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getting perfect stats in pal world is insane there's IVs passive skills the soul condenser and also Alpha Pals just have better stats that you can't get anywhere else and now we have an IV calculator so you can plug in the stats on the pals you've been working so hard to breed just to find out they have garbage IVs that also means we now have the ranges for all of the stats of all the pals so Min maxing your pals is absolutely insane and this video is going to try to break it down if you enjoy please leave a like comment your thoughts down below and share this video with all your friends that play power world because it really helps and we have a lot of breakdowns and some other things to go through fun stuff so let's talk about how this works all Pals in the game have the exact same base stats at level zero 500 hit points 100 attack 50 defense but then the base stats have a crazy calculation that goes into it with species specific scaling each species has a different hit point attack and defense value that is used to determine how many stats they gain per Level Up Pals gain 50% of the hit point value and 7.5% of the attack and defense value when they level up those are the minimum stats gained and they are improved by the IVs so that's what everyone wants to know how do IVs work in pal World gives you up to 30% a lot of math and formulas and calculations and rounding and stuff but that's what the calculator is for you can just kind of click on any pal you can see its level and then you can also find out the minimum and maximum stats and that's pretty much where we're at it's like going to Bulbapedia and then seeing okay Max IVs Max EVS gives me this stat potential for a Pokemon well now you get to do all of this fun stuff for po world oh boy po world has IVs and it takes more work to get a perfect pal than in Pokemon which means you're going to need energy to fuel your grind and I recommend G fuel best energy drink I found it's the only thing keeping me going for all the videos I make and all the crazy grinding I do in games use cod valify for 20% off your G fuel order also hit the sales Tab and you get 20% off on top of the sale price gfuel also has caffeine-free options like the hydration formula which has the focus complex in it so it's still going to up your performance I talked about pal stats when the data mine dropped and because of the spreadsheet now every website has all the pal stats on it so you can use that to kind of get an idea of how powerful pals are but then with the calculator you can see all these stats and potential so at level five you know we can have anywhere between 675 hit points and 720 hit points but then if we dial it up to level 50 we can see like the true potential of a pal so 225 to 2700 whatever on the attack and defense so comparing that to a an Anubis gets pretty crazy and that's where you can really see the differences come in so chapi is 60 on everything Anubis is going to be 120 130 100 100 so we can go back to the calculator we can pull up chickp stats and yeah the difference is going to be thousands of hit points hundreds of attack and defense stats and then that's going to make the damage calculation all of the combat stuff pretty crazy and then passive skills and enhancements are only going to make that difference wider so the best chapi is still going to be much worse than the worst possible Anubis now IVs are called it talent in the game's code so if you see someone referring to it as a pal's Talent that's what they're talking about and it's a number between 0 and 100 so in Pokémon it's 0 and 31 in power world it's 0 and 100 determining the IV bonuses for your pals this number represents the percentage of the maximum IV bonus which is 30% also there's a few other things that people have noticed lucky and Alpha Pals have minimum Talent values of 50 making them neat for talent value breeding right now we don't fully understand IV inheritance in power world but the person that made the spreadsheet and has done like all of this crazy stuff with the posts they think that it's going to take one of the parents randomly and then apply some kind of a multiplier to it so you can get a higher or lower stat for The Offspring of one of the parents which means for breeding you want to start with IVs first and then work on the passive skills and also there's been other developments on like inheriting passives in the best way so I've got a lot of work to do now since pal stats are complicated and it gets even crazy I some of the alpha boss Pals have different scaling values than the normal base versions shown here all Alphas except for 10 pal species have the exact same primary stats as the normal version so then they updated it to show the alpha Pals that have better stats and this is going to be for jet dragon so that's on the spreadsheet and yeah jet dragon can have over 10,000 hit points but if you breed it it's going to have much lower because that's going to take the how's based stats here's my jet dragon for my playthrough it has over 10,000 Health the math checks out but if you were to breed jet dragon to get like legendary and ferocious and lucky and just make like the ultimate jet dragon it's actually going to have much lower hit point values capping out at 4,300 at level 50 and we can see that in the spreadsheet Anubis has 120 hit points it has higher hit points than jet dragon which only has 110 unless you catch the Alpha One and because catching the Overworld Alpha jet dragon it's going to have high natural IVs which does make it good for breeding on the IVs and passive skills but then you're losing out on the insane hit point bonus that it has now the calculator has Alpha mpaka necromus sparkit meor Christ Frost alion Frost alion knocked which is weird because you can only get that through breeding so I don't think you can even get an alpha Frost alion knock even though it's programmed to have better stats Alpha jet dragon and Alpha palladius so there's a few few exceptions and considerations but for the most part jet dragon's super strong and a lot of people say yeah just breed for the passive skills that way it does more damage since it's pretty much going to survive no matter what also by playing around with an IV or stats calculator you can see the other changes that affect a pal's stats so you can get 20% from the condensing and you can also get 30% from the enhancement so the pal Soul enhancement and the condensing is going to do crazy stuff to your stats giving you over 6,000 hit points almost 1100 attack and over 800 defense on just average stats so you can see like the IV accuracy right here being about 15% and that's before you put in the other passives also with Burly body giving a crazy amount of extra defense that's going to make up for a lot of the hit point loss and then that opens up like some other passive skills that you want inside of it and then you can do something crazy like Legend Burly body muscle head ferocious and your pal stats can be still be pretty crazy but the upper end goes even higher to 6,700 hit points also interesting thing to note about the alpha pal stats so I want to see what the difference was with memorist Crist at level 50 it can have 5600 538 488 with this it's 5625 514 and then 488 being the max so the alpha mamor Chris can have a slightly higher attack which means yeah breeding M Morris Christ is just going to be better when you have the passives involved now I want to go through and find a random Alpha pal and just kind of see how the stats are so level 18 rush or doesn't have anything upgraded did it just get some good stats 212 169 1461 it also has no passives so there we go let's see what we have above yeah so it's like it's all going to be above 50 so it looks like the talent number is around 70 60 and then 87 so not maxed but a little bit above average stats or at least getting a decent little bit of bonus from the IVs so the calculator is simple and straightforward to use you can also use it to kind of like plan out stats of Pals that you want to breed and create and then also worry about like the passive skills and those kind of stats and then you can also use it to find breeding parents for the max IVs so yeah uh getting perfect stats in power world that's going to be wacky and also like raids and stuff have been confirmed on the road map so this could be a way of relieving the breeding stress on Pals if the raid bosses just have naturally better stats than is possible through breeding also creating like other dynamics that you want inside the game and potentially depending on like how competitive this game gets or how like crazy it develops you could also maybe have a way of like injecting passive skills into pals since there's all kinds of crazy stuff going on with the game so how stats explained hope you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 3,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Stats, Palworld Stats Explained, Palworld IVs, Palworld Gameplay, Best Palworld, Palworld Guide, Palworld IVs explained, Palworld IV Calculator, Palworld Breeding, Palworld Tutorial, Palworld Breeding Guide, Palworld Stat Calculator, IVs palworld, Palworld tips, Gaming, Videogames
Id: sACisnhpcQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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