I Spent 100 Days Completing Palworld!

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welcome to the palp pagos islands where mysterious and Powerful creatures dominate the land sea and sky with their Mastery of the elements you can capture these Pals then pet them before commanding them to fight or work for you craft powerful weapons and build your team before riding your pal into the great unknown to defeat faction leaders and discover the mystery behind pal world before I can be the very best like no one ever was I must look absolutely gorgeous with my beefy arms and Majestic thighs I'm ready to catch them all three cute monsters look at me curiously as I wake up at a beach then immediately run away I find a tablet with a mysterious message about a tree then pick it up Suddenly It's the middle of the night and I'm freezing to death luckily there's a fluffy monster nearby that I can smack with my fists after an intense battle I eventually manage to knock it out as the temperature stabilizes I start automatically healing from the damage I took while recovering I take a look at my Technologies and building options afterwards I build a workbench then read the crafting recipes for pal spheres and basic tools I check on the fainted pal on the ground and learn from my pal deck that its name is kativa I also pass by some lamb balls before collecting wood and punching down trees a hookes walks by and I can't help but attack it but then I realize it's level six and have to run from its wind attacks after picking up more wood I level up then return to my workbench to craft a stone pickaxe and a club I test out my club on a Daydream which immediately also angers their friend they start shooting homing balls at me but I dodge most of them then keep smacking the Daydream luckily the Daydream angered and nearby Lambo who immediately Rams into it winning me the fight I finished off the week of Lambo too earning some mutton I hunt down the other Daydream and beat it with my club but then this one accidentally hits a lamb ball the angered lamb ball Rams into the Daydream before I finish off the flying pal and I'm rewarded with its poison glands next I mine a big rock for stone along with some palum fragments and ore I then smack more lamb balls for mutton and wool before heading back to the workbench I craft an axe torch in a pal spere then start chopping a tree for more wood I use the wood to build a campfire then cook some lamb Bol kebobs before eating some to satisfy my Hunger since the workstation is cheap and I want it to be closer I just build another one by the campfire after reaching level four I find an expedition Survivor and talk to him he tells me that the Pal's here ate all his friends then gives me some wood to help with my survival I thank him by smacking him then Panic since that makes me a criminal thankfully when I go back he calmly tells me about pal spheres that I can use to capture Pals head out to find a pal to enslave while Gathering berries and Mining palum fragments on the way I find a chickp nearby and smack it until its HP is low then throw my pal sphere now that it's captured I can lend it out to walk with me unfortunately its health is still low so I suck it back into the pal Sphere for it to recover I tried getting it to craft pal speres for me but it instead immediately runs off to fight something since it wanted to fight something so badly I keep throwing it at a mamis until it starts fighting it after just a few seconds the mamis destroy always my pal and now I have to run for my life whilst heading back to base I capture a lamb ball as a new companion I then place and build the pal box before putting my crushed Chickapee inside to discover that she'll revive in 10 minutes afterwards I studied the technology for cloth and a bed then unlocked the recipes for armor and more weapons before crafting some cloth and using it to make a cloth outfit that I immediately wear next I build a repair bench that I use to fix my tools suddenly a Wandering Merchant walks into my base but unfortunately I have no gold to tr ra i chop some more wood instead and try to build a bed but I'll have to make some shelter first I unlock the technology for a wooden construction set then place down a floor while the chunky mamis gets in the way after finishing the walls and roof I'm finally able to place and build my bed inside I take the healed chapi and lamb ball out of the pow box then craft a storage chest and put most of my materials inside I spend the upgrades for my level UPS to increase my carry weight then craft a spear to replace my club after Gathering more materials I craft a shield a bow and and some arrows after showing off my magnificent thick Dodges I use the bow to annihilate the weak monsters nearby I go back to craft a parachute to see if it can handle my weight and somehow the parachute actually manages to carry my Majestic thighs I also make a bunch of pal spheres then end the night in my comfy bed the next day I poke a couple of lamb balls with my spear then suck them into my balls next I capture more chickes which levels me up I steal an egg from another chicke then make my Lambo fight it for even more food I take the loot back to base then carry my chicke around to find a job for it to do there doesn't seem to be any work that chicke can do so I give them Loving Pets after assigning my lamb ball to the base I suddenly see them adorably carrying wood to my chest so I reward them with affectionate pets to then upgrade my base so more Pals can work since Pals get stressed Without Shelter I place down a straw bed immediately the lamb balls start helping me build and don't even need my help to finish I also put down a feed box so they'll have food with that done I leave my base again to enslave more Pals the kivas run away from me so I instead catch more lamb balls at a nearby Pond I find a green statue which turns out to be an effigy to offer up later while I'm mining palum fragments I let my chicke destroy a low-level kativa I then shoot a mamist for only one damage and immediately regret angering it while running away I find a Castaway Journal near the river the writer accidentally discovered that paler capture and control the pals returning home I upgrade my base again then put another lamb ball to work they helped me craft more pal spheres but I quickly run out of stone after mining some Stone I look out beyond the island and see some towers and a massive tree in the distance with that I end the day then start a pal spere crafting project for my lamb ball to complete I pet the lamb ball then capture a fifth lamb ball which advances my missions after a bit more work I unlock the stone pit logging site and pal gear workbench I place down the logging site and stone pit then let my pals build it now my pals can work at those sites to produce wood and stone then I place down a Berry Plantation 2 which unlocks a base upgrade this lets me put a fifth pal to work and I select a chipi I seed and water the field myself since none of my pals are able to plant or water next I build the pal gear workbench after another base upgrade the plantation has grown some berries and the chicke finally gets to work by harvesting I head out to explore and catch some more Pals while exploring I find a dinome but it's level 16 so I send out my chicke to help me sadly the dinos quickly destroys my chicke along with my entire Shield I stay back back and fire arrows but eventually run out so I send out my lamb ball while carefully poking with my spear another attack takes out my shield and sets me on fire which almost kills me so I have to run for my life it's already night once I get back to base and now I have to heal my pals and repair my armor I learned my lesson to craft many more arrows before going out to hunt again new pals come out at night so I find and capture some Daydreams which apparently trap people in happy Comas until they pass away back at base I unlock the bat and craft one right away to replace the spear then spend my level up point in attack I repair all my weapons and tools then craft a lot more arrows to challenge the dinam again I throw at my chicke to distract the dinam while I shoot but the dinam still hits me with a ranged slice destroying my shield the dinam defeats my chiap so I throw out a lamb ball while gracefully dodging and shooting at very low health I do my best to dodge and eventually get it low enough to throw a ball but even then it breaks free I bring its HP down even lower and just barely survive another hit before throwing another pal sphere this time the chance is 20% but the number suddenly jumps higher and higher before catching the dinosur I take it home and I'm super excited to add a highle pal to my team but then I realize that it's high level gets lowered to my level so I have it plant seeds at the berry Plantation instead during the night I head out again and catch hookies to expand my pal deck and level up afterwards I head back to base and go to sleep the next morning I unlocked the Hot Springs building and also learn the incubator and Crusher recipes I start building the crusher first then the egg incubator one of my lamb balls seems a bit confused about carrying wood so I help them out Meanwhile my dinum gets to work chopping trees whilst I build another Berry Plantation then cook some of the berries I mine some Stone then return to base to drop off my loot afterwards my kativa gets sick and is depressed because of neglect I give it some loving pets before sending it back to work then I leave to capture some lamb balls near my base until I have 10 which gives me an exp bonus once I'm back home I realize that the feed box is completely empty so I quickly shove baked berries inside for my starving Pals to devour while I water the fields that night I leave my Bas to surprise and catch a Chickapee and some hookes I find a new pal and ik through deer and challenge it with the help of my lamb ball then capture it I also find some Cris nearby but they are much easier to catch whilst chasing a penlet I see even more new Pals but I chase on the penlet first and capture them next I snipe a goomas who then attacks me with mud I smack it until it submits to my ball thanks to all that XP I can now afford new technologies first I craft a new bow that can shoot three shots at once since my crafting speed is so slow I invest my stat points into work speed to speed it up next I grill some chickes and craft more pal speres lastly I Enslaved the Panget to water the berries and the ik 3 deer to chop trees since the dinos and plans the pulet waters and The katas Gather my pals should be able to grow their own food now to keep them fed till the next Harvest I put some berries into the feet box before leaving for another adventure a bit further out I find a new fiery Fox pal called Fox Sparks they're the first fire pal I found so I catch both of them and collect their flame organs I also catch another pengal it which levels me up then I check my tech tree to find a meat cleaver which lets me butcher my own Pals from here I head closer to the shore and find a statue similar to the one near my base which turns out to be a fast travel point I also find a purple chest nearby with gold pal spheres and a megas sphere inside I talked to a skill old Islander nearby and she advises me to collect 10 Pals for an XP bonus then gives me five palum fragments I pick up another Effigy then find another one of The Castaways logs apparently he noticed an empty space on the world map and guessed that there's an island there before setting sail for this Mysterious Island I head through a Ravine and notice that I'm now very close to the tower for my mission while I'm here I shoot at a flying pal the Nightwing after almost accidentally killing it I managed to capture it just in time only to learn that they kidnap and fatten pal babies to later eat them I find another ik through deer nearby and easily catch them here I also find my first Monster egg and take it with me there's another fast travel station near the rain Syndicate Tower so I activate it before entering the tower apparently I only have 10 minutes to beat the boss but I decide to challenge It Anyway inside the tower a mysterious lady approaches me and challenges me with her pal it turns out her name is Zoe and her pal is called grisol I send out my hookes and start attacking with my bow and that's when I realized this this boss has a whopping 30,000 Health it fires electric balls at me and leaps with charged claws while my Lambo charges at it the Gris bolt somehow gets stuck behind a pillar leaving it vulnerable to my attacks but I'm still not doing enough damage I pull out my Daydream to poison and deal better damage then try to melee the boss I managed to avoid a Charged attack behind the pillar but eventually get overwhelmed by the claw jumps and lose the battle back at base I decide to prepare better for next time I put the egg in the incubator but it seems a little cold so I build several campfires nearby to warm it up next I used the flame organs that I collected to build a primitive furnace I tried making some ingots but the furnace requires kindling meanwhile the egg is already hatching and another eyr deer comes out I sleep then wake up to see a random pile of stones near the Farms that my pals haven't moved into storage chests so I put a storage chest right next to the fields to make it easier to move and store the wood and stone I add the ik through deer Nightwing and pangul it to my team then realized that my fox Parks kindled the furnace to refine the ingots after mining more oree and producing a lot of ingots at the furnace I suddenly get raided by man-eating wild Pals I quickly build an alarm Bell and ring it then take out my weapons to fight I manag to capture a Le buunk but the rest of the attackers die after defeating the raid I get some keys as a reward I put the least buk in my team then craft some nails so I can build a highquality workbench since it's a direct upgrade to my old workbench I disassemble my starter workbench and construct the better one with the highquality workbench I'm able to craft Pelt armor that I immediately wear along with metal tools afterwards I construct a medieval medicine workbench which lets me craft all kinds of pal medicines I make some lowgrade medical supplies then give it to a sick kativa unfortunately the kativa is still depressed so I put them in the PO Box I head out to mine more Ores and palum fragments then notice a chest I open it with my copper key to receive coins arrows and a cloth outfit schematic finally I end the day then head to my palar workbench to craft an i through deer saddle I immediately try out mounting and charge into a kativa power shotting a lamb ball levels me up and I invest the point in work speed I learned some new technologies then craft a crossbow and a metal spear with my new weapons I fast travel back to the tower I find some Syndicate thugs nearby fighting a mpaka and a Chickapee in their base after damaging a thug I triy throwing a sphere at them and actually capture them even though it's inhumane afterwards I tried shooting Pals with my crossbow while mounted and easily slaughter them earning lots of pal fluids I then return to the thug Hideout and rescue a captured s near The Hideout I find a another melpa which I try to capture but it escapes my sphere but with another try I'm able to catch it I fast travel back to base with a pal fluid so I can finally build a hot tub this lets me upgrade my base so I sign a lamp ball to work which lets me upgrade my base yet again for the next upgrade I have to build an ice box and a sphere workbench but I don't have the materials so I leave to gather them with my pockets filled with ore I'm too heavy to ride my pal so I first have to drop some loot then spam the deer's charge to make it back home back at base I I realized that I actually have The Syndicate gunner in my PO Box I send him out then realize that he's genuinely my slave now afterwards I pet my human slave by rubbing his kneecaps then spin Dance Before stuffing him back into my PO Box the next day I put the Su at work and build a cooler box this lets me upgrade my base again before giving me new tasks to complete I craft a fox Sparks harness then discover more interesting recipes to unlock later like the pengal rocket launcher after trying my least punks ability to detect hidden dungeons I AC my fox Parks harness skill which lets me use them as a flamethrower I then go for a ride and capture another dinam with my Lee Punk after returning to base I craft a collar for my Daydream which lets it follow me around and attack even while I have another pal out feeling much stronger I start riding back to the boss Tower past the Ravine I find a pack of dire houss hunting and start shooting them I throw out some spars and eventually manage to capture some of them after Gathering a few mushrooms I ride through some arches and reach the tower again I take out my Nightwing for the start and challenge Zoe to a rematch I carefully dodged several attacks before hiding behind a pillar to avoid a Charged laser while my Nightwing distracts the gis bolt I manage to get good damage in with my crossbow not much later I activate my fox Spark's flamethrower which melts down the Gris Bolt's Health until the skill goes on cool down thanks to the burn damage the boss's health keeps trickling down while I impale them with crossbow bolts again and again the angry grisol charges and slashes at me but I managed to dodge most of their attacks finally I reactivate my fox spark flamethrower and finish off the B Lo to earn my revenge this rewards me with a lot of XP along with a new fast travel point from the tower's top I Savor the view and can even see the tree in the background thanks to five ancient technology points that I also earned I'm able to unlock some new special Tech back home I increase my work speed and after frying some eggs another raid attacks my base I welcome them with my flamethrower then finish off the rest with my metal spear with the raid defeated I head out to capture a few more of the local Pals but now it's hard not to accidentally kill the pals before I can capture them I still try to catch 10 of each species and manag to finish my collection of 10 chickies I ride back to base and unlock a few more recipes first I craft 10 pieces of cloth in order to make a Nightwing saddle I try the saddle right away letting me fly up high in the sky the Nightwing is a bit slow but it lets me attack while flying then I head out to mine more ore and stash it all away at base to make Ingot production a bit faster I craft a second furnace then place down a wheat Plantation then I construct a mill which can turn the wheat into flower I also craft a small Feed Bag which unlocks an inventory slot to automatically eat from when my pals and I get hungry I end the night then realize that I didn't have enough beds built so I fixed this right away next I decided to build one of the ancient Technologies the statue of power but I don't have enough palum fragments while mining for palum I discover another chest that I can unlock with the bronze key opening it rewards me with some gold along with a schematic for a tropical outfit back at base I build this statue then make Soul offerings to enhance my Pala stats I also offer a lift mug Effigy to enhance my capture power afterwards I construct a palisin condenser I put my Daydream inside then realized that I can sacrifice eight other Daydreams to raise the stats of the first one I decide to give it a try once I've captured enough I teleport to the tower area then start riding around to fight and capture some Pals after several captures I earn enough XP for a level up and new technologies I then go back to base and build a cooking pod before leveling my work speed even further during the night I go out to hunt more Pals when suddenly I hear sparkling noises and follow them to find a shiny hookies in the dark I attack carefully in order to not accidentally kill it then throw a ball and capture the rare pal sadly my pals Slaughter two Daydreams before I can capture them but then I find a nox luckily I actually managed to capture this pal then catch several more Daydreams till I've completed 10 captures for the XP bonus I put my level daydream in the base slot of the PO condenser then put eight Daydreams inside and sacrifice them to improve the first one stats I also check my rare hookes and find out that it has a a fire attack so I swap out my fiery Fox Parts with the hookes then start cooking some roast ier deer I noticed that one of my pals is starving and after checking my base I find my fox barks somehow stuck underground I place them in and out of the pow box to reset their position then they immediately rush to eat with that resolved I leave to mine more ore after teleporting back to the tower area I notice a suspicious cave and enter inside to find a dungeon right away I see a mouse and Kari to catch your easy targets thanks to my rare hesus fire breath I head deeper into the dungeon to find in areas surrounded by water I make my way through and find Syndicate thugs there that I easily handle I go back to the circular first room and try a different path there I find a fuddler that I catch before discovering some large rocks the yellow one turns out to be sulfur while the black one is coal I get interrupted by more Syndicate thugs but easily defeat them back in the circular room again I find two paths where I head left leading to a Sandy area with additional fluders and kilari that I catch I keep going that way until I enter a part of the cave with more mouse that I capture for another level up I spend the new stat point to increase my carry weight then defeat the thugs in this area too I go back to the start of this cave and go into a partially flooded tunnel from here I reach a beautiful part of the cave with a tree growing inside next to a large level 10 ether deer I challenge the boss and Dodge his attacks well until I get ganked by his friend with a well- aimed pal sphere I managed to capture him but then his friends charge in and take me out I wake up back at base and check out the boss I through deer that I captured I put the boss deer to work then craft a dinam saddle with this I can now ride the dinam which fights with dragon and grass attacks but turns out to be much slower I also try riding the diral but since it doesn't have great attacks I switch back to riding the boss ither deer I put down a metal chest at base then clean up my inventory to make space for future dungeon exploration while I'm at it I also craft the pulet rocket launcher I pick a pulet as Cannon fod then try shooting it at a lamb ball it collides with a massive explosion and Deals decent damage too I put the traumatized pulet back into the PO boox then assign a kilari to work at my base afterwards I fast travel back to the tower then look for a new pal that I saw on the map map first I clear out the thug Hideout again while capturing some pangit until I have 10 I explore the other path that leads away from The Hideout then find and capture a t Fant then I head over a bridge and find a new boss pal called chili It's only level 11 so it doesn't take that many shots to get it low and into my ball whilst rewarding me with another ancient technology point on the same Hill I capture another IU deer along with the Liv monk which is a new type of plant pal nearby I capture yet another plant pal the ca now that it's night time I see some new Pals near the shore I capture the depresso then surprise an ior dear and some sleeping Pals with that I reach level 21 and unlock the Technologies for a musket and gunpowder I capture more Pals a kemis and Nightwing then I mine some ore and head back to base to sleep and end the night the next morning I noticed that the boss chillet I caught has a passive that adds Dragon damage to my attack so I add it to my team and name it Garo then I build a weapon workbench and use it to craft a grappling gun after upgrading my base I put the depressor to work and build a new bed for it I try out the grappling gun then replace my Nightwing with Le Punk since the grapples might remove the need for Flyers before heading out again I start producing some charcoal and cook some food then I teleport to the tower area again and explore around to find a rush or that I almost kill but managed to capture with a sliver of Health there's also a flack nearby that I chase around before noticing two mamis fighting each other I moving closer then wait patiently for them to get each other low unfortunately my IKR deer gets a little impatient and charges in before immediately dying I start shooting the mamis but eventually one of them changes its Target and starts attacking me I keep attacking until one of the is low then throw my gigap pal sphere at it the chance to capture is still way too low and when the mamis breaks free it gets killed by the other one I then back up to a safer distance before shooting it down to only a sliver of health and throw a gigas spere but the mamist breaks free I try again with the mega sphere and somehow succeed with a 3% chance to capture the mamis I grab their loot which turns out to be some highquality oil eventually nightfalls and I open a treasure chest nearby then capture my first Spark it I teleport back to base and realize that the Amis as level two skill in planting Mining and logging so I put it to work right away the next morning I craft the chillet saddle and immediately switch from ier to now ride the ice dragon mount then I craft a musket for a huge damage upgrade and make some ammo to go with it afterwards I head out to farm more ore and test my musket by headshotting a kativa for massive damage after crafting a toolbox to boost my Pal's work speed I sleep through the night the next day I start by crafting some gigos speres then fast travel back to the tower area from here I make it over the river by jumping off my chillet and using the grappling gun I noticed a new biome on this side of the river with lots of red leaf trees growing getting closer the building turns out to be a desolate church I then activate the Fast Travel point and explore inside the church where I discover a chest and a statue of power I follow the path from the church and spot an interesting looking gate in the distance after jumping down the cliff I find a jol hog that I chase and enslaved then I attack a tany who soon joins My Pal Army as well nearby I find an abandoned m shaft I head into the M shaft and see that it leads to a cave with some barrels Guillotines and other torture devices inside there's a black marketeer as well who tells me that he buys and sells Pals including forbidden ones he's even selling Pals that I've never seen before I check how much he'd buy my pals for then decide it's not worth it after leaving the M shaft I head through a valley then use my Nightwing to fly up a cliff leading me to a cavern I head inside and clear the dungeon by capturing a fuddler and daydream then destroy a whole gang of Syndicate thugs after locating the end of the dungeon I reach the tree area again and find a level 10 Mal boss there I capture it then check out the back room to find two chests with skill frots for stone blast and fire blast inside after claiming my loot I touch the purple Crystal and it teleports me out of the dungeon now at night one more captured rush or allows me to level up so I can unlock new recipes while exploring around I happened to find some kind of Village after entering the small settlement I talk to a researcher there who tells me about boss monsters that control the other Pals around right next to him the village Chief tells me about the rain poaching gang and and asks me if I can take them out for him I activate The Village's fast travel point then spot a Wandering Merchant in a Hut nearby I sell my rubies to him before checking what he has to offer I buy some electric organs then teleport back to base here I craft a mega shield and mega glider then equip both next I craft a stun baton which will make capturing easier but has lower damage than the spear after mining for more ore I craft a metal helmet and wear it while more ores are being refined I head back to the settlement from here I take off with my Nightwing and spot a new boss pal it's a king Paca together with a small herd of mil pacas I shoot the minions first then the Supreme fluff Commander charges in I shoot him in the head while riding as he chases me around alternating between gunshots and G's attacks I slowly bring the kaca down to a capturable range my pals almost kill him but after throwing gigas speres I managed to imprison the king I check out his skills and learned that he can help me carry more by increasing my carry capacity I head back to base and add the king Paca to my team then craft him a saddle I now take him for a ride while including him in a kativa in my party for the nice increaseing car caring capacity thanks to all the new iron ingots I craft brand new metal armor and wear it after preparing more ammo I fast travel to the church area and find a lot of or notes right behind the building after filling my pockets with ore I drop it all off at base then come back to the church before exploring the path leading up to a cliff after sniping a thug in midair I land in an open area I capture a dire Hall in tany then reach level 24 and unlock new tech just a bit further ahead I suddenly run into the very large gate there's a bridge leading up to it and a fast travel point nearby along with another Castaway's Journal he mentions another tower that he wanted to check out but humans attacked him and his lamb ball saved him I then cross the bridge and ride through the gate on the other side I find people working for the protection of Pals who immediately attack me I kill them then discover a new type of pal here the brista quickly destroys my shield but I still manage to capture it from here I reach the moonless shore together with more Brisas I find a Cino and fight them they poison me but that doesn't stop me from capturing one I then take a grassy path and find more people for the protection of Pals ironically killing off some Pals in that area I also find a Floy and capture it letting me reach level 25 I see a boss monster in the lake and immediately jump in to fight it the ozero attacks me back so I try to lure it to the shore from here I can snipe the ozero with my dragon and Ice attacks and even manage to briefly freeze it once it gets low it starts swimming away back to the middle of the lake I chase after it but swimming slowly drains my Pal's stamina and unfortunately gar drowns but I managed to capture the boss anyway and make it back to shore alive with my chillet dead I temporarily switched to my king pacam mount for riding in the nearby forest at night I find a robin quill I get it into my ball but the pal breaks free then my pals kill it before I can throw another one disappointed I walk back over the bridge and fast travel back to base while garl recovers I head to bed and end the day then craft a makeshift handgun I put the ozero in my team and replace my musket with the new gun then I craft a saddle for the ozero so we can easily swim wherever we want I also craft some cloth and Nails then start replacing the pal beds with a fluffier version with that done I can upgrade my base unlocking another slot for a pal to work I add the brista and build it a bed right away with that I fast travel back to the settlement and follow a path with stairs up a hill on the way I find another Effigy then reach the top to discover a relaxa surus hanging out after carefully damaging it I throw a spear and manage to quickly capture it Victorious I climb up one of the rocks and see the other Towers again in the distance I leave and cross a bridge which ends at a Syndicate Hideout I destroy thugs then free a rib bunny from the cage a little further I Glide down to a new Effigy then further down into the valley I follow the path until I reach a hanging bridge and look around to orient myself then jump down to some castle wall ruins and activate a fast travel point with that area explored I teleport back to the bridge of the twin Knights then cross it and follow the path to a waterfall while dealing with some pal protectors on the way after finding another Robin quill who breaks out of my ball I finally managed to capture it with the second pal sphere since it's night I activate another fast travel point near some ancient ruins then teleport back to base to sleep afterwards I fast travel back to the ruins where I defeat more pal protectors and discover then capture a Gil claw then I capture another Robin quill near the ruins before finding even more pal protectors killing Pals immediately I dive in and Slaughter the humans and Pals while nearly dying from the cinemat poison Victorious I keep exploring the ancient ritual site until I discover an area with a glowing circle on the ground nearby I find a diary of Lily everheart revealing that the free pal Alliance is supposed to protect Pals not eat overw or abuse them since I've broken every commandment I leave to check the glow on the ground which turns out to be the entrance to a sealed realm suddenly I'm teleported into a Boss Arena to battle the lady of the garden patalia she attacks with bubbles Leaf discs and a seeds spray that binds me with vines and slows me by keeping my distance I eventually manage to damage her more and more until she's low enough where I throw a pal sphere and manage to capture her on my first try leveling me up Victorious I return to the surface and level up work speed with that done I head back to base and build a ranch I assign a lamb ball there to make me wool then construct a monitoring stand but the lamb ball doesn't seem to produce any wool so I go kill some wild lamb balls for their wool instead back at base I hatch an egg and a grin tail comes out then I visit the settlement's merchant and buy more wool and electric organs with those organs I build a power generator then my sparket suddenly starts charging it since I still need more wool I Slaughter several fluffy Pals for their wool after crafting all the cloth and Nails needed I replace all the old beds with fancy ones next I build a spar line factory which crafts balls faster but needs power so I add a jol hog to help charge the generator after making some cement I craft a couple of hyperspheres gigas speres and megas speres at the assembly line suddenly I get raided by wild Pals and rush out to battle them but then they sneak around the upper side and get behind my base immediately causing lots of damage the level 37s are too strong and easily defeat me and my pals once I respawn I see my house burning and throw out my king Paca but he misses the the enemy and destroys my home with multiple shots I damage an incin enough to try capturing it but it keeps breaking out after several attempts I finally manag to capture one before they all run away once it's over I assess the damage then move several dropped items into a new metal chest I put the enslaved inceram to work then upgrade my feed bag and rebuild my house next I start blocking off the entrance stairway with defensive walls before upgrading my grappling gun finally I rebuild my bed then end the night and sleep the next day I build a mounted crossbow aimed at the bases entrance then block off the upper path with defensive walls as well I then use my monitoring stand to make my pals work super hard to quickly finish some tasks afterwards I teleport back to the ancient ritual site then fight and capture some cinemon Gill Claws and Robin quills but while hunting for more Robin quills they suddenly surround me and burst Garo down then finish me off back at base I noticed that my pals are depressed then realize that I forgot to stop them from overworking immediately I rushed to treat my ativa work injury with some medical supplies afterwards I craft a mamor saddle then start the next day by building a silo to boost my Pal's planting speed next I ride go into battle and force another mem to join my team then use the saddle to ride it and smash some or noes with its raw power the next morning I craft a production line factory which lets me craft things even faster then I use my new recipes to build a brand new handgun with all that done I fast travel back to the path that seems to lead up to the big tree and catch a 10th Robin quill to finish fin my collection I then follow the path all the way up where I find a cave entrance and also a fast travel point after enjoying the view I jump off the cliff to swim all the way to the other side on that Shore I find a Frozen egg and also a fast travel point on a completely new island in a nearby Forest I find an effigy and a rrx I see some high level pulet and attack them but this alerts all the nearby Pals the be guards charge at me and start flashing while rapidly beeping but I jump far enough away to avoid their self-destruct somehow I made man to survive their assault but still get chased around by a high level pulet I use my Nightwing to escape and fly up to another fast travel point then travel back to my base the next day I travel back to the ancient ritual site to finish exploring while following a road I slaughter a bunch of pal protectors and fly up a high cliff where I find a new boss pal after I attack the alpad dran it immediately charges at me I managed to avoid its breath attack but then three Fireballs hit me immediately destroying my shield while keeping my distance to recover my shield I land hit after hit and quick quickly shoot down interrupting cinemat thankfully my Daydream and chillet keep pushing the aladen back to stop its attacks until it's damaged enough to capture Victorious I craft an aladan saddle and try flying around with it then test the Pal's abilities afterwards I craft a giga shield and visit the settlement Merchant to sell the old one I fast travel back to hypocrite Hill and spot a tower in the distance then decide to head towards it once I jump down from the hills I reach a biome that looks like some kind of swamp I catch some gobins then make my way across the water to reach reach the moonless shore nightfalls then I find in minus sulfur Rock close by I spot a loop Moon and catch it despite the low catch chance then also capture a nearby catc while exploring in the dark night I suddenly see a bright glowing pal in the air I fly up and manage to catch the colorful hell zepper with the sun slowly Rising I discover a new pal close by the Manda the green bears stand no chance against my dragon attacks though so I easily enslave them I follow the path and find a camp of annoying pal protectors that I Slaughter before for freeing a mandal lux from their cage a gory rat casually walks by so I forcefully add it to my collection right away I now reach the ver and Brook and fly on idan's back to make it over the slopes leading up after riding down a deep valley with lots of trees I find a fast travel point and a sealed realm I teleport back to base then make a bunch of cement and bread before crafting an upgraded hot spring for my pals to relax then another raid attacks my base this time it's pal protector extremist but they immediately get stuck on my walls and are easily annihilated by G's Dragon Cannon once work at base is done I fast travel back to The Verdant Brook and approach the glowing sealed realm I head inside and attack the Veet who immediately retaliates with poison and tornadoes I managed to burn it with the dragon Cannon while keeping my distance as it's trying to catch up to me suddenly it launches seeds at me which explode and deal lots of damage once it's almost dead I throw a pal sphere and manage to capture the veil Victorious I go back to base and immediately find my Manda majestically t- posing towards the Speed box then I travel back to ver and Brook and continue exploring the area I discover a beautiful mountain lake then attack a group of beards and elizabe one of the Beards charges into me and explodes hurting my chillet but at least I managed to capture the other one only the queen is left but with some gigas speres I eventually manage to make her my pal too I fly up the mountain again to get a better view then continue making my way towards the tower near the mountain I grab some Effigies but then it gets really cold which constantly damages me I almost die from the cold before gliding away but then I run out of stamina and fall to my death after responding at base I sleep through the night the next morning I craft cold resistant metal armor then travel back to The Verdant Brook I fly up the cliffs to the frostbound mountains collecting more Effigies on the way finally I reach the Mountaintop and discover the free pal Alliance Tower in the middle of a frozen lake after activating the nearby fast travel point I fight and capture some sze then a sweepa joins the battle so I finished capturing the squeeze before trying to capture the sweepa too it escapes several spheres but the last sphere that I throw before dying actually captures him I unlocked the weapon line factory and build it allowing me to upgrade my base now that I've unlocked the maximum amount of Pals I can put to work I build a tomato Plantation then end the night the next day I fast travel back to the free pal Alliance Tower and capture a rangerx then I find a Castaways Journal explaining how he also found this Tower and noticed an energy similar to palum or floating inside when he entered he was teleported to someone with a massive pal and ran for his life after capturing a foxic i enter the tower to find a silver-haired girl called down a massive flower pal after cuddling Lily glares at me before attacking me with lilene just one of her attacks destroys my entire Shield but with my Inferno attack I managed to burn her she switches up her attacks a lot attacking with bubbles and spinning vines that slow me down while I try to switch Pals Len's bubbles destroy go so I fight with aladan instead but since elran isn't doing enough damage I switch to ozero then blast Len's head with dragon cannons and my handgun now now we're doing good damage and start catching up on time but it's still a tight race as the final minute closes in I land several head shot finishing Lily and lene off Victorious I Savor the view from the top of the tower then I return to base to let gar recover and build a witch cauldron to help with medicine production with that done I teleport all the way back to the Fort ruins and head east to find a Beach area then eventually reach Marsh Island here I find a fast travel point along with a ruby that I catch nearby I find a sealed realm and enter to find and a cat that I quickly damage and capture while exploring the island I also catch a Nightwing Rush Shore goomas Ruby and lmon suddenly I find a mamist and spam them down before catching them and reaching level 34 nearby I fly up a cliff then see a fast travel point and jump down to unlock it I find a Survivor close by who tells me that he was attacked by wild Pals before giving me survival tips and palum fragments using the Fast Travel statue I returned to my base and craft an improved furnace letting me make refined ingots since I need lots of ore I return to the desolate church and build a second base near the or rocks after assigning several Pals to work I'm suddenly raided by pal protectors thankfully I easily wipe them out with Caro's moves before they reach my base Victorious I build a chest to store ore and a feed box to keep my pals fed then I assigned more kivas to mine along with gory rats to transport The Ore to the chest but when I returned later I realized my Pal's focused on logging instead of mining I clean up their mess then and put all the pals away before returning to my main base to process some ore into refined ingots after mining more ore I sleep through the night then pick up my refined ingots the next day with those ingots I craft a refined metal pickaxe then fast travel back to Marsh Island I catch some night wings then explore towards the center of this island after catching two goomas I reach level 35 then clear out a Syndicate Hideout and free a pulet eventually I find the island Shore and follow it until I reach a fast travel point from there I head north up a path and find the alpha Manda Lux I throw out my ozero then start blasting the Manda Lux with bubbles and dragon cannons while constantly pushing the alpha back I easily capture a dire house after a couple of failed captures I finally managed to catch the electric Panda and add it to my collection Victorious I start chasing down a tany before beating them down and catching them Beyond some rib bunnies I find a Wandering Merchant selling some new skill fruits I sell him some of my valuables then buy an acid rain fruit and teach this skill to my ozero after exploring more I eventually find a desert runaway who complains about not being able to tame Pals then gives me some palum fragments I activate the nearby fast travel point then teleport back to my main base after storing my loot I make some polymers to craft a single shot rifle next I fast travel back to the bridge of the twin Knights but this time I jump in the water and cross the lake to reach the other Shore immediately I run into Syndicate Thugs and deal with them before finding a field of purple flowers flers along with the kelpy who I capture for the first time after finishing off The Syndicate thugs I free a jol hog Crist from their cage then cross the flower field and capture a grazing woollip on the way finally I grabbed the Fast Travel point and reached the entrance to Bamboo Grove from here I spot a new flying pal the vanor worm who I easily capture with a single megasphere I climb over the hills of the Grove then discover a masarina grazing who I quickly add to my pal Box nearby I find a Brun cherry and capture it too after after following the path to another fast travel spot I reach the sealed Realm of the swordmaster I enter and I'm immediately attacked by the Bushi it quickly damages me with fire grass and Ice attacks but aerob and ey quickly lower its Health then capture it back outside I use aladen to fly over to the island to the South leading me to the seab breeze archipelago after grabbing an effigy I see a new boss pal I immediately challenge The univolt Who blasts me with electricity after spamming Dragon Cannon again and again I activate acid rain but then the univolt runs away I chase after it before bringing it low enough and capturing it Victorious I climb up a nearby Cliff to find a fast travel point along with a broken down church after more exploration I reached the beach and an alpha gumas so I easily damage and capture then I return to the church and teleport back to base to stash away my loot with that done I teleport to the small settlement then fly up a cliff using my elran to reach a plateau with The Syndicate hideout on top I free the trapped lift monk then explore a forest with orange leaf trees I follow the path up the mountain catching an incin and Le Punk on the way once I reach the top I spot more of the missing Towers along with some kind of Rocky island in the ocean I fly back down then mount my ozero to cross the ocean towards this Mysterious Island almost there I climb onto a pillar and open a chest with a defense pendant inside then I fly to the island but I'm immediately warned about criminal Behavior I see lots of Bones and dead trees here but also collect a beautiful flower on some bones is an ik 3 deer Terra and after a few tries I managed to capture it after finding some pf guards I approached them only to be immediately attacked for trespassing at first I swim away but then I decide to ignore them and come back for the rare Pals immediately I find a gz bolt and quickly damage it then capture it afterwards I catch more ik through de Tera then capture a royall looking penguin the pening while climbing up a slope I suddenly realized that this is a sanctuary for wild Pals on some nearby rocks I find another chest which has a book that gives me Tech points after gliding back down I M Some Coal while ignoring the shooting guards nearby is a veil it that I quickly damage and capture eventually I leave the sanctuary Island but the guards keep chasing me once I reach a tropical island I start Dragon cannoning the guards down and eventually they leave me alone now at peace I fast travel back to my main base and replace my old miners with the painings then I sleep to start a new day before crafting the Giga grappling gun next I up upgrade my primitive furnaces to improved furnaces and build a lettuce Plantation afterwards I swim back to the sanctuary Island and capture more panings for my base reaching level 39 then I fly up and build a PO Box next to the coal rocks for easy fast travel to coal mining after returning to base I craft the hell zeer saddle then try out the Pal's flight and attacks next I teleport to the seab breeze archipelago and explore the island while riding my hell's effort I approach a new sealed realm and enter to challenge the lunaris inside grisal deals Fant fantastic damage with its Thunder attacks even stunning the lunaris after a quick fight I capture the new pal and leave the sealed realm I keep flying West and find an alpha Bron Cherry who I challenge with my hell Epper after several flar storms I easily capture them afterwards I fly up a cliff and discover an alpha sweepa then immediately take out its swe minions with some fire attacks with just a few more attacks I easily capture their leader Victorious I explore further and find a poison blast skill Berry on the ground which I immediately teach to help effort from here I head to the beach then notice a tower in the distance before flying towards its Island but once I reach Mount obsidian I start taking heat damage so I keep to the shore to avoid Burning Alive while following this path I eventually reach another Twin Night gate with a fast travel point right next to it that I activate I fly through the gate then Battle of Van Worman manage to capture it along with a repo night falls and I find yet another New Pal blazow knocked who attacks with dark homing balls and lava eruptions it's extremely hard to catch but despite the low capture rate I managed to add one to my pal collection Victorious I fast travel back to base and immediately put some of my new fire Pals to work before going to bed I start a rifle ammo craft for my pals to finish then travel back to Mount obsidian from here I fly West on a path that leads along the mountain but avoids The Hot Zone suddenly I discover some kelpsy ignis and catch one before chasing down and catching another that night I find a pirate knocked near the beach and headshotted before failing catch after catch until a successful capture at the Beach's end I fly up for a nice view of the big tree before landing on some grass nearby are some sleeping flamb bells that I shoot and capture to reach level 40 after unlocking heat resistant refined metal armor the Giga glider and GIS Bolt's minigun I fly back to collect scorching eggs and lift monk Effigies before reaching the Fast Travel Point once I'm home I put the scorching eggs in the incubators then craft GIS Bolt's minigun immediately I leave my base to test the minigun on a mamor stealing Mass massive damage back at base I craft the heat resistant refined metal armor and wear it afterwards I craft the Giga glider more rifle ammo and a refined metal axe with all that done I quickly traveled to the settlements Merchant to sell my old gear I hatched one of my large scorching eggs and a ragn hawk comes out after checking it out and sleeping through the night I'm suddenly raided by flying hyena Pals the Raiders try to fly over my walls but somehow get stuck anyway so I snipe them down with aero's dragon Cannon Victorious I had back to craft the ragn hawk saddle then immediately try them out and see that they're faster with that done I teleport to the Mount obsidian entrance then lovingly pet my pals to encourage them for the fights ahead while riding my ragn Hawk I fly deeper inside then challenge some borms with my ozero easily catching both I also capture repo but then the pal sphere just stays on the ground immediately I return to base and realize that my PO box is full right away I rush over to the abandoned Min shaft and talk to the black marketeer inside to sell off my enslaved humans and extra Pals to make space once I'm done I leave the M shaft to find and pick up the captured Pals I previously didn't have space for as night falls I make sure to grab all the lift monk Effigies that I find on the way eventually I'm back at Bamboo Grove where I now discover the sealed Realm of the thunder dragon inside I find a very gluttonous Dragon the relaxa surus Lux I first unload GIS Bolt's minigun into the alpha to soften him up then switch to ragnok to help me keep my distance but suddenly I get stuck on a rock before the Alpha's lightning streak stuns and nearly kills me I barely manage to escape then keep flying in circles while recharging my shield before shooting the alpha with my rifle once it's low enough I throw a pal sphere and manage to capture it first try Victorious I head back to base to put the new pal in my team then travel to the relaxa surus area to rub its belly after flying towards a mountain range and crossing a river I find a fast travel Point while checking below I find a mine shaft hidden behind a waterfall I head through the tunnel and reach a large cave with a Fang lope inside unloading GIS Bolt's Minun drops the Fang lope to half Health then I switch to Electric attacks while getting bombarded by acid rain unfortunately my capture fails then grisol accidentally kills it disappointed I fly out of the cave then head back to Mount obsidian near the beach I find a huge scorching egg and immediately return to base to put it in the incubator after sleeping through the night I fast travel back to Mount obsidian then head inside with my ozero I challenge a repo and Whittle them down for an easy capture I then chase down and attack two pyrons eventually manag to capture them one by one I explore the burnt looking area then run into some wixon who I greet with acid rain sadly I accidentally killed the first one but I'm eventually able to catch the second I keep progressing up the slope of the mountain when suddenly some brothers of the Eternal py Soul attacked me with flamethrowers I quickly kill them all then keep climbing grabbing a huge Dragon egg on the way before reaching a massive magma Lake luckily I can just fly over it then then proceed to activate a nearby fast travel point now I fly straight up the side of the mountain while periodically resting at the sides to regain stamina finally I reach the top of the mountain and discover the brothers of the Eternal py Tower after activating the nearby fast travel point I fly down into the volcanic crater to grab an effigy I find a new pal here G in ignis and soften it up before capturing it after feeding my pals I approach the tower and enter inside then finds some kind of rapper he summons his electric pal orer then reveals himself as Axel before throwing a lightning tridon at me I fight back with Gris Bolt's minigun but it barely puts a dent in orser's 130,000 Health po switching to oera relax Source Lux doesn't help because neither are strong against lightning or dragon types since my damage is way too low to win in 10 minutes I give up and ultimately fall to orser's attacks back at base I learned that dragon and lightning are weak to ice and ground before going to sleep the next morning I assigned some repos to refine lots of ingots afterwards I fast traveled to the or or base and set up a feed box since repos have level three Mining and can't chop trees I signed them here to focus on mining ore I then add a hell Zer and vorm as Transporters to move the mind or to the chest lastly I craft nails and cloth to build some fluffy pow beds for them with that done I fast travel to the sanctuary Island base and assign a repo here too along with the ragnok for transportation I Supply them with their own feed box as well as two beds while finishing up I'm suddenly raided by ferocious wild Pals luckily they can't get up here and instead get stuck against a wall so I easily Dragon Cannon the group down after returning to base I hatch a huge scorching egg to get a blaze how knocked then the huge Dragon to get a yman tide ignis since the ignis has level four kindling I immediately assign him to base before giving him Loving Pets I then fast travel to the bamboo Groves and capture a few relaxed sources leveling me up to 42 suddenly I hear the sweet rare pal chime and fly up to find a sparkling rare relaxa orus afraid of killing the shiny I care carefully damage it with Pall attacks and rifle shots while avoiding its attacks but then I accidentally Dragon caned it off the cliff and it falls to its death while staring at its body in disbelief I watched the other relaxed soures casually numb his corpse that night I reached the same waterfall from before and head inside again I challenged the Fango this time being more careful not to kill it Gris Bolt's Minun deals most of the damage then ragnok adds a bit more after which I capture the Fango after leaving the M shaft and flying around a bit I stop by a Syndicate Hideout and clear it out a bit further in I find an r sox who is a completely new pal for my collection from there I head to the next fast travel point near some patches of bamboo here I discover a sealed realm which contains the winged Tyrant I head inside to find a very fluffy Dragon after showering the quivver and bullets I carefully bring it low enough to easily capture with a single sphere near the exit I find another Castaway's journal the Castaway found a massive pal statue and wonders why the ancient humans would build this suggesting that some Pals were significant enough to worship now I return to base and unlock Yanti ignis's saddle before crafting it and trying out the mounts attacks next I craft all the materials needed to make a pump action shotgun with that done I also craft some shotgun shells but to make more I'll need a lot of charcoal so I start a 1,000 charcoal refining task then watch in amazement as my yman tide ignis processes it insanely fast while that's processing I travel back to the bamboo area then fly towards the nearby Beach on the way I grab some figes before catching some Duds and a Toko Toco another toot too charges at me while flashing but I managed to jump just Out Of Reach of its self-destruct then capture its friends that night I kill a dig toys and spot a lavander casually taking a walk at the beach I shoot down its health and capture it thankfully avoiding its debauchery after catching a dig toys I cross the ocean and try to fly to the big tree in the distance once I'm close enough to see land I suddenly hit some kind of invisible wall that stops me from reaching the Island from here the closest land mass is the snowy Island to the East and there's a tower on it too so I fly up to reach the Snowy Peaks and immediately pass by pal genetic researchers I discover a new pal the cry linkx along with a memorist Cris but their high levels would make capturing difficult so I leave them be flying over a frozen lake I collect a few items while avoiding most fights after flying across Frozen Ravines and massive bones I find a fast travel point and activate it then I soar over some pillars to reach the highest peak and discover the pal genetic research Tower before activating the nearby fast travel point and teleporting back to base after restocking on ammo I head back to the genetic research Tower and get a really nice view while flying towards the desert on the way I land to check out a new rock type which turns out to be pure quartz immediately I mine all the quartz rocks then Mark the location on my map so I can return for more later with that I continue my journey to the desert once I arrive I start taking cold damage again but press onto some kind of Castle in the distance the structure turns out to be the Dune shelter and I activate the Fast Travel Point next to it instead of exploring the shelter I leave to fly over the dunes and reach the tower once there I activate the nearby fast travel point and head back to base now that I'm home I quickly sleep through the night then use my new quartz to craft some circuit boards thanks to those circuits I'm able to replace my production line factory with a longer improved version with that I'm able to make a hypers shield along with even more circuit boards to also upgrade my sphere line factory finally I hatch a large Frozen egg and get an ice repor which seems to be good at mining cooling it's also ground and ice type which counters orser's lightning and dragon types so I add the ice repo to my team then build an electric kitchen to make cooking even more efficient with that done I head back to Mount obsidian and find a rare repo but it's level 50 so I leave it be I catch a regular repo instead before capturing more pyrons a wixen and a blazow knocked afterwards I leave for the desert to find new Pals and discover a doy I quickly capture it then use my eyeso to soften up Ray hounds for more captures while while exploring I notice a black marketeer near the Dune shelter and check out the pals he sells I buy a ma Crist and a ma before fast traveling back to base once there I hatch a van worm then teach Stone Cannon to my ICE repo with that done I fast travel back to the volcano and catch more Pals while riding my ozero capturing the 10th repo levels up my ice repo to 30 letting it learn its unique move Frost burst now that the ice repor is ready I return to base and cook some salad which lets me deal more damage but also take more damage too the next morning I teleport back to the brotherhood's Tower and eat the salad before entering the tower to rematch Axel and ozerk first I unload GIS Bolt's minigun then bring in iceo to freeze the boss which holds him still for huge shotgun damage I'm struggling to get good hits in while orer is focusing me until another freeze lets me reload and land several head shots orer keeps chasing and pressuring me making it hard to regenerate my shield while he blasts me with dragon breath I dodge as much as I can but then he lands a mass massive lightning attack which stuns me and almost kills me I really need ice rro to distract the boss so I can heal but then he dies to orser's lightning immediately I throw out Yanti ignis who quickly sets ozerk on fire dealing really good damage meanwhile I keep squeezing in as much damage as possible while trying to dodge orser's attacks luckily Yanti keeps him burning constantly draining his health but then orer throws his Trident stunning Yanti ignis and almost killing him so I swap him out for grisol to unload another minigun since Yanti ignis is still low I switch in ragnok who also burns the boss after orser's Dragon burst wipes my shield I throw out Yanti ignis and stay back to regen my shield since we're doing enough damage for me to play it safe finally I swap and GIS bolted unload every last bullet into horer before switching to my shotgun and finishing him off Victorious I Savor the view from the top of the tower back at base I craft some carbon fibers and cement then use those materials to make ultr spheres since I need a better water pal I teleport back to the Bamboo Grove and fly towards Wards the lake to challenge the alpha Yanti Gris Bolt's lightning stuns the Yanti then its minigun does lots of damage but the Y's water cannon destroys my shield I jump onto ragn Hawk and keep my distance to regain my shield then attack with fiery shotgun shots once it's low I throw my precious Ultra spheres and eventually managed to capture it Victorious I had to base and check Yanti out then crafted saddle before boosting the pal by offering some pal Souls at the Statue of power afterwards I processed some of my pal oil into polymer that I then then used to craft some circuit boards with that I can build my first electric furnace allowing me to refine a completely new type of Ingot pal metal once five pal metal ingots are finished I use them to craft a legendary pal sphere then I fast travel back to the bamboo Groves and head north where I happen to find one of Zoe's diary entries in it she wonders why she needs to guard this Tower as her father did even though it houses some kind of great power next I Slaughter the local mamis for their precious po oil before heading to the beach and continuing onwards to the Twilight Dunes immediately I noticed some Syndicate scum targeting a pal Merchant so I quickly interfere and kill the attackers then I talk to the Grateful Merchant and buy a jol hog and a loop Buon afterwards I use my Yanti ignis's new fireball attack to annihilate more Syndicate criminals before wiping out their entire Hideout while exploring further I discover a massive pal statue but then start freezing since the dunes get cold at night since it is night though I'm able to find a loop Moon and capture it to reach level 46 to escape the cold I Fly East to a nearby Island and reach the moonless shore while exploring I happen to find Lily everheart's first diary entry but after I open it palet protectors keep interrupting my reading so I fast travel back to Bay to peacefully read her diary there Lily Praises Pals for their skills and looks before calling human Savage animals for enslaving the pals and eating them with that done I upgrade my old furnaces to electric ones after grabbing some pal metal ingots and high quality cloth I craft the Glorious pal metal armor and equip it right away next I use the assault rifle schematic one to craft an uncommon assault rifle before making ammo for it too with that done I head back to the Twilight dunes and notice a new boss pal Anubis I start the fight with the Orman tid's Aqua burst and hydr Laser before switching to ragnok for more speed while trying to shoot at the dodgy Anubis I do my best to avoid its projectiles then I manage to avoid a jump attack and keep shooting until I run out of ammo after I try a legend sphere Anubis breaks out but Yanti helps me lower its Health further sadly even while trying all four of my remaining legendary spheres Anubis keeps escaping I try throwing weaker ultr spheres instead and eventually manage to capture it after wasting so many resources on this fight I try rushing to the nearest fast travel point but end up burning to death from the desert's heat back at base I craft new legendary spheres and more ammo along with some Ultra spheres and mega spheres before leaving to test anubis's power on on the boss mamist using the mamis oil I craft polymer and circuit boards that I then used to build an electric medicine bench in it I noticed the memory WIP medicine craft that can reset my stat points for now I start a high-grade medicine craft and put a catc to work at the medicine bench with one of the syringes finished I inject my repo with the anti-depressants immediately making it much happier after making even more polymer I'm finally able to craft a missile launcher for my relaxa orus with that done I fast travel back to the desiccated desert then head to the p F Tower once inside I'm approached by the PF officer who casually throws out money before summoning his Firebird feris immediately I jump onto my relaxa surus and shower Marcus and his pal with homing missiles causing blinding explosions then I throw out Yanti whose hydr laser counters the fire P for fantastic damage my assault rifle deals good damage too but soon feris destroys my shield with a deadly electric attack thankfully Yanti manages to distract The Boss by firing another laser which gives time for my shield to recharge but then Yanti almost dies so I throw out relaxa orus instead Marcus just won't let me breathe firing yet another electric laser at me before following up with a giant Fireball and a double fire tornado into a barreling charge even worse I get stuck against a pillar and eat another lightning laser attack nearly losing my shield I take a risk and throw out my low HP Yanti again to deal more damage before switching him out just in time to avoid a lethal lightning attack I keep carefully dodging and shooting but then get hit by fire and start burning I risk my yiti again but this time he dies to feris his lightning with my relaa surus back on the field and the boss down to very low health I keep dodging and unloading my bullets until the fiery Duo is slain after my celebratory spin I reach the top of the tower and Savor my victory then I fast travel back to base and enjoy some well-earned sleep the next morning I feed my Manda high quality meds to cure its depression suddenly I get raided by ferocious wild Pals I wait until they gather up my walls then charge up and fire my hydr laser but then they attack my gate and set it on fire so I quickly finish them off but the fire keeps spreading my pening spray water jets to try putting out the fire but eventually start burning while getting stuck on the walls since the Fire won't stop spreading I deconstruct the wooden walls to at least get the materials back then I build stone walls instead before getting raided just as I'm finishing I quickly place the final walls before throwing out yti and hydr lasering the Raiders afterwards I head to My Sanctuary base to mine some ore then replace my dead repo with the Dig toys next I visit my other base near the church and replace these repos with dick toises as well to mine even faster but then while sorting my pobox I suddenly get raided by the rampaging fan girls which is an army of leanders thankfully I'm able to kill most of them before they reach my pals but one manages to slip through it's no match for my pals though who quickly defeat it before getting back to work back at my main base I replaced my Greyhound with a relaxed source Lux to produce more electricity next I make some polymer and refined ingots then use them to craft a relaxa orus lux missile launcher eager to try it I head out and hop onto my relaxus lcks before unleashing a devastating barrage of missiles onto the poor lowlevel Pals nearby satisfied I reward my relaxa orus Lux with some belly rubs I then start crafting assault rifle ammo and leave my pals to finish it before teleporting to the Northwest forgotten Island once there I noticed another Sanctuary to the southwest and fly over to explore it immediately I find and catch a war SE then capture a completely new pal the wotan afterwards I discover a Lily's fourth diary entry where she mentions the sanctuaries along with hiring the PF to protect the unique Pals who live there after capturing a Yanti ignis I also find a menting nearby and damage it then waste a ridiculous amount of spheres before finally capturing it but before I can leave I suddenly discover a rare sparkling Yanti ignis with only six legendary balls left I decide to try my love and hydrol Laser the sleeping Leviathan awake I do my best to avoid the ignis's attacks while bombarding it with water blasts but eventually my yorman tide goes down immediately I throw out my ragn Hawk and ride around while carefully shooting the ignis down to minimum health I almost accidentally alert some pf guards and quickly back off but then the yiti ignis leaves and goes to sleep I shoot the ignis to prevent its reset then throw a legendary sphere but it breaks free after stunning the ignis I throw another sear before falling into the ocean while struggling to get back up up I actually managed to capture the mighty fire Leviathan immediately I rush back to base and suck all the palacol out of my previous yti ignis before funneling them into my new rare one to strengthen it I then put my rare Yanti ignis into the pal condenser before stuffing my other ignes inside and sacrificing them to enhance the stats of my lucky one with that done I fast traveled to the Eastern Wild Island then fly over the ocean to the desert near the shore I find some dazzies and capture one just a bit further I find a New Pal the suzaku then carefully damage it before stunning it with my baton and capturing it while capturing a dinome lux and battling another suzaku I reached level 48 after capturing that suzaku and killing another I fly along the desert's Eastern Edge then discover Robin Quil Tera who I then capture while struggling to capture a dinome lux I start freezing from the night so I switch to my cold resistant underwear the next morning I find some beacons and capture the first two before accidentally killing the last afterwards I noticed another Sanctuary to the north so I fly over the ocean to check it out once there I challenge a Blas it and circle him before he quickly destroys my shield with a fireball but then my oranti ignis shoots its own Fireball nearly killing the blasin immediately I put my ignis away then stun the blaset with my baton before capturing it afterwards I try catching an incam knocked but it escapes again and again until I kill it out of frustration then leave back at base I unlock and craft heat resistant pal metal armor which also raises my defense with that done I fast travel to the astral mountains then fly down the slope and into the valley discovering the Forgotten M shaft inside I find an Ice King PKA and bombard it with yman tid's fire attacks until it's an easy stun and capture I then leave to fly up to the Mountaintop and once there I kill a mamor chis then drop down towards the frozen lake before challenging Frost stallion the legendary Ste of ice the oranti ignis's fire counters the icy Frost stallion but he's too big to dodge Frost stallion's blizzard spikee and nearly dies so I quickly switch back to ragnok frost stallion then charges into me destroying my shield and freezing me so I carefully stay back while spitting poison and fire after I dodge their next charge Frost stallion launches yet another blizzard Spike that I barely avoid by flying up even though I dodge most of frost alion's attacks their weaker homing attacks keep chipping away at ragn Hawk's Health ragn Hawk's HP is getting low but thankfully so is Frost alion's but then Frost alion charges into US kill killing my ragn Hawk I quickly Dodge an ice Spike then throw out my Yanti ignis before attacking with them to damage the boss just a bit more once Frost stallion is low enough I quickly call back my orti ignis then throw a spear before being immediately Frozen frost stallion escapes but I throw ball after ball after ball until finally I managed to capture the guardian deity of palpo Island without ragn Hawk I helplessly freeze to death before respawning at base to check out the frost Stallion and craft its saddle immediately I teleport to the desert and mount the frost stallion before charging into Surf and teras and blizzard spiking dig toes nearby I discovered not one but two more legendary Pals palladius and necromus immediately I attack them with a blizzard Spike freezing them both and charge in with my crystal wings suddenly I realized that Frost stallion's High stamina pool allows me to stay high in the air while attacking avoiding many of the legendary Duo attacks this strategy lets me safely rain down blizzard spikes before coming back down to regenerate stamina as needed suddenly Frost stallion gets hungry so I switch them out for ragnok but I'm immediately punished by the Duo's lasers I quickly switch back to frost Stallion and fly high up to safely regenerate my shield but then Frost stallion gets hungry again this time instead of switching to ragn Hawk I stay high on Frost Stallion and open my inventory to feed it myself after a few more attacks palladius Health drops below 1,000 I carefully switch to ragnok to poison palladius before throwing my balls but he escapes capture after capture until necromus charges into me killing ragnok immediately I hop back onto Frost alion and take to the skies to regenerate my shield before carefully shooting palladius down to 80 HP after trying sphere after sphere again I finally get palladius to submit capturing the Holy Knight now with only necromus left I very comfortably avoid its attacks while gradually dropping its HP to 70 then I throw a sphere and hop off my Frost stallion to smack and stun the Escape necromus before throwing another ball and capturing it immediately I head back to B face and check the pair out learning that they used to be one but got separated into opposite emotions while enhancing my palladius and frost stallion with pal Souls I'm suddenly raided by syndicate thugs just one charge destroys most of them before a blizzard Spike finishes the rest the next day I'm immediately raided by a Toko too self-destruct unit luckily it's just two of them that I easily destroy with a single blizzard spy afterwards I use all the Effigies I collected to upgrade my capture power to the max then I use Skil ver to teach my Frost stallion Spirit fire and poison blast after switching to the new moves I had to mount obsidian then fly over the peak before suddenly realizing that there's a whole other side to explore curious I travel downwards and explore some Lava Lakes after annihilating some py brothers with an icy charge I suddenly stand in front of jet Ron the legendary Celestial Dragon immediately I fire a blizzard Spike before freezing him with Crystal Wing the dragon fights back with homing lasers and a fireball forcing me to back away to get my shield back once I recover I rain down another blizzard Spike freezing him again the speedy Dragon chases me down but luckily gets stuck in a tree giving me some time to shoot him for free but then he backs off into the air before somehow taking heavy fall damage suddenly the jet Ron lands another Fireball which destroys my shield but thankfully he gets stuck in a crater so I can feed my Frost Stallion and myself but then he teleports away so I quickly shoot him to stop his reset then poison him before throwing a ball he escapes then the poison nearly kills him before I can try again but thankfully the poison wears off he breaks out again and again until finally on my ninth legendary sphere I managed to capture him immediately I check his pal deck entry to see that he can fire a missile attack while mounted but I need to be level 50 to craft the saddle so I keep exploring and capturing Pals for XP before finding a fast travel point and continuing along the beach eventually I discovered Fisherman's point and activate the fast travel before finding a merchant who sells bullets after exploring the rest of the beach I head up the slope of the mountain to find yet another fast travel Point nearby I happen to find The Castaways Journal day 29 entry he explains how he used an inscription found in some ruins to build the pal box making it easy to store and send Pals I then fly up the mountain again and discover some stairs leading up to some kind of oasis with a massive Anubis statue in the middle after harvesting a nearby skill fruit tree I shoot at a stuck ragn Hawk then capture it raising me to max level immediately I unlock Jet Ron's missile launcher before fast traveling back to base and making the circuit boards to craft the jetrion missile launcher after crafting the cold resistant pal metal armor too I sleep through the night then give my jeton loving pads before soaring at Max Speed then I fire its aerial missiles which absolutely destroy some tanies finally I try out jett's Dragon meteor which somehow completely misses a tont but the Homing beam Comet does the trick satisfied I immediately return to base to enhance the jeton with pal souls and to teach them Dragon Cannon thanks to jet regon speed exploring the map is is now much easier and I immediately find Zoe's first Diary apparently she doesn't have a family and was instead raised by The Syndicate because her father is one of their bosses next I zoom over the volcano then find The Castaways Journal day 25 entry apparently Pal's breed simply by having a male and female nearby with the eggs suddenly magically appearing on top of that when Pals die their bodies just vanish from there I fly up high to explore around the volcano suddenly I find Axel traverses first entry rapping about how he wants a worthy battle near the mountain range I find a fast travel point and activate it before heading back to base and going to sleep the next morning I fast travel back to Mount obsidian and explore more before finding the Castaway journal's day Zero Entry he found the island shrouded by fog and tried to steer away but was suddenly attacked before ending up Shipwrecked onto the island with that I head to the astral mountains and fly over some ruins then find Victor ashford's second diary entry he experimented with liquefying a pal then concentrating that before injecting it into a pal of the same species to make it stronger with the map mostly explored I head back to base and craft the rocket launcher immediately I test it against my pengula dummy but the splash damage destroys several of my base structures I quickly put the rocket launcher away then leave for the astral mountains once there I head inside the pal genetic research Tower to face Victor who steps towards me and levitates before summoning his pal Shadow beak and mounting him I lead with jet regon who immediately unleash es its legendary dragon attacks to exploit the dark shadow be's weakness and burn them then I hop on to Jetty to release a powerful missile barrage dealing massive damage next I throw out Frost stallion who immediately freezes them before charging in finally I send out palladius who fires their laser before necromus unleashes their own now jet regon pbl the duo with dragon attacks again while I unload my assault rival into Shadow beak space our combos bring the Duos HP below half while we still have over 6 minutes left once Chon's ultimate is ready again I immediately hop on and bombard the duo with every last missile then I switch to frost alion who manages to poison Shadow beak for extra damage things are looking good until Shadow beak blizzard spikes me and destroys my shield but with jetty's dragon attacks and my assault rifle shots we push through and defeat the final boss Victorious I claim the final Tower and they give my precious jetrion a lot of Loving Pets to show how proud I am of my cute Dragon God
Channel: GaroShadowscale
Views: 45,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Spent 100 Days Completing Palworld!, I played 100 days of Palworld and caught all the LEGENDARY Pals, I Played 100 Days of Palworld, I Spent 100 Days in Palworld, I have 100 Days to beat palworld, 100 days of palworld, palworld 100 days, I played 100% of palworld, Palworld, Palworld 100%, palworld 100 days gameplay, palworld gameplay, I Spent 100 Days in Palworld! Here's what Happened!, palworld game, paldeck, palworld walkthrough, palworld garoshadowscale, garoshadowscale
Id: fc7PbAGdA9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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