How to Build an Impressive Starter House | Enshrouded

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this is a small and easy to build Cottage that I built on in shrouded and in this video I'm going to show you how to build it alongside giving you some building tips that you can use in your own structures to make them more visually appealing I'll give you a quick tour of the structure so you know what to expect as you can see it's something that's a little bit more interesting than the kind of box builds that you're probably used to seeing or might even be building yourself we've got the flower patches with a little porched area with the bench and if we go in this main entrance here you'll see the flame alter with all the crafts people just lined up along the left hand side but you can see that there's plenty of space here to utilize this space however you like at the back of the structure we've got another porched area where I like to keep all of my work benches and crafting equipment such as the grinding Stones the kons the smelters and things like that back inside now you might be wondering where we sleep in this place and up just above our heads you notice this little room which is hidden away with one of these pool anchor grappling hooks we go up we have this cozy little bedroom with everything you might need for probably one or two players but you could always extend that room out along the lens of the structure if you wanted to fit more players in back in the main room now you can see that we have a trap door here and if we go downstairs you can see a small and compact basement space for whatever you might need to use it for so if you want to know how to build this specific basement and the easiest way possible stick around until the end of the video to find out now that you know what to expect let's get into the build part of the video and just remember if you find this video useful or helpful at any stage remember to click the like button and consider subscribing the first thing you need to do is find a location where you want to build your base now I've chosen out this location it's just Slightly North of the longke keep so it's just right at the start of the game then you're going to come into a crafting menu with v and craft yourself a flame alter with five Stone I already have one so I'm going to place it down just sort of enough space at each end the flame alter is kind of going to be in the middle of our base so just somewhere in the center should work fine and you'll need to clear out any things around about it if there is any now at this stage you can grab your rake and flatten out the ground so you just select the level of the ground that you want to build the rest of the ground too click and hold and as you drag it and move around the rest of the ground will be dragged to that level that might be something that's more useful for you depending on where you're building your base but the ground here is pretty flat so I'm not going to bother with that the next thing you need to do is decide on the material that you want to build your base with so grab your construction hammer and what I recommend doing is getting a few options whatever options you might have to hand and just laying out one wall piece next to each other to your going to have the wood block the rough Stone block maybe you'll have some shroud wood I think this bone block is pretty cool but it's quite difficult to get enough bone to build a whole structure out of and it makes scary noises so not ideal and this timbered block then I recommend just getting the roof pieces and just sort of Ling different variations together until you have an understanding of what you want your base to look like so in my opinion the rough Stone with the plant fiber roof looks pretty cool the bone block looks pretty cool but my favorite is is the half timbered block with the plant fiber roof and that's what I'm going to use for this build so I'm just going to remove these now that I've made my decision okay so another consideration is where the sun's going to be I always like to have the front of my structure facing towards the Sun or at least getting a good amount of sunlight so I'm going to build the front of my house on the north side from here I'll grab the 4 M ceiling and just start to lay out a floor plan for my structure now the reason I'm using a seal even though the foundation sounds like it makes more sense for the bottom of a structure is that the foundation takes 256 of that block that might be more beneficial to you if you have very uneven ground but the ground is very flat here so I'm just going to make use of the ceiling blocks because they only take up 32 so I'm going to go all the way around the altar using the snapping grid and then at the front of the structure I'm going to place down another row like this then on the right hand side we're going to go and place down a another row all the way along the length of the structure and out by one more like this so this is going to be the layout of the actual structure itself so at this stage I can go ahead grab our 4 M wide walls and I'm going to change the material down to half timbered blocks so starting at the front left I'm going to grab the window frames two window frames walls all the way down up the window in this corner door frame in the center and we'll have a wide wall and a window on the right hand side we're going to be using wide walls and we're only going to come three down here we'll change onto the 2 m narrow wall back to the 4 M door frame then back to the 2 m narrow wall that's going to give us that little porch shape at the front of our structure next up we're going to grab the window frame and you have to be careful with this piece so so it automatically kind of wants to snap here in line with this piece here but I actually want to drag it forward a bit so I have this sort of overlap here like this if you don't do this you're going to have some issues with the roof pieces so just something to be aware of window frame and we're actually just going to use the door frame piece above the door cuz we're going to place down a double door here like this now we're going to go back to our floor pieces so I'm using the rough wood blocks and we'll grab the 4 M ceiling blocks and we're going to place out some space for our bedroom on the right hand side of the structure so I think three wide by two deep is probably enough and in fact we might actually just need to change this block for the 2 m ceiling block along the right hand side and then with this we can use the 2 m stairs to place down our stairs like this and now we've got a good plat form to start building the roof on so I like to use the snapping grid with the roof I'm going to place one down at the front of the structure like this and all the way down the back of the structure like that up top we'll have two roof pieces coming in like this and then we have an inner roof corner where we can just connect these two pieces similar thing on the other side so we're going to start with the two roof pieces and I'm going to try and jump around here done actually a good job of that and we're going to go back to the inner roof Corners here this down one like this as you can see the roof is already starting to come together next up we have the straight rooftop and all we're going to do now is start to bridge this gap between the two sides for this middle section where all the sides meet we're going to use the 2 m inner roof corners and the 2 m roof sides we can then go back to our 4 M straight rooftops and if you've done it correctly it should look like this the one issue you might have is at the back of the structure as you can see on this corner here this piece actually has a little indent here so we're just going to go ahead and fix that going to use the 2 m side roof take off the snapping grid and when it's saying that you should use four materials so in the center there it says 143 divid by four so it's saying that it costs four blocks to make up that difference there and I'm just going to place that in like so now I actually want to have a slight overlap so I'm going to do the exact same on the other side and you'll be able to tell when you're in the right spot because you'll only be using around eight materials so you can see we've got a slight overhang on this side of the structure we do want to have the exact same on the front side of the structure and then we will also do the same on the right hand side of the structure so so now with the roof complete I can come inside I'm going to grab the construction hammer and go to the 4M What's this called the stepped wall grab my half timbered blocks start to lock them in on the snapping grid connecting the roof and the walls that we placed earlier I'm going to place down a wall frame in the center and then I'm going to have the 2 m stepped wall I'm just using Q and The Scroll wheel just to put it further away from myself and that looks pretty good to me so I'm we're going to do the exact same on the opposite side we also need to fill in this Gap here with our upstairs room and if we go upstairs we can also do it on this outside while to okay looks good to me I'm going to place down a little bit of detail outside so I'm going to grab the 2 m ceiling blocks and go back to whatever material you built the floor with for me that's the roughwood block and I'm going to place two just in front of the door there and also on the side here and this is just going to kind of um be like a little Pathway to the house because what I like to do is grab the 4 M ceiling block with the rough Stone and create this kind of path that's just going to lead over to the side here maybe I'll just put stairs on the side like this now this is a good example of when you might want to place down Foundation pieces instead of the ceiling pieces so as you can see there's quite a big gap under these foundations depending on where you're building this base that's going to change but this might be a location I would be tempted to put foundations underneath alternatively I could come on to the construction hammer and go to the 1 M blocks or even go to like the 2 m columns and just sort of place a few in underneath to make it look like it's actually supported on the inside we can start to put some detail down now so I don't have too much but I like to just keep it all on the snapping grid so I've got this polished scrap braz here put it next to the front door for a little bit extra light and then what I like to do is actually with the construction Hammer going to grab these 1 M wall blocks and just sort of line it up with the center of the flame motor come fairly high and just Mark out this sort of pattern like this so it's taking out two miss one take out two miss one take out two do the same on the other side and the reason I do this is because I've actually just been grabbing all the craft people and just placing them all within this build for the time being I will probably build them all their own house within sort of a compound eventually so if that's something you'd like to see videos on then just let me know in the comments but for now all five of them are just residing right here on the left hand side of my build so I'm going to do a little bit of customization now I realized that I don't actually like this window here too much so I kind of want it to be more Central to this location so I'm going to place down where I want the window to be fill in this window and I'm going to double this up as a sort of double window like that and I'm going to take out another strip on this wall just for an extra bit of light do the same on this side and I think that this side at the front of the structure actually needs to be of a window as well placing a couple more strips I don't actually know how many I've taken out but just something so that it looks quite equal I'm going to place my workbench down here and place down a standing torch next to it I don't have too many decorative pieces right now so I'm just kind of making do with what I have but this is a build that you can definitely just make at the start of the game and it's going to grow with you here I'm placing down the wooden window frames so upstairs this is where I like the bedroom to be so I'm going to place the bed at the back there this polished cabinet can go here then I also have this polished wooden bedside table can go here and the candle up top also got a rug and despite actually having this stairway here what you actually realize that later in the game this is a very slight spoiler alert by the way what you can do is take these out place down a little beam along here and you can actually craft yourself one of these grappling hook pool ankers and I think this is quite a cool little novelty thing and you can just zip up to your bedroom like that now that bedroom's probably enough for one two maybe three people at a push or you could just fill out the whole second floor if you wanted to so out the back this is where I'm placing all my workstations at the moment and the way that I'm doing that is with the roughwood blocks ceiling Pieces come along the length of the structure and we're going to be coming out to White and then I'm going to grab the door frame and I'm going to come two up remove the bottom one and then just use that as a snapping Point around the rest of the perimeter for this outside section I've seen a lot of different creators kind of play with the different material types personally I like to keep it quite simple I don't think that at least the starting materials mix too well the Flint walls look pretty good with stone but in my opinion I like to just keep it quite simple so I'm going to just leave it like this and I'll show you how I like to set everything out just in case you're interested so I like to put down the forge just out the side here and I'm going to have the K and then last but not least we'll have the smelter just out the side here like this on the opposite side got the table saw now again like I said I haven't actually unlocked everything yet but I know for a fact that there's going to be enough space here for all the things that you need especially as a solo player if there's more of you you might need to extend this area slightly but this area works for me as it is now I actually have a couple more seed beds that I have at a different base that I'll probably end up using here but I normally place down three seed beds along this wall here next up we've got the mortar and gring Stones now can actually remember where I had these placed so I'm just going to place them in here somewhere drag rocks have their own little place down in this corner and the Hand spindle can go over here so like I say I normally have a few seed beds that come along the length of this that looks okay for now and now it's really just about decorating the rest of the build to however you like it now one thing that I actually do like to do to add a bit more detail to my builds is with material you have the walls built in just sort of putting a frame around the door so it's not actually called a door frame you have to do it manually but just having a one block space around the door like this just makes it look a lot more realistic so I like to do this on the exterior and the interior what I'll probably do is fill in this Gap a little bit now and I've just realized I could have probably just been using the columns instead of doing them one by one at the front porch again similar to what was done at the back of the structure grabbing the refined wood blocks and there's not actually too much space here so I'm just going to sort of place them in manually I'm going to place down this sort of fence around the outside like this at the front what I like to do is grab the cube 2 meters on the terrain come down to Farm soil and then if you do have any flowers you can sort of just place them a little bit randomly so I just like these purple and yellow flowers place them something like this I'm going to unsnap for this wooden bench hold R twist it around and place in something like that now the build is practically done at this stage just depending on how much more you want to add to it as you develop through the game I did say at the start I would Al have a little treat for you and that is going to be how to build a basement here now I want to have a basement underneath this part of the structure this is where the foundation Pieces come in very very useful I'm going to get the 4 M Foundation piece Place one in like so take it out you'll see it's removed the ground underneath in a perfectly aligned position and then if I do the same on this side here what that's going to allow me to do is lock onto the bottom of this Foundation block here place down another one and if I remove that that this is the level that my structure is going to be at we're going to remove the floors two Foundation pieces take them out two Foundation pieces take them out and depending on how big you want the basement to be I'm going to leave it just as big as the bedroom upstairs so this is a perfect size for me go back to the wood walls and depending on whatever material you want to place underneath I might just actually stick with the half timbered blocks just cuz I like the look of them and then we're just following along similar to what we had before on the top of the structure using the 2 m stairs going to go back to the rough wood block place down two just like that and then for the 4 M ceiling pieces we're just going to fill in the Gap that we taken out so this could even be used as a secondary bedroom for any guests that you have in your world or what I've done previously is use it as a store now again another another spoiler if you don't already know you end up with magical chest in this so it's basically storage boxes that you can pull from anywhere within the flame alter limits one thing that you'll gain access to later in the game is these secret floor passages I'm going to place one down here so you can see when I click it it opens up I can go down to my basement come back up close it then we've got the pool anchor on this side to get to the upstairs bedroom and yeah as you can see very spacious build you've definitely got far more space than you actually need so it really just depends on what you want to do with it but yeah half timbered blocks with the plant fiber roof really easy materials to come by within the sort of early stages of the game and I just think it looks really good so if you made it this far you now know how to build this Cottage and hopefully you learn some building tips along the way if you like the video please do leave it a like cuz it's a huge help to me and consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: PHINQS
Views: 8,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tPTxoOyROlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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