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all right let's get to the bottom of this whole passive skills thing in po world because it's mostly RNG but people are reporting that it can be manipulated in some kind of way so let's see what's going on now if people are saying like ABC plus BCD those are going to be the different passives like 1 2 3 4 so I've been breeding Anubis with ABC BCD method 100 eggs for me to finally get a single Perfect all four Anubis so it's either unlucky or the 3+ three is terrible after experimenting though they say that AB plus CD seems to be the way and they got four perfect Anubis in about 30 eggs then at the bottom having 4 + 4 is a high chance maybe 1 and 10 now this person says ABCD and nothing always gets the perfect child within 15 eggs usually 10 2 plus 2 works most of the time you can get a bad run that takes 30 plus and at the bottom the person just says yeah just do what's best for you but that's not not how numbers work so until we get a fully fleshed out data mine that's like oh by the way here's the exact inheritance odds per slot it's really just kind of anecdotal Plus testing plus feel great I also saw a post where someone said yo if you actually breed a nothing pal of like a legendary or something you want to keep those for the breeding chains for passives so we're going to see how that works out as well so I can actually put this lucky and Artisan Anubis and kind of see what one plus one does and how those other slots fill and then we can start actually like putting together some other breeding chains now I'm not going for like the perfect Anubis I'm just going for testing to see what the results are now in trying to set this up it's even hard to find like random combinations to test with even though I have a lot of Anubis breed jaacks but as you can see people are talking about breeding dozens and hundreds of a pal to try to get the perfect one so maybe you'll actually get like an okay one that can then optimize your passive skill breeding but still pretty tough also depending on the pals that you're catching if you're trying to go for legendary Pals if you catch one it's going to have a guaranteed thing like Earth Emperor but with a nubis you can actually like breed other species into it so there's also going to be like other species of Pals that can make this optimal all right so finding out everything about how power world works is very tiring which is why I drink G fuel use code versify for 20% off your gfuel order if you go to the sales tab it Stacks with those so you can get 133% off plus 20% or find a flavor that sounds tasty to you and you really can't go wrong all right it's time to hatch a lot of eggs and see what we get so this one is going to be from just the one which means we're looking for lucky and Artisan okay very interesting we just got a lot of artisan lucky Anubis and then like some other random ones where it just fills in and then you have four and sometimes you get like a Burly body on top of that not all of them are hits we just have like random Artisan random other stuff Lucky Nimble and then some other ones so if you're starting a breeding chain depending on how the two and two goes yeah you just want like have all four against like single Pals and then funnel it into a breeding train so all of these are pacifist stist Artisan clumsy let's see how many four we get all right so in that run we actually got two that have Artisan sadist pacifist clumsy two and 14 that's actually pretty crazy all right for this one I want to see what happens if I try to insert just one so we have three sist aggressive artisan and then lucky okay so in 10 eggs I actually got a four perfect passive with ABC plus d and the interesting thing is I got a lot of two from this as well that have the beneficial ones I'm looking for so we have like lucky sadus over here Artisan stist lucky aggressive which means you can probably get an AB plus CD pair out of an ABC plus d I don't really see too much of a difference between those two all right so just in those six eggs we're looking for lucky diet lover work slave Burly body lucky diet lover work slave Burly body so the 40 now I don't know if it's just me but the ones that missed looked a little weirder like there was more variance on the misses but you still have a good chance of just getting the four that you want however it doesn't seem bad because we got Burly body lucky stronghold strategist veil of Darkness now two of those are not what we're looking for but could just get like a positive mutation of what you're going for and then this took away the lucky and gave us M foran instead all right more data so we have ABCD plus ABCD and so far out of nine eggs we haven't gotten all four however they do look pretty close like we're seeing a lot of the similar ones and we have stuff like this where we are getting sadist pacifist Artisan sadist clumsy Artisan so you know 75% of the way there however ABC plus ABD is just the weirdest and the worst we have Legend Artis Legend Artisan Artis this one just picked up stuff that doesn't even make sense so we have aggressive Legend Swift aggressive Swift artisan and then this one just only has the aggressive and then picked up three other random ones and this one has Swift Legend aggressive but then missed on the brittle now the sample size is smaller because it just takes a lot of time I'm running out of cake and patience but it looks like what people are saying that having like a three and three of all the parts you want is just the worst way too many mutations way too inconsistent the four and 4 also doesn't seem like it has a lot of consistency but then when it comes to AB plus CD or any other combination like as long as it's just the four unique scattered about the pals however it actually seems like pretty good odds that you're going to get what you're looking for now maybe I got lucky with some unlucky for others your luck is also going to be different and kind of crazy um after just like testing random ones and finding all kinds of random Pals it does seem like there's more variant if you just start overlapping or adding like other ones into the breeding system okay so let's recap breeding parents that have a and b look pretty likely to give you AB that means you can also do a c and d breeding pair and then breed those Offspring because AB plus CD also seems fairly consistent but if you end up with like a 40 so ABD plus nothing that's actually going to be pretty good for giving you what you want same thing for a plus BCD and then like some of the other mutations cuz you're just going to have tons of breed Jacks no matter what you're going to have a lot of misses you could potentially get very unlucky so with that you can also find the bits and pieces to kind of build out other breeding chains just from all the random Anubis I've ended up with and the other species that I've been breeding it seems like you can get away with an AB plus bcde e and then maybe also get a mutation just that just has like two or three of what you're looking for and that can expand your breeding chain also it's recommended to have a base dedicated for breeding that way you can have multiple breeding pairs giving you multiple kinds of offsprings with all kinds of different passives and then you can keep pairing them off and splitting them up but the big takeaway here is that it's not completely random and some of your choices matter now in my experience it's not terrible to start off random for babies and then optimize it when you're trying to like finish off a breeding chain even though it does get kind of rough on the huge eggs cuz those can take 2 hours or more to hatch which means you're going to need a ton of egg incubators and then it's just going to be like major batches of okay what did I get after a day of waiting or after hours of just afking and then seeing if you have something to work with it also means random Pals that you've caught with a single beneficial passive or two beneficial passives are really good to hold on to because of my other breeding guides I've done where the breeding chains mean you can almost almost breed anything with anything except for legendaries and gerti ignis that only breed with themselves so that's going to take a lot of RNG where you have to catch multiple jet dragons breed them together have some RNG stuff wait on huge eggs so getting perfect legendaries gets kind of rough but a nubus has tons of breeding combinations which is also why it's really good to hold on to random Pals with random passives because you might be able to like chain something decent into Anubis it also means breeding for these Pals could be very beneficial so like r randomly getting some dire how eggs that might have ABC or ad or something like that and then breeding them with the other side could also give you an Anubis pretty quickly which is why I say like yeah you just need to always be breeding something that's aiming for your goal and then when you're going for it as long as you have only those four between any of the parents it seems about as likely I I feel like AB plus CD isn't too much better than ABC plus d and that's before IV is coming into play so you want to get IVs first when breeding then aim for passives so it could actually just take a week of Hardcore grinding just to get like one pal with everything perfect or at least good enough like if you're 90% Plus on the IVs you should probably take it and then everything else is crazy legendaries are crazy because the alpha Pals have better stats like you can't breed a jet dragon with 10,000 health so maybe like sometimes wild Alpha Pals can be better you just farm for those but those are also on a set respawn limit and then jet dragon doesn't need like 10,000 Health to win anyways so you probably just want to breed them and then it can take a very long time to get the most perfect Pals possible so there we go guys that the breakdown of breeding perfect passives and power world hope you guys enjoy the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 4,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld breeding guide, best palworld breeding guide, ultimate palworld breeding guide, best palworld breeding, palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld cake, best palworld guide, palworld breeding, breeding pals in palworld, gaming, guide, best pals, best pals in palworld, Palworld passive guide, palworld passive skills, 4 passive skills palworld, palworld 4 passive skills, best palworld passive skills, perfect passive skills palworld, palworld best pals, pal, world
Id: sOKXDcBhedY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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