Pokemon's cheating problem keeps getting worse...

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you can't find a community in gaming worse than Pokemon you just can't the cheating has gotten Beyond insane because everyone has always been cheating in competitive Pokémon you want an example take your pick from the many videos I've already done that you can find in the description down below and if you're as jaded about the Pokemon Community as I am please leave a like comment your thoughts down below and share this video with all your friends so the madness can actually get some exposure the general Gaming Community got to with power world when oh every argument against power world like turned out to be a lie because it's just all derangement from Pokemon fans but now it's like oh wait the Pokemon company has been punishing cheaters since worlds and they just can't cope so Knoxville we had more disqualifications more removed Pokemon more cheaters being exposed and the response is this is a verus fever dream what this is where the extreme Insanity of the Pokémon Community gets baffling because I'm just just a dude I decided to talk about Pokemon over a decade ago in videos and I got popular because I'm really good at Pokemon and then that translated out but then the Pokemon Community realized they made a mistake they gave publicity to someone that's against cheating I follow the rules I don't J I don't hack my games I don't take shortcuts and then I use my platform to be one of the only people that's vocal that stood against cheating in the Pokémon community and that's made me the Ultimate Enemy of the Pokémon community because it's all brats scumbags and Bad actors that don't want to work for any of their things Pokémon is the only community in competition like in all forms of competition Esports Games sports where cheating is ruthlessly defended and supported the reasoning for a majority of people in the Pokémon Community has become verus bad therefore cheating good and if you defend cheating you're only a Mindless verus clone even though it's cheating it's against the rules following the rules not hacking your game not breaking to not disadvantaging other players only exists because of me somehow in the Pokemon Community that's how deranged it is and I am rentree in every VGC player's head because 99.9% of them are cheaters and the Pokemon Community has become so deranged they can't formulate any cognitive thought like this is not the statement that is made of this situation where cheaters are getting disqualified at recent regionals so Knoxville is really turning into a veress fever dream no that's a fever dream is generally a bad thing this is a wet dream and it's actually not even my wet dream that's when players start getting banned especially Wolfie VGC I might have to open up an only fans to celebrate when wolf finally gets the Perma ban he deserves it sucks so hard seeing him soy Jack over the dqs but it sucks even harder not really being able to say anything to him about it not blocked not blocked that's how I found this because it appeared in my feed I don't even go searching for like people be like oh look how rentree we are in vero's head he just can't stop looking at us and reacting to it no it that cheating is talked about so much in Pokemon just keeps coming into my Twitter feed and social media feed or one of my fans goes yo you got to see this Insanity I don't go searching for this stuff it finds me because again there is no such thing as legitimacy in Pokémon there's only being a verus and it's so freaking weird but like what do you what do you mean you can't say anything to me about it you are completely free to say something to me about it but then you know you just look like a because you're trying to make an argument for cheating and like the cognitive dissonance in the Pokemon Community I've been calling out for over the decade I've been making Pokemon videos and doing Pokemon content because it's always been insane and that was one of the driving forces behind this channel cuz I'm just like yeah smoke on sucks cheating sucks no one's talking about it I'm the goat okay YouTube is anyone can make a YouTube video let's go and then they responded the eternal struggle to to what what Struggle No blocks anyone can address me at any time but then they know that they get absolutely annihilated in any argument because oh cheating is wrong and the Pokemon Community just like Expos themselves as being the worst by not being able to accept that and then going completely insane over the ability to cope when cheaters get disqualified all they have are hypotheticals and being completely detached from every single other form of competition in the history of humanity they just say well what if the Pokémon company allowed hacking they don't which is why it's against the rules and players are getting disqualified and they deserve bans for this behavior and then they say Well it wouldn't be fair if you had to carve your own chest pieces or make your own soccer ball ignoring that there is no reality where this thought experiment works because those are not the rules of the game and we can't even begin to Fathom the repercussions of those being the rules of Chess or soccer whereas we have Pokémon where the rules are clearly stated Jenning is cheating there's no such thing as legal cheating there's no such thing as legal hacking but these weirdos have completely convince themselves of it and then it just gets more and more insane here's your VGC Twitter breakdown for today uh cheater wins noxville Regional and broke the winter pose meta because it's it's all just termly online nonsense that doesn't matter which is also why there's no Pokemon Esports the entire competive scene is a complete joke broke the winner pose meta on stream Graphics had two incin on his team that's not breaking any kind of meta and like why does the pose even matter that also just kind of shows like oh the production value is just dog okay ogre Pon Wellspring new queen of VGC beat out flutter man in day two usage whatever uh this dude's still using Tyrant and doing better than 95% of people reading this tweet have ever done at regionals so we have random disrespect about a nobody in the Pokémon Community whatever people who openly admit they don't know anything about VGC are here to tell you to stop Jenning again again more nonsense from this toxic community that only knows how to lie I've never admitted that I don't know anything about VGC I'm actually one of the best VGC players you remove all the cheaters I go straight to the top what I have admitted to is not following the hack accelerated metag game that changes every 3 to 4 hours because of the time it takes to test a team team fail and then just keep remaking it in pkx until you end up succeeding with it that's not anything worth following that's not an actual competitive scene it's all focused around cheating so it's not worth my time so this is just a lie before we even get into the bad faith sentiment about how people are here to tell you to stop Jenning the Pokemon company is telling you to not Jen in the rules and then reinforcing it with disqualifications and then players cry about it and receive sympathy because the Pokemon Community is rotten this cheater who is a former Regional champion who has me blocked had a mental breakdown because they got caught cheating since I got disqualified I will not be competing tomorrow I will also be taking a long break from BGC and social media this disqualification completely crushed me inside and it might take a while for me to pick up this game again logging out for now goodbye for a while absolutely disgusting why why is there any sympathy for cheaters that got caught before I delete Twitter off my phone I know a lot of people are worried about me due to the disqualification I will be okay but I don't think I'll touch VGC for a while if anyone is worried about me please no I'll be okay I need time this very done right now deleting Twitter just detaching from social media because they got caught cheating absolutely insane and then of course all the replies are just sympathy and just the open toxicity of the Pokemon Community TCG player here Jin Moore J harder actually insane let's see some cheater has me blocked what are they saying this has been my entire timeline today I so tired help the VGC Community has brought this upon themselves by becoming entirely cheating and then they just cannot accept accountability for their actions and scumbaggery and then it gets tiring and then they need to just uninstall social media and just take a break from Pokémon because now that cheating is getting caught they just can't cope but it just fires me up sometimes the Pokémon company disqualifying cheaters for breaking the rules that have already existed fires them up and they have to project that onto me like it it's my fault the Pokemon company enforces their rules because VGC has become so insane Jen is much as you can but do it with common sense so everything just like keep Jenning just just keep breaking the rules until the Pokemon company has to do something because it feel like they think they're going to win but also the corruption of the Pokemon company makes it kind of sketchy on who on like how this is going to break down like if wolf does not come out of this with a Perma ban then yeah the entire thing is lost smoke on player who recently became a VGC player I think Jenning Pokemon is really funny Pokemon Showdown is why I don't play console VGC Jenning is base grinding and breeding is cringe so there there we go cheating based again because that that's just how worthless the average person in like 90% of the Pokémon Community is and then just other wild takes I play competitive Pokemon me means I spend countless hours practicing on Showdown just to get disqualified by a head judge for an arbitrary reason uh the rules are not an arbitrary re like not hacking your game breaking to and cheating with third party software is not an arbitrary reason it's also not the head judge it's the rules of the event the head judge doesn't arbitrarily go yeah you get out of here for cheating no the hack check flags that is also run by other people running the tournament the ha check Flags and then they have to go uh sir yeah here here's how you broke the rules gone now the evolution of cheating in VGC has been insane because it's always been only cheaters winning Pokemon VGC events going back to Generation 4 going back to generation 5 there was always a denial and gaslighting in the beginning that a full team of shiny Legendary Pokémon with hidden power no that's completely possible therefore it's not cheating you're not allowed to call a full team of shiny Pokemon cheating you're just an idiot so then the community of entirely cheaters got complacent because they weren't getting punished and that's when you could actually prove cheating through just straight up impossibilities like wolf click dream ball Raichu Porygon 2 inside of a beast ball and we also had the like shiny incar inside of a Premier Ball So objective undeniable hacked Pokemon but then it's okay so some people are cheating but it's not a problem and then making the whole legal legit hacked lie and all these other like insane arguments to defend it and now it's okay everyone's cheating but here's why it's good thing but then when the Pokémon Community like felt emboldened and they were like aha we can get away with saying that after worlds and then people started getting disqualified and banned now we're seeing the pullback No No No it's it's innocent players getting disqualified it was it was that poor person that had the Cresselia from a friend at Worlds that got disqualify and they don't want to play Pokemon anymore even though having perfect IVs back in generation 5 wasn't possible so they always knew that that was a hatch Cresselia and they chose to bring it to Worlds but now this community of all cheaters is trying to go back to No it's it's not hacking these players are innocent now the Pokemon company is extra in the wrong and they actually want it to be stated why there's been enough effort put into creating rules and checks that can be properly explained and error in a Pokemon and appeals aren't accepted there should be ample explanation as to what went wrong or at least admit the gray area there isn't a gray area there is no misjudging and now we're seeing the new thing of players wanting the Pokemon company to make an official tool so they can check their Pokemon to see if they're legal before they get disqualified when all that means is like people are just going to hack their Pokemon keep running it into the tool until it Flags clean and then use that and still get away cheating or one explanation so they can dodge the reason why they got disqualified the next time Insanity so yeah I remain the rentree ultimate Evil in the Pokemon Community because I say the the rules say no cheating and it and it just makes sense that cheating is wrong and that hacking your game is absolutely cheating no matter what Pokemon comes out as the result of that that's how it works for every other form of competition ever that makes me the bad guy and then now that players are getting disqualified unfortunately not banned it's just getting crazier and crazier and the Pokemon Community just absolutely cannot cope at this point so if you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 4,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon VGC, Pokemon VGC Knoxville, Pokemon VGC Liverpool, Pokemon Knoxville, Pokemon Knoxville regional, poketuber, poketuber reacts, wolfeyvgc, Pokemon, Pokemon Worlds, Pokemon Worlds Cheating, Pokemon VGC Cheating, WolfeyVGC, Wolfe Glick, WolfeyVGC Cheating, Pokemon cheating, Pokemon News, Hacked Pokemon, Pokemon Showdown, Pokemon hacker, cheating pokemon, Pokemon VGC 2024, vgc, competitive pokemon, Knoxville regional, pokemon vgc, hacked pokemon, pokemon worlds cheating
Id: SGNyZs81qgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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