Using 1 Item to Completely Break This Entire Game - Sunkenland

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing sunken land today pretty self-explanatory if you look at this title screen old civilization is gone and we're stuck to make our own structures that all look like our first Creations we made in The Sims which is to say functional and hideous I think I know what happened here Society probably collapsed because somebody wasn't using Opera GX the browser for gamers and the sponsor for this video because for one it's easy for you to bring your settings over from those other browsers like you just click on this thing then you go down to this thing then you scroll down and you click on this thing select your options hit import and you're done but on top of that it's got all kinds of wacky customization like the GX mods here you'll find a huge pile of mods that can change all kinds of stuff like if we go into the magical lgio mod we can see it's gonna change not just the wallpaper but also add a little background to music not to mention some keyboard sounds and also this nightmare every time you open and close a tab hey there it's Josh and also some nice themes and colors and if this isn't your liking you can change any of these elements and keep only the ones you like and even mix and match different stuff from different themes like look how pretty this thing is can't live without it and speaking of things I can't live without I want to highlight my favorite thing about Opera GX which is the GX Corner if you care about gaming stuff then you'll appreciate all the info here like showing you what games are coming out soon what games are on sale and where daily news and more oh and can't forget if you download Opera GX which is Free by the way through my linky in the description you'll have this section right here that'll stay updated and always show you my last 12 videos that I've released what a deal so get in there get you some Opera GX and a big thank you to them for sponsoring okay so first things first oh and also this game is in Early Access as if you couldn't tell anyway let's get to work on making our new character okay well it's a start I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you're wearing shoes that does look rather Rusty and at the moment it looks kind of like slim pickings for hair we've got default Shipwrecked look and then we've got default found our hair dryer look and of course you've got everybody's favorite all bald and more bald I guess we'll go with default so we can mess around with hair colors which I always love because we have like a whole bunch of normal ones and then the further you get on the slider it's like here let's have some selections for streamers only which of course we're gonna do now it's time to give him a name two song Too Furious yes perfect okay here we are in the world of sunken where am I never mind I know where I am now thank you sunken land gods for dropping your kid off at the pool obviously the first place we're supposed to go is towards this island but also look at these exciting underwater Journeys we can have it's gonna be so exciting to look at the world from before isn't that right whatever you are come here just like a good human we're gonna obliterate the first living thing we see fish meat and skin well let's just finish off the rest of these before we go over to the island oh we're running out of oxygen but we need to get this thing before we do I don't care that it's getting dark okay time to surface again now that the colors returned to our vision let's head over to land ah here we are one big beautiful island to call our own and as you can see from all around us there's points of interest everywhere this thing and those things the fun is just never ending but first things first is we need to build ourselves a little base because this is a survival game and if we're not constantly hitting stuff and picking stuff up what's the point so we'll just go ahead and hit some of these good yes excellent pick it all up and automatically turn into wood thanks and don't stop until everything is gone leave nothing unturned just like this little crab creature sorry I'm gonna need you ooh crab meat are you thinking what I'm thinking that we're hungry for crab right now I mean I've seen Castaway we need to cook at first right guess not well thank God we have an iron stomach thankfully it's not going to take long for this to turn into this oh in case you happen to see this tent in the background as well as this perfectly usable mattress unfortunately these are just for show I can't actually set up shop in these which is fine because we have much better ideas it's called the building menu where we have all kinds of exciting options for how to build our own little home not to mention all kinds of other stuff we can build but we'll get to this stuff later for now we need to start with beautiful wooden foundations okay so let's see where can we put this obviously on the ground can we also put it in the water and the answer is we sure can okay wait now we need to experiment a little bit if we can put it in the water and on the ground can we also put it on the side of structures oh boy can we ever and look at that legs for days okay I think this is what we're going with we're gonna put our base right here wow it's amazing it doesn't look weird and awkward at all okay so we'll just add a couple more and we'll just go ahead and keep building all the way out into the ocean because I guess why not okay I think that's good for now we've already turned this island into an abomination and the only way to get up there is to go all the way around climb up these rocks and then ta-da home sweet home-ish so let's see let's go all the way down to the end here and we'll go ahead and build our actual base of operations out here on the Open Water okay there we go a nice three by three as you can see all the planks are perfectly aligned to the right directions and what a view we have here I'm so excited to turn back towards the island and keep building this way now we could do stuff like building walls and floors and pillars and roofs and stuff but that sounds like a waste oh except a wooden door we probably need one of those we're not Savages after all gosh what a home we've made for ourselves knock knock who's there hashtag sunken life on Fiddlesticks it looks like the sun's going down soon and we can't make a bed yet to sleeping because we need cloth well I think I know where we can find it let's go check in the ocean Yeehaw okay so if I were random cloth where would I be maybe in this old building let's take a gander and find out ooh a fridge seems promising for Scavenging okay it looks like we've got some fishing bait and some food items but no cloth I love how when you're done searching something it just explodes and then you black out from suffocating well I guess this is where we're going to sleep oh well that went really well the good news is our body is very obviously placed thank God we know we're too sunk Too Furious died I guess we'll just wait till it's a little brighter outside until then we'll just shiver and hope we survive till morning see there we go that's much better strap in my corpse we're coming for you and it's so much easier to see now okay so we'll just pick up all of our things oh here we go search the old washing machine get all kinds of cloth and when it's done it celebrates by exploding in front of us okay now that we've got some cloth let's head back to base you know what I love most about our base all the sunshine it gets anyway let's make a simple bed now let's put it on the very very edge yes this is where I get all my beauty sleep well now that that problem solved we're gonna solve a couple other problems called making sure we have a wooden Spear and now that we have this I feel a lot more confident about exploring the outdoors so let's pick something to go to let's see ooh that looks promising let's go thank God we can just swim our way there and just ignore all this enticing stuff underneath the surface I gotta say so far this seems really promising look at this discovered the mutants raft hello hi are you friendly ah yes they're very friendly please respawn me to my simple bed yes yes that's inside my bed all right thank you everything's working as intended luckily when we respawn we still keep our spear on us so we're ready for battle anytime oh I'm coming back but this time we're going underwater I have an idea first we'll collect all of our things and now we'll just go underneath their base hello what's this something of theirs to break don't mind if I do so wait can I just like do stuff from underneath here like I see the mutant right up there can I just go underneath him and like do one of these oh you sure can come here come here oh I know I can't really see but I'm gonna keep trying to hit you oh looks like you died No Loot but that's okay the greatest reward was killing you through the floor and we'll take out this guy and another one goodbye okay now let's see how are we gonna get that guy he has a crossbow after all oh wait simple I'll just go around this way and then come back up and let's see there they are yup everyone's dead this weird rap thing belongs to me so let's take this tender moment to destroy all their Furniture we could just take this bed back to our place but why do that when we can just beat it up that's what true heroes do oh and what's this oh my God it's finally happening we found a couple of cell phones thank God yes damn it my inventory is full I guess we'll come back for the rest of this stuff later except for this raw meat I'm eating that right now I've got to keep my healthy bod somehow oh and look what I found down here some binoculars finally we can look at places in the Beyond hello my own base anyway let's head back to base to get some sleep then tomorrow we can figure out what to do with these phones and just like that it's daytime again time to focus back on these our beautiful Nokia phones they have this little dollar sign here which leads me to believe they're used for something like trading and wouldn't you know it that looks like a trading Outpost right there I'm basing this entirely on the open sign so let's swim on over there ignoring that shark we see in the water I'm just hoping if we swim right over it it's not gonna bother us let's see how we're doing yep seems perfectly happy to just stay over there thank God uh indeed it is a trading Outpost it's kind of a pile of crap isn't it oh I mean uh hello I didn't see you over there I didn't say anything nice belt bye yes yes I am looking to buy and yes indeed it looks like that's what these phones are for quite valuable selling to Traders might yield a significant profit with a value of 100 I mean I don't really know what that means I just know she has a lot of cool stuff that I would like to buy like this antique flintlock pistol not to mention this combat knife and this fishing rod wow you've got all kinds of fun stuff so I would like to give you two of my mobiles and in exchange I would like this pistol great stuff excellent she approves of the deal pleasure doing business with you thanks for the pistol oh I see you were unaffected also I only had that one shot I'm so glad we wasted it let's just pretend that didn't happen and uh let's just stay neutral how's that sound I guess it's all the same it's not like we can ransack any of the stuff she has back here all we can do instead is appreciate her thousand yard stare oh wait that's not all I see you have some trees here can I take these oh yes yes I can well I guess it's time to ransack your Island for all the scrap metal and wood I can look if she didn't want us to run around and take stuff and Break Stuff she'd come over here and stop me but she's not so I'm not oh boy and a thing that gives me cloth my favorite oh looks like my inventory is full which means we drop things on the ground in convenient little boxes with all the packaging symbols and everything and I just build a wooden chest over here so that I can keep pillaging in peace oh Fiddlesticks doesn't look like it but wait what about wooden foundations can I put those down oh perfect the answer is yes and now we can put a box down on our property at this Trading Post what a fantastic deal really makes all my stealing a whole lot easier here and I'll take that as well as this and pretty much anything else that isn't nailed down oh my goodness what's this fashionable prison clothes but how am I supposed to choose between this slit skirt and this mini skirt okay well let's see the slit skirt definitely has its Allure but let's take this off and let's try out the mini skirt oh yeah I think we know what we're keeping mini skirt it is okay I think with the destruction of these trees right here we have successfully ransacked everything on this little Trading Post and then successfully stashed all my ill-gotten gains look at all this stuff metal cloth wood Ramen and soda we want for nothing you know although I feel kind of bad I did take all of her trees luckily though this item exists a planter used for planting various types of fruits and vegetables and I do have these bush seeds so let's go ahead and give back oh right I can't just put them down I forgot that I have to do a foundation first oh my God I can't just cut her in half with this can I can I oh look at that the answer is no the game really doesn't want me to well that's fair we'll just put it right in front of you then just like that yeah that's great and now we're just gonna take this planter box and put it right yeah that's perfect how you doing in there you comfortable okay good okay and now that that's there let's go ahead and just plant some of these in here I guess it's gonna do its thing now I love that we can just see her standing there I wonder how long this is gonna take to actually sprout wow that was fast you still okay in there you know this seems like a great way to get more lumber I think I'm gonna add more of these planter boxes don't worry you're gonna be fine this one's only cutting through your face now I do love that the game doesn't even care if I make them look nice okay and just force their way up here and plant some more well I think we can see where this is going can't we why settle for a trading Outpost when we could make this our tree farm after all we only need two things to build this wood and cloth wood we're gonna have covered before long cloth I'm pretty sure we can find by Scavenging you know down there somewhere and so to prepare for our journey first we're gonna take these Marlin fish skins that we got from bludgeoning fish at the very beginning of our journey and we're gonna make some diving fins swim rapidly like a fish excellent I have to admit I was really hoping I'd see our guy wearing them but hey it's early access maybe they'll do that down the line now let's see if we can't find us some stuff oh this looks promising thank God this Cruise liner had this comically large toolbox sitting here complete with basic components for us to take and then it flops over in defeat and then we'll just look around for more stuff to scavenge like whatever this is oh a safe well thank God we happen to be good at safe cracking oh wow jackpot look at all this stuff for detector blueprints fireplace stuff and a cigar give me all of this and here's the greatest Treasure of them all well I'm sure this is gonna be great yep and it is and we'll take a moment from time to time to head back to our little stash drop off all the crap we found and then head back for another trip and we visit all kinds of locales scavenge all kinds of stuff including whatever this is don't mind if I do especially when we find stashes like this oh my God look at this stuff Best Day Ever indeed you're all coming with me here I was swimming around down here just doing my thing looking for stuff and the game tells me my base is under attack what the hell does that even mean what's going on who goes there what the hell is happening here did you guys get into my stash and how do you jump so high oh God please tell me my stuff is okay what what are you doing okay never mind I think it's okay I think they got sucked back into the Fifth Dimension well luckily my stash appears to be okay even though we have a couple of jokesters on our hands so wait let me make sure I understand this these mutants come onto the island and they oh no they blew up my plants this is the worst day ever quickly new plan that involves the other Island enveloped in this heavenly glow so first things first let's take all of our ill-gotten goods and let's move them back over to our other base and now that we've moved all of our stuff over here we're gonna head back over to our magical little stash area and we're gonna chop everything down I'm pretty sure what's happening here is the mutants are attracted to my stuff and then they show up just to destroy it what a bunch of jerks anyway we're gonna get rid of our stuff here including this platform over here it was good while it lasted and the reason that we're doing that is we want to consolidate our base to be in one place I mean the Trading Post over here wasn't technically a base but I think the mutants thought it was because I had building pieces there so if this all happens to be correct that means that the mutants will eventually show up at my doorstep here so just to confirm we're gonna stand here and wait and see if these mutants show up and let's prepare by having a little fun with this festive bonfire so that we can hunker down and wait all proper alike this probably won't be a problem right just a bonfire right on top of a bunch of other wood and now we wait okay where are these guys what are you too good for my base you don't want to fight me so I sat here for what felt like forever and I thought that just nobody was gonna show up and then I looked over the side and realized no they're here all right they've just been really quiet oh my God and there's so many of them and they have Shields and bats with barbed wire around them God what a bunch of Warriors I'm trying to figure out what they're doing is this some kind of ritual am I part of the club Welcome to My Island well that's fine I'll just go ahead and take care of them come here you ow ow I don't like how tough they are with their stupid Shields and Sassy attitudes well I guess as long as they're stuck down there it's gonna be fine what the hell was that noise what was that oh I see they've brought someone with a crossbow well good thing they're down there and I'm up here isn't that right you sad again everything is okay since I can just respawn on my simple bed as long as I can keep doing that I will be safe up here forever oh no oh God and they have axes look at this nonsense okay I think we can confirm that our base is probably not going to be safe not when we have all this Riff Raff hanging around and even if they couldn't shoot us from here they are still gonna try and shoot the base and sure let's say we were to build a repairing Hammer which is used for repairing and demolishing buildings which you can see as we approach one of our foundations we can see the hit points on it it's not that hard to repair but I don't want to have to do this every time one of these guys show up like what if I'm off having the time of my life somewhere you know stabbing sea turtles and then all of a sudden we get the message that our base is under attack I don't have to stop the important work I'm doing every time the base is under attack so clearly the solution is we need to move somewhere where these jackasses can't shoot at me or my base so first things first we're gonna need a bunch of wood and chop this one down too and this oh and don't worry about the mutants they wandered off for now and then after that we're gonna head on over to another Island specifically this one with all the trees and where the island looks weirdly veiny I'm sure it just means the trees are extra healthy hey wait a minute this island looks normal well whatever trees or trees and we better be fast about it because I think we're upsetting the mutants yeah just stay over there and shoot wildly into the air okay my work here is done not a bad start it's all the wood I can hold right now and we're gonna use it to build one thing in particular wooden stairs so of course the first question we all have I'm sure is how many of these can we build I guess we're about to find out are we we'll just keep adding more and more and more we're also going to add a little Pizzazz to this and place each one a little bit aiming to the right because this game has the best placement tools on the planet look how much it doesn't care what you do you could just place it any way like this why can't all games be like this okay still going let's see how we did so far well on the plus side we can still see stuff let's see how our staircase looks oh wow this is way more fun looking than I thought it would I mean we're gonna have to get wood anyway so let's jump off and take a look oh yeah looking great so far and now time for wood round two because we're not even close to done and that about do it onward and upward and up and up oh no my base is under attack like I care anymore all right we're just gonna keep going I'm just gonna build higher and higher until I can't see anything anymore so hold please let's see how this goes okay so I've been doing this for a little while now as you can see things are looking very nice up here we can kind of see stuff when we look down just foggy shapes in the distance and also look how beautiful this is looking oh boy let's see how long it takes us to go down the death spiral I'm being hypnotized by my own Bridge oh no haha water saved me surely that's how it would work in real life too you remember that part in Castaway when Tom Hanks rolls up on the island and it's like oh good thing I have this Corkscrew that I made well I can't stop now right we need to see just how high this can go yes I agree so let's get started hold please [Music] okay I've been doing this for what feels like forever if we look down we can see absolutely nothing just the void of gray except this of course you want to see how far I built up well there's only one way to really show you is we have to jump down into it we just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going reaching terminal velocity the farther down we go and we hit the ground so hard that we're actually inside of a rock see what did I tell you wow what a deal that was and I'm sure there's amazing things we can do with that but for now we're just gonna appreciate this for what it is an amazing beautiful eyesore an eyesore that in order to climb it all the way to the top and I know this because I timed it it takes over 10 minutes to run to the top 10 minutes which feels way longer than you think it will oh my God it's like we're falling into the Ubisoft logo now as enticing as it would be to build up here we're not actually going to because for whatever reason the game says the water is too deep here too deep what the hell do you mean is this some kind of philosophical thing and I've tried to build it kind of all around the staircase up here and it doesn't seem to want to take the water up here is just too deep that's okay we'll go find a place down below and it doesn't work along any of these either which I definitely tried on my way down but that's okay I've got another idea let's just start at the beginning here and see how long it stays green Before It's Too Deep yep that's how high we can go I guess so we'll just go ahead and build right here yeah and it looks great what an amazing powerful look yeah I think this will do nicely and I'm pretty sure it's going to be so far away this stuff can't shoot at us now that we're up here in the sky we can go ahead and make like a weird little sky highway after all let's say we want to get to the Trading Post just right over there why swim like some kind of chump when we could recreate the highway Glory Days so we'll just keep building and building and there we go a nice quick way to get there how are we gonna get back no idea I didn't think it had on that part the important part is I'm alive somehow oh and wow look at this beautiful disaster now I know that's supposed to be like the columns that hold it up but some since they're not it looks like the flooring has tassels how festive okay let's see how can I get back up there well I guess more stairs it is you know what I love too is licking and watching the Shadows the shadows of my garbage as the sun goes overhead right through the corkscrew what a beautiful pattern you're making into the ocean and we'll just connect this thing back over to the thingamabob see doesn't that look great pretty sure all the Raiders aren't smart enough to use them anyway look at all of these things we have ready access to now like look at this exciting establishment complete with interpretive dancers okay we're almost there oh but Fiddlesticks how will we fight them I don't want to go down there and fight them by hand that is literally beneath me so let's upgrade to a bow and arrow okay let's see what we can do by that I mean I wonder if we can hit these guys at all no idea if I'm hitting them but they don't seem to oh never mind I got him hold still buddy nope stop moving stop moving there we go ah feels good and fair okay now we'll just take out these other guys well don't go on the outside that's cheating oh we have a deserter do we well there we go another victory for us you know for a moment you think this wouldn't be fun oh I promise you it is well mission accomplished oh and we didn't even take damage I don't even know why oh how strange there's this whole settlement here completely and totally abandoned who would leave all this stuff completely unattended I mean who's gonna eat these three cans of beans I guess it's up to me and of course my favorite thing to get some cloth and once we've taken everything that's not nailed down it's now time to create an on-ramp back to the sky highway or said more properly This Is A Highway and here we go this is working out just great every ramp we build is perfect just the way it is and oh my goodness there's so many interesting locales I mean look how exciting that looks and by that I mean that cow and that's not all what the hell is this there's an Xbox series X over there in fact there's all kinds of stuff out here just waiting to be shot at from above I mean explored we even have a map that shows us this stuff see there's us and here's all the stuff available my goodness that's a lot of things well if we want to have a good Sky Bridge it looks like we have our work cut out for us so it's time for some more construction hold please [Music] okay that should about do it our Bridge system is complete as you can see it goes on forever we got our beautiful tassel covered highways going all over the place connected by a little ramp to everything we find and this horrible cacophony extends as far as the eye can see what a horrible thing we've done to the landscape I love it pretty much no matter where you are no matter what direction you look you get an eye full of this crap and I couldn't be happier oh and yes the frame rate has taken a bit of a dive but more than that while I was building all this stuff I learned that the more pieces you add the longer it takes to add each one for example watch here's how long it takes me to add a piece every time I put a piece down the game freezes for like a second it's hard to blame the game though I don't know if it was ever designed to handle this many pieces of stuff and in case you were wondering if the mutants do eventually show up the answer is yes yes they do they can't reach of course and also they kind of look like they've got their own thing going on now except that one that one's just watching but what a convenient way to get around and you never feel alone because if you ever get lost all you need to do is find your guiding star the stretched out Slinky in the sky and also while I was going around setting all this up we also got to ransack islands and find interesting things like what's in this box and I'm not talking about these glorious baked beans although those are going in my tummy right now I mean these molotovs what a wonderful thing to just stumble across uh oh Dad's mad better get out of here thank God I can take the sky bridge and get away from all this so long suckers enjoy not having any beans and if you ever accidentally fall off the sky Bridge no problem just swim to the closest island and there's gonna be a ramp just waiting for you there might be some hostels around but don't worry their aim sucks so you'll be fine and as you can see for some of these places we're still dealing with an unwanted element but I think I know how to deal with this if this doesn't take care of pesky neighbors I don't know what will hi sorry you're being evicted I want to thank Opera GX again for sponsoring this video it's free to download just check out the linkie in the description so I hope you had fun I know I did I'm just gonna sit here and do a little cleanup and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,056,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, sunkenland, sunkenland game, raft game, raft, raft sunkenland, waterworld, water games, let's game it out sunkenland, sunkenland gameplay, raft meets rust, using 1 item, completely break this entire game, sunken land, sunkland
Id: 1kdK0YjMryQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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