My Valheim Dream House - Pretty and Practical

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this is my dream house in volan every time I play I just make different iterations of this house even though I should probably try something new already however I just love this one because it looks so good it's highly customizable and it's extremely practical for streamlining your gameplay first of all the house is square with rounded corners and each of the sides contains an exit except for the one that's a kitchen but still you can exit your house through 75% of all the cardinal points which is quite convenient in my book next each of the four rounded corners contains a workstation except for the one that contains your sleeping quarters hey it actually is a sleeping quarter get it this way you can easily move from one station to the other to the kitchen to your bed which is neat but what makes this really convenient is the storage system now anybody who played this game will tell you that you spend about 78% of it sorting your items in the correct chest and retrieving those items later on when you need them but you can cut that number down to 62% with this system because Each corner station is accompanied by shelves on either side which contain plenty of precious chests right right next to where you need them the most and what's nice is that these shelves can fit any type of chest you can do five or even six regular chests per row or four big chests per row or three really big chests per row although it's not worth it don't do it you don't get any extra space and it doesn't look as good the best option is four big reinforced chests but regardless of what type of chests you have this way you can sort your items more organically based on what you notice during gameplay instead of making signs and trying to organize every single item of the game into some kind of category which is impossible I've tried this way you naturally group the items where you need them as you play the game also signs are kind of ugly they're for roads and Beggars not really inside of the house aesthetically pleasing thing you know and I actually do have room for signs on top of the shelves if you want but I prefer to fill them up with trophies they look better and can subtly indicate what kind of items you might expect underneath which is a pretty clever thing but not as clever as my dump hole in the middle of the house I sometimes make a hole to dump all of my items when I don't feel like sorting them out right away I just toss them all into my dump hole again and again until eventually I decide to pick them all up and put them in the correct chests which actually this way I think it's more efficient another common problem in valheim is all the workstation improvements and where to put them that issue is easily solved by The house's stone foundation and a secret hole inside of the carpets which takes us down to our utilitarian basement that can house every single upgrade you will ever need neatly tucked away except for the Bellows that still needs to be on top right next to the forge but that's okay it fits nicely upstairs also there are doors in the foundation as well taking you outside the kitchen is compact but has room to be fully stock with everything you need it's nice and practical to use everything is in one place including plenty of chests on either side for all your ingredients the chimney kitchen is right next to your sleeping quarter which you can personalize any way you like but to get the maximum comfort you will eventually need a hot tub nearby which conveniently fits real nice just outside through my secret exit where you can make a secret Terrace ideal for hanging out hot tubbing May poing or any other furniture that might add to your comfort you can add a whole bunch of Windows and Contours to the roof you giv get a more Cathedral likee Vibe you can use any material to decorate the accents of your house you can customize your sleeping quarter your lights your trophies your foundation and of course your surroundings outside the house which you can link up with this like a central base maybe a farm on the right portals on the left magic stones in front that sort of thing anyway it was always a pleasure coming home to a house like this and it was great fun building it so if you want to have a go at it and try it yourself in a game then I'll show you how to build it next now it is a bit of a project it's going to take some work but not as much as you might think at least not for the basic house which you can infinitely upgrade and make more beautiful as you go through the game and unlock new materials the very earliest you can build this basic model is once you've defeated the second boss got a crypt key for the swamp and gathered some iron at least 18 pieces this is still quite early in the game there's lots of areas and bosses left to go so I think it's definitely worth putting in the time to build your forever home right now so you will need some iron minimum of 18 you will also need around 600 to 800 Stone which you should have plenty of by this point if you've been mining copper you'll also need around 400 core wood and a whole bunch of regular wood you can change any of these materials with better ones as you progress through the game if you want like changing your stone foundation to black marble which goes great with the uh tar roofs that you also get later on however for now I'll just show you the basic cheapest quickest to build model and you can customize it from there so here we go first step is the foundation obviously it's why it's called a foundation but for ours we will need to basically build something like a swimming pool to do this first uh find a flattish area doesn't need to be perfect just flat enough to make you question the shape of the earth I like to start out flattening a small region first and then place the one true tile this first tile will guide the whole construction so be careful with this one don't place it too high or too low and I like to align it north south or east west both work so this way my house can also function as a compass once you place this first tile now you can add more in either direction until you make a line of exactly 12 tiles as you do this stand on every new tile and use the hoe to flatten to the same level ahead of you if necessary pull out your trusty Axe and dig up any ground that there sit on top of your floor or use your hoe to add more ground if it's too deep once you have a line of 12 you can take a moment to just be proud you've made order out of chaos well done but we're going to make a lot more create another line of 12 tiles perpendicular to the first one again you can go in whichever direction seems more convenient if I were you I'd choose the flatter sides cuz all that switching between pickaxe and hoe makes my back sore anyway once you've done your second line you have defined the perfectly square shape of your future house now all that's left is to fill it in I like to do the sides first until I have a perimeter which which I then divide into smaller and smaller rectangles this way I can keep a good eye on it and make sure that the Earth is as flat as it can be if you done dig too much in some places you can maybe see that now at the edge of the tiles and you can fill up those holes and flatten them back perfectly every floor tile should be blue if any of them are green remove add more Earth and replace you could of course make this process a lot simpler by simply using some Stone floor tiles which require less precise flattening but I'm trying to keep the resources to a minimum besides we already need quite a bit of stone for this next part where you want want to build six big stone walls along the edges of the floor and then double that up do the exact same thing on the opposite side so we have two parallel thick walls the two remaining sides get the exact same treatment except they only require five walls instead of six because of math and the point is you get yourself something like this kind of like a swimming pool but before we dive in add another layer of stone floor on top of this perimeter to make it look nice and then add three more Stone floors in every corner like so one in the middle and then one on each side you'll see why later don't worry about it and now we're starting to see that this is not so much a pool but it will be a basement where we will put all of our ugly annoying non-symmetrical crafting upgrades and whatever else we want out of the way on top of this there will be a floor but before we get there we first have to put up some walls emotionally and literally as we try to make the house in the roof as quickly as possible to avoid rain damage as much as we can get yourself some long corewood poles and place them just like so on all sides make sure it's on top of the floor and not level with it next we're going to take some smaller core wood and make some nice rounded corners on all sides by just rotating once between each placement now we can see the perimeter of the actual house and we just have to stack it up as high as we need and we need eight so every single log gets another seven on top of it same in the corners except for the middle bits where we will leave four empty rows because that's going to be a window later on now it's starting to look like a house all that's missing is the roof the roof is the most annoying and timec consuming part of the build like usual but if we get the first layer down then that is going to protect our walls from rain damage and the first layer of the roof is pretty basic just add 26° tiles along the sides and around the corners you just spin once before placement just like before this gives us a nice rounded Edge as you can see now that we got the SP done we can relax knowing that even if the rain comes in it will only damage the floor of the house which can be fixed pretty easily cuz it's a a nice big Square grid before we can do the rest of the roof though we got to put in the iron skeleton that will actually keep it standing to do this we got to get some iron beans and we have to place two of them right here here one tile away from the edge of the entrance on either side we will do the same on the opposite side and it doesn't matter which sides you choose just any two opposite sides will do after you do this you should check each of them to see if they're blue if any of them aren't it means they aren't fixed to the ground so just remove a floor tile throw some more Earth in there and flatten it out making sure it stays Blue now if they're all blue go ahead and add three more iron beans on top of each for a total of four poles made up of four beams each for a total of 16 iron that's plus two more for the stone cutter gives the minimum of 18 which I mentioned earlier you could add the same thing on the remaining sides if you want and you have the iron but it's not necessary these four will be enough to support the whole roof anyway we're going to dress up these iron poles with a couple of core wood logs to get rid of that industrial look for a more homey Log Cabin Vibe that's better while we're added we're actually going to add a few more of these logs like on the two remaining sides like you're covering up invisible iron beams and also a few more just like this two tiles away from the central ones towards the corner and we're going to do this on all four uh yeah yeah just just do it on all four it's fine do it on all four corners for now these poles will become our shelves later on but we'll get there before we continue with the roof though I should point out that as you can see I'm playing in god mode so I can just fly around hopefully you're a mere mortal and are playing the game honorably which means that for this next bar you will need quite a few ladders and Scaffolding around so you can actually reach everything you need I was debating making this tutorial with no mods so I can show you how I would go about it but I think it's more important that I have superpowers in this case so you can see more clearly what's going on around here and not be distracted by all the scaffolding basically you just need to make a lot of laads like this now the first row of the roof was pretty straightforward but with the rounded Corners it gets a bit trickier next nothing we can handle though we just need to add a wood beam border first which is pretty simple on the straight Parts but when it comes to the corners we just spin twice snap it right there place it down and then add another one on the other side of course the second one could have been a half Bean but come on live a little now that the border of the roof is better defined by nice straight lines we can move on to our second layer where once again the straight parts are pretty simple but when we get to the corner we have a few options we could use a corner bit after all that's what they're for but this is not a real authentic God-fearing Corner therefore it's going to look weird so I just prefer to put down two of these regular roof tiles half overlapping each other this looks nice and also gives us these symmetrical Corners which we can now fill up for the second Contour in which the wood beams actually form a perfect 90° Corner making the rest of the roof perfectly square and pretty straightforward from now on now you can play with the angles of the roof tiles any way you like but I like to make the first two layers 26° and the rest of them 45 this gives it a nice medieval Viking kind of look I think from here on out I just put regular Corner tiles in the corners and finish the thing layer by layer and Topping our Cathedral with four corner tiles pointing together to the sky and to the Alla you could leave the roof just like this or add another layer on the outside of the house which usually looks better and in this case it really gives a a sort of Japanese Temple sort of Vibe with these rounded Corners which have some gaps in them as you can see but we can leave those like that they look decent enough or you can fill those in by a carefully overlapping a few more roof tiles in there just like so and just like that the outside of the house is done but don't worry there's still so much more to do for now we can start building the floor on the same level as the top of the stone foundation I do this by going around in a circle because if you go straight from end to end it will crash in the middle although once it's done the whole thing holds together quite nicely you'll notice in the Corners there's the stone floor tiles we placed earlier you can try to cover them up or just leave them like that and if you were to build a dump Hole uh you would just leave the center four tiles unfilled and make a little box down underneath however I'll ignore that for now not not everyone is a fan of my dump hole it does impede your Mobility a bit walking around the house but I usually make one because there's so many times when you just you know you quickly run home to fix something and you just can't be bothered to empty out your inventory in the proper chests so really it's uh it's optional however something that is not optional is the kitchen one of the most important parts of building a house in valheim is getting the fireplace right you need to be nice and warm but avoid that nasty intoxicating smoke while also making room for all the cooking paraphernalia you will use now we have all of this covered but before we get started we have to decide which of the four exits will be compromised and turned into a kitchen chimney I generally choose the direction I'm least likely to travel towards maybe the one facing the ocean or something like that so have a little think and choose one although it's not really that important but once you've chosen the first step is to extend the foundation a bit in that direction so just add two more layers of stone walls and the accompanying uh Stone floors next I will build two hearts next to each other just like so that's right two hearts The Innovation is overwhelming now this is how I arrange my cooking stations by the end I put the oven right in the middle leaving enough room on either side for a cauldron and an iron cooking station of course you probably don't have the oven yet but you do have the other two so you can build them like this already which I would definitely recommend because the Iron cooking station it barely fits in there and you got to build it first at this point otherwise it's not going to fit later on to make the actual chimney I put big stone walls right on top of the hearts and then one more in the middle which looks nice and fits quite perfectly although the cooking station is poking out through the wall but we'll just ignore that I add one more layer of stone as I think this is the ideal height before adding some roof tiles to better direct the smoke make sure they're right on the edge so they don't overlap otherwise the smoke isn't going anywhere technically speaking you could stop right now and this would work just fine fine but of course you can make it a lot nicer and there are many ways of going about it from here every time I play I make the chimney a little bit different but basically I just add some more stone walls might have to destroy one of those roof tiles first and then build it back later then at some point I make it narrower with some Stone step close it up real nice leave room for a window which will look just lovely as you cook and then uh just leave it like this or add another wooden section on top and another little roof tile sometimes I like to make steps at the bottom of it you know you just uh play around do what you feel just leave plenty of room room for the smoke to exit make sure its path isn't clogged up or the smoke will go inside your house you don't want that but now that our chimney kitchen is done we are almost up and running just add some wood to the fire and we can finally sleep in our new house technically speaking we we still have quite a bit of work to do finally we can get into that fancy schy storage system I keep going on about but before we do we have to make some modifications remember when I said and we're going to do this on all four uh yeah yeah just just do it on all four it's fine do it on all four corners for now that was because we hadn't decided at that point where the kitchen would go now that we have and we have our fire we know that our sleeping quarter needs to go right next to it so right here this means the storage system will be a bit altered in this corner meaning that we will only use half shelves so you see these poles right here get rid of those and just move them one tile closer now I know I could have told you this from the very beginning but we hadn't picked the kitchen yet okay I have my system anyway to create our shelves we will need some wood floors which will be built along the wall just like this so that's one there then skip one two more then skip one and then two more on top of that the bigger gaps are where the chest will be and you have to do this on every single side including the half shelves and this might seem a bit confusing but if you get yourself some core wood when you fill in the gaps things will become much clearer one there one there one there and also one on the very top do this again on every single side including half beans for the half shelves and then keep those half beam active as you go and fill in the sides in the exact same way yes on every side in the interior as well let's make it nice come on put in some effort the shelves are becoming quite clear now and you can actually see we have three rows of them from top to bottom but I only used the first two I find that's plenty so I fill the top bit with some wood to put some trophies later on and then the shelves are basically ready to use although I do go a bit further because you will notice there's some ugly looking gaps around and when you add the chest it looks kind of weird with its little feet just sitting there so I like to add one more layer of wood beams on top of the core wood this hides the little feet and gives it a very uh snug Vibe I actually noticed that the core wood and the regular wood are kind of meant to go together like incidentally this is how I make this type of fence I just stack core wood and regular wood and then delete the core wood in the middle so that they kind of magically float like this which looks pretty nice but anyway getting back to the shelves I I add some regular wood in there but only on the top side of the core wood beam I could add another one up here but that's a bit too snug it's uh not a lot of room to click so just one on the bottom of the chest looks great I think however on the very top where there's no chest I do make two of them top and bottom basically just do this all around and then finally we are done except for the sides don't forget the sides oh and I guess you could also fill in the sides all the way if you want maybe make one of these angled puppies up there I know it's a lot maybe just skip this part for when you're in a better mood also if you're going to do this uh maybe ignore the half shelves and the one next to the kitchen we will need those open and finally our storage system is done except for the chest test you still got to got to get all of them in there and that's going to be quite an exercise in patience I do apologize for telling you this so late in the video but hey this is the last storage system you're ever going to need so plus you don't need to add all the chests at once just do some as you need them and upgrade along the way until ideally every single shelf contains only reinforced chests remember how I said you only need 18 iron for this house well if you want the big chests all around you will need an additional zero iron in the middle between 1 and 8 so 10 eight iron to upgrade all of your chests it's not that much you can get at in a single Crypt sometimes just don't ask how much fine wood you need however the first place you want to put your iron chest is probably right here next to the kitchen in the half shelves on the right the chests are oriented differently from all the other ones they Point towards me so I have easier access and more storage for cooking the ones on the left can just be left regular for a total of six chests next to your kitchen or you can also turn half of these around as well like I did here so I have eight chests in total for cooking which is definitely going to be all you'll need for the whole game in any case if you dislike the aspect of the turnaround chest you can just fill up those spaces for a cleaner look and the Shelf over here will be like your personal night chest you know to put put like your potions Keys Lantern toothbrush and anything else you might want to have near your bed and speaking of the bed let's start working on our sleeping quarter you could of course just put down a bed throw some furniture around for comfort and that will do just fine there's plenty of space in this section to put down everything you need however I like to feel important when I sleep so I like to make a race platform for my bed which I Do by adding some floorboards in the following manner which you will notice kind of covers up the bottom shelves of chests but that's okay cuz these ones we only access from the kitchen and then these ones we just won't do we have the ones on top there enough so cover those up finish our platform make some stairs maybe a little fence to separate and Define our personal space from the rest of the house I've been watching that funk guy on YouTube if you have the resources maybe carpet the whole area as I like to do and just place your various doodads however you wish you can fit pretty much everything you need in here you even have room for two big dragon beds although you might struggle with adding a big table in here but that's okay you can just add it outside and speaking of let's get rid of some of these beams to create a secret exit covered up by two banners which also gives us comfort in the game and in our mind knowing that whenever we are sleeping we can always just run out of the house immediately now that's true peace of mind outside here's where we can put a hot tub or Maple or any other furniture that might give us Comfort clearing up space next to the bed however to do this you will need to extend the foundation on this side which you can uh do as you gather more Stone and there's a few options I like this rounded design which can be mirrored on the other side although it can be tricky to make unless you draw it out in Wood first and then just use those as guides for snapping the stone also you can just extend the whole side of the house like I did here or you know just play around with it see see what you like extensions of the foundation can be fenced in which looks pretty cool and they're also useful for other items like maybe an obliterator or your fermenters which don't really have a place inside the house but they do fit nicely on the other rounded platform outside over here I have also placed the bees in this example which is quite appropriate to have together I think also the fermentors won't work if you don't have an extended roof over there so keep that in mind you'll also need to make stairs for all of your exits which are pretty straightforward Stone stairs but you can decorate them in many different ways you can add posts on the side fences lights roof all sorts of things or you can just leave them bare I guess that will work too if you have no soul if the foundation is extended then the stairs can cut into it which also looks pretty nice and uh right next to one of the staircases we also need to make a door to access the basement I completely forgot about the basement anyway destroy here make a door build the rest of it back up and now we have access to the basement where we will move all of our workstation upgrades including a stone cutter if you want to keep one around but I did promise a secret hole so uh let's get working on that now you can put the secret hole anywhere you like in the floor but I like to put it right here here next to the corner workstation which comes later in the game this will be the least likely place that you will fall through or although you will still fall through it plenty of times but to make it secret we need to cover it up with a rug which you could just toss down by itself but what I like to do is create these Contours and carpet that whole area maybe with a different carpet on all three sides which looks neat and also hides the hole much better although I'm not sure why it's so important to me that I hide my hole maybe got to bring that up in therapy anyway I'll destroy the tile next to it then go in the basement to destroy the correct tile from underneath now in order to get back up I could just use the doors but I like to make an improvised ladder right here using some wood walls just like so now we can easily go in and out of the basement through our secret hole or using the door so I guess now would be a good time to actually put the workstations in the appropriate places earlier would have been better probably but the workbench goes here right next to all our beautiful easyto reach chests then in the next Corner we have the forge and the Bellows behind behind it this one must go here but the rest of the improvements can go in the basement where we can make every single one under each workstation and of course let's not forget the kitchen now let's talk about the last Corner the empty one this one will be filled later by a black Forge and the g table which is actually two workstations in one spot which doesn't sound very neat and organized and maybe it's a sign that my whole system is wrong maybe I should have put the workstations in all four corners and have my bed elsewhere maybe maybe this whole thing was a waste of time I'll just repress those thoughts because the two stations work quite nicely together and they use very similar ingredients so it makes sense that they're close to the same chests although look how well this black Forge fits in here like it was meant to go there unfortunately I have to move it forward to make room for the other one but still both of them fit comfortably although you have to jump on top of one to use the other or you could raise the one in the back and then add some stairs like this saving you precious thumb effort from pressing the space bar now let's talk about Windows which are completely optional but really make the house stand out you can make a few window types by just rearranging the roof and adding some sides to the thing and some nice wood beam edges you can make a big one like this or two little ones like this or a long one like this or a really big one like this and you can fill them up with iron or Crystal or this metal wall thingy or just make a classic cross shape using wood if that's all you have it still looks good play around with the windows if you like they're a bit annoying to build without flying but I would make at least one because the sunshine really comes in nice through those bars I mean look how pretty also don't forget the windows at the sides of your house this is what you'll be looking through every time you're at the workstation you can decorate these however you like you know maybe a cross maybe another layer that always makes it pop if you really want to go all out with the roof you can also play around with elements like this where you can use wood walls and Floors to fill in the area underneath the windows or next to it adding some Dimension and extra spots to put all your trophies besides all that I guess you could add some doors to the thing though I personally prefer to leave them open I don't really like opening and closing doors all the time better to just have a wall around your base but if you do want doors the big fancy Darkwood Gates fit in perfectly or you could use regular wooden gates and add two more logs on top to fill the Gap and of course decorate the entrances if that's something that you'd like to do and now finally we have finished the house mostly there's still a few things we could talk about like maybe the lighting which uh you could do in many different ways I just like to put scones on all of the poles also there's no designated spot in the house for certain items like an artisan table or the spinning wheel but those are pretty scarcely used so you could just make those in the basement or maybe here temporarily also the house is not meant to contain any port portal so you'll need a separate building for a portal Hub which I might make a video about later on alth you could probably fit some in the basement if you really wanted to or here on the outside of the house also works and uh yeah I think that's about it this is my dream house this is what I came up with I love how it looks I love how practical it is and all the little secrets hidden within I hope somebody else likes it and uh if you give it a go I'd uh I'd love to see other variations it would really be quite crazy if somebody actually try this there's still so many things to explore with this design but I think uh the video was long enough so now that I got it out of my system maybe I'll look for a different model for my dream home the next time I do a playthrough although I probably won't this just feels like home thanks for watching if you made it this far maybe consider subscribing I might do some more builds or maybe some live streams in the future until then hello [Music] then
Channel: Crate Of Bananas
Views: 43,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, buld, house, tips, storage, gaming, hal, game, tricks
Id: TttDdY3JvPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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