I'm Running Out Of Time..

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this is my brand new Minecraft world and I'm already running out of time the new tricky trials update is due out in just a few days so I needed to get as much stuff done as possible in preparation for the new stuff when we play it luckily we had a good start last time two Villages now that's what I like to see oh buddy okay plenty of diamonds diamonds a vibrant New Town Theme Song and a dodgy neighbor don't don't even H did I get everything done that I wanted to and edit this video in time well I guess we're about to find out Ah that's right we're back I still cannot believe how crazy this mountain is will 100% become a volcano what do you think yeah we're still not friends yet hey welcome back to my Minecraft world now we do have some stuff that we need to do today first thing I want to do is work on go to the nether oh man my inventory is a mess that is always something that happens to me oh and this is like almost full as well do we have enough wood to make a chest let's make another one again this this always happens to me we end up just having random chests just everywhere let's make this one like solid blocks and the rest can be just other things so Granite um these logs can go in there da da da and what I came to get was this so we already have the obsidian we need cuz we just randomly found it to make a nether portal because one of you suggested that number one I should increase my my my HUD size so I've done that it feels like I'm playing on a phone but that's fine it should be easier for you guys to see what's in my inventory now and the second suggestion was to use a daylight sensor to be able to play the theme tune for the The Village automatically every day in the morning and I think that is a great idea but we need quartz I think for the daylight sensor don't we we do facts checked on Minecraft Wiki so we need to head up to the nether today the only thing is I don't know um I don't really know what to make it look like I think I do want to put it here it just seems like a no-brainer cuz then it's kind of separate from the village but then the anarchist in me wants me to put it here like right here will it ruin the view let me see if it ruins the view if anything I think it would enhance it this is a dilemma cuz the other Anarchist in me wants me to make this into a lava lake you know kind of like an abandoned portal but just here I feel like that would look so cool but it's also kind of dangerous for the dogs for the villagers it's just a little 10% of Anarchy in me and I feel like that would satisfy that so I think that's what we're going to try and do oh why do I come up with these ideas I know it's going to end badly especially for you let's do it I don't know the easiest way to get rid of a lake though you know what I got so many diamonds I'm going to make a diamond shovel just to grab me some dirt cuz I'm just rich like that now it's only been one episode but I'm already just I'm already just flexing it's crazy so we want this to be I think behind the Bell is such a good idea as well we're going to put the portal like here here does that make sense maybe we could make it cuz what I'd love to do is turn this entire Lake to Lava I know this is going to happen and I'm a bit scared so make the most of the pond while you've got it and then what we should do is do a little kind of treat it like a moat have a bridge over to it and then put iron bars around it I think that will look awesome we can keep this pool here that's going to be the emergency pool so let's just uh let's keep that that's going to make sense cuz you know if you drop in there or you drop in there then we're going to have issues this is the emergency put me out Pond look at them they're all Gathering they can hear what I'm saying they're like hey you you heard what this guy is planning to do he's crazy yeah everyone agrees now they've seen that I'm watching them they're moving on act like nothing suspicious is happening I know what you're about I know you're all plotting against me it'll be worth it I promise always end up talking to villagers man like it just always happens other question is do I put it in there or on top I think flat to the ground is fine oh it begins I don't believe it beautiful I don't even know whoa whoa whoa what's going on over here oh my god um okay oh they're angry about it what what's oh who who what have I walked in on there's lots of love LS lots of anger this is confusing for both me and you I feel like don't look at me like I'm the suspicious one I saw what you were doing yeah you they all dispersed I swear they can hear me you know anyway let's get a light do I have one I actually do um do we jump straight in I feel like I'm going to design it first and then jump through and then we can see what we're working with I feel like it's fine to jump through this um now before the update because the update doesn't really affect the nether I don't think so we should be okay but what do I make this out of I need to find a block or think of a block that matches iron railings to make a bridge you know what let's sleep on it I guess the only thing I can really use at the moment is wait tough deep Slade wait wait wait wait wait I need to make one of those things what cut cutter yes let's make one of these we need smooth Stone though I'm still using planks in this furnace that's it's pretty embarrassing not going to lie I'm also going to need need bars but man they're expensive aren't they um was it 1 2 3 4 5 6 six for those like that okay we've committed we are committed I need one more iron which is here and we are going to make a stone cutter this seems safe might as well put this to use the Cobble deep slay kind of looks nice too okay we could go with wall slab oh man there's there's so many options polished I don't know I kind of like I'm kind of liking this and I'm kind of like in this as well so let's grab a couple and see if we can start designing this so how is this going to look I mean we could have this to start it I think that would be good actually excuse me sir excuse me I did not mean to aggressively push you in there actually I did my bad but then if I add iron bars here oh they connect oh that's kind of nice yeah yeah yeah I'm digging that cheeky Lantern on top would be nice too so we need to connect I need two more walls and then a lot more slabs I going need to move the the stone cutter just for ease okay let's grab which one was it Cobble deep slate wall so two of those thank you I'm going to put that there that there maybe not actually let's have a look oh it changes oh that looks weird actually why does it do that I don't like that either well we know we're going to need slabs let's grab a load of those please don't drown come on don't drown I have backups but that doesn't mean you can be Reckless how's this I feel like that's very chunky but I think I'm okay with it should we just light this I I feel like we need to put like a back on this a I really just done that get off yeah we're going to do this so so that we don't run out the other side cuz there is going to be Lava here should we just do it bam I'm I'm not too pleased with this I don't know why it I wanted it to look like that maybe if I put a lantern on it it will change so let's get us some lanterns and stuff but we're going to need Soul Sand so what do we need we need quartz Soul Sand probably glowstone as well then we're going to turn this into lava cuz I'm an idiot what does this look like for my house oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that and keep my eye on it just in case anything comes out of it and gets Rowdy I think it's time do we take the dog with us though we got backups we we can take the dogs with us oh wait we get armor in the next one don't we this is going to be the update for you but not yet let's go to the nether what's it going to look like if I get spawned on a sky platform I'm going to cry oh oh no please please is this uh do I have to wear gold I have to wear gold don't I oh God I forgot about that okay this is this ain't looking great to be honest oh God and they're mad as well I forgot about the gold necessity now oh no everything is worse here oh there's the quartz I need grab nether as well nether just no no no no no okay okay is this how we're going this how we're doing it yeah you get out of here this ain't my first rodeo buddy our first purple Chie as well I like that yeah don't mind me just grabbing me some quartz and then dipping what else did I need oh the Soul Sand I don't know if I'm going to get that don't don't don't don't hey leave me alone buddy why are you doing this I'll chop you that's right you go tell your never mind I say you go tell your friends never come back here it's a little bit hard for you to do that right now o actually you know what I should have looked around the corner this place looks great okay this is good I would really like some Soul Sand though that would be ideal I can't believe we're here already I do have gold don't I I'm pretty sure I smelted loads of gold oh we getting loads of levels too cuz we do need to do the old enchanting at some point okay Lots on the lifts to do quartz is so good for gaining levels is the only place you can get Soul Sand those uh specific biomes for it cuz that's really annoying oh is he blue up there that means there's Soul Sand right or did I just make that up I'm pretty sure that means there's Soul Sand up there oh yes there's some there is that easy to get to my guess is no oh look oh it's right there okay we're good I just need to make my way over there okay I was a little bit upset at first but this nether seems okay it takes a lot for me to be okay with the nether but it might just have done it yeah okay I think we can use this as well so we might just grab this and dip to be honest I guess we need a for netherwart at some point but not right now got the goods the only thing I don't have is glow stone but I don't think I need it just yet we're not potioning anything up there is some just under there which is fine never mind there's some right here the only thing I don't have is good access to Lava which is kind of what I was hoping for we're going to have to travel all the way down there to get it it might be okay but it's going to take me ages to fill it up like yeah that's not deal this wasn't too bad was it oh it's night time okay um get home what are you doing farming out this late huh it's dangerous right we need some uh coal which we already have sticks which we already have I think we're good to make this already so we need soil this and this yes to make a torch but then we need nugs so we need iron nuggets how much would this make just one yeah there we go we got a lot of n nuggets from that that's crazy okay let's make nuggets let's do this and then we should get three more lanterns perfect I remember what I'm doing let me see if it changes things that looks cool does this change yes okay that's exactly what I wanted this is good what if we put an extra one in here a it still makes it look a little bit weird I wish it looks normal like the normal wall if I take one of these and pop it there is that too much I need to move it to here I don't know can I make this bridge more interesting as well if I have it so that it's like that what the that looks weird I mean like that with lava would be next level but obviously we don't want to do that so let's do this this how do I unw water Lo that I guess I need a bucket right how does it look without oh okay we have our first visitor and that didn't contain him whatsoever did it uh Y where you going buddy what's the plan huh that does look better though so the other thing I need is that daylight sensor which I need glass for so let's grab this sand and smell this up maybe using my two special pieces of wood right here let's do that is that going to be enough oh it might be you know it's going to be close oh oh oh my God it was was perfect it was made for it so now we can make I don't even know what it's called day lights detector I need some slabs we got slabs glass and quartz daylight sensor cool I don't think I've ever really made one of these um I've got redstone dust in case I need it but I don't think I'm trying to think where to put it my initial thought is like under here with glass on top does that work I guess there's only one way to find out oh oh he's killed him I mean I mean good work Buddy well done that's exactly what we need you for let's see if this actually works so if we dig down and again put the sensor oh where we going to need it for red stone to work I don't know how Red Stone Works man um I I guess this is where we learn so we put that there that there so is that on now or off oh there we go yeah it just didn't work like that okay my brain is already upset cuz I want to put the glass there was the best way to do this any help oh he's run straight away they definitely can hear me hold on does this even work can you even power a juke box with redstone let me have a look I need to test I should have tested this first huh before having to go all the way to the nether for it so that and this so it doesn't even work yo who's troll who was trolling me who who who sent the comment huh who is it I don't even think I can say that name but you can't do it apparently it's a um it's a Bedrock thing it's just the one thing the one thing the Bedrock players get that I want that's the only plus side to playing Bedrock you know what there's not even a way to do it if like Hoppers or droppers or anything because you can't place a disc in a juke box with a hopper I don't think that works well I'm just going to have to park this idea let's make a lava lake instead so that's what I started to do and I wasn't really sure how I was going to get rid of all the water but this is the way that I decided to do it just rows of dirt rows and rows of dirt it took a while but we got there and I came to the conclusion Minecraft water is so annoying why why is this a thing but even if I take the water out it just Carries On on and I'm gaining water from this somehow how Minecraft please why is this a thing I think it's cuz it's a water logged slab but but this one isn't huh it just keeps coming back I I don't understand what if I do this and then this what what so I'm going to have to do this that's crazy talk but then if I take this out yeah yeah yeah what is going on okay that works that's fine I can deal with that okay that's fixed now cool so now I have uh a plethora of buckets like so so I can go and get as much lava as I can to make this Lava Lake this is going to end badly I could just feel it I see you have you changed profession or you just a friend H that's weird he's still looking at me these guys man okay so we need to go and get buckets of lava let's see if there's anything crazy beyond the portal this time oh the dog has come with me oh that's even worse oh no okay uh I'm going to have to kill this guy that's not ideal whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill out bud oh he smacks too a don't make me kill a child man I might have to I might have to what did he go did he survive oh no he didn't my bad yo where's the dog G oh this was a silly idea this is a very silly idea oh never mind I'm a genius I just uh created a dam for the whole thing this is great this needs to get me down to here okay cool we made it I didn't know that was an achievement to be honest there we go lava required dog is still alive things could have been worse I'm going to need to do this lots of times though right fellas it's about to get tasty I know this is going to make cobblestone right underneath yeah or normal Stone this is exactly what I wanted the only problem is uh how do I make it flat I'm just going have to make it a fake one aren't I so I have to make sure that all of this is flat underneath oh great yeah yeah yeah that's good let's fix thunderstorm really can hear me with a thunderstorm is this a bad that's the bad Omen there was a cat from before you remember you remember the cat from before I knew he'd put a curse on me that cat I knew it soon as I start doing stuff that's a little bit dangerous the Skies open up that's that's no coincidence oh God what are you doing oh that's kind of scary what did he just kill don't wander into the lava either oh man yeah I didn't think this through at all spooky things are happening did someone get turned into like a zombie or something I'm hoping not don't walk into the lava please I don't want my first casualty straight away are you going to go inside this guy is committed to the job wow respect sir yeah this is going to be incredibly hard to get flapped oh no my guy is definitely in danger up there I forgot about him stay safe little man oh no I forgot I'm in hard mode so things can catch fire why didn't I remember that oh oh oh wait wait they got over their anger there's a baby hey buddy don't ignore me oh come on I know it's raining you were born on one of the worst days in the village get in there go on that's it keep the B be safe yo congratulations whoever that was a spontaneous combustion okay I'm going to need a lot more iron bars cuz I'm going to need to put a perimeter around this thing starting to think this was a terrible idea but I've started it now I need more fire so this is me literally going backwards and forwards to the nether over and over again to fill up the lake but I quickly discovered that I'd forgotten about a key issue of having loads of and fire in the middle of a forest oh oh oh we've got a problem oh no um whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is burning a bit too much stop this tree is becoming a casualty right now oh now I'm a casualty emergency pool that's what it's for oh a visitor just in time for the lava pit please be careful I don't have insurance what are you selling buddy trash TR absolute trash is any of this oh Jung is a jungle sapling worth it if there's like no jungles nearby Moss block red mushroom I feel like a jungle sapling might be quite good right wait there I I think I'm going to grab one of these oh more fire more fire this is why I need more iron but I've kind of run out God we need a fire department how many emeralds do I have three okay never mind no no no no no no you don't touch that how did it jump from there to there this tree is going down it's uh it's an unfortunate casualty to the Minecraft world but it just had to happen it was never going to survive nextra a lava lake was it wow that's a well that's dying quick it was so long little tree so long that last bit taking a long while to burn huh is it going to burn yep yeah there it goes w we've got more space now at this point I was definitely starting to regret my decision it was taking a lot of trips and a lot of buckets of lava but I persevered and I even added in some little bits of decoration and that wasn't just so I had to get less buckets of lava don't don't even come at me with that okay maybe it was and everything was going swimmingly until disaster struck what do I do what oh oh you come here come here no he's running away I don't believe he's running away yo come here I still hear you I don't believe that just happened oh come on man that was rough why did you have to do that and then just run away to despawn that's cowardice right there absolute cowardice well it's a good job we've got backup huh yeah I'm sad [Music] too that's unfortunate but the show had to go on and I finally finished the lava pit to as much of a standard as I wanted to so now it's time for some decoration let's grab I'm going to have to grab some of this aren't I to grow stuff can I grab this okay we're not going to need lots though it's only a small space and maybe one of these but how do I grow one of these yeah let's grab one of these as well maybe a couple yoink what are these called again I want to say shroom lights but I could be wrong uh y shroom light oh my my knowledge but how do I grow these is it from the Fungus I think it is I think if you put this on here it will just grow if you bone meal it so I think I'm going to try and do that yeah and keep it red red with the lava will look nice oh okay yeah yeah yeah this is bad this is bad this is bad no my mine oh my tree oh god oh I haven't even got any logs on me right now let me just take this one cuz it's not like that tree is going to survive any longer oh my word is it going to not touch my mine oh it's just one tree okay this is just a little culling I I genuinely thought the whole thing the whole forest was going to go Al light but we're good can I just mine these come on they're going to die anyway give me them okay so we've lost two trees that's not too bad okay so an issue we're going to have is we can't grow this or even place it down unless we've got can we put this here no we can't put this here either we need silk touch for it okay well that's not going to happen yet is it so I guess I'm pretty happy with this so far we just need to make it so that it's got enough protection around it so we need iron that's what we need I think as well I might even make the bridge twice as long so it goes all the way to here and take these out I think that's going to look cool so I'm going to try and do that and then I can just run through the portal if I need to a why is it got remind me of that it's like having a nightmare I can't believe that happened the noise what the oh my goodness that guy is having a trick oh we can do the shroom lights though we can do that let's try and do this without dying let's see what happens take these out a little bit annoying but it's fine fine so if we just get some more lanterns this should look pretty good this will look better from the house actually yeah that's way better and could have saved me a lot of trips to the nether because I don't need as much lava and maybe saved me a dog death but we're fine okay I have zero iron left which isn't good so I'm going to have to go on a little mining mission to get some iron because remember no Farms this is going to look good though the only downside of running through a portal though is this that sound has to happen every time I'm glad we decided to do this you know it looks all right the next hour of my life was dedicated to going below the surface to go and get as much iron and other stuff as I could and I genuinely almost lost my life it was a close one and i' finally gained like a stack of iron some gold some spare diamonds even but when I when I returned to the surface wasn't great oh no uh oh um oh my my my first build has already been burnt down that's so upsetting it looks it looks so even worse now it wasn't good to start with but come on did you have to did you have to do me like that I'm pretty upset hey you know what the show must go on oh yeah we got steak in here I'm going to put put all of that in there oh we are a bit poor on the old coal right now I think do you know what I'm going to go get a bucket of lava I'll be right back what the why are you in here huh what are you doing is this my neighbor yo stay safe out here buddy look at him look at this look he's like welcoming me to heal all right yeah okay see see you later this is why I wish we had name tags so we could name tag this guy and be like oh what are you doing is this you oh no this is well I'm not happy with you if you're the one that killed my dog he's still standing there he's just not moving that's creepy I forgot they could do that but uh I guess that's going to happen I know that's my neighbor up something as well that's not good let's plop that in there that should be able to do all of that right sure let's put that in there as well this one has not been used if if we've glitched the system and this is just an unlimited lava bucket that would be great I don't think it's going to happen but that would be awesome it's time for another chest that's right another one we got plenty of redstone I did pick up some more diamonds too so we just needed nuggets right how many did we need I can't even remember it's one oh it's quite a lot one two 3 4 we don't want one every time right that doesn't need to happen that feels expensive for now so because I don't have an iron farm I I kind of value the iron way more now rather than being like yeah I can just you know get more oh yeah I've done it every two here that's fine what's happened here you guys okay okay it's looking a little awkward not going to lie to you they're not even moving they're so embarrassed well let's see let's put them every one then so there there oh it' be it's annoying that it's not at the front do I care not for now it's uneven as well there's three this side and four this side we'll worry about it later it doesn't need to happen right now okay so we got plenty of iron to spare as well which is good yeah that is annoying isn't it do I make it short then I'd have to block off this layer of lava these better not go in the lava for goodness sake Minecraft oh it's over here of course it is why why wouldn't it be over there okay we got three back great that wasn't worth it oh we need bars as well let me grab those and another Lantern I guess oh my God I can't believe that just happened fully trolled me some more bars you know what bars are not expensive six to make make 16 is quite good do that we do this we do this I put that in the wrong place don't burn again do not burn again I'm going to stand right here thank goodness for that bam I like it now we can protect it I'm hoping by adding this it blocks the it blocks the Flames cuz if this whole Forest goes down yo we're in trouble huge trouble okay that is fully ring fenced oh no I need to make this again now this is going to look bad worse way worse was it like this this this was it like that I can't even remember such an iconic build and I can't remember yeah that looks about right it just looks weird now because I've had to shave this down cuz I don't like the way it looks if you do this it connects I don't like that you know what I actually kind of like this little pocket of chaos here this looks great we can always improve it and make it I would love to have like a really obnoxiously tall nether portal I really want to do that now but that is not sticking to the task black cat I saw him definitely saw him there was a thing it was a thing I swear he's up here you okay that's not fully black cat though that shouldn't be too bad right yeah I'm going to make an obnoxiously tall one I think that'll be funny but I need to just have a think what do I I need to prepare for the update I kind of didn't plan this beforehand because in the update we're going to need to find armadillos we're going to need to find the trial Chambers so we need some form of Transport which means we need a saddle and the only way to find a saddle are dungeons the highest chance is actually in a nether fortress so maybe I do a quick run around and see if I can find one close does that seem logical and then see if anything burns down while I'm there I might have to shift this over one but oh no I can't can I cuz it's dug all the way down there man this looks cool though I'm pleased with this cuz as well I remember from the beginning we do have horses over there through the Gap and we do have horses like over here I think so let me explore the nether a little bit more see if I can find a fortress kind of wishful thinking oh oh no this is going to become a problem isn't it what are you going to do out here is my guy still out here or is he dead we need to get name tags too unless he's changed to a farmer in here I don't think he would do that though weird okay I'm going to try and head this way and not get killed just to see if anything is out here oh God what they kill each other I'm witnessing a a gang fight right now what on Earth I had no idea that happened you guys okay holy I'm going up I'm not being a part of that no way it would be extremely lucky of us to find one out here just running in a straight line but I feel like it's worth a try I definitely should have my shield on I hate the shield I'm probably going to do a mostly shieldless playthrough but um these dog these dogs these Hogs do not mess around well did a little bit more snooping around and I kid you not I was extremely lucky I just gazed off into the distance and there it was oh I found one is that one I think it is is in the worst place possible though it is y around there how am I going to get around there cuz with a strier would be the best way but those yeah we need saddles for those as well oh man maybe across there would work let's see one extremely precariously built one block wide dirt Bridge later I don't know why I said it like that that was that was way too many words we made it to the other side o we had the perfect amount of dirt to get over here it's up there though um I'm pretty sure our portal is right up there so let's try and find a cool route to get there oh there's a green biome too oh we're winning we're winning in the nether I I never thought it would happen I think it's yes oh my God I actually found one it's really close to spawn as well give me the chief I'm touching it look my my feet are touching it I'll put my bare feet on if you want there you go guess it wants us to go inside understandably so right here we go terrible Fortress so we need to be super careful I kind of just want to get a saddle and dip there's only like a 30% chance though maybe we get some Nether wart as well while we're in here yeah there's some Nether wart we got be super careful man this this could go horribly wrong get some Nether wart yoink yoink yoink I'll take you know what I'm going to take this much I'm not going to be too greedy I just want a saddle saddle please oh God I forgot they were in here give me a skull I'm feeling it this is a skull in one jeez this is not the best place for me to be man they have range on him genuinely a little bit scared oh no another one oh okay yeah been withered been withered I'm in trouble o You're sliced up Sir oh no I think this section sucks uh there's a bit more over there let me cheat it a little bit let's go up yeah yeah yeah this is good I hear blazes too no you can go away you knock me off buddy I'll be so mad don't tell your parents oh God I almost hit the wrong one oh blazes blazes blaz them out no ow ow I didn't actually think it was going to attack me what the okay I'm going in fine fine I'll go in I'll do it the proper way I'm only doing this for a saddle which is just so ridiculous oh please please please pray to the gods no no I'll take the the horse armor though and maybe a cheeky chest too cuz I'm going to need loads of those oh please please please please oh yes two Saddles two chests do we just go home now or do we try our luck at something we got three diamonds as well two chests to find a saddle that was actually the best plan I'm going to keep going I might as well I'm I'm here never mind dead end another chest another chest another chest ooh okay there's blazes nearby I'm going to just hedge my bet is that is that the word and I'm just going to leave I'm getting out of here we're going back if I can find my way back I got what I needed I don't need to be greedy I just need to oh my God it's there it's there oh no Run please be kind jeez man these things are nuts go away thank you blaze Blazer Blaze at least be nice come on Blaze Lord we doing great oh God I'm lost of course I am okay here we are but we are not home and safe yet there are plenty of things that want to kill us which way did I come from it must have been that way way yeah this way see I'm making loads of sense let's see if there's anything over here because the Fortress is behind us I'm guessing not but at least we've got a blue biome that's good all right let's get out of here I'm done see you later that's actually really lucky it's so close to our spawn look it's right here yeah we made it don't know if the villagers did though um unless they've gone back through that would be the smart choice hey home sweet home okay let's unload some of this stuff we got the horse armors sweet we got the saddle which is pretty much all we needed to be honest we got gold we got diamonds up to 19 diamonds got some more chests as well just in case there we go this is going to get messy real fast right let's go choose a horse I know that there are horses over here but actually let's go and have a look at them I think there's horses over there as well hello steeds how are you doing you've got one and three okay so light brown is looking to be a beast three hearts on top of the max like the bottom row that sounds pretty good all right let me go over here I'm sure there's some over here aha here they are oh we've got choices they're white ones too don't know why that makes a difference here we go you're two I'm looking at the hearts above the bottom row you're tiny no thanks you're three I think that could be oh my God there's so many what's the highest you can get I don't even know that's two so three is looking good three is looking good only got one saddle to use and three is looking good am I Chosen One absolutely not thing is I don't want to travel too far either way because we're going to need to travel when we've got the new update otherwise we're just going to be loading chunks for no reason we've been that way we're going to take a horse this way I'm feeling one of these the threes let's grab this guy he looks Noble he looks steedy and he's got Health don't Chuck me in the ocean please come on now don't do it then then our prep is done right unless I think of anything else yeah buddy now you're in the water that's it look at you I got horse armor for you as well buddy how high did you jump that didn't look like a high jump to me not bad not bad actually how are we going to get you over here are you going to have to jump over to here I didn't exactly go to plan I'm going to have to push you if you don't let me push you I'm going to take the saddle back cuz the saddle is very expensive I think we're there I think we've done it that was easy could have been worse how high are you jumping buddy it's like it's okay yeah it's not too bad could be better could be be worse look at this my my house is even a stable like a built-in stable and I think we might even have yeah we got the stuff look cuz we got hooked up with a slime chunk my God this has been like the best seed grab myself some leads easy easy easy how is he gone already stay away from the lava stay away from the lava stay here in fact yeah being blessed with a slime chunk is so good uh 53 iron or oh my God we are just we're thriving right horse armor I think it's going to look in Gold good in Gold but let's see even though gold isn't that great but should be fine right let's have a look gold yeah gold is nice the gold and the white is looking good gold and silver no there's not even any competition there he is the trusty Steed does he eat apples I kind of want to give him an apple what do you eat take this he not no he doesn't eat anything he eats grass do you eat carrots surely horses eat carrots right no they don't eat carrots they don't eat nothing do you know what this actually feels like home and I think we're pretty much prepped and ready for next time which is going to be the tricky trials update I am so excited this is a massive update I hope you're as excited as I am it's going to be awesome subscribe if you're new so that you can keep up with new videos in this series leave a like before you go as well that' be awesome and thank you so much for the support on the first video it absolutely blew my mind love you and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,070,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Id: Q9rlqktHiF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 4sec (2524 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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