How To Install Epoxy Floors In A 2000 sq ft Home | Step By step Explained | PART 2

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welcome back ligari nation on today's video we're showing you an epic epoxy transformation on this 2 000 square foot home we go over an existing epoxy surface because the epoxy that was there before did not hold up to industrial grade standards now with ligari these homeowners can rest knowing this epoxy will stand through time giving their home the look they've been wanting all of our kits have a lifetime warranty check the description below for more info and enjoy this video okay guys now it's time to start the floor we have all of our parties separated and measured out with the metallics mixed in them all the part b's sitting next to them same thing with the highlights all of our part a is separated metallics mixed in part b's right next to them i mean it's ready to go first thing we want to do is grab our first bucket and again we need a gallon and a half of part b so what we're going to do is i'm actually going to use one of these five quart containers and i'm just gonna dedicate that to measuring out half a gallon because for every one of these buckets remember we got to split one of these gallons so that's the first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab one of these this goes here and then i'm gonna use half of this one i like splitting this first and i'm going to measure two quarts out of this b so now it's truly all separated i'm just going to do this every time i mix so now i have a full gallon here i can feel it and i have half a gallon here i can feel it right a heavy one and a light one because if i poured two quarts out obviously i have two quarts left in this and now i'm just going to take this and set that two quarts next to my next batch so i have my first two batches pretty much ready to go and all i needed to do is just pour out two quarts from one of those gallon containers so remember you always want to have a lot of checks and balances so i feel this this is my light one that's half that's two quarts and this is a full gallon so i have a gallon and a half of b now that's what i'm going to do non-stop as i'm going through this so as soon as i pour in this hardener the clock's ticking let's rock and roll [Music] two to one ratio i i started with three gallons of part a and then i just added a gallon and a half of part b it's a two to one ratio these are four and a half gallon batches now what i'm going to do and this is the most vital part i'm only going to explain this once and then you're going to see me just do every batch like this i'm going to mix this for about a minute and a half moving the drill up and down scraping the bottom scraping the sides with the head of the drill then i'm going to pour this entire bucket into into a brand new bucket completely brand new bucket i'm going to scrape this into this the reason why we want to have a secondary mixing bucket is to make sure we have no soft spots on the floor [Music] so what i'm doing is i'm now scraping the sides of the bucket and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to mix again for probably about a minute and i'm going to move this drill up and down a couple times all the way through the mix [Music] all right let's pour this out for tyler i'm gonna come right back out i'm gonna start making my second batch because remember with for every two of these batches we're gonna do one highlight tyler's on spikes but it's because he's gonna be walking around on the floor so now remember i've already taped off this section so it's my job when i'm pouring this out i just kind of want to go around the perimeter of this and maybe dump it through the middle and then tyler will be careful not to spread it past this thing don't be scared to keep this upside down because you've used the secondary mixing container i'm gonna go mix another batch tyler's gonna start spreading this out and then we'll take you out there and show you the highlights all right now that tim's got it poured out i'm gonna be using a magic we call it a magic trial uh craft tool makes them you can get them on amazon they're just a squeegee all i'm trying to do again i'm not going past the lines that he put up so this blue line i'm just imagining a line here i don't want to push the product past it and when i'm moving this stuff around i want to keep my trial out of the squeegee at a low angle if i if i move product with this straight up and down it's going to pull it too much and it's not going to really leave any product behind as long as i have it at an angle i can apply a little pressure and it's always going to leave product behind so first things i like to do first is go around get all my edges done once the edges are done i can start going back and forth and kind of flattening these beads out getting the whole thing covered once we do that i'll take an 18 inch roller and i'll just cross roll the floor real quick that's going to help level it out if you if you have sticky spots that sound really sticky it's too thin there so we need to get product there if you're rolling in it's just pushing a lot of product it's probably too thick so as we're doing that i'll kind of show you what to look for when we're doing that but we'll get started right away because again once he has that hardener you want to get this stuff out of the bucket on the floor spread out get your get your sections done and just work yourself out the room so there we go now you can see it's leveled out all my edges are done i have my line right so i know not to go past that now all i have to do is spread out this section in the middle roll it same thing on the next section and then add my highlights and if you're not familiar with how to how to lay stuff out the best way is to do your edges like we did here and then just go back and forth [Music] see how we have a big pile here which is okay i know where there's some thin spots like right here the concrete slopes up a little bit i just want to make sure we have a decent amount even though it's going to want to flow down and then over here it's a little thin so what all i'll do is start pulling some of this product over to the spots where i know it's thin and then we've wrapped painters tape on this to de-shed it all we got to do is pull it off that's going to remove any fibers or loose hairs that are on the roller so what i'm going to do i want to start my roller since it's dry out in the middle where i know it's nice and thick i don't want to start on an edge where it might be thin i know we have a decent amount of product out here in the middle and i want to just hit some random spots until i get this soaked up i don't want to just sit in one spot and we're using a half inch nap since this is such a a big floor it's just going to make it go a lot easier so once i'm done cross rolling this i'm going to immediately start spreading out that next batch all right so now that i have it soaked up decent amount we're just going to roll it just real quick and the roller will start to sound not as sticky once it gets kind of soaked up all the way so i can tell it's it's a lot thinner right here so this is constantly sounding sticky so i can either take that squeegee move a little product or i can push it with the roller all right guys so all i'm doing i know it's thin over here so i'm just taking my squeegee and bring some product this way so that's that's it guys that's that's basically a section now if you're doing one section at a time adding highlights you would add your highlights now we're doing two sections at a time and then we're going to add the highlight so i'm going to do the same thing on this section that i just did here i'm going to take the squeegee spread it all out i'm going to make sure i'm not going past these tape lines we'll roll it and then he'll bring the highlights out and then i'll do the highlights this is why you want to have everything set up ahead of time just like on the base coat we already have our two batches they're just they're prepared same thing with the highlights so again every two base coats we're going to give him one highlight it's already pre-measured all i need to do is take the part b the hardener dump it into the part a that has my metallics pre-mixed in so one of the reasons why you want to make sure you mix it in here just like in the floor just like in the base coat and pour it into another bucket is because you will never be able to scrape the sides or the bottom of the container good enough if you don't pour this into another container you will have soft spots eventually on your floor even people i hear it all the time they've been doing it for 30 years and they don't know why they have soft spots on the floor and it's the materials fault but it's not it's how you mix it so i'm going to mix in this and again pour it into a brand new mixing container and then i'll give it to tyler [Music] so i have it into a brand new bucket but now i've scraped the sides so i have some unmixed product that i scraped off the side and it's in the middle now so we want to mix that all right now i have the highlights it's ready to go we'll get this to tyler he'll spread it around on the ground so now what i'm going to do is i'm kind of i'm going to kind of go off of tyler's lead if he feels like i need to slow down then i'll slow down but i know man he's already got this leveled out he's already got it cross-rolled he's already got the highlights i know it's gonna take him probably about five minutes to spread out these highlights and then start working him in so i might wait about five minutes before i actually start mixing my next batch i probably want him maybe when he just starts to do the design on the floor i'll watch him that's when i'll start mixing my next batch i'm gonna mix two more batches and then a batch of highlight and we're just gonna go all the way through this this this house and you'll watch how smooth it all goes so i'll finish rolling this out and then we'll throw the highlights down blend that and then we'll just continue this process until we're finished so there's a few ways you can apply the highlights of a lot of different ways i'm just going to dump it out on top of the silver and then we're going to blend it with the squeegee really cool technique it's fast it's simple but i want to make sure this is all i have for this section right so i don't want to just start dumping a bunch out get halfway through and then run out i want to get my piles my veins whatever all throughout the floor make sure i have enough left and then i can go add more to each spot so all we're going to do is just kind of start out small just randomly throughout the floor [Music] all right so if i ran out now at least i have color everywhere okay i still have a lot left so i can add more right to each spot but before i do that i always like to go around the biggest thing you want to do is make sure you get color on all our wall edges if we went around and just blended this in we're not going to have black in a lot of this we want this floor to look like it goes underneath the wall so i'm going to go around just use a paint stick and get color right to that edge just randomly throughout the floor in the corners this is the best way because it's a lot easier than trying to dump it out right next to a wall and that's it now i'm sure i'm a positive i got color everywhere right don't have to worry about running out now and all i'm gonna do is randomly add more to just random beads of black we don't have to hit every single one just randomly throughout the floor i just want to make sure i can repeat this process throughout the floor this is pretty pretty simple technique to do as far as recreating it on a large scale and then if we have any spots that maybe look a little opened up like maybe right here we could add a little and there you have it so now we have our highlights down so tim will start mixing up that next batch by the time i get done blending these um he should have that ready to go so we're going to use the squeegee for this there's a few simple ways you can blend this you can swirl it with the roller when we're swirling we use a nine inch roller and you just kind of swirl the whole floor and then blend in the colors you want to blend it enough to where it doesn't look like piles were poured out so all i'm doing is i'm not trying to necessarily move the product a lot i want to just skim across the surface move it random directions until i can't tell it's a puddle poured out and i'll kind of show you that process so we just kind of start you can't really tell that we poured out piles right and if you have like say like right here a little spot you can just kind of work that spot in a little right maybe right here we want to work that in a little it doesn't take much to blend that around to kind of marbleize it out you can see how much ground you can cover it's relatively a fast technique and once this marbleizes out and we spray it with the liquid diamonds it's going to look absolutely beautiful but notice how that color is going right to that edge there's really not a bare spot on our edges notice how my chatter my my pattern it's just all random that's what we're looking for we don't want to keep doing the same pattern over and over to where we have like a a matching overlapping pattern throughout the floor that's why i'm constantly moving around different directions so the cool thing about this process is we could do 10 000 square feet and if we do this process we're gonna have fluid material every batch so it's not like we're trying to coat this whole floor then add highlights that would be a nightmare to never work out that's why we split it up into batches so when i get to this next batch and this this floor is done i got fresh fluid right or fresh fresh epoxy fresh material it's not setting up it's not getting sticky on me the process is key to split this up into sections and keep getting that fresh material and i'm always note like see i got a bunch of black there if i would pull that into there i'd even have more black so i'm going to pull that out to here where there's not necessarily much black so i'm constantly looking where i have color where there's not color all right so this is perfect guys i'm about to finish up tim's pouring out my next batch the last thing you want to do is have product just sitting there waiting so we time this just about perfect because all i have to do now once i'm done is mist the floor with the isopropyl and liquid diamonds and then we'll mist it with a denatured alcohol to help level anything out in the floor all right guys so it's basically spread out i want to go around and make sure i don't have any just round spots that just look like a pile poured out so i'm just going to quickly look over the floor if i notice anything or whoever's helping you if they notice anything point it out blend it in a little better but this looks really good everything looks nice and blended so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna add our liquid diamonds to add a bunch of sparkle to the floor and we just mix our liquid diamonds metallic powder into 91 isopropyl alcohol so you want to use 91 or higher and we want to shake it as i spray and it's always good to test spray it so that's what i want to spill the medium drops and you'll kind of see what this does so i'm just going to constantly shake it as i'm spritzing the floor this is gonna add a lot of sparkle to the floor and it's not like a cheap glitter where it looks like pepper just a black speck of pepper it's like a it's actually a metallic shimmer it's really cool notice how i'm constantly shaking it barely pulling the trigger small to medium drops all right guys so now we just repeat that exact process once i once i spread this out and roll these two next sections i'm going to go and mist the floor with denatured alcohol and i'll show you guys that process it's going to help make this floor just lay out glass [Music] smooth [Music] [Applause] all right so this is basically ready for highlights tim's mixing those up now so now what i want to do we're going to set this on the next section and then i'm going to take just denatured alcohol i'm gonna put a mask on obviously spraying chemicals inside starts to really smell the epoxy itself it doesn't really have an odor zero vocs but this this stuff does so i'm just gonna wear a mask as i spray it and depending on how bad it gets in here i might just start wearing my mask so all i'm going to do now is we what we call spritz we kind of spritz the floor with the isopropyl alcohol and liquid diamonds now what i'm going to do is i'm going to mist it so this is going to help level that surface out help let any air out of the resin escape and again we're not torching it so we don't have to torch our products at all um this is kind of just the process of of doing it and and helping ensure that we don't have bubbles and stuff like that there you have it so that sex is pretty much done done i can add my highlights here blend it and we're basically just repeating this process until we're done with the job all right so first thing i want to do i want to blend in right this this line where it goes into our first section so every time you do a new section don't just start working from one of the room blend that line in the first thing all the way down so you're into the new resin don't really have to touch that that net that that previous batch of resin so that's what i'm going to do first start on one end of the room and just work my way down [Music] all right so my edge is all blended in resin still nice and fluid so i'm not worried about seeing a hard a hard line or the section that we did before this will all blend in and marbleize beautifully so i'll continue this we'll spray the liquid diamonds do the next section spread the denatured alcohol mist it add our highlights and again guys we just want to do the same exact thing we don't want to do anything different throughout the house we're going to keep doing the same process that we did on that first section [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're getting ready to mix up the top coat for this floor now it just like the primer we're only going to mix up a couple kits we want to see how far it goes these will go anywhere from 500 sometimes 7 8 900 depending on on how flat the floor is how much you've needed to sand if you've needed to sand so we're going to start with two just remember you never want to run out of top coat mix and then have to stop and then go mix up some more top coat always have somebody ready to mix another top coat if you need it so once you start the floor it's rock and roll time because you want that whole floor to kind of set up as one layer you don't want you want to minimize roller lines as many roller lines as possible so you kind of want to be rolling and doing your back roll and it's setting up as you're laying down the new top coat so if you need more people to roll that's great always have more people than less people helping so tyler and i are going to be rolling and we might have alex help on some of the edges later on when we have to break out into the kitchen and into the halls and then try to make sure there's a wet edge on everything and you'll hear tyler kind of explain that but i'm going to show you how to mix up the top coats and just like it says mix with part b once mixed blend in 13 ounces of clean water now i'm mixing two kits at a time so i have 26 ounces of clean water so first thing we're going to do is pour the part a's into the bucket and just like with the epoxy we're waiting for it to kind of go to a drip we want that stream to kind of turn into a drip and you can leave this upside down for five ten minutes if you want i just wanna get the majority of it out all right so that's starting to drip now it's probably good [Music] now just like the primer this is a water-based product so as long as it stays in a mass it stays liquid once you roll it out it starts setting up very quickly as the water begins to evaporate from it so it's the opposite of epoxy so epoxy we tell you get it out of the bucket get out of the bucket very quickly and that gives you tons of time to work with it with these water-based products like the primer and the top coat we want to keep it in a mass until we're ready to use it until we're ready to roll it out that's why we keep it in a bucket we pour it into a you know a rolling tray and then we then it starts setting up after we roll it out i'm gonna pour our part b in just like the epoxy if you pour out too fast it could get caught in this handle here so just tip it up for for about five seconds get everything out of the handle you can and then dump it back over this top coat is a three to one ratio so three parts a to one part b i'm gonna mix this for about a minute and a half scraping the sides in the bottom with the paddle wheel and then once it's mixed up thoroughly i'm gonna slowly add the water as i'm blending it okay now we have the top coat mixed now we're going to go in there and tyler's going to show you how to apply it we'll all kind of be working on the floor all right it's top coat time um we wound up waiting two days because it is cold where we're at um you typically want to do it within 24 hours but obviously colder temperatures gonna take the resin longer to set up so we do like a fingernail test or if you say you step out there right put some weight on it and you see a footprint you might want to wait a little bit longer to top coat that footprint will typically bounce back and become smooth so that's not an issue so everything's ready we showed you guys how to fill any imperfections um outgassing bubbles stuff like that so we got the top coat mixed up we're going to be doing glossy urethane we're going to be using a half inch nap roller we've already de-shedded it i'm going to be using an 18-inch roller tim's gonna be using a nine inch he's gonna hit our edges for me that way i don't have to get right to the wall and then all i'm gonna do is focus on the main parts of the floor and then obviously when we get to the kitchen we'll kind of separate and jump around so we want to keep a wet edge basically all the way throughout until we finish similar process to applying the epoxy so we're going to do it in steps right roller widths basically all the way throughout the floor until we finish out in the garage when you start with your roller you want to take a second get it nice and soaked up if you just dip it in there real quick and go roll the floor you're not gonna have much product on there gonna have to wind up re-dipping so we take a second we kind of soak the roller up for a minute and we're using an 18-inch roller tray here put a garbage bag on it so we don't have to clean the tray out when we're done notice how i didn't fill this all the way up so we don't want to fill that thing all the way up makes it harder to move and also when you're dipping your roller in there you'll get build up a product here and then when i'm rolling the floor out it'll start dripping off and i'll have drips all out through the floor so i want to try not to stick this all the way into the the top coat kind of just enough to soak this roller up so tim's gonna start hit my edges i'm gonna wait until he's got both sides and then all i'm gonna do is work wall to wall and we're gonna go towards the garage where we're gonna end so while he's doing that i'm just going to soak this roller up get it saturated and all i'm trying to do is basically one roller width pass i'm not trying to randomly start top coating the floor we want to do nice even passes and you guys will kind of see once i start doing that how that looks so his whole job is to not go too far in front of me that way i can keep going on the wet edges nothing's kind of drying out so my first dip i'm just going to start in the middle and see how far this gets me i might be able to do one full pass with one dip of the roller so the idea is just to roll it out nice and thin a couple passes before i do my final back roll all right so i got it nice and rolled out nice and even and i'll show you guys a little agari tip how to minimize roller edges so i'm going to take and squeeze some of that excess product off just by tilting the roller and now i'm going to do my final back roll now i want to go wall the wall as straight as i can be and then pull it up at the other wall so that's one pass so we're just going to continue that process now i know one roller dip is going to get me from wall to wall so i can always start right in the middle roll a little one way roll a little the other way and then just go edge to edge and notice i'm watching him i'm only rolling on each wall right now and i've only went like one and a half roller passes past him so i'm only about eight to nine inches past where his roller is going i always want to help keep that wet edge if i just go ahead of him and i start doing the entire perimeter by the time he gets there it'll be dry so it's like having two layers and we don't want that we're trying to make it as seamless as possible and when i when i roll back in to get more obviously if i only need to roll out a couple feet i'm not going into the mix anymore i'm just really just rolling onto this wet stuff onto the tray i'm not even really getting into the mix everywhere where you set this bucket down either set it on a rag or make sure you make sure you wipe the side with a roller because drips will actually get hard and you'll notice those on the floor so don't let your bucket just drip all over the floor either when i do my last back roll i want to make sure i'm overlapped a little from the line that i left when i rolled it out i'll kind of give give you guys a close-up on the next one so right now i'm overlapping the last pass i did about an inch or two and again i'm trying to just keep it nice and straight all right so here's my line of the pass i just did so when i do my back row i want to overlap that just a little bit so i'll squeeze out my edge a little roll that out and then we're going to just overlap that see how it's overlapping that caught that drip that was there got another drip so we'll go back we'll start that back roll again see i'm knocking down that hard edge that's kind of it so just continue that process if i ever need to try to pick up something maybe the tyler doesn't see her i see like a drip on an edge a lot of times we'll feather that stuff out so i'll start and then i'll pick up the roller as i see something right so you know if it's like a couple feet out we're like shoot we should really take care of that line we should take care of that drip this is about the only way to do it is just take the nine inch roller and just kind of feather it out lift it off the ground as you're rolling it a little bit be very light with it so guys when i'm rolling i'm only watching that edge i'm trying to keep it on the same spot so i'm watching the edge of this roller pass the whole time making sure i'm not going crooked or at an angle and same thing when i do that back roll i'm just watching the edge making sure i stay overlapped a little now on this next stroll you can see we only have about a width left so when he's done with his final back roll i'm gonna get all along this wall and the last part of that wall over there so i can pretty much get out of his way so i'll wait for his final back roll and i'll just get ready and hit that wall real quick uh so guys when i when i'm gonna stop i gotta stop here i'm gonna feather my roller off i don't want to just stop and pick it up kind of push it off like an airplane takes off and slowly lift it up so now we're getting ready to go into the kitchen area so tyler's rolling out this big area we're about to go into the kitchen but again we want this whole kitchen area to be seamless in the top coat with the rest of the floor so what i'll do is as he's moving towards the kitchen area i'll probably come in the kitchen i'll start rolling it out with this nine inch roller it's a little more manageable in here if i need help i might call for him and say hey can you do a final back roll with that big 18 inch roller but the goal being that i can work around the kitchen as he's working out there and as he's working across the floor maybe i can grab the other 18 inch roller focus on the dining room area and then we kind of go back into the middle with each other so you know some things are are hard to do and they they're better in concept than in reality so let's see what happens so i'm actually going to soak up the roller a little bit more than i have been because now i'm wanting to hit on my edges and hit them quickly obviously being careful of the cabinets notice we have the cabinets taped off a couple rows now i'm not going to do the entire kitchen i'm just trying to get up to where tyler can actually still roll into this long part of the kitchen now notice i'm still rolling out this area that's going to be under the stove you're not really going to notice that but we still want the durability under there you guys notice how i flip my roller over i can't get under there normally flip it over and really get under your your toe kicks their cabinets so i'm still making sure that i'm a width ahead of him but i'm going to go into the kitchen and start rolling the edges out and possibly the middle so again if you need if you need some help from the big roller don't hesitate to call them over and have them do one final back roll a lot of times with the 18 inch rollers it's a lot easier to get that final clean back roll we've done so much stuff over the years with 18 inch and and nine inch rollers that were pretty proficient in both so um okay so now really the areas that are left are you know a a medium-sized room here it's a decent sized room and this room right here which is decent size so now we're kind of back in action right i got the bathroom for him because that was pretty small that was manageable with a nine inch roller now i'm going to be doing the same thing i'm going to be in the hall just try to stay in front of him until we go into the next room and then same thing i'll try to be in front of him with a nine inch roller just keeping a wet edge for him all right guys so i rolled a little out obviously i dip my roller in the hall i don't want to use a lot out there so i rolled some out in here i'm going to jump out here in the hall roll a little bit of the hall out so small rooms like this i'll roll a strip down the middle one foot or two foot and then i'll cross roll that and i'll just work one roller width at a time so i can bend over without stepping in it and doing my final back roll so i'm just going back in this utility room not one of the more important rooms but we still want to be really careful and do final back rolls so i'm getting the material down on the floor quickly and then just being very light with the roller so this is going to look absolutely beautiful i'm just getting back in these really awkward areas so i'm always keeping tyler moving so i'll get this i'll get this up to the doorway and then i'll pop back into this room start doing the edge of this room again you know one thing that's noteworthy is that we don't have any cross airflow we even shut the garage that this door is open to we don't have any windows in the house if you have a breeze or a cross airflow this stuff will be setting up way faster than you can work with it so if you're rolling it out and it's getting tacky immediately it's because it's setting up too too fast it's because it's either too hot too humid there's too much airflow so you never want to install this in like direct sunlight either like if you did an epoxy floor in a garage and the garage door is open and the sun's on the floor you really want to cool that concrete down a little bit because when this hits that sun spot on the garage floor where the sun's beaming it'll set up almost immediately and go tacky so you want to you want to give yourself the best chance of having a successful install just make sure you don't have a lot of cross airflow or anything like that so we're going to show you guys how to remove the tape um where we wanted to stop the resin so we're just going to peel it up and start folding it back and forward forth and it's just going to break off that seam [Music] and then what we're going to do since we're going to top coat is we're going to put a new piece of tape down that way when we're done we just come and peel that off and it's really easy do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Leggari Products
Views: 1,757,174
Rating: 4.8882003 out of 5
Keywords: Texas Barndos, Tx Barndominiums, Erik Cortina, How To, Custom Metal Homes, Metal Buildings, Metal Building Homes, barndominium cost, barnominium plans, barn house, building process, barndominium tour, construction, custom home, epoxy, flooring, decorative, metallic, metallics, do it youself, how do I, old concrete, new concrete, wood floors, floor coating, coatings, metallic epoxy floor, epoxy floor garage, epoxy kit, epoxyfloors, diy epoxyfloors, step by step epoxy floor
Id: xtZl35HN1ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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