First Time Using Epoxy Walkthrough From Start To Finish | Coat Right Over Wood Surface | Dirty Pour

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welcome back to lagari products everyone I'm Tyler and in this video Len is going to show you how to take a boring piece of wood and transform it into a functional piece of art just like this using single items off our online store enjoy the video [Music] alright guys so primer is dry it's still tacky we just don't want it wet so we're gonna tape off our edges I'm gonna show Landon how to tape the edges for the lagari stone kit basically using the dirty poor technique so very very simple we're gonna be using yellow painters tape that works the best now when you're doing smaller boards like this and not thick countertop edges you want to push that tape underneath the bottom right that's gonna seal it up that way it doesn't bleed if you just tape on the face it's not gonna stick well it's gonna wind up bleeding because we only have a small amount of tape on - so we're once we're done taping the face we're gonna push that under and seal that up that way we don't get any bleed until we're actually ready to pull that tape and this primers been sitting here about 45 minutes we put some air on it it dried out really quick this is the fast cure primer very very amazing product and an absolute amazing adhesion promoter for sticking to smooth services so taping very very simple the land of what we're gonna do is we're going to tape about halfway on the edge and then we want about half sticking up and then I'll pull it out run it down pull some more out get it where I want it seal it up and then once we're done with that you want to push that under the bottom to seal it up guys when you're doing this you want to make sure you once you're done press that tape down get a good seal and don't worry about the tape point off the primer this primer is gonna wind up setting up underneath that tape and we don't ever have issues with the primer pulling off with the tape now if you're using like a paint a paint and primer right that stuff's gonna pull off you're gonna have to let that stuff sit up for probably a few hours maybe a day so that's a huge benefit of our primers is you can do stuff real fast with it I still have at it guys so Lenin's got that first road done and then we always like to do two rows of the tape so I'm gonna have him run the tape around it again and then once he gets that second row of tape we're gonna press this down really good all the faces underneath and when you're doing that second row you want to get it try to get it the same height right you don't want it really high or really low you want to try to keep that the same height so he'll he'll run that next row I'll start pushing it down as he goes alright guys so the board's tape is basically ready to go all we got to do is mix up our products now and I'll show you what products we're gonna use you guys can get this stuff right off our store single items spot on our website for doing smaller projects like this are pieces stuff like that last thing you want to do after taping is take your corners and we just want to crease these in almost just pinch it a little that's gonna add a little tension to the tape we just like to do that so we go around all our corners put our finger in the middle and just pinch it tighten that tape up just a little bit and then I'll go grab the products and kind of go over what we're gonna be using all right so before we start coating mixing stuff up I want to go over the products we're gonna use you can get all of our single items on our store under single items lagari comm click single items and you can find all these there we got a gallon and a half kit of our metallic epoxy this comes in clear then you add the metallics to it we have our metallics right here you're gonna get bags like this and then they'll be labeled inside the bags what color we're gonna be using titanium and silver metallics that's gonna go into our metallic epoxy so we got the gallon and a half here then we have our countertop primer this will cover 50 square feet obviously you're gonna have extra if you're coating smaller projects you can do multiple projects like that this was black and that's how we got the board black this that's what we use for the primer then we have our lagari effects very very cool effects proprietary never never before seen on the market if you haven't tried these check them out we got silver and we're gonna be using black on this board and then obviously the spray paint we don't have on our store we can go to Home Depot Lowe's and this is Seaside high gloss seaside spray paint very very cool Lanta what do you think these effects are gonna do to your board well liquid magic there you have it guys if you haven't tried these make sure you get them they're very very cool single component we don't have to mix them we simply dump them out and you guys will see how we use this so this is basically what we're gonna use on this board so again guys if you want to recreate this board gallon and a half metallic epoxy get the countertop primer get your legardie effects silver black and then we're using titanium and silver metallics and then the seaside high-gloss spray paint and we'll show you how we're gonna incorporate all those colors on this board alright guys so we're basically ready to pour I'm gonna show you how to map a design out on your board right we can just kind of edge in the the pattern that we want so we're not kind of freehand that you can freehand it you just dump stuff out if you don't look beautiful anyways but if you want a certain design or look just take a tongue depressor take a paint stick anything really marker whatever and you can really kind of map a design out that you can follow okay simple as that so I'm gonna let Landon figure out what he wants to do here map out your design and then when you're pouring those beads out you're just gonna follow your lines so get them kind of get them all over the board your your pattern that you want to see he's going he's going more with those soft s curves I want more of that jagged pattern now cool to incorporate both of those maybe you have some jagged patterns and you have some soft curves in it sky's the limit with this stuff so very very cool there we go yeah just keep going and this just basically gives you a guide to follow as you're pouring stuff out maybe get something over here you don't have to just map out every vein but this gives us a starting point and then we can just fill in as we go cool you like it alright guys so what we did we took that metallic epoxy gallon in half we needed nine ounces per square foot on this technique so we made about 112 ounces this is roughly twelve point five square feet so we have our titanium and we have our silver already mixed up so what I did was I took the clear I made the whole amount that I needed mixed that up clear dumped it into two separate containers added the two different metallic colors were using blended those in and now we're ready to go now keep in mind you don't want the resin sitting in a bucket longer than it has to once that's mixed up with the hardener you want to get that stuff out quick a little lagari tip for you is cool down your resin if you're doing larger projects with our stone kits or the dirty pour technique you can put that that resin in cold water that's going to cool it down that's gonna give you more working time it'll give you more time in the bucket but again guys try to get this out of the bucket as fast as you can so this process very simple and since this is you know plan has never done any of this I'm just gonna kind of walk them through it and then he's gonna take over so open up the legardie effects when you guys get to your effects make sure you shake them up before you use them what we'll do Landon is let's just start pouring a couple a couple of these in and some of these just kind of randomly maybe get a little in there this is the this is the fun part guys you can kind of just be totally random and then we took our spray paint sprayed it into a cup put a rag over that so it's not shooting out and now dump we're gonna dump a little bit and this stuff comes out pretty quick linen so get a little bit in each one of these maybe like three of them do three of them maybe this one that doesn't have any effects and then what we're gonna do now we're gonna take our titanium and silver and we're gonna start dumping these in randomly now the more random pours that you do so you can take that one so dump dump that one in here so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna so that's the silver I'm gonna dump the titanium in this one first and then you're gonna dump a little bit of that in each one yep just kind of randomly the more more random you are the better and while he's doing that I'm just gonna take a little black and kind of just give a little skosh to each of these of the Liguria effects there's a little more black in there and we can add tad bit more of the spray paint so just keep dumping them in randomly grab it dump some of that dump some of the other one and then once you get it decent amount out of both you can start dumping them in together right so dump some of that out yeah this is gonna look amazing now we're gonna add some more silver and we're not worried about dripping on her board this has already been mixed up with hardener ready to go so it's all gonna get hard what do you think of the colors so far yeah really cool really really cool so again guys move quick make sure everything's ready so when you guys add that hardener you're ready to go and remember setting those buckets of epoxy in cold water to cool that down really helps out a lot especially on the stone kits and these dirty pour techniques that we're doing right here like we might need another cup huh we could always use all all blue faithful here I just start filling that one up do that and then we won't add any effects in that one now these are our cups and the game guys want to get these out of the out of the cups as soon as we can so we'll get all these off the table now Landon when you're pouring out you always want to take notice of what colors coming out so say you got a bunch of blue here coming out of your cup but you don't have any blue over there you might want to stop move to that side add a little blue and this is this is what it looks like I always like to do smaller smaller beads and I'm just gonna follow one of these lines right just like that try not to pour a big pile next to the tape and all you're gonna do is just keep following lines and then once you get all the lines filled in then you go in between all the lines keep grabbing different cups right cuz like look this one has a lot of blue if I start here we're probably gonna get a lot of blue coming out so just take note look how beautiful that is Wow awesome so there you go man just start grabbing random cups going all over the board and do your thing so see how you're getting blue coming out right you got blue next up which is fine but you just want to kind of throw those blues all around the board so one section doesn't have as much glue too much glue you know so now see how that it's gonna it's so it's gonna spread out and touch you want to go just start filling in everything right you don't wanna pour big fat bead next to it right you want to stay away but again you got plenty products so Stu diamond alright guys so we want to get a little black out there we're also gonna show you how to do some cool fracture veins that after we're done but what I'm gonna do is just take the black the gardius and I'm just gonna dump some in here and then now he's gonna pour that out and he should get some black to pop off while he's doing that I'm just gonna run some black right on the board here just following a few of these veins just like so that's why we've send these out with the squeeze tip so there's so many different applications with these effects and then I'm gonna do the same thing with the silver and when he adds product to those spots it's gonna come up to the surface it's gonna push those lagari effects up to the surface so when you guys get to this point smaller smaller sections you want to try to be more precise when you're pouring out to try to fill in because we don't want to have to move this around at all it's looks it looks really awesome without moving it so if you get too much color somewhere or maybe a spread out too far we can just run this paint stick through this and just tone that thing down now notice I'm kind of following the pattern that we have out here and it just creates really natural looking effects that's what's nice about these lagari effects is they're so so easy to maneuver and kind of change if you didn't like something that you added out the lagari effects in gold and silver they'll start to crust over faster than all our other colors which creates really cool effects but you just want to keep that in mind if you're trying to blend it in as a liquid you want to blend that in right when you kind of dump it out if you're going for almost like a gold leaf or a crusted over effect you would let us sit on there like we did here and then when I move this it just creates really cool almost like a gold leaf but it's obviously with silver so I'm just going around blending some of these in so guys when you get down to kind of the bottom you'll get more of this really cool like layered effects right where you got all these kind of like fracture veins different colors when you have smaller amounts in the cup so we're gonna add will add a little silver in here and then a little black I mean that black then we'll take a tongue depressor paint stick whatever and we'll just kind of blend that in Rose ever so slightly and then I'm gonna pour a really cool fracture vein here we'll kind of run it maybe right here we'll do it right here so pinch the cup so we get a nice tight bead coming out and just kind of follow it you can kind of see the black the silver in there right so maybe we could run one run one through here just kind of following the pattern that we have already out here that's alright we can blend that with our hand yep just run it oh that's a good one so guys we just squirted black in the top it's kind of hard when the cups are full to pour out a nice even bead so what we'll do is we can just run our hands through this to help even that out so it doesn't look like kind of start and stop points just kind of break that up a little bit alright guys so happy with the board so what we're gonna do now is I think go over that we are gonna be using liquid diamonds and again guys you get that offers website under single items we're gonna mix our liquid diamonds into the isopropyl alcohol and we're gonna spritz it to get a lot of sparkle out there so give the effect of glitter but what's cool about the liquid diamonds is it doesn't look like pepper or whatever from different angles so if you use like typical glitter from different angle just like like black specks almost like pepper this doesn't do that so very very cool so we'll get that mixed up and show you that and then before we do that I'm gonna show you how to do fracture bands really tight fracture veins with the lagari effects so doing real tight skinny fracture veins tongue depressor we're gonna just dump it up the top what that's gonna do is when I it's gonna let it just kind of slowly move down and keep adding color onto the board and what we're gonna do is follow follow a shape out here so we're just gonna follow one of these designs just like that and that's gonna give us some really nice and tight skinny fracture veins run one right next to the black here so that's it Landon clean it off pour some out and then just follow follow a pattern that you have out there so guys you'll notice how he kind of ran out there put more on the paint stick started there and kept going now he has that nice fracture vein all the way around there and look how cool that is now since we're gonna spray it with isopropyl it's gonna break some of these up if you wants more solid fracture veins you would do that after you spray the isopropyl alright guys so liquid diamonds mixed with isopropyl we typically start with like three teaspoons of metallics - about 15 ounces of isopropyl alcohol and you can kind of go from there right if you want it to be more potent maybe add a little more just keep in mind the liquid diamonds they're bigger metallic flakes so if you get too much in there they will clog it but you do want to shake it up right and we're looking to get small to medium drops just like this all over the board and I'm gonna let Landon do that so I'll barely pull the trigger and then I'll get some close-ups for you guys as he's doing that so a lot of these cells is creating will go away in the actual metallics but everywhere there's the lagari effects all those cells are gonna stay so you can see all the sparkle all this sparkle that adds to just non-stop very very cool so there you have a guy's beautiful board now again a lot of these cells and just the metallics will kind of tone down but as far as any cells created in the lagari effects right those are gonna stay so very very cool and we can still mess with it if we want like right here we got a thick vein we can blend that in with the with the tongue depressor so it's not so so wide right there it's gonna blend that in a little bit same thing on this outside edge just like that so very very cool alright guys so what we like to do with our resins because again we don't torture our products right we have an amazing formula that allows bubbles to release self pop just absolutely awesome but we do like to miss the surface with denatured alcohol once we're all done so once we do the isopropyl let that evaporate ten minutes and then we come through just denatured alcohol and we want a fine mist everywhere make sure you got that fine mist frame and you're just gonna mist it just like this so just miss the whole thing that's gonna help level out even out let the buzz let them let the resin really level out and get that glass smooth finish get up top there yep and this won't this won't affect yourselves your craters nothing like that just missing it like that and then this will make it just lay out like I said like a glass smooth finish so again guys small stuff right small edges tapes never gonna hold the resin on and that's why we tape underneath we still have we have a few bleed marks but if we didn't tape underneath all this resin would have been flowed off and the reason we tape it is because we want to keep this design on the top if we didn't have tape all this stuff would kind of level off and flow over the bard and it would have messed up the design so we're gonna let this set up for about probably 40 minutes because it is kind of hot in here and then we'll pull the tape let the stuff flow over nice and evenly edges will be coated and we'll keep this exact design on the top alright guys so it's been about 45 minutes again it's hot in here so we don't have to let this sit as long it can be anywhere from 45 minutes up to two hours depending on the temperature or how long it takes you to coat your board when it's time to pull the tape the easiest way is just tilt the tape back if the resin is really flowing down that tape as you tilt it back it's probably too soon right so let us set up a little more we wanted to get it to where that resin is just kind of slowly moving down the tape if you tilt it back and obviously if you have thicker edges you might want to pull it a little bit sooner and again it's better to pull it a little sooner than too late so we have to brush that on and really get it to flow over but again this is just a small edge it's basically going to be coated once you pull that tape but real simple then is you're gonna pull this tear it and then you're just gonna go around fold that tape in as you're going around and then while he's doing that I'm just gonna go around get some this ran off and just brush this edge in so everything's got a good coat alright guys so I've just gone around got some of the resin this float off on my hands and I'm just brushing that on landing so if you see any spots so it's kind of thin in some of these edges just grab some of that material brush it on and just let it drip off so that's pretty much it once we're finished with these edges what we'll do is we'll just scrape the bottom drips off right when it starts to set up we'll take a thin putty knife and almost just scrape those off that's the best way to do when it starts to set up and then obviously if you don't get your drips we can sand those the next day but we are gonna do I think a matte topcoat on this right you want to do matte you do grit in it so we're gonna do matte with grit so this thing is just absolutely bulletproof [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 139,996
Rating: 4.8220949 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, dirty pour, epoxy metallic, epoxy resin, how to epoxy, step by step, leggari stone, how to install epoxy, leggari effects, first time using epoxy, wood epoxy, wood epoxy project, wood epoxy resin, wood epoxy resin color, epoxy wood table, epoxy wood art, epoxy and wood, epoxy and wood art, epoxy resin wood projects, epoxy diy, diy epoxy table, diy epoxy resin, diy wood, madera epoxi, resina epoxi madera, resina epoxica, эпоксидка, эпоксидная смола
Id: nEmzpE4P7Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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