How To Install A Leggari Stone Kit Over Old Kitchen Laminate Countertops | DIY Friendly Step By Step

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watch how easy it is to transform your existing countertop with legardie products we saved these homeowners $17,000 by installing four lagari stone kids first actual granite countertop and the outcome is amazing we use kit number two from lagari comm to create this look in this video we're going to show you everything you need to know to transform any existing surface in your home or business now let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna mix up two primers at a time for this project depending on the surface you're going over you may not need as much primer some surfaces some surfaces actually need more primer because they're more porous for instance concrete some tile because it has grout or it's been grinded need more we're just going over Formica we're gonna start with two so I'm just gonna double it up so we're gonna shake the part a and the Part B of both of these kits [Music] we're gonna pour the partay in first and then just like it just like it mentions on the label we're going to shake both parts we're going to blend them together and then mix two ounces of water now the two ounces is per kit so if I'm mixing one of these I only need two ounces so since I'm doing two kits I have four ounces now we're going to pour in the Part B and we actually like to pour the water into the Part B container to get a lot of that pigment out so I'm going to pour a couple ounces in this Part B a little bit in this one then we're just make sure the lids are on good we're just gonna mix these up just for a little for a few seconds just to get a lot of that pigment out now we'll pour the water in the mix I'm gonna start out with two of these kits we have four because we're doing four lagari stone kits and then after this kid if he's running out I'll just mix one at a time after that so now I'll just grab a standard stir stick and we'll just mix that up for a couple minutes you can use a drill at a low rpm speed but the the primers and the top coats they mix so easily that you don't really need a drill I'm just scraping the sides and the bottom constantly [Music] all right now you can see it's a nice consistent black color and it's gonna get even darker as it sets up on these counters so now that's ready I'll get this to Tyler and we'll start moving so all I really need for the applying the primer gloves 3/8 snapped roller make sure we do shet it I'll go through that with you guys a roller tray for smaller projects obviously this is a big project so I'm gonna be able to put it down a lot faster if I just dump out beads so I'm gonna be doing that but typical counters 50 square feet stuff like that use a roller tray makes it really nice really easy to get it even everywhere so we're not going to use that first thing I want to do Dee said the roller so we're gonna just use painters tape and then we just roll that on there and that's gonna remove any loose hairs all right so put my gloves on here and this goes really far so if you are pouring beads out just start small we can always add more we don't have to like scrape it off the counter and move it somewhere else [Music] pour out a little extra here cuz it will take a second for the roller to get all the way soaked up and then we're just gonna cross roll these this whole section here you can see how faster it goes instead of dipping and rolling so if you guys are going over like a really porous surface like cement pouring the beads out they're gonna soak in right away so we recommend using a roller tray on that but Formica stuff like this it's just so much faster pouring your beads out hit our edges now we just don't want any thick edges thick roller lines so this is all good it's always good to just kind of double-check make sure you don't have any thick spots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you can see how small a bead you really need the stuff goes really really far and we're just going to continue this process until all these counters are coated a few things about the primer like if you're going over say a white counter with a black lagari kit you're gonna have black primer sometimes on your faces you'll want to do two coats so the biggest thing is to make sure your edges or is white or whatever color primer you have is a solid of that color as you can get them and usually going over a light counter with a dark primer to coaches plenty and the same with a dark counter with a light primer so just keep that in mind and these are fast cure primers so wants to rolled out they're gonna dry really quick like you can see the the top is already drying in spots and we'll we'll be putting a fan on this when we're done that way we can tape our edges a lot faster also but you typically want to wait about 45 minutes to an hour before you apply the epoxy and you don't want to wait past about two hours of having your primer down before you put your epoxy on so if you're gonna prime you want to make sure you epoxy the same day and if you don't you're gonna want to sand that that primer a little bit with probably 220 grit or you can do like a denatured alcohol wipe and kind of get it sticky right before you apply the epoxy but it's always best to apply your epoxy within that one to two hour timeframe of applying it so you guys will see us tape these edges when it's still sticky not all the way dry it's not gonna pull the the primer off and we're able to do that because it's a specialty primer designed to chemically bond to the surface and it's going to dry underneath that tape so we'll tape these counters once these edges are dry and we won't have any issues with pulling the primer off when we go to pull the tape off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so counters are done what I'm gonna do now is around like the sinks and anywhere where there's bare MDF we're gonna we're going to prime this also so I'm going to prime the edge prime the underneath a little bit and then another thing if you guys are doing your primer and you have spots that are kind of separating on the primer mirror there's some contamination there's some leftover silicone something like that let the primer set up and then reroll those spots and it'll help fill them in so give it about ten minutes come back hit that spot and it'll get sticky the primers start to get sticky and it won't separate again so don't worry if you see those keep going come back hit them but you always want to do your your raw edges last cuz you're gonna wind up getting some some wood wood dust in your roller so we always like to do these last but this will help steel this wood up just in case any water does get down in there and then you can even kind of go under those as well and then just check for thick edges on the top here if you have and you want to roll those out I'll also hit this one too [Music] [Music] so that's how you apply the primer it's fast it's easy and it's gonna drive fast making your your project go quicker you're not the wait is long before you can apply your epoxy or tape your edges if you're doing a legardie stone kit now while Tyler is finishing up on the primer I'm gonna get everything ready for these four lagari stone kits now each kit has its own set of metallics so each set has five bags in this kit so what we're going to do is the first thing I want to do is actually pour out all the clear epoxy into these buckets and get them emptied out it's going to be best if I get them emptied out in here because it takes a little bit for them to drip so I've actually set up four buckets for the four kits and I have some 5 gallon stir sticks so what we'll do is grab the partes we'll just take the lids off and we're just gonna let them drip for a little bit now if you pour too quickly like I'm doing sometimes the epoxy can get stuck in these handles so in a minute I'll just tip them up for a few seconds and then tip them back over just to get as much resin as we can out of those handles but these containers are better than the alternative which is you know cans like paint cans that are very annoying to pour out of they're very messy these are easy pour containers and it tilt these up for a few seconds and then I'll actually hold them up a little bit and what I'm waiting for is to just for all of this epoxy the drips and the runs I want all the runs that turn into drips so right now I see a bunch of little streams coming out of these containers I'm just waiting for them to start to drip pretty much getting there so I'm good with that and again you can leave these upside down for 10 minutes 15 minutes completely up to you [Music] one thing I like to have at every mixing station is a rag and a bottle with some denatured alcohol it's nice to just keep your gloves clean the buckets clean as much of the workspace clean as possible especially when you're mixing more than one kit you watch it's gonna look like a disaster around here now that's part of the fun of these kits but you want to minimize the mess and you want to ruin the least amount of clothing as possible but like I always say you should definitely mentally prepare to ruin the clothes you're wearing because why not all right now I have four different containers that have two gallons in them and because our epoxy is a two to one all of these buckets have an accompanying Part B which is the hardener so this is this is what it looks like this is the way the best way to set up your mixing station just get all the part a dumped out into these buckets first and now what I'm going to do because I only want to mix one lagari stone kit at a time I'm just going to set three of these aside obviously if you're setting them aside you want to be conscious of where they're at you don't want to be tripping over them that would definitely be a disaster let me show you what we have set up in this mixing station because we're not going to quite mix yet until we have all of the tape on the primer and it's actually ready to go but I want to show you what we've what we've done because I don't like getting metallics in the air if you don't have the luxury of doing this outside or if it's really windy obviously we want you to wear a respirator because you don't want to breathe any type of dust but especially metallics so we've actually just set up a vacuum a shop vac so when I'm pouring the metallics into five-gallon buckets it'll just kind of go up in the vacuum and the other thing I've done is I've taken a five quart container and I've turned it upside down so that when I'm pouring my metallics into smaller containers it's not all the way down here and the vacuum can't get to it so I'm just using this as a pedestal so then when I pour my metallics in and I'm mixing them I can do it right in front of this vacuum and it'll just suck it up into the vacuum I recommend using some sort of a shop vac or some sort of a vacuum where you have the filter on it and also the bags you can get the bags for those vacuums as well we recommend using both so we're pretty much set up I have the denatured alcohol all of the containers all of my parties are poured out now we're just waiting to get ready to rock so I'll show you that after we're done taping so it's time to tape our edges we're gonna be using painters tape it's the best tape to use it's gonna create a really good bond these are really sticky but again like I said before we can tape onto these without letting them dry all the way like a lot of paints and stuff this is not going to pull off so we're gonna tape about half onto the edge and about half above the counter that's gonna create that Dam so when we do our our pours it's gonna hold everything there and then when it sets up we'll pull that tape and edges are gonna look absolutely beautiful without even touching them so I'm gonna do the first layer and then Tim's gonna come back and do the second layer we like to do two layers of tape and I like to pull it out and then twist it and then I can kind of judge put it where I need it [Music] so Tim's got the second row on here so what I'm gonna do is we really want to press this down nice and tight get a good seam a good seal here get our corners good and then we'd like to pinch our corners in just a tad bit I'll make it a little bit tighter and you'll notice Tim's going this about the same exact height so he's trying to keep it the same height as mine and just double layer so that's how we tape off the edges so we'll continue that process until all the counters are taped off and then we can start mixing up the lagarde stone kit [Music] so if you guys have spots where the tapes kind of lipping out just press it into your corner a little bit on that rounded edge just a tad bit that will help straighten that out a little like here just kind of lipping out a lot just gonna push that into the top just a tad bit on that corner and then whenever you are taping you know half inch pieces or like that MDF board that we're coding we want to fold the tape underneath as well and I'll kind of show you what that looks like it's really rough we're not gonna get a tight seal there so we're gonna take on the top and then leave some to fold underneath the bottom here [Music] [Music] always creasing them corners before you move on [Music] we just fold it under holder corner tight and just push down until you break a gap in it that'll help seal up your edges [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys this is what it looks like when you're ready to start mixing your lagari stone kit all the edges are taped the sinks are taped off we pressed it down really good creased all our corners and yes so this is how it looks we're ready to go [Music] okay guys everything's taped off now we're going to mix our first lagari stone kit so I'm going to explain a little bit of the process and then I'm gonna have to turn on the vacuum so that it can be sucking up the metallics that are in the air and I have a mask here just in case it's not picking up enough of it I just don't want to be breathing metallics but again you want to start with a bucket with the two gallons of Part A that we already put in a bucket and then of course the hardener and I just want to bring in the metallics for one kit so kit this is lagari stone kit number two I have three adamantium 's a dark mercury and a midnight pearl so what I'm going to do is mix up this resin in the bucket really well and then I will actually dump it into a new bucket and mix it again that will ensure that we have no soft spots on the counter once the epoxy is thoroughly mixed up that's when I will actually separate two containers for the midnight pearl and the dark mercury and I'm gonna pour out about 60 to 65 ounces basically about two quarts of clear resin and then I'm gonna add the powder to that then I'm just going to dump the adamantium in the big container so I'm explaining it but then you'll see it in a minute and air whenever I mess with metallics I'm going to be doing it near the vacuum so that it can be obviously pulling those metallics out of the air we're going to be using a little bit of white rust-oleum spray paint this is gloss protective enamel this is just white so I'll have these ready I'm also going to spray these into three of the containers when we start mixing up all the colors and then I'm going to hand it to Tyler and we're going to switch to another camera so that you can actually see me mixing the whole time while he's laying out the pattern over there so you'll be able to see both simultaneously on the screen and kind of see how it works to do multiple kits all right let's get going the Part B pours out much faster it's much more fluid now it's important that you don't leave these buckets mixed up once you've mixed them and just sitting in the bucket for a long time you'll see that I'm going to get it to Tyler and he's going to immediately start pouring it out on the counter you don't want it sitting in the bucket because if it sits in the bucket for a long time it'll actually start setting up the other thing is is I'm going to be using a large drill paddle for the big bucket and a smaller one for the smaller mixing containers I'm not worried about inducing any air into this mix our resin is designed to release bubbles from the mixture so I'm going to be inducing lots of air into this thing but I want to mix it quickly so I'm not really worried about that [Music] okay now I'm going to pour this container I've mixed it for about a minute minute 15 maybe a minute and a half just going to dump it into a brand new container scrape the sides and mix it again for about another 30 seconds at high speed now this bucket that I mixed in very first this is now garbage so going to set that over here that is now a garbage bucket I'm going to mix this for about 30 more seconds [Music] I like spinning off the drills into the buckets so it's not just dripping everywhere for a long time now like I mentioned before I'm going to pour about 64 ounces into each of these containers then I'm going to add the metallics and start mixing so this is where I'm going to turn the vacuum on it's going to get kind of loud and one thing is is is when you're mixing these smaller containers don't worry too much about contaminating each color it's not really going to affect if you've just dipped it in and you let most of it drip off the container so let's turn the vacuum on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys as you can see that was a success so now I'm going to set up five more of these two and a half quart containers and now we're gonna get ready to make our batches for the actual pour Tyler is going to be dumping it out we're just going to get everything ready so this kit we actually like having white spray paint so what we're going to do is use our white spray paint obviously you can wear a mask you can turn the vacuum back on you can do this part outside but we want to put quite a bit of spray paint in the bottom of these so we're just going to cover it with a rag and let it drip down the side of the container we want three of these containers looks quite a bit of white spray paint on the bottom and it just has a beautiful effect at the very end of the install [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now I have three of these with the white spray paint in the bottom and then two with nothing so the first thing I want to do is I'm gonna pour and I want to get these clothes because I'm gonna make a mess here messes are okay happy little accidents right a little bit in the bottom if everyone I want adamantium in the bottom of every container now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take some dark mercury it's a midnight pearl I'm going to dump those in together I'm going to pour in some more adamantium I'm gonna take some of that dark mercury and I'm just gonna pour through the middle I'm going to do the same thing with the midnight pearl but I want to leave some midnight pearl left because in the top of two of these the ones that don't have white I want some midnight pearl in the top so now I'm gonna leave the rest of this midnight pearl so now I'm gonna pretty much disperse the rest of this into these containers I'm going to do another ribbon of the dark mercury and these these containers are going to be starting to get really full because we didn't use two quarts as a base coat of clear and you don't you don't have to you can also do it like this but if you don't do that base coat obviously you'll have extra material you need to kind of fit in these containers so I'm gonna leave these last two pretty full so I can do the midnight pearl in them if you want you can scrape out the container I always like to and it's alright to scrape the side of this container because we already mixed it twice so there's gonna be no soft spots in this container now going to take midnight pearl I'm gonna disperse it split it up between these two now don't stress out too much about this part guys this is easy you almost can't screw this up this is just the way we did this kit and we want to try to mimic it so now we don't want these sittin in the bucket forever I'm gonna get him to Tyler he's going to explain how to dump him out and while he's dumping these out I'm just going to do this three more times so we have one lagari stone kit done ready to go for Tyler I'm gonna do it this exact same thing again three more times and the reason why the countertops will look similar no matter where he pours them is because I'm gonna make every batch pretty close to the same all right so I'm gonna go since Tim's gonna be mixing the background I'm not gonna be able to talk to the whole video so I'm just gonna kind of walk through the process real quick and then you guys will just see me do it but first if you guys want to map out your kitchen I kind of did right here on this piece of paper so I drew it up kind of created the vein pattern that I want to follow and then all I did was take a paint stick and I just ran it on there and you can kind of see the patterns so this will give me kind of something to follow since it's such a big area and it works great for smaller counters too you can kind of get it the exact pattern you're looking for so yeah a simple way to do that a few other things as I'm pouring out I want to be I want to make sure I know what colors are going where like if I get a bunch of black coming out right and I got a bunch of black in that area I might want to jump to a different spot in the counter where maybe there's not a lot of black or not a lot of white so I'm constantly watching what colors are coming out and we're not putting them out throughout the counter also I don't want to pour big piles right next to the tape so I kind of slow the bead down there next to the tape and I like to pour smaller beads again it's kind of hard when we full buckets but if you pour a big big pile out big beat its gonna level out a lot it's not going to be as as like a fracture bein or more of a vein pattern so try to do the beads a little smaller and we can always go back and add to them and that's about it I just want to get these dumped out as fast as I can because once they're dumped out of the bucket it's gonna give us a lot more time to get the rest of them dumped out the longer they sit in that bucket the faster they're gonna heat up and they will get to the point where you can't use the product so I want to go around get it dumped out as fast as I can and that's kind of what we're gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright we're on our last bucket and we want some material to get some more white throughout the counters like you can see some of these where I had Tim spray some white spray paint into the bottom of the cups we're going to get more of those white fracture veins out here so we're gonna separate a little bit out in some smaller containers that way I have more control over it and then I'll just take the leftover in the big bucket and kind of just go out through the counter it's all it's all leveled out and filled but we're gonna put the rest of it on the counter and just different spots no point wasting it so that's what I'm gonna do here so when you spray the spray paint on the top that first pour is gonna be relatively white so I'll kind of give it a little bit of a shake there and then I'm just gonna start following some of these patterns that we have out here and if the whites not coming out just give it a second or you can even spray a little more you can see the little bit of white really cool effects it's gonna put on these tops [Music] all right now that everything's done dialed in I'm gonna spray the isopropyl small-to-medium drops I'm going to barely pull the trigger we're gonna kind of spritz that on the surface it's gonna give us some cells where a lot of that white spray paint is and then about five ten minutes after that we're just gonna miss the surface with denatured alcohol and it's gonna make it lay out glass smooth so you always want to kind of test it make sure it's spraying good and then we're just gonna barely pull the trigger and hit the surface so you can see what it does it kind of creates some create some crater a little cell looks and these is white veins so before I spread the denatured if you have too much white in there you can always blend that in by just running your finger through it so we're just gonna kind of blend this in I want to kind of follow the pattern that we have here but we're just gonna break that up just a little bit just so there's not so much concentrated white in these spots that's it guys this is this is cool so we'll leave that and then we're just gonna mist it now we're not gonna barely press the trigger we want a full mist on here and this will pop any of those bubbles from doing so many different layers on it so we're just gonna go around all the cops just spray directly on it you can see I sprayed this spot like a couple couple minutes ago and sorry already glass over just immediately pops any of those bubbles that are left in there [Music] all right so if you guys see bubbles or anything else you can you can hit it again with denatured alcohol do another mist on it but now it's base it's basically time to pull the tape an easy way to tell right this is a big kitchen so it took us a little while to put it all down so if you pull this back see how it's just barely moving you might not even be able to pick it up but you want to pull it when it's not moving really fast if it started running down really easy and fast it's too soon you just want to make sure you're not waiting too long right to where it doesn't run but this is about the perfect time so we're gonna pull this all this tape I'm just going to slowly start running down the edge and then we'll come back and I'll brush it in with my hand because you want to slick that whole edge off with epoxy so it can flow over evenly notice how it's not pulling any primer off that primers chemically adhered to the counter surface even though we went on it when it was still tacky and not all the way dry [Music] guys as long as you do a solid strip of tape it shouldn't tehrani and you can do that if you guys do a bunch of little pieces you're gonna want to be more careful on it [Music] last thing we want to do is drop tape in the finished top here kind of hear it dripping now maybe been five minutes and you can already see the edges are running down so we'll just let those continue drip we'll keep pulling tape once we get the tape done we'll come back rub all that resin get the whole edges to coated and then it'll flow over nice and evenly [Music] alright so the next thing we want to get rid all the surface tension on the faces and I'm just gonna run my hand and just get this whole edge coated with epoxy once we do this it'll be able to flow over evenly and don't worry about screwing your design up it's still gonna drip for another half hour up to an hour and a half depending on how long it took you guys to apply it the temperatures in the room and then if you have spots that are almost coated all the way you don't have to hit the whole edge you can just brush in any spots that are missing epoxy we just want to make sure everything's nice and coated like right here I would just do the bottom edge not hit the whole thing [Music] so I have enough here I can brush that in but if you guys like say you have a spot that maybe is really thin it's not flowing over you need some resin there you can take left over your left over epoxy cups and you can put it on there to get it slicked off again I didn't I didn't need it but just kind of show you guys if you maybe waited too long and you have some spots that aren't really flowing you can put it on there just like that all right so we'll go where I started and you'll see it's already down to the bottom almost you see kind of the messed-up spots from rubbing it in it's already flowed over so much to the bottom I come over here you can see our designs are coming right down the face right from the top okay it's that real natural look and the cool part about these stone kids is if you have a vein that's coming off coming into an edge crooked it'll go down that face crooked as well instead of straight up and down like a typical epoxy countertop would because it's set up and it's sticky it's keeping that exact shape as it rolls over the face so creates a really cool effect so we'll just kind of baby these for a little bit make sure everything's flowing over good there's any spots we need to hit we'll hit him we'll do that for maybe the next 15-20 minutes make sure they're dialed and then the last thing is I'll show you guys how to scrape the drips off one when it's time [Music] I'm gonna show you guys how to scrape the drifts are still gonna drip for maybe another half an hour maybe an hour but it is setting up so I like to use something sharp and skinny like a putty knife if you use a paint stick it'll build up on that paint stick and you know wind up putting more resin back on that bottom edge so I just take the scraper and kind of just shave that off and it won't build up and put it back on the top and keep doing that Soviet every yacht at all 30 feet 20 feet I'll clean it off [Music] so the last thing if you have any spots on your faces that maybe look like a drip mark or anything you can brush that in before it sets up too much but I have a spot here that I can see the primer on the corner barely so all I'm gonna do get take a paint brush dip it in the floor here where it stripped off I'm just gonna add a little bit right here and you want to do this before it sets up too much cuz again this is still gonna level out drip off a little bit you see we just scraped it is still dripping a little so that all level out so you want to make sure you hit those edges anywhere that you want sooner than later like another spot over here it just kind of looks like a run mark it's not terrible but we can just brush that in there you have it guys that's how easy it is to install for lagari stone kits and tomorrow we're gonna show you how simple it is to apply the matte urethane and give it that natural stone finish all right we're gonna mix up the Matt WB urethane for these counters behind me we're gonna mix up two kits at a time now depending on the substrate you're going over it can go anywhere from fifty to a hundred square feet so we're going to mix up two of these kits again at a time and then if we need more we'll mix up one kid at a time after that we're not going to use the grit additive and so we're going to mix both parties and part B's into this mixing container it's going to be really full and then I'm going to add four ounces of water because I'm doing two kids so the first thing we want to do is make sure the lids are on snug and we'll just mix both of these a little bit good part aids and the part B's just a little bit and then just like the the labels say must mix with Part A once mix blend in two ounces of clean water so two ounces per kit if you're just using one kit you only need two ounces because I'm doing two kits I'm gonna have four ounces and I like to pour the water into the parties and actually I misjudged this container I'm gonna grab a two and a half quart container this is only a one quart container so I will grab a two and a half quart container and I will dump this into that real quick okay just kind of pour it into this five quart container now I'm gonna pour the part bees in and I'm going to pour the part a into the part bees as well just to get a little bit more more of it out now we have our water in here we've rinsed out the Part A and the Part B containers just stir this for a few minutes you can use a small drill at low rpm this stuff mixes so easy it's a water-based product you can't hardly smell it it has a slight odor to it but it's nothing like the solvent base urethane top coats this is new waterborne technology so now we'll begin to add our water I'm gonna be scraping the bottoms and the sides a lot while I'm mixing this you always want to make sure you have all of the material mixed up really well you don't want any part a or part B on the sides of the container or on the walls all right now this is mixed up we'll get this to Tyler and he'll show you how to apply it so before I start applying I'll kind of walk you through what we've done so we finished the counters late last night we came here this morning it's still a little too soft to sand some of these drips off so I took a razor blade cut the majority of them off and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do our first coat of topcoat now and then come back tomorrow sand these edges get them nice and flat and smooth off and then we'll apply the second coat that way we don't have to wait cool thing about the the urethane is we can apply the first coat and once it goes clear about an hour hour and a half maybe you can apply your second coat you'll have to wait 24 hours but in this case we're just gonna get the first coat on head out come back the next day buzz clean up our edges make these look nice and smooth and then we'll apply the second coat because it is still within that 24 hour window so whenever you do a top coat or something that goes past 24 hours you really want to scuff that up with like 220 grit 320 grit sandpaper when you're doing urethanes you never want to sand the surfaces with heavier grit than 220 so always use that fine grit when sanding and then the other thing you'll notice we picked up all the plastic took off all the tape got everything cleaned up because the urethanes aren't gonna drip and run off the edge so all we came back and did was just run a nice strip of blue tape everywhere that my roller might touch a finished edge or cabinets or something this is awesome because when we're done we can pull that that clean tape and we can we're basically done we don't have to pick up all the plastic or come back the next day so for contractors it's awesome you can just clean up your mess put that piece of a bond there to cover anything that you don't want the roller to touch and they're right when you're done applying it you can pull that tape off and you're pretty much cleaned up ready to go so we'll get started here I'm gonna not be setting my roller tray on the epoxy because it is still kind of fresh since we finished it late last night so I'm gonna just roll this card around dip and roll from here and then apply it to the top it's always like to take a second soak this roller up kind of run rub that into there the urethane now I'm applying the urethane you want to do it in sections I don't want to try to do a big span at a time so I'm just gonna be hitting about three foot sections at a time getting the top rolled out and then I do my edges and you can see how thin it goes on so I always like to work fast when I'm rolling the top out hit all my corners my edges and you don't want your roller sliding you want it to roll so you might have to just be really light on your corners and your edges so that roller can roll and not kind of drag across the surface so once you do our faces we want to get that roller flattened off and we're just going to back roll it nice and light overlapping a little bit we just want to make sure there's no thick roller edges and it's always good to get at different angles and look make sure everything's been hit no miss spots and then we can move on cuz you don't want to go back after you've started another section and hit the previous spot maybe you saw an imperfection or a miss spot you want to make sure you get those before you move on notice I'm pulling getting any chunks that I see out of the urethane and again you can see kind of end into my roller so I don't want to immediately start my back roll until I roll that out get that roller flat so if you guys stand your counters to get a matte finish you're definitely gonna want to try this product it basically eliminates that and you can see how fast it's applied this would take forever to sand these down and create that matte finish and this is just such a fast way to do it and this adds a lot of durability to these counters so this is the process guys we just kind of repeat this over and over and then maybe when we get down here where we kind of got a butt up to different areas I'll kind of explain the easiest way to do that but I'm going to just continue this process until we get to an area where I think there's something I should explain or tell you an easy way how to do that so I'll just finish these off and keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it's the the next day after we played that first layer of the matte urethane and like I said before guys we're gonna send these edges down now typically you'd want to do that before you applied the urethane we just didn't want to wait around so we did the first coat and then now we're gonna do the sanding on the edges clean these up whenever you're doing sanding on your edges like this you want to use 220 grit or higher never do a heavy grit cuz you'll wind up standing through too much and remember these edges are a lot thinner than the top so we're gonna be really careful we're gonna go slow use that 220 grit and then if you guys round your bottom edges before you coat it a lot of times you won't get this buildup on the bottom so that's what it is it's kind of a straight edge on the bottom and it holds a lot of that resin and creates this lip so when you're sanding your corners sand the bottom edge and not eliminate all this stuff right here so I'll show you kind of how we do it to sand it we want to move constantly and see how far we're going through and we're just gonna sand until this is nice and flat and even and you'll kind of see what that looks like [Music] so you can tell it's nice and flat got rid of everything and you can see here see this still needs sanded I can still see a different color there it's almost like it's darker so we're looking to get that whole surface even and then when we're done sanding we'll just clean the counters apply that second coat and since it's matte you're not gonna tell that we sanded this after the first coat all right so it's round 2 we're gonna do that second coat of the urethane we sanded these edges guys we kind of showed you that we went through clean all the counters made sure all the dust is off him got him really clean just used a rag and water so what what why we're doing a second coat is if you look at the top sometimes when the light hits it you can see small little glassy spots and again you got to get it the right angle like if you just walk in look at this kitchen it looks like the whole thing is a matte finish looks absolutely beautiful but we're gonna do that second layer just to get rid of any of those small little dots that are glossy and we're gonna apply it the same exact way so dip and roll small sections and again just the same exact way as you did the first coat and it's gonna go probably go a little bit farther on this coat but just as easy just as fast so I'll kind of show you just starting out and then we'll just finish the rest of these tops so again same Roller three-eighths nap roller we've D shedded it removed all the loose hairs now I'm just gonna soak this up always take a second make sure we get that roller soaked up before we start and then same process just roll down the middle and then we're gonna cross roll that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ligardi stone kits are changing the way countertops are Kota by eliminating any artistic touch needed simply mix and pour out of the bucket and random patterns and you'll create a natural finish that mimics designer stone patterns and effects lagari products has manufactured user friendly proprietary coatings for years only available at lagari comm with zero bio sees american-made and certified industrial grade products there's thousands of successful installs from professionals beginners and first-time users from all around the world you probably walked on it or sat by it without even known its natural look is actually epoxy go to lagari comm and check out our countertop kit options or maybe you want to buy single items from the online epoxy superstore don't worry if you're a contractor we have a section for you to simply sign up and enjoy the benefits thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of the new projects coming up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 847,977
Rating: 4.7943287 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, dirty pour, epoxy metallic, epoxy table, epoxy resin, diy epoxy, resin table top, how to epoxy, How To Install Epoxy Over Old Countertops Ultimate Guide | Stone Coat Countertops, how to install countertops, kitchen renovation, renovate kitchen, kitchen makeover, custom countertops diy, epoxy marble countertop, step by step, resin countertop, leggari stone, stone countertops, diy stone countertops, stone coat over laminate, how to install epoxy
Id: fcNshtWd1tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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