Don't Make This Mistake With Stone Coat Platinum

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we got white and oh that white's almost gone that one's almost gone maybe we're ready we are live guys have you heard of stone coat platinum if you haven't this video is going to teach you everything you need to know this week about stone cold platinum we actually have a few issues that we're going to address you are going to want to watch this video from start to finish if you're a contractor in the epoxy coding business stay tuned don't use platinum until you see this video enjoy it here we go chris remember when you subscribe to our channel click on the red subscribe button and be sure to ring the bell so you get notified every time we have a new video thanks again hey guys welcome back i'm mike quist and this is what i do for a living i make things look like natural stone like wood grain i finish wood slabs i do counter tops floors hearths window sills shower walls and more we actually had a couple of complaints recently about platinum and what sets us apart from an epoxy company that may or may not do its own customer services that we're in this every single day we bury our hands into these coatings so that we can teach you the ins and outs and the do's and don'ts of what to expect using these products well there's a lot of variables when you go across the nation you got humidity you got heat you got uh you got altitude dog on it you got all kinds of different variables that come into play when using these products so in this video i'm going to teach you what we've learned recently with the platinum what to avoid and what to do so that you get good results every single time one of the complaints that we had is that there was some bumps some blisters that were growing i actually got some pictures of blisters and i tried to reproduce that i go and what happened how how did this happen and i couldn't reproduce it but i came back over the weekend on a piece that i did and there was a little bit of a blister so i got into that blister and i tried to peel the coating and i realized that the bond between our clear not the top coat but the big thick clear coat and the color coat wasn't as good as it normally is why is that i called our chemist i explained what was going on all day long i'm talking to our chemist i'm talking to everybody who has any kind of big brain with the chemistry with these coatings we're trying to figure out why okay and what you know we couldn't you know in all of our testing we weren't getting that result but what we figured out and what our hypothesis is and and we're reaching out so if you've got the platinum and you don't want to try it you can call us we'll give you a full refund on that if you've already got the platinum and you had an issue with it i will i will make that right we stand behind our product but we think that it's actually a blessing in disguise this is designed for the pros to get their job done fast what does that mean well to make everything extremely non-yellowing okay it required starting over from scratch back to the drawing board and that's what we did well it also sets up really fast you don't have a long open time which in the recent past videos has shown you all the cool effects that you can get because of the working time because if you're organized and set up you can get this done really really cool don't worry i'm going to be doing this exactly how i'm about to teach it today so you can see the speed in which i'm talking about so after i do my color code you immediately want to kind of babysit that piece until it's sticky okay until it's it can be tack free but you have to go within from our chemist about two to three hours depending on humidity humidity is actually going to set this up a little faster and so if you're in a high humid area you have to do this even faster so if you're if you want this to bond really well between layers you see epoxy after it cures and it becomes really hard you have to do a very good mechanical bond it's cross-linked and you need to bond it mechanically meaning sandpaper and so 220 grit isn't the right option when you're dealing with platinum on your undercoat i went 80 grit i went really really rough sanded on this thing not 220 and then i'm going to apply my color coat today and then immediately i'm going to let that set up because it sets up fast where i wouldn't destroy that color coat and i could just do my clear coat right on top as it's cross linking because you got that window between two and three hours after it's tack free so i'm gonna guess about a couple hours after you pour you you really will be ready to pour this thing so as a pro you're on site you're in someone's house you can get this job done very very quickly make sure that undercoat is dry you don't want any water left in that undercoat and you'll be ready for the next step so let's go ahead and pour the color coat and i'll show you just what i'm talking about you guys ready here we go all right uh chris yeah ask any questions that you can while i'm doing this but guys i'm gonna i'm gonna keep the recipe very simple okay i'm gonna do uh white metallic i'm gonna do diamond dust i'm gonna do black and white spray paint and then i'll probably do like a little calcutta look and i'll do a little bit of a metallic dark copper i may or may not do the dark copper i'll ask for your feedback but i'm going to keep this simple no tape damn no tilting the piece i'm going to do this as if i'm on site okay here we go yes we mix a lot of stuff into the epoxy is there anything that from your experience you know that does not work with the epoxy don't mix it in yeah i mean the things that we like are rust-oleum paint our epoxy dye and our metallic powders that's what i use every day all day uh i know those work but also our our epoxy has a tenacious bond okay meaning any off-gassing you're going to get from this spray paint trying to escape isn't going to lift or blister your material well the platinum because it sets up so hard it's not gonna it's not gonna get a great bond between layers because it's already setting and curing much faster than our normal formulation or our art coat so in this case i'm wondering if that off gassing from the spray paint great question is causing a blister between layers because it's off gassing and and it's stronger than the bond is so by doing almost a wet on wet you're tacky you just poured you just just became tac-free pour again you're going to get that cross-linking between layers where it really melds as one layer why do i need i haven't been having an issue between the ultimate top coat and that final layer it's between the color and that clear we need that thick clear because the color isn't leveling right you're going to do all these cool effects late in the pour you're going to do strings of veins and all this stuff and what that causes is bumpiness waviness you're doing all those color effects so the clear overcomes all that makes it flat that's why we do that layer okay does that make sense all right here we go two to one ratio part a first and then part b okay [Applause] as we have any questions chris go go ahead and fire him away man yeah mark is excited uh he asked how do we become a distributor already mark how do you become a distributor you know we we live in a fun era man we live in an era that we've we've learned how to ship things across the country really fast brick and mortar stores are are very important however the internet has made the whole united states pretty much a local community you know what's going on with the cool product out in wisconsin i actually just watched this uh this docu not a documentary but kind of a story about the great mayor or big miracle it's about like these whales that they saved in alaska in the 80s well you learned about this this guy's product who was in i think they were in minnesota because they did some good marketing went out and saved the whales with their machine well the fact of the matter is is everybody knows about our products because um we are a national company through youtube and so we don't have a lot of distributors simply for the fact that we can ship everything across the us really quickly however we do have a lot of brick and mortar stores that carry our stuff so if that's what you're interested in by all means if you got a niche in your area that you have a store and people want to buy stuff from you and they like our products it's a it's a good option cliff asks why specifically rust-oleum do you just like it i like the propellant in there versus krylon there's something in the propellant krylon that i've gotten adverse reactions in the epoxy it's kept it gummy sometimes so i've just uh always done rust-oleum because i know it works for me so i've stuck with it because i don't think there's that big of a difference but now we are a rust-oleum dealer so that's what we use but but we became a dealer long long after i used believe me we we pitched rustoleum for years before we ever made a dollar from them i'll mix them with the drill for about two minutes i'm going to add some of our metallic white powder to this whole mixture and i could probably just do that now since the whole thing is going to be tinted with the metallic okay so i'll dump some of that in there let's go okay that's our white metallic you want to get all the chunks broken up remember if you're new to epoxy you're going to want to start with one of our original formulations the working time is unparalleled you have all the time in the world you don't need to be in a hurry but with the platinum product we've designed this so that pros can get in and out of their jobs they can get consistent results and there's absolutely no yellowing so that's what we're really excited about however if there's not a good bond between layers we've got to figure that out so you know one thing that you'll find on our stone countertop insiders group it's really an open source group where you can learn from one another so i hope that that you see that as a company we're very transparent we want you to have amazing results and so we're reaching out hey this is how we have been installing it with good results um and then here's we got some issues here's how we think we mitigate those issues let's see if it works so i'll give you the test results of this um as it sets up but i i really won't want to push this to failure till it has a real chance to cure so i'll give it a few days and then we'll uh we'll try to destroy it and and pull it apart and see if it does uh does really bond well another thing i did is i went over an old sample here i got um our undercoat white undercoat and i did like a little slate edge almost a rock face edge that just very very subtle looks a little bit like a slate edge like a piece of slate what do you guys think of that pre-edge and i and i really i like this one because it's subtle but it's got some level of interest to it uh it's it's an old mdf sample yep okay so there's our white okay now what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a little bit of a wash coat okay and the wash coat will help with adhesion as well so i'm going to fill up one of these little buckets here and i'm going to just tint it a little bit okay let's tint it with just a touch of black just a touch of black dye one drop that's it okay and let's go ahead and mix that in look at what one black hole one little drop will do that's crazy right so mike hey during the mixing is there any concern yeah you want to make sure you get the air out but um no you got plenty of time to get the the air out with your uh with your torch good question are they hearing your question or should i repeat it chris i'll repeat it just in case okay chris asked is there any danger in uh in in training too much air in this what do they need to do to get it out and so my answer was what you heard you you just uh you got plenty of time with the torch to get it out okay here's a popsicle stick and i'm just going to go through here and push this coating tight to the surface and i'm just creating an adhesion this way i'm also giving it a wash coat to slip and slide over so i don't have surface tension that doesn't have a good bond it's almost like pre-priming your piece and and this color when you do veins or exotic pores and things like that this is the color that would come up to the surface [Applause] okay okay now i'm going to take this pour here and i'm just going to get this out on the surface i'm going to use a gloved hand nice i'm just moving it around it's it's leveling very good because it's fresh it's not it's not setting up yet so i got plenty of time right now to get this to move around okay i'm going to tint a little bit of color in here and then pour it again let's go ahead and add a little bit of this actually let's do this let's add some white spray paint to it and then a little bit of black we actually got a question about this have you used the appliance hold on one sec chris so i did white and black in there barely mixed it and now i'm just gonna pour this out on the surface [Music] nice that looks cool that's pretty man now i'm just taking the remainder of this coating and i just poured it out there now what i think i'll do is give me give myself gist guys let me know like oh chris go ahead with that question oh sure yeah uh someone want to know if uh appliance uh no i have never used that in the surface no i use uh the 2x and the metallics and the hammered all those i don't like the glitter and no not the appliance okay all i'm doing here is just rubbing the edges with my hand i'll come out front there luke and do that so you can see these edges and all i'm doing here is just going through i really like this horizontal look with this edge look it look at this man look how that looks that looks pretty nice look right here yeah definitely but if you're new ralph um try uh try an easy project like that that's a good a good thing to do first man that's pretty okay i'm gonna um i'm going to spray a little bit of this copper right here i'm going to mix that a little bit and just give myself a copper vein here come this way luke gives it some color that's pretty see what that spray paint does in there kristen wants to know if the platinum can be used over uh the epoxy and if so how long before you flood in um i wouldn't use the two in conjunction just yet what i would do is is uh use one system so we can mitigate variables if we're having any kind of issue i don't want it to be because we got more variables introduced so right now in the time being i would use one system or the other but i believe it's a recoat window situation that is beautiful i really like this look at that vein so i like that someone add a little bit more spray paint just by itself so no i would just simply use the platinum on the platinum and the normal on the normal all right i'm just gonna drag a vein i put some spray paint right there on the on the stick and i'm just dragging that through here yes look at this so where you release most of it it's more concentrated and that vein automatically just kind of thins out and then i think who mixed media girl hey marcy guys if you haven't seen mixed media girl she is absolutely fantastic in the world of uh coatings and art and acrylic and epoxy you guys got to check her channel out all i'm doing now is just popping some bubbles got a little surface tension right here so i'm taking some of this excess and just gonna touch that oh this is really pretty so you could see the air we had a question about air and you could see it just coming right out as i torch it that's a beautiful look here this is absolutely stunning go ahead and do a fly over that show them how pretty that looks what do you got atds in the house artist till death guys art you know the youtube community is so cool because we're all friends man we all just want to support each other and artists till death they are uber talented when it comes to um taking epoxy to its absolute limits so if you guys want to learn how to make art using resin and additives go check out artists till death they also uh they also have some of their own um favorite additives that they use too it's some really cool stuff wow look at this this is a simple recipe guys this was our white metallic i i don't even think i think i forgot to put diamond dust in it i think you did too so no diamond dust in this one and it really looks like an onyx it's really really pretty so here's what i'm going to do now too so i want to put a little bit more interest on those edges so i'm just going to spray a little bit of spray paint on my hand and then rub out those edges okay so i got a little bit of black okay that's a lot so i'm gonna just leave it at the bottom then i'll come back and drag that up but this will uh it'll kind of get in some of my cracks and crevices that i've done there almost like adding like a a glaze you know if you're a faux finisher you know what i mean so then as this sets if i do horizontal strokes like this it's going to retain some more color where i want it that's pretty mike how would you go about uh getting this similar style um that you have here on the floor uh same thing just just at scale you know i'd have my different additives and we have a floor epoxy that you'd want to use and man it's the same it's the same same same formula at scale you need a lot more people that's all anita suggesting you blow the diamond dust in it like it's fairy dust or something it pretty much is isn't it yeah yeah i don't have any uh clear left or else i'd just scoop some more in there but you know what i like it i like it without the diamond dust i don't need every piece to have diamond dust as much as i like it anita i'm going to refrain okay i got a little bit of stuff in here kind of starting to set up a little bit more okay now i'm gonna go slower on this side here we go damon is asking how best to maintain uh especially the platinum maintain it yeah over um years of use i guess oh ultimate top coat use our ultimate top coat on top of it and that's going to protect it and just normal household cleaners good question wow that's it's pretty beautiful all right so chris i'm gonna um i'm gonna do some q a guys while this sets up for me to do a a top coat but that could take a while so i'm here now as long as we got people that are asking questions i'll stick around because i'd like to do an unedited version like this is how long we actually waited in order to do a top coat and the reason i'm doing that is because i want a very very good bond between each layer i'm just wiping the drips right now underneath you know what let me show you what this looks like so look i did look at look at get up close just where i drug just that excess in there because i had some of that spray paint out what it's kind of doing look at the effects like right here how that looks like stone look at this little vein that it gives you right here robert says it looks great when she when can she come to pick it up who barbara i guess she wants it uh come on down barbara come get it come on down what do you think luke i like how subtle it is would you change anything i wouldn't change anything if you wanted to add something you have some epoxy on the deck that you could use i kind of like it just how it is what do you guys think would you add anything to this i kind of like how it's not um some of the pieces i've been doing lately are they're pretty busy you know they're pretty pretty exotic this is uh this is this is elegant to me i think that's the right word is is elegant so what would we name this i think we named this what guys what would you name this piece see look at that edge now luke check this out see how this color comes over right here that's what i like about the set time of the platinum is it sets up fast so you retain all of these beautiful effects look at look at this edge how it comes over down that edge and we don't have a lot of waste here all right okay chris while this sets up i'm ready for questions man anybody have questions fire away i guess first question for you guys is would you add anything to this do you want do you want me to spray some silver uh or pewter alcohol on here with alcohol and uh should we see what that looks like or do you think that would mess it up we're getting lots of leave it as it is um probably the color so the name so i got i want to spray some of this i'm going to ruin it okay but i want to see what it'll look like so i'm going to get my spray right so i got my i got alcohol and and our metallics in here and it's spraying kind of how i'd want it to so i'm just going to mist some right here let's see what that does okay get in there and look at that look at what that's doing get really close like yeah there you go so they could see what that's doing and then as that levels out it's going to change for me too but it's quicker would the platinum be better for integrated backsplashes um i don't like to do integrated backsplash with anything i like to cut it off and put a new one on that's what i like to do it's more professional looking okay now i'm gonna um i'm gonna break it up with this i'm gonna spray some white spray paint here and now let's hit that with the silver again that will create some lacing i always like it when it's got a variety of texture you do for sure that's what the white spray paint broken up with the alcohol looks like touch these spots that i don't like here that kind of looks cool but i need to um it doesn't look cool just sitting on that side of the piece i need to i need to like bring it through so i'm going to bring it through like right here you guys think i'm screwing it up let me know okay let's make that like connect now and i'm just spraying that alcohol metallic now look at that that will be like a and i'll feather it out with some of that silver yeah it might look all right guys i know what you're thinking right now he screwed it up i know that's what you're thinking but i don't know i think i like it look at what that's doing there man now here this is getting too big so i just kind of touch it touch that one and they'll kind of stop growing because you you break the surface tension this this is too round here for me right there so just touch it a little bit make it look like a good in there oh yeah look that one's like too fogged so just break it up a little bit yes now these have little black dots in them here watch just touch it just tappy tap and they will go away and that's just surface tension from that isopropyl alcohol i'm using 91 isopropyl alcohol i tried this the other day with acetone and it's quite different it's more of a tight pattern which isn't bad it's okay but i like this pattern a lot that's neat that's kind of broken up i kind of like that kind of gives it real subtle down here it's got some fracturing almost almost seems like it doesn't match now i think i need to do more what do you think luke maybe on the other end just do a little bit yeah just to tie it together where where where right here kind of goes here and then comes back this way okay here we go yeah people do that all the time it's very heat resistant and then i'm just feathering out just some of that silver so it kind of fades out from the white just to silver and i think i'll connect this section here with just the silver yes yeah see it tied that now it tied that together now here's a really tough one how is this going to do in direct sunlight very good it's platinum it's that's the whole point of the platinum was to make it non-yellowing so that's what this does is it is it doesn't yellow however it's more finicky on the window of opportunity we really got to hit that right so that's what this video is about is showing okay get your color in let it do its thing and then we're gonna we're gonna clear this thing as soon as we're ready we don't want to let it set up and come back tomorrow and do that okay look at this look at this luke i'm just digging all the drips off and now this is a vein right here right off the finger this is a finger vane guys let's let's follow this like striated pattern here come here oh that's neat come over here and this is just subtle little effects that you could do that make you look like a faux pro all right digging some of that off would the platinum be good to thicken up and use that on an accent wall no not as is you would want some thickener in that wall if you want to do an accent wall you can use our thickener and do that i honestly like to make panels and then hang the panel we just did a video on look at that we just did a video on shower walls and we did it out of foam and they were the best wall panel you could ever imagine that's pretty i don't like this right here that little blob see it will yep percent alcohol work if it's elastic yeah people use it all the time and it seems it seems to work it's just just has a higher water content this seemed a little bare here so i'm just coming through and giving it some interest through that section and honestly i'm just too impatient so i'm um as it dries i'm adding effects now look at this see see how this doesn't look right because it's a a big tadpole head right here so i'll just grab that and kind of stretch it out here's one mike uh nick asks um about approximating a table with leaves in it have you ever done that yeah it's a bad idea you can do it people struggle with it so what i would recommend doing is making a cover for it so you make a cover with a drop edge and you can just put it over that old table and then you won't fight the leaves and then if you want to use it as a leaf table you can pop that off and use it later look look look look okay now i'm going to just go right down here i swear just using those drips is one of the funnest things about this look here's all your drips yeah that's fun stretch it out go quick kind of come into that mess and then come off nice okay dig in dig in and then use that drip right there a little clarification on the ultimate top coat over stonecoco epoxy uh will that help keep the underneath layers from yellowing it does add some sunscreen yes it's it's a very uh very good non-yelling product in itself and so it will prolong the life of any countertop like that now remember our normal our normal formulations outdo the competition like you wouldn't believe we just are never satisfied we're trying to push the envelope all the time so anybody you know our biggest compliment is someone who's used resin their entire career and then they try ours and they're like what the heck how are you doing this but this platinum is designed for the pro to be able to get his jobs done quickly or her jobs done quickly efficiently repeatedly and so we're committed to making sure that we give the proper information here and because we've really pushed the envelope on this thing we want to make sure it's exactly what we say it is so we're here to support that that's why i went live as soon as we got any uh any word on on on anything that may not be perfect with it and that's that's why i think this recoat window is really important is you're gonna wanna pour this and then immediately pour your clear now here check this out too like this is pretty doggone flat okay and i'm adding things late in the game here i'm adding things quite late in the game and this is really flat however there's some like there's a little dip here from the isopropyl alcohol like look how much this is spread out here i kind of like that that looks like big stones i don't like the black dot in the middle of it so i'll just tap that just to kind of erase that a little bit but you can also see the surface tension on the coating like if you get like i don't like this right here luke see that that's because the alcohol went right down the surface so if you tap that and let it sit it will repair itself but i'm just going through here and anything i don't like how that looks i could kind of finger paint now and it's going to retain but this is acting now more jelly than when i first started substantially more jelly and so i know it's setting up so anywhere where that alcohol pushed it down and created surface tension like here here you go these are little donut holes this is different because it was set up a little more see that's right down to the undercoat so that's why you kind of want to clear this because it's going to go ahead and fill in any of these imperfections these uneven spots that are caused by additives that create these fun little effects however if you get this done where it's perfectly flat already and it required like then you could just go ahead and let it sit sand it do do the uh the ultimate top coat however that's not that's not very realistic to do that and count on that level of perfection i want insurance so that's why i count on that uh that top coat or that clear that we're about to do what's the max poor depth of the platinum is it comparable at all to uh casting epoxy no no 1 8 inch is all you want to do good questions we've been getting great feedback on these live videos guys so that's why we're going to continue to do them all i'm doing it here is just going through now and and torching the bubbles out one more time i like it i like the depth that i got like look at that silver that comes into that white so anybody who was a naysayer when they first saw me spray that white so guys you you those of you that are watching this video so you saw me spray that white you saw me hit it with alcohol and metallic and and behind the screen you were cringing you were going you just messed that piece up if that was you and now i've converted you back to go you know what it actually looks really good just raise your hand in the comments say guilty as charged but what i want you to take away from that is push the limits don't be afraid to kind of see where these things can go in your samples have fun in the samples and then you have the recipe to show your clients see these bubbles right here in that vein [Applause] [Applause] okay here's something else that you can learn from the platinum that our normal formulation doesn't do if i come down here and over torch it look at right here where i over torched it you're kind of blocking the the glare there you go luke you could probably see it now there through here you see that effect now you can from here try to come back here oh you can't you're tethered yeah never mind i'm getting a little bit of a effect that i normally don't get and it happens just a minute after i over torch a section it's really cool we'll let that rest and we'll see if it appears enough for the camera to see it but it's almost an iridescent effect like you'll see it from the side versus right on top so i could see it from here but you know how the light plays with you [Applause] there you go yeah that's what i'm talking about is is is this right here that's just from over torching it see look at that did you see that come i'll do it right here see that yeah it's kind of cool man but it's not burning it enough to wrinkle it but it burns it enough to leave you some funness behind do you want to leave funness behind over [Applause] torch okay so i'm going to go hit my edges again and i'm going to hit them horizontally because it's really starting to set up now so so i'm going to hit this oh yeah i'm gonna hit this horizontally i'm gonna leave that vein alone because i like that coming over like that coming over i'm gonna probably hit that like that yeah i love vessel sinks and i cut them in after i pour the piece problem is if you pre-cut the hole for the vessel all the color goes right down that hole and and it kind of shows a track of of the flow so look at this luke so you can see here it's coming over and there i went like sideways so this is controversial but i'm going to go sideways and erase these cool effects to try to make it look more natural and i think that does it see that looks like a rock's edge now and you could even take some of this that's on the deck and darken it up to match the top if you need to i'm going to use the drips that fell off just to add some to that edge and this is how you get a real natural edge bring some of this over i like the rock edge because it's super forgiving guys it's it really makes it look is that your realistic yeah propane over map gas or anything else yep propane is what i like yeah that's a nice edge it's very it's not too rough but it looks like a split edge it does you know imperfect is perfect it gives me much more allowance in my pieces to uh to finish sometimes i really don't know what i'm saying i just keep talking you guys ever guilty of that just just talking all right see this gray yeah especially in you class in class and got in trouble i did see how i'm just adding color to that edge now that was a little too white there you know now i'll rub that in and then i'll come back and just torch that the torch will wake it up a little bit more too it starts to set up it's already getting jelly how long we've been been live chris 45 minutes so 45 minutes in i'm not far from having to put that next clear coat in so really if i was on site i'm gonna bring this vein over here a little further uh if i was on site i could finish this whole job quickly because of this recoat window talked to my friend thomas today and we were both agreeing that yeah kind of sucks that it didn't get a good bond but if it means we have to work faster it's for the pros yes it's for somebody who has the experience in this but man it could be you don't have to wait for this to cure before you're you're done with that job the thing is installed becomes dry very very quickly and your customers can get back to using their kitchen very very quickly i like the white cells a lot i think the silver with that was was money man look at look at the white into the silver right here that's beautiful what would you suggest for getting a sort of mica flake effect like from broken rocks ah broken rocks you know if you want real rough texture we used to have mica flakes on the site man i'm not i'm not like in love with it and so i like to put in an underpainting with a lot of visual interest if you're trying to get real cool visual interest so you can take like a we have a bag like called plastic bag granite and you could fo in a lot of those effects and then clear over it where that's your under painting or you could do it between layers but if you're going to do that don't use the platinum because you're going to have to go right away so you don't want to like come back here with a plastic bag and paint to paint in between layers like i do with our normal products here's what i'm going to do i'm going to really mess it up okay i'm going to take this paint stick and i'm going to come right through this vein and mirror this vein right here okay just really like look at how that's really starting to set up and it looks like you're just destroying it i'm just pushing the limits to see how well this is gonna lay out too i'm messing up so you guys don't have to okay now let me torch that out and see what happens because that could be it could be neat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see how it closes right back up and leaves like that under painting behind oh that's all right i don't know if i'd keep doing that but it's cool let me hide it a little bit so i'm going to take my popsicle stick here scrape off some garbage now let's hide it where was it right there got it big come in tight come in tight follow it now and go wide again yeah i love that goo that just spreads out wide like that see how gooey it is now now look at now look at this now i'm gonna torch that out that's pretty cool what a simple recipe this one is but i did play with it long into the pour i wasn't in a hurry i kind of thought i was just going to be done right away but that's against my nature how many of you guys are oh chris i'm curious how many said that they hated it and then i converted them anybody uh you had people saying that they always wanted to like no mike don't touch it it's good but then you do more and they end up liking it but did anybody type guilty i haven't seen any guilties yet okay go back in the feed anybody who said that first one you find i'm gonna hook them up but if they didn't say that they missed out i was gonna hook them up okay who said it first one uh carolyn uh guilty as charged okay carolyn gets a what are we gonna give carolyn what do you want carolyn what can we do for you clint was the runner up okay if carolyn's still watching she wins if she doesn't answer what she wants we gotta pick someone else so keep clint in mind all right clint what do you want man see if he's still watching well we got lots of guilties now [Laughter] yeah that's what i thought guys i'm loving it i'm loving it it's pretty all right chris i'm gonna um i'm gonna torch this one more time then i'm gonna come over there guys if you have any questions i'm gonna come over there and start reading off those questions and answer them for you if you have questions on your business on this product on our other products on our process if you have questions about youtube if you have questions about anything that uh we know about here i'm happy to help while this sets up and we're just gonna keep it you know normally we'd call it on this live but i'm gonna do a clear coat to show you know how we recommend getting this done right and this only applies to the platinum this doesn't apply to our other products this is just the platinum this is the only one that you got to worry about what i'm what i'm discussing here and this is so flat i could probably get away with not doing a clear if i keep working this these veins that i put in are going to be high points i could probably sand this and do the ultimate top coat tomorrow however i'm just going to push it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right chris you ready for some q a uh for this piece oh for doing this for customers i would charge 29 a square foot um if it was normally epoxy if it was platinum and i have higher material costs so the material costs are about another dollar dollar fifty a square foot for uh for platinum so i would probably go you know you could go 35 and be busy all day long and grants pass but it depends on the area you're in so if you're in you know if you're in new york city you're going to charge a heck of a lot more than you are in you know missoula montana so it just depends on your market how expensive your materials are and then how fast you are so um and also that i've established myself in my area as the countertop the countertop guy man so has anybody seen that show tiger king you don't want to be your local tiger king you want to be the countertop king so yeah uh no totally uh totally depends on your area but all day long what i do is i go to um the big box store and i look at how much they charge for laminate countertops because i know laminate countertops people are on a budget they're looking for something nice but all they could afford is laminate if i could be around that price installed from the big box i'm going to make an excellent margin as an installer and i'm going to stay as busy as i would ever want to be now if you get too busy for your schedule and your schedule's booked for months start charging a little bit more because that are the market dictates that there's a higher demand than you can even uh you know um accommodate so yeah you could charge more but i would say error on the side of fair pricing as opposed to trying to make a lot per each job you always want to charge enough to be gracious in the end but don't over charge for a service that somebody could come into your town and get as good as you are and you're out of business now because someone does it just uh way cheaper you don't want to play the price to the bottom either you don't want to be the cheapest on the block that just means typically you can't really stand behind what you're doing so long answer to a simple question but that's that's how we approach that how about this one corey says if dealing with tile in a shower would you take the tile out or just put the panels right over it um as a contractor man i go back to the studs and and i start over you know usually just trying to save um a shortcut will kind of cost you in the end if you don't know how well that tile's uh you know adhered and everything else typically it's fine but it's not i mean you could demo a shower if you're pulling the sheetrock and everything else off fast you know so i i would tear it off and um go uh you know green board i would use a waterproof membrane system over that i'd build my panels and i'd put my panels and then and then waterproof those joints great questions here guys let's see how about this one a question about the ultimate top coat covered my project yesterday follow directions to a t that today the product is still tacky what in the world did i do wrong you probably didn't do anything wrong the only thing you could have done wrong if it's still tacky is is under mixed it but that product stays tacky for a few hours um give it another day and see what happens if you're in really high humidity it might be messing with you a little bit but ultimate top coat man has very consistent results for me i actually uh actually did that and i rushed a job and i actually uh this was for my mom so i knew if it got screwed up i could fix it but i put in their window sill their shower dam and the cap on their shower and the stuff was really tacky i just done it that day it was kind of tacky that night i went back the next day pretty hard and then and then it's been it's hard as a rock now so you should be fine how about using plywood for a substrate instead of mdf make sure if you're using plywood that it's dry some of the plywood's still green and it's got moisture trapped in that plywood you also want to use something that's flat a lot of plywood is bowed so if you're trying to save money mdf's away because it's dry and it's flat but if you're going to use plywood because it's lightweight and and stronger then go ahead and use plywood but don't don't go cheap and get one that's full of moisture okay good question says is it possible if they did not sand really good in a low spot that it would not have bonded and left a blister um yeah you know that's what i think i think it's the doggone you know the adhesion and even if you sand with 220 typically on on most of our formulations that's just fine because the material's so doggone tenacious in the bond typically that if you poorly sand or if you leave a little dust or if it's not ideal conditions it still bonds i've dripped this on melamine and it doesn't come off of raw melamine unsanded melamine is like a laminate that's very slippery material that it should pop right off however the platinum is a different story in the bond you need a much better bond that's why um your window of opportunity is much different than our other formulations which is what why i went live today is to really teach to go ahead do your color and then immediately do the clear so you're going to want to plan your jobs accordingly you don't want to start one of these jobs late in the day and then have to sit here like i am um and and wait for it to dry however this is a good what time is it guys 409 you guys are still on the clock normally but we might go past your time i'm always doing this to you lately i wasn't here before you guys today though so i don't feel as bad i beat you in here so now now you're stuck with me sure chris is right here guys chris is behind the controls crush that like button say thank you to chris uh luke is behind the camera luke is always that how much does that thing weigh luke that that setup um i don't know 10 10 pounds 15 10 yeah enough to make me perspire yes yes all right um let's keep going here how rigid were the foam boards panels in the shower you did were they still flexible yeah they were still flexible that will follow any contour of the wall but i put that pvc board embedded in that which made it really strong where i attach the shower doors that thing is holding up like a dream really easy to install because it was flexible when we got it in the room the only way to do it was to go down the hallway and then back in the room and then rotate it into place i mean it was like i watched this i watched this movie last night with my kids called something like cubers or something it was about rubik's cube world competitions and these guys solve a three by three rubik's cube in in like five six seconds oh i did two minutes they no way done dude you're like what so anyways uh why did i say that oh it was like getting a rubik's cube in that room like a certain way to do it me and paul's toolbox and uh and uh our uh rk3 designs was getting that in that room and yeah it we we made it but the flex in that panel i'll tell you what i've installed a lot of uh showers in natural stone and you have to have a lot of seams because the doggone things are so heavy plus you can't get them in the room man they're they're so cumbersome and so this this you you can get in one piece all right it says i have old tile on a kitchen backsplash should i remove it or put mdf board up when do i do my countertop when i do my countertops so you know i like to do my my projects that mimic the way that i did granite countertops and that was um we'd install the countertops and then we would set a four or a six inch backsplash or even a full height backsplash on top of that and we'd clear silicone that joint this is this is mimicking a granite or a marble install and so that's how i do these i've seen where people do their full height backsplash and then they butt their new one in and they pour it in place so there's no need for silicone it kind of grabs but if if you don't clock that joint you will get a leak behind the wall there and it'll go down and and either if your cabinets are open back you'll see it run down the sheetrock or it'll just run down your sheetrock behind your cabinets so i like to pre-pre-glue all that and then do my tops and then do the backsplash and set it on top that's how i do my installs you know everybody gets their own system but i like that it's tried and true and it mimics a natural stone install also you know if you got to take that backsplash out for some reason you can still get it out without you know too much trouble i don't know why you need to take out your backsplash though why would you why would you take out a backsplash i don't know is it safe to do a floor in a crawl space yeah i mean uh you're you're you're you're gonna be more um susceptible to the elements is that crawl space concrete um it's gonna be a pain in the butt because your dog gone crawling under your house and that's an expensive floor for a crawl space but i'll sell you the product for it but i wouldn't do my own crawl space that's that's uh that's meant to be crawled in maybe you're turning it into like a bunker corona 20 bunker ready you know i don't know brought to you by stone coast and i don't mean me i don't mean to offend or make light of anything guys i'm just just a contractor out here saying stupid stuff probably so thank you for bearing with me thank you chris and luke it is definitely a full-time job keeping mike in line i read that bama give bama something free for sure have they answered have the other two answered what they want uh let me do another search okay so bama gold i'm giving you something free what do you want bama bama gold all right i'm having fun let's go check on this countertop and see what it's like all right check out these drips this is how you test right here see these drips okay this is good news see how those are this is a perfect time to come scrape drips let's do that let me get my uh get some gloves on guys are you finding gloves in stock where are you going to get your gloves chris you ordered these on amazon for me because i couldn't get any at our local paint store or home depot or nobody has any decent gloves see i like gloves that are tough too i don't want them tearing and i like black gloves because they make my hands look thin i mean look at the difference dude fat hand thin hand [Laughter] i asked my wife the other day i was like honey do these jeans make make make my face look fat and she said no oh i screwed up the joke i said honey do these jeans make me look fat she said no your face does all right here we go let's scrape this off i'm scraping scraping yeah this is this is drying really fast typically you'd have to wait about two three hours to to get epoxy into that that jelly of a state okay this is this is still quite jelly so i don't want to coat it yet but uh we might be waiting here a little longer guys so stick around we'll we'll do this together luke and chris are you getting frustrated that we're staying so late you're good with it you guys are getting when does ot start here in a few minutes you guys don't care huh see that's what i love about about you guys is you know we started this business together from scratch you guys have been with me various times chris has been with me since about as close to the beginning as he could have yeah this is uh this is definitely starting to set up so i'm getting most of that off the bottom there see how see how that's really setting up is that good yeah okay yeah that's that's not moving get under there and really you know if i was doing this around a a dishwasher or an undermount sink you would want to make sure that that is sealed underneath either before you do this or after you do this so that steam transfer from the dishwasher and moisture from the undermount sink and that kind of thing does not um interfere with the mdf so be sure to think about that don't don't do this in a wet area with just raw mdf underneath make sure it's sealed which leads me to the outdoors if you're doing this outside you're going to want to use a waterproof substrate something that's not affected by the harsh elements something like concrete like that and you know i'm getting asked hey can i do this in very very harsh environment as a contractor i would definitely test everything that i that i give to my clients as an option and and just verify that it's working the way that you anticipate it will work you don't want to get caught with a callback test at first so that's really we're trying to set you up for success here with with this system but man if if if you can get this system down it is just a lifesaver on time and stuff like that so i would love your feedback if you're using our platinum give me your feedback what do you like what don't you like what can we improve what's perfect we we continually push the envelope and we always try to suffice the needs of the folks that are doing this in the trenches with me that love love you know changing the way that people think about remodeling can you use denatured alcohol to spray the effects like you did yeah it's got a lot more water in it oh is that the 70 no that's isopropyl is 70 as well but denatured alcohol is quite a quite a high water content in it so water is going to affect this stuff too humidity is going to affect it it's a little more finicky than our normal formulation but i think the give and take is going to be worth it all right i'm gonna let that dry a little longer let's do some more q a oh look at that piece i look i'm i'm looking at what you're filming there luke it laid out really flat i do like those veins right there i like how natural they look they look really natural what do you guys think of that piece getting up close to that edge luke i want to see that edge so see the drips underneath there hold it right there like that right there i don't like how chunky it is in here but it's starting to set up so i started playing with it a little too long but let me get in here and just kind of smooth that out how long after the pour has it been so far man it's it's been a little bit i don't know that's what okay let me see that edge now luke on that same side yeah it's looking better that's also why i like what i'll what i'll do is finish the piece and then sand anything underneath that looks yucky and get it really really natural looking but i don't want to keep messing with it at this point because a i'm going to get my hands more sticky and b i could sand that smooth before i do the ultimate top coat how flexible is stuff yeah people use it on concrete all the time very good question and it works good it's actually much harder to do on a flexible wood substrate because wood shrinks and swells laminate countertops have an overhang i'm actually cleaning my hands with isopropyl alcohol out of that clear right here so you could use that for effects and just clear but it also it's a good cleaner so i'm just wiping off any of that yucky see right now i could rub my hand or like check this out dude i could rub my hand right here and it's not sticky okay now if i do that on the surface you got to be very light yep see that i could rub my hand on this surface and that's and that's uh so you know what i'm going to do the clear now i got to be careful with that clear i cannot uh i cannot use the trowel how i normally use that trowel because i'm just going to put rake lines in it so i'm going to use this i'm going to pour a thin coat i'm probably going to use my gloved hands to kind of move that around so it stays natural and then torch it maybe i'll give it a few more minutes let's give it a few more minutes to set up and then we'll uh and then we'll do it so a few more questions i'll get mixed up and then we'll pour that clear but that's pretty fast and it is it's 80 degrees in here right now so it's pretty warm it's set up really good none of those effects have flown over the edge or off the edge where i'm unhappy it all retained like i really like the lacing here where it's it's gotten big in some areas see this one where i had a black dot before and now it's oh it's kind of jelly right there still see that jelly that i just did let me watch this let's see if it goes away so i like that that it's still you warm it up and it'll tack up so i'm still a little bit too soon on there i should probably follow my own advice and start wearing gloves that's pretty cool you uh you need something rigid to wash your hands with yeah man i like it all right uh let's do some q a in is cured epoxy uh has cups and glasses kind of stick to it at all just a little bit no um so if you have a heavy object that's sticking you're you're probably a doggone mixing issue you if you're under mixed or you did it in really cool temperatures the epoxy won't have its uh its full ability to harden up okay so if you if you if you push those limits and you you under mix or you simply pour this in really cold temperatures you're going to have under cured epoxy i would recommend the ultimate top coat that will bond really well if you sand it and that stuff is very durable so that should mitigate their problem but originally i mean if you have a cup sticking now you got a problem with your mixing oh this one by cassie any active coupon codes i just graduated college and bought my first house i use one kit on two tables but need to redo my counters but i'm broke you're a broke kid cassie's a broke kid all right cassie do we have a coupon code uh oh that's usually i have a great answer to that what's the coupon code if she watches at least the last 10 videos she will find one yes do you know what it is because i don't remember it i think it's river table the river does the does the epoxy river is that still active that might be selected try epoxy river cassie we want to hook you up okay so go try that out but if i give cassie free epoxy everybody's gonna say they're broke college i know right you know what here's the deal i'm gonna hook you up cassie um is mitch getting these you guys got so those of you who i promised free stuff too we have to verify it when we do that mitchell go verify it cassie go to mitch dot no mitch mitch at and mitch hook her up man give give cassie what she needs only if cassie is willing to video her project and send us the footage of like just take out your cell phone do a couple shots while you're doing this and give us a you got this and give us a give us a dog on um you know review the product for us okay and then uh we'll hook you up and like share and subscribe yeah for sure there's a lot for her to do like share subscribe contact mitch film it tell us it's great i mean tell review it and then uh and then we'll hook you up small price to pay yeah i'd say small price to pay i'd say all right let's do another question here let's see here this is about i don't i don't think you need i don't think that's necessary vibrating a table and using the top coat the ultimate top coat probably not no just roll it on no like you could i actually have a vibrating table for the rocks that i make and my molds uh i made some rocks to look like river rocks that we poured with modified concrete and a vibrator works really good to get the air and stuff out but not not in this case it's not the right you don't need it i don't even i think it'd hurt you more than anything how long do i have to wait between the first coat and the clear well we're finding that out right now uh we are sitting here watching paint dry answering your questions because i'm going to clear coat this so if you go back we've been doing this for an hour and 17 minutes and 36 seconds since we started and i think i probably went a good 18 to 20 minutes of talking before we started pouring maybe even sooner and then uh so we're about an hour and and i'm almost ready to do the clear almost i'm pushing the limits but i want a really good cross-linking bond right all right kerdi board as a substrate for shower walls yeah you could use kerdi-board as a substrate for shower walls problem with kerdi is it's uh it's um it's usually small man so you gotta have seams so i'd rather have a seamless shower so you can use our fiberglass kit and seam it all together like we do in the video or just get full sheets of foam but kerdi curtis makes great products man i actually ardex is a big competitor of kerdi i prefer ardex um because i've i've met some of the the reps and that company has amazing products and the technology that they push to the limits is pretty outstanding i'm actually looking into ardex right now for a waterproof membrane to replace uh red guard it's better than red guard and um i think we're there i think we have it like sk1 product but it's it's even gonna be more modified so yep keep looking out for that we're gonna be um you know we figured that doing shower panels are gonna lead to a lot of questions on showers your biggest thing with the shower is the pan how to keep that waterproof and so we're working with ardex right now with their eight plus nine product and uh their waterproof system for shower pans in a day so keep keep on the channel we'll be teaching you how to how to do those shower pans as well as foam walls so that you don't have leaks call backs and you have nothing but success how is the heat resistance on the platinum compared to the stone countertop epoxy oh it's it's pretty comparable you know with the hillbilly test on spec sheet it's a little less but hot pans off the stove out of the oven they haven't affected it and the top coat actually improves the heat resistance so i don't use the platinum without the ultimate top coat it's going to go hand in hand just because the scratch resistance on the platinum isn't perfect you know i want a flawless system if i can get it i don't want call backs if i can avoid them and so that's why i like the ultimate top coat gives it that scratch resistance man here's that piece that we did the other lot other day we did a live and we covered up um i had made a mistake and put some fingerprints in this and we we did the ultimate top coat it laid out flawlessly but the fingerprints that were in this thing are totally hidden well you didn't even sand it oh that's right we wanted to push it to the limits huh yeah don't do that uh i don't even i didn't test it since then seems seems pretty good man yeah it does look good but if you are going to do another coat of the ultimate top coat make sure you do create nothing but a mechanical bond because the the additives in the top coat that make it slippery and easy to clean also make it hard to bond to each other so that's really the the problem that we're facing is we've created you know an easy system with just our normal our original epoxy here okay so this is the og on the street right here is our heat resistant stone coat epoxy that's the original uh then we went to art coat which art coat improved the uv resistance for like white so when you do white art and things like that we we art coat was designed for actually made it for this guy who's in hawaii and he does art on aluminum on 1 8 and 1 like 1 16 thick sheets of aluminum and he carves in waves with angle grinders and and dremels and he does these beach landscapes and then he uses our epoxy and some colorants to add color to this almost holographic design that he carves in you know you know when you walk past metal you'll get like a like it almost moves the light where it looks like it's moving that's what he does with his art and and he needed something that would uh would not yellow and so we worked on that art coat for him and that's the same time we met artists till death and artists till death was also looking for the best epoxy in the world for art they had used other products and there there was some room for improvement and so they helped us beta test that original formulation and so man love them for that and it's been here ever since but the platinum is an upgrade from that but but but again um you're always going to have give and take in the chemical world and so that's what we're what we're finding right now is to get a really good bond we got to hit this recoat window so i can't just pour this and come back tomorrow i need to go ahead and coat it now let's say we're going to have people that miss that recoat window they're going to say hey look it dried i had to go what do i got to do well you got to get a better mechanical bond you can't just use 220 grit you got to you got to sand it with 80 grit if you miss the recoat window sand it with like 80 grit and then clean it with xylene xylene will almost re-emulsify it it's gonna it's gonna wake it up soften it so that you can get a better mechanical bond okay so 80 grit xylene go that should do it however the best would be hit this recoat window at the at the right time as soon as you can um recoat it because it's fast drying so it you know everybody wants something that everybody can return to service super fast well here's the byproduct of that is it hardens really fast hardens so much that it won't bond to itself okay so next question man i feel like i'm talking to myself like um guys are you am i talking to you oh sorry you weren't talking to me yeah chris oh roy have you tried a lava flow on a black background yeah i did a lava flow you want to pull that up chris and show the the art piece we did of lava flow like i did counters that were lava flow and i did an art piece look at this luke here here's your art coat i did this a long time ago a long time ago this is white and with black marble spray so it's it's it's you're looking through the clear epoxy down to a white board and that's how white it is this is a old piece too been up here for a long time white okay this is one that i added a lot of um like copper and made it look like calcutta gold little gold spray paint so this is how you give yourself insurance if you're just using epoxies put a little bit of gold or something in there so that if it does start to tint it does it's not really noticeable this one i did a couple years ago with paul paul's toolbox it's still very white uh we did how to do this one was on how to do veins i think uh all these here had like over a million views that's why they're back here okay um this is just some testing with that ultimate top coat this is our sample for um travertine okay that's how you make travertine if you if you didn't see this one go check out all the videos we did while we're at world of concrete um this is in our last video on how this is just with spray paint it's called uh melded marble i think is what we called it we got to think of a name for this one what's the name for this one we were getting like uh tranquility or moonstone i saw earlier laced marble yeah this is i'm being light but it's it's i'm gonna do it man i am going to pour it mike have you ever tried uh painting on top of the epoxy not like painting over it completely but painting a design on it yeah i do i did the plastic bag granite over epoxy to make it the epoxy have some some sharp lines i i just gave it some sharpness and then i did clear over that did you have that cued up chris that uh lava will my voice play during it should i talk during it or just let them hear it what audio will they hear they'll hear you okay yeah go ahead and show them the lava okay yeah these are some tile countertops i did in hawaii they wanted to look like raw lava okay there's some raw lava flowing there's the condo we did it in and we prepped the kitchen we prepped it where we added our bonding primer we did some modified concrete some bondo on the face and we filled in all the grout joints but we we basically made our own lava and then we ended up pouring another clear after this my wife and i and my son mitchy did this and we made it look like lava uh i say we nailed the look too i mean there was a lot of controversy on this one because you know how many people want lava in their kitchen well not that many but if you're in hawaii near the lava fields i'd say you'd you'd like these so boom there you go go to the uh do you have the art one pulled up the art one yeah where we did the uh the volcano that's actually footage that we took check this out i went swimming with those manta rays with my son and my wife there that was sick man all right enough go check out the art we did we did a volcano it looked really cool but yeah those were the lava counters that somebody just asked about i got a lot of people that told me those were awful made fun of them they kind of hurt my feelings a little bit made me sad all right i gotta find a bucket there we go got a bucket i'm going to use a little less material because uh i'm doing no color here it's just clear okay here's a question about um coding speakers with like plug type speakers so there'll be a lot of vibration will that cause any problem if it's got a coating on it no people do that all the time no it'll bond yeah great questions tonight guys have you ever done a recipe that's like a sunrise or something lots of oranges and stuff i'm guessing yeah what uh what colors would you say i want to show right now dude i'm going to show something let me pull up my phone i'm going to show them a sunset that i just did can i show that i just did a sunset it's not what you're thinking though oh you painted it yeah i did did you guys know that i like to do oil paintings i'm going to show off dude i'm just going to show off for a second i know you guys don't care but i care let me find it oh come on where are you at here it is there's my sunset right there one sec there you go wow hold on well i want to show another one this is another one that i did but this isn't the sunset this is this is stone stone-cold mountains in the background with my aloha like look at the background stonecoat mountains back there hello oils yeah that's oil wet on wet wow you like it yeah that's nice i painted that the other day i was actually uh i was actually sitting out there and uh in open air and that's my zen right there man what do you guys do what do you guys do to uh over canvas yeah yeah that's can you and you can put epoxy like a coat over there yeah yeah we do that all the time they actually really uh enhance your your art putting the art code over that makes it look deep rich yep mike if you were going to uh expand this color recipe to like 100 square feet what are the challenges of translating the colors good question if i wanted to scale this and do a much bigger project then i would just know what my recipe was if i remember right but i you're going to know in this video it was the white metallic white and black spray paint a little bit of white dye and a little bit of dark copper metallic and then i did that wash coat first with a little dye and then i did the white metallic over that and then i i did a little bit of that look at that copper just gives it a little streaks of color and then like the copper here more concentrated gives it that color and man and then the white lacing so i just know my process so i could follow that in an eight foot section go to my next eight foot section go to my next eight foot section but because this is drying i could finish this one come over and do this next eight foot section chop that together and continue on and then by the time i'm done over here this may be ready to clear so if you're doing you know 200 square foot kitchen you can still do the same process just know what your recipe is before you get started once you know your recipe that's what slows it slows you up repeating that recipe is easy uh we got some curiosity about the black galaxy recipe would you use the ultimate top coat for the natural sheen on that since it's sparkly um i think i would uh it's right back there i'll do it in an upcoming video and i'll show you what it looks like also i have a really cool video coming out that is going to be carbon fiber countertops with a flat black finish so i think those will be very popular um i haven't told any i never give people a heads up like a what's coming out because i'm afraid like people are going to copy the idea but hey man if you got time to do carbon fiber with a flat black finish go for it i think that's a good idea but it's coming soon on our channel all right because i'm going over a really fresh surface here let's figure out how to apply it without screwing up the bottom and i want to make it lay out like glass how am i going to do that no sanding no dust no trowel gloved hands i love our glow powder man it's cool stuff guys are you hearing chris's questions and comments or do i need to repeat them we should put a mic on over there for you chris you could turn on and off all right ready ready luke so i just mixed this up pour it out and then i'm just going to push it over the edge probably going to waste a little material here but i just want to see how hard it is to get this to level oh that's actually beautiful this is actually really quite easy because it's almost like water at this point because this formulation is really really thin it's great for that exotic poor aka dirty pour but this is making this part really really easy it's it's not messing with that second that first layer at all i don't feel like i'm hurting the the color at all i would say three ounces per square foot would be plenty on this coat heck you might even get away with a little less than that depending on how this is going to want to level for me i'm definitely mixed up too much i didn't need as much as i mixed normally you'd want to trowel this because you want to get the same amount on that surface but we don't want to hurt that uh surface and this is actually now i'm just going to rub it in those edges and then i'm going to uh probably pull off any excess that i have yeah i think i'm going to pull off some excess let me pull this over here nick b wants to know if you've done a painting on a canvas with just epoxy who nick b have i painted on a on a canvas with just epoxy uh yes i have and the thing i don't like about painting on canvas with just epoxy is the can the canvas it's uh all the effects go right to the center because the canvas if it's not supported really well with like cardboard or something in the back i'd rather just use mdf um as my canvas fair enough all right i'm just going to tap this with my hand and that'll kind of level this out too i think a brush i don't think would hurt it right now either how long we've been live chris in under one hour and a half we literally poured the top coat and color code i did a lot of talking in the beginning but we we we did both the color and the clear in an hour and a half and i and i could have done a giant job in that amount of time [Applause] would you guys concur yeah i'm gonna torch this out and then i'll report back on how this adheres and let you know but i believe that we've set ourselves up for really good success here and mike do you ever find that uh pouring epoxy from higher up helps with the let's see yeah helps take out some bubbles no no pouring the epoxy from a higher up doesn't do anything but splash in my opinion i don't think you need to do that not for bubble release use a torch good question good question all right i'm just coating those edges those edges look really really good to me i like that rock face you like the rock face luke i do i really do i like how uh it's not too prominent but you can still tell it's not just a smooth edge which is kind of boring sometimes yeah these are just our sample boards all right crap i got it sticky i didn't clean the torch last i let it dry talking my face off let's see if i can't get it to work i got a pair of pliers somewhere here we are live and our torch is not working i'm breathing in propane in the meantime look how level this already is dang it man i don't even have another torch ready chris you know where the uh you know where the pliers went i had them in the meantime folks are liking that this uh can do both steps in one day right got it chris [Applause] [Applause] max you would need on that is three ounces you might be able to get get away with a little less three ounces per square foot i wasted a a good amount over the edge because i had too much it's at this point it's really really thin and watery so it's laying out beautifully for me torching out the air love it all right it's pretty flat huh it's pretty early on too it was pretty flat before you torched it hey mike since the ultimate top coat is a roll-on would you recommend it for vertical surfaces since it'll just stick to it yeah it works on vertical surfaces yep ultimate top coat works on vertical surfaces yes good question all right guys i hope you enjoyed this video i hope that you've subscribed because we're gonna be coming live often um because you guys are responding with that we're on the race to the mountain to a million subscribers we hope you join us on that race we gave away a lot of free product when we hit 100 000 subscribers and we got our first play button if we hit a million subscribers we are going to at least 10x what we gave away so help us get there and you'll get some free stuff really really really fast so guys i think we can hit that mountain to a million quickly if you help us share these videos and ask your friends to subscribe to our channel so that you help our business grow guys we will report back on the findings between layers to make sure this is super tight and super bonded but if i were going to use all my experience i would say that going on something that's in the middle of crosslinking like that first layer was it will bond very well to this top layer i hope you enjoyed this this was a huge q a this was us being completely transparent with the do's and the don'ts and what we're finding with our products so the platinum guys stay tuned for the uh for the results on this if you have that platinum product uh i would i would wait till we release the findings until you do your clear but but follow this uh in the meantime if you if you if you have to go with it but we'll uh we'll report back on this in a couple of days all right guys until next time remember you got this we'll see you on the next live [Music] [Music] all over [Music] you just want to ratio [Music] everybody [Music] everything [Music] hmm you
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 369,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4NxWTb6eKEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 58sec (6298 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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