Stealth Is OP! ROGUE Class Guide For Baldur's Gate 3! - (Baldurs Gate 3 Rogue Build Guide)

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whether you're an assassin a thief or an Arcane trickster the Rogues are all about sneaky I am very very sneaky So today we're going to go through everything you need to know about this sneaky guy in Boulder skate 3. let's go let me know in the comments how you're building your Rogue and these class guards are designed to teach you the mechanics of a class and everything you need to know to succeed and we'll start with how to play the row now these are the most stealth based class of any of the classes they also gain benefits from having great Mobility because they can cast cunning actions so as a bonus action rather than an action you can Dash hide or engage plus they have the sneak attacks formula and range which give you an additional 1d6 of damage to any sneak attack and sneak attacks always have Advantage as well so you're practically guaranteed to hit there plus you get that extra damage estarian the companion is also a rogue so if you're interested in how to build him out then this video will help you with that as well so the best race options for the Rogue is really you know you can pick anything for the role-playing purposes but if you're planning to play A Milli Focus Road say maybe you're wielding some daggers or something I would pay attention to the racial movement speed so something like elf tiefling drow human Geth half elf Dragonborn or half orc all have the standard movement speed feet of 9 meters compared to the shorter races which have a shorter movement speed which obviously means they can't go as far and if you're trying to get into Milli range and that can sometimes be like a little bit of a hindrance but you've obviously with the Rogue you've got these cunning actions that you can cast so you can still Dash and then still attack in that same turn as a ranged Rogue I would highly recommend something that has dark vision and especially something like an elf that also gives you Longbow proficiency so all Rogues will have short bow and crossbow proficiencies because they're simple weapons but an elf will also get long bows and there's some great Longbow options in the game so it gives you more flexibility for those range options and dark vision so you can actually see in the dark because there are plenty of places in the game that are dark and you can even go say like a drought which has Superior dark vision as well so that dark vision distance is actually doubled which means it makes it so much easier to hit enemies when you are in that sort of medium to long range and in those dark areas so you'll have a higher chance of actually hitting the best skills for the Rogue are the dexterity based skills so you've got Acrobat slight of hand for audio lock picking and stealth and especially stealth I highly recommend that you not only stay proficient in stealth but actually pick it as one of your expertise so as a rogue you can gain expertise in two skills which will double your proficiency bonus I would recommend to collab slight of hand for this so you've got extra proficiency for lock picking as well as stealth so you can trigger stealth in combat even when enemies are looking at you you can actually pass a stealth check to actually get off your sneak attacks as long as you're not in like Milly range it's actually really powerful your background is more role-playing sort of choices but in terms of the dexterity-based skills here you've got the charlatan the criminal and the urchin but you can honestly pick whatever you like for Ability points you do want to focus on dexterity as your primary Constitution is also important for the hit points but less so but the one thing I will call out here is that if you are going to play an Arcane trickster subclass then intelligence is important as that is your spell casting modifier but we'll talk about that in a little bit the leveling up process for the Rogue is pretty similar regardless of the subclass choice peak in that you always gain The Cutting actions and some of the other class benefits that you do get it's just that at level three you will pick a subclass now the differences between the subclasses here is Thief Arcane trickster and assassin as a thief you'll gain fast hands to give you an additional bonus action as well as Second Story work so you can fall without taking damage the Arcane trickster is like the Mage Focus subclass so you'll gain access to some spells as well as the magehand can trip which is not good slash broken at the moment in the game so as this subclass the Mage hand when you cast it is supposed to be a spectral hand which is invisible and it can carry out additional tasks those additional tasks don't actually work in the game right now and I don't know exactly what that's supposed to be like typically you know it could be like lock picking that sort of a thing but you can't really do anything like that with the Mage hand and the Mage hand can only be cast once per short rest which makes it much more less effective and it only lasts 10 turns which actually isn't a very long time when you're just like playing the game in real time like it'll just disappear randomly after you've barely done anything with it so the Arcane trickster as a whole probably isn't in a good spot right now maybe if they fix the magehand it might be a little bit better but the last subclass is the Assassin subclass and this specializes in attacking from stealth out of combat so you gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't had their turn yet if you successfully trigger an ambush on a surprise creature it's always a critical Hit And if you start combat from this position as well you'll also regain your action and bonus action at the start of combat I originally started a Starion as sort of my rogue setup as an assassin but I ended up switching back to thief because while the benefits to the Assassin and being able to trigger combat from that stealth position and gaining all of those benefits is definitely a positive the bonus action that you gain from the thief is just significantly better because of the cunning action to hide you can essentially hide every turn and then use your sneak attack in combat but then you can also then Dash if you wanted to move around you could attack with than an offhand weapon you could stealth again so you can actually get attacked because you know enemies can't see you but that bonus action that you get from Thief is just so powerful that you can't really go wrong with it especially with the issues with the Arcane trickster and then just the Assassin not being as flexible as the thief can be but I have chosen to bring a starry into sort of a ranged stealth option with the thief and sort of focusing on stealthing and combat and then using those ranged attacks and then potentially doing some nearly if I need to because I'm still wielding weapons I can do some more fan attacks and that's sort of the direction I've taken a Starion and it's been really really successful continuing the level up process at level four you'll pick your first feat and depending on whether you're going merely or range then you've got a couple of options here if you're going ranged Sharpshooter is a huge benefit here so your ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties for Higher Ground rules and range weapon attacks with weapons you are proficient in have a minus five penalty to their attack Roll But deal an additional 10 damage now if you are attacking from stealth you already have advantage on that attack rod plus obviously the extra damage you get from stealth so if you trigger this all in effect as well you are practically still guaranteed to hit that shot especially if you're hitting it from Higher Ground so you just get an extra 10 damage for free without having to do anything else so it's a massive buff to range damage now you won't really make a lot of choices as a rogue when you do level up you'll just get a lot of class features for just leveling up and increasing your HP but at level 8 you will pick a another feat now I would go either something like lightly armored or ability Improvement here to get your dexterity up to 18 depending on what your actual stats are but just trying to get that to the next positive number is probably the important thing there but athlete is another good option for that so you get that extra dexterity as well but for a Milly Rogue you've got mobiles to increase your movement speed as well as avoiding some opportunity attacks is definitely a positive for a sort of merely focused Rogue and then again at level eight when you pick your but for your second feed it's still the same you want to get that additional benefits to your dexterity and try and hit it into that next bracket some tips for playing the Rogue sneak attack is so strong and it is the critical part of the Rolex kit and you should be using it as often as possible whether that is to start combat or even in combat by using your cunning action to hide and then triggering the stealth attack something that you can do outside of combat is just have your Rogue in stealth all the time and they'll just sort of lag behind the party so if the party gets like like surprised then the Rogue actually won't be in combat it just because it'll be lagging behind because it's walking slower because of stealth so you have that time to be able to line them up to wherever you want to attack from and then also the same as like conversations if you're in a conversation that you think may break out in combat you can character select your other characters put them in hiding set them up before you actually trigger the combat encounter if you do have a bonus action left over at the end of your turn you can use it to hide again so that enemies won't attack you so you can avoid damage coming towards them and occasionally sometimes enemies will actually like use their turn to try and find a Starion or whatever your Rogue is I've noticed that happened a couple of times so they waste their turn just like running around trying to find where the road speaking of the Rogue Starion if you aren't going the Arcane trickster subclass I definitely recommend going to Withers and respecting him stay as like the class the Rogue but you want to change his ability points because it will allow you to hear because there's a lot of wasted ability points for a Starion if you're not going and Arcane trickster because he has a high amount of intelligence which makes sense from like a role-playing perspective but from a min max perspective it doesn't make sense when you can put those points into dexterity or Constitution or something and actually give him benefits from that intelligence which you're not getting unless you're going the Arcane trickster because he has an Arcane trickster intelligence is your spell casting modifier also make sure that any weapons that you're using like melee weapons have the Finesse trait so that they are able to scale with dexterity rather than strength and dual wielding is super important for a rogue so you can use your offhand attack as a bonus action so you can get multiple attacks off as you don't gain an extra attack like some of the other sort of melee focused classes do that's the way you can get extra attacks off but let me know your thoughts on the Rogue in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 182,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 rogue class guide, baldurs gate 3 rogue guide, baldurs gate 3 rogue, baldurs gate 3 rogue build, baldurs gate 3 rogue class, baldur's gate 3 rogue, baldur's gate 3 rogue build, baldurs gate 3 rogue build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build, baldur's gate 3 rogue guide, bg3 rogue guide, baldur's gate 3 assassin, baldurs gate 3 thief, rogue class baldurs gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 astarion build, baldurs gate 3 astarion
Id: fxz0DnuRgAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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