BALDUR'S GATE 3 - Sorcerer/Warlock SORLOCK Multiclass Build Guide (with Magic Items!)

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hey what's up everybody this is anti-hero with  player One gaming and I'm coming at you today   with another multiclass build for balers Gate  3 for this one we'll be making a spellcaster   and not just a spellcaster this is one of the  most powerful multiclass spellcasters in the   game the sorlock now a sorlock is a sorcerer and  a warlock multiclass and it is one of the most   infamous class builds from DND and there's a  couple of reasons why this combination works   so well together number one they're both  Charisma based spellcasters meaning they   use their Charisma attribute to determine their  efficiency with spellcasting also the Warlock   is good to multiclass with because it's very  front-loaded see there are two different kinds   of classes in D and D the kind that really benefit  from taking more levels in their own class because   they gain really strong abilities in later levels  and the kind that are very front-loaded with some   of their best abilities coming very early on on  now there are a few different ways to do a Sor   lock build but I'm going to be showing you kind  of the classic Sor loock which is heavy on the   sorc and light on the lock because the Warlock  is very front-loaded they get some of their best   stuff in the first two or three levels and the  Sorcerer well honestly the sorcerer benefits a   lot from just taking more sorcerer some may even  tell you not to multiclass as just taking a single   class sorcerer might be the way to go and they  wouldn't necessarily be wrong yes highle sorcs   are very powerful But ultimately if you're going  all the way to level 12 which you are in bg3 I   think taking a dip in warlock is the best way to  go there's a trade-off for sure there's always   an opportunity cost to multiclassing though these  are one of the cases where I think it's definitely   worth it one more thing I'd like to say before we  get started this build and pretty much every build   guide that I do unless I State otherwise will  not be dependent on any magic items or in-game   effects while I will will be going over some good  magic items for this build at the end of the video   I'm not making a build dependent on those items I  do this because I don't want to tell you hey you   have to go do this in the game in order for this  build to work properly look if there's some item   that you get that drastically changes things gives  you a bonus or ability that has you thinking maybe   you should tweak this build a little bit then by  all means tweak it adjust accordingly this guide   is meant to be a jumping off point point you can  follow it to a t or you can tweak where you see   fit and that brings me to my last point which is  just remember this is just one build guide and   the choices made here are ultimately subjective  ones now without further Ado I present to you the   sorlock okay level one this is by far the level  we will spend the most time with this is really   where we set the foundation of the character with  race and ability scores and things like that so   we're going to do a pretty deep dive into level  one here starting with race now larion has set   it up with the equal ability score bonuses that  any race is really viable for any class in this   game but for this build I going to recommend going  with either a half health or a human a big reason   I am recommending the human or the half elf is  honestly for the shield proficiency I know it's   a little bit out of the box to have a spellcaster  wielding a shield but this build's going to do it   they're going to have their staff in one hand and  a shield in the other and if you ask me I think   it looks pretty cool you're building a true battle  mage so yeah the shield will give you an extra two   or even three in your armor class so that's going  to be good we're going to be looking at a couple   different ways to boost your AC make sure you're  not as squishy as your typical spellcaster so if I   did have to pick between these two if I had to say  which is the choice that's more optimal I'd have   to go with the half elf in addition to this civil  militia ability which is the thing that gives you   the shield proficiency you're also going to get  dark vision and F ancestry which gives you an   advantage against being Charmed and Magic can't  put you to sleep so dark vision is very handy and   the Fay ancestry is a nice little bonus as well so  I do think that the half elf is the more optimal   choice in addition of that for the sub race we're  going to be going with high half health because   we also get a bonus can trip the Firebolt which is  the highest damage dealing can trip in the game so   it's a bonus can trip too it doesn't cost normally  we'd only be able to pick up four cantrips as a   sorcerer in the beginning but we get this extra  one so we will pick the Firebolt for that now   we go down to select our subass now all three of  these are good wild magic is probably the least   optimal choice but it is a whole lot of fun so if  you want a high fun Factor wild magic is a good   choice storm sorcery is also good but for this  build we are going to be going with the draconic   bloodline this is going to do several things for  us but starting with if you see down here here it   is going to give us a bonus in our hit points  and a bonus in our armor class as well so this   is another way that we're going to get that AC up  okay so you'll notice with the draconic bloodline   that you get these dragon scales on your face  now some of you might be like oh that's awesome   that's a great little touch and some of you are  like I didn't really want the dragon skills so   fortunately laran gives you the option if you  go down here and just click on edit appearance   it take you over here and you'll notice that you  have an extra tab now for draconic bloodline and   so you can go through these they give you a few  templates for how you want these scales to look so   you can change the design make it however you want  it to be and it actually has an option here that   allows you to remove the scales entirely which  is what I'm going to go for but it's all personal   preference and the particular character that you  want to build so it's nice to have those options   also with draconic bloodline you get to pick a  draconic and what you're doing here is picking   what color Dragon Your Dragon ancestor was and  it's not just an aesthetic thing each one of these   as you can see in the parentheses It's associated  with a different type of damage So eventually   you're going to get a resistance to this type of  damage and also be able to do uh additional damage   with this elements but starting right away here at  level one it also gives you access to another kind   of spell so the ones I want to look at for this  particular build are the lightning and the cold   damage that is blue white silver and bronze and  the reason that is is there's going to be a few   different things with this build that are kind of  like our bread and butter eldrich blast being one   of them high damage AOE spells and also Elemental  damage specifically cold and lightning because we   are going to use the mechanic where we apply the  wet condition to our enemies and that doubles the   damage of cold and lightning so we're going to  be utilizing that a lot and all of these effects   are going to be working in conjunction with one  another so so each one of these blue white silver   and bronze come with a different spell for blue we  have witch bolt this is a somewhat underwhelming   spell I'm going to advise that you don't take blue  thing about witch bolt is it doesn't do a ton of   damage and while you can reapply it on additional  turns the fact that it requires your concentration   is a big count against it we're going to have a  lot of concentration spells we want to be very   careful how we use them and we will likely not be  using witch bolt all that often so we're going to   have better ways of dealing that lightning damage  so white has a very good spell white has armor of   agius and this is a fantastic spell that gives  you temporary hit points as well as deals cold   damage to your opponent when they attack you  with a melee attack very powerful especially   when upcast increases the amount of damage and hit  points that you get from it it's a great spell but   the thing is is that I'm going to advise that you  take the fiend subclass when you take Warlock and   that subass offers this spell so unless you wanted  to go with a Alternate subass which is certainly   an option for you if you wanted to do that if you  do do that I would recommend maybe taking white   otherwise if you do end up going with the fiend  warlock subass then no reason to take white you   don't need to get this spell twice so I would  recommend at this point either silver or bronze   silver gets you the feather fall spell this is a  great spell it's one that you're not going to use   much but when you need it you'll definitely be  glad that you have it bronze gets you fog Cloud   another good spell for stealth purposes but this  one does require concentration and like I said our   concentration is going to be stretched thin as it  is so that is why my ultimate recommendation here   is to go with silver cold damage is a good pick  I think and the feather fall spell is like I said   very handy to have when you want it okay so now  we're going to take a look at the Spells starting   with the cantrips now bear in mind if you picked  the high I half elf you have this Firebolt can   trip for free already here so you do get one extra  can trip but we get to pick four more and there's   some good choices here however the default that  they selected for us we're not going with these   um light is a really good spell but we have dark  vision first we're going to go with Ray of frost   um it deals decent damage and also slows your  opponents down and cold damage is our thing so   we're definitely taking Ray of Frost um we're also  going to take Mage hand a floating hand that can   do tasks for you open doors and push buttons kind  of like the feather fall you're not going to use   it all the time but when you want it it's nice  to have it minor illusion kind of same thing it   can be a handy little C trip uh used to distract  your enemies to make NPCs turn their backs on you   uh it can be very useful finally uh even though  there are a few good choices here for this build   I'm going to recommend going with shocking Gra  grasp that's what I'm taking at least um two   reasons for that number one it is a damage dealing  spell that is of melee distance so it is nice to   have the option at least to be able to switch to  melee um it's also another element we have fire   cold and now lightning so we have three elements  represented three options to go to if we need them   so that is good so let's move on to level one  spells now there are a lot of good choices in   the level one spells my recommendation is we get  to pick two different spells here and one of them   should be a damage dealing spell and the two they  have for default here um I I recommend picking one   of the two of these either chromatic orb or magic  Missile ultimately you're going to replace both   of these eventually as you begin to level up but  you're going to pick the one you want with you   now at these early levels magic Missile has the  benefit of firing three different beams so you   can attack three different enemies that's kind of  its main selling point eventually you're going to   be able to do that with alrich blast either way  but but for now that is uh Advantage with magic   Missile chromatic orb its big Advantage is it it  does slightly more damage and also allows you to   pick the element uh that like the type of damage  that you want to inflict which is great I love   that versatility so that is why I'm going to pick  chromatic orb here and then for our second spell   slot there's a few choices we got MJ armor is good  fog Cloud another good one Thunder Wave that can   knock your enemies back that's definitely handy  but you'll be able to do that with Eldridge blast   very soon uh Mage Armor is great though I'm not  going to recommend it for this build because we   are using the shield and the draconic ancestry  and we're pretty good with the AC it actually   wouldn't make a difference at this point if you  didn't want to use the shield if you ended up   going in a different direction I do recommend Mage  Armor otherwise skip that for the shield spell and   sleep okay so these were we're going to take two  of these eventually regardless and I'm actually   going to recommend going with sleep first and the  reason is because sleep's a great spell first off   it it's going to put your enemies to sleep and  give you guaranteed crits on them when they're   sleeping it is a very powerful spell the one  thing about it though is it begins to taper off   as you go up in levels it becomes less effective  and that is why I'm going to recommend taking it   now the other spell shield you're going to have  that with you the whole time all the way up to   level 12 so take sleep now so you can get full  use of it it's full potential at the early to   mid levels and then we'll pick up shield in just  a little bit all right next we're going to go to   background you're welcome to choose anything you  please here uh my recommendation is that it at the   very least has one Charisma based skill that you  gain Proficiency in personally I like charlatan   charlatan gets you the deception proficiency  as well as slight of hand which if you have a   rogue in your party they will likely handle these  but if you don't well someone's going to want to   have slight of hand someone is going to want to  be able to pick locks and disarm traps why not   let it be you there's several other good options  here you're welcome to choose whichever one you   like but for this build I am picking charlatan all  right next one ability scores okay so you can see   from the Star here that our primary ability score  is charisma so we're going to want to assign our   plus two bonus into this and Max it out at 17 uh  the reason this is is cuz it's our spellcasting   ability we're going to be using it to determine  our efficiency with spells uh whether or not we   hit with them and how much damage they do um next  we're going to look at dexterity and Constitution   those are going to be our second and our third  highest you can go either way with this there's   pros and cons to both the classic sorlock build  and what I'm going to recommend is Constitution   but there are some that will tell you that  dexterity is a good choice and they're not   wrong I mean dexterity gets you several different  things in this game like primarily why you would   take dexterity is that it affects your ranged  and finesse weapons uh modifier right generally   if you're shooting a bow or going to be attacking  with a Rapier or a dagger and this is a primary   way of you attacking you want a high dexterity  score we're not going to be doing that with this   build however so we don't have to worry about  that part uh but it also affects your initiative   and your armor class so this is why some people  recommend dexterity but here's the thing we're   determining whether we're going to put a 14 or  a 16 in dexterity at the end of the day this is   just a onepoint difference modifier a plus one  in initiative is not going to be a game Cher   either way it's not going to determine most of  the time whether or not you are going first or   last and it's the same thing with armor class  I mean it's going to give you a plus one in AC   but but we're already doing things to our AC to  get it up there you're going to have plenty of   AC with this build I'm going to get it up to 18 19  even 20 depending on what items you're using with   the right spells cast it could be even higher than  that that is plenty for a range spellcaster you're   not a frontliner or anything like that though you  probably could be with an AC of 20 the reason we   want to go in Constitution one it's going to give  us more hit points so that's always good we want   to have a decent AC and a decent amount of hit  points they're both very important but the other   thing that it's used for is Constitution saving  throws are used for determining whether or not you   can remain concentrated uh on those concentration  spells during battle when you get hit you have to   roll a constitution saving throw to see if you  maintain that concentration on that spell so   Constitution is very important for this build  so what we're going to do we're going to take   that plus one bonus that we have left we're going  to put it in Constitution we're going to want to   get the Constitution to 16 and the dexterity to  14 the only way to do this is to dump two stats   not just one so we already have strength dumped  here all the way down to eight we're going to do   the same with intelligence and don't worry I  mean this is going to allow us to get that 16   and that 14 and honestly I mean people say what  they will about Min maxing and I agree with a   lot of the counts against Min maxing I I don't  minmax things a lot of times if it gets in the   way of the narrative I always want the narrative  to fit like the build that I'm going for but the   thing is with Min maxing with ability scores in  in my opinion it's more realistic right like this   is how human beings are I mean this this is half  Health technically I guess but we are imperfect   and we um in some instances are above average  in things in some instances we are average which   like the wisdom here at a 10 a neutral modifier  that's considered average right and strength and   intelligence that's slightly below average you're  not a complete idiot and a complete weakling but   you you are slightly a below average here is what  these scores represent and this is true with most   people I think you're you're good at some things  and average at some things and bad at some things   you know so this is a good setup it from a  narrative standpoint and also from an optimal   scores standpoint so that's how we're going to set  up the ability scores and then lastly we are going   to go over to skill proficiencies real quick but  they've got a they've got it looking pretty good   here I don't really think there's anything that  we're going to change um this has us proficient in   slight of hand Arcana deception and persuasion um  that's good my recommendation is always if you're   going to be like a face of the party you should be  proficient in two of the three different ways to   have social interactions so the three ways being  deception intimidation and persuasion and next   we have Arcana which is good it kind of mitigates  the low intelligence score we have at least gives   us a positive number in Arcana if if this was a  wizard maybe it should be higher and it would be   cuz a wizard would be intelligent right Sorcerers  are different the magic is within them it's not   learned but a little bit in Arana is good and then  that slight of hand which is useful if you need   it all right and that is it for level one okay  level two for our model the rest of the way this   is going to be a human this is actually Gale uh I  have a mod installed that allows me to change the   appearance of Companions and I was messing around  respecting companions for build videos and things   like that so this is actually Gail he looks a  little bit different than we're used to but he's   going to be doing a little modeling for us today  and at level two we come to kind of a Crossroads   we we've got to make a decision here about when  we are taking those warlock levels there are two   popular schools of thought here one is to jump  into warlock right away by multiclassing right   away you are going to get alrich blast immediately  the invocations and medium armor proficiency   medium armor proficiency is not bad to get right  now considering that topnotch magic item the robe   that really goes perfectly with this build you're  not going to get that until about the middle of   act two so early on if you didn't want to go with  the sorcerer's robes and you wanted that warlock   medium armor it's not a bad idea so those are the  benefits of going with warlock right away however   even though it takes a little bit more patience I  do think that the more optimal choice is to stay   at sorcerer for the first five levels the benefit  of doing this is that those early game levels are   going to feel much stronger you're not delaying  your spell progression as much you're going to get   access to level two and three spells much faster  and it's just going to feel like a little bit   less of a grind in the early game you're free to  choose any Avenue you like I have chapter markers   in this video so you can jump back and forth and  really do the level progression any way that you   want to however in this video just to make it a  little bit easier I'm going to be going sorcerer   for the first five levels all right so at level  two sorcerer this is where we get meta magic   we start with two sorcery points every level of  sorcerer after that we get an additional sorcery   point and sorcery points you can use these to use  your metam magic which is kind of the sorcerer's   primary ability we'll talk more about that in just  a moment but you should also knowe that sorcery   points and spell slots work hand inand you can  actually use unspent spell slots slot and turn   them into more sorcery points and vice versa you  can spend sorcery points to get more spell slots   okay so before we dive more into metamagic we're  going to pick one more level one spell here and   as mentioned previously if we took sleep the first  time around we're going to take shield for level   two all right so we grab Shield that's going to  increase our Armor class by five also we take   no damage from magic Missile that doesn't really  come up all that often but it's a strong spell you   use it as a reaction to save your yourself from  getting hit so grab that and then we'll go down   to metamagic now we get to pick two of these four  metamagic skills and the one must pick we have on   this list is Twin spell what twin spell allows us  to do is we take a single Target spell we'll just   use chromatic orb as an example cuz we have that  if we decide to use twin spell on chromatic orb   we can now Target two different opponents with  that spell at the same time so that's right it   takes a single Target spell and makes it a dual  Target spell so very powerful we'll definitely   want to pick that up the other three options here  are all decent ones we've got careful spell this   allows allies to automatically succeed in their  saving throws so if you want to launch a fireball   out in the battlefield you don't have to worry  about hitting your teammates which is huge very   strong uh then there's distance spell does just  what you think it would do increases the range   of your spell by 50% and perhaps its strongest  feature is it takes melee spells and turns them   into range spells so that can be very useful and  finally there is extend spell which allows you to   double the duration of conditions and things  like that that are caused by spells surfaces   like the ice surface from some of the cold damage  spells honestly these are all very good options I   personally am going to pick careful spell because  I love being able to toss a AOE damage spell out   in the battlefield and not have to worry about  hitting my opponents all right level three here   we're going to pick up a additional sorcery Point  couple more spell slots and now we get level two   spells there are lots of good ones here we got  shatter and scorching Ray Misty step which is   honestly one of the most useful spells in the  game we got knock and invisibility very useful   of course hold person hold person is one of the  strongest spells in the game we are definitely   going to be taking that at some point we'll talk  about it a little bit more soon but for right now   I'm going to recommend you take cloud of daggers  cloud of daggers is one of the more powerful AOE   spells in this game and just at level two it does  just what the name suggests it summons a cloud of   daggers spinning around your enemies and anyone  caught in the cloud takes damage that's right they   just take damage that's what makes this spell so  good while the area of effect is relatively small   and because it's a level two spell the damage  isn't insane or anything but what really makes   this spell so great is that unlike many ongoing  AOE spells this one does not prompt a saving   throw furthermore it doesn't even prompt an attack  role that's right if you're caught up in the cloud   of daggers you just straight up take damage you  take damage when the spell is cast on you you take   damage when you start your turn in the daggers  and you take damage when you're blown through the   daggers or have to walk through them this works  perfect perfectly with this build because when we   do take those levels of warlock a big part of what  makes this build so strong is that we're going to   be using high damage AOE spells and then Aldrich  blast to blast our opponents through them so cloud   of daggers is a must pick here we're going to grab  that and then we get to pick another metamagic and   again even though there's been a couple added to  the list the choice here is clear we are taking   quick and spell in my opinion this is probably  the strongest metamagic option available it's   very simple what it does is it allows you to cast  a spell that normally costs an action and cast it   as a bonus action instead essentially allowing  you to cast two spells in one turn okay so we   grab quick and spell and then level on up to level  four at level four we get to pick another canant   trip and there's a few to choose from here you'll  notice that I still have Firebolt available on   this list that's just because this is a human if  you did roll with the high half elf you already   have Firebolts and if that's the case I recommend  going with light here even as a high half elf   who has dark vision it's likely that one of your  companions doesn't and light is invaluable in this   case you can light up the battlefield and make  sure that they are not rolling with disadvantage   now if everyone in your party has dark vision at  that point I guess I recommend taking bone shill   which is another strong can trip that's available  and then once you select your cantrip we're going   to go down and pick one more level two spell here  and that's going to be hold person again hold   person is one of the stronger spells in the game  in my opinion because not only does it hold your   opponent in place for potentially several turns  but it also makes any attack made within like 10   ft and autoc crit yeah you heard that right you  get an automatic critical hit when hold person is   cast and after you hit them they just stay in hold  person so you can autoc crit them over and over   over again this is another situation where this  spell works really well with this build because   there'll be times where if another player in your  party has an ongoing AOE spell going with their   concentration you can use your concentration  to use hold person and hold them in that AOE   damage so I definitely recommend picking this up  okay so then we are going to go down and we're   going to be able to take our first feat in the  game and I'm actually just going to recommend   that we go with an ability score improve Movement  we want to get that Charisma as high as possible   so this is an Easy Choice here we're just going  to take that SI put both points in the kisma to   get it up to a 19 and we're good to go and level  five do one more sorcerer here go down to spells   and we get level three spells another batch of  some really strong spells to choose from level   three spells are some of my favorites in the  game so this is not an easy choice just to pick   one in fact I'm going to recommend that we pick  two here we're going to pick one here and then   we're going to go down and replace spell and take  another some really good choices here though are   counter spell counter spell is extremely useful I  definitely recommend that you or someone in your   party gets it eventually it's a reaction you can  use it whenever an opponent is going to cast a   powerful spell on you or your party you can use  it to counter that spell to basically cancel it   out so extremely useful there's Fireball you  know it you love it of course it's Fireball   always a viable option haste haste is going to be  a must pick spell for this build it is so powerful   it allows you to gain another action so you get  two actions you become faster you increase your   movement speed and you get a plus two to your  AC and whoever cast it on you as long as they   can keep their concentration it can last up to 10  turns and if that wasn't enough you can use twin   spell with it so you can use twin spell cast haste  on yourself and another party member so haste will   be a must pick and then lightning bolt lightning  bolt is basically the lightning damage version of   Fireball with the biggest difference being that  fireball is a sphere template and lightning bolt   is a straight line but because we're going to  be utilizing so much cold and lightning damage   for this build I know that fireball gets all the  the glory but lightning bolt is very strong and   given the fact that we're going to be using  a lot of cold and lightning damage with this   build coupled with the wet condition mechanic  I'm very much going to recommend that we go   with lightning bolt so the two spells we're going  to pick up here are haste and lightning bolt so   grab one of them up here and then we're going to  go down to replace spell and it's pretty safe to   say that we can get rid of chromatic orb now we no  longer have too much use for it as we're leveling   up so we will replace chromatic orb and we will  get lightning bolt for that all right level six   and this is where the multiclass begins you've  waited patiently or maybe you haven't and you   took warlock at level two which is fine but if  you have waited Now's the Time we can multiclass   we'll select Warlock and the first thing we'll do  is go over to cantrips and select two of those and   this is what you've been waiting so patiently  for one can trip to rule them all eldrich blast   and hey one reward for or waiting patiently is  your eldrich Blast has immediately been leveled   up because you are past level five cantrips level  up at level five and level 11 most damage dealing   cantrips will simply double the damage output so  like Firebolt does 1 d10 and then 2 d10 and then   3d10 but with Eldridge blast it stays at 1 d10 but  it gives you an additional beam every time which   is actually far stronger because you can Target  multiple opponents and that's not all with the the   magic items I'm going to share with you at the end  of the video you are going to be doing an insane   amount of damage with eldrich blast it is going  to be so op you're going to be left wondering how   they even let you cast it at will as a canant  trip so we get to pick one more canant trip in   addition of this and the two that I would probably  recommend looking at is either a bone chill which   is a damage dealing canant trip it deals necrotic  damage and it does some okay damage but really its   strong selling point here is that it prevents  targets from healing on their next turn also   Undead targets get disadvantage on attack rolles  so this is a pretty strong C trip if you wanted   to get a non-damage dealing canant trip you could  always go with what they have a default here which   is blade Ward decent little buff spell ultimately  we take both of these either way so I'm just going   to leave blade Ward there because we have so many  damage dealing spells to begin with but by the end   of it all we'll have bone shill as well so you  can really pick whichever one you want okay next   we get to pick a warlock subclass all right so  the these are all pretty good if you wanted to   go with the great old one or the arch Fay there's  certainly reasons for doing so but for this build   for me I'm going to pick the fiend for one armor  of agathys as I've already mentioned is a very   strong spell on top of that we get a ability  called the dark ones blessing which gives us   temporary hit points so pretty good so I will roll  with the fiend and then we will go down here and   select a couple more spells as I mentioned we're  already taking armor of agathys so that leaves us   one more spot to pick a few really good options  here command and is fantastic goes very well with   this build as well we'll definitely be picking it  up but I think we'll wait till next level to do   that hellish rebuke is also a good spell to have  it's a reaction however my recommendation is hex   hex allows us to do an additional 1d6 of damage to  our opponents every time we attack them that's not   every turn it's every time we attack so if you're  using twin spell or alrich blast or anything that   has you targeting multiple opponents or attack  attacking multiple times like with haste or   potion of speed every time that you deal damage  there's an additional 1d6 added to it so hex is   very strong for a level one spell we're definitely  picking that up and with that we will go on to   level seven grab our second level of warlock go  back to these spells and as I mentioned we will   take command command is just a really good spell  that's made even better with this build because   we get to Twin it so we can twin this spell and  command not just one but two opponents to run   away or move closer or drop their weapons or fall  on the ground or whatever we want them to do it's   fantastic so if you want a couple of your enemies  to lay down in your cloud of daggers absolutely   feel free perhaps the best part about this is it  does not require concentration so you can double   this up with some of your AOE spells that do  require concentration no problem all right and   here we get our eldrich invocations and if you've  been been playing with eldrich blast up until now   and wondering what's the big deal with this spell  well it's really not until the Warlock takes their   invocations that eldrich blast can realize his  true potential so even though this is a long   list and there's certainly good choices here if  you're building a character that is going to be   utilizing eldrich blast in any kind of significant  way the two choices here are clear you're going to   take agonizing blast and repelling blast agonizing  blast is going to allow you to add your charisma   modifier to the damage of every beam and repelling  blast is going to allow you to blast your opponent   back away from you and as I mentioned that's  significant when you want to blast them into your   AOE spells or maybe just off a cliff either way  your eldrich blast just got a whole lot stronger   all right so we're going to level up on the level  eight and this is where I recommend going back to   Sorcerer And just taking sorcerer the rest of  the way if you did want to stick with one more   level of warlock you certainly can do so in doing  that you will be able to take a packed Boon which   is another good ability that the Warlock gets  however if you want to choose the most optimal   path for this character I do believe that going  back to sorcerer at this point and taking the   sorcerer the rest of the way is the best way to go  and that's what we're going to do here so at level   eight we are going to be at level six Sorcerer  And that's significant because we get some subass   features here the elemental Affinity ability so  if you remember when we took our Dragon ancestry   we have that Associated element that allows us  to add our Charisma modifier to that Elemental   damage as well as to spend a sorcery point to gain  resistance to that damage type and we also get to   pick another level three spell here if you just  can't help yourself and you have to take Fireball   I completely understand I don't blame you for a  second though my recommendation is to take take   counter spell especially if no one else in your  party has it it's just too powerful to pass up so   I'm going to snag counter spell and I'm also going  to go down to replace spell I'm going to get rid   of sleep as much as I love sleep at this point in  the game you're a level eight character and a lot   of the opponents that you're facing have a lot of  hit points which means you're going to be using   sleep less and less so my recommendation is to  swap it out for one of these more valuable level   two or level three spells again if you really  wanted to take Fireball I don't blame you this   could be a spot where you could do that and if you  already have something like Amulet of Misti step   or the disintegrating night walker boots and you  have Misty step available to you absolutely take   Fireball but if you don't already have Misty step  Now's the Time to definitely pick it up I actually   recommend trying to get everyone in your party to  have it it is in my opinion the most widely used   spell outside of maybe guidance in the entire  game I actually did a video that shows you all   the different ways that you can get Misty step you  could essentially have Misty step for every member   of your party so if you want to check out that  video I'll put the link above and for now we are   going to level up to level 9ine and level 9 brings  level four spells okay so we got two different   damage dealing spells we're looking at here we  have Wall of fire I got to be honest I love this   spell it is a fantastic AOE spell that just as the  name suggests allow you to build a great wall of   fire so there's all sorts of fun you can have with  that and then there's ice storm which is another   cold damage spell that we're definitely going to  want to pick up ultimately we're taking both of   these spells it's just a matter of which one we  take right now I'm actually going to go with ice   storm it's cold damage so it matches my draconic  ancestry damage type and also you know I love that   cold and lightning damage with the wet conditions  so I'm going to grab that not to mention it does   not require concentration whereas wall of fire  does so we have plenty of concentration spells   it's nice to have an AOE spell that does  not require concentration so we'll pick   ice storm for now but no worries because we are  not leaving wall of fire behind right now we're   going to level on up to level 10 right away we're  going to be able to pick a spell and you guessed   it or picking wall of fire so once we've done  that you can just go right on down here to feet   and we get to pick another feet and this is where  I'll mention that if you have gotten some in-game   item that has brought your charisma up and you are  already at 20 you could certainly look into taking   any one of these amazing feats that the game has  to offer I personally think that you couldn't go   wrong with warcaster it's a great feat and what  it does is it gives you advantage on your saving   throws to maintain concentration on a spell so as  you could see how useful that would be and then   on top of that it allows you to use a reaction to  cast shocking grasp for free if a Target moves out   of your melee range and I definitely recommend  it like I said if your charisma is already at   a 20 somehow if it's not I think you have to  go ability score Improvement what that's going   to allow you to do is get your crisma up to 20  which is what we want and then it also gives you   a point in Constitution and just one extra point  in Constitution here as you can see gives you 10   more hit points it takes it from 82 points to  92 and by the end of the game when you're at   level 12 it's going to give you 12 additional hit  points and then we will level up again to level 11   and congratulations we now have level five spells  now there's two damage dealing ones that we will   be eyeing up but if you did want to go another  way with it two non-damage dealing spells that   I recommend are telekinesis and hold monster and  hold monster is just like hold person except you   can use it against nonhumanoid creatures so if you  had both hold person and hold monster you're kind   of covering all your bases there and and pretty  much cast it on whoever however being that this   is our resident Blaster Mage we are going to be  looking at two damage dealing spells we're going   to be looking at cone of cold and cloudkill both  are very strong just a matter of which one we want   to pick first now even though I've been pushing  cold damage this whole time I'm actually going   to recommend we take cloudkill first cloudkill  is a very strong spell that allows us to cast   a poisonous Cloud on the battlefield now it does  some strong damage but the real selling point of   this spell is that number one the area of effect  is massive it's much much bigger than cloud of   daggers and even bigger than Fireball it covers  a big area of the battlefield and then on top   of that we have the ability to reposition the  poisonous Cloud on subsequent turns now while   this does cost an action we don't have to expend  another spell slot to do so we can just move the   cloud wherever we want because ultimately Ely  enemies are going to run out of it right so then   on our turn we can just move the cloud back in and  when we do that the enemy takes damage and then on   the start of their turn whether or not they move  out of it or not they still take damage again so   this is going to be a very powerful one we are  going to pick that up now but not to worry con   of cold we are coming back for you because this  is going to take us to level 12 the final level   in the game and here we're going to get to pick  a can trip if you you haven't taken bone shill   yet that's what I recommend if you already took  bone shill maybe blade Ward or something else is   available we'll just grab that grab our last can  trip then we'll come back down here for cone of   cold we did not forget about you grab that and  then finally we get to pick one more metam magic   okay so we got a couple new options here we have  subtle spell this allows us to cast a spell even   if we're silenced now this is definitely nerfed a  little bit from the tabletop 5e version of subtle   spell which I I think is a Little Bit Stronger  the problem with this one I think it's just too   situational so instead I'm going to be looking  at heighten spell which gives disadvantage to   your opponent's saving throws so anytime I can  impose disadvantage on my opponents I'm going to   take that I think heighten spell is a strong  Choice here and that's the one I'm going to   recommend all right guys that does it levels one  through 12 of the sorlock all right before I go   we got magic items going to be doing this quick  and dirty because this video is already running   pretty long at this point I'm just touching on a  few magic items that you should keep an eye out   for we're going to be focused on staffs robes  and headgear it's not to say that there's not   good gloves boots amulets or rings but at the end  of the day this is not a magic items video now I   will say most of these that are perfect for this  build you don't pick up until later on in the game   but I'm going to share a few with you that are  at least worth taking a look at that you can get   in the early game in act one so I'll do the these  in chronological order the order that you're most   likely to pick them up in the first item that you  can get very early on in the game is rain dancer   this is a staff that can be used to cast the  crate water spell this is certainly handy though   you'll likely only use it very early on and then I  recommend passing it off probably to a druid or a   wizard in your party because not too long after  that you're going to gain access to the spell   sparkler this is a staff that's going to be able  to give you lightning charges so that's pretty   powerful you're going to be able to get this from  rescuing the Grand Duke at walking's rest but you   just continue to upgrade because later on in act  one in the underd dark you can get your hands on   a staff called morning Frost morning Frost gives  you a bonus to your cold damage so that fits with   this build nicely and you can get this in the  underd dark but the thing about this one is   it takes a little footwork the staff is in three  pieces you have to go to three different locations   each with the body of a different Dr the first  Dr is right by where you fight the Spectre which   is a battle that's on the west side of the saloon  night Outpost the second piece can be taken off a   Dr in the mikin colony in the vault that they  give you access to after you defeat the dgar   and a third piece is found on a d it's right next  to the susar tree Once you have all three pieces   you put them together and you have your morning  Frost staff you'll be rolling with this staff for   the rest of act one all of act two and all the  way up until you roll into balers gate in act   three but not so fast before we get to act three  we're going to make a stop into act two and this   is where you're going to find the absolute best  robes for this build and that is the potent robe   the potent robe is going to allow your cantrips  to deal your charisma modifier to the damage twice   yeah and don't forget that's per Beam with alrd  blast this robe was tailor fit for the sorlock   and you will roll with it for the remainder of  the game this can be found in Moonrise Towers   it's a quest reward for rescuing the teelings  all right heading into act three this is when   we really turn things up to 11 immediately upon  arriving in balter's Gate I suggest you get to the   lower City and find sorceress sundrees as quickly  as possible there are several interesting toys at   this location including a couple of items you are  definitely going to want to get sorcer Sundries   is a magic shop if you just go directly in and  talk to the merchant they'll be selling the Hat   Birthright this is an absolute must pick it gives  you a plus two in Charisma and caps it not 20 but   22 this means a plus six modifier to your charisma  this coupled with the potent robe is going to take   your Eldridge blast to a whole another level we're  talking about a guaranteed 12 extra damage for   each beam that's 36 guaranteed damage on top of  whatever you're already doing with Eldridge blast   and this is a can trip you can just Spam it that  is insane it breaks the game if I'm being honest   not to mention that you're going to be compl  completely irresistible in all social situations   and for those of you who don't want to be game  breakingly op I do have an alternate option for   some of these items that I'll mention in just a  moment but while we're still at sorcerer sundrees   let me just say you want to pick up the Marco  esher staff this is a legendary Quarter Staff   this thing is very powerful gives you a plus one  to spell save DC and spell attack rols allows you   to cast a spell without burning a slot and also  has a pretty powerful spell called cesca's favor   this can be found in lakin's Tower you'll have to  get through Lakin get through his puzzles but once   you do you'll gain access to this staff for those  of you who are wondering where I got my shield at   this big gold shield it's called vonia Walking  Fortress it's a plus three to your AC instead   of just a plus two it knocks your enemies prone  with 2 to eight Force damage has a powerful action   called reflective shell that reflects ranged  attacks and the spell warding Bond this is also   available in act three when you defeat the leader  of the sh worshippers all right lastly for anybody   looking for an alternate option or wondering where  I got the hood and robe that my character model   was wearing this is actually a set it's the weave  set there's the robe of the weave the hood of the   weave and cloak of the weave all of these give you  bonus to your spell save DC and attack rolls the   robe of the weave is also found in Lin's Tower  directly across from his staff the hood of the   weave is available in the lower city right on  the water in a place called Phil Graves Mansion   there's a mummy Lord in there who's a merchant you  can buy it from him and the cloak of the weave can   be purchased from hellick in the lower City all  right guys that's it for the magic items there's   a lot more great magic items out there though some  I'm sure I don't even know about so if you'd like   to share some of your favorites in the comments  below please feel free to do so just make sure   to watch out for spoilers please but that'll do it  for this video this is my version of the sorlock I   hope you enjoyed it if you did I just asked you  hit the like button and if you're interested in   seeing more videos like this in the future please  subscribe to the channel like And subscribe it   doesn't cost you anything just click a couple  buttons really helps me out I do appreciate it   and that'll conclude this build video I hope you  all have fun with it and I'll see you next time
Channel: Player 1 Gaming
Views: 83,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, beginners guide, rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate rpg, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, larian studios, Baldur's Gate III, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, DnD, D&D, video game, gaming, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, stategy, Player 1, Player 1 Gaming, Player One Gaming, multiclass, multi-class, multiclass build guide, build guide, character creation, magic items, sorlock, sorclock, sorloc, sorcerer, warlock
Id: iJ1lCxAw3TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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