How To Install An Epoxy Floor From Beginning To End Over Existing Concrete | Easy DIY| Full Tutorial

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are you ready to see how the Gauri products can transform your space but first let's check out the before footage [Music] here it is guys we coated the counters and the floors this video is going to show you the step by step process how to recreate this look using a legardie floor kit [Music] I'm going to show you how to mix up our prep replacement primer so you have the part a and the Part B we're gonna take the lid off of the part a we're gonna pour about a quarter to a half out of it we're gonna take our drill on low speed and we're just going to mix because there will be some components of the Part A that will actually settle you can also stir this up blend this together with just a standard paint stick it doesn't take much to mix it up there's nothing in the bottom of it and then we'll take our Part B and we'll add all of our Part B to it now we've designed these sticks to fit inside the lid so you can actually scrape out these really thick products easily the Part B is very thick very sticky this is really the part of the product that creates all the magic for it incredible bonding all right now we want to mix this together on a decent speed for about two minutes all right that's how you mix the prep replacement primer we want to show you how to apply our prep replacement primer so we're ready to roll out with 18 inch roller and then we're gonna cut in our edges with a quart container with a standard four inch paintbrush you don't need an expensive paintbrush obviously you're just gonna throw it away after this you could wash it out because the prep replacement is a water-based primer but a cheap brush will work so I'll pour out the majority in here so that it's easier to manage what we're going to do is we want to just bring the prep replacement off the wall about four to six inches so that the person with the 18 inch roller doesn't have to hit the wall every time they want to roll out it makes the job go very quick so the prep replacement one kit will go anywhere from about five hundred square feet to a thousand depending on the porosity of the concrete this is fairly smooth because it did have a coating on previously and as you can see they weren't able to get a lot of it up so that's kind of the point of this primer so it'll go pretty far on this will probably get seven to nine hundred square feet per kit on this so we're just gonna dip in here I'm just gonna cut in the wall like this and it's gonna it's gonna seem like it's not doing much but you'll be blown away at how sticky and how well this bonds to the substrate and it'll go clear very quickly again we're just we just want to cut it in because I don't want to hit the wall because the sheetrock is actually dropping a lot of stuff on this floor everything's taped off ready to go I just want to bring that out about four to six inches so that the person who's using the 18 inch roller in this case would be Tyler doesn't have to get close to the wall now I'm showing you how to do this on my knees obviously you want to wear kneepads or what's even better is you can put one of these on a pole you can just tape a paintbrush on a pole and you're just gonna feather it out where it's really thin you want it really thin now this will go clear probably within the next ten to fifteen minutes and we just want to go around the whole perimeter now what makes it easy for the guy who's rolling you want to get him going as quickly as possible so I'll go down this wall about half way and then I'll go down this wall about halfway so that he can start rolling before I move on you do always want to have this guy working because he's the one who's going to help you finish quickly [Music] now as I begin to finish this first section so the Tyler can start rolling notice he's soaking up the entire roller and then he's just rolling off any excess I mean you don't want this dripping like crazy across the floor so he's completely saturated the roller he spun off a little bit just to get rid of any any excess again and now you can see he's able to get about one and a half passes the smoother the floor the farther it will go notice he's really working it into the surface also notice how he doesn't need to get very close to the wall now every once in a while if he if he ends up dipping too much and pushing it against the wall I can just go down here and I can feather that out this is a very forgiving product one of our most forgiving products then when he dips and he rolls again notice how he's overlapping a few inches you always want to overlap [Music] notice how the edges where I first started over here in the corner they're already going dry they're already clear that's how fast this sets up now you have about a two hour window once Eustace has rolled out you want to apply the next primer within about two hours this is the most glorious part of the job right here it's going to be the guy who needs to cut in the edges it's going to be his responsibility to get down and dirty and get around the toilet and these areas that are hard to reach I know that we probably can't get an 18-inch roller in here with the roller frame we're obviously not going to get in back behind the toilet but we need to make it manageable for the guy with the 18 inch roller so it helps to have a four inch whatever you call this paintbrush it's going to be the same process I'm just going to cut in I'm just going to work this whole area though [Music] okay so when you're using the prep for placement every once in a while there's a really smooth spot and it's having trouble laying out nicely like that like it would on really well sanded or grinded concrete sometimes it'll try to separate so if you just wait a couple minutes let that set up and then just hit it again it'll bond even better and all the separation will go away so Tyler is working in this room he's almost out of this room I just finished this room now is the guy who's cutting in the edges I can continue to just work into the rest of this this building and I can just continue it's not going to affect the process if he comes about ten twenty twenty five minutes later and rolls over this it won't affect it at all but notice how it's already even starting to change color in the corner that we started in that's how fast it's setting up I would say another maybe another ten minutes fifteen minutes and it'll start going clear once it's clear you can now do the next step of your process whether you want to go directly over the prep replacement primer or do an additional WB primer which we recommend especially in cases like this where you really should pigment the substrate before doing the metallic epoxy [Music] [Music] so we've just applied our prep replacement primer now we're going to put our WB primer on top of that it's it's really important that right when the prep replacement primer goes clear that you start rolling on The WB primer so it's the same process I'm gonna pour out a lot of the WB primer into our 18-inch roller tray and because I'm walking on spikes I'm going to cut in the edges with another 4-inch brush on a pole again another really forgiving primer I just want to cut in right in front of Tyler so that he doesn't have to touch the walls or hit the walls or anything like that with his with his roller we're trying to make the guy with the 18 inch roller go as fast as possible that's kind of the point of me cutting in so whoever's cutting in that's that's his only job is to make sure that the guy who's rolling constantly rolls so I'm just gonna get a little bit in front of him and notice I'm going about four inches out [Music] all right now I'm doing the same process where I'm just trying to give Tyler an ability to roll and I'm gonna continue to move in front of him I'm not going to stop I don't have to wait for him before I start the next room I can just continue along the whole job so what he did is he soaked up a brand new roller this roller has already been de ed we rolled it on masking tape to remove as many loose hairs as we could and he's just rolling notice he doesn't have to get right up on the wall and he's getting about one and a quarter passes and he'll be able to stretch it as he moves as that roller soaks up more stuff but it's going to go very far on top of this prep replacement primer you're probably going to get about 500 to a thousand square feet a kit now you don't necessarily want to risk it and measure out the job where you think it's going to go a thousand you probably want to factor it on the lower end of that because you don't know what you're going to run into if you have a lot of really porous areas on the substrate you definitely want to factor it close to the 500 square feet per kid but notice when he dips again he's just overlapping about six inches really simple one of the that's one of the nice things about wearing spikes as well as he can actually walk on that a little bit if he needs to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys we're ready for the metallic epoxy base coat we have our silver mixed up Tim's my dedicated mixer so he's constantly gonna be mixing batches sending them to me I'm gonna be applying them on the floor spreading it out and then applying the highlights the primers been down for about 45 minutes you can tell it's dry it doesn't look wet you do not want to wait longer than about two to three hours after you apply the primer to your epoxy so make sure if you're doing primer you have enough time in that day to do your epoxy coat so what I'm gonna do this is our first batch I'm gonna pour out beads across this floor that's a beautiful color so now what I'm going to do I'm gonna take our squeegee magic trial and I'm gonna start spreading this out across the floor trying to cover the floor I don't want to I don't want to pull it so tight you can see the floor I want to leave a little bit behind the best way to do that hold it at an angle I don't need anyone doing my edges cuz I can get right to them and they're also doing trim so that I'll cover up the edges make them look really good and if this is your first time doing epoxy I don't recommend doing you know large sections like we are we're basically going to do nine gallons and then we're gonna add our highlights I recommend doing at least half of that four and a half gallons even a three gallon kit and then add your highlights so I like to go around my perimeter getting all my edges and then I can just focus on coating the middle of the floor so you can see it's really simple we're not applying too much pressure making sure our roller or our squeegees at an angle if I hold this straight up and down it's really easy to pull too much keeping that at an angle it kind of lets you leave a decent amount behind alright so I'm gonna finish this bathroom up same process just spreading this out so we can completely cover the floor and then by then Tim should have the next batch I'm actually gonna tell him to start mixing that batch up okay so now that I have a spread out I'm gonna take a six inch roller if you have a large floor you can use the 18 inch roller and I want to start soak my roller up somewhere where I know it's thick and I can tell it's a little thick here cause it's gonna soak some of that epoxy up into the roller and it'll take a second for that to get soaked up all the way but the whole the whole trick with this is you don't want to hear your roller you want it to sound like this where you don't hear no stickiness and now we're just gonna quickly hit the whole floor and this will help level out any thick spots you'll be able to tell if it gets really sticky you have some thin spots you can push some product there and you want to move quick you don't want to go so quick that you're throwing epoxy up on your walls but it doesn't take long [Music] and before you guys start your epoxy or actually the project in general make sure you acclimate your your products to room temperature because if the resin is really cold the primers are cold they're gonna be a lot thicker they're gonna be a little harder to work with so just set them in the house for a couple days before you actually start your project that way it's everything is the same temperature all right so once I do my next batch I'll do the base coat on this next area and then we'll come back and we'll add highlights and blend those in [Music] okay so I know I need to pull this batch out into this room about three feet [Music] so I'm just going to complete the same process continue what we did in here squeegee it roll it and then I'll explain the highlights add in the highlights [Music] so notice when I'm moving moving my bead I'm trying to keep a nice straight line instead of getting all jagged and crooked that's gonna make it easier when I but up to this for with our our next pour after the highlights [Music] [Music] all right so now it's highlight time again guys like I said before if this is your first time you're not gonna want to do this much square footage before you add your highlights you're gonna want to basically focus on maybe one room at a time because again I've done this a lot so I move a lot faster so it's better to do smaller sections more of them you're gonna get a more consistent look it's gonna be easier on you to do it but as far as highlights go I'm gonna be doing a vein pattern I'm gonna be drizzling it off the paint stick and then instead of swirling it with the roller I'm gonna use the squeegee it'll give it a little bit more of a natural look so this this right here is our highlight batch for both of these sections so I want to go around first and just get my get my veins because I want to make sure I have enough for this whole both these sections before I run out and then I can come back and add to these sections but again I don't want to run out half way through and then need to mix up more white or whatever maybe I don't have enough and when I'm doing these veins I'm kind of trying to make sure I go different directions so I don't want to do the same vein pattern over and over and I'm doing a little bit longer veins you can do shorter ones I'm just gonna go through real quick get some color down on everywhere [Music] all right so I get about half left of what I started with but I have color everywhere now so just in case I run out at least I have color over the whole floor so now I'll go back I'll add to some of these I don't necessarily need to add to every single one and I'm just gonna pour it out so I want to be a little random will have some thicker ones will have some thinner ones but I want to try to keep it on the same vein pattern that I had right now [Music] and I also want to save a little bit to hit my edges so I want to go in between some of these right to the wall because I don't want this floor to look like it stops at the wall we want to make it look like it goes under the walls so again more random the better I'm not hitting and inchoate to every single vein just kind of randomly and a little more [Music] all right so now I have a little left and I want to go and just get some color in between all these right to that wall anywhere that kind of looks like a bare spot and that what that's gonna do is help make it look like this continues under the walls but if you just do the inside of the floor and don't get any color to your edges it's gonna look weird once you're all done so now we're going to take the squeegee again we're just going to blend this kind of skipping across the surface not applying a lot of pressure again we don't want to move the product a lot we just want to kind of blend the the white end and we're just looking for enough to where it doesn't look like we poured a vein or a beat out and I'm kind of following the vein pattern we want to hit the whole floor [Music] and kind of tell that still looks like a bead that was poured out so I'll kind of keep working that a little get that to blend in a little more [Music] [Music] like we can see a couple spots that you tell just need a little bit more blending this one I'm tilting my squeegee got an angle to really get those hard edges in then when we spray the isopropyl on here it'll create some really cool dispersing effects but if you look around notice we have right white right to our edges so it looks really good everything's kind of flowing again this still has a lot to move so I'll just continue this process and then we'll spray the isopropyl [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you haven't noticed when I'm blending this notice I'm going all different directions I'm kind of trying to keep it really random instead of doing the same thing over and over now I'm just gonna double check make sure like right here kind of some hard lines I'm gonna blend those in a little more okay so before Kim gives me my next batch I'm gonna I spray the dispersion effect on this alright so what I'm using 91% isopropyl clear if you want to add color to this like our metallics you can you just add the powder to the clear isopropyl shake it up and you can spray that to add some more colors out here but we're just going to do clear and what it's going to do is create some cells where the whites thinned out into the silver so it'll be really cool I'll kind of start here work my way out now what I'm trying to do is get big drop so I'm barely pulling the trigger as you can see immediately it creates a really cool effect and since we are using our white and not a metallic white it's gonna the cells are all gonna stay [Music] I'll show you what I mean so you can see anywhere the whites kind of thinned out with the silver not where it's thick doesn't really affect it just where it's then it pushes that white out and creates these really cool cells and most of those will stay a lot of the cells in this metallic will disappear because we're spraying is so soon but again I'm just barely pulling the trigger trying to get them big drops you don't want to bigger drops [Music] [Music] trying not to spray it heavy where I'm going to blend it it's okay if I get a little bit there but I don't want to be blending this into the epoxy when I go to blend that next section into the first section alright so now we're pouring our second or actually our third batch so this is pretty simple this needs to get me half of this room basically so I'm going to work on the spot that's going to take the lies is getting under here first I'll just push it up pull it out so I don't want to go too far into this floor and screw up our design [Music] now I'm just making sure we got a good evening coat in there [Music] [Music] all right so you guys kind of saw the process of each basically batch that we made we're going to continue this out until we finish the whole floor adding the highlights we'll finish out the base go add the highlights blend it and then do the isopropyl and then everything will look like the first section that we did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're getting ready to plied the Dobie B urethane and Matt we got it mixed up already the the pot life for the urethane about two hours you don't want to use it past that really again we don't recommend just letting us sit in the bucket and go to lunch and come back and try to roll it out but it will not flash off it will sit in the bucket for quite a while the other thing you want a top coat within 24 hours of doing your epoxy coat and if you come in the next day and you're leaving miner footprints and stuff those will rebound back but if it's really really soft you might want to let it give it a couple more hours or come back the next morning and that's usually in cold temps so if the concrete is cold epoxy is going to take longer to set up other than that relatively simple we're gonna be going this way throughout the whole job so we can end out that door so make sure you kind of map out which way you're gonna go which makes it the easiest way to get off the job so we're gonna be using a half inch roller for the mat because we want to use a bigger nap for the matte urethane it'll it'll cover better if you do a 3/8 nap sometimes you'll see small little spots of the gloss epoxy still so using a little thicker nap it's gonna put it on a little bit thicker and it's gonna eliminate those spots so we've already decided the roller alex is over here cutting in my edges for me and then once he gets out here little ways I can start doing the roller so we're using a eighteen inch roller tray we got garbage bag over that we don't have to clean it out really simple way because these I think are like twenty bucks you don't want to be buying those every job I'm gonna pour about half of this in here and then Alex can use this to hit his edges or if you have a smaller one you can pour a little out into a you know two and a half course sized container so I'm just gonna take a second and get this saturated even though it looks like it's all soaked it's not it kind of takes a second for that to soak into the roller so you want to just kind of keep working that in okay so this is ready once he gets out the bathroom I'll go and try to finish up that bathroom the reason we're not hitting the edges with her like a 9 inch roller or 6 inch whatever he typically use is because when we touch this wall chunks of this sheet rock and paint fall off on the floor so we're kind of doing it with the paintbrush that way we don't hit those edges and get debris on the floor so since this is mat we're going over a gloss surface but wanna make sure we roll it in good enough we don't want to barely just roll over it and move on we want to kind of make sure that it really gets rolled in that way all this surface is covered so I'm not worried about roller lines right now I'm just trying to get it spread out evenly trying not to hit those walls okay now I'm gonna just make sure I'll imitate any roller lines notice I'm picking up as I'm pushing it I don't want to stop and pick it up and kind of see it leaves in line there if you ever have to push into the floor and pick it up always kind of feather it off and the mess really forgiving on roller lines and stuff a lot more forgiving than our gloss they're both really easy to apply but the mats definitely the easiest one that we have [Music] so again we just want to roll a couple of times in every spot and I'm moving relatively quickly just to spread it out and then when I go back and kind of clean everything up and get rid of roller lines I'll be more precise to tell them rolling it okay so everything's kind of rolled out evenly I'm just gonna do a quick back roll on here and then a back roll here and since I'm gonna stop into this floor I'm gonna feather it off just like that so notice I'm always starting in the middle of the floor and working my way to the edges after I dip it in the the roller tricks that's when I'm gonna have the most product on my roller and I don't want to start on a wall edge and then try to push the majority of that product all the way to the other side so again roll it a couple times and then we'll do it back and I always like to look different angles just to make sure everything's been hit I don't say have a drip mark that dripped off one of these edges or roller lines or a thick roller line so it's good to get at different angles and look at it before you move on so I'm getting about one and a half 1 and 3/4 roller with per dip in the tray so I want to remember that and kind of keep that throughout the job that'll give me a nice consistent thickness that means I'm not trying to spread the product too thin I'm not leaving it too thick so again checking for any missed spots drips roller edges it's really good so I don't want to go another two passes and have this skinny line working out so I'm going to do half the floor again this is where you really want to feather it off when you stop because when I do this other section I'm gonna be rolling into this one I don't want to just stop and pick it up every time you do your back row make sure you're overlapping a little bit down feather it off when I lift it up I'm not just stopping and picking it up so small rooms like this obviously one roller wit or one dip and the roller if I start there it's gonna be really thick it's not a big long space to to roll out so I'll roll the bead down the middle like that and then I'll come through and take it to the wall so now we have a obviously a wider span to hit so probably one dip in here is gonna give me one roller whip pass so again you got to keep that in mind we had a shorter span to fill in there we got a lot longer here so we're not gonna get as much spread out as we did in there so again start in the middle I'll go a little one way a little bit the other way will kind of just slowly work that to the edges it's always good to try to keep a straight line to straight as you can get it so under this counter it's gonna be a little tricky so I'm gonna get this done real quick that way I can kind of finish it out that way I have some walking room out here I don't kind of lock myself in so again we're just gonna do a section and work our way out the biggest thing is you don't want this sitting too long and then rolling into it because you might see a roller line because that's already starting to set up so you really need to work quick when you're letting a an edge just sit there again guys we're feathering it off because we're finishing out into an RT coated section [Music] so a little trick if you guys are rollers or flattening off on the edges like this and leaving lines a quick little tip just kind of tilt that edge that you're going to use kind of get the excess off your roller there and then when you go to do your back roll it's not going to leave a line see how it kind of feathers it in so feathered it anymore instead of leaving a line [Music] all right guys so finished up relatively simple process it took us 34 minutes to coat this 716 square feet give or take a couple square feet but yeah superfast process if you guys enjoyed this video and want to transform your existing floors go to lagari calm and order your floor kit today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 929,577
Rating: 4.64434 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy resin, leggari products, stonecoat countertops, countertop epoxy, epoxy coating, epoxy countertop, epoxy floor, remodel, DIY, floor remodel, epoxytechnique, resin flooring, decocrete1, designer epoxy installation,, how to epoxy, leggari, diy epoxy, how to, metallic epoxy, stone coat countertops, epoxy countertops, resin table top, epoxy flooring, epoxy tutorial, epoxy metallic floor, epoxy floors, ElastoCrete
Id: 2Arw3K0qMoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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