How To Customize Your Radial Menus On The Controller In Baldur's Gate 3

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what's up everybody renfil here and we're back again with more Baldur skate 3. the best crpg that I've played since Baldur's Gate 2 which was a heck of a long time ago larion Studios has pulled out all the stops for this Forgotten Realms based adventure and as much fun as I've had throughout Early Access and into the live game with mouse and keyboard my preferred method of playing is the controller I've been doing quite a bit of controller guides recently and now that the PS5 launch is here and we got confirmation of the Xbox launch just around the corner well it's time for me to sink my teeth into even more controller guides because it's just such a great way to play they've got great controller support for this game but one of the things that a lot of people say that confuses them is the radio menus because unfortunately everything you pick up that's usable kind of gets Auto put into these radial menus which can create this never-ending cycle of having just tons of radial menus that are open and so it become comes a confusing hot mess to try to find your melee attack your ranged attack or the chosen spells that you prefer to use the most frequently whether it's cantrips or or you know your Fireball or something so being able to configure your radials and set those up how you want is key to being able to get the most out of the controller So today we're diving into a guide on how to set up the radial menus with the controller and this applies to both the PlayStation 5 controller as well as the Xbox controller for the Xbox series s and Series S or any generic controller that you're using to play on the PC I happen to be playing with a series X controller just because that's what I have with my Xbox series X it works brilliantly with Bluetooth but you can also plug it in with USBC I got videos on how to set all that stuff up as well but in any case we're going to dive into how to set up your radio menus today if this is your first time tuning in this is the part of video where I say don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update don't forget we do daily streams at 11AM Central there is a Discord links are down there and I cover a lot of other games Beyond Baldur's Gate 3 such as right now we're doing star field we've got cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty coming up and a whole bunch of stuff next year as well so without further Ado check out all those things but let's get into this video right now now I've got a level one Rogue sitting here on the nautiloid who I haven't touched before and as a result His Radio menus are nice and clean and shiny new with that new tune smell so if I open up the radials right now there's only two well three technically um but I've got one that has my melee stuff and one that has all of my other abilities that are related to bonus actions and then we've got this one which is for things I've picked up that are usable for my character like potions bottles Scrolls things that I might want to throw or consume and when you first start to game up this is it this is what you're presented with and it doesn't matter what your controller you're on it's the L and R bumpers are the ones that open this up and then you can just close the menu down accordingly but to just bring them up it doesn't matter which one you hit left or right either one of these will open these up and you can go from there but once you're in here you'll notice that you've got this bar which has some free slots in it and then this is a few slots over here and then this one has a whole bunch of slots available here now if you are choosing to set up your own there's a few things you need to know let me get my notebook here so that I can make sure that I remember what the button scheme layout is for the PlayStation here but we are going to go ahead and do this accordingly so right or left bumper brings them up and from here if you see a free slot you can hover over it like so you'd move your left thumb stick over or around to the corresponding free slot and then if you are on the Xbox controller you're going to hit X but if you're on the PlayStation controller you're going to hit the square button and that's going to bring up the radial customization uh menu and then from here you've got set slot swap slot clear slot or add radio the last thing you want to do right now is add a radio because that just adds to the confusion and adds to the mess so that's for more advanced stuff which we'll get into towards the end of this guide but for now what we want to do is how do you swap a slot like what if you don't want you know what if you want your potions that are over here and you want to bring the potion over here to your primary radial so that's the first thing you see when you when you open it up also maybe I want my sneak attack you know up in here instead let's just deal with this one first so I would go down here and I would hit that radial customization button like so and I would say swap slot and we would pick that and we would just move it up over here and hit the a button on the Xbox controller or the x button on the PS5 and boom we have now cleared this slot and we've switched it and we've put it up over here what I also want to do the same thing what if I want to get rid of target non-lethal attacks and bring my my sneak attack ranged up in there well same thing hit your radio customization go to swap slot move it down and swap accordingly and now we've got our three melee abilities up here now maybe I don't want my dancing lights on this one because this is for my like attacks and stuff maybe I want this over on this radial over here so again bring up this where it says swap slot then hit the right bumper to go over to this radial pick the slot that you want it to be in and boom you have now moved it over to another radial menu entirely which now leaves me with a whole bunch of slots over here that are opened up for all sorts of other things now with this particular character I don't have any spells or anything else because this is a brand new character so what I'm going to do now is we're going to switch over to my druid who is 12th level which is the max you can be and he has a ton of hot bars way too many because I've been really lazy about about customizing His Radio menus so I figured it was the perfect time to actually show what it looks like when you don't pay attention to customizing the radials because it can get quite out of control um and it's chaos but as I've played additional characters I've gotten much more proficient at setting things up so that I can actually have everything I want at quick disposal one thing I am going to do really quick is I'm going to bring these potions of healing over because I actually want these uh right here so that I have quick access to them I'm actually going to move this all the way over to this over here because I don't ever care about having the non-lethal blows for the moment anyway because I'm a rogue I'm gonna kill everything anyway let's hop onto the Druid and show you what it looks like if you're a caster and you have a ton of spells available because that's when things get really really messy all right folks so I am on my 12th level Druid who is a circle of the Moon Druid which means I have access to not only a whole slew of spells but also my wild shapes and don't judge me because I'm about to show you a hot mess because this is the character that I play in the live streams and I've never once worried about customizing His Radio menus I've only done that for the offline characters where my gameplay is a lot more streamlined I'm more focused on playing this character live with the community and I'm always chatting with folks as opposed to setting up my radials so I've always been sort of lazy about it and this is what it looks like if you are a lazy person like me and you don't ever do anything with your radials it will just stick things in whatever open slot it finds available and you're gonna go through here and you're gonna see that I have a lot of different menus and it's not always done in a great way because like this one is complete it's got one thing in it like what is the point of this like maybe we should just move that over to like maybe here and and do that instead um but you know then we've got this dead radial one right here so we can remove it uh write that boom we've removed radial and we've cleared up some space um so if you don't do anything it they just fill up with stuff especially this kind of stuff potions anything you pick up potions and Scrolls anything that's usable arrows they all get stuck here anything that's throwable grenades and things of that nature they're all going to go into their own radial menu so if you're carrying around a tons of just crap like I am so we'll go into my character sheet and you'll see that oh my God I have all of these things that I'm carrying on that character nobody else has hardly anything in comparison like lizelle a little bit because she carries heavy stuff but it's a hot mess right so that's what it looks like if it's a hot mess like this so um when it looks like this it's not that big of a deal when you get to the end game because they're kind of all in the same spot where you remembered them anyway but as your love leveling up and getting new abilities you might sometimes go well where did it stick it and you're gonna have to go through here as you get new abilities because it's what it's going to do is it's going to stick it in the first free radial slot that it finds and sometimes it's not going to be the most convenient place for it to be put so that's why you can move things around but then you get also into fun things like well what about my wild shape because this is when things get even crazier because if I hit my wild shape well now it's going to open up two additional radial menus which are related to my Beast forms because I have more than what it can just fit on one and I don't even have access to all my forms yet because I haven't finished the illithed I haven't taken any illicit worms with this character so I don't have access to the displacer Beast which you would put somewhere in here the first time that I got I think was level 10 when I got access to all of my um quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to all of these amazing people who are The Guild Champions at the highest tiered membership here on our channel of course all of the members who helped keep me full time and doing this for your enjoyment if you would also like to become a member you get access to tons of special stuff like live stream member only chat private videos for our members several times a week it's really simple just pick your tier go from there you can also do super chats or super things on any stream YouTube short or video that you see don't forget the Discord links are down below let's get back to the video I am mythosaur shapes or not mythosaurs what are they called the merbidon shapes it added four new things and I didn't realize it had opened up a second radial here and so I was in the middle of a combat scenario on a live stream and I was like where's my wolf form where's my wolf form and someone's like dude there's a radial menu just to the left of you and I went oh my God I'm herping and derp and didn't realize that I had a second radial menu so this is what it looks like if you have chosen not to do anything which is why I always tell people I don't know that I would ever use this option here which is ADD radial but I suppose if you find yourself getting to the point where you want to add one you could but the game is going to automatically add more radials as you pick up tons of loot and I find that if you're going as I'm going through with my other characters it's much easier to just let them auto fill then swap things around as you need to and then go from there I don't see any scenario when I would need to ever um move something um you know like so and and actually add a radial menu but one of the things you can look at here is if you have an empty slot one of the things we want to cover is how do you set slot well you would you would literally just go here and do the same thing you'd open every radio menu instead of choosing swap spot or clear slot you would say set slot and what that's going to do is it's then going to open up this window and it's going to only show you this is the key here it's only going to show you things that are slottable now I have these things in other places but you can go down here through and it's going to show you everything that you could potentially slot into a into a radio menu it's going to have your spells and can strips and go down through the various tiers of spells and eventually you're going to get down into your attack abilities so like your melee your range everything else and then you can get into your bonus actions down here and then we can even get into things like your Arcane battery which is a toggle build passive feature and your target non-lethal attacks and then we get into all of this stuff which is all of the junk in your inventory that might be still usable or slottable that you might want to have access to for whatever reason it just keeps going and going and going until finally we get down to the end of the list and we could just pick one and say oh I want to put the book right there it's now booked the legend of answer there if I wanted to get rid of that boom just you know clear the slot and now it's empty it really is that simple so even if you have let yourself get out of control to where you have something that looks like this and you have all these radio menus you can still customize them do them as you see fit if you don't want any of these potions and things you just would go in here and start clearing slots around so we can I'll show you what it looks like because you can clear this whole thing and then just to dismiss the radio so let's go in here and say clear slot clear slot let's do this clear slot and clear slot clear slot we'll clear these two and now we're left with an empty radial and now we just say remove radial boom we've done a little bit of cleanup everybody it is that simple anyway folks that is the quick and easy guide to customizing and using your radio menus with the controller hopefully you're enjoying the controller as you're playing in the game whether you're playing on the PC or if you're someone who's jumped into the newly released PlayStation 5 version or if you're someone who's watching this later on the pipeline when the Xbox version comes out this game has great controller support I've got a ton of other controller guides in the channel so make sure to check them out don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update don't forget we do live streams every day at 11AM Central check out all the other playlists in the Channel discord's Down Below join as a member to support and also get access to live stream chat as well as all the private videos we do for our members and until next time everybody stay safe and happy gaming
Channel: Renfail
Views: 3,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 controller guide, baldurs gate 3 controller guide, bg3 controller guide, how to play baldurs gate 3 on a controller, baldurs gate 3 radial menus
Id: oef-nIXXBHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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