What Happens When You Unleash a Psychopath on Sons of the Forest

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing sons of the forest and something tells me we're gonna have a lot of fun today I don't know what it is something about it just makes me have that feeling oh and also this video is sponsored by Opera GX but more on that in a little bit for now it's time for new game now there is a story to this game but I'm gonna give you the quick version where some kind of private security me and old fisheye and Kelvin over there creepy creepy Kelvin hey what are you guys looking at oh wait a minute you're not looking at the Case Files you're looking at Opera GX the first browser for gamers what's that you don't know about the browser for gamers well then what are we waiting for let's talk about all the hot details of your next favorite browser let's start with compatibility one of my first questions about a browser is usually does it have all the extensions I'm used to using like on other browsers and the answer is yes because anything that's in the Chrome web store you can install right into Opera GX you just go over there do some clicking and now it's all yours you've also got a vast level of customization you can do to make the browser entirely your own so you could go with like the default red Motif or you can customize every color and make it your dream browser oh and also there's a custom let's game it out wallpaper just sitting there waiting for you and also did you know there's mods now there's all kinds of wacky stuff in here like how about we install this one called clicky it does exactly what you think it's gonna do yeah and there's a lot of other random things in here it's a lot of fun to look around and see what you find also I've got to talk about my favorite thing the GX corner I love that it shows me a release calendar of upcoming games and if you download Opera GX through my link in the description you'll get this custom little section that shows the last three videos that I've put out geez when is this guy gonna put out another video already and there's honestly so much more in this browser I bet you'll find something on your own that'll quickly become your favorite so if this sounds good to you there's a link in the description to download right now for free and thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring anyway where are we oh about to crash that's what Oop There Goes fisheye Calvin hang in there you're gonna be fine I got you no I don't well I'm sure that we'll be okay we're only sinking to the bottom of the ocean you're right Kelvin I should get out of here oh good news we made it as did our knapsack in this emergency pouch thing here we are and what I believe is a randomized starting location we've got a couple of things here including things we can pick up like rocks we can also open open up these things to discover what's inside like blue paper tape give me those and we also have this guy crying out in misery and pain let's see what we got here oh it's Kelvin and we could hold e to pick him up but I think instead we're just gonna leave him there for now after all look at all this gear we gotta collect let's see let's just oh a space tarp I'm sure you'll come in handy and after we go ahead and pop all of these and take their contents everything from bullets to grenades grenades I mean this isn't gonna work is it well only one way to find out oh oh I mean I guess it does work you know maybe we won't do that don't worry though we're still just gonna let him ride around on the ground for a while anyway back to collecting all of these things I'm glad that these totes are organized the same way I would do it full of desk lamps and calculators and is that a xylophone what a treasure Trove and some flares hey Kelvin is this gonna help you out not at all but it sure was funny oh actually you know what your emergency condition reminded me of something first off this is our inventory and this right here is our emergency pouch which contains some nice emergency goodies ooh like this ax here oh and how tempting this is but that's not what an ax is for we're supposed to be using the ax for this glorious tree cutting well isn't that both easy and fun I love any game that lets you assert your dominance over nature although I sure hope Kelvin is okay oh yeah he's fine and also hey Kelvin what's all this stuff over here are these other friends of ours I'm gonna go with no I think they're just hanging around instead that's okay though there's a whole world out here for us to explore anyway back over here with Kelvin I think we want to do our part to make sure he stays safe and that involves using the game's comprehensive building system so we'll just put a log here and then we'll put one here and here and one more right there okay it's a solid start and now rinse and repeat again and again okay this looks pretty good we took Kelvin and we encased him in his own little wooden tomb meanwhile over here in inventory lands we've got ourselves a fancy lighter well that's not the kind of lighter I was expecting okay we used it to set these logs aflame does not appear to be the case well that's okay I've got a backup plan for this which of course is gonna use more logs one of the building things we can do is drive stuff into the ground here watch like this ta-da and then after that we can put down another piece look at that we've made a log ramp all we have to do is walk up on this hop over and we can happily see that our guy is still suffering but the fun doesn't stop here we can use these logs for oh so many things for example you can put two like this and space it out and then put a Cross Beam in the middle add another beam down like that and now look at that that arrow is clapping for us what does it mean well I'll tell you and then with just a couple more logs we can turn all this abstractness into a ramp wow what a deal and then we can walk right up here and there's even more fun to be had oh don't worry he's fine what I'm worried about though is that log barely made it in so instead of risking them not going in like that one we're gonna actually split these things up into bite-sized little pieces what an absolutely versatile system and now that they're smaller look how easily they go in there's plenty of room for extra logs I wonder if we can just throw these from here hey Calvin heads up oh thanks I thought it was a good shot too yeah that seems pretty good doesn't it and the best part about this is because of the way this build system works we can make a little window to check in on him what's with all the crying I'm helping you out hello oh good you're still in there I'm here to finally pick you up yep there we go how are you doing buddy hey wake up I need you to pay attention through all the clipping walls and stuff now you can't see it because of all the logs but we're basically making sure that he's awake all right Calvin ready to get out of here are you serious you want to play peek-a-boo oh what a jokester you are okay so here's kelvin's deal for real he can't hear anymore and for whatever reason he doesn't talk but he sure can smile yeah that's a good Kelvin anyway the way we get him to do stuff is we go between various orders like follow me or get certain kinds of items and so on and so forth you ready to go on an adventure Calvin yeah you are you know he's excited because his eyes rolled back in his head okay let's leave all this behind and go into the forest Calvin you still with me yeah now before we get too deep into our journey of going through the forest let's take a look at some of our wild tools we have here like other people's random meds in real life I wouldn't recommend doing this but hey in the forest apparently this is perfectly normal and we'll wash it down with this nice energy drink Bottoms Up ah littering I love it anyway the thing that matters the most to us right now besides all this shade blocking my inventory thank God we have these handy dandy controls ah yes much better anyway the thing we care about is this right here the GPS tracker which is also helpful to our journey see there's us and that K is Kelvin look how mobile he is now and not at all Sinister before he saunters off into the woods anyway there's a bunch of things we can learn from this like there's the crashed helicopter and wait a minute what is this is this a cave hey Calvin you just stay there in the bushes okay I want to check out what that cave was let's see if I were a cave where would I be well this looks promising especially with these toilets out front I mean utility buckets and more importantly a human skull yeah I'm glad you can not only Palm it but you can use it to try to scare people like for example hey Kelvin oh hello hey Kelvin what do you think of this [Music] yeah he's impressed anyway let's see about getting into this hole and unfortunately we can't skull our way in so I guess it's ax o'clock okay let's go Yep this is a cave all right I don't know why but Kelvin won't follow me in here that's fine more stuff for me and more importantly it's really really hard to see okay we have some bats and more creepy caves not to mention whatever this is down here after all what can possibly go wrong you know like with all these bones on the ground ow what hit me you know never mind I think I'm good not knowing look I'm sure it's fine I'm just gonna keep on going and hope it doesn't follow me oh hello uh pardon me and excuse you and before you know it we're coming to something much cooler like whatever this is ooh a stun gun say no more and not just that but it looks like we have an extra clothing option too anyway it looks like that might be all that's around I mean except for this but we don't really get to see what's happening over there quite yet and I'm sure it's fine creepy things moving in the distance no big deal anyway let's rush back to Kelvin with our new toy uh yeah pardon me please see look at that we're already back outside Kelvin Calvin are you still here oh my god there you are Kelvin I thought I lost you think fast ah it feels so good doesn't it for us I mean hey that was pretty fun right would you like another one oh that Kelvin what a Kidder hey Kelvin I'm sorry about that no hard feelings okay here how about this I have an item for you here have this nice leather jacket that I just found oh oh I see you've never looked cooler now I'm not gonna feel bad when I shoot you with this thing anyway let us proceed oh yep this looks promising oh boy we have a dig site and I know that because as I get close it shows me a shovel icon and I definitely don't have one of those oh but you know it does look like the sun is going down and we're gonna need a place to sleep so what could be better than right here now let's not get too fancy we're just gonna lay out a nice tarp right on top of this there it's ready and now we'll just prop it up with a handy dandy stick I'm ready to sleep on what might be someone's grave if we're lucky well good night on just like that a brand new day a whole day ahead of us to oh Kelvin I want you to be honest with me did you watch me sleep all night I'll take that as a yes and for once I'm not going to give you the Breakfast of Champions now we could just leave all this stuff behind but I feel like we got to secure this job site first what happens if somebody's smarter than Kelvin comes across it we can't have them digging up this treasure or body or whatever is down here Calvin I need you to get me some logs and put them right here hop to it that's a good Kelvin you stand here and do all the work and I'll just watch you yes yes it feels so good to watch someone else do everything and to make things worse I'm gonna throw rocks at him while he does it nice work oh I'm sorry no Calvin come back I'm sorry I didn't mean it oh okay he's fine I'm glad he's unpreturbed by the fact he's now bleeding from his head he understands that there's vital work to be done don't worry though I'm doing my part hey Calvin think fast okay this seems like a pretty good pile while he's doing all that work let's go ahead and get started on this while the plan is indeed to build something on top of this space I have to admit I have an ulterior motive here we haven't really had a chance to test out what this building system can do and I for one would like to see just how high up we can build so hold please [Music] okay I did a lot of building like a lot and a lot and a lot I decided that we needed to see above the tree line and this seemed like the easiest way to do it even though building something of this magnitude took a really really long time thank God I had the help of what's his face isn't that right he's fine he's just resting anyway so how's about I give you the grand tour and by that I mean it's a bunch of logs and wooden ramps spanning a glorious 33 floors and once we make it to the top you can see that it's not uh it's not quite finished here but I figured that was okay it gives it that kind of always in development look plus we always get a chance to look down at our handiwork and there's all the wood we chopped which is not nearly as much as you'd think it would be but what a view we can see all these trees and the ocean and that beautiful river right there not to mention that beach over that direction and such a stunning view of this mountain and of course I wanted to build that high but it turns out building something like this takes a while because don't forget you can only carry two logs at a time which means that every time I want to grab my two logs and take them all the way up there I have to take the stairs like everybody else and rushing up these ramps isn't really that big of a deal but just going up this all the way to the top took a solid 30 seconds and then I add my two logs and then I have to do it all over again in each one of these floors once you count up all the logs plus the pieces that were used to make the ramp is about 40 logs of floor that means I have to do 20 trips a floor it's a lot of running back and forth it took a whole lot longer of course because I had to keep telling Kelvin what to do you might also be wondering why are my hands covered in blood well I'll tell you it turns out you can throw logs into the air and then catch them with your face to absolutely extraordinary results I also want to see if I can convince Kelvin to come up to the top with me yep stare at my crotch for some reason and Nod okay so far so good he can navigate the stairs kinda okay buddy let's go come on up sorry these ramps are so hard on you so something tells me he's not going to be able to find his way up here well what good are you then anyway if he's gonna be like that let's see if we can bring the fun to him besides he's fine so here's one cool thing we can do if we bring out our ax now covered in kelvin's blood you can actually shall we say customize some things and normally you would use this for if you wanted to like make windows in a structure where there previously wasn't one now you can do that look how nice that looks and you can also use that option for if you put a log in the ground like so and you decide you don't want it quite that tall you can go up to it and chop it down to whatever customization level that you want isn't that something the possibilities are endless although I have to admit I'm not sure what happens when you cut down a structure here when it's kind of a load-bearing structure for a lot of way up well I guess only one way to find out here we go oh oh I see it appears to have self-corrected oh my God and every single floor is sloping now wait can I just do this all over the place I sure can and thus I sure will oh no that's too even we gotta fix that we'll just take it down yet another notch there we go and there we go oh that's looking exceptional now well Calvin seems unperturbed despite the fact that right behind him all of the ramps are um taking on interesting characteristics now okay well now we have to keep going anywhere that lets us chop needs to be chopped and turn the entire thing into a weird work of art I just can't believe it lets us do this over and over and over and it's not like every single one like there's some that just don't let you do it but a lot of them you can so really why wouldn't we accept all offers oh yeah look at all the good we've done in here Calvin I'm glad you're still standing there and even past him it gets even worse oh my God this is fantastic and also despite how horrible it looks you can still navigate it which is good because there's a ton more beams we need to cut down and really if these ramps are getting too hard to climb up nope problem we'll just customize the layout until everything fits better and don't worry everything is still totally navigatable I mean kinda it does get a little weird at Parts but everything's still functionally there and totally gets the job done and by gets the job done I mean it gets us closer to pillars that we can chop to make things worse see this is the architecture I'm in it for you know it's weird but for some reason this is getting harder and harder to climb couldn't say why for sure but I'm sure it's nothing I did but you know all things considered still pretty stable I mean kinda stable by our standards and also if there's structures in the way you can just pull them out and get them out of there I like how some of it isn't even connecting anymore okay finally made it to the top and it sure is looking very normal very uh just remember it used to look like this and now it looks like this what a lovely sight this all is and at this point it's kind of like I'm not really sure how to get down without hurting myself but let's step back for a second and I'll show you something I found along the way as I was wandering around at some point I came across this beautiful stream let's even stop for a drink of water I'm sure that's plenty safe just like whoever was riding in this car anyway check out what's right past it yet another cave entrance except this one takes us somewhere that's going to be very exciting for us because as you can see it leads us into a facility of sorts and in this place we have all kinds of exciting goodies because conveniently down here in this lab is a 3D printer look at all the fun things we can make arrows a creepy mask and also a sled I think this is what we need in our lives right now well so far this looks like a sled all right wait a minute what is it like the first part of a sled oh nope it's the whole sled and I can also get in by jumping in the air and quickly getting inside because now we can have really fun sled Adventures we oh which means now I have this convenient little sled and I have an untested theory that maybe we can use it to get to the ground okay are you ready here goes nothing now getting the sled easy easy oh look at that and a safe landing with all of my health well that was fun time to shove this back into my pocket and now that we're back here all safe and sound you know safe and sound just like how jacked up this looks especially that mess right there and I'll never get tired of seeing kelvin's creepy silhouette just right there anyway we're still not done yet because now I wanted to have decorations so we're gonna take a little trip through the Wilderness to gather some supplies so there's a bunch of fun decorating we can do we can make benches and tables but that's not really what I'm interested in I'm interested in this a skull lamp doesn't that look festive and even more exciting as I think I know where to procure some hi fellas how would you like to contribute to the cause oh I think I made a bad call something tells me I need to be a little bit more cautious about how I go about this but surely even this guy is susceptible to enough rocks right only one way to find out and I have to do it while also dodging all these other people ow stop it oh there goes one and yes you could do stuff like building Spears in this game but why do that when you can just help people with rocks isn't that right yeah and three and four now all we need to do is deal with this tall drink of water oh I'm sorry am I boring you get back here I like that he's like no stop oh boy this sure is taking a lot of rocks isn't it 45 46 67 68 84. oh my God that finally did it I might have lost count at some point but it only took hitting him 80 something times in the chest with rocks unfortunately we don't have the skull yet so hold please and there you have it a nice relaxing pile of heads oh but we're not done yet there's a little matter of um well you know where this is going [Music] hey Kelvin look what I found you know what I totally forgot I already had a skull from earlier oh well but I still expect you to act impressed Kelvin anyway now we can build our little skull lamp he will just take a stick and we'll just put it down like that and we'll add a little bit of cloth like that and last but not least the skull ah very nice well let's make some more of them I'm happy that it's so easy to make these but as it turns out there's kind of a downside to these which is that they're easily knocked over see look at that there they go so instead I'll take these things over to my local water supply and just throw them in there finally I'm wasting and polluting like a true American at least they look nice and menacing especially as it becomes nighttime in fact they're the only thing out here that we can see well at least we know kelvin's still here well that sounds promising Calvin look out we've got some company and this one's wearing a hoodie how who could have predicted that they were going to retaliate oh my God Kelvin you're alive we gotta get out of here right now and by we I mean me enjoy bye thanks for your sacrifice okay I think everything's all right it's daytime now and my goodness how nice the tower looks I wonder and kind of hope that kelvin's dead you know sometimes you just want to bask and how good this looks look at all those crappy ramps okay well that was BS we gotta prepare this thing for next time so I think I know where I want to begin with this but I want to test something first and for that I need to figure out if Kelvin is still alive Kelvin Kelvin Calvin what the hell are you doing is this you hiding well stop it I need you I'm just so glad he's here with me I don't know what I would do without him okay Kelvin here's what I need from you I would like you to stay right here can you do that good anyway hold still I want to test something with campfires okay I call that a successful test and now for test number two also known as any excuse to wail on Kelvin oh so it looks like if someone does hover over the fire long enough then they do eventually catch on fire I don't think it has to be right over the twigs and berries but that was his choice all right well let's double the fun with more fires old still now the downside is clearly this doesn't do that much damage or else I think Kelvin would be dead by now oh Calvin don't turn around there's a bad guy near us never mind looks like it's a friend where did that thing go dang it it's run away in the meantime we need to prepare for the next test and that means getting more logs oh okay now with these logs we're gonna build a little something out here all we need to do is put another one right here next to the first one and then in short order this turns into this a nice little tiny mini prison which hopefully will be enough to trap one of those guys when they come back now we just need to set the bait no not you jackass oh here we go we've got a contender I get stopping right there you got to stretch your hammies and stuff first okay here we go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing stop that I need to get you in the hole not around the hole okay come on come on follow me in here just do me a favor and don't hit me right now okay okay that's not helping that's not helping anybody well the important part is are you catching on fire or not you know what I probably need is more fires hold on yep yep watch yourself oh see there we go it's not so bad right oh hey you know what that does seem to work at least for a little while seems like what we need to do is make a lot of fires like a lot of fires like a lot a lot of them yeah this feels pretty good no big deal just a nice little circle of fire thank goodness I was able to do all this stuff while this guy was occupied that's the spirit you're so big and strong hey what's that behind me never mind it looks like this is working oh he's in here with me Sarah through the Glitchy goodness did you just throw a skeleton at me you know I feel like this isn't working as I hoped it would he seems uninterested in this fire business nope I take it back there he goes ah well that was nice well this seems like the ultimate Problem Solver doesn't it let's go get some more willing participants for the ring of fire hey fellas can I interest you in uh uh what in tarnation is happening here I didn't realize there would be a whole new threat here are you okay well you know what it's all the same to me why don't you guys come with me anyway ah look how good it looks from back here what a perfect column of flames come on come on oh looks like you see something you like I hope it's this column of flames because that's what's about to happen don't worry about all that glitchiness it's good for you okay they're definitely on fire and scene oh yeah what a great way to battle the elements well this calls for a celebration oh Calvin you're always ready to party it looks like I've upset the natives this might be a little too much for me to handle quickly protect me Tower they won't follow me up here will they okay okay I see how it is I think I might have made some bad calls wait wait stop hitting that oh oh good well now you jackasses have done it now I've got to build this whole thing all over again I hope you're happy with yourselves at least I've still got this unlike my tower this thing will never leave me I'm gonna go try to find a nice place to use my sled seeing as how this place appears to be slightly compromised I want to thank Opera GX again for sponsoring this video if you want to check out the browser for yourself it's free you can download it right now using my link in the description so I hope you had fun I know I did and still am and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,252,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, the forest, sons of the forest, sons of the forest game, sons of the forest gameplay, sons of the forest multiplayer, sons of the forest guide, let's game it out sons of the forest, let's game it out the forest
Id: aTq0QOZM_Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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