Black, Orange & Silver Epoxy Countertop Using Dirty Pour Technique (Pour From Buckets) Full Tutorial

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welcome to Licari everyone today we're gonna show you how you can use Licari stone kids to transform existing surfaces we coated these custom-built countertops and explained every step of the way when you're finished watching you'll be able to do this yourself this kit has a lifetime warranty and is extremely DIY friendly so if your countertops need a renovation don't replace them resurface them [Music] alright guys want to show you how to mix the primer for this lagari stone kit very simple we have the Part A the Part B once we mix these two together we're gonna add two ounces of water so the first thing we want to do as you just give each of these a little bit of a shake just to blend anything inside that may have settled during packaging or transit make sure the lids are on snug and then even the the Part B which is where the actual pigment is will actually put the water in that side this primer is absolutely phenomenal it creates a chemical bond to the surfaces that it's applied to so even one of these counters wouldn't sand very well sometimes you get these HD Formica counters that don't sand very well even with a palm sander and so you're gonna want to use a primer like this to create that bond we're gonna add the Part B there we're going to take the two ounces of water and pour it in the Part B we like doing this because we feel like we can get all the material out [Music] you can you can mix this this primer up with a drill with a paddle mixer something a little bit smaller like this on low speed or you can just do it by hand with a stir stick that the primers mix very easily it's a water water-based primer and so it's not as not as bad or as you know smelly as some of the solvent based primers that people have used in the past it's an absolutely phenomenal technology all right been mixing it for about about a minute maybe a minute and a half now it's ready to go I'll give this to Tyler he'll show you how to roll it out so I'm gonna show you guys how to apply the primer we like to use a 3/8 nap roller which I have here but when you're using these you always have to do them and I'm gonna show you how to do that we're gonna get any loose hairs off of this by just rolling it on some painters tape so just pull out the strip of tape roll the roll the roller on it just like so and this is gonna remove any loose hairs that are on it so it's good to get in the habit of always doing that whether it's primer epoxy no matter what Oh HD shed your nap rollers and then I got a paint brush in case I have any corners I can't hit and so we're gonna just dip and roll out of a roller tray and I always like to take a minute kind of soak the roller up get a nice and saturated with that primer and all we do is just roll a strip down the middle and then we cross roll that so if you're if you're gonna be doing a backsplash on your on your walls or whatever you don't necessarily need to get the primer all the way up there but we're not 100% sure they're gonna do that or they haven't made up their mind so we're just gonna paint this in so once I get the Top Gun you're gonna hit our edge and then I just want to make sure I don't have any thick roller edges you can see it's rolled out nice and thin and then we'll just continue that process until all these counters are crying and if you guys are talking like they did here you want to make sure it's a paintable latex never use silicone so they are doing a backsplash here guys but I'm just gonna paint this in no doubt to get so close to the wall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so a few things with the primer guys if you're gonna Prime try to coat the same day within about two hours it's it's a fast set primer so it doesn't take long to set up you can kind of see it's already setting up in spots it's tacky but it's not pulling up still a little wet here if I put some airflow or a fan on this it'll dry like that so if you're gonna prime you want to coat the epoxy within about two hours don't go past that you're gonna have to sand the surface or wipe it with denatured alcohol to kind of get it tacky and then the other thing if you're going say you're doing you want to do a white counter over a black existing counter you really want to do your edges and faces two coats you want to get those a solid of that primer color as you can the tops are not as critical because it goes on a lot thicker but the edges it goes on thinner and biggest thing is just make sure those are nice solid color whatever primer you're doing and it's usually if you're going over a lighter counter with the darker primer or vice versa so keep that in mind and then we'll show you the next steps once this sets up a little bit more alright guys the next step is we want to tape off our faces to create that that barrier to keep that resin on the top best way to do that painters tape yellow it's about its 1.88 inch to inch and we want to tape it about halfway onto the face and halfway above and it looks like this so what I like to do pull the tape out and then I can kind of guide it where I need it and if I put it in the wrong spot we'll just pop it off really get in your corners and stuff makes you get a nice tight seal there and then we're gonna do one more row of tape try to get it the same level or close to [Music] [Music] and they want to press that down really tight make sure we get a good seal now if you guys aren't using our primers and you try to put tape on something else that's not all the way dry cuz this is really tacky it's not fully dry it's still really sticky but it's not pulling up on my fingers most of time that tapes gonna pull whatever you put down but you can go over our primer when it's tacky with tape and it's not gonna peel off it's still gonna tear underneath our tape so we've never had an issue with our tape pulling our primers off so just remember that if you guys are using something else you're gonna want to wait probably 24 hours so we really recommend using our primers when when doing epoxy kits so again just press this down really good get a nice tight seal and then we're gonna do the same thing with these holes here they can kind of be a little tricky I'll usually start with a small piece of tape I said in there good we don't need to do two strips on these [Music] now we'll do the front edge here [Music] and then since this is we want this to stop there we're going to just take a couple extra rows here all right so we'll come back here now these counters are a little different because they're a lot skinnier they don't have a thick face on them so we're gonna have to tape these just a little bit different you always want to fold it under the tape if we just tape like we did on those other counters that have the inch and a half face it's gonna wind up bleeding through the tape and it's going to start running so I'm going to do the same thing here run either strip and then the last thing we got to do against we just have a little bit of surface for that tape to grab onto we're gonna fold this under and this is what you do on if you're doing a sample board as well anything with skinny it faces like this you want to tape underneath the counter [Music] then we can really press that in [Music] and that's it so we'll do all the rest of the counters like that and we'll show you guys the mixing when you got corners on the outsides we like to pinch them a little bit create a little more tension on that tape and then obviously sinks gonna cover this but such a jagged area almost impossible to create a seal with tape so we're gonna just use weather stripping and we're gonna go around this edge you press this down did so I'm just tearing this every couple inches so I can fold the flag weatherstripping doesn't stick as good as a tape so this will kind of be a backup so you can see these this was cut out a little bit better not so many gouges and drill marks in it so we're able to get a good tight seal with their tape so we didn't have to use that weather stripping like on the bathroom counter [Music] when you guys have small edges like this also and obviously you know a nice rounded corner here we're gonna get a little build up on this edge and so we're gonna keep an eye on it but if we need to brace these up the easiest way to do it is take some paint sticks put tape on one and then you would just put it on this edge just like so that's gonna add a lot of rigidity to that tape so you could space those out every six inches eight inches [Music] all right we're gonna mix up these two ligarius stone kids these these ligarius dumb kids consists up for midnight pearls an adamantium and creamsicle and again we have two kids we're gonna mix up so each kit consists of the same thing now the counters are about 85 to 90 square feet each kit will do up to about 50 so we're not going to use maybe every single port I'm not worried about inducing bubbles into the mix we have special additives that helps the mix release bubbles so I'm just going to be doing fast and furious with this electric drill and paddle mixture so I'm going to mix all the clear resin and then we'll pour it into some other containers and mixing the powder and we'll show you that in just a second so the first thing we want to do is grab a couple brand new 5-gallon buckets and we want to pour the portait into these containers and just let them drain from a little bit now you can let them drain for as long as you'd like you'll see here that I'm going to let them drain for just a few minutes you can lie down for 15 to 20 minutes it doesn't really doesn't really matter but we just want to get as much resin as we can these containers tend to hold a lot of the resin on the sides inside quite a bit there's a lot of surface area there are easy pour containers but there are a lot better than dealing with like peat can type designs where you can't scrape the edges and you can't reclose the tops these are very easy to work with off everyone who uses them absolutely loves them now the one thing I want to mention is of course the top of the handle can hold some material so if you pour it out too fast it's real simply just tip it back up about five to 10 seconds just let some of it drain out of that handle and then tip it back over what we're looking for is we just want these streams to turn into more like drips just slowly start your drip out of there so we'll give these just a few more minutes I'll tilt them more upright all right so sound quality is gonna be a little bit better for the rest of this part of this video we got the lapel mics on so just waiting for these to turn into a drip a small drip instead of streams all right I'm I'm happy with that so again you can leave these you can leave these tipped upside down in these buckets for 15-20 minutes I just did a couple minutes because I want to start mixing these batches and since I know I I don't need all of this mix for these counters I'm not worried about a few ounces in the buckets so now I have two batches of Part A resin what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour the Part B which is the hardener into this I'm gonna mix it for about a minute and a half moving the the paddle mixer up and down about a minute and a half scraping the sides the bottom and then I'm gonna dump it into a brand new bucket and mix it for about thirty more seconds you always want to use a secondary mixing bucket that'll ensure that you never have a soft spot on your counter so I'm gonna do that to both of these batches and then we'll start mixing in the metallics I'll show you a fast way to mix in the metallics I'm only going to mix in the hardener in this first bucket and then mix up the resin I'm not going to pour both hardeners in because you don't want the hardener sitting in this second bucket and tell them and tell I'm going to get to it because of how we teach how to mix and because our epoxy releases air bubbles you have the you have the luxury of mixing batches very quickly it doesn't take three to five six seven eight minutes to mix our resin just about about two minutes about a minute and a half to two minutes of mixing and if you mix just like I'm showing you you won't have any issues so again about a minute about a minute and a half in this first bucket very very quickly then I'll dump it into a brand new bucket alright that first mix is actually done it's kind of nice to have an electric drill because they're pretty powerful just going to spin that off in the bucket set my drill down obviously it's going to get messy on that part of the table that's why we have plastic on the floor we have a cover over the table I'm already planning on making a mess even before I have so just going to transfer all of this resin into this other bucket and it's a brand new bucket [Music] now I'm going to set this over here and I don't know if you can actually tell but there's actually the stuff I scraped off the side I can actually see it in the bucket that's the culprit of soft spots on counters and even floors is it's impossible to get the resin mixed on the side of the first bucket that's why we always use a secondary mixing bucket so about a minute and a half there I'm going to do another 20 to 30 seconds here and we're ready to go alright this bucket is actually ready to go so I'm gonna pour this one in do the same thing mix for about a minute and a half moving the drill up and down scraping the sides with the drill then I will scrape it all into a brand new bucket mix it for another 30 seconds if you're mixing multiple batches the other thing you can do is obviously Tyler and I been doing this a very long time we're very efficient very fast at this you can pour out the first batch into all the containers and the other person doing the can down the counters can start the process while you're mixing the second batch because really you don't want this sitting in the bucket for a long time so we'll show you once I mix this up what that looks like of separating these buckets [Music] [Music] [Applause] we like to keep some denatured alcohol around keep your gloves clean keep the tools clean it'll keep the whole area pretty clean mix this for another 30 seconds all right now we have two fully mixed batches of resin and I want to reiterate guys mix up your first batch then do what I'm gonna show you right now and then focus on your second batch so the first thing I want to do is I'm gonna pull out a couple of these two quart containers because I have four colors that are the same in each of these batches the midnight pearl but I want to do one adamantium and one creamsicle so what I want to do is just pour out about about 60 ounces of resin for the adamantium and the creamsicle and I'll leave the rest in here now I'm gonna put a respirator on in a minute we're inside an environment where I'm not going to try to put a lot of these metallics in the air because they'll stay in the air for quite a while but I'm after I'm done explaining this I'm actually gonna put my mask on so I'm just going to pour the adamantium and the creamsicle in there mix and then I'm gonna pour all four bags of the midnight pearl in the large in the large container now remember all of this product has already been mixed twice a little trick of the trade here is if you start at your lightest color and work to your darkest color you don't need to switch the drills so I'm going to start at the creamsicle then do adamantium then do the midnight pearl [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys I'm gonna mix up the second batch just like this but you want to just do this process and then give it to the person I'm doing both batches which you probably shouldn't do so stay tuned on how you should separate this [Music] [Music] all right now I have all of our batches now what we want to do is I'm going to show you how to do a batch at a time so we're gonna set out six containers these are two quart containers we're gonna make six batches for Tyler to pour out and we're just like chefs we're just going to start mixing everything together so some of these I want to get some of the creamsicle going down the side and onto the bottom I'm gonna do about three with some creamsicle in the bottom and I want to do three with some adamantium in the bottom because we're gonna have a lot of black and I'm just gonna make the second batch just like this now it doesn't matter if you do multiple kits because Tyler's gonna spread each of these batches all throughout the counters so we're just gonna pour it's a midnight pearl and what I'm looking to do is get lots of agitation in these containers so I want to be pouring small amounts into all of them lot of mixtures I'm pouring it in it's mixing and now we're just going to layer these things a bit now I'll pour some adamantium in the ones with orange and I'll pour some of the creamsicle in the ones with adamantium in the bottom the beauty of these stone kits guys is that you almost can't screw them up and as it gets fuller and fuller as I pour the midnight pearl in these containers it's really cool because you can clearly see it kind of create a vortex and start mixing now what I'll do is I'll maybe take the adamantium in the creamsicle a little bit together create a little bit of a two vortexes in there now what I want to do before I get too far along is I'm gonna go back to this one and I'm just gonna let this pour down the side a bit we've noticed with some of these batches that we have a lot of cool colors to work with if we can get it to stick to the side a bit and I'm gonna do the same thing just like I did in the bottom these were the ones you know I had adamantium in the bottom of this container as well now I'm getting a little crazy with this batch but I can I can easily remember how to do this on the next batches I'm not real worried about it now we'll get it to mix a little bit I'll pour it on the other side away from that it's amazing how the colors will come through as Tyler pours us out now I can scrape the bottom of those if I'd like I'm going to scrape these for sure this is why it's important to just do one batch at a time guys just because it does take a little bit of time and notice the mess I'm making not worried about the mess and kind of enjoy the mess a little bit you just embrace it so now I have the first batch ready and made and I'm gonna give it to the person who's doing the counter in this case it's it's Tyler and then you'll want to start mixing the second batch so here it is I'm gonna wipe these up a little bit and then hand them to Tyler all right so I got my containers I want to get these dumped out as soon as I can I went around to put and adamantium that was on the bottom and then a creamsicle so basically every counter has one of these and then I can get those poured out real quick and then I can judge what other colors I need and where so we'll just get started if you guys you can always draw on the primer map out a design if you want really easy but I'm just gonna kind of just go random and it's always gonna look cool there's a lot of different ways you can apply this stuff as far as pouring it out and they always look cool so we're just going to get started here and I like to pour out smaller veins and then kind of add to them as we go and notice I got a lot of black there so I'm always constantly keeping track of what color is coming out make sure we get a little black up in here so once I get down to the colors in here I'm gonna start jumping around make sure you get color everywhere we're just gonna keep kind of jumping around pouring some of these containers out try not to get it on the wall obviously so I got some of that creamsicle silver coming out so I want to make sure I'm jumping around these tops and not just pouring the rest of this out in one area [Music] so this one has the adamantium in the bottom so we're probably going to get mostly black coming out in the beginning and then when we get to that bottom we'll get that at a mantium color so we're getting down to that adamantium a little bit of that creamsicle so again I just want to kind of throw that all over the counter make sure we get those colors all throughout the top like we got a dark dark be dark bead so we want to kind of break that up a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys will notice I just keep constantly jumping around I know that these first these fresh batches are gonna pour out mostly black so I've been kind to make sure I'm getting black and all the tops and then when I get down to some of that color that's coming out I'll kind of jump around and get that everywhere as well I try not to pour too much in between these because this is going to still level out this will wind up touching so when I'm pouring my beads I kind of want to split the difference try to pour it down the middle of each one and not get too much where they're close to touching getting down to that color now and that adamantium and creamsicle alright guys so getting down to that creamsicle and adamantium do a couple spots on here might not pick up here cuz it's a little darker in this corner but we got a lot of cool veins out here this is gonna look beautiful when it's all done so I'll run this I highlight one of these patterns alright so we're gonna go get some more cups get some fresh gloves on here so guys like I've been saying we've been jumping around we'll get a little bit more concert if I start pouring this first cup out it's just gonna add a lot more black so I'm gonna go start in a different counter come out here when we get down to the color add a little bit more out here just to kind of even all the counters out so if you come back and look at this one you know quite a bit of creamsicle in it in spots and so we're gonna start with the one that has creamsicle on the bottom and again we know we're gonna get a lot of black coming out first so you'll see we're getting a lot of that midnight pearl coming out first so we'll throw in some of these spots a little bit more and then we'll run up to that front top I'm going to split that up so I just poured that right through that pile right there so we're just going to throw this kind of randomly all over the top here get these other colors to pop through so now we have some really cool veining coming out so I want to kind of get that all throughout the top as well so what we just keep going around and filling in any bare spots and notice I haven't really tried I haven't poured too much up right next to these tape edges I kind of let it just flow there if I'm for next to it I want to be small amounts we don't want to pour a big pile right next to the tape [Music] [Music] getting towards our last bucket here so I'm just going around and getting a little more precise that's how I pour it out and just hitting any spots that are kind of bare so I'll finish pouring the rest of this stuff out and then I'll show you guys how we can fill in any spots or kind of blend any areas that we don't necessarily like okay so we're gonna do a accent vain highlighting one of these fractures that we have going on here so we got a lot of the creamsicle and we're just going to follow one of these I think I'll follow maybe this guy right here highlight him and then maybe a little guy over here so it can kind of flow down that edge we're looking for just a really small fracture looking vein and then I'm just following the edge of one that we already have out here and then I'll just follow this guy too so easy way to add some some cool fracture veins of solid colors just take a little leftover scrape that out of that bucket and then you can do really tiny small ones that look really cool so next thing we're gonna do is I'm gonna go around and look make sure we don't have any spots that are missed especially on your back tape edges is where you always want to look really good and then if you have any spots that maybe looks like a half circle or a puddle that was poured out I'm sure we'll find something I'll be able to show you how to blend those in a little more but this counter is pretty dialed so we'll go look at the other ones you see the tape got pushed back here if we wouldn't have sealed the bottom see how much it's holding this would have all been dripping since we push that tape underneath there it's kind of holding it up there so like right here right not a very natural look so we're just gonna kind of run through that blend that up a little bit follow one of those veins so like edges like this we want to fill in and since we have a black primer and a dark counter you really want to look closely like right here doesn't take much Pat that in that'll help little that out so yeah everything looks good again just blending your hand through there when we hit the isopropyl with this it'll it'll make that look natural just like everything else so again we just got some spots that need a little help to level out get rid of that surface tension allow that resident flow back in there so I'm gonna miss the surface with denatured alcohol it's gonna make this layout glass smooth we don't have to torture it we have to do any of that stuff we're just gonna miss it eh I'll call if you guys want some some more of those dispersing effects or those cells you can spritz it with isopropyl alcohol first and then you can spray denature at about 10 minutes later but we like to look right now so we're just going to mist it and it's not really gonna affect the look of it at all it's just gonna pop all these bubbles for us make it layout glass smooth so guys if you're gonna be in an area kitchen where a mass we're kind of spraying these and moving on so we're not gonna be hanging out in that area but it's definitely a good idea to wear a mask and your spring denatured alcohol you'll see how this just makes that surface lay out like glass all right so check it out guys we had like like I figured right the resin built up there broke our scene of tape but it didn't bleed through cuz we taped them to the bottom so if we wouldn't push that tape on to the bottom all this resin would have just been leaking off the top but it's basically ready to pull and an easy way to I'll show you guys an easy way to test kind of tough right here but we're just gonna pull this off now and let that kind of flow over the edge and we just want to make sure everything is coated on the edge so any miss spots like right here I can see primer we want to brush these in so that can evenly flow over and bring that design down the face of it and make it look like it was cut out of a slab of stone gonna miss spot so if you guys are want to test it you can pull the tape back a little and if the resin just starts running superfast see how slow it's moving like if I tilt this tape back see how it's just barely flowing down that's what we're after if it's moving really fast you want to wait a little bit because if we pull the tape too early it's gonna want to pull it'll pull all the design from the top and make it look like it ran so we want to keep this look and that's how we do it by letting that resin sit up a little and then it won't drag the design off the top so now I'm just gonna brush in all the faces and don't worry about screwing your design up or colors that are coming over cuz it's gonna drip for another half an hour to an hour maybe even a little more and you said just don't look just like the top is here shortly so you'll see I'll brush that in and we'll come back in a couple of minutes and that vein will be down the face and let's awesome they got Hassan these edges look check this one just pull the tape back say how's it barely moving so this is perfect time we got a lot thicker edge so we're going to pull this one now and it will let that drip for a little bit and we'll come back and brush in your faces brushing this face you know let the resin flow over evenly so getting guys will test this pull it back so it's barely moving down the face down that tape when I pull it back so we're good to pull it and then what let this this guy run and we'll go back to that and bathroom counter and brush those faces in just look it off so it can flow easier so you can see it's already almost coated all the edges we just want to help that out a little again just brushing in any spots that aren't coated with the resin I so phases are done they're gonna continue to drip what I'm gonna do is go around and spray one more time mist it with denatured alcohol real quick and then I'll show you how to scrape your edges and you'll have to do that periodically over the next hour hour and a half depending on temperature that you applied to set how long it took you to apply it [Music] that's it guys so I'll show you how to do your your drips with the paint stick it's still kind of fluid now so it'll scrape real easy we just run this along there just like so and that knocks all those drips off and again you're gonna have to do this periodically over the next maybe hour hour and a half and then when that residence starts to get sticky that's it's always good to use like a putty knife or a scraper something that's a little sharper you know cut those off really nice when that resin gets sticky all right guys we're gonna go I'm gonna show you walk you through the process how to mix our WB urethane we're gonna be using matte whether you get gloss or matte you're gonna miss mix it exactly the same but before I do that kind of walk you around show you what we did this morning just before we're gonna apply this so remember we taped off these spots to keep resin from running down there which it works really well we just took a blade and shave this off the resins we did this finish this late yesterday so it's still a little too soft to sand so we just cut these lips off whenever you tape up to resin it'll kind of bleed up the tape a little create like a little lip there so we shaved those off same thing here we shaved this off and then we just kind of sanded it very lightly and then once we put our mat on here you it'll even all that out then we'll come back here these other ones so same thing here kind of took that off this is where we did the weather stripping right we couldn't get a good seal here with the tape so the weather strip that we cut that out shape those lips off and again if it's if it's not soft you guys can just sand it 220 grit or higher easy way to do it but again we these are still really really fresh so they're really soft so we didn't want to stand them right now same thing with this guy edges all look pretty good as far as the drips same thing here to cut these off and then just kind of retake any spots that we needed to cut out and read tape and that's about it now with the urethane it's not going to drift like the resin so if you guys want to clean up that's totally fine you can clean up a lot of contractors they'll clean up and then they'll just retake anywhere the roller might touch the wall or a finished product and then they don't have to come back the next day and clean anything up you can pull that tape route when you're done real fast way to do it so I have everything here you're gonna need roller tray six inch roller three-eighths nap we are gonna do shed this I'll show you how to do that paint brush to get into the tight areas gloves we got our urethane here and then we're gonna need to add two ounces of water which I have here so first thing we'll de ed the roller just by pulling tape we like to use the painters tape it's a lot stickier than blue tape we're just gonna roll this on here it's gonna remove anything any loose fibers river on it I kind of see you got a big chunk there that came off a bunch of little fibers so even if it says non Shetty always always D shut up all right so I'll put gloves on here again like I said before if you're doing gloss you're gonna mix it the exact same way and then if you've opted in to add the grit additive I'll tell you when you guys are gonna add that so we're just gonna shake up the part a first I always like to pour the Part A in in first it's a little more fluid than the Part B like to tilt this back get any product it's in that handle there same thing with the B shake it up a little not as critical because we're gonna be adding the water to this but don't need to try to get all that out since we're gonna pour the water in here [Music] shake this up for a little bit gonna get the rest of that hardener out of there when I'm I always mix the counter urethanes by hand makes it really really easy I'm gonna mix it for about 2-3 minutes and as I'm mixing it periodically scraping the sides scraping the bottom make sure you're getting the corners good so if you guys have the grit additive you would slowly pour that in now and just keep mixing that you want to mix mix that grit additive in until it's you know you don't have any clumps or anything like that just kind of mix that in for about about a minute once you add that in there [Music] all right that's ready to go we're gonna pour it into the roller tray I don't like to pour it above the lip here so we'll just save this until we need it so we have an option for a glass smooth finish just like this it's our glaze coat so the mats extremely popular people always want that and again this is on a project so they they chose the matte finish but if you want this glass smooth finish the glaze close what you guys are gonna want the other option is our gloss urethane and gloss but it does leave a a minor texture to the surface which gives it a lot of durability but it doesn't layout glass smooth like the glaze coat so we're just gonna soak this roller up I always like to do sections I'm not gonna try to coat this whole thing and then do my back row so I'm gonna do like sections so I'll do my edges first just about where I'm gonna do my first section [Music] we just get this so there's no real thick spots rest it out good and we're gonna apply this just like the primer so we're gonna roll down the middle and then we're gonna cross roll it and I'm not worried about roller lines on the top right now I'm just trying to get this spread out evenly where it's not too thick once I got it kind of evened out everywhere hit my edges hit that face notice I'm not going past where I how far I went on the top so I'm just doing sections at the time and then after you hit your edges you're gonna wind up indenting or roller don't start your back roll until you flatten the roller back out so we'll just roll it out a little bit get it flattened out and then we'll do our back roll we're just being really light not applying any pressure really and then always check just make sure everything's hit get a different angles because once we move on we don't want to go back and have to hit a spot so this looks really good so we'll just keep going and a lot of times you can get right to your edges with the roller [Music] and this is I have such a small area to hit here I'm not gonna simply roll her up completely just roll it on the top maybe pull a little bit up there all right so that's pretty much it so we just kind of continue that process until all the counters are coated so again guys since the counters are soft we finished she's late yesterday I don't want to set the roller tray on there so we'll just go from the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys can see how fast are your thing is to apply get that matte finish so you don't have to sand your counters anymore to get that that honed look that everyone does you can just simply throw this stuff on its gonna create that load in just a matter of minutes [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] I mean so you guys can see it's already drying out now when we do Matt we like to do two coats just cuz sometimes if you if you look these little spots right those will be glossy still so this the second coat will make the whole surface map now if you wind it up sin in the top of your counters or something with 220 grit you wouldn't have to do two coats and this is just for the mat your think glasses only need one and you have enough in your your kit to do two coats so obviously we did about 84 square feet of counters right now with one one counter kit urethane you would have had to with that because it's to counter kits so I'm gonna show you how to kind of save your roller tray and we didn't mix up I'll show you how much we have left - we probably have enough in here to do a second coat so we got eight ounces left out of twenty so and it's gonna go farther the second coat so I have enough here to do my other coat if needed and the reason we send out plenty to do that is because some people put it on thicker right not everyone's gonna put it on even and we don't want you guys to run out so we'll get all this out here and then what we're gonna do we don't want to let this just sit out in the open so I'm gonna put it in a garbage bag kind of seal that up so it creates air from getting into it and then that'll be five when we go to reuse it so what we're gonna do is place in the bag we'll just wrap this up now we'll be able to reuse this and that nothing's gonna dry out or get crusty in there and create flakes on the top so we send out extra urethane because not everyone applies it the same you don't want to put it on thick but some people wind up putting it on thick and we don't want you guys to run out so you should have enough to do two coats with one urethane counter kit and we'll show you that process next the cool thing about the urethanes is we don't have to wait 24 hours or the next day to do the second coat once that white milky haze goes away we can apply the second coat and it's usually within about a hour hour and a half we can apply the second coat and if you guys put some airflow on there right you don't want to create dust blow dust into it but get some breeze on that it's gonna drought even faster so we're gonna apply the second coat as you can see all the whiteness has gone away the milky haze it had so it's still gonna be sticky but we can coat the second coat on this without an issue so again guys we're gonna be applying it the exact same way it's gonna go a little bit farther this coat and I'm not worried about hitting my edges with the paintbrush so we can just do the second coat so I'm doing my back roll the opposite way Roy was kind of bouncing around so I'm just trying to flatten some of these off a little bit you guys are back rolling into a section I'm gonna feather it off you don't just stop and pick it up it's gonna figure that off so I'm getting down to the last of that first counter kiss who I'm about to make some more but again guys you just apply it the same way so we'll finish these counters up I'll mix that other kit and then we'll show you guys what it looks like when it all dries out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 219,483
Rating: 4.864151 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, painting, dirty pour, epoxy metallic, epoxy table, epoxy resin, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat, resin table top, how to epoxy, How To Install Epoxy Over Old Countertops Ultimate Guide | Stone Coat Countertops, how to install countertops, tutorial, kitchen renovation, renovate kitchen, bathroom remodel, kitchen makeover, custom countertops diy, epoxy marble countertop, step by step, resin countertop, marble pour, leggari, leggari stone, leggari products
Id: C3zbSZEdWS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 35sec (4475 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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