Baldur's Gate 3's ENTIRE CAST on bringing the D&D video game to life

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then let's get it started and bring to the stage your moderator for this panel from dicebreaker please welcome [Music] wh hello just like that goodness gracious wow I don't even know where to say how's everyone doing if youve not already been told which I know you have because it was on a microphone I'm wheels from dicebreaker I'll be moderating this panel uh we are the world's Premier tabletop brand if you like tabletop then get on over there because we are doing all of the news all of the features all the reviews and you might have heard I don't know it's it's been a bit of an indie release but there's this little game called borders Gate 3 uh oh a few fans in the audience uh and it is all about and based of course on Dungeons and Dragons which few more fans in the audience is a pretty big deal when it comes to tabletop so I'm going to have everyone come out and because there are literally 10 of them I've written everyone's names down just in case so I know what I'm like I've got ADHD uh so so we will go from in sort of thank you we'll go in character uh kind of order Byer the alphabet to make things easy so we will start with everyone's favorite vampire can you please welcome aarion played by Neil newborn who will be here in just a second there we go would you want to come down here see me love you too darling we probably should have got you a microphone to start with to be honest no not at all I'm happy to share uh next up we've got everyone's favorite magical item eating F booy it's Gail Tim Downey Tim sorry I would I would have got you some boots of speed or something for a snack but we have time yeah dare how dare you next up it's time to get a little bit wild in the forest it's everyone's favorite big beefy Druid housing played by Dave Jones coming out as in the the elf form today not not the giant ow bear form which is I suppose is best for everyone next up speaking of people in the forest it's jira played by Tracy [Music] Wilds with a heart so big it will literally threaten to burn out of her chest it's carlac play by Stephanie B next up don't look her in the eyes she'll get very upset it's Lael played by D'Or wild that's right we're still going uh everyone's most evil companion it's minara played by Emory and we've just got a few left it's the voice that's literally inside your head our narrator Amelia Tyler I'm definitely not bias but it's the best girl Shadow hard Shadow for England and last in only a way that the alphabet could decide it is Will played by Theo Solomon now okay immediately everyone's going to notice the problem we've been given four microphones for this panel uh there are currently well including our our sign interpreters thank you so much for your service um I think about 14 of us on stage so we're going to keep these questions nice and pointed but just to kick things off because this is God look at the the gap between people just to kick things off because this is a tabletop theme panel can you please if you're on this stage please just raise your hand if you have played before working on this game Dungeons and and Dragons oh my goodness all right for each one of you then who has not raised their hand first of all why not and second of all have you started yet uh well it just well first of all it just never came up yeah um but now now I'm a big fan yeah and cuz it's big magic my friend it's big magic that's what that is I'm aware of course that you've all now featured not all of you but like a large selection of you now featured in a sort of official D and D actual play which is very exciting um but how many of you are just playing at home now carac Stephanie be do you want to talk a little bit more about how much you've played at home yeah so funnny enough when I played D and D for the first time I played as a barbarian EXC I didn't want to learn the rules didn't want to learn the rules just point me at the thing and hit stuff which turned out to be quite useful in the whole scope of things so um I picked up the game uh when it came out on PlayStation 5 I picked a halfling Bard who was quite sassy and I died a lot so what I did is I thought why don't I play as carac she's a barbarian it's me in a game so that's been pretty cool I was going to ask as a couple of you have now done like a few live streams and things like that playing as yourself which is not necessarily something that you get the privilege to do as when you work on an RPG um what is it like playing your own character in a video game I think it's just me just you I think Shadow heart at least your girlfriend has played right so experience there's an element of um kind of I don't know uncanny valley just seeing yourself in a video game in the first place but being a playable character as well does that add a a certain air of confusion to the whole mix so I didn't want to play as Shadow heart mainly and this is like entirely ego because you get less of my lines so so um my girlfriend who's playing with me um is Romancing me which I think is an excellent solution frankly whereas if you play as carac you get lots of extra lines because she likes talking to herself a lot is that was that a character decision or is that your fault a bit of a bit that's how she was written yeah I'll will throw to this couch over here because we've got um a couple of characters here that some people might not have ever had in their party because obviously with Menara with housein it's not necessarily one of the ones that you're kind of gifted right at the beginning uh is there like a friendly rivalry between you two in the in the way that you know usually you only get one right I'm as far as I'm aware there's no I'm gonna have minara and I'm GNA have hon is there a little bit of a sort of uh a friendly rival between the two of you oh I don't know I don't think no no we pretty much come down on the same train so that' be awkward [Laughter] yeah no there's no there's no rivalry at all but people put should play Menara very interesting character I urge you to pursue her and uh Explore her as it were all is not as it seems and if you do you definitely can't have him so you have to choose make a choice wisely yes okay you're you're hinting at something here that I wanted to talk about a little bit borders Gate 3 is potentially one of the raunchiest RPGs I've ever played in my life um we've had uh a few sort of like bits on a few of the sites that are run by repop about the kind of like intimacy coordinators and things like that and various steps that have been taken to bring a certain era of Elegance to some of the romance scenes in the game is how much as as an actor are you kind of involved in those conversations involved in the physical performance of Mak and love in a video game thank you um hello hi um so the great thing about everybody here did the obviously Amelia is the voice of the entire game so she's through the whole game all the other actors all of us did the performance capture and voice for all of our characters some interactions stuff is a little tricky that you have to do separately but ultimately all of the romance stuff is done by every actor here with the obviously the interaction with the player so it was very important for Lan who are amazing and Pit Stop Productions as well to look after us to make intimacy coordinators accessible then of course the wonderful directors of which there were many that were incredible that we worked with also worked with us collaboratively to make sure that we were safe that we were happy that we understood what was being asked of us what the story was and that we could work together to try and find the reality and the truthful moments so it wasn't just an achievement for Romancing somebody it was actually a meaningful relationship with highs and lows betrayals and and love and Intimacy in that way as well as sex and I think from my point of view and obviously I don't want to speak for anybody else but I know the feel of the group that I think this was one of the it was a real privilege to have this kind of level of maturity when you're dealing with sex and romance and to have the the reaction for all the community to these people and and the meaningful relationships that was created with every single one of us I think is a Real Testament to the level of talent and also not only of the cast but also of the people that go to making the game that all of us felt well I'm not going to speak for you but I think was the same right I we all felt very comfortable I hope I'm not speaking for you sorry uh engaging with this work and it was highly collaborative so yeah does that help can I can I just quickly add as well that even it was safe for us but I think the writing makes it very safe for you and it's sex positive and consent is at the center of every interaction and I was so proud that that wasn't an issue for ourselves and for you and I think years to come we're going to have phds written about how this game taught people about what a good relationship looks like and what a bad one looks like and how to watch out for some red flags asarian um but what a wonderful opportunity and what a wonderful safe place for all of us to play in in aerian defense those flags were white until they were covered with blood so you know it's just it happens right it happens um uh I just like to say that I don't get any sex but I'm very happy for you all DLC I it's guess talking about the performance capture as well like a lot of the um sort of like subtle character moments a lot of been said about sort of Shadow heart's small head movements as she talks and things like that I mean will has a a full-on dance scene uh was there an element of needing to learn how to dance are you already a dancer yourself was there like a a full course that you had to go through for it now I'm Jamaican so the dancing is natural the Dancing Yeah that came easy and smooth and um yeah the romance scenes were actually my favorite scenes to do because the writing just made it so smooth and easy and the directors were so welcoming so yeah whenever we did romance scenes and dance scenes and intimate scenes they were just yeah lovely to do but the dancing was was all Me original moves original moves copyrighted there is a a certain element of um interest with some of the companions because obiously as I said a lot of you were kind of like presented right at the start of the game some of you were just straight up on the ship right in the tutorial but as you go further and into uh sort of like the more kind of like story leg character Quest areas there are certain characters that some people might miss we talked about Menara not necessarily being one that people even knew for example that was an option um I my I sorry to say this my fiance accidentally killed jira without even realizing that was a thing did I die at moonrise Towers yeah did yeah I don't know what to say to you this is a problem but there is a a sort of level with with RPGs of this scale there is so much just like hidden behind certain areas certain quests certain decisions certain bad dice rolls are there any like bits of content that you just wish more people could see uh I think ultimately it's not really about that I mean there's reactive dialogue depending on whether people are alive or dead whether you've done this Quest or not and I think the bottom line is it doesn't really matter in that way it's more about yes there's lots of stuff in there that you can only get if you take certain actions with Gail certain actions with carac or or house and even etc etc but I think ultimately it's how the player sees the story what is your choice what did you decide and that's thing right for you so I don't know if it's really important to say I wish you could see this it's more like what do you want to do in the game considering how wide the sandbox is and then just do it and then that's what the story is and if you want to play again you make the other choices I don't if there's anything specific that i' like them to see it's more about what was your experience you know what I mean see I I kind of find it very difficult when people say oh who is your favorite companion because I've narrated literally every iteration of every choice you could possibly make so I know each one of these characters as a as a lover as an enemy as a best friend and it you end up getting to know them very very intimately and all I can say is that it's an excellent reflection of what it is to know a person in real life the attitude that you go into a relationship with even sometimes blind luck you might see somebody as the devil or an angel the best person in the world or somebody you never want to be in a room with again and they are all those things simultaneously I think it's a really interesting psychological lesson for us all um that there are depths to people you just might not well enough to see him no and I was just going to say isn't it cool to have one game but so many endless possibilities and then you can discover somebody that you might not have discovered in your first playthrough uh or make a different choice and have a completely different experience like that blows my mind that that's in one game like completely so just play the game as many times you like why not yeah uh whilst I'm just queuing up the next question by the way we are going to be opening the floor to some audience questions uh there is a microphone in the center of the room I believe I can see it right now if you would like to ask uh one of the cast members please because there are as I said 10 people on stage so please do Point your questions at someone specific but if you would like to ask someone please do queue up at the microphone get a question ready and we will throw over to you momentarily uh but just before we throw over to those audience questions um you I've seen I've been on Tik Tok Lael don't know what you're talking about I I've seen um let's say characters from the game slipping into our reality uh is there like an element of you these are um I'll say it some of some of the best written RPG characters we've seen I mean maybe ever right some great performances as well of course are elements of that character going to follow you through your life now is there is there a certain part of that being that person that will just stay with you forever now I don't know what you're talking about um but if you are referring to a certain imp who has been following me around in life jce for Bing Bong Justice for Bing Bong hash no justice for Bing Bong who I'm now seeing on Twitter when he isn't even there it's the ghost of Bango all over again for get the rest you know there's a mod somebody's made a mod I know stop moaning or I'll stab you again we don't need to open up this debate he deserved what he got that's all I've got to say about that um and uh yes yeah murder McGee so that's that's yeah there are certain elements that are following us all throughout the game aren't they are we not like the characters are we not I mean right now very much so yeah I used to think that I was not like Lael at all and the more the The more I've discovered of myself these past four years the more I realize that yes I am pretty much like Lael deep down but also not and all it took was a video filter that shrinks your nose listen there's nothing wrong with my little bat nose okay nothing wrong with that yeah there are certain um things that I think everyone will now remember but is there a sort of strangeness to obviously you've been meeting fans throughout the show now there will be signings going on throughout the weekend as your talking to people and they're sort of like highlighting their experiences is it strange that there are so many iterations of your character that that person could be talking about could be like referencing as they speak to you no cuz we played them we did it you're finding it a lot quicker than we thought you would there appeared to be an arms race on putting everything on YouTube in the first two weeks and then you started playing a bit more and discovering more and it's it's great that you're uncovering our performances from our point of view when people say I love your narration my first question always has to be which one cuz I I genuinely don't know like did you play a shadow heart did you play your own custom tab did you play Dark urge because that that tells me a lot about you honestly okay we will be throwing open uh the microphone to our question answers from the audience um I will just ask again make sure you aim your question at someone specific it means that we can get through them a little bit quicker cuz we've only got about 25 or so minutes for the rest of the panel um and also I don't know if anyone here is affected by the SAG after strikes but if there's anything on there that needs to be highlighted please before we start but we have someone at the question asking Podium right now would you like to give us a name and where your question is hello oh Jesus that's loud okay hi everyone um I'm David I'm from glasgo and can I just say on behalf on behalf of everyone here we love every single one of you so much thank you you absolutely nailed it with the characters we love you with all of our hearts someone who maybe doesn't get as much love as he should is Gail and we love you and uh you deserve better than mistra and I'd like to ask you Tim who do you think is the other party member that if you're playing as Gil is the perfect Romance option to look after him properly uh where is Tara I think without a doubt I long for that tresum almost too much so I think that would be that's that's his goal constantly he just wants to go home and read a book by a fire that's all he wants eat a book eat a book by a fire perhaps if it's a magical book exact well all of that yeah all of that and more thank you so much you guys you kned it we love you thank you thanks very much and our next question answer would you like to introduce yourself and ask your question um hello I'm Sean uh my question's also for Tim sorry uh no problem so go for it so Gail really endeared himself to me like immediately with that like um hello line read um when you first meet him in like a really ephemeral way so I'm wondering when uh when you were doing the voice lines and stuff how close was The Voice Direction and how much were you allowed to like um freely Express like the way you wanted to do the lines and how much was it like you're going to say the line This Way kind of thing it was very I mean I started this whole thing having absolutely no idea what any of this was going to sound like so I thought well okay I'll I'll start with my voice and how I would say hello and hopefully that will kind of kind of you know color everything else and then because I'm quite different to Gail as many of you may have even noticed you know I I read books a lot uh I like magic all of that so I just kind of tapped into that and thought okay well if if this was me and a lot of it is me how would I do this and so it just kind of stems stems from that and then just a lot of playing around of just well I wonder if I could say it like this I wonder if I could say stop licking the damn thing in a you know like I would say that to a child how would I do that and then yeah it all just you just push as much as you can and they go you can't take that out that's staying thank you very much thank you moving on please introduce yourself and ask a question hi I'm oh Jesus I'm Jade from Belgium hello and um yeah mad respect to the cast and the writers as well it's amazing writing uh my question is for Sam um I think that um it's really interesting how black is uh really bulky really strong uh not a typical like girly uh thin girl but at the same time she's really feminine in like a beautiful empowering way which I think is very inspiring for a lot of players is there anything you can say about how that felt for you to to play that and have that masculine and feminine combination in that character thank you for setting that up so beautifully because I can answer quite quickly for those of you who don't know I'm nonbinary yeah and um a bit like Tim they just let us do what we wanted it was I think it was very much cast on our Instinct there's no time to like do that old school work where you really dig in and find the justification it was one of those if I was in that situation how would I behave and when you're that tall and no one is squaring up to you you know it's actually more about being friendly and saying look I'm actually not dangerous rather than being you know I'm super scary because I'm the biggest person in the room I don't have to worry about anything not on fyon fy's a holiday right compared to what she's come from so yeah they just you know I was obviously socialized as a woman but I I've sort of given all that sort of stuff up a while ago and this just for many reasons of the dream role but in terms of gender expression there was no contradiction to the way I was playing her nobody stopped me so yeah that's why you've got what you've got thank you thanks so much for your question moving on hi guys I'm Luke uh I'm from well here um so a lot of the characters uh go through a lot of development throughout the game but I think the most distinctive character will be Shadow Heart by the plays decision in act two going through um the Night song Quest so I just wanted to get to know like what was it like playing the different aspects of Shadow both the saluna light version and the the dark shadow art version a good question yeah it was a lot of work um and thank God we had amazing directors um but we were sometimes swapping from Line to Line so we'd go okay that's the that's one path and then that's the other this is very spoiler heavy by the way sorry everyone um so so it was it was a real physical shift for me but also a hugely emotional one because one had gone through a lot and the other had forgotten a lot um so yeah it was it was quite exhausting and there were a lot of tears from me like I would come home and just kind of curl up on the sofa and cry but I hopefully it's worth it um um hey that's what therapy is for yes my poor therapist oh god um but yeah thank goodness that's the thing it's it's such a team effort all around and thank God for amazing animators who help put our facial expressions and make them so truthful and I'm going on a tangent now but uh yeah it it wasn't just me it was the directors it was everyone that made that happen but also the amazing writing we're all written so I was about to swear I stopped effing well speaking of which I've just spotted one of the directors here that directed us through it do you want to get embarrassed and stand up Adrian this is Adrian he's one of the directors Adrian townend I also know for a fact there are amongst you hidden Lan people around there somewhere there they are they're responsible for it as well um hello oh God okay first off I'm super nervous uh so am I she try being up here so are we H but hi I'm Coco I'm from Germany um the echo is really disorientating um first of all I can say what everyone probably here feels uh you've all done an outstanding job um bder gate has very quickly quick become my favorite game of all times and I have loved every minute of it um it's fantastic and I wish I could just I think a lot of people it means a lot to a lot of people I'm going to cry I'm doing my best um I have a question for Neil um there's a bit of fandom discourse going around on Twitter um a bit um how would you had Canon aarian being a father it's not mine I swear uh okay so so one thing I would say is that I I I don't really have Canon for the character because we all did our job and it was a joy to do it with the amazing directors and the teams and the writing as well and my writer mainly is Steven Rooney is's incredible um I've played aaran I've done his in every iteration as Sam said every iteration possible so at that point it's it's now the players the audience the community it's your characters so I I don't really have Cannon for him per se because it's not really important what's important is if if somebody has head Cannon for character that's meaningful I've really done my experience with him and I loved it and I'll never really let go of him I think in some ways but for me thank you for me it's kind of an obsession actually U so for me personally I don't have a Canon for that although that's a new one I got to be honest he would make I want to say a terrible Terri terrible terrible terrible father but that's not canon that's not canon all right so whatever your Canon is you decide what he would be like how his family unit would be me uh because that's more important than my opinion he would leave that baby in the supermarket like that not even looking back fantastic thank you I'll also pause it I mean there's no proof that he's not already a father so moving on to our next question hi my name's it's really loud U my name is Jaz and I'm sure like me everyone's enjoying the twitch streams and my questions for Amelia how are you finding the dark urge I don't know what you're talking about that no dark urge is here everything's fine nobody lost a hand and Al theia is okay at camp that was just an arts and crafts project that we did and I don't think anybody needs to worry um no I'm loving it I'm um I I like that I'm assuaging My Own guil by Rolling a D20 to decide whether the dark urge takes over or not that's making me feel a lot better and a lot less guilty um but I love it it's some of my favorite narration I like that I'm getting to play a very different character so that people watching aren't horribly confused throughout it and I love that I'm getting to roleplay with my partner Jay um playing two of the worst upper class twits to ever hit fyon they are Dreadful people and shouldn't be allowed and that kind of just makes it loads more fun um but I am sorry Tim CU I did I didn't want to chop his hand off the dice I mean honestly I trusted you did you why not really no let you know thank you so much for your question move on to our next uh hi oh God damn that's really weird hearing yourself uh my name's Sean I'm from tford uh do I would say this now do forgive me if I stutter a lot and all that I like I'm autistic though words don't form easily so but I have a couple of comments that I want to make before I get onto the question and one of them is for carlac and that is that she is best girl everyone can fight [Applause] me second comment is for Amelia and that is that I love your outakes on YouTube they are amazing and give me a lap and I can't wait to see more thank you there are a lot more I mess up at fre I I can't wait thank you my question here is for Neil newborn uh now I I will say Neil probably won't remember me obviously because it's because I because I met Neil back in 2019 at Birmingham ComicCon oh wow cool nice to see you again yeah because because last I remember you you you you played kamsky in D become human so nice to meet you again Sean yeah how you doing man I'm doing good uh so well I don't know if this is a question I can actually ask you given the strike and all that uh but no it's fine that that is not not wasn't a s contract oh okay uh I just wanted to know what's it like to play a staran who is completely different from kamsky oh well um well I'm I'm a character actor yeah I'm a character actor so for me it I'm always trying to find difference in every character that I play but it was nice to play somebody with such Stillness who's very bound and then come to a Aran years later who's got so much flow it's actually sometimes a problem so it's really for me as an actor in TV and film I had a lot of good work I was very grateful for that but I could never really get away from the way I looked so when I came to um games I could take my face off which was amazing because then I got to play anything that was appropriate to my ethnic background and they gave me these very very different characters so to play something that's diametrically opposed physically at least anyway um is a good gift it's really great it also helps you as an actor to grow and evolve your craft so you don't get trapped in the same thing really I guess so yeah it's it's been wonderful yeah thank you I'm not sure if that answers your question or not but oh hello that does answer the question very nice to see you again man yeah come and find me later let's have a hug all right huh come and find me later we have a hug yeah also by the way this may be a little cheeky request but any any chance we could any chance we can like give a giant Round of Applause for the the sign interpreters oh 100% I nothing cheeky about it yeah I just I just wanted I just wanted to do that because like then that they're doing their job to make sure people can actually hear what's going on and I think they Des they deserve it for the% they do thank you so much for your question we've got eight minutes left so we will move on to our next one um because we're a little bit low on time we've got a big queue if anyone just mind just sort of getting into your question as quickly as you can just so we get as many people through as possible but we'll move on to our next one thanks so much don't worry I've been preparing it for a while uh hi my name is di uh I live around Bristol area and my question is for Tracy um how did it feel bringing jira into well Boulders gate three you know stepping into her shoes and really bringing her to life in your way that what is your name uh di di Z di thank you um I don't know why I'm doing the accent I just seem to switch I'm going to do it it's easy I do it all the time now so uh it was great I loved it um you know taking over from someone else can be difficult but you know I think it works okay I think people are okay with it I'm very happy with it you know I owe a lot to Heidi Shannon who I always say you know whenever I see her work is amazing so I'm so grateful that both of us get to play this wonderful beautifully written part and I'm so grateful for you asking the question it's a bit of a blend answer but that's my quick answer thank you thank you this from Bristol yes goodbye I love you too if this question isn't for asterian and the person in the asterian cosplay I'll be confused hello my name's Anders and my question is indeed for Neil it's um how did you find your work directing has influenced and aided your acting work yeah hi Anders nice see you mean overall like for the various games that I've been directing um I think it was kind of the other way around I think being an actor first really helped me start directing because I understood obviously I understand the point of view of an actor and it helped me with the language of talking to actors it also helped me understand okay they may they may need this they may need that in terms of preparation it also gave me a healthy respect for not telling actors how to act do you know what I mean like I'm not going to sit there and say move like this and do that because that's not that's not the relationship so I think for me it was like okay great I know what an actor will need or at least what I will need and so that gives me a very good Advantage when I'm working with somebody because I think it's really important to allow actors that organic space to like we all said we all play with our characters that was to the amazing directors uh trusting us that we knew our characters really well especially after the first few months all of us got to really know our characters super well so then it became I think a thing of uh like I worked with Emma and I worked you know with Sam and I worked with a few I'm Dave you know and it was very much I always started the session saying I don't know the character as well as you do you tell me and if I contradict if I break the character tell me because they live it you know I'm not living I just came in for a few sessions here and there with them so they're they the Experts of their characters so I think that gave me a very healthy respect for that and not to be too directorial about what I want it's more like let me help you guide to something that I have an idea for and bring me give me your ideas too um I worked at a game called Deliver Us Mars which has been great and Le Chapel's up for best actor I think in um golden joystick and that was a wonderful Ensemble and this is an amazing Ensemble not only the 10 of us here but the 248 actors that go to make the full cast of all game I want to name check so many people there's 248 it's a little hard but please you know don't obviously we're front and center which we greatly appreciate I greatly appreciate we greatly appreciate but please check out the other actors your favorite carriages please get to know their work there are some incredibly talented people you know that you should investigate as well as the moap actors in qua Lumpa and in Quebec and in Gent that all did all the in-game stuff you know there's loads of people that went to making this um but yeah anyway as a director I think that gave me very healthy respect so thank you thanks not a quick answer sorry sorry sorry all right we have just four minutes remaining I probably squeeze about two or three more questions in uh so please introduce yourself and who is your question for hi my name is Freer and I'm actually from Norwich and I have a question for will um so we've mentioned quite a lot about accessibility and things and as someone who sometimes us as a we chair I actually was curious about pardon I can't hear you sorry I'm so sorry um we've talked quite a lot about accessibility and things and as someone who often uses a wheelchair I was curious about with the motion capture with accessibility needs like how is it with things like that you've mentioned about sort of gender regarding Sam and things like that which is amazing and also intimacy so I was just curious about physical um accessibility and also sort of mental health because that's really interesting for someone who also is very much in love with that field sure um well I think I can speak for every actor on stage here when I say that we wanted the game to be as open as accessible as possible do you know what I mean and that everybody felt that they saw themselves reflected in each character in the game um yeah um sorry I'm a bit um lost for words I think how did you feel playing the game I want to ask that how did you feel I me I loved it I was more thinking on the creating with the motion capture side of things like yeah guarding it and stuff but as as somebody who is uh uh disabled and things that was fantastic to see such like there was representation um there's always room for more like things like that but I mean magic can go a very long way with helping very small like difficulties so 100% % there's always room um to improve on in these industries as well it was my first time doing motion capture um I did a little bit before but this game is like my first time ever doing motion capture so it is um it is daunting but you know you get to grips of it everybody's very welcoming and um yeah kind of went from there really thank you thanks so much for your question thank you thank you we'll try and squeeze two more in please come on to the microphone and introduce yourself and let us know what your question is hi who sorry hi I'm R I'm from Germany and I have a pretty unserious question for Neil um the fans tend to put a Starion in sluder and sluder and [ __ ] outfits regarding my cosplay um okay so which outfit is the favorite you have seen on Instagram or Twitter or anywhere what's your favorite [ __ ] starian fit uh I I know mine I I tend to try to not to see that I think it's healthier that I don't so I don't have a favorite because I don't try and find a favorite do you know what I mean I like I really like seeing people's cosplay I love that I think it's awesome and we've seen so many other of the characters cosplay today and through other cons that's what I like I like seeing people for real doing it and that's amazing I love it I think I'm your [ __ ] outfit this is my [ __ ] outfit this is my [ __ ] outfit so much fur everywhere darling and on that bombshell I think we'll end our panel here today thank you so much everyone thank you for your questions uh thank you for all your cheers and Applause for our wonderful class please do give them one last rapturous round of applause for their performances
Channel: Dicebreaker
Views: 128,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dicebreaker, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, BG3, larian, neil newbon, Jennifer English, Samantha Beart, Devora Wilde, dungeons and dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, astarion, laezel, shadowheart, karlach, wyll, gale, tim downie, interview, Q&A, mcm 2023, mcm23, mcm london, baldurs gate cast, full cast, all companions, bg3 companions
Id: 0imuVx-XcNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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