PTE READING Fill in the Blanks Tips Tricks and Strategies | Proven Grammar Rules | Language Academy

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everybody wouldn't hear from Language Academy I am a PT expert and not a certified paraprofessional interpreter and I have taught more than 5000 students in the last two years guys welcome back to another video in this video I'm going to show you how to solve reading fill in the blanks I've got a lot of messages lot of comments from one of you out there that you're not really sure how you have to solve reading fill in the blanks what are the tricks what are the strategies so what I'll be doing in this particular video I'll be showing you 11 grammatical rules and I'll be using the same to solve reading fill in the blanks this is going to be a game changer if you watch till the very end and if you try and understand what I am trying to explain you will be able to solve many of you reading fill in the blanks by the end of this video make sure you watch till the very end and get a pen and paper make sure you note each and everything down so that when you practice you have each and everything written in front of you and you can implement the same strategies this is one of the video of an online video course which we only give to our students but it is just to make sure that we are giving 100% to help you guys out we are giving out all the grammatical rules you need to solve your reading in the blanks without wasting any time let's get started let's have a look at what this task is about how is this marked what you need to do and what are the rules let's get started so as you can see on my screen this is how your screen is going to look like you'll have a text on your screen these are your reading drag-and-drop blanks we have another task for reading fill in the blanks which are reading drop-down blanks in this video we will be looking at reading drag-and-drop blanks but the rules which I'll be telling you you can use these ones in your reading drag and drop and drop and down blanks both of them so this is how your screen is going to look like you'll have a passage on your screen which will be around 80 to 90 words there will be few blanks around four to five and then they will be double the number of options at the bottom of your screen you have to read the passage you have to use your contextual knowledge grammatical knowledge as well as knowledge of tenses and whoop and collocations and then you have to solve these blanks now you are given an overall time in read fill in the blanks for reading section basically you're given around 32 to 41 minutes then you have 16 to 20 questions so what I recommend do not take more than two and a half minutes two minutes 30 seconds to solve one reading reading blanks message right let's have a look over here how this is marked you get one point for each correct blank and you get 0 for incorrect answer so it doesn't matter what happens even if you're not really sure about the blanks or the answer make sure you attempt each and everything there's no negative marking so make sure you never leave this task unattempted another thing this is only going to contribute towards your reading section not in your writing section your drop down blank switch also called your reading and writing lengths are going to contribute towards your writing section all right without wasting much time so one point for each correct blank 0 for each incorrect blank then the minimum you can get is 0 obviously because there is no negative marking another thing which we have to be very careful about is the time do not take a lot of time if you will take a lot of time on one passage you're going to struggle to finish off your reading section and that is going to give you a hard time when you are about to finish off your reading section and if you're aiming for 6 7 or 8 you have to make sure you use time properly do not mess this up please all right let's have a look at few of the things which are very very important when it comes to reading blanks very first thing your grammatical knowledge knowledge of grammar should be very good another thing you need to make sure you understand the context properly see guys this thing which I personally believe a lot in I have seen so many students they are not very good with your collocations with the grammar but when it comes to understanding the context what the passage is talking about they're very good at understanding what the passage is talking about and as a result they're able to solve a lot of the blanks a lot of plants not of passages right so be very careful that you understand the context properly doesn't matter how good your grammar your publications are you need to make sure you understand what the passage says otherwise it can be very hard to get the right answer so grammar collocations what our politicians collocations are basically both a group of words which usually go together which a native speaker generally speaks together when you know interacting in his daily life for example two words quick and fast both are similar words same meaning but a native speaker will always say I will take a quick shower you never say I will take a fast shower even the quick and fast have similar meanings but a native speaker or a sentence in English you always be like this I will go and take a quick shower you will never say oh you never hear anyone saying I will take a fast shower so quick and shava is one form of collocation so these are four locations words which go together words which a native English speaker uses together now I'll get this question a number of time that is where should we practice collocations from mr. English see the number of collocations in English you can't really memorize each and everything for this what I recommend practice on the blanks practice on those plants which are you know which which are quite similar to the blanks you will get in your thumb that will increase your contextual knowledge means you will be able to figure out what the context is about what kind of rules do you need to use and what are the right collocations you can practice a lot of blanks on a website um the address I will show that in the link as well will keep posting reading fill in the blanks practice videos as well you can watch them on a youtube channel as well all right finally vocabulary is very important you should be able to figure out what a particular word means if you're not really able to grab that grab the meaning things can be hard so we really need to make sure that we are able to figure out what a particular word means the few strategies when in case you are not really sure what the word is about what the meaning of the word is still then you can solve few of the passages we'll have a look at it later let's move on all right so let's have a look at few of the grammatical rules but before that I'll just give you a quick overview of the three forms of verb and active and passive voice because I personally believe that these are very very important when it comes to solving reading plans or reading and writing blanks as well so let's have a look at three form of work he forms up basically what the verb is verb is which represents any kind of action which is taking place right I am playing cricket so playing over here is for he's watching TV watching over here is for they are basically three forms of group prayer first film second form and third form let's have a look at the screen first form what is the first form of the book you basically refer it as the base form or simplest form or the present form for example Rouen plays cricket play over here is first form of right what is second form second form is generally the past form of the first row of the verb basically it past form of the hope for example Rohan played cricket so basically what happens with regular books with all the regular books not irregular books around 96% of the books in English irregular with all the regular books what happens you just add Edie along with the first form of for example play a played played destroy or destroyed destroyed right the second form will you'll just add Edie with regular books remember this thing not all the works but regular verbs right and what is the third form third form is basically past participle where you add Edie you're en along with the first form of the verb or continuous form a present participle where you add ing with the before example play played played or play played playing as well right so it depends on the context the number of things you need to worry about but is if you have this basic idea that what is first form second form and third form we will be able to grab each and everything again simplest form is first form passport is past form a second and past participial Oh present participle ID or en or ing at the end of the world or at the end of the book will make it third form of form but this is what three forms of ah let's have a look at active and passive voice what happens in English basically your sentence is always formed in this form subject + verb + object for example as I gave you the same example Marc is playing cricket Marc is get over here playing his folk and cricket is the object right what on which section is being applied of what is being done but mark is playing cricket mark subject playing work object disconnected this is active voice active voice via subject comes first work comes in the middle and object comes afterwards what is passive voice for example if I'm saying a sentence cricket is being played by mark what happens over here the object came in the beginning or subject and the subject came afterwards so whenever a sentence does not start with subject it will be referred to as passive voice it is as simple as that when you have subject in the beginning of the sentence that active was that is active was and when you have object or you have object before subject that is passive was I am Telling You just remember this thing whenever you have a sentence in passive voice there will be always third form of verb please note this down in passive voice there will always be third form of remember this thing please so these were your three forms of verb and your active and passive voice I wanted to give you a general idea before I tell you any kind of grammatical rules so that you are well aware of what what happened in the exam and how you have to use these grammatical rules right let's have a look at the grammatical rules so very first rule as you can see on a screen if there is any blank after the word to remember this thing I repeat again if there is any blank after the word to the word in the blank will be first form of if there is any blank after the word to and verb is missing in the sentence pay attention crease if there is any blank after two and verb is missing in the sentence you will always use first form of verb for example I am here to watch a movie universe I am here to watch the movie he will always say I'm here to represent my plant he never say I'm here to representing my client I'm here to represent it my client so with to make sure you always use first form of verb when the verb is missing in the sentence please note this down I know a lot of you are not you know just writing it you think you probably know it don't worry about it I don't remember each and everything please pause the video I'm asking you please please pause the video make sure you take each and every thing down why because if you are putting in time over here putting in effort and that then you're not getting any value out of it there's no point of doing that please make sure you write each and everything down let's have a look at another rule which is very important if there is any blank after the word for awhile and verb is missing in the sentence please pay attention if there's any blank after for a while and work is missing in the sentence you have to use the word with the word which will come over there will be work first form plus ing remember this thing ing form of continuous form of work for example I need something for storing my food you are storing the food or storing food you never say I need something for store food similarly while researching while researching on the project he'll never say well research on the project while researching on the project the accident took place when I'm talking about two verbs over your please pay attention you know you have to interpret what I'm saying correctly when verbs are missing while - the options be met him while explore the options or exploring options exploring the options so when there's a word for awhile in the sentence and there's a blank after it and verb form is missing you have to use continuous form of remember this thing alright let's have a look at third grammatical rule guys if there is any blank after the word it which that it which that and you have to add a work or there there is a verb option or verb is missing you have to use plural form of in there are more than one when you use s or es to represent something you say it has plural form right so whenever you have words like it which that you have to use plural form of work it - an important role play an important role plays an important role plays an important role remember is thing the ingredient which cover the largest proportion or covers covers which covers which covers remember this thing right verb should be plural if you have singular in this if your subject basically if your subject is singular if your subject is singular remember this thing subject is singular form will be plural right now similarly we need an alternative that works not work that works right with singular subject your work form will always be plural with words after it which and that your form will be plural means word will end with S or ES please pay attention all right let's move on if there is any blank after is mr you have to use continuous form of verb only when the sentence is given in active voice I'll repeat again if there is any blank after is am and are or are and verb is missing you and the sentence is in active words means subject verb and object subject is before object you have to use continuous form of whom where a similar condition a similar situation if it is in passive voice I told you in the beginning Percy was were form will always be third form or form but so this is what you need to pay attention for example he is playing in the ground you never say he is played in the ground he was played in the ground you never say that right he is playing the ground is incorrect as well he is playing in the ground we are going to the path they are watching the movie a movie is being watched by them because it is passive voice we have to use third form of whom so please be very careful about this and note this down all right let's move on if there is any blank after a and or the word or the article the a and or the remember this thing they will always be a noun after the plank but if there is a blank after an article a and other and before noun so a and the blank noun in that particular blank you will use adjectives adjectives will give you more information about known at what is an objective which will give you more details about the noun we are talking about so if you have just have one blank and you have article before that you have to use a noun if you have article blank and noun in the black you use for example there is an apple in the basket first rule there is a - Apple in the basket you can say there's a big apple in the basket big is an objective over here there is a red apple in the basket wire it is an objective because it is giving more information about Apple over here similarly she wore a dress she wore a dress dresses down over here she wore a - dress dress beautiful dress nice dress whatever you want to use but it should be an adjective over here so when you have article a and other and noun and in the middle there's a blank adjective will be there please be very careful about this make sure you note this down and have this thing in mind when you solve your reading blanks please but let's have a look at rule number eight if you look at the screen water soon rule number eight says if you have any blank if there's any blank after the wood has have or had remember and listen please once again has have or had you have to use past participle of verb meaning third form of work or words ending with Idi basically let's have a look at few of the examples he is completed edie the homework you never say he is complete the homework he is completing a book he D form a third form for third form of work and Boots ending with Edie for regular books now sure is an irregular bow if you look over here mark has shown his house to me never say mark has showing his house to me mark has show his house to me they have completed the construction Edie third form they never said they have complete the construction similarly they had worked hard Edie worked hard on this project please note all of this town I request you these are going to be game changer if you apply these ones while they solve your reading plans please all right let's move on let's have a look at the rule number nine if there is any blank after the word or article a or and we just did a rule similar to this rule we had a look at rule beer if you have any blank right after Artic and although you'll use a noun over there now what does this rule says this says if you have any blank after article a or an there will be a singular noun because with words a or an you always used to represent single things singular things singular objects for example you'll never say there is a boy's you know obviously there is a boy right there is a TV you'll never say there is a TVs right so if you have article a or and then right after there is a blank obviously you know they will be known but for a and and they will be a singular noun for the article though you can have singular or plural noun both but for article a and you'll have singular noun each and every time let's have a look at the example he went to a party you'll never say he went to parties he went to a party's Rowan bought a car remember this thing there was an elephant in the jungle he never said there was an elephants and or a is always used to represent single things and singular noun will be Thea please be very careful about this alright let's have a look at rule number 10 please if there is any blank after B or bean if there is any blank after the would be of bean and verb is missing they will either be the third form of work or continuous form of verb again after B of being third form or continuous form of whom he has been working on the project you never see he has been working on the project who he has been working on the project he has been working a little bit the tutor told the students to be disciplined he never said the tutor told the students to be disciplined for disciplining this new world as such so the tutor told the students to build discipline so be very careful after B of being third form of verb or continuous form of work please keep this thing in your mind all right let's have a look at last rule very important rule and this is going to help you to solve a lot of blanks if there is any blank it says a blank afterward can could may will would shell shoot there will be first form of hope after the in the blank after that particular wood I will complete the work this afternoon never say I will complete it the work this afternoon offices can die in the operation three third form is died actually offices can died you never say offices can die in the operation we should work on this together you never say we should working on this together we should worked on this together we should work on this together so these were few of the biomechanical rules guys please make sure you note all of these in while you practice reading blank is something where you don't have tricks means shortcuts if something is wrong you cannot really say try it because if you look at your essays look at your reader lectures you have a number of templates even if you don't get 100% accurate answers you still get the full score so you get full scores right but over here in reading section answers are fixed and you can't really trick the computer you can use the strategies but you cannot use any kind of tricks that you're giving a wrong answer and you're getting the points so make sure over here you practice a lot you won't improve overnight please be very clear about this you won't improve overnight and if it would happen that easy everyone would have done this right so you have to make sure you give you a hundred percent day by day you will improve and make sure you use all of these critical rules these are few of the grammar rules which we you know teach to our students on campus or online as well let's move on to few of the questions and let's see how we have to solve the questions using the rules and without even using the rules right alrighty first of all how you have to approach the passage as soon as you get the passage on the screen don't look at the options straightaway please do not look at the options one thing which I personally believe is the most important thing is the context if you do not understand the context properly doesn't matter how many grammatical rules you aware of doesn't matter how many tens is performs you know nothing's gonna help you you have to make sure your will boost you are fully aware of what the context is about read the passage skim the passage quickly after that to look at the options now come on to the first leg come on to the first plan try based on your understanding of the passage try to think of a word which you think can go in that particular blank if you can think of any such word which you can think based on the context that yes this particular word can go over here once you have some word or some you know idea of what can go over here then look at the options and see if that particular word is over there or if any similar or synonym is over there if you understand the context properly I can guarantee this I can write this down you will find the word you will be able to guess the word without looking at the options now once you have guessed the word and you look at the option if you get any similar word or the same word select that one let's say you are not able to solve the first blank don't just keep on thinking about it move on to the second plank now you're not really sure about the second plank as well don't worry about it move on to the third one and fourth one so all third and fourth one first and then move on to first and second why because if you just keep on thinking about first you waste your time if you solve third and fourth first and then come to first and second what happens you improve your chances or probability of getting the first and second one correct as well because the options will go down when you choose them for third and fourth alright so again scheme the passage read and understand the context contextual knowledge is very very important then think of a word then look at the options and if you're not really sure don't fill that particular blank fill the ones which you sure about and then fill the remaining this is how you have to approach let's solve one reading blank and see how we go so the passage over he says the suit's is one into julius caesar be aware the ideas of March as far away imbued that date with a sense of - but in Roman times the - ideas of March did not necessarily evoke a dark mood it was - the standard way of saying mass 15 purely such a fanciful expression must signify something more than merely another view they are talking about how Julius Caesar and different kind of expressions there's a word expression over here and say QP is time right but the suit's is wanting to Julius Caesar be with God is March as far as I am do the date with a sin of sense of you have to find the right paw location this is be a collocation will help you sense of there's nothing called sense of audience there's nothing called sense of obviously there's nothing called sense of expression you never say I have a sense of expression sense of foreboding now let's say I don't really know what foreboding is for example I am not really sure what foreboding is I leave it as yes this can go because I'm not really sure about the mean sense of relief looks to be the right answer sounds perfect you always say you know use the word or use the collocation sense of relief sense of simply is nothing sense of celebrities is anything so either probably most probably relief but foreboding I'm not really sure about the meaning so let's leave this plan for now let's move on to the next one but in Roman times the - inverted commas IDs of mass inverted commas close or double quotes basically so you have got double quotes over here did not necessarily work at a food it was - the standard way let's fill third one first I'm not really sure about second acid and - the standard way audience is the standard doing obviously the standard we can go expression the standard wave unko forwarding the standard view you never say playing the right forwarding the standard we release this read it with simply the standard we can move as well in celebrities won't go so either obviously or simply now you have to use that particular word which sounds better which a native speaker will say native speaker will say simple what you do is in this case try to place both the words in the blank and see which sounds more logical you never say it is obviously oh it was obviously this anyway it was simply the standard V is the rightful occasion what we'll do we'll take simply over here alright it was simply the standard way because simply the standard drains the right collocation and a native speaker will say this is simply the standard way of thing you'll never say it is obviously the standard way or standard way is not obvious some a way of doing something is not obvious right surely such a fanciful expression no such such a fanciful expression means they're referring something back which they have already mentioned in the passage such means expression they talk about this thing now there in the passage itself they are talking that this is an expression and this is in double quotes as well so the board before this will be an objective or expression expression goes from here till here right not so even in such face time 16 centuries later - attending his ferry - attending his flip Julie Caesar wouldn't have blink twice upon hearing the dates called thirties or a - attending either audiences or celebrities you never say obviously attending forebodings to attending or relief attending - attending he's now solubilities can go out freely understand but again they're talking about attending a show if a celebratory is attending a show you will refer to that person as an audience so for basically that particular show that particular thing or that particular person even though he is a celebrity he will be part of the audience so audience will be the right answer here now let's go at the top again first sense of now we left with four options that's what I was talking about first of all fill the ones which you sure about that way you will increase the probability of getting this one correct it was obviously the a sense of obviously won't go sense of celebrities Volvo so either relief or foreboding now you don't really know who capillary over here right what you have to do over here when you're not really sure about the vocabulary you have to use contextual knowledge let's have a look at the context the suits is warning warning is a negative context negative context remember this thing one into Jerusalem for no warning and sense of one in the same sentence and that of going in the same flow they're not contradicting right means first part is same as the last part so warning can never give you sense of relief relief is positive and warning is negative if I say I will give you a warning you won't really have a sense of relief right because relief is not going according to the passage according to the context I'll just place foreboding over here even though I was not really sure what foreboding means that you can solve based on the context you're not very good with a vocab that's hundred percent fine but context if you understand the passage you will get each and everything right trust me believe me and make sure you memorize and practice all of the grammatical rules let's have a look at another one as you can see on a screen over here to understand how many inhabitants means people living in it is not enough to know countries per capita income it is not enough to move a country's per capita income income this this is one word which I just kissed and I think it should be the right answer it is in the option as well the number of four people in a country and the - quality of life depends on how equally or unequal income is - across the population in Brazil and hungry for - per capita income so we have got the same collocation of same phrase in the passage itself by default per capita income is the right answer over here we'll just pacing come over here per capita income levels are quite comparable but the - of poverty in Brazil is much higher let's solve this one the number of four people in the country and the - quality of life depends on how equally or unequally - is across the population across average across the population is incorrect incidence across the population is incorrect effects across the population is incorrect example of course is incorrect distributed across you always say this is distributed across the population can go expenditure across is not right and less and across lessened because won't really make any sense distributed will go over here all right now you have to use the rule out told us but is - right is - please be very careful about the rule over here now they are talking about how equally or unequally income is distributed when you are trying to figure out how equal and hunting equal distribution is you are trying to figure out the average have a look over the context at the context what the context is trying to say how income is equal or unequal across the population so average quality of life now they're giving us two countries over here for - for incidence for effects for example sounds better for expenditure for lesson for example according to the context they're talking about overall countries first and then they're telling us about two countries so for example and then there's a coma after this as well and with after example you always use the word use the this mark comma punctuation mark comma per capita income levels are quite comparable but the dash of poverty in Brazil is much higher now 90% of you will think effects of poverty is much higher and I really understand this sounds perfect but you have to satisfy the requirement of context you have to satisfy collocations and you have to satisfy grammar as well please be very careful you have to satisfy grammar as well so what we normally do is when we have to fill the blank we just read three four words over here three four words over here and then we just try to think of modes whatever is there on your screen is there for a reason on a purpose remember this thing of 14 Brazil - much higher - is much higher over here is because you have is over here a verb form will be singular you cannot say the problems is too much you will say the problems are too much the problem is too much this is problematic so with singular form of works you use is plural you use are please be very careful now we have got is over here we have to use a word which should be plural so this will go over here there's nothing for expenditure of poverty and lessened of poverty by default incidents who over here even if you not refer about the meaning of the word or what incidence means this will go over here because this is singular basically incidence means again kind of affects only right so you have to make sure you understand the context properly then use collocations and use these grammatical rules and you will be able to solve all your reading blanks so now these were few of the grammatical tips rule strategies and how you have to approach reading fill in the blanks now make sure you practice a lot of these PT reading is not difficult but it's all about practice what happens speaking you get the tricks writing you get the templates listening you get the tricks reading each and everyone finds it very hard why because they're not really sure what to focus on or what not first of all make sure you know the marking criteria you know what is the most important part which one is the most important task and what you need to focus on after that will be accordingly because there are few tasks from speaking section and from listening section which contribute towards your reading section so basically reading section will get a lot of points from speaking and listening so you have to have a clear idea that yes these are the things I need to work on reading blanks few of the paramedical strategies rules have shared and I have also told you what is the right strategy of solving these plans I'll try to cover many more videos make many more videos similar to this and practical more rules if you are one of the student who is based in Sydney or anywhere around the world we are offering online classes and we cover a lot more grammatically woods in online classes these were few of the rules which we normally cover in the classes make sure you prepare properly get proper guidance take a number of mock days before you go for the exam because you're going to spend around 350 dollars and it's not worth it to just go and see where you stand you need to take proper mock test first and then you need to make you very you stand what are the weaknesses and how you have to improve you can go on a website and post the link or see the link in the description box you can go over there in practice it's www dot language academy com what are you there's a lot of practice material over there another thing make sure you take a lot of mock tests and if you think this video was helpful please make sure you hit the like button share it with your friends and subscribe the channel so that whenever I post more videos like these you get a notification thanks a lot for watching if you get your score watching my videos please do let me know will help me will motivate me and will help me keep me going to make lot more videos like this all the very best guys dislike make sure you subscribe as well and that's it from this video and thank you I'll see you very soon take care and stay safe [Music]
Channel: Language Academy
Views: 361,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Reading, PTE Writing, PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks, PTE by Language Academy, PTE by Varun Dhawan, PTE Reading tricks and strategies, PTE Reading Marking Criteria, PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Grammar Rules and Tricsk, Language Academy PTE NAATI CCL Coaching Classes in Parramatta Sydney CBD, PTE Reading and Writing Blanks, PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks Tips Tricks and Strategies, PTE Real Exam Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks Practice, Reading Mock Test
Id: cDaGxk8fYpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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