How to Score 90 in Reading in PTE (2020 edition)

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so welcome back this is the playlist of how to get 90 bTW this year new strategies new techniques new updates not the things we used to teach before so this is the reading section if you are watching the previous two sections which is the speaking and the writing it's been fun and games I'm very optimistic anybody can pass their speaking anybody can do well in the writing section now reading is my most hated section now the reason why is because unfortunately if you come to us and you're reading is very low we're not magicians I wish I could snap my fingers and make you get 90 but this is not the reality if anybody tells you that they can make it go from fifty to seventy nine plus in reading in one week or two weeks or three weeks I'm sorry to say that but they're probably lying to you or they want to get your money so if somebody came to me and they're getting fifty fifty fifty in three sections and they're getting seventy in the reading I can fix it gave me four to five weeks of this person we can make them get seventy nine plus but on the other side if you're getting nineteen nineteen ninety and three sections and your reading is fifty even though it seems like it's really easy and you're already passing three sections in fact it's actually very hard the reason why because the reading section tests your grandma it tests your vocabulary it tests your collocations it tests your verbs and prepositions that's not something you can learn overnight because as a native English speaker we use certain phrases in our day-to-day conversation since we're babies that we never really question what the meaning is for example early bird gets the worm right it's just one of those sayings like the meaning is the person who gets up early they get the price they get the reward but as a non-native English speaker if you had this in your reading fill-in-the-blanks question early something gets the worm you might be second guessing you might not know the meaning so let's get straight to the point how can you get seventy nine plus in the reading section let's say you're already in the mid 60's or high 60s and you need 79 it's absolutely doable the first thing we need to focus on we need to make sure you're getting full marks in your read lot we need to make sure you're getting the maximum number of marks from your summarized written text which you saw in previous two videos now for the reading section itself first of course there are strategies there's techniques there are grammar rules for example if I say our video guy Justin is very hardworking and something justin is very hardworking and something I'm not going to say Justin is hardworking and lazy because if I have the word and whatever is the content before and after should be similar so maybe he's hardworking and dedicated right this is just one of those tricks but it comes repeated a lot so partially reading is learning the basic grammar rules we're not here to teach you grandma were not here to teach you English but there are about 10 or 15 shortcuts that will help you a lot because the same pattern recognition when you have it when you've seen the same type of question you know the kind of keywords what you're looking for if this is a noun you're also going to look for an adjective if this is an adjective and then you have a comma that means you might have another adjective so things like that they get repeated all the time second thing is about practice so if you give the exam in 2019 or 2018 or 2017 before they used to have only about 300 or 250 fill-in-the-blanks questions and less than 100 reorder paragraphs so a lot of you guys are good at cramming you will just memorize all the questions and if they can repeat it you got a beautiful score the moment something new came into the exam it was a complete disaster and I've had those situations I've had girls that could memorize 300 blanks and if I show them the first sentence they could tell me the answers without even reading the options unfortunately that's not possible anymore last time or the moment we're recording this video there's already more than a thousand fill in the blank questions there's nearly 300 euro two paragraphs there are lots of free practice sites including our portal from where you can get it but it won't be everything and frankly unless you quit your job and you dedicate your whole life to studying Pte for six months straight it's very difficult to go through a thousand plus questions so partially it's the practice second part is your basic knowledge we can bring you from zero to ninety in in two weeks it might take some time if as soon as that went from 55 to 80 five in in the reading section but I took him two to three months to go through many materials third thing is your pattern recognition whenever you see the same type of shortcuts and grammar tricks even though maybe you don't know the meaning of this particular word you've seen the same idea you know that if this is an adjective you're gonna look for an adjective if there is no comma here that means you're gonna look for this particular word and the third thing is is actually getting human feedback because one thing is whenever you're practicing on one of those free websites and you see I've got three blanks right two blanks wrong next question four blanks right two blanks wrong next question the problem with this is you know you're making mistakes but you don't know how to fix them or you know you're making mistakes but nobody can explain to you why we would say fantastically good English and not fantastic good English right so why why would I'd say fantastically good English rather than fantastic good English or another example is this somebody asked me the other day and I give this example in the class as well what's the difference between piercing and puncturing so what's the difference if i pierce something or if I puncture something right and honestly I never thought about this in my life but you know as a native English speaker I would think okay what is something that I can pierce for example I can pierce my ear I don't have a piercing but I could pierce in here okay so what does piercing an ear mean piercing an ear means the needle is going in through one side and it's coming out through the other side meaning it's making a hole right okay what about puncture what's something you can puncture so maybe the nurse when you go to the hospital she punctures your vein in order to give you an injection or NIV so what does that mean puncture means the needle is going in but it's not going all the way through meaning whenever somebody puts a needle to give you an injection it doesn't go out through your arm so if you're making those mistakes in reading and you're struggling and you don't know where you're going wrong you need to have somebody actually explain to you because there's a famous quote give a man a fish he will eat for one day teach a man how to fish and he will eat a lifetime so it's the same thing in the reading section if I give you practice questions and materials you're only gonna know how to do that but if actually explained to you the concept and explain to you the logic and the grammar tricks and the shortcuts and the strategies you will be able to carry this with you into your exam and even though you get a new question you will be able to eat a lifetime or in other words you'll be able to pass your exam without needing outside help so the most important thing is other than the practice and the portal and the questions and basic grandma are shortcuts and tricks do you really want to be one of those people that keep spending ten fifteen twenty thousand dollars giving the beatty twenty thirty times taking time from work quitting your job studying PT for six seven months memorizing a thousand questions or would you actually be willing to have a good mentor that could fast track your success so rather than you wasting six months you can probably do it in three weeks or four weeks as long as you're getting the proper guidance and feedback so best of luck to you guys implement the following you should see your reading score improve drastically but it does take practice it does take some guidance unfortunately because reading is the one they're making harder and harder every single year
Channel: Dream English Education
Views: 30,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 90 in pte, how to get 90, how to get 90 in pte academic, pte academic, 79 in pte, 8 in each, how to score 90, score 79, score 8 each, dream english pte, dream pte, dream english education, pte sydney, sydney pte, d2l, pte coaching, pte 2020, 2020 pte, how to score, pte reading, pte fib, fib reading, r and w fib, reorder pte, pte reorder, reading 90, failing reading, reading 79, reading 8
Id: Uuex7_VAd9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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