PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Tips and Tricks | ✔️ EASY GRAMMAR HACK ✔️ (in-depth tutorial)

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everybody alex back here welcome to your favorite pte preparation channel dream english of course today we got a brand new video for you we're going to talk about something that's very very helpful especially with what people struggle with nowadays which is the reading section we get a lot of messages we get a lot of comments with students asking hi sir hi dream english hi alex hi shan i'm really struggling in the reading section can you give us some tips can you give us some tricks so today i'm going to talk about the one simple trick i use to help me get the correct answer for the fill in the blanks it applies for both your reading and writing fill in the blanks the ones with the four options as well as your reading fill in the blanks where you drag and drop the correct word and you put it in the right box so again you learn about the one simple trick that will help you get the right answer more often than not let's get started in a second you're about to see the demo of what i actually mean but before that we have to cover a little bit of grammar now we've tried different ways to teach the students over the years we've tried teaching them like all the proper grammar like you do in school you learn first person second person third person past tense continuous tense this clause that clause but it gets really really confusing for a lot of people like grammar something that everybody hates here's the thing though if you think about it if you're watching this video if you can understand what i'm saying your grammar is probably pretty good meaning maybe you don't know the name of a particular tense on paper like you cannot tell maybe if this is past perfect continuous or past continue but if i say something incorrectly you would know that alex doesn't make any sense he's making grammar mistakes right like if i told you for example yesterday i was go to work you're thinking what's wrong with this guy he cannot speak properly i was go to work maybe you know that the right answer would be i was going to work or i went to work why because we talked about yesterday which is in the past tense so that's what i mean all of you probably watch netflix or hbo on demand or you watch movies in english you read the newspaper you're scrolling on facebook so your grammar knowledge is pretty good but we get wrapped up and we get confused with all this difficult terminology right so whenever we teach reading in class we try to explain to the students in a very simple way with lots of examples that's easy to understand in the kind of context that you use english in your daily life right not some complex you know formulas and explanations and so on so we're going to do the same thing today if you want to learn proper grammar like you're going to study your phd in english this is not the right video for you you should go somewhere else but if you want to find just a tiny edge to help in your exam to get an extra two three points in reading and just help you get over the line just get over 79 get over 65 this will definitely be useful so let's have a look before we actually start with the explanation there are a few basics we have to cover now i'm not going to go into too much detail but the few basics we have to cover is the diff different types of words in a sentence right so the first type of words that is probably the most common is something we call a noun okay now i want you to think what is a noun can you think of an example of a noun right a noun of course could be a place could be a name could be some kind of a thing or object right and the way i try to explain it because sometimes people forget what a nouns and what are some of the other types of words in simple words it's something that you can have something you can have for example i can have a pair of glasses right or i can have a cell phone so glasses are a noun and the cell phone is also a noun right so it's something you can have but people oftentimes forget about things which are not alive objects which are not physical like for example you can also have pride you can also have energy you can also have intelligence you can also have ambition or hard work so i always think of something that i can have can i have a pen yeah can i have lots of energy yes so all of those would be classified as a noun and let's think of an easy example and something the kind of word that you use every day for example a house okay so a house would be something we call a now it's an object it's a thing the second most common word which is repeated in these questions is of course a verb now all of you probably know what a verb is you use verbs every single day a verb it's some kind of a word that represents an action right so in other words it's doing something and you can think of very simple examples working sleeping to study or running but of course it can be in different tenses i am running or i was running i run daily or i ran every day so the verbs can be in different tenses but again let's pick a very simple example right so let's say the word to run that's a verb next let's go with an adjective what is an adjective can you think of an example probably you do right so an adjective is used to describe something used to describe something right and for example you can say something is beautiful or something is very tasty or very delicious or things like that right so let's say as an adjective uh let's put the word beautiful and the last word that's often repeated that people usually mess up with it's something called an adverb now this is where some people get lost what is an adverb some people will say that we use it to describe a verb we used to describe this we use it to describe that but again that's very confusing when you think of it okay what is a verb okay so a word that describes the verb okay that's an adverb what is it's very confusing so to make it simple how i think of an adverb is it is used to amplify something so to add more kind of a power to it right let's say for example you are singing but you're singing you're just doing an action but if you want to amplify the word singing i would say you're singing beautifully you're singing amazingly or let's say you went let's say you went running this morning right so you're running very hard so the word very of course is an adverb it used to amplify the situation now how do we know what is an adverb they usually have a very easy tell they usually have a very easy giveaway which is the following they will end with either the letter y or ly for example you might have the word extremely beautiful very beautiful incredibly beautiful amazingly beautiful right so let's as an example give the word very very beautiful now as a general rule in english we typically don't put two words of the same type after one another so we would not put two verbs after one another i cannot say that i went running swimming doesn't make sense i went running comma swimming i went running and swimming i will go running or swimming so you either need to have some kind of a punctuation in between like a comma or you need to have some kind of a word to connect it like the word and same thing i would not use two nouns after one another i would not say i have a i have glasses phone i have glasses phone doesn't make a lot of sense i have glasses and a phone or i have glasses comma phone comma and a computer so you don't put those two words immediately next to one another same thing with adjective i don't say this phone is black black nice no it's black and nice it's black and fast so again you'd need a comma or some kind of a connector in between and same thing with adverbs you cannot say she she sings incredibly amazingly now she sings incredibly and amazingly beautiful so same concept applies which i'm sure you probably know by now it's not your first day learning english now that we got the boring part out of the way what is the actual trick okay and let me reveal a few things here on my screen that you will see in a second about how to actually use this trick so let me just get my eraser over here okay and here's the question on the screen so let's have a look what this question is about okay so they talk about hot couture some kind of a business some kind of a chamber in paris french department of industry they talk about some kind of a presentation and they talk about 35 separate outfits and evening where okay so just by scanning the text we can get the idea that what they are talking about is something related to clothing some kind of a fashion show some kind of a presentation because we got words like different outfits different wear we have presentations collections things like that so you just need to understand what is the main gist or what is the main point of the text here's the problem okay and this is not just for you one practicing this is for me as well and for many other native english speakers quite frankly sometimes we get students from scotland or ireland and they struggle the same way whenever for example i look for a certain word in the blank i will try to kind of guess what that word is before i even look at the options so i will specifically try to figure out what type of word would it be is it an action like doing something or is it an object like a thing or is it a way to describe something or is it a way to amplify something right so in which case would use an adverb the reason why is because when you know the kind of word you're looking for when you have a look at the options below it makes it much easier because rather than getting confused by eight or nine different options you can narrow it down to one or two words and when you get to those one or two words of course you can figure out with your common sense which one of them is more appropriate because in this question in reading fill in the blanks what pearson will oftentimes do is they will give you guys the right words logically with the right meaning but grammatically is incorrect so you might have the word presentation which is a noun but they might give you one of the options like presenting so you're thinking oh yeah there is a presenting they go oh yeah presenting they're presenting something but there is a presenting would be incorrect however if i said there is a presentation that would be right so they will give you the right word logically but grammatically is the wrong thing so in this case you'd have maybe one of the other options that doesn't seem to fit as well based on meaning but grammatically is the only correct answer so you guys need to remember that grammar here is always a priority your answers always have to be grammatically correct so how do we use this trick how do we actually utilize the thing i was explaining to you guys earlier okay here's what we're going to do before i look any at any options i want to figure out what kind of a word that is so if you remember for each one of our types of sentence we gave an example a house for noun the word to run for a verb beautiful for adjective and the word vary for an adverb so what i'll try to do is i will try to put those words in the blank and conjugate them to see if it makes sense grammatically not logically logically my answer right now is going to be wrong but i just want to see if the type of word that we are picking actually fits in the context so for example let's have a look can i say that this chamber in paris which is a house by the french department which is housed by the french department yes or no which is housed by the french department doesn't make a lot of sense can i say which is running by the french department which is running by the french department so again logically it's wrong but can i say it is running by this place i'm running by the store this morning yeah you could say that so this could potentially be correct can i say which is beautiful by the french department so here's the difficulty if you stop here at the blank which is beautiful makes sense but can i say which is beautiful by the french department um doesn't really seem to work can i say which is vary by the french department which is varied by the french department doesn't seem to make a lot of sense either so these last two options don't work and of course our first one which is a noun doesn't work so right away if you follow this exercise if you understand the logic here we're going to look for some kind of a verb some kind of an action now i'm simplifying this a lot some of you have amazing grammar so maybe you know that if you have the word is blank you're going to look for a verb or if you have a blank followed by a preposition like the word by verbs and prepositions usually go together so some of you may know that but i'm explaining kind of a simple way out if your grammar is not amazing so let's actually have a look at some of these options that we have below let me just clear up my screen here make it a little bit more readable okay so right away we know that for the first blank whichever word we're going to look for is going to be a verb what are the verbs deploy could be regulated could be endorse could be employed could be presentation is a noun inspiration is a noun because we can have a presentation or we can have inspiration right and now there's something you can have but see what happens is in this question in particular a lot of people go which is presentation by the french department so they think oh yeah there's a presentation but actually this word here is a noun so it doesn't work so we have to figure out and actually try all of these can i say which is deployed by the french department no doesn't work which is regulated by the french department could be which is endorsed by the french department which is endorsed by no because it would be with ed like endorsed by which is employ by can i say he is employed by me no i would say justin is employed by me so employee doesn't work so right away based on these you would know that for the first blank it has to be the word regulated grammatically okay let's see if we can use the same logic and the same method to actually uh technical difficulties to figure out what are the answers for the other blanks okay so just bear with me for a second okay let's have a look at the next plane members must blank 15 or more people so let's try all the options can we say members must a house 15 or more people members must car 15 or more people doesn't work members must pen 15 or more people so i'm just replacing a simple noun in the blank to see if it makes sense it would actually fit so this one doesn't work okay members must run 15 or more people okay maybe i can run people members again remember this is logically wrong but grammatically it fits members must beautiful 15 or more people members must beautiful 15 or more people no members must vary 15 or more people so none of these work again we're looking for a verb could be deployed could be endorsed could be employee so here you're going to use your common sense members must deploy 15 or more people so i can send the people okay members must endorse 15 or more people meaning i say something nice about them i give them my endorsement or they must employ 15 or more people so in this situation we narrow down to three words but you still have to use your common sense you still need to understand the context so let's read a little bit more so they have to do something with 15 people and present their collection twice a year aha so maybe they either indoors doesn't make sense they either send the people or they hire the people okay if we're still not sure let's leave it empty for now and we'll come back to this later on when we understand more of the context but we know that we just narrowed down to two of these words never feel the pressure to make the wrong choice because here what happens if you make the wrong choice but this is the word that was the answer in the next blank two of your options are gone right away so in this situation let's leave it empty for now and each blank must include at least 35 separate outfits so each indoors must include no each employee and it's employee not employee so don't get confused each presentation must include 35 outfits or each inspiration must include different outfits so again if we use the previous trick the only thing we can fit in here is a noun each house must include 15 outfits or 35 outfits each running must include no each beautiful must include now each very must include so if you even if you use that previous trick you know there are only two options that could fit so either to talk about a presentation or inspiration but can an inspiration include 35 outfits doesn't make sense can i have a presentation for you in this video and wear 35 different outfits i could right so here you can figure it out that each presentation must include 35 outfits so now this makes it easier for us to figure out the remaining blank which is which we left empty because we have fewer options to choose from and we're less likely to make that mistake where you mess up one blank and it's like a snowball effect you mess up two or three afterwards so now that we know they talk about a french presentation of some kind some clothing presentation right and they do it twice a year so do they deploy 15 people or do they employ 15 people so if they want to present their collection what do they do do they deploy the people maybe they can deploy them on stage but just deploy the people doesn't make sense but if they do it twice a year it makes sense that they hire the people so each time they do the presentation they have to employ 15 people to hire 15 people so this is actually your correct answer if you follow this you would get three out of three okay and let's do one more example really quickly following the same trick but this time i will not talk as much okay we'll try to just go straight to this trick and see how it works so let's pick this word here okay and first always try to understand the context so they talk about the new year the holiday okay they talk about some farewell and problems they talk about december 31st about buddhists and okay it seems like they talk about the different traditions related to new year so let's have a look forget the year houses are held can i hold a house not logically but grammatically can i hold a pen yeah so i could have a noun okay forget the year running or held no forget the year beautiful are held no forget the year very are held no so we know that we're going to look for a noun so what can we hold and keep in mind as well if they say are held we're going to look for something plural so it has to be concerns parties areas or temples we narrow it down to three option sorry three options now grammatically all of these fit but we need to use our logic a little bit if we hold something can you hold a concern can you hold concerns not quite you can have concerns but you cannot hold concerns can you hold parties okay i'm holding a party at my house next tuesday yeah it could be all right or can you hold temples logically doesn't make sense i cannot lift up a temple i cannot hold it so it has to be forget the year parties are held okay problems and something so problems and something problems in houses problems and running problems and beautiful problems and vary so it has to be again a noun and if we go back to the two nouns we had left over here it has to be problems and concerns okay or problems and temples but because we have the word and in between we need something similar to the word problems so concerns makes the most sense we had some technical difficulties in between so the notes on the screen are gone but we can continue anyways so if you look at the second blank here and as you recall we agreed to have a noun right so we need something plural problems and could be concerns problems and areas problems and temples but you have to use your logic as well you have to figure out which one of those is the most similar to the word problems so problems and areas problems and temples but problems and concerns could be the right answer let's go for the next one and blank for a new beginning so can i say and house for a new beginning no and running for a new beginning could be and beautiful for a new beginning no and very for a new beginning no so we need a verb so could be an augment for a new beginning expel for a new beginning prepare for a new beginning or for c for a new beginning and again here you can use your knowledge of verbs and prepositions but prepare for something seems to make the most sense next one buddhist blank strike their gongs can i say buddhist houses strike their gongs could be buddhists running strike their gongs no buddhist beautiful strike their gongs no or buddhists very strike their gonks doesn't work so we need some kind of a noun which is similar to houses so buddhist area strike their gongs or buddhist temples now do you have an area buddhist area it could be but if you strike the gong just and put the animation of a big gun right so it'd be buddhist temples strike their gongs so now we just got one blank left and of course it's easier because you only narrowed it down to four options in an effort to augment 108 types of human weakness in an effort to expel 108 types of human weakness in an effort to areas 100 a types no in areas to foresee a 108 types of weakness so here human weakness is something negative so you want to figure out based on the context if it's negative do you really want to have weakness probably not so you want to get rid of it so you want to expel 108 types of weakness so you guys see this trick doesn't work for every blank and sometimes maybe it will not help you get like all correct 100 but whenever you're stuck and you don't know what kind of word to look for or maybe you understand the text but some of the words are very difficult and you just don't know if you're looking for a verb or for a noun or for an adjective but this is going to help you to kind of differentiate between the different types so remember you can use your own words i just use something simple like house for a noun running for a verb beautiful for an adjective and vary for an adverb and just try to quickly fit it in there and see grammatically if it would make sense so guys that's it for today's video it's a little hack that i use is just one of those tools in your arsenal that you can use to your full advantage in the exam hopefully it will help you get an extra three four even five marks in your test and jump over that ceiling that you've been struggling to pass see you in the next video if you like these little hacks and tricks leave a comment we got tons of these that you might find helpful so this is it for this video guys it means a lot to us and to our team if you click like right now and you click subscribe this is how we know that this video was valuable that it helped you and especially your comments i personally read every single comment and reply to as many as i can and the best news is whenever we share free tips and advice and it works for you and you get your score and we get good news this is the best seeing people get their scores get their acceptances get their registrations and their pr so leave a comment like and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dream English Education
Views: 23,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pte reading, pte fill in the blanks, pte reading fill in the blanks, pte reading tips, pte reading tips and tricks, fill in the blanks 2021, reading pte tips and tricks, fill in the blanks strategies, fill in the blanks grammar rules, pte reading fib tips, pte fib reading and writing tips, pte exam, pte academic reading fill in the blanks, pte reading 2021, dream english, dream pte, dream english education, dream pte coaching
Id: 3MwvvUmMRXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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