How to Be the Worst Neighbor In Existence

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing junkyard truck today look at this title screen it looks like a canvas and has a moving lens flare I didn't know I could be this excited oh and also this video is sponsored by Opera GX okay here's the first thing we see when the game loads what are we at the top of a volcano nope just living in squalor even better anyway let's check out all of our stuff we got a sink which I'm sure doubles as a bathtub we got our fridge which of course is empty and then we've got our designer coffee table and second hand everything ooh and what's this fat rolls of one dollar bills all right hold on get in my backpack oh my computer I wonder what kind of browser we use because it reminds me of the sponsor for this video V1 the only Opera GX the browser for gamers and honestly for people that just like browsing let me show you what I mean have you ever been like I want to do some browsing yeah you have Opera GX has these things called GX profiles where you can super easily set up your browser just the way you need it is your computer kind of underpowered set your configuration to potato and Opera GX will keep all its processing to the bare minimum to keep things running smoothly you want the browser to remember nothing then the Rogue setting is for you where it clears all browsing data on exit and how about like you're about to stream and you want the browser to be quiet the streaming config will mute all tabs by default or if you're feeling especially wild you can go with the Rogue potato streamer setting by going custom and clicking on all these check boxes yeah now we're talking and shortcuts for each one appear on your taskbar for easy use who doesn't love custom colors and we haven't even talked about a feature I use on The Daily the GX corner I like it because it's a single landing page with all kinds of gaming news release dates what's on sale right now and if you download through my linky in the description it'll also show you my 12 most recent videos If you stare hard enough a new one might show up and you can rearrange all this stuff in any order you want and while you're customizing you can also set up a custom lgio wallpaper just go up here to easy setup right down here to get more wallpapers and There It Is Well what a sight Opera GX is also super easy to switch to with their quick import tool where you just click on settings go to import select your stuff and boom you're done all your stuff is there now and Chrome extensions all work on Opera GX so you can load up all those extensions you can't live without even straight from the Chrome web store did I mention this browser is free it's free and you can download it right now from my link in the description on PC and it's also on the mobile so thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring and I'll see you on the Rogue potato streamer setting anyway let's fire up the computer wow look at this Pinnacle viewing experience let's see what Johnny junks has to say you still looking for a truck say no more we're on the way oh but I'm getting ahead of myself what kind of game is this you wonder I like to call them Insanity living simulators it's a game where you usually have a car that looks oh kind of like this which is to say your dream car if your dream car is embarrassing on all sides oh boy are we living the life and secondly usually there's a little bit of Jank but like the fun kind for example we can clip through some things when we jump straight up oh boy I wonder how we can use this to our advantage for one it looks like if we go up into little spaces in the corner we can easily clip through stuff so hopefully that's going to be a lot of fun and three we have humorous and probably unnecessary survival elements that's how you know we're in for a good time but until then it's time to get into our new set of wheels alright let's do this oh yeah all right let's get going now the secret to commanding a chariot like this is you need to be in control at all times whoops oopsie Daisy must have been some kind of mechanical error sorry about that tree and uh sorry environment you know I'm just gonna leave you here and I'm just gonna run to the destination I mean honestly this doesn't seem like that weird a place where you'd expect to see some guy scurrying through the forest and then straight across this Lake even though we could just go around right there but then we'd miss out on all this oh oh God what is happening down here I don't like that at all I bet it feels like walking on human skin okay almost to our destination you know and I couldn't help but notice something we ran all the way across the map to get here like this is us this all the way back there is our house and yet we can still hear our car idling we are by far the worst neighbor on the planet hello there dear sir I would like to engage you in awkward conversation you hear about the truck what I can't hear you over the sound of my car miles away I sure am here for the truck only four hundred dollars Count Me In Liberty and place tomorrow morning tomorrow morning but I want it right now sir can you recommend a nice place where I can pass out until then so besides this lovely place looks like there's a couple other points of interest on the map now me I want to know what this garbage can is and I'm also hoping all this Forest running Tuckers our guy out okay we're getting closer flanking them from the left have at the oh oh it really is just a uh a place for trash I don't know what I was expecting look I don't care I just want to steal stuff hopefully from you hello there sir uh I'm sorry is is this private property nice you to keep an eye on me at all at all times oh looks like he got stuck do you think he's gonna turn and look at us when we talk to him well look at the time gotta go I'm sure he's fine well that was good because now we know this place is haunted now it's time for us to check out the local town all right I'd like to see if there's a way to get into these buildings or I could just walk right up to the wall nothing in here okay so I was able to at least clip through and see inside what a shocker there's nothing in here well either way it's starting to get dark like horror movie dark so I'm running around outside the stars are out it's really beautiful and I'm also running around like how am I gonna find my way home oh okay I think I know where it is now and strike two for being the world's worst neighbor what the hell was that where did this come from does junk just fall out of the sky here I mean I'm not gonna question it this belongs to me now anyway where were we ah finally home not sure how I know Carr how you doing you okay yeah I'm sure the car is fine time for sleep I guess now if my calculations are correct there's gonna be a truck waiting for us excellent okay you know hang on I can't take any more of this let's turn this thing off okay where was I apparently nowhere since the truck won't start which I'm sure is the whole point of this game which is always my weak point since I don't know anything about cars but you know somehow we always manage so I'm sure we will here too it's a bummer we can't seem to move this car around I can't see a way to disengage a parking brake but also oh oh oh well I just learned something if you run up against something it's solid but if you duck first and then walk into it and then you stand up again you can totally rock that stuff around what a lovely discovery that I can just clip right through my entire truck I have no idea if this is intentional or not but I don't think I really care given all the fun to be had by just huh I mean let's be honest is this really that out of the ordinary at this point oh where's my manners I should close the door you know for when we go sailing off into the sky box so it's kind of hard to see without moving too much but we're getting pretty high up there oh I think it's night time and uh uh oh and I guess it's raining now good thing we're above all that up here with the moon ah we weathered the storm good for us so I've been up here a really long time now I feel like the vehicle's getting a little jelly-like the oh oh looks like it ejected us can't wait to see how this turns out and apparently we fall faster than a multi-ton vehicle wow we are falling really fast now aren't we oh and we stuck the landing and we're okay where do we suppose the truck is oh there it is good as new oh my God what happened to you this metal has definitely seen better days is this supposed to be the door evidently yes well I guess the handle still works and that's all that matters and I guess we don't have a roof at all anymore okay so I've been at this all night where I'm trying to move the truck back to the starting area and by that I mean I figured out how to replicate flying into the air there we go and I've learned that if I just walk a little bit we do slowly Advance on our house so we'll just wait till we're nice and right above it okay and let go and let's see there's our house and here's our truck yeah good enough we can work with that actually we have a pretty sweet set of wheels here like I realized that this Noble Steed here is like functional but this thing can fly through the sky with the greatest of ease I mean sorta it's not an exact science or anything take two let's try that again okay now that we're cruising at a nice forty thousand feet let's head towards our next destination which is the center of town that's our Target right there I mean from up here there's no buildings or anything populating but I'm sure it's going to be really cool when we get there okay we're here bye truck time to come in for a landing we're fine Perfect Landing okay let's see what we got we gotta handle it kind of slow on the account of being hungry and thirsty well that's nice to see a part shop I can't afford any of this nor do I think I need it obviously our Noble Steed is perfect and what do we have here ah Jimmy junks you okay in there buddy let's take a gander nice to see a man of perfect posture so I guess this is the repair guy repairs and how are you good sir what are we up to on this nice rainy day I need someone to shut off the overflow valve on the water top don't you worry I got you covered I mean after I'm done exploring and this must be the local establishment and by that I mean apparently an honor system based Pub what are we all talking about are we mannequins nice to meet you all glad I can't talk to any of you oh and thank goodness a mini Mark you know our guy is pretty hungry can we just eat this sugar only one way to find out I guess and as a backup we'll have this beef Arena not to mention this sick 12 pack or I just cracked one right here in the store you don't mind right no course you don't well if ever there was a model citizen it's clearly us now that we've finished off a whole 12-pack and our vision's gone nice and fish-eyed hey didn't I buy some Beefaroni where is it oh I had to pay okay so it turns out you can't just eat the cane sugar you can definitely eat the Beefaroni ma'am I think I might be too Tipsy to take this home with me can you hold it for me thanks there you go perfect no chance you're gonna lose it now okay do we need to take the Chariot to that water tower now oh it's 200 meters away oh whatever we'll just drunk run there I'm gonna get paid to do this I would have trespassed for free hi me again yes that's alcohol on my breath pay me thank you sir talk about easy money oh what's this over here I see you also have a chariot oh gasp racing tell me more sir from if you want to race yeah I'm in I'm in and before we start the race can I uh do a little uh oh yes yes we can oh I'm so excited we can mess with this guy's truck excuse me sir you forgot to lock your parking brake I hope this guy doesn't want to see his truck ever again because he's not going to okay now I need to get you to the starting line even though you don't start but they don't need to know that we'll just get it to the starting line in our own way okay that's probably about good let's see if I nailed it correctly foreign getting closer take two off we go I have a good feeling about this one um oh nope did not nail it something tells me this isn't close enough [Music] well it's night time now but I got a great feeling about this one and because I left the headlights on it looks like an alien abduction is happening I don't know this feels pretty close what do you think hit man starts in 10 seconds oh boy uh well there's currently no trucks here I wonder what the other truck is doing right now how you doing buddy really killing it I see well I'll leave you to it have fun you loser well what the hell let's try and do it on foot and then a tight turn around the side long straight away everyone say hi to our house and across the Finish Line anything today what do you mean tough luck excuse me how did you win I feel like you might be in on something I'm so upset I could eat more beef a thingy hey what's this Lotto scratchers money salvation has arrived so you have to match three right so of course we won ten dollars there which means she puts ten dollars on the table and then allows me to buy another scratcher and you can see where this is going right okay I think we've made enough cash for now over a thousand dollars off just scratchers and here you go lady have a little something for your troubles so we made about five hundred dollars and that might not sound like much money but that's because I realized something else these three weirdos here you actually can interact with them it's called buying in to play some poker oh and don't worry they're dead-eyed stairs never leave okay so here's my strategy all raising all the time my assumption is the computer as dumb as rocks and will hopefully fold if I keep raising basically they're playing and I'm just hitting the raise button until oops all folding again okay I've only done this for like five hands so let's cash out and see how we did oh I see what do we think do we think there's a limit to how much money these people have only one way to find out okay so I've been doing this for a little while and I'm pretty sure there's not a limit but I say that with a caveat which is the AI seems prone to breaking and then everybody just sits here but when it was working oh boy was it working so let's cash this out and see how much this actually was ah you know what the great thing is though for some reason all of these chips have individual Collision which means If an item touches them you can make a mess and make a mess we shall hi excuse me sorry I'm just organizing your chips for you yeah no big deal I'm just splashing the chips literally and if you take stuff and you put it in the way like endless bundles of money they'll just play like it's not even there but I guess money at least looks like it's supposed to be there but you really can just put down anything like a chainsaw watch your head eyes face and arms and they don't even care they'll just play with a running chainsaw just right on the table listen when poker is your life poker is your life and you know what else I realized okay this one's gonna take a little explaining so naturally the normal way you would drive is behind the wheel or or you could do the far more novel approach and go in through the passenger side and start the ignition from here and I can't tell you why it works this way but when you do it like that you're able to control the car from the outside observe [Music] foreign [Music] yup nailed it car are you okay thank goodness I thought we'd lost you so I'm sure you can see where this is going right uh yeah I raise who's going to call oh don't mind me that's just my self-driving car all that noise outside that's just an extension of my mind Powers you don't need to worry about that well fellas another successful game I need to go figure out what happened to my car well that was easy how did you even manage that well that's okay easy fix you know while we're this close to the shot maybe we should have old Jimmy take a look okay just back it up back it up too far hey Jimmy can you work with this if you want me to look at your truck you gotta bring it to me you can use my phone to call a tow truck is this car not good enough for you all right fine you want to look at my truck I'll bring you my truck uh yeah I need to call for a tow where's my truck it's kind of near like a road actually you know what it's not close to any of those things anymore you'll find it yourself okay wow talk about good service hi me again I brought my truck fill out one of the forms what this form you got it so what happens I fill this out do I need to move my car or anything I'm gonna take that as a no do you need do you need me to how are you inspecting that wow you're good okay I guess let's see what the damage is that's it only 365 dollars yeah of course repair it let's try to make life hard on you while you fix it first of all the moment you open this up no you don't and I'm just gonna get in and okay you proved me wrong again maybe my car in the way will perturb you honestly this is my own fault I should have known better than to challenge the Jimmy junks thank you you always do such a bang-up job all right it's time to go on adventures wait hang on I forgot something no wait stop driving Jesus yeah well little did you know truck I figured out how to use the towing function and now I can transport me and you back to town what do you think of that I can tell you're really impressed I can do this all day truck seriously where do you think you're gonna go uh oh someone lost their engine and the frame rate doesn't like this very much uh uh oh okay I think me and the truck have worked out our differences ignore all the shrapnel that look like Teeth I have a peace offering for it anyway and that is to say I'm gonna Gussy it up with some paint oh yeah that's the magic and a little bit of this oh now it looks great like a winner designed by a four-year-old and now it's time to do what we're best at but before we start riding we gotta take care of something again don't worry buddy it's gonna be okay there we go okay hello future winner here I'm ready to race alone this is gonna be so easy well with that loser stuck in the bushes back there foreign you know I'm pretty sure he wanted that more than we do so we should probably just let him have it but I am still going to run off with his trophy yeah it's weird I don't know what happened to it that mic guy just can't be trusted that's okay I know where my strengths lie and that's with my gambling buddies isn't that right fellas time to make my Millions over a friendly relaxing game of cards what could be better I want to thank Opera GX for sponsoring this video linky is in the description if you want to check it out for yourself so I hope he had fun I know why I did I'm gonna sit here and work on my remote control car skills and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,892,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, junkyard truck, junkyard truck game, junkyard truck gameplay, let's game it out junkyard truck, lets game it out junkyard truck, the long drive, mon bazou
Id: J_8KmRw8610
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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