Complete Garage Floor Remodel Using Concrete Overlay | Home Gym & Man Cave

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hey ligar nation today we're showing you an epic garage transformation watch how we install our hardware overlay kits to give this garage a perfect look the owners wanted the floors to match their home gym and some new equipment it turned out amazing if your space needs an update visit our website or check the description below to get your kit today [Music] all right so we're wetting the areas that need to be patched now if you need to patch any saw cuts joints even little holes we recommend getting a spray bottle getting it damp and then mixing up the overlay just a small batch of overlay um a little bit thicker so notice it's not runny it's actually sticking to the sides of this crack and then we have what's called a pool trowel this is a pool trowel and we're just sliding it back and forth inside the crack to create like a little wall there and then we're just pulling it over the edge very easy to do there's not a lot of of skill to this and you'll be able to patch it very easily [Music] [Music] now if there's any loose spots notice how we're always feeling for loose pieces of concrete you can even use like a spackle knife like a drywall tape knife like we're using here and we want to show you how to do that too same idea though you're just going back and forth and you're just going to curve it over that lip there and then once it looks good you're just going to scrape the excess on the top just so it doesn't have another added layer there see we just scrape off the top and now the edge is edges patched [Music] okay now we want to show you how to tape off a garage or really anywhere but this is a little unique to a garage we want the coating to kind of go where the right it's right underneath the garage door so what we do is we tape off the edge of the inside seal when the garage door is closed and then we're going to open up the garage and we're going to move it in about a half inch we're just going to hold tape on each side a person's going to hold tape on each side near each track and then we're gonna lift that garage door up we're gonna move it in about half an inch that's the easiest way to make sure that your coating falls directly under the seal when the garage garage is closed so you don't see anything outside and and it looks like it's completely finished inside so notice we're just off of that tape about a half inch now it's on the second garage door where we realize that it's going to be a lot better if we run it into the track so notice how i cut it the same we decided you know what let's take it to the track so now we don't have to worry about trying to coat inside that track and kind of back in that corner it's just going to make the whole thing much easier to work with and then we're going to put some tape around that track of course pretty high to make it easy to pull that tape notice the gap at the bottom well my hand would get out of the way there you notice the gap at the bottom so now that coating won't lock in that tape and we're going to do the same thing on that first garage door we're just going to run it all the way to the track from that corner where it's just kind of a nice clean line and you'll see that when we pull the tape at the end [Music] [Music] okay here's all the tools you're gonna need just to do a fine saw cut so we have safety glasses ear protection respirator a little blower and a little little angle grinder from home depot with a with a small four inch diamond cutting wheel now this this seems more intimidating than it is but really that blade is going to spin where it's kicking if you hold it like that it's going to it's going to kick dust back at you so we like to actually use a blower to keep the dust away from us or even a vacuum to suck up the dust but what we're going to do is we're just going to cut starting at the middle right along the tape now why we're doing this is because it acts almost like rebar for the coating that coating is going to go down into the concrete about an eighth of an inch and then when when we pull that tape there's no risk of it chipping up at that end because it's going down into the concrete so it's just kind of a trick of the trade here so we have somebody with a blower and they're blowing the dust away now again this seems more intimidating than it is obviously you have safety glasses and a [Music] respirator [Music] it's always good to do one of these what we call a termination point you want to do a termination point like this anywhere where the coating again is just going to stop and it's going to be concrete from that point on this will ensure that it doesn't have like a trip edge or it doesn't want to chip up on that edge [Music] so this is that diamond cup wheel again you can get both these tools that angle grinder and the diamond cup you can get them at home depot or lowe's they're pretty inexpensive and we're just going to use the very tip and clean off this area that was underneath a water softener the water softener was installed was actually not uninstalled i mean it wasn't taken out until after the prep work was done so we just want to buzz over that smooth concrete part for now that makes just to make sure we get a good bond there and then we're gonna go to this edge we're just gonna grind right up to the edge just moving slowly carefully it's very fast though again not not hard that's why we recommend you know saw cutting beforehand you can try to eliminate a lot of this [Music] the other thing we're doing is we have some patches and those patches that we did with our texture coat we're just saw cutting through those all the way so that they're not bridging that gap [Music] okay right here we're just measuring off the floor for the wood grain now you can do as narrow or as wide of planks as you as you want now we're gonna go every six inches now every six inches i'm just going to make a mark on each side of that room [Music] and so i want to start in the middle and then work my way out as it so so that everything is perfectly just symmetrical moving from the middle of that room out if again if i start from one side of the room to the other then i could get to one side of the room and i could have one plank that is you know is eight inches on the other side i only have three inches because that room's not square i hope that makes sense but this is the way we recommend doing it anytime you're doing wood grain and if you have any questions just contact us and we'll kind of give you some pointers on that or recommendations okay now we're going to get the the filament tape out for the the wood what's nice about this tape is the tape has fibers running through it so you can pull it tight so we're going to pull it across this entire project we recommend a razor blade a couple razor blades we like this cheap yellow one that just kind of holds a razor you can get those i think it lows lows are home depot and one person is just going to hold that tape sticky side down the other person is going to walk across and you're actually you want to pull it and you want to put it on one side of that line so you're going to be in agreement here that's the line and we're gonna we're gonna both say all right we're gonna put it on either the the side closest to us or farther away farthest away from us [Music] so i'm gonna run it up the wall onto the stem wall because it we think it would just look kind of cool with the design and then even up on the sheetrock a few inches just like that i'm just going to set the razor on it and then just pull the tape and it'll it'll cut it very easily and then we want to make sure you step on that tape that's key you want to step on that tape and you just keep doing that all the way across the floor and once you do all of your long lines then we'll show you how to do the cross lines [Music] okay now we're going to be doing kind of our our cross marks the marks that are running perpendicular to our long lines now there's no rhyme or reason what i'm doing here except for we want to make it quick we don't want to be here all day and i'm just i want it to look natural so i don't have any planks that i think should be three feet or two feet i want decent sized planks anywhere from four to six feet and what you're going to do is you're actually going to ignore the saw cuts on the floor they're gonna kind of bug you but you just gotta realize that in the scheme of this design when you're all done with the floor the saw cuts don't matter one person just goes and he marks it out with uh with us that's called a speed square with a speed square and then the other person does what tyler's doing here now he just pushes it right on the tape you want the tape to stop on the tape and then notice how he puts the blade on the tape as well you don't want that sticking past the line and notice how he's not covering up the mark either if you cover up the mark then when you pull the tape you'll see that mark [Music] [Music] okay so we're pushing down the tape it's important if you can that you can actually that you actually roll over the tape so this is just this is a marshalltown that's the brand marshalltown rubber roller we just taped it on the end of one of our poles so we didn't have to bend over again if you don't have access to one of these or you don't buy one that's fine just walk over the lines a couple times just to ensure that they're pressed down really well it's just vital that they're pressed down really well [Music] now notice how the tape is bridging the gap even even right now as tyler's pushing that down every once in a while you'll see that the control joint in the ground we're actually going to cut that all right we're getting ready to mix up the concrete overlay and now you can mix as large of batches as you want we don't recommend going over four bags at a time so just as a rule of thumb one full five gallon bucket of liquid polymer like i have there will will do two bags of concrete overlay [Music] now you're going to pour half of it in the garbage can and then just grab your electric mixer we recommend a low rpm uh drill and we're going to just mix that up because there's some polymer that does settle in the bottom so we're going to just mix that up a little bit and then dump the rest in you want to wear a respirator of course and we recommend having a couple people for this part it's going to get dusty that's just the nature of it wear clothes that you can get ruined we like to shake these bags you can cut them open or or just rip them and then as somebody's spinning the drill in that garbage can somebody's gonna pour in the bags slowly and you can get that metal paddle paddle wheel you can get that at lowe's and home depot in like the the tile section or the concrete section [Music] so once these bags are both in then you're gonna mix for about two or three more minutes moving the drill up and down kind of smack the side a little bit get any dust off the side you're going to mix it for a couple more minutes until there's there's no more chunks and then just rinse that drill off it's not going to hurt the yard it's not going to hurt plants anything like that so don't worry about that [Music] now right here what we're doing is just getting our our sprayer set up [Music] now i'm going inside and we're pre-hydrating and notice i'm what i'm trying to do is just avoid the tape now i'm dipping that five gallon bucket into the mix and somebody's just holding another 5 gallon bucket over the bucket and that's it we're gonna get the majority of it out before we pick it up and then dump the rest i want it light enough where i can just pick it up [Music] so we're just rinsing off this five gallon bucket that we dipped in there really quick [Music] make sure the straps aren't aren't dragging anywhere if you have you know if you if you have to make the straps really tight make sure you cut the excess a little bit or tuck it under like tyler's doing here so it doesn't drag on the floor and make a mess [Music] so the first thing we want to do is we want to work from the wall to the outside of the garage and the first thing we're going to do is just try to get it out about a foot to a foot and a [Music] half [Music] now he's running it out a little bit it seems runny it's actually thicker than it looks on on camera and he's just gonna pull it out a little bit now what's left behind that that squeegee is the perfect amount of overlay to get our hardwood texture so we're just pulling the excess and we're just leaving this big pile about a foot and a half out of the wall so the person who is going to start troweling can start because the person with the squeegee we you know typically isn't the person who's doing the troweling now in this video tyler will be doing both but again we don't recommend that we recommend one person doing the squeegee like this they just have one job and then another person has the the trowel on a pole the whole wall that all of the stuff has been pulled away from the whole wall so now we have this pool trowel and you're just gonna hold that pool trowel flat that's it now that has an adjustable handle it has a it has a handle that can that can kind of bend and and move a little bit it has some has some angle to it and so you'll notice all he's doing is he's following the lines on the ground he's just running it parallel to the wall and the size of the crushed marble in our mix and the way that the pool trowel is just curved slightly on the edges makes for a perfect wood grain pattern and you're just gonna hold that that pool trout perfectly flat you're not trying to bend it all you're doing is trying to keep it perfectly flat and just running it back and forth on the ground now he noticed that it was kind of too thick in some places there was some really big wood grain and puddles and so he wanted to get that away but notice how beautiful that is see how it's just kind of pulling and he's just fought going absolutely straight from wall to wall but you want to try to keep the pattern going with the wood planks as best as possible and the reason why is because that's going to give you the wood look if you're going across the wood plank the wood planks it won't look as natural it won't look very good now we're just moving over about another foot and then you're going to do another [Music] section [Music] and don't worry if the if the grain doesn't look perfect don't sweat it because it will it will look good when you're done especially after it's been sanded and stained notice how the hydration almost never stops and the key to hydration is that you want it damp but you don't want it puddling [Music] and there's really no rhyme or reason to what tyler's doing here except for he's just trying to get a wood grain in the whole thing so if you can make one seamless pass from wall to wall walking and the wood grain looks good great if you need to go back and forth just a little bit to give it that wood grain look no problem [Music] see notice how i'm pouring a bead right on that edge and it's because i noticed that there was no concrete overly on that edge and it's a big no-no you don't want any concrete overlay to be thin on the edge you always want there to be a pile because the moment it goes thin that concrete starts sucking all the moisture out of the mix and then it gets hard so you always want to pile there because it's hard for the concrete to pour to pull all of the moisture out of that pile it gives us a lot of working time [Music] but that's the process just going to move all the way out of this garage and you can do it any way you want you can do it at a 45 degree angle you can put your wood planks down at unique angles and you just follow the design of the wood grain with the trowel that's the key you want to run that that this pool trowel the same direction as the planks [Music] now notice that notice that the saw cut in the floor there's a control joint in the floor he's just filling it in right now we're actually going to cut that out later so just ignore the saw cuts in the floor if you can clean them out with the trowel the squeegee like he has here fine but again don't don't worry about that too much it's gonna take about 15 minutes to cut those out when this is all done and it cleans it up really nice and makes a real sharp crisp line [Music] all right now we're going to put plastic up all around the garage because part of this system this process is we actually spray some stain so we want to make sure that we plastic off everything and just as a rule of thumb just remember whatever doesn't have plastic on it and whatever doesn't have tape on it will get stained so we like to put some tape just on the wall and then when you pull that out it actually goes pretty long and so you'll tape the top and then you'll tape the bottom and you'll see you'll see how easy it is especially when you have multiple people [Music] now what you want to do is is hold the plastic up on the wall where you can see the bottom is on the blue tape that we already put around the perimeter of the floor and then you can just tape the plastic to that tape and now everything is completely sealed but now this section of the wall we can stain we don't need anybody holding cardboard because that's definitely not as easy or as thorough and you can stain freely and move quickly this this part right here is worth all the work so we're just going to do that around the whole garage here or any room if you're doing this in any room same principles apply of course [Music] and because we're going to stain even though the garage doors will be open we want to minimize overspray so we're going to put some plastic even out a couple feet going on to the driveway and then we'll probably still hold cardboard on top of that just in case you get gusts of wind or anything like that [Music] all right so here's everything you need to prepare the stain for this hardwoods we have a pump up sprayer that's actually from ace hardware we like that pump up sprayer the best we have a an electric drill there a screwdriver a lagari pigment and a stain and then we have some isopropyl alcohol you will need two gallons of 91 or higher isopropyl alcohol you can get that at lowe's home depot or sherwin-williams if those guys don't have any we're going to mix up the lagari stain without anything in it so we're just going to grab our electric drill just mix it up in case anything has settled in the bottom there and then once we've done that we're going to open up the lagari pigment with a screwdriver and we're going to dump that in after we shake it up of course we want to shake that up really well [Music] i like to put a little bit of the the stain in it and actually put my drill in there and spin it at a real low rpm i do that a couple times just to clean it out be real thorough about it you don't have to but it works really well and then we're gonna mix that up for about 45 seconds once i'm done cleaning out that container [Music] now we're going to add two gallons of the isopropyl alcohol [Music] so we're just gonna mix that while we're dumping it in and this stain you're gonna have five gallons of stain depending on how big your kit is you may not use it all so once we add this second gallon of isopropyl alcohol we'll mix it for about you know another 30 to 45 seconds and then it'll be ready to go we're going to just put a couple gallons into this this this pump up sprayer and we're gonna pump it up where it has a lot of [Music] pressure [Music] and you're going to pump it up really really heavy make sure everything's tight all your fittings are tight and we want a mist you can dump you can spray to test spray into the stain container [Music] looks like it's good to go so now we're just gonna this is so simple just going to try to do some light light mist now notice how it's not getting to the corner so he's going to hold it at an angle and actually spray that on the wall and you're just going to go back and forth or in a circular motion and just kind of lay down a mist all on the floor now he opened it up a little bit it's not a it's not a crazy mist so he could get a little more of a stream out of it and he's just trying to hit the perimeter everything that's tough to hit with that that stream or sorry with the mist he's just hitting really quick he's getting the whole perimeter [Music] and now since the perimeter is done you can just kind of fill in the middle he's got it pumped up really heavy he's got a light mist and he's just kind of overlapping a little bit in a circular motion and just going back and forth all the way across that floor and this i mean this about as easy as it [Music] gets [Music] so all right so we're using 80 grit sandpaper and this is a low rpm floor sander you can rent these at almost any rental place this is just going to glide over the top and it's just going to sand off the tips of the overlay exposing that wood grain pattern now this is what gives us the wood effect you have the stain in the low parts and then that gray in this case is coming through so you have that two-tone look and you're just going to go all the way across the floor getting as close to that wall as you can and then don't worry we're going to sand the wall perimeter with a palm sander with 80 grit sandpaper on it so this whole process is very fast we're just overlapping about halfway going back and forth to expose that that would look [Music] so all right once you've sanded we recommend you just go around with the shopvac and kind of a squeegee attachment and just start sanding it and you can even start the sanding process before the person sanding is done or you can wait until you're completely done and vacuum the whole floor that's that's [Music] fine [Music] so we're just going vacuuming all the dust up and notice how it's already starting to look absolutely beautiful i haven't even sealed it yet now he's going around he's getting really close to the edges around the garage door sensors around in the corners and if you can't even get in with the machine just take the sandpaper off just sand it by hand a little bit you don't need to sand a lot you're just trying to sand off the tips [Music] now what we're going to do is we're going to saw cut the the control joints back out we want to do this early on in the process this is just the next day since when we did the coating so we've got safety glasses on we recommend respirators and somebody's holding a vacuum right behind that so it's just shooting about 90 percent of that dust and all the garbage right into that vacuum [Music] all right now we're just pulling the plastic now the easiest way to pull plastic from these walls is to just pull all the plastic uh off the top and then it should pull off of the bottom fairly easily and then you'll just we'll just go and we'll pull that last final strip of tape off the bottom of the wall but notice how everything's clean on the wall because we did plastic so it made it made staining very easy nobody had to hold cardboard and now clean up is just a breeze [Music] so okay so now we're gonna pull the tape on the floor and you're just gonna find you're gonna locate those up on the wall it's one of the reasons why we put them up on the wall because notice how they are just completely gone on the floor you'll never be able to find them i i wouldn't say never it's very hard though and you're just going to begin to pull the tape all the way to those cracks where we made the cuts and then if you want you can get down and look for those cuts on the other side or you can start on the other side of the room and pull off of that wall this is a very satisfying part of the [Music] project [Music] notice how that filament tape just rips right through that layer of overlay one of the reasons why is because you're doing it the next day and so it's still a little bit soft it hasn't 100 set up and it gives you an ability to actually pull that tape [Music] so [Music] and then in the process of pulling those because the cross members the smaller lines going sideways to create the planks the plank width because those are laying on top of these lines you just got to keep an eye out for when those pop up and obviously you kind of know that hey there's a four foot width here that's where he's kind of looking at the size of the planks he notices like all of these planks are a decent size but then all of a sudden if you have a plank that's like 9 or 10 feet long you know somewhere in there there's gonna be a plank so he's looking and see he found it right there there's that cross member [Music] [Music] then once you're done we recommend just blowing out all the garage the whole garage because obviously we want to we want to seal this floor and this is an interior floor so we recommend the urethane on interior floors [Music] all right we're just reapplying the tape that we pulled on the front because we're going to seal the floor now with the wb urethane with the gloss urethane so we want to reapply the tape just on the areas we don't want to get any urethane on so obviously we don't want to get it out here on the on the on the concrete outside of the garage so we're just going to reapply the tape in those areas now i'm not worried about the tape on the rest because we're going to cut it in with a paintbrush but we want to hit that with a roller that's why we're putting it there [Music] and then look as we're walking around i noticed another line that needed to be pulled this is the time where you're just doing a blowing it off a few more times looking for any more joints that you forgot to pull just getting rid of any of the grime the grit all the dirt any chips or flakes that are coming up from the floor still okay so here's all the tools you're going to need a paint brush 18 inch roller 9 inch roller 18 inch roller tray we recommend a garbage bag to put over the roller tray a drill and a 5 gallon bucket so we're going to mix up our wb urethane now we're using the gloss here you may have the matte what you want to do is pour both of your part a's into the bucket and then both of your part b's i'll show you that here in just a second all right now that i have my part a in there i'm gonna dump in the part b now once you've poured your part a and your part b together into the bucket that's we're gonna mix it just a little bit and then we're gonna add our water so what what i have all the water that we need now it's ten percent by volume so if you have a hundred ounces of part a and part b you're going to need 10 ounces of water and we say on the container how much water you need but what we like to do is take that water that you need and dump it into the containers you you're using you've used to pour out of just because we like to get any of that material out that's still in there we like to use all of the material if possible so just pour some of that water in there because we have to use that water in our mix anyways and just dump it in there first and that'll rinse out all the additional part a kind of makes you feel good [Music] so now i have my part a my part b and my water content in the bucket it kind of seemed like a long way to go to get here but that's essentially what happened now we're just going to mix this up for a couple minutes and now this mixes very quickly very easily because it is a water-based product it's extremely durable but you don't need to mix this for a really long time just a couple minutes will will be sufficient [Music] now what we like to do because we like to use these 18-inch pans a lot is we just put them in a commercial grade garbage bag and we're just pouring some of the wb urethane in a smaller mixing container so that we can do the edges and the stem wall the foundation without dipping into the big roller tray now we're going to do a section by section you can kind of see where i'm pointing we're going to focus on a square at a time and so what i'm doing is i'm just painting on the foundation and i'm also going to bring it out a couple inches so that that big 18 inch roller doesn't doesn't need to get all the way to the wall [Music] and by default because i'm using a brush i'm actually getting the product on the wall thicker than normal even if you thicker than even if you would have if you would have rolled it and so we only need to do one coat on these corners and these edges and on the wall because of how thick i'm putting it on [Music] we also recommend knee pads so yes if you're wondering why i'm kneeling on concrete it's because didn't bring knee pads very smart smart move but notice how he doesn't need to get right up to the edges now and the second coat is just like the first coat so what you see here you'll just do on the second coat and as a rule of thumb you want to apply that second coat within 24 hours of the first coat [Music] so i'm just going around everything kind of annoying underneath everywhere where we can't reach including that that water heater around the garage door track everywhere where we can't get that big 18-inch roller [Music] from unsealed to sealed kind of looks white but it will go clear very quickly [Music] and notice how he when he dips he kind of rolls off any excess and then he starts in the middle of the floor section that he's working on and then he feathers it out to the edges that's the way we recommend doing the urethane top coat and look how beautiful that is absolutely beautiful same thing for that second coat just getting a getting a new bag ready gonna mix up a batch start rolling it out doing the same [Music] thing [Music] [Music] [Music] notice all the roller lines you want in a minute they're gonna look absolutely amazing he's just feathering out any big hard lines or if there's thick product he's just kind of feathering it out he's rolling over it and then picking up the roller as he goes over it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 993,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy resin, leggari products, concrete, concrete overlay, concrete overlay products, stonecoat countertops, countertop epoxy, concrete remodel, hardwood floor, diy hardwood, industrial grade, how to, cement, repair floors, repair concrete, coating, coatings, concrete world, faux wood, faux wood planks, faux wood floor, wood flooring, concrete polish, concrete floor, remodel basement, basement floor, concrete overlay repair, hardwood floor garage, garage hardwood
Id: jeiSCST9A0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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