Build your own castle in the air! (Enshrouded)

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good day everyone my name is cautious pancake and have you ever wanted to have your own floating castle in the clouds well in shrouded let you get pretty close and if you stick around I'll show you how to build your very own castle like this one that floats above the Shroud to get started first you need to progress to the point in the game where you have the ability to build additional flame Alters then decide where you want to build your floating base it doesn't have to be above the Shroud you can float it anywhere but I thought that since building in the Shroud is blocked having a base above it would be pretty nice building above the Shroud also means that the base provides a nice starting point for a Glide to various land points around the outside of the deadly fog so if you do want to build above the Shroud the first thing to do is to select an access point that is above it where you can start the build process here I picked this slope that is well above it but you could go lower or higher as you prefer from there place your first flame alter if you can't find a spot and keep getting the not enough free space eror then pull out your pickaxe and dig a slot for it to sit the flame alter should place down as long as you can sneak it on top of some relatively flat ground now here's the trick since we have our basic flame alter and a 40x40 build area it's time to start to build out over the Shroud using the large 4 M shapes to make life easy snapping these together forms the beginning of a bridge out over the air and in shed doesn't enforce any sort of stability on your build if you don't like the height that you're at you can turn off snapping and move the blocks up or down relative to your current height but for this build I'm going to stick with the current height and go out from there once you hit the limit of the build area Place Another block to take up the final 2 m Gap then place a second flame alter along the path where the build limit is you can't place it in midair like other blocks it has to sit on something which is why we build the bridge out with the second alter in place head back to the first and open the flame alter options menu otherwise known in game as commuting with the flame select the extinguish flame button and again to confirm which starts a 30-second countdown until all of your base Parts start disappearing except in this case it won't as you have a second flame alter also within the exact same 40x40 build area while waiting for the alter to disappear you can start to reclaim the bridge blocks as eventually they won't be covered by another build area and would be lost so it's better to remove them and keep the mats carefully of course so that you don't fall down you can do this and move backwards towards the remaining altar from there it's a case of rinse and repeat build out the bridge to the build limit place a second alar go back and pick up the original one then remove the place blocks in between until you're standing on the remaining altar once you've completed this process and you're in the position that you want your base it's time to Envision your own version of NE Grand and build a floating island minus the waterfall at least until they add water into the game using the build menu and the terrain type choose your preference for laying out the land I'm going for a rough and bumpy look to make it appear like it's been torn out of the ground so I'm using this blob shape as well I'm using dirt as my material which gives this nice grass topped look once you've got your shape roughed out you can change flame Alters over one last time then lay out some of the 4 M Square shapes as a guide to ensure that the island is big enough to hold a 5x5 grid of those 4 met blocks since it's not currently I'll add a little bit more land and use the opportunity to use Stone instead of dirt which will give a slightly different look to the outside of the floating island where the grass isn't growing it might all be a bit of a nonissue once the castle covers most of the space but hopefully it's a little touch that adds to the overall Aesthetics once that's complete we can return to our original build start position and you can see the island floating out over the Shroud additionally the grass has regrown over the area that we dug out to place the first flame alter and we can use fast travel to quickly head back to the new base now that the island is formed it's time to switch to our build menu and use the hammer on the like button no wait I mean use the hammer to remove the guide blocks that we added earlier with that done we can add rough stone blocks all the way around the altar to form the beginning of the foundation of the castle we'll then need an additional Foundation over here and some stairs for us to access the entry on the side of the stairs we can block up the Gap using a 2 m stepped wall and then in the opposite corner of the foundation we can add an additional offset rectangle using a 4 M Foundation followed by a series of 2 m Foundation blocks so that the base isn't Flo in the air we also need to duck underneath and add additional Foundation blocks to fill in the empty space with that done our foundation is now complete next it's time to start on the ground level walls again moving to the 4 meter and using the rough Stone block we can add in a doorway for our entrance and then switching to the wide wall we can start to to add these around the outside you can see that sometimes there'll be a gap left particularly between two of the walls where they've snapped to the corners we're actually going to use that to our advantage in a little bit we'll skip the 2 m gap for just a second while we finish with the 4 M wall we can come back and add in a 2 m wall in a second now with the gaps it's a little bit too bulky if we add in the 4 M shaped column so instead let's head over to the 2 m and just add in a column and we're going to switch our material over to the rough Flintstone block this adds just a little bit of visual interest to the columns that we add while also hiding the gaps between the walls we keep building them up past the height of the current walls because they're going to run up through the top of the base as well with the ground floor walls now complete it's time to start building our Tower stairway switching over to the Shroud wood block we can start with a 2 m ceiling block placing that in the midpoint of the wall we can add stairs to then join up to that and head up to the next level we continue that around until we get to the position that is above the starting point of the stairs the reason that we build the staircase before we've built the rest of the walls is to ensure that we have the height correct for the Upper Floor and so that we don't end up with a Stairway that doesn't meet up nicely above now that we know the height we can continue the columns up so that we're sure that they align vertically all the way through the base once that's complete it's time to break out the scaffold so that we can m easily build the second level of walls around the base once the walls have started though it is easy enough to drop back down and continue them around once they snap to an existing wall I should not at this point the reason that I'm using walls without any sort of Windows in them is that we're going to add them in manually once we've completed the build with the second level now complete we can also begin on the third level of the base again continuing the walls all the way around and while we're working on this section we're also going to add in the roof we're going to add in a sloped Stone shingle roof block just like that for the sides add in a rough Flintstone block of the stepped wall this will just add some visual difference to the top of the entrance Tower and should also match the top of the staircase Tower once we get to building that from there we can add some additional scaffold and finish off the third level of the wall remember if you miss a gap just like this one and you can't get the block to snap to the position that you want hit X to turn off the snapping mode and you should get finer grain control over placing your blocks with the third level complete it's time to remove a scaffold so that we don't build through it and start on the Upper Floor using the Shroud wood block to give a nice clean wooden plank aesthetic we can build out the floor using the 4 M sealing blocks like this with the floor now complete it's time to extend our stairway continuing up around the tower like we started with a Stairway followed by by a ceiling Block in the corner followed by another stairway all the way around with the stairway complete we can continue the ceiling blocks in a rough square shape like this ensuring that we leave room over the stairs for you to walk up and down with the stairway in place it's time to start on the roof switching to the 2 m roof shapes and selecting the outer roof corner with the stone shingle roof block material first add in the corners of your roof this will help you get everything aligned assuming you can get them in the right spot I tend to place my initial roof blocks with the snapping turned off as I found this easier we can then switch to our inner roof corner to add a little bit of a shape over here where we're going to add in an extension room to the outside of the castle with that complete we need to add in some flooring continuing out the the Shroud wood blocks and remove some of this wall to ensure that we can line them up with the roof that we just created adding back in the walls we can use our rough stone blocks and in this case we will actually use a window frame just to make things a little bit easier to see out of and we can modify this later if we don't like the position of the windows from there continue the roofing the snapping mode back on to make it join up to the previous sections more easily you can see that sometimes a block just doesn't want to snap or when it does it creates ridges and that's when you know things aren't in the right position similarly when you get to the end and the corner block doesn't want to go on you can probably assume that something's not quite in the right position in those cases it can be easier to go back to manual placement get the corner in the position that you know it needs to be and then go from there back with snapping mode since they don't want to line up I think we need to get up and have a bit of a closer look you can see the ridges between the join where it's just not right and to get over there and have a closer look we need to come up onto the roof and double jump over here and there we go you can see that those blocks that I placed don't join up with the slope below and what we actually need to do is rip out the section that we've already done that's where the problem lies not with where we ended up once that has been repaired and the rest of the blocks around the edge created your roof should look something like this it's then possible to use the 4 M roof flat roof section to finish out the rest of the roof although it doesn't want to line up here instead we might switch over and find somewhere else that snaps nicely like here here and we can then add in the rest of the blocks and there you have it the roof of the castle is now complete from there it's time to finish the stair Tower moving back to our rough stone blocks and 4 M wide walls continue building up the wall till it's level with the top of the stairway as you can see where we've placed the Shroud wood stairway blocks first the edges of them will show the wood rather than the stone and to fix that we need to remove the crowwood blocks from the stairway and in some cases also remove the wall blocks that have been placed they replace the wall blocks and then read the stairway while this is a bit fiddly it's probably still easier to do it in this order as it means that you know exactly the height of the stairway that you're going to build and you can ensure that everything lines up rather than trying to build out the tower first and hope the stairway fits afterwards with the walls replaced and the stairway rebuilt the stair Tower should now look something like this for the final section of the stair Tower we need to build the brick work around the top to do that we're going to use the 2 m wall block with a rough Flintstone block material and place a row of those around the top of the tower then because this is slightly taller than we want switch to the 1 M single wall block and remove an entire row around the top of the block that we just placed once that's done it's time to carve out what I think I called the kenel kennels of the Battlement of the stairway Tower leaving the Merlins in between if you know more about castle building than me please correct me in the comments below if I got that wrong but hopefully that's about what they're called leaving out two blocks either side leaves a nice wide bit in the middle and hopefully I please aming looking top of the castle tower in case you were wondering what the orangey yellow fuzz is that's actually the limit of our 40x 40x40 build area and appears as we're right up the top of the area that we can build in for this basic and unimproved build area jumping back down you can see that that's looking a lot more impressive when you look at it from afar and even shows up when you're gliding from a little way across the map the walls do look a little plain in sections though so it's time to add a little bit more visual interest to do that we're going to start with some windows because this is a castle we're not going to add particularly wide windows we want to pretend that they're narrow little defensive Arrow slits even though there won't be and we're doing that by leaving a couple of blocks at the bottom and going in three blocks and building in these narrow Windows you can see that even just adding in a single window let a whole lot of ligh in and changes it from the sort of dark spot that it is before on this wall we're going to add a little bit difference we're going to make our Windows grow in size so we're going to do the first one three blocks in and four blocks high do the second one three blocks in from that so four BLX in and then make that one six BLX high and in the middle we're going to do a double wide window that's eight blocks high there we go we'll leave this wall in case we want to put something up on the walls later but on this wall we'll add in another triple window with three vertical slits for the staircase to ensure that it's not too dark We'll add in some smaller Windows as well we'll add them in at around the middle point of the walls for each of our Landings for the last Landing before the top we won't add a window just because it'll be a little bit close to the roof above it so that's the ground floor and the tower done heading to our Upper Floor we've already got some windows over in this area over here so we might just add in one on each of the sides here and the opposite side here although as I do that I notice that there's a bit of a gap so we first need to fix that up before we can place the window lastly I think we need to add some more windows over on this wall to match downstairs and also to add just that little bit more light into this upper area now before we're done with the build one final addition that I want to make is to add some blue glow to the underside of the terrain this is to give it a little bit of separation and to reinforce the idea that the ground was torn up or thrown up from the Shroud somehow and give it that little bit of extra visual interest to do that we need to add some additional blocks to let us get down underneath the terrain like this and once there we can add a little bit of a walkway and start to add in our glowy luminescent blocks we'll do that with single box into the gaps in the rock where we can find it we can be somewhat sparing with these blocks as they do glow quite brightly blue it's difficult to see in the daylight but much easier to see at night time we'll scatter these around throughout the terrain underneath to give a roughly even spread across the bottom of the island once that's done we can remove the blocks as we climb back up to the top of the staircase that we created as you can see when viewing the base from afar during the day there's not much to see in terms of blue glow but as nightfalls you can see a subtle but present blue tinge to the underside of the island it's not much but I think it adds a nice little touch so that's my floating Castle Building in shrouded it's a change of pace to build in a survival game that actively has no stability mechanic and having done so while I like the creative freedom that it gives and the lack of worry about losing build materials when something collapses it does somewhat feel wrong like maybe it's cheating somehow which is weird since if there was a stability mechanic you know I'd be actively trying to work out a way to circumvent it so maybe it's just me that feels funny about it but let me know your thoughts do you prefer a stability mechanic and the risk of things falling and losing materials or do you think that this is a nice change of pace and it means you can relax and enjoy the build more since even if it's not a floating base you don't ever have to worry about the walls falling down either way let me say that I hope you've enjoyed the video please like it if you didn't already earlier and consider subscribing if you'd like to see more videos like this one as always thanks for watching and happy building
Channel: CautiousPancake
Views: 54,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Build Guide, floating base, castle, How To, Survival, Game Guide
Id: 646sABdfHas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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