I Turned a Whole Town Into a Monument of Insanity - Car for Sale

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing car for sale today and I don't know about you but I'm ready to do some buying driving and selling maybe not even in that order oh and also this video is sponsored by call of dragons but we'll talk about that more in a little bit because right now it's time for a new game okay so here we are in the beginning stage of the game waking up from your drunken Fugue State this must be our shop where we put cars for sale I'm not really sure what gave it away and the game wants us to pick up the trash in front of our office okay what about this is trash these cones seem brand new and we can always find a use for pallets and what in tar Nation we're just gonna throw away the entire body of a car right across the street is some kind of auto repair surely we can just move it over there right in fact let's go over there right now see if we can get an answer oh it turns out there's an invisible barrier all the way around this building but wait there might be some hope because we can move these pallets around maybe we can even get this stuff to stack come on come on okay so we're doing some good stuff here we've managed to use the cones to shove this palette straight up in the air and Out Of Reach it we're gonna jump on this cone over to this barrel and then jump on over to the pallet my God the game really doesn't want me to leave no matter what I do there's still an invisible wall I can even press my body up against the invisible wall and float and I can even walk the whole perimeter this way but at no point can I actually get past this oh but we're so close to climbing up on the roof and I guess we could just I don't know remove these planks and throw out all that trash but I'm not done trying I feel like there's got to be a way out of here and I'm gonna find it [Music] okay I figured it out are you ready for something I'm gonna lovingly call a hot glitch tip okay so check this out this game uses space bar to jump every time I hit space bar I jump one time obviously now if I can manage to hit the spacebar fast enough I don't know why but I jump a little higher so I set up a script that automatically pushes the space bar every 20 milliseconds or 50 times every second and then when I activate that script here's how high I can jump oh boy look at us go we can certainly jump high enough to get on the roof here and then at that point we can just jump right off and we're free to roam and of course the invisible wall is still there but our super jump trick can actually get us over this too observe ta-da so I'm not really sure exactly how high the invisible wall goes but clearly it has its limitations because you can jump right over it and just like that we're free all that without cleaning up our mess take that tutorial that's designed to help us with the game and nothing can possibly go wrong anyway let's go on a tour of the town right across the street as you've seen before we have all kinds of Auto stuff you know like auto painting Auto Repair Auto Electrics and tuning and also the Jack junkyard which is where I like to go and do my auto crying just like this guy see actually what is this guy really here for hello citizen sorry to interrupt all your standing and holding a warm beer you haven't metal okay well we'll be in touch when I have metal and it turns out each one of these places actually has a human being wow nice neck beard mustache and thousand yard stare you're the complete package I think we can do some business oh their name is Steve I can't paint it there please park your car in the middle okay I got it we're gonna need your services later in fact I'm sure that's the case with everything in here on Sammy Drive why do you even have your own street am I also Sammy Drive is that really necessary whatever who cares kinda like is it necessary to run this power pole to Nowhere actually now I gotta know do these power lines actually connect to anywhere and the answer is sorta I mean it's connected to something but it's up in the air well hey if it works it works just like this Bloom is working overtime my God like I even have the option turned off I don't know I'm pretty sure the bloom is still on that or I rub too much vaseline on my eyeballs again oh hang on a second I'm getting a call a call of dragons that is the sponsor of this video so at its core call of dragons is a massively multiplayer fantasy Conquest game with some fun Forex strategy elements and Limitless potential all this and free to play on Android iOS and PC and this game features all kinds of fantasy stuff like elves Orcs Frosty Mages and so much more you can also Journey out to Fantastical Realms like the Firefly tree Frozen spiers and many more wonders around the game's world but we're here to talk about call of dragon's Mega feature and that's the behemoths there are eight behemoths in the game and eight different raid instances to go with them and by that I mean you and your guild go to one of these Behemoth layers and using your cunning tactics beat the crap out of them and now they're years to command for future skirmishes and you're gonna want these beasts in Your Arsenal this game features large-scale Warfare and behemoths are your key to turning the tide with their game-changing abilities there's also dare I say it no limit to how many behemoths your alliance can capture so take over as many as you can and be that person where everyone is like oh my God they caught all the behemoths what a legend that's not all you can do by the way there's a huge world to explore alliances to make territory to capture and a kingdom to build so if this sounds good to you and you want to check out the game for yourself there's a linkie in the description or scan this QR code right here and also don't forget to use this code on screen to get a whole bunch of special rewards and thanks again to call of dragons for sponsoring anyway we're not gonna let Everlasting bright mode ruin our day we've got things to see like this car coming right at us okay you have a good day then don't forget to stop by my shop P.S it's closed and condemned okay so now we know that cars will drive right through us but that's okay there's always more fun to be had somewhere else like with this guy I'm sorry is this facial hair or is it like another pair of eyes and your nostrils or the eyebrows I don't know I can see it to the tracks you have to park your car on top of the toe I think I got the gist of what they meant I mean I think I didn't sign up to be in a beautiful mind and moving along on our journey we have a gas station yep reasonable prices totally legal logo oh and look at this four gas pumps all for us can I use these without a car please oh I'm sorry I didn't refer to the pumps by their formal name gas master I can't add fuel here please park your car in the middle oh my God these pumps can talk this game is already wild oh my God is this you Steve is this you again I would recognize your seductive facial hair anywhere never mind their name is Bill I get it Bill you're in Early Access but I still can't wait to use this car wash actually bill I could use your help here how about instead of standing over there and doing nothing you unlock this door from so I can buy stuff while you do nothing inside what do you think sounds like a plan right you know I'm starting to get this feeling like we're in like a Westworld town where everything's run by creepy robots and then it's just me on my own trying to figure out how to make up my own fun or more likely this is something for later in Early Access but I will say this whoever mowed this lawn did a great job oh and I'm not sure how I missed it but I'm sure glad there's a tombstone over here not just a tombstone by the way a completely unmarked one sounds lazy which I appreciate oh my goodness What's Happening Here do we have a caravan going to work hey Gramps you're slowing everybody down I don't think there's any police you should let loose oh and what's this the local eating establishment it's got all the things you look for outdoor seating wacky jail bars this place has it all except for other patrons that is well I guess it's early in the day oh hello bartender my God look at this guy's hair and facial hair is there anybody in this game that doesn't look perpetually unemployed but you know what enough talk let's check out the back room oh what do we have here looks like a card game and what a spirited Bunch you are oh this is the good table over here it was really nice of you to supervise these three jittery junkies seriously are you guys gonna be okay anyway this is my favorite thing to see in a game like this cards the word play that usually means infinite money but we're gonna try this later we've got more town to look at so Further Along on our magical trip stop it it tickles anyway it looks like we have a cozy little suburb coming up and oh my god do people actually obey the traffic rules this is amazing but more importantly look at what a nice neighborhood this is see what a nice neighborhood oh looks like we've undone the damage but just kidding wow I'm just sitting here and watching this happen okay it looks like it worked itself out anyway what is this lady's deal hey what do you know that we don't know hello hi dude my car has TCS you'll fall in love with this car the moment you take it for a spin just sixty three thousand dollars okay I gotta admit All Things Considered even if she's ripping me off this is kind of a powerful stance and I'm a little too intimidated to negotiate properly yeah listen like I'm not really a car guy but I don't know if this is worth 65 000 yet maybe I'll change my mind oh my God look at this neighborhood are all these people standing outside waiting to sell their cars is this literally your day job if everybody else is selling who are you selling to you know but all that aside six spoiler anyway it's nice to know when we want a car we can find one because boy God of their cars for sale everywhere and oh my God for sale you mean this could be us one day oh if only we could Dare To Dream gosh I just can't wait to live here and oh boy what might this be what is this like a prison for one what's it the barbed wire oh nope I was wrong you want to know what this actually is this is our house how delightful I'm so confused why did we not wake up here more importantly why am I asking questions still this place is clearly a mad house and as we follow the road and all the bloom we come across this the car market wow really slim pickings right now huh well maybe they're closed for today or something say what you will but this city certainly does love their cars it's carolific well let's get started on this business shall we oh the door's locked not that we care not when there's these skylights here which something tells me yep we cheapened out there's not even glass in those so this is our place huh Drive Away in a great car that sort of looks like it's on fire see dealer for details wait a minute that's me I'm so stressed out by not even having that car to sell wait we've got an even bigger concern who signed off on this keyboard and I can't even get this computer to turn on you know what I think I see the problem here there is no computer just like in the movies it's just a keyboard mouse and monitor either way I think we need to be able to access this computer which means dealing with this at last and thank goodness as we can do this from the inside and we'll do this window too and we'll just go outside and oh silly me the door's still locked wait a minute why it's not even flush with the frame wait what these hinges aren't even connected to anything this door should be falling backwards on top of me like some kind of cartoon okay let's finish cleaning up this garbage so collect trash which just vanished how nice I feel so bad throwing away things that other games have trained me to use but oh well goodbye barrel and so on and so forth wait what am I supposed to do with this I can't just pick this up like anything else can I well that'll teach me to doubt and done let's open your office to get customers you need to open the office you can open and close the office by using the office door look I see that it works now but why do that when I could still go in through the top and then when I want to leave I'll be a gentleman and use the door the very very secure door now we need a business name head to the office and access your computer way ahead of you I got this and I believe the game wants us to start with decoration oh yes and here we are well let's change this boring old name first how much space do we have to work with ah I see quite a lot as it turns out well now I'm starting to think this might just be fine okay now the game is insisting that we buy our first vehicle let's see how's this one looking one two nice two California plates three I think this woman is in a trash bin and the search continues oh I think I found the car of our dreams can we buy this oh my God we can buy this only 5 672. everybody wins okay I feel really good about this purchase especially those Wheels all right let's hop aboard oh and look there's an external camera can't wait see our beautiful face oh I like it it's like doctor strange and JonTron had a baby well let's get this show on the road shall we I see we have a horn button thank God oh yeah listen to All That Power that's how you know this Fierce vehicle is coming through oh Mike look at that vehicle well now I feel like I screwed up double so now whoa hey hey hey whoa whoa I know you're late for work but let's calm it down I was just trying to admire this other vehicle over here my God hey you're not selling this thing for eighteen hundred dollars are you because that's all I have five thousand dollars okay you know what fair enough I've got an idea I'll be right back yep you know where this is going right it's time to gamble how much do I want to bet obviously all of it I don't even know what game we're playing oh it's Blackjack okay easy enough just give me a second to win a bunch of money and there we go we've doubled our cash already and out of bed at all again I'm sure you can see where this is going right the land of free money that's where now that we have over seven thousand dollars we should be able to buy that vehicle okay I'm back in the neighborhood where's my vehicle wait is this it oh well I guess it is oh okay I guess it's night time now wow this place is crazy and it looks like everybody went inside their houses for the night so I can't even buy that vehicle anyway let's get this vehicle back over to headquarters we'll sell it in the morning okay you stay here engine running it's sleepy time good night uh what restful sleep and now it's time to get my morning jog in hello psychotic neighborhood oh actually you know what let's see if there's another vehicle while we're over here probably easier to just buy another car than run back to my shop well I guess this person isn't selling that car anymore in fact based on how it's this woman now I'm pretty sure whoever was selling this car that lived here has fled the scene entirely whatever can I have this crappy car just one thousand eight hundred dollars now you're speaking my language God what a beautiful vehicle God and it rides like a dream a very drifting dream just don't call me the drift king that's somebody else easy steady balance it oh good okay and coming in for a landing I guess we're in front of the door now what happened to my truck oh it's fine it's right there okay so here's where the fun begins so first we have the box truck which for some reason the game doesn't think is here not in the office I beg to differ it's right there whatever we're just gonna deal with this other one instead okay so now we're putting the car up for sale and look there's my logo so if I bought it for 18 I would love to sell it for wait is there actually a limit for how many digits I can put on this I mean No One's Gonna Pay this much I assume post title there's a Genie in this car three wishes guaranteed I ran out of space and that gets the point across put it on sale I said Put it on sale fine I'll change the price how about 200 000 will that work okay good perfect oh and look a customer's in the office my in the office did you mean standing outside the car because they can't get into the office because if so then yes there is somebody in the office I will buy the car right now cash in hand my offer is fourteen hundred dollars what do you say well I know I was asking for two hundred thousand but sure I'll take 14 set oh oh I didn't realize I had to say yes faster I'm sorry that it took me 10 seconds to think about it that's okay someone else will come along in the meantime let's get this thing more properly inside the facility so we can sell this one too easy easy easy oh don't look now we have a customer oh and they don't care one bit about my vehicle do they well if that's how you inconsiderate jerks are gonna be about what how all right well we can't let this go to waste let's sell it to somebody blah blah blah I'd buy it for fifteen hundred dollars sure you can have it sorry you two have fun disappearing back into existence I guess and you here's the keys for your oh I see you've already teleported away with the car fair enough oh wow you know what if we look at our vehicle it's really damaged what are these options I have here have your car moved to repair Bay too wait what does this even do oh oh now my car's over there thanks for being cool with just storing my truck in here I guess anyway while we're here could you go ahead and repair everything yeah that would be great thank you oh oh so that's how mechanics do it you just gotta go in dual wrenches of course also what do you think is gonna happen when he finishes because I'm not moving oh he's done it ah oh okay we're fine anyway thanks for servicing my vehicle oh um oh I see you I had another car to work on my apologies well thanks I guess but don't look now the car Marketplace is open quickly let's get down there and make a deal but before we go over there we need to make sure we have enough money okay hold please it's time for us to make some cash there we go a cool million 22. you may also notice that the game is a little dark I may have played all day into the night working bulbs be damned unfortunately now that we have all this money because it's nighttime we lost out on the car market thing but you know that's okay we'll just go home and sleep this off okay finally the car market is open again and also I picked up a new set of wheels to get us over there Good Golly Miss Molly I think we found it what an amazing Shin dig this is wait right here car and also the cars behind you it's time to socialize hello I would like to engage you creepy robots in conversation how was your day today same as mine I am glad we had this talk okay so we can't talk to the people Milling around because they're too judgy but of course we can go talk to the sellers especially this guy that I think is here just to show his cool new hat the price of my car is Affordable but its performance and it's only 35 000. you mean for a Tesla Model X yeah sure why not okay let's get in and wait so I'm supposed to drive it off the lot just like this you kind of feel like this was a mistake here we'll give him some of this so they see it coming oh the horn doesn't work well too bad for you people then I guess bye damn it you're lucky you're all ghosts but at least now we know we can hit the vehicles right oh boy we sure can't wait a minute what the hell was that am I seeing what I think I'm seeing is that the owner's still up there with their car it sure appears to be so she's determined to sell that car No One's Gonna Stop her I'm sorry about that lady let me give you a little push there you go there you go oh oh what's happening no car come back oh God it's getting oh okay thank goodness for that fence we almost lost you and that would have been a shame I'm definitely not gonna try that again oh yeah this is the driving experience I wanted oh my God I have so many questions about this and I just steal this car and this person with it oh my God how long is it gonna let me do this and on returning to the car market I couldn't help but notice that that car is now gone whatever there's more fun where that came from isn't that right other drivers what do you mean my car broke down it didn't like being slammed into another car all right well I guess I better buy a new vehicle since the other one broke hey lady 558 thousand dollars you got it you better be worth it Carr oh this is definitely the best car for this I could just nudge these cars and get them exactly where I need them to be and this place gets to be uh oh oh no oh no I want to thank all the dragons again for sponsoring this video there's a link in the description for you to check it out for yourself oh they're okay
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,233,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, car for sale, car for sale game, car for sale gameplay, i turned a whole town, monument of insanity, lgio car for sale, let's game it out car for sale, let's game it out car
Id: hmHOS_nRyLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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