Why Palworld IS The "Pokemon Killer"

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how world is a great game it started as a meme but turned into the Ultimate Experience everyone wanted Peak survival crafting and a Pokémon enough game on the PC this is reflected in power world's performance it's selling faster than some Modern Pokemon games it also ended up as the second most concurrently played game ever on Steam now there's a lot of memes in the next thing I'm going to say but is it the Pokémon killer and that's what people have been saying and wanting forever because this is a Hot Topic in its own on how much game freak is lazy and game freak is slipping and Nintendo doesn't care enough about Their audience to give the fans what they want and all of that other stuff so there's been like a lot of attempts to make the Pokemon killer except none of them ever had a chance to be a legitimate Pokemon killer that it's either a rom hack or some kind of knockoff that rips off Pokemon infinitely harder than power world does or it's just a crappy cash grab and worse Pokemon game so the idea of a Pokemon killer is just this abstract thing that everyone wants to see that's mostly some kind of Pokemon thing on PC power world managed that and thinking about power world as a Pokemon killer I had some interesting realizations as to why power world is here to stay and it seems like it's going to legitimately take market share from Pokémon and one of the big things is hype and I'm not trying to say power world has more hype because it's the flavor of the month game but going into the release of power world before everyone realized this is actually going to be like one of the best games ever they did non-stop update showing you how like guides about the game all the individual Pals giving like non-stop gameplay so those who were actually like following and really excited for power world were rewarded with constant updates and things to get excited about Pokemon used to do that the seventh generation Pokemon sun and moon was incredible because every week or two we were getting a new trailer we were getting new Pokémon reveals there was so much awesome stuff going on and then in future Generations they just stop that we're lucky if we get a semi decent trailer every month is before the game comes out the Pokémon company just stopped promoting the Pokemon games before release so they don't give us enough to get excited about and speculate on and build hype off of and there's really no reason behind it because we had incredible views back in 2016 as we're getting into Pokémon sun and moon where it's like oh what's this a random little Pokémon drop 2.6 million that's it it's just soed but then like some of the other trailers where there's multiple Pokémon reveals start off with a couple million views but some of them ending up like 6 mil just to see the starter evolutions and now the Pokémon company is deliberately late to their own news updates the DLC with ogre Pon happened in September but now we're getting like Pokedex entries and updates in January even the most recent DLC happened over a month ago also the new site for Pokemon was sparsely updated and even if they like tweeted a new news announcement or there was something in trailer it wouldn't be on the website so anyone looking for Pokémon news wouldn't be able to find out like the most recent thing about the game because the Pokemon company doesn't even care about getting people excited about their games anymore and this had to be the most egregious one that we had to wait until over a week after Pokemon sword and shield came out showing us the evolutions of the starters even the first evolution of the starters and no wonder it got no views no hype is sad meanwhile pocket pair is proud of their games and they want to inform people about what's going on such as working full speed to address bugs and issues keeping people updated with the amount of sales because they're proud of the sales that they're getting and then also giving us the road map because we're in Early Access and we're going to go into the official launch and future updates of power world the interesting thing about the Pokémon Community is a culture developed around all of the like early news drops and trailers and stuff which is why they got so many views but then that kind of fell off and got replaced with fake leaks and just the the worst Community stuff which we will talk about more in this video which is also another reason why Pokemon is vulnerable because Pokemon is surprisingly the worst community in gaming so I wonder how this is going to go for the future that it went from like the PO World faithful really excited about seeing the updates about the game to wait a second if there's like a major news drop that is exclusively being delivered by pocket pair about updates in the game will those actually hit hundreds of thousands of views because now people are excited for everything power is also flashbang warning as I transition into one of the biggest realizations as to why I think po world is a Pokemon killer and that's the Pokemon designs Pokemon designs in generation 8 and 9 as well as Pokemon Legends rcus have been the worst there's nothing memorable here everything is a blob getting carried by its meme name but has like nothing memorable about it or is just a horrific ugly stupid design that doesn't really feel like it belongs in Pokémon but then the toxic Pokémon Community attacks you for that I mean a majority of the generation 9 decks is Abominations and Generation 8 didn't do much better and Pokemon Legends rcus is just and I think Pokemon Legends designs were so disgusting on their own that at least a 100,000 Pokemon fans just quit the franchise forever because they're not even trying anymore and all they have is hokey fan service to just kind of kill off older Pokemon designs that everyone loved look at how they massacred my boy it's not Fair now I'm not saying that every pal design is amazing and better than any Pokémon but I was astonished by how much charm this game has and how much I actually adored a lot of the pals that I was just kind of randomly encountering everyone knows that qu's just the goat and speaking of quer and pal world just released a trailer wait the game is out the deck is out but they're still keeping people interested by showing off Pals in trailers that's actually really cool and then there's just a lot of really good Al design so it's kind of weird that the thing everyone's calling a Pokémon knockoff has put a lot more care into most of their roster than anything in the last two generations of Pokémon if pocket pair keeps on making really good pal designs and like fanservice awesome characters then that's another weakness to exploit inside of Pokémon and Pokémon has just lowered the bar to ground level filth it's like they deliberately made ugly designs for absolutely no reason there is no more Pokémon charm in modern po designs or at least very little there's a few in generation 8 and N but that that's wasting most of entire Generations so the Pokemon characters have fallen off and if you're already an old school Pokemon fan not engaging with any of this nonsense you're a fan for life but you're just going to be living off of the old days and then going back and playing the older Pokemon games because they're just better and that's opening up more room for po world to be the Pokemon killer because kids aren't getting into Pokemon these days it's all fortnite Minecraft and Roblox and I'm not saying that power world is the new game for kids or anything no it has more older themes inside of it and it has like this weird balance I wonder how many kids are like 13 plus are going to get into power world because fortnite it it's a battle royale you you shoot people you have guns in it and that's like the number one kids game right now which is weird to think about now I think po world is a little too edgy and difficult to get market share from fortnite but the main point is like Pokemon is not being played by kids and that's been going on for a long time we never saw another boom like the 9s this is how Pokemon was trying to get kids back in 2010 oh my God generation five was crap and even anecdotally before I made a career on YouTube I was stocking shelves at Toys R R Us and spending signs for Liberty Tax and I loved it but the thing that made me the most depressed is that when I worked at toys of R Us we had the smallest little section for Pokemon toys because there was no Pokemon onboarding back in like 2011 2012 even in the Pokémon X and Y days it was mostly just older Pokemon fans that Pokemon X and Y did feel like a great Renaissance for Pokemon and that's when my youtubing Pokemon launched super hard because like wait everyone's loving Pokemon again this is great that kind of slow like not even slowly that quickly fell off had some people stay around for Omega R Now Sapphire didn't transition Generation 8 didn't transition Generation 7 and even though the merchandising and TCG is huge for Pokemon right now it doesn't feel like as much of a cultural phenomenon and if you talk to any kid they're saying they're playing fortnite or Minecraft I have good relationships with the parents around my neighborhood and they have a lot of kids ages like 8 to 13 and the only thing they talk about is fortnite Minecraft Roblox and Tik Tok I talk about being a YouTuber and their eyes light up and then I say Pokemon and then they Dole right over I'm like you kids don't care about Pokemon oh that's depressing also Minecraft just keeps on growing and has an insane amount of players as well with a mostly younger demographic and the point I'm trying to make is that Pokemon isn't growing off of younger Generations it's effectively just kind of keeping fans for life and picking off a little bit from each generation where it's like all right get a couple fans here get a couple fans there and now we just have you know Evergreen growth which is working really well for Pokemon since it is the largest franchise in the world and that's always been a really weird thing for me because I'm a lifelong Pokémon fan and then I was able to achieve my childhood dream of becoming a Pokémon master and somehow spinning that into a living so thank you all for that but I I've always been upset like how Pokémon is culturally relevant got a huge blow up with Pokemon go back in the day and that brought a lot of the older fans back but they quickly fell off so like the capture of Pokemon is very low and that's one of the biggest things I try to understand Pokemon's ubiquitous but no one's playing it Pokemon's very dead right now especially if you try to play competitive you go online it's 99% Japanese players so it also makes me wonder like how much is actually like Japan carrying Pokemon compared to the west and inflating the numbers because Pokemon just gets less and less relevant in the west and more and more toxic and hateful for online Pokemon communities which brings us to the drama that's been happening around pal world where it just kind of shows like oh yeah another reason why no one wants to engage with Pokemon is because the community is so awful the community has lost more Pokemon fans than anything game freak or the Pokemon company has done because it's just non-stop nonsense hate talk toxicity hypocrisy and no one wants to deal with it same thing for like all the lies trying to take down po World po world's been a known quantity for a very long time the first trailer came out 2 and a half years ago there's been all kinds of other trailers decks reveals interviews with the devs and stuff for over half a year leading into the game's release but then when people realized wait a second this is a really good game and it's not just meme Pokemon with guns asset flippy stolen content lazy game it's actually just a really good game then the Pokemon Community got so threatened that they were forced to lie about everything Pokemon oh the AI thing that was just a hoax same thing for the models where the person that got like all of this big blow up about comparing the models well that's a fresh account that was made this month in January had no presence before whatsoever and also ulterior motives I'm doing this because I think it's disgusting how much po World glorifies animal abuse my last 10 years in the Pokémon Community have made made me believe that the Pokémon Community is the worst in all of gaming beats the fgc League of Legends Call of Duty even though I didn't get super involved with DOTA from the outside beats the DOTA Community because you will not find a more hateful and deranged Community than the Pokemon community and this power world drama is just a taste they will lie about everything they will cancel everything they will just go into the most terminally online nonsense you wouldn't even believe because they cannot cope with reality they cannot cope with any disagreement so they must destroy everything and they will attack everything else around it I mean we already hear the stories of the cow World devs getting death threats yeah death threats part for the Cor in Pokemon part for the course in a lot of gaming communities which is also equally disgusting but no shortage of that in Pokémon and I've shown for over the last decade on this channel that the Pokémon Community is as bad as it get and that brings us to another problem is the insane amount of cheating yes every game has cheaters but Pokémon is the only community that defends and warships their cheaters the Pokemon company does the least to combat cheating at least outside of Japan and that's like another weird thing that the Pokemon company International is so unbelievably corrupt that they're actually like obscuring controversy from the Pokemon company of Japan if game freak and the Pokemon company of Japan knew how bad the problems with the Pokémon company were in the west it would be shut down overnight there's also an insane amount of nepotism to where the top VGC players are allowed to cheat and not get punished because they're just friends with all of the people running the Pokemon Esports scene and hearing Pokemon Esports might confuse you like wait Pokemon has an ort it does but also because of all the cheating and all the corruption and also all of the abusive behavior from community members in the Pokemon competitive scene it's not a legitimate esport will never be a legitimate esport that's because everyone running anything in the Pokémon company is corrupt cheaters have been so emboldened by the lack of action taken by the Pokemon company International that when the tournament was hosted in Japan there were non-stop players removed from the world championships for cheating so Pokemon company Japan takes it seriously kind of and then the Pokemon company International no they just let everyone cheat again because like corruption and nepotism and stuff but then we have stories like this guy got disqualified for having hatched pokon on the team at the World Championships then instructs players how to cheat to dodge the ha check so they don't get disqualified like he did he gets a lifetime ban and then appeals it down to a one-year ban so cheating at the world championships and then instructing players how to cheat so they don't get caught at future events is only a one-year ban in Pokemon I'm not exaggerating when I say there is nothing more controversial in the Pokémon Community than saying cheating is wrong Predators like The King Nappy and Weedle twin needle that stalk and groom miners get less hate Than People defending cheating in the Pokemon community and it doesn't matter how much evidence you show so this is about wolfy VGC wolf Glick just won a Regional Championship previous worlds winner well he's been proven to be a career-long cheater however the Pokemon Community will deny this and the Pokemon company will do nothing to punish cheating players even though Wolfie has objectively cheated to a provable degree so much that deserves a lifetime ban no they'll still prop him up and recognize him and allow him to compete in events and then also do like special features on him as well and that's another weak point for Pokemon because there's no reason to continue playing the games after you beat the story if you want like some competitive ambition you want to make tens of thousands of dollars being a Pokemon Master there's no point because the cheaters are allowed to cheat and if you're not in the In Crowd you're also just going to get harassed and abused by the competitive Pokemon community and it's just going to be as toxic as any other scene even though you're trying to be a legitimate player and also just because players were disqualified didn't doesn't mean that cheaters didn't go UND disqualified so the first place player hack team you can't win without cheating in Pokemon and not enough is done like if you get first place at a world championship event and it is discovered that you are cheating that should be a lifetime ban other games do that or at least removed for a long amount of time to undo a lot of the disadvantage like three four years or something but I feel like you if you get caught cheating at a world championship event lifetime ban the scene doesn't need you anymore Pokemon doesn't do that so there's no reason to play and get invested in Pokemon anymore because everything is all corrupted and bad now cheating exists in every game can't avoid it but the devs are taking cheating seriously they've already made announcements like that the Pokemon company didn't make a single announcement it was complete silence even though everyone knew that a we had record disqualifications at the world championships and the world champion cheated and other cheaters were allowed to participate in the event like Wolfie VGC but then you can see like Dev actually care they will at least try like yeah you can't get rid of all the cheating people are always going to hack the game get through the Hat check make mods that bypass it but you know they're trying one of their recent updates was putting countermeasures for cheating and it's only going to get better from there and like I said earlier there's a lot of other Nuance about Game Freak being lazy and how the modern Pokemon games have been but also competition being good thing you ask 10 different people right now you're going to get 12 different feelings on like the current state of Pokemon stuff I personally don't hate the state of modern Pokemon games I dislike the Pokemon and I can't stand the corruption in the company that's allowing cheating and ruining all the fun in the game you get rid of those things and nothing can be a Pokemon killer but again Pokemon is leaving themselves vulnerable so the discussion is valid and also I'm not deranged like all these weirdos that have like only bad things to say Pokemon scarlet and violet really good Pokemon games Pokemon Sor Shield better Pokemon games uh Pokemon let's go Pikachu Eevee incredible Pokemon games you give Pokemon let's go jodo this year as we transition into the Nintendo switch 2 I'm playing it I'm having a great time if it's mostly let's go heart gold soul silver the best Pokemon game ever made will be released later this year and then I'm just having a better time than ever in Pokemon despite all I've said and despite my love of power world Pokemon Legends R is the worst Pokemon game ever made so it just kind of shows like yeah there's development issues there's design issues inside of Game Freak uh junichi massuda kind of got put into the Pokemon retirement home even though he was doing a lot of good for the company so like also we're seeing like this new generation of brats and Weirdos even infecting game freaks design which is also why how World pocket pair they come in and they're like no we're going to make the game we want and then they don't have any limitations because they're allowed to make whatever edgy silly game they want and put it on the PC so they can just deliver better experiences but also it's not hard to kind of like create the ultimate Pokemon experience as well like I said just let's go heart gold soul silver boom and then you make an official battle simulator you ban all the current top VGC players because they're proven cheaters and then Pokemon's just better than ever and will continue to grow forever and maybe get like better onboarding and not have to worry about other competition as it stands right now a lot of Hardcore Pokemon players are toxic and hate game freaks so you're losing them right there even though the Nintendo switch is objectively underpowered so it's hard to make a really good graphical experience but as power world taught us and as asmin Golda said gamers only care about a good game and and the sales do back up that Pokemon sword and shield Scarlet Violet are good games but Nintendo has also released and made better games that are doing a lot better also just other games in the sphere that are getting the younger audiences that Pokemon needs to continue that growth and if power world continues to update and just ends up being a better and better game then yeah there's less reason for people to buy their default yearly Pokemon game because they have some decent enough attachment left to the franchise so I think this has that Pokemon killer aspect for a lot people but if we're going into like some kind of third version of Pokemon scarlet and violet or remit game or some kind of main series spin-off then it's harder to kind of Judge the sales and then who knows what's going to happen with like a Nintendo switch 2 so it's going to be hard to get direct comparisons moving forward since we are like in between console Generations as well as Pokemon generations and a potential shift for the Pokemon company but I think with all these sales and all these concurrent players for power world like yeah there's going to be a significant amount of people that don't return to Pokemon unless something incredible happens for Pokemon I'm going to be less praising of Pokemon company until they just ban all the cheaters cuz again I see no reason to actually put any time into playing any of the recent Pokemon games like I said there's a lot of nuance there's a lot of crazy things behind all of this but uh Pokemon's been weak for a while even with like its really good sales and anything that's make like anything that gives people the Pokemon experience that they've always wanted without having to get a Pokemon game and then finds like a different kind of audience peel because like a lot of Pokémon fans they're just done with Pokemon they left half a decade ago they left a long time ago and that was also most of my core audience I'm sad to see them go but it's also kind of refreshing because most of the people have left my channel they haven't left me they've left Pokemon I've witnessed that on some kind of incredible amount of like at least hundreds of thousands of people and I'm seeing subscribers that haven't commented in years I'm seeing 10e sub badges in the comments of my power world videos they came back for power world they're not coming back for Pokémon and if that just keeps on growing and power world like releases into a full launch game and also has like an incredible modding scene and just does better than Pokemon from on out there we go and then whatever happens for the younger audiences yeah Pokemon is in trouble yeah saying something like Pokemon killer is just like over dramatized language but this is the strongest competition Pokemon has ever had does that mean like game freaking Nintendo has to step it up yeah but I mean I think with Nintendo switch 2 that was already like a guarantee now we actually get to see like what happens and also because the Pokemon Community is so toxic I think it can go the other way that if the Pokemon company listens to Pokemon fans and gives us more Pokemon Legends more garbage Pokemon designs because so many weirdos like golden go and less Pokemon trailers because people didn't like that too much was spoiled for Pokemon sun and moon like that that's going to severely hurt Pokemon you can't listen to the vocal minority especially when they're as toxic bratty and entitled as the Pokemon Community game freak and Pokemon is best when they're doing their own thing and they also haven't been doing that for a while which is creating more cracks but I think at the very least there is some kind of Pokémon killer argument here and pal world is definitely taking permanent market share from Pokemon in Game Freak because of it so hope you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 11,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld Pokemon, Pokemon Palworld, Palworld Pokemon Gameplay, Nintendo, Nintendo ninjas, Palworld Pokemon Nintendo, Palworld controversy, palworld, Palworld, Gaming, Videogames, Palworld Review, Pokemon, Pokemon fans, palworld trailer, palworld reaction, palworld player count, palworld sales, I modded ACTUAL Pokemon into Palworld, Palworld review, palworld pokemon mod, pokemon mod palworld, Pokemon VGC, WolfeyVGC, palworld pokemon, pokemon cheating, Wolfe Glick
Id: qUneza404rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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