I Became a Millionaire by Ruining a Homeless Person's Life

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing hobo tough life today a game about just kicking back and staying warm with your best buds while you pour down a cold one yeah i'm sure that's exactly what this is about speaking of hanging out did you know that i stream now here's a preview of what you've been missing my god it's all happening what are you doing up here dude just driving bro isn't this how you drive wow isn't that something so no time to waste let's fire this up oh and look we get to choose our fighter we got standard issue hobo or obi-wan or bag lady and cabela's finest walmart employee not like it matters the only one we have unlocked is the original so i hope you enjoy this face we're going to be seeing lots of it ah here we are in the wild world of actually i think we just woke up in a ditch now before we do anything let's familiarize ourselves with the setup here there's me there's the temperature there's how much money i have that's my health that's my stamina i don't know what this is and this is how hot or cold i am and over here in the other corner that's the time of day we also have a handy dandy inventory where we have a whole bunch of information i didn't realize we were gonna have like a dungeons and dragons character sheet beyond that it looks like we're under a freeway overpass oh and we also have a journal you know for all that homeless questing we're gonna do dear diary why does my head hurt your head hurts like hell try asking the man nearby he might know something uh do you mean like a person or do you mean like the man wait no i think it's an actual person hello kind stranger let me race up to you and terrify you i see looks to be a guy named mazner looks like we can do fun things like chat barter or bully you can't give me the bully option and not expect me to try it first thing right hey maybe just leave it be you know nah don't really feel like it empty your pockets or there's gonna be a beating try me so i can't sucker punch yet but i can definitely just attack oh yeah now we're talking ah not the face i'll give you another one what do you think of that oh oh he fights back well not gonna stop punching until we have to yeah what do you think of these fists ah you are beat up well mazner you win this round but oh wait i'm back up and around and sure i could make peace by bringing him a carnation or i could just go back to fighting have at thee oh no wow this game doesn't pull any punches does it wait what happens when we revive ah here i am in the pit again can i just go back and continue the beating damn it he's healed well i'm not gonna let that stop me we're just gonna keep trying till we get lucky nope not stopping oh if we get to him fast enough he doesn't recover all his health now i know it seems hopeless right now because he keeps getting all these amazing blows on us but i think we're gonna be able to whittle him down okay we punched him down to 29 and it looks like we can't punch him no more you're done or you want to go for a second round i mean second round for him we're on like our fifth body already no please stop here take this and just leave me be oh my god oh my god he just gave us 500 that'll do thanks yeah sit back down wait can i just do this again you've annoyed this person recently yeah you know how when someone shows up and beats you up and takes all your money minor annoyance right back to ruin my life some more oh mazener you speak for all the npcs in every game i've ever played and also yes yes i am you already took everything i had shame well this sure is starting out promising now that the bank of mazener's bludgeoned face gave us a cash advance so at its core this game is a survival game you have to rifle through stuff find various crafting materials like rope and junk and just try to scavenge everything that's not nailed down and sometimes you'll come across secured valuables but thanks to a skyrim like mini game don't let that stop you all of this can still be yours for the nice price of free although you do lose a little morale every time you steal something not like we care we've been alive like three seconds and we've already beat someone up and that's pretty much the main mechanic of the game oh but don't you worry there's tons of stuff for us to rifle through like big exciting dumpsters these bring up a fun little mini game for example if you find stuff like this a spectacular find piece of something interesting caught your eye you'll have to dig it out first and take a good look though and then to take it you have to succeed at a fun little mini game behold our prize delicious liquor get into my giant pockets ah picking that up means i thought up a new blueprint is that blueprint called drinking the whole thing in one sitting i sure hope so meanwhile on this screen you move the cursor around to reveal new exciting prizes like a delicious unfinished apple or these delicious tasty nails and that's pretty much how we find items in this game digging through all these unmentionables and check this out we can even go into the city center where there's a bunch of people milling around so many trash cans to dig garbage out of and before you know it it's night time well time to get some sleep ah yes a nap spot excuse me sir don't get between me and my bed chambers please ah sleeping so peacefully huh what is it why am i up suddenly you can't do this right now you're too cold yeah that cold crisp 54 degree air it's a killer all right fine i guess we'll just walk home and oh the hell happened oh i guess this is what happens when your health gets too low okay where were we you always know it's a sign of everlasting health if while you strut down the street your vision is covered in blood and also that thanks lady love the concern for my well-being no problem i'm just in a new body now unfortunately that means all of my inventory items are gone except for my starter items but i do still have my money well since we're back here in the pit we might as well see if mazner is still mad at us oh my god and guess what i can fight him again and by fight i mean get my ass kicked but i'm not gonna let that stop me half at the ah come here mazner the battle never stops and huh there we go got him below 30 again you're done oh my god he gives you another 500 and i just keep roughing you up on regular intervals i guess i'll check in on you later anyway time to go back into the big city you are soaked oh yeah i guess it is raining isn't it whatever that's not gonna stop me from doing what i need to do which is to talk to cowboy boots over here yeehaw oh buddy i like everything i see patchy facial hair open denim vest time to test our dialogue options we've got converse beg cell and steel welp we know where we're starting anyway get away from me okay fine yeah you and your boots get out of here we also appear to be freezing but what am i doing with my hands is that what my hands are supposed to represent was that supposed to be me trying to warm up or was i trying to do some sorcery one of these days one of these people is gonna let me steal from them or you could be like these much smarter people who don't let me talk to them at all that's okay i don't need your charity i've got this beautiful trash can right here finally some unfinished cookies hey la noire let me do some pickpocketing ah here we go time to steal he's got quality coffee he's got a hiking med kit and oh wait the meter's done caught in the act what do you think you're doing you thief police oh i didn't know he was gonna report me with his fists ah it's like it was all a dream anyway while we're over here probably as good a time as any to talk about how we can make a base the shelter and the pit see down here where it says start building if i hit the tab key it puts me into a building mode and everything inside the red border we can build stuff here we also have a handy dandy crafting table which allows us to make different kinds of crafting materials two amazing types of ponchos as well as my own trash pile apparently as well as a bunch of other stuff we haven't unlocked yet but that's not all we can do we can also build like walls and doors and stuff and then we can decorate that space by accessorizing with furniture but for even like the structure parts we're gonna have to keep our eyes open because we have none of the supplies yet so let's go see if we can collect some materials so that we can actually build some stuff and really they could be anywhere like in this old car which is where i usually hide my old textiles oh and what have we here more people for me to beat up oh but what about you do i have a 50 do i ever i mean surely i can fight someone around here right it's a puffer hey you give me the dog give me the dog right now oh actually wait let's barter first oh well look at this he's got some nice furniture all in very affordable price ranges i'll take one of these and this and that you're lucky i don't want to die and lose all my furniture i'm gonna go put this in my base and then we'll talk okay now we've got a thousand dollars worth of furniture all right let's see let's start with the chair and we'll put a nightstand right next to yeah okay wait can i really just stack stuff all weird like this guess that's a yes not sure how the stacking on this thing works it looks like ah now's not the time to pass out not while i'm decorating okay yeah that looks pretty good nice to know you can just stack stuff all weird looking like that and hopefully the other homeless people will be too terrified by this witchcraft to steal it hey mazen are you ready for another beat down yet you already took everything i had i accept this reasoning for now but with only 51 coins in hand i'm gonna have to take out another loan soon i'll try to occupy my time with some more dumpster diving oh my god look at this amazing find who is dumb enough to throw out these mom jeans well i'll wear them hi there yeah don't mind me i'm just gonna pick this lock right here dum dee dum dee dum oh i like how this guy got my attention but didn't have anything to say hi what's up i've caught a thief that's what's up you're gonna wait here with me until the police arrive yeah not a chance excuse me you're not gonna fight me are you you bet i am have at the noble warrior ah it's cool i'll just lay here until the police arrive or possibly not and i also couldn't help but notice that uh after beating me up that guy just left well where was i stealing toilet paper that's what besides i've got all these bandages see i just used a couple and now i'm right as rain again this is kind of how it goes just go around sifting through stuff occasionally just passing out and we can't forget to swing by start another fight with mazner take our loan out of mazner's face that'll do thanks i'm gonna hobble off now seeing blood in my peripheral vision hey you come here i need to speak with you and by that i mean stand in complete silence while i pickpocket a sandwich off you oh jesus where'd you come from you've been caught committing a crime come with me we'll deal with this at the station or will we if you won't go peacefully i'll have to resort to violence yes you will take that hope you learned your lesson ah all right fine arrest me or wait why am i not getting arrested wait so if i fight and get knocked out they just walk off what a deal oh my god look at this one building i found this guy will teach me how to fight looking to train for a bit yes teach me some beginner techniques only 200 coins i can do that ooh and you can teach me advanced techniques for only 400 done and done all right let's go test drive our new fists sun's out guns out test successful hey wait a minute mazner i got a question for you can i just sit here wait for a while then beat you up again well that's a big ol yes well hot damn that changes everything mazner hold still [Music] and scene now we've got a cool ten thousand dollars compliments of our very own human atm you might notice some changes in the weather it was around day four and now it's day 20 which means we stood there and beat him up for about a solid 16 days in any case we have more important things to do like go shopping oh my goodness look at all the choices at prices that might be cost prohibitive to somebody else nothing's too expensive for us first things first we're gonna have to go with the suit jacket and we're gonna pair that with these chic jeans oh how stylish we've become but that's not the only store we can go into there's also pharmacies oh boy over the counter meds i'll take all of them who knew taking care of the human body was so easy oh and are you finding yourself feeling a little on the tired side no problem head on over to a vendor get yourself a nice coffee or 20 of them see i'm feeling better all right ah okay so real talk it's way too cold and it's causing our guy to have health issues especially as night time approaches it's gonna be a killer now in theory back over here at base camp we should be able to build a bed which we could put next to this barrel which will keep us warm but i found a much better way to combat the elements it's called head downtown and find some sucker to talk to as you can see by everyone walking around in the background time is still going but it turns out everything else comes to a standstill my health this conversation his ability to leave and thus we're protected from the freezing elements because he and i are locked in our own personal beauty bubble where everything is warm see stranger that wasn't so bad why the long face don't look at him he's not gonna help you and now to pickpocket your energy drink so i can have the breakfast of champions thanks buddy see you in hell wow the snow is really coming down wait a minute what am i doing the solution is right in front of us hello unsuspecting person i would like to bypass winter entirely would you like to stay locked in conversation for as long as that takes great hold please [Music] welp i've been standing here a really really really long time call it a hunch but i think it's still winter outside as we hang out at a remarkable five degrees fahrenheit i also couldn't help but notice we're the only two people standing out here do you think we stood out here long enough that we just outlived humanity what the hell is a going on here it would also appear that everything's closed closed due to the calamity what is this breath of the wild did ganon show up and not a single person in sight what about you my personal atm are you still here oh wow your setup is looking a little icy still upset i see well while i'm here how about a cash advance okay let's see if we can figure out what's going on here now according to my extremely accurate map here it looks like we have a quest called finish the season it is time to elect the new beggar king the homeless are already gathering in the throne hall you should be on your way too i believe that's me and that's where we're going this appears to be the place hello anybody home okay cool just some homeless spirits hanging around huh i'll just help myself upstairs thanks okay this must be the throne they're talking about hold on guys i gotta take a quick nap no don't trouble yourselves i'll just get up on my own all right let's go in season survived still no king no king has been chosen this year the homeless will have to chew sooner or later otherwise the tradition of the homeless king will fall into oblivion so i guess that's the main story to become king we need to get at least six votes by these pillars of the community or whatever thank god mazner is not on this list it's also apparently day one again people are coming out of their homes again and the weather seems pleasant apparently this world only has two seasons pre-winter and winter it doesn't appear to have been a reset because i still have my money so i guess technically that means we have 30 days to become king of the homeless or whatever wait a minute shouldn't the goal of this game to become like unhomeless is this like a lifestyle choice is this like a hashtag van life thing well listen if we're gonna have to campaign to become king of the homeless we're gonna need some more cash oh wow you know what i just realized i don't even need to beat him up anymore for money if i stay in this menu his hit points don't move and if they're below 30 that's when he gives up so if i stay here and let time pass then go to beat up on him again he doesn't even try to fight he just gives me another 500 and i found out you can rough him up every 12 hours for another 500. mazner is there a limit to how much money you can give me and seen with that last additional 500 we've hit 1 million 43 dollars thanks random homeless guy i met you are freezing well of course i'm freezing it's sunny day 30 again in fact it's been day 30 for a really long time i had time to think about this while i was demanding money from him every 12 hours which means at its quickest if you beat him up two times a day for a thousand total dollars and we want to reach a million that means i was standing there demanding money from him for about a thousand days so just like before let's head on back over to that one building don't mind me i just need to start over the days again season survive now that winter is gone and calamity ganon is silent once more i think it's time to spend some of our fun money with some fashionable new threads quickly to the outdoor equipment store nothing says rich like shopping at rei i don't care what it does i just care that it's expensive oh and i can't forget this expedition backpack that allows us to carry a staggering 120 additional pounds wait a minute as i go to put the backpack down i see that there's three slots total oh my god you can totally wear three backpacks and i can carry 411 pounds how is that even possible now that we've got all of our clothing needs met i think it's time we finally get our base of operations squared away and for that we're gonna have to find a bunch of materials that we don't currently have and sure we could go around and scavenge all the materials but i'm a homeless guy with like more money than most people in this city the only time i'm going to be rummaging through trash now is for sport thankfully there's someone that sells building materials in the we have everything shop and thank god this place has everything i'll take a million of all please ah there we go a nice cool hundred of each thank god i'm carrying those three backpacks excellent let's get started first let's get all this stuff out of the way next we're gonna head on over to the crafting table now me i prefer the look of this tarp roof i feel like a homeowner already meanwhile we do have a couple of pieces of furniture we can add already and one of these things and this depressing thing but we're gonna want more stuff than that couple ways we can do this sometimes you can go right up to a bin dig through the trash till you find some of these and if you're lucky it'll turn out to be a big piece of furniture wow lucky us but i have a much better idea it's called the pawn shop oh wow all the greats got a comfortable antique chair a child's tricycle a bust of julius caesar whatever the hell this is and so much more looks like you're closing up early today because i'm buying all this stuff oh what the hell i'll dig through a couple more dumpsters i'm just a sucker for hidden treasures okay i'm back and i brought some treats with me only the finest accessories for our place so wait how does this work can i just put this stuff like anywhere the answer is yes it doesn't look like i can stack these on top of each other although weirdly enough other items do let you stack i'm just not sure what the rules are here i can tell you this though these like foundational items that don't want to stack they seem to totally work up against like a structure even though it's clear you're not supposed to see underneath them all right hold on let's build a way up here put a chair right there okay let's get up on the tarp here wow talk about a durable tarp you can just put all kinds of crap up here now it's a bummer but i can't get other pieces of tarp to stack on top of anything looks like building pieces have to stay on the ground another problem i'm running into is naturally you can't place anything past the barrier and to make matters worse if you jump up too high your little building prompt disappears and if it's gone you can't actually go into building mode and place anything else so i was hoping to build all the way up to the overpass but unfortunately that might be difficult i did find one potential workaround though if you build stuff on the ground you know like this beautiful stack of things i've made here i couldn't tell you how this is working by the way all i can tell you is there's like chairs and lamps and julius caesar busts and rusty cans and it kind of works but the more important part is if i click the relocate button on the bottom most furniture piece i can just move the entire stack around and now this thing i can place even higher which does let us go a little bit higher than we normally should be able to sadly with all this stacking still not high enough to reach the freeway although what the hell is going on over there come with me entire tarp stack let's play some more of our yonder see if we can't take a gander into the upside down over here it doesn't look like much over there but maybe i can jump into it i sure can and you know something tells me we're not supposed to be over here couldn't place what that is it just seems like something has gone awry oh oh god oh uh hello gentlemen nothing to see here so it looks like if you fall out of bounds it actually does a pretty good job of placing you back inbounds and honestly while there's not that much cool stuff going on over here i do have another idea but for that we're gonna need to take all this stuff with us so it turns out that's not the only place where we can build if we head on down to the luxurious riverfront there's a place right across the street we just take these stairs and apparently we make this spot our own i'm sure these people are gonna really enjoy the new view they're about to get i'm wondering if we can somehow clip into these buildings only one way to find out you know i think all we really need to do is get up right around here because in theory it looks like if we do that it travels all the way over here and then maybe we can cross this bridge so just like before we're gonna start with a structure on the ground with all kinds of random stuff being placed in really bizarre ways okay great and then we'll just place it right up here on the tarp now you might be wondering josh what are you doing why are you placing it there after all we need to get it way over there don't worry it's time for our secret weapon when you place these tarps it targets right in the middle which means you can place them way outside of the boundaries kind of like that well that's looking just great fingers crossed let's see if we can get up there okay almost there and huh oh yeah oh yeah boundary boxes be damned okay so far so good let's see where this takes us oh bad news nope wait wait wait getting kind of finicky at this point i don't want to fall off the oh no now unfortunately the other side isn't much better it's almost like the game doesn't want you doing this which is reasonable i guess but i think there is one last piece of fun to be had here so the game lets you build a toilet right turns out that yes of course we can put it up here and that's when i learned if you place the tarp as far over as it'll go and then remove the tarp part the toilet just drops to the ground and by ground i mean in the air finally my dream has been realized being able to take a sky crap while everyone watches me but enough of being count crapula i know we're supposed to go do all that beggar king stuff but i have to admit i'm a little distracted i found a toilet seat in the trash and we can use it as a weapon so instead of becoming the bigger king they want how about we become the beggar king they need but for that we're gonna need a sidekick and i think i know just the person oh mazener consider yourself knighted so i hope you had fun i know i did i'm just gonna roam around the map now and find more people that i can smack with my toilet seat lid long live the new king and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 8,330,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hobo tough life, hobo tough life game, hobo game, homeless game, hobo tough life update, hobo tough life 1.0, hobo tough life review, hobo tough life gameplay, hobo tough life dog, let's game it out, letsgameitout, lets game it out, lgio, let'sgameitout, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, funny moments
Id: aC-ce8Fz4aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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