attack on this character and do a ton of damage probably kill them out right but we're not going to do that here because I'll kill the character out right now it it ruins the whole point of this so if you're playing an assassin assassin will have a feature as part of their subass that when you initiate an ambush or surprise anyone it's going to bring you all of your actions and your bonus actions back online so that's kind of a really cool way to open up with a like a fun Alpha strike that you can then do a lot of fun things with so in this case we're just going to go ahead and use this this bonus action which still might actually kill this character but we'll find out okay it didn't um and you can see that we started these attacks but look they are all surprised if we click on their little thing it says right below it surprised surprise surprised they actually are not going to take a turn I can move my characters into this engagement that everyone's part of The Fray I won't give in I'm going to have to jump them up there to get actually into this but um I can have them from here just start jumping into this as is have them jump in and do some damage whatever it is but I have the ability now to do whatever I want I can say okay well you know what this person's just about dead let's go ahead and finish them off there and let's do this right here so we just killed two enemies and we still actually have a whole round of combat that we could do stuff with I could have my other characters jump into this do whatever it is these two over here saw this so they're going to be a part of this whole Shenanigans but whatever it is that's how setting up an ambush and surprise works because it's probably one of the things that you've wondered how to get going in your game but you just haven't been able to really kind of get it get it off the ground and I think that the game doesn't really do the best job of showing how to set this up and it's very powerful if you're playing any kind of stealth class the Gloom St roer Ranger just a rogue um an assassin in any way shape or form using this turnbas mode enables you to really set up these um strong Alpha strikes by doing these ambushes doing these attacks triggering the surprise and getting a lot of fun action from it um I don't think I can actually is this it yeah surprise also cannot take actions or reactions so it's just they don't you don't get an advantage on them because they're surprise or anything like that they just can't do anything for one whole turn while you go to 10 and like I said too you know we could go oh all right uh let's go ahead and do that and now she's in The Fray and we all get to take our turn together everyone doing whatever they want before the rest of these characters come online just okay you know what we we're right here let's go ahead and can you not do anything what's wrong with you oh it's not her turn that's why I'm over here jumping ahead um but so we'll end turn and we jumps over here they're surprised I can't do anything we'll end her turn um we'll have you just can't one oh of course I have heavy armor like an idiot I will just do this there we go so again just to kind of show off what you'll be able to do when to initiate these surprises your your team not being with you don't worry about that you just rush them in because the rest of these are now locked in their focus in their attention so they won't get attacked like prematurely like over here like oh well they're in range now now they're being attacked by these characters who weren't surprised by them no they're already considered surprised they're already locked for that whole entire turn you bring your other characters in and they all jump into The Fray and you get to just kind of Wombo Combo off of everything that you can so this is a pretty short video here on stealthing and sneaking and all that fun action hopefully this gives you a better idea of how to approach it in the game it's not one of those systems that's very well explained but I think that once you understand how effective and strong it is you can get a ton of use out of it and also allows you to kind of jump into a little bit of the stealing mini game and trying to get a little bit more money as you navigate through maybe any of the vendors that you intend on removing from the game through your decisions right like if I say I side with the goblin Camp then I'm going to remove all the people over at the emerald Grove this allows me to then kind of Steal what's left at the emerald Grove but you could maybe do some stuff before that or vice versa if you're say oh you know what I'm going to go side with the anal Grove I'll go steal things from the goblin Camp before I go head and do that whatever the situation is make sure you use this to your best of your ability now when you jump into act three when you're actually in a city this is going to be a little bit hairier to deal with because you're in a city it's going to have a lot of moving Parts a lot of moving people so you're definitely going to want to use that turnbas mode for stealing and for these ambushes but again hopefully this helps you out in your stealthy playthroughs of balers Gate 3 if there's any other tips that you want to give go ahead and let it be known in the comment section below I didn't really go into stuff like using invis invisibility potions any of the items that help you out with when you are obscured any items that just simply Grant you invisibility all these things I just wanted to go through purely hiding navigating that hiding and and kind of being discovered and all that kind of fun stuff there because it's a system that I think is a little too is not as dense but should does need some explaining but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 13,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO Stealth, Steal, and Surprise in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, bg3 how to sneak, bg3 how to sneak attack, bg3 stealing, bg3 how to stealth, bg3 how to ambush, bg3 how to surprise, bg3 how to get surprise round, bg3 how to set up an ambush, bg3 how to stealth kill, bg3 how to stealth attack, bg3 rogue guide, bg3 beginners guide, bg3 how to hide, sneak attack guide, bg3 sneak attack guide
Id: T3ZQ0ajLG-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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