How to Sculpt a Beautiful City Skyline in Cities Skylines!

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lots of people walking and cycling they just disappeared look what is happening to all those people just look [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before here we are in the city of new zealand and today expansion is on the cards there are so many nice areas on this map that we haven't built in yet and the one that's really been on my mind to get to is this one over here let's slide on over so oh too far t ranchula station or two ranch i think it was too bachelor terminal but i've changed it to station because it's not a terminal really is it because things are going through this the idea was that this area here was going to be a nice big built up high density area maybe sort of spanning across the sort of river um whatever we've got it yeah whatever that's called i would say river it's probably got a special name but yeah in this area here and then we've got like the airport over there so that is the idea and i'd really like to get started on this so yeah let's just take a look we sort of threw this down this is all connected if you don't remember that's why it's called t bachelor looks a bit like a spider with all the legs coming out so i get a babble on five if you remember that haha have you seen it and then also we could put in some of our larger build and we haven't unlocked any of these by the look of it we can put in some of these larger buildings which will help us go towards unlocking some of our monuments as well um so yeah let's just take a look i mean this has all just been thrown down here just to keep this thing working so we are definitely going to be removing those there we go and removing you is that going to mess things up garbage processing perfectly fine no problem at all about power oh yes there we go our power so what i'm going to do is just because we're going to be working in this area i am just going to bring in like a temporary space already occupied okay a temporary power cable if you don't mind anywhere they will do come on man i didn't want to put anarchy on but over here i will do it oh no is that rock gone forever oh the passing of the rock do you know what i could do actually is i could replace that rock with another rock there we go the rock is back excellent yeah so i'm just gonna bring this over here just so we don't have to worry about messing up the power up while we're doing all the work that we're doing there we go excellent and then we can delete this one there we go just get things going make sure that's okay and then this one coming up down here is going to be connected there anyway yep we're all okay again cool beans right okay excellent so looking at this here uh we've got like these little one new rows that go around here and i quite like those so i think we're going to stick with these in this area so let's just see if we can pop yeah so anarchy is going to come in and then we'll start doing some road adjustments oh yeah there we go okay so that gives us our starting square around here and then i'm just thinking what we could have in this area so we've got bike lanes absolutely everywhere what could we make i mean this is going to be a big focal point of this central section i love this so i'm thinking maybe around the immediate vicinity of this some sort of plazas or something like that a park type thing which will look good i mean we've got these ones which are quite small i would really like some larger plaza type things okay so we've got these flowery passages down here um which are made by vilgard you can look those up and there's this one here called little versailles and i'm just wondering whether we could like pop that in the middle there and try and make something of these so put that three down at that side that should be in the middle and we'll do the same over here when i say three i'm counting the little squares at the side there how do they look oh they look nice they look very nice and then can we sort of hook these up with some parts and make something um lovely in there what path shall we use it's just the standard path is that gonna look okay straight across there yes it is it actually takes out that bit of extra hedge nice so let's do that oh look at that early game auto save quick sympathy [Music] ah lovely so we'll get that one going across there as well so that connects those together and then i'm thinking these could sort of come down to here and is there a similar one there we could go to like that do you know what that is that is very good uh that one i don't want going across there oh i like that we're getting a bit sort of clever with our design excellent we can have lots of trees and things in there and then round the back then we want our roads to go around here for our buildings to go on definitely thinking that two-lane road with trees um so how am i gonna match this up because i don't want to change this road it's deliberately wiggly like this sort of i mean it doesn't really follow the coastline but just to add some interest but i want this road coming up here to be straight so if i for instance came out like that on both sides yeah so we don't have a node there let's just randomly pop this in for a moment and see how that goes do you know what that actually is perfectly straight along there that is just fantastic okay cool so if we just come along here like that and that butts up right against there that is exactly what i wanted and then coming up here if we could have it right up to the path yep that's what i wanted there let's take this one out and then the same on this side look at that do i want those attaching or do i want them to stop let's attach them for now and that one as well and then we'll remove that and then we'll remove that and that's okay okay we're getting there not sure quite why we oh i know why we had pollution here didn't we because we had the uh trash collecting thing okay that's fine that'll go eventually what about some other of these smaller flowery passages that we've got in here like these ones let's just have a quick look at those with that one there that's quite a long one we'll pop that one out so we can see that's just a path that's a reasonable size and that is a really long one i think that's going to fit in anywhere is it oh actually yeah it might so no i'm just going to pop all of these out so we can see them there we go we've got these corner ones as well oh now they could be good over here um so if we grab one of those and which way round is that going to go oh perfect perfect perfect and then if you do the same here that's going to be the wrong way okay so we'll do it this way oh that is just perfect for the corner look at that walk up come out there yep yep yep i'm liking that a lot i don't think we're gonna fit any of those in there and i like this small one i thought there was other small ones as well i've maybe missed i think we went through all of these but this one here with the pagoda in the middle i particularly like that so let me grab that um maybe we could just sort of slip that like in each side of this oh by the way i've uh i've mentioned this in another video but i don't know whether you've seen it yet but i seem to have solved my stuttering problem and there was two things i did and i knew i had to try and find out what it was as soon as i started playing at vanilla city and still had the problem i thought i've just got to solve this it's going to drive me insane hmm it's annoying that you have to zoom all the way in to see those things not quite sure what does that i'll have a look um but yeah i updated my amd drivers for my motherboard which i've done numerous times i don't know whether it was that or not um but i've changed my power plan i've gone from the ryzen power plan um just to straight the windows power plan and i reckon that's what's changed it so but anyway i mean i do get the odd little stutter here and there which i just put down to normal sort of city skyline stuff but um i mean now i'm playing without any bother of stutter at all okay i want to pick this up and it won't let me click come on click there we go i'm using my picker tool to grab them uh that is probably gonna be a little bit too long is it gonna let me put it where i want it come on all right we'll drop it there and then we use the movement mod so yeah i'm really pleased if that was the problem oh darn it all right let's try that again oh how about that so instead of the blank path connecting this angle over here i put these in instead a nice little tree-lined path that then goes into here that looks much better than this doesn't it yeah definitely so let's take out those let's use the movement mod to select that hold shift select that copy it there we go excellent and then try and line that up in here as well i think that's good enough let's have a look i think that's good oh yeah i like that that is really not this is turning out really nice isn't it so can we fit one of those in there on their own let's take a look it's going to be just a bit too long there which is a shame okay never mind okay so i'm thinking that is looking pretty good look people are already coming out from the metro station and walking around the path i just changed this one here to the park path rather than the bog standard path yeah nice i like that so we'll put some detailing in there as we go along but then i'm thinking what sort of buildings could we have around the outside here that are really going to bring attention to this area well i think this area here right by the river needs something special and a building that i always really enjoy and i like the look of is the modern art museum there we go that just looks fantastic so it goes the other way around so we're gonna have to just pop some roads in here for this to be against um let's just take this one here and let's see let's see so i came up there let's do this again yeah i'm gonna need to put it against that anti so if i go like that how big is this let's take a look so that actually is probably exactly where i need to do it which was there oh it's this one okay that's not too bad so we go like that snowing on a sec what's the measurement there 400 and the measurement there 350. i'll put it right over let's do that again there we go that is perfectly in the middle fantastic okay let's just line this road up exits you can go up in and around and then i would perhaps suggest some parking on both sides or just one side i mean there is parking built into it i'm just wondering whether instead of parking we could put another building or two either side and i really like these buildings here from the modern japan content creator pack and i think an office right there looking down into the park would just be fantastic which means then i feel like i need to extend this road out here so if i just bring that one out to over here for now turn off our guidelines thank you kindly there we go so that one feels like it's up against the road and then over this side i was thinking of we've got the district office building which i wanted to put the other way around but again i'm looking at the way the windows are going and thinking wouldn't you want to just face that into a park so if we did that as well and then we could just bring this road out like that then that leaves a little bit of space behind yeah i like that a little bit of space behind here for some parking which would work for all of these buildings so that would be good so let's just have a quick look we've got these ones that we use quite a bit i think this one will fit perfectly we're gonna have one there we haven't used these ones in a while and one of those there yeah excellent i'm liking that i'm liking that obviously we need some water so let us solve that problem for these lovely people that are going to be moving into our new amazing looking area so then as we spread out from these sort of buildings here i'd like to put in a sort of a mix so we have different high-rise office buildings we've got different uh ones in here as well that could sort of fit in here uh transport tower those sort of things i'd also like to mix those in with some high density residential zones some office zones a bit of commercial and really just like mix the whole thing up and see what we get now i'm just sort of i'm looking at this and i'm deciding do we want it all to go to a i mean these buildings get pretty high these ones are the self-sufficient green residential buildings they get pretty tall some of the other ones we've got to put in will get pretty tall as well but do we want it all to sort of lead up to a height like if we look at this road here so as as we look across this area do we want it all to be sort of flat and then build up to be high and then sort of go back down again which i'm thinking maybe that we do sort of in this area and then as we get nearer the sea it gets lower down until right up against the coast perhaps and then over here the other side of this road it will go back down lower again i think possibly that is the way to go so let's see how we can do this now we've got this road here so that road for instance came just sort of straight out to here that wouldn't be too bad would it let's go like that into that yeah that would be okay and then do i just want sort of grids coming off of this i think because of the sort of buildings we're putting in we probably want to find out which ones are going to use place them down and then we would put the roads around them because some of these buildings are pretty tall right so by way of planning i've just popped all these buildings down here at these big buildings so we can see the sort of height that we've got and what we're going to be working with so to fit most of those in there is going to be reasonably interesting i'm thinking i want this one here to maybe be a centerpiece along here and just to break up what would have been a boring grid so what we're going to do is we're going to take this out either way we're going to grab that one and pop that if we can in the middle like that i do like that building very nice very nice and then we can build some roads around this there we go excellent i'm just thinking of some parking in here and we've got like these sort of car parks but i do really like the underground car park that we used before here we go so spiral car park what's the difference between that one and that one left and right oh okay so uh let's just pop both of these down that one and that one yeah i don't know what the difference is we're gonna go with this one here um so maybe something like that i mean if we left that where it is there you've got access to all of this area in the car park yep okay and then i'm just going to build the roads around this again there we go and then we're going to see what else will fit in i want one of these buildings up a little bit smaller for this section and can i get that facing yeah i'm gonna face in with that one yep that's good that's good and then this one here is quite a large one that can go how does that fit in with this oh that actually will fit in perfectly next to that spot there give or take one teeny tiny piece what about this direction oh let's face it that way oh yeah look at that that that fits in that fits in really nice excellent i want something here that's not too big uh is this the services services building i mean that can butt up against there let's have a look yeah so it's a little bit higher not too bad then we've got the big big building in the middle is going to be catching our eye and then this down here we can start having some of our other assets come into here so let's just fill this in i'm going to go with the squares as we've got those all set out this can come down there there we go so maybe just some let's put some high density commercial there and some high density residential there i'm not quite sure how this is going to work out with these little extra pieces here so i'm going to take those off actually one two three one two three four one two three four yeah one two three four one two three ah okay yeah because of the shape of it let's pop that back in and then i'd like this to be uh let's have a oh we've got no zone over here at all let's just take the whole thing in for now there we go washington park so we need a name suggestion for that we're going to put self-sufficient buildings on there and i'm just wondering whether with our commercial specialization what we should maybe change that for this one's going to give us sort of hotels and things like that which i think might actually fit in with this idea a bit better of what we're doing here let's give it a go let's see what happens uh let's give all of these lovely people some water there we go and let's see what we get okay this is turning out nice so we've got a nice little collection of different types of buildings here some residential places that fit in really well with our tall ones and we've got nice little octopus go nuts for donuts ice cream type parlors and a couple of hotels spattered around as well i think that actually works really well and the techni t-van deliveries excellent we're gonna have those well let's do a similar thing over on this side uh maybe with some of the other buildings that we've got we can see if we can sort of balance balance this out a bit so let's just see that came all the way across to there um and then that would come down here and i'm just thinking if we could sort of pop something in the middle here let's just grab whoa let's grab you two you're gonna go up there out the way excellent we're just gonna give this area a shave there we go right what have we got that could perhaps go in the middle here um colossal order i do like the colossal order offices i always think that's one we've got to give a bit of special attention to so that could butt up to there and then we can take our park paths uh actually we just go around the outside like that make it look nice and special and then we can add something else in there and then what have we got that's a bit smaller this one the transport tower yeah could that sort of slide up into this section the other way around how about that it's not too bad although it's blocking the view of colossal order so no we're going to change that we are going to do this instead we're going to connect that rotor there and we're going to move you down to here yeah there we go that's good like the front of that was really the back of it but i like this side nice and curved very cool this area down here then we could do a similar thing with the shops and such we break that in half one two three four seven eight yeah there we go so we can zone some of that in and let's add some more road so this is gonna have to come down there this one's also gonna come down there and then we're gonna attach that across there excellent what have we got what have we got a very tall building here and this one i'm going to take instead the luxury hotel i think let's have a look i've got anarchy on so is that going to fit in without anarchy or is that going to just look weird what is that got on the sides of it you know what with a bit of move it i think that is going to fit in perfectly there so the car parking and everything else yeah that's good that's not getting too high down there this is quite a big tall building so i'm thinking for this one it's going to come over here somewhere so maybe at the end of that there so we've got this sort of high little block in the middle yeah i'm liking that so again we just need to pop some loads around these yeah i think that's okay and then this one here the high interest tower is a little bit lower than that could we pop that one over here actually let's grab that we were getting quite close to the water and i didn't really want anything too up against the water in fact if that one goes here let's do that then we can continue these roads around this way yeah i think that's okay uh let's give these lovely people some water okay and i've continued washington park district all the way down to here and we're going to do the same we're going to sort of intermingle uh some high density commercial some housing maybe along the front now i think well i think that looks quite good uh around there along there uh yeah that one and that one and that one um on the main road i've sort of kept that free so we're not gonna put any there and that goes on to the side roads got this section on the back i think maybe some housing on there as well yeah that all comes under the same zone okay so let's see what we get in this section okay that's not looking too bad we know that these buildings are going to get taller as they uh level up which is good and we do need some services over here because at least all of those we've got this nice general hospital which also came from the modern japanese pack i do like that one um let's face it in this direction there we go and that is a lovely looking building so that's our health care um let's have a look death care we've got the cryo preservatory that i've never used i thought it's actually quite small isn't it could we just pop that in maybe somewhere over here yeah let's have that there that's fine uh what else have we got i don't think we're gonna go for the child care the elder care recreational we could pop something like this in sports or community pool why not let's pop a community pool in um where's a nice little spot for that i mean we could literally put that coming off the main road there and then once you put some trees and things around it actually i didn't realize that's like an outdoor pool you're probably not going to want to come to an outdoor pool that's right on the main road are you huh okay let's find a better space for that changed my mind went for the yoga garden instead there we go and it's right opposite a nice little plaza that i put in there right by the colossal order building so yeah i think that looks good okay so that's those services uh fire i'm thinking we should go for a big fire station this is a big area um let's pop that over there yep excellent and again with the police now we've got some other options here we've got a big prison uh these are from the interactive prisons mods police helicopter depot yeah maybe we don't want to go for any of these small prison block no let's just go for the police headquarters oh another auto save and we're going to pop that up against the side there so that should have covered yeah look pretty much everything we need uh of course schools as well i completely forgot about all these sort of things darn it let's nestle some of these in um so we've got the high school we've got the larger high school building could we find a spot for that over here i bet we could if we tried hard enough let's take that away and pop this in here and we'll do the same thing we'll go with the modes all around it like this there we go that's cool oh look at that i quite like that even though it's quite a difference in height i'm liking that yeah very good uh so that was high school uh oh elementary school we've got the smaller one there maybe we could squeeze one in yeah we need some more roads over here i filled them all up uh let's bring this one here behind the hospital i've got some nice rocks here that i do not wish to destroy so i'm gonna leave those but that house can go i'm really sorry your house is gone so we're gonna have an elementary school there i'm hoping that'll be enough for everything we'll see and then the university maybe one of the institute of creative arts and we could just slide that in over here that would be perfect [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right lots of people are heading over into the city area over here so we just need to do a little bit of work on all of these road connections that we've got the first thing i want to do is give them dedicated turning lanes all the way around here so anywhere there's a road that comes off they can do that there we go there we go all the way to the end and then we've got traffic lights galore down this section so we're also going to say there we go so all the roads coming on are going to give way there we go there we go excellent that one there that one there so that will just keep all the traffic flowing those quicker ways of doing this but this is the way i'm doing it no complaints there we go excellent excellent so i've been adding a few little details with parking lots of people walking and cycling they just disappeared look what is happening to all those people just look the bicyclists are coming along here and they just see these people walking down here whether they disappear there's like a weird thing going on here uh okay that is very strange i'll tell you what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab that one there i'm gonna upgrade at this bit so the change is now there instead of down here which looks very weird um okay can i fix that let's go for the node controller yep there we go oh ah this is the wrong version of the node controller isn't it it is no it's not change it to custom and then we get everything we want so yeah i'm gonna stretch that out a little bit like that just so it doesn't look so odd and then hopefully yeah cyclists coming down there they still just disappear i don't know what's going on but anyway i'm not going to worry too much about that yeah so inside here we've got lots of trees we've got some little parks that have just been added in which i think look really nice there we go we've got some car parking around the back if i can find out where it was there it is here we go a nice little stretch of car parking down here which i really like and i've also put the key walls down there this little river here which i think probably could just do leveling out a little bit but yeah i think they're okay just to sort of delineate this area here from this area down here got all this overgrowth around the back what else we put in i've added some more trees into the little park area here and lots of people are using this and using the metro as well which is fantastic i really like that just got a little bit down the front here just a bit of something something when you come in to catch your eye and then this area is growing up nicely and just put some trees any little gaps there were threw a load of trees in we haven't quite finished what's gonna happen down here as it comes into this end but we will get to that but a nice spattering of derelict buildings they'll come back don't worry that's battering of hotels residences tourism stuff and a nice selection of residential buildings as well i really like the way that's turned out [Music] [Music] do [Music] so if we look from over here into the distance we can see these really tall buildings over there which is just the sort of look that i wanted really eye-catching i might even go into the workshop and see if we can find a couple more extra tall buildings as well to really dry but that is looking fantastic so far let me know what you think in the comments below anything you change or add i'd be very interested to hear if you're new don't forget we have a modded city series new zealand as you're watching right now we have an unmodded or vanilla series as well which is the day after this one so be sure to subscribe for that and not miss out thank you for your support thanks for the likes and everything you leave all the comments very much appreciated and i will see you very soon have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 118,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: aScnnN3EXgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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