Epoxy Shower Panels Made Easy 🚿 | Stone Coat Countertops

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That's super interesting but 40 min long.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fletcherduh 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
guys welcome to the shower bathroom epoxy for crazy series right they're gonna learn a lot of techniques in this series you're gonna learn a shower before we did a floor and 180 we did a windowsill this is a jam-packed series to teach you start to finish how to go from a gutted bathroom to a finished showroom guys stay tuned enjoy the videos [Music] remember when you subscribe to our channel click on the red subscribe button and be sure to ring the bell so you get notified every time we have a new video thanks again okay so you've started your bathroom remodel for this big wedding coming up I have yeah you got about your youngest child your daughter leiana she's getting married she is sorry this is the last one to leave the nest huh well we hope we get them all out so the nest is just basically this apartment on your property that I helped you remodel a long time ago and now you're doing the bathroom yes so I pulled the wall out pulled out all the plumbing cut out the floor replumbed everything and stack the washer and dryer in a closet now uh-huh and we use the other space for they for the bathroom so we have a nice-sized shower yeah and some room to move around most impressive guys Ken is not a contractor he is a financial adviser who loves to get his hands dirty and does amazing work that sink that you created you found a rock we're kind of we're kind of using that sink as the inspiration for this whole project so you found a rock and what you do with it after I captured it and picked it up I brought it home and I got an out angle grinder with a diamond blade and I cut cut holes in it and ground it and polished it and made a sink out of it this is gonna be a blast we're gonna use that as our inspiration to create a new bathroom we're gonna do the shower walls we're gonna build a vanity from scratch we're gonna install this gigantic sink that's really heavy by the way because it's not gonna rot off it might fall we're gonna mimic mother nature we're gonna match this rock to really accentuate it and then we're gonna also do the floors this is fun we're under a time line because the wedding is right around the corner let's get started this is the apartment we did years ago with stone code how does that look well it looks great except it's a big mess now because it's a construction zone okay we'll have to check it out when it's done how high are we going we go to the above that or just you're gonna have to paint over my line that's all sharpie did you know sharp you'll bleed right through ya ain't you know I did that on the wall over here do you know how to solve that no guys pro tips if you got Sharpie coming through your paint shall I kill shellac spray primer stain blocking primer that will stop the pen the markers coming through the wall and then you could paint okay yeah now you know all right so now what I'll do is I'll measure from there to here okay and we'll map is the same thing yeah 42 5 8 see a pretty dang close so we're just gonna go 40 and 3/4 okay we're gonna make sure that gives you enough room for your door too so yeah that gets us out here that'll be perfect yeah so what color are you planning on doing on these well I want to do a light color with some with accents of darker color to match my sink I got a theory I think you're gonna be having a lot of guests you're gonna have a lot of inspections on this apartment cuz you're gonna show that sink a whole lot yeah that's pretty sweet see okay we got to figure out how high you want this now yeah let's go let's go seven foot panels okay see we can have a painting company or now Mike yeah we could I go low you go high yeah I think I missed my marks though that's okay that's our reference point no it's not that pan isn't gonna be perfect uh-huh what that's gonna do is what M plet is gonna then be really close and then we keep these panels square so it'll be within everything will line up because we have some tolerance on all of these things but if you don't have your plan you're gonna miss them okay yeah and then we just connect to that mark and then get use it oh you can't use that and I'll do a shorter one you know how to make this into the perfect size level no you kind of stick you know just under this and then put that on the stick yeah but you could you can we could just connect the dots with that it's alright or not all right perfect okay so let's get that template I didn't bring template material oh my gosh it's like have you seen our template kiss they look like venetian blinds you they sure do no they're not venetian blinds what I like is I use this in the granite business for a long time water doesn't make them shrink or swell they don't pop apart when you're traveling down the freeway with your templates and if you want to bring your wife's car like a tip one day where you go template a bunch of stuff they roll up so they fit right in the trunk what's template shower okay hey that was fun okay so all you're gonna do is just below that line we're going to score it alright snap it okay can't hold that up there and you got it I'm not gonna put my staple at the very top because when we overlap and glue it it would lock that staple and okay I'll just go like right here alright there's our first piece lucky right yeah here's the knife you're now a journeyman template er alright I'll go low you go high that's a rule alright this is a better night for mine well that's why I bring my own tool and you just need to scratch it you don't need to cut all the way through and then it just falls and snaps easy Wow yeah so do I need to be right on the line no I'm just cutting it to size right now so I'm gonna go just a little under okay and we're gonna make one for the top so to do it right here kill two birds with one stone right yeah okay do that alright so I'm testing a theory okay did we bring in that asset yes so I have one of my old metallic bottles it had a little bit of metallic still in it but that's okay because we're vertical I don't want a squeeze bottle because it's just gonna run down so I'm thinking just a little squirt okay we're gonna see how well it wants so let's actually test it on this oh you don't really doesn't take much to score that no no not at all so I'm just gonna oh you can see where it is that way - yeah I was thinking of the color yeah that works that's an unintended consequence that's a protip feels like it's biting good just need to leave a little pretty good amount of spray on it okay I'm gonna get your walls a little dirty it's alright you got paint on it I got paint uh those staples just hold it right in place you just hold it nice and tight on there yeah mine is biting good okay I'll do the top - is a great way to template showers I like this this is much simpler than I had envisioned Mike yeah well kiss method yeah absolutely you guys know what the kiss method is let us know in the comments below what is the kiss method alright your turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the top that was gonna ask you to put top and bottom on there yeah we will why not right yeah so any of my finished edges yes I always just got a template in my whole life put an X at the edge okay so I know that's a finished edge okay let's do the next one all right we're in the shower together but we're not taking a shower we're building a shower yeah there those who build showers together stay together it's just weird boom so what we're gonna do is we're going to cut this hole out but we're gonna overhang it the thickness of our panels okay so that you don't look at four seams these panels get put in behind it okay so then this measurement will get that and we'll keep this back panel just should I have the back so that there's no high point that it's pounding into okay does that make sense yeah back wall don't ever take it for granted that we obviously know what this is here but when you get to the shop you want plenty of reference points and then this is sheetrock file here we go again yeah it's Groundhog Day the third time oh yeah I might give you that I like your shirt yeah I need to get one of your financial on what's it called investment resources needing it I want an investment restore my market well it gives you one wonder if this is mine you know how tools are they might ask well the more contracts yet work for you contractors have a funny way of leaving things behind well you know I lost my poll tool guy take meds but I'll get you another one all's toolbox if you guys haven't seen Paul's tape measure it out like they're off they're the best he's the man you got the long arms Paul X necks this is our finished edge we've got a bottom down here when you fill the panels you could lay each panel out like this when you're coding it and run a vein or it matched or you know so if you weren't doing like a standard pattern you know striations you know for a this is gonna be 12 feet things think about 11 but 11 feet wide you're not gonna have any be able to catch that panel so we doesn't want to do in this case if we were going to do veins we'd probably need to spray spray paint to kind of be our charcoal drawing and then run those veins to match okay kind of thing so there's always ways to do it but in this case we'll probably pour three separate panels okay but you wanted something simple on these anyways yes so well so we got plenty of template material for next job that's a lot of square footage so that's seven foot by three and a half foot they're about 25 square feet each they're 75 square feet of project there that's a big kitchen oh is it oh yeah oh yeah your average kitchen is about 50 to 60 square feet so you're 75 square feet guys if you're a contractor and you're doing showers you know that there's good money and showers this is 75 square feet we Church the $29 a square foot will get Ken this bill after the video we never told them a price upfront so that we can secure this video do-it-yourselfers weekend warriors listen up you can save thousands of dollars this is only five dollars a square foot if you're doing this project yourself check out stone countertops to see all the products used in this video we'll see you there we have a scrap piece there sorry for making it down and then I'll just stick this here so it doesn't and then I just push them out that way okay so if you want to start working that other world you roll up these individual mic no I stack them all together okay kick it on up and then roll it this way okay and I'll tape it right here and what's nice is let's say you got ten jobs going this is a whole whole project yeah hey I could tell you got grandkids that you care about cuz I'd pull like that yes what a guy what a good see safety first yeah we got templates yes yeah let's just slide it on this table here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I am marking the edge on the bottom so I know what to finish okay yeah that just that little bit makes a huge difference yeah doesn't make the panel whole panel what's more professional yeah [Music] yeah that's cool yeah you see I like to saw marks and stuff yeah I'm gonna send that out real quick so that factory edge is so rough the epoxy would stick to it and not move not yeah it creates surface tension more of a wavy edge because it doesn't want to flow over smooth it just takes the epoxy and paint better like it's more porous and stuff I love these these sawhorses are great yeah they're lightweight and they're really strong my metal sawhorses that fold into itself at sharp angles you know yeah [Music] all right you do the back side all right [Music] [Applause] okay let's rack this is this the top here yes and that's the sheetrock excellent we'll stand those edges and do our same thing yeah [Music] all right we're gonna paint ready to paint I'm ready to go you are alright so this is our front side [Music] [Applause] all right so we got your panels dry yeah came back the next day you sanded the edges you stand at the top you saw her career marble piece yeah guys if you haven't seen the video we've done on Carrara marble go check it out this recipe is simple we're gonna use a little bit of metallics we're gonna use white and deep silver or black whichever one we decide we're gonna chop the two together and you get a very beautiful deep looking piece yeah that'll be great I think the when the light hits that it'll reflect in oh yeah absolutely beautiful all right we're gonna want some gloves we're gonna mix our epoxy and then we're gonna we're gonna tint most of this with white and then the will tint our accent batch with the black or deep silver I'll start mixing okay guys you're gonna mix three ounces per square foot this is a large panel but you're gonna have a shower that's a showpiece we're gonna mix it for about two minutes using a drill a big batch like this may be a little bit longer yeah you're good I think you're met okay we'll just take that guy right here and I'm gonna pour some of this in here this is our black this is what we're gonna use as our accent so what I'm gonna do is just really help on this first panel and then I'm gonna kind of watch you get this thing going is that okay that's great alright cuz you know I may not be getting paid on this so why should I do it he's got to do it [Music] that is fast it is right so you want me to use it with the color of course you expect in a lot of me here so and when you do it yes hit the heel first you see how much I swapped on there oh yeah yeah there you go just get after it just chop it enough to mix that in alright we're gonna torch this and alright you like it or you want to add anything to oh I love it that is pretty that's fast man you are you're already a journeyman shower panel in ten minutes because it's such a large area seems like this is a good way to do it yeah it is a little closer a little slower little slower there you go that's the speed let me ask you this yes tell me if you like this I do let's do those okay let's do those that'll be cool so I'm just gonna dip in and I'm gonna create let me get some let me get a little cup of this what do you think do you like it or we messing it up I like it I do too all right I'm gonna I'm gonna do half you're gonna do half of this main grab that cup nice go like from here to that corner like start like here and go up to the corner nice you want more let's go more there you go nice that looks way cool we got a little thing there we leave that no let's grab a stick Wow look at that it's just magic so pushed out the silver is that what I did yeah it's just taking over the silver exactly I like that line do we torch it again yeah let's do it [Music] [Laughter] I like those names in it a lot I'm glad to get down I'm going first you got it you got alright okay let's get the next one here we go that's epic all right they were like my hands oh it's gotten a little thicker but we're gonna get it okay I'm gonna push it over the edge here and then you can start rubbing those edges out you can write what'd you do today honey I held a bucket just don't kick the bucket no I don't I'm young man I'm only 60 that's young that's the new 20 yeah 60 is a new 20 I still feel like I'm 19 all right you ready to watch it you have torch it and then we'll put our veins in we're ready for our next panel I got this torch the biggest tip that you'd want to so far from this video if you're getting value out of this content crush that like button guys we're gonna continue making these shower pals let us know if you have any questions below that just lays out fast doesn't it yeah isn't it viscous yes not quite sure I do but I'm trying to sound smart viscous adjective having a thick sticky consistency between solid and liquid okay Vonage here we go I'm gonna put a little bit more white in there in that cut I'll come to you okay ready ready coming to you nice that's a good movement right there that'll look really neat we'll torch it one more time be fast faster than a speeding bullet as I tell my grandkids [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] once I get there what I yeah yeah that's what it's supposed to look like oh good yeah that's cool that worked out didn't it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we did it one poor talk about working time oh yeah there's not an employer on the planet that you could do that with I'm telling you we did we've been at this for 45 minutes an hour we've sanded probably a play and it was in a giant bucket and it's still still nice and liquidy yeah does have done your epoxies done man we just got a sand send the drips off after they dry and then Redguard them and then glue up the hole and then cut off the holes for the faucet and the valve and then go into the wall and there's silicon the joint we're almost done Mike totally almost done [Music] we're gonna make some temporary supports to hold these shower walls against the rock as it cures I know that back wall is about 42 or so so I'll cut 36 it'll have plenty of overlap and they'll be feet that compressed it against the wall while it dries and it'll be a nice tight fit [Music] so I'll just toenail this into the bottom then I screwed to my trailer right here that won't go anywhere [Music] well this is exciting heck yeah we got it though we're gonna pull this thing off look at the Red Guard you did awesome good that's enough hi well as I would have rendered at this I'm cleared about that yeah but that's okay we're we're so sealed on that sucker you're not gonna have a problem perfect guys this is the first part of a three-part bathroom remodel gut and go series we're gonna teach you everything from the shower panels the floor and the vanity even the window sill if you're gonna do a total overhaul on your remodel go ahead and check out how to do your floors and your vanity coming up in the next video stay to the end we give you the links all right this is what you want a 100% silicone there's no latex know anything just silicone it bites really good to read guard bites really good to these panels and it's waterproof you know how I know it bites good I've tried to uninstall it no fun well well dry fit at first that's a protip dry fit before you glue and then we'll up put it out we'll glue it we want to have a paper towel handy because that'll keep leaking out while we use that caulking gun so have a you know having a trash bucket where you can set your caulking gun where it leaks into there instead of your finished floor that's also good what's up bro how are you man yeah these guys working kill fun yeah I'm ready look I ain't got a pin for it that way if you were to kill you you're you're secure and who you are right there especially in the good old US of a man I guess a Scotland you'd be like a man's man right now I've got a kilt - I love it man all right you ready yep so you're gonna go in first okay how tall are your ceilings in here 8-foot eight-foot ceiling seven-foot panel we should be just fine and then when you sneak it in because you got your valve here now go ahead and this way and they all sure okay nice thing is not real stone that people used to do is real oh yeah there we go it's gonna go okay there we go that's why the template that's why you template I think that you have done this before alright here we go when you guys blob your silicon on you're just doing the dot method just over over push your dots that will push it flush and I'll also make up for any high or low points in your rock so that's all we're doing there to glue this on just blob and go let me know if I can help you okay oh it's on its yes yeah it look like it it's in baby that's it will it let go no it ain't lettin go you're good alright and we'll put these other panels tight to it I'm just gonna use a tape measure on this okay we're gonna do this first because this has given us our exact center point okay twenty three forty two and a quarter forty two and one quarter so let me go over the measurements with you so hold it how the panel is gonna go we got twenty three twenty seven and a quarter and then we got thirty eight and forty two and a quarter and that's pretty tight not a lot of play measure twice cut once panels that took us a couple of days to make once right you'll always want to measure from your same two reference points here and there and those are really our fixed points actually you always measure off those same points we got the a okay from from the daughter upstairs yeah they looked at the panel and gave us the thumbs up so I'm putting tape here so and see my marks and they don't they're easy to see and then 16 and 15 correct correct the nice thing about our products too is they cut with wood bits fine tooth wood bits they'll cut like butter okay here we go so we got 38 always measured three times because if you get to them wrong just like that speed square idea it'll show you really quick if you're wrong hey Antonio I got it you can why don't you grab grabbed my jigsaw and bring that little package of blades which which play do you want Mike that blade will work let me go get a pilot bit here I need a big drill ok well that's a nice drill I don't have any drill bits like that like that's a pocket jig drill so you know how those screws going to that little hole that yeah the step bit so if little too big yeah you do the last one you don't care don't need to okay yeah all right these don't grow back no these don't grow back so passing them probably wouldn't look good when you drill go fast full speed because slow is gonna tear out so get that bit moving okay it's a nice little jigsaw man alright let's go test this thing I'm nervous I do have to wipe down I think you do you're good at wiping you know watching one of your other videos when you showed how to use to do the tape with a silicon yeah genius oh you like that oh my gosh I think all the times I've melted free in it yeah yeah you never get a great outcome that way if it's really good look how good that fit that is nice look at your line they're not they just show check this out Kent there's your line the bone you got a beautiful reveal because we didn't try to come flush out here get a nice thick edge yeah well it will clock this joint this you want to do in painters caulking so you could repaint you never want to use silicon where you gonna paint again cuz it'll be dried off of that okay well that's gonna look beautiful yeah we get rid of this red wall and this will change so that's another pro tips it's whatever you paint your walls it will reflect into your finish and so it will change the look in the room so if you're gonna do this for a customer you may want to make a sample have them put it in the room and make sure they like it especially if they're picky picky Peter we could just read guard it right here want to grab your red guard yeah alright did you go to kindergarten yeah I'm gonna just sleep on a mat I learned a finger paint so if we get that on the epoxy is that a really bad thing horrible horrible thing as you put it on the epoxy as long as you get it before it dries you're good fold that over use a clean section each time I gotta bring one of your fans in hey Caitlin how are you here's one year but here's what our biggest fans she asked me can we watch Mike on YouTube you've seen him on YouTube you've seen him at church - there's another fan you got this it's a waterproof membrane so that anything that happens to get behind that shower it won't rot your sheetrock okay all right I'm gonna put this thing in we're good that way he'll let go so that so that bites all right that's beautiful built that wall can't imagine it built that wall all right last panel okay this is it so I got the bottom good yeah are we on that we're on okay jam it I got it all right let me get your cold key okay jam it to that wall keep going good yeah yep all right so I'm gonna tape it off and we'll switch to the white and I'll run all of our joints well you're making it look easy well in YouTube it'll take about three seconds [Music] so you're just pushing it in with your finger you know that is a slick way to do that it just keeps your job clean I'm glad to see you do that that does make it a nice sharp corner I've seen those little tools that little gap it's a gimmick but healthier [Music] [Music] yeah nice now you know how hard it is to tile a shower why that was an easy install in comparison right we have a pillow shower I'm not only I'm gonna do this look at how good the fractures look in there Ken I'm glad we did that it broke it up a little bit yes it shows how deep the metallic is with that light hitting it - guys you've been asking in the comments below how do I do a shower wall this is the same as a full-height backsplash the same as anything vertical that you're putting in your home if you want to do polished panels just like these shower panels you can template you can create and you can install with ease [Music] all right your showers done we're in the shower together again you got your beautiful shower doors I'm a I'm a what are those called I'm I'm I'm I'm man this is look this is roomy it's a shower in here this is great man so what is your daughter think of the place that she's gonna move into oh she's loving it she loves the colors the whole thing what your friends and family say when when they know a financial adviser came in here and gutted a bathroom and did it well people that know me well know that I like doing those types of things people that just know me in my office think they're just shocked I show him pictures of my sink and and they go you made that are you so from dentists to doctors to professionals to white-collar or anything have fun let's don't go countertops yeah you don't have to be a blue-collar DIY er to get down and dirty you don't that's a big because I work at a desk so much being able to do these types of projects like we did is very creative and therapeutic for me yeah I just love what you did here thank you for letting me be a part of it and hey you were at the artisan summit I was you came to support me Ken's one of my mentors I've known him for a very very long time I think the environment there is so uplifting especially if you have some creative ideas that you want to do i sat there and I listen to people and all these thoughts would come to my mind about I knew that I would do this anyways lots of lots of good ideas of the artisan summon and good people yeah people that are sharing really really willing to share their ideas and their talent with you know we didn't know what to expect from the first artisan summit we know what to expect on a second guys thanks a lot for watching this video visit us anytime I still cook countertops calm and until next time from Stone Koch countertops you got this we'll see you on the next video stone coats done a lot over the years go ahead and click this link for the floor and this one for creating the vanity a [Music] little souvenir from our New York trip original mold what's this doing here
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 2,643,430
Rating: 4.877883 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy metallic, epoxy resin, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, concrete countertop, diy concrete countertop, granite countertop, quartz countertop, how to, how to epoxy, Epoxy Shower Panels Made Easy 🚿, stone coat epoxy, shower, 🚿, bathroom remodel, diy bathroom decor, bathroom renovation on a budget, epoxy shower walls, shower pan installation, epoxy vertical surface, build shower base, bathroom hacks, dollar tree diy, cheap renovation ideas
Id: e9JcwjdBD9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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