How is Twitter free? #69

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brah well well well today is an epic moment in the history of this channel because voice we finally made it so how is Twitter free episode 69 okay I want to thank my mom my dad my wife my three kids my cat called Gertrude I want to thank the boys I don't know why but it feels like this is a special video so yeah just want to say thank you for sticking around and supporting the series and me and without further ado let's get into it [Music] old people coughing is terrifying or so this was tweeted out on the 12th of January I think this tweet holds like a bit more meaning now that weekend said I don't accept apologies you did what made you happy at the expense of my emotions and I understand it but I won't respect it and that is the mood for all 2020 uh I never said this just went swimming and I brought a bath my instead of a towel by accident what a freaking embarrassment wacked out on the side of the pool and everything whitey buses and trains cost money like you're going that way anyway give us a lift gee father uh typing please sir activates the emoji no one talked to me people with Android stop commenting it doesn't work no one cares lo I was just a Starbucks on my lunch break and the guy in front of me in line asked the barista if they could crumble up to two blueberry scones and blend them into his drink I'm sure his story is but I hope he finds peace by the way guys do you say scones or scones Scott Scott Scott's which one tell me where did I go wrong hey do you still want to hear the song I wrote for you whoa I forgot to tell you I have a boyfriend so stop texting me okay also your music sucks hey it's okay man I like your music okay okay so the University of Liverpool library tweets out saying this is not a bookmark and who's been using this as a bookmark in a library a slice of cheese yes who did this reveal yourself the big 20 haha 20 and WWE heavyweight champ well done son [Music] I'm only gonna lie I actually think that Bell is just sick like where can I get one of these this must be a $10,000,000 Gucci item no King she didn't leave you on red you left her speechless 100 emoji well yeah this explains a lot to me no wonder being left on bread so much I bought a fern that was simply described as large and I did not know what the Frick I was getting myself into Wow just look at the size of that oh my she's he's big sometime this week I'm gonna do the GCSE paper that I saw seven years ago and see what grade I get okay I'm sorry but people are just bored on a whole nother level right now clearly I wonder what song you think we should reopen with My milkshake brings all the boys to the stores and I'm like it's better than yours damn right it's better than yours I could teach you but the milkshake machine is normally out of order ouch no matter how much you hate your younger siblings they'll never be as bad as that little piece of poop Edmund from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe he betrayed his family to the White Witch for some Turkish delight damn I think about it that really was a bit of a savage moment from Edmund he's just like yeah mm screw my family your boy needs some Turkish Delight why why Edmund Britney Spears claims she beats Usain Bolt's world record by running 100 meters in 5.9 seven seconds yep and I believe her and then when people on Twitter saw this they got very very upset didn't believe Britney Spears could do such a thing and it ended up with her responding like this Britney Spears clarifies she isn't faster than Usain Bolt's okay I'd never have guessed we teach girls to shrink themselves to make themselves smaller we say to girls you can have ambition but not too much you should aim to be successful but not too successful otherwise you would threaten the man yeah guys can we get um an F in the chat for Britney Spears please she deserves better than this bro like who's to say that she can't run faster in Usain bro but seriously I have no idea how this happened like how this become a news article had a Britney Spears wake up one day I was like you know what boys today is today I'm gonna run the 100 meters in record timing and beat Usain Bolt of all people insecure boys to their girls you should not be meeting friends if your friends ask you to meet you should say no pick your fighter mmm this is clever so you don't have to hold your phone you just shove it in your soft putting your phone in your dog's mouth and watching it like that or this one um it's really projecting a video off of why Fink is a cow in the wild teacher made us turn our webcams on for class and all the girls laughed when they saw my light-up keyboard freak this guy's be 20 with no license okay spongebob general public being a youtuber or a streamer isn't a real job general public now boys we got him is it me or was this dude kind of fine [Music] they need to let us outside ASAP yeah I'm sorry but you know there's definitely a problem when people are starting to find this dude attractive I'll never forget what my ex maybe delete my whole Instagram account cuz some random guy commented on a photo of us saying his trim was dead but seriously Rhodes L said girlfriends to delete Instagram page because somebody roasts I kind of understand they're like it must be a pretty emotional moment when your girlfriend finally puts a picture of you two up together on Instagram and then the comments are just saying yo your boyfriend's got a dead trim like what is that haircut Fraser asked me to send him a picture of my passports and I got all excited for he was booking me a holiday to miss later I received an email from Sky Bet thanking me for completing their verification process douchebag I'm sick of this when Boris Johnson catches me going for my fifth jog [Music] yep that's one for the UK boys his shut down by skepta it's a good job with self isolating just let Sophia temper skin fade and that looks like I'm about to nuke America nice fade bro I went on a date with this girl and she didn't have blue butterflies on her cheeks tired of getting catfished this one goes out to all the girls on tinder he's like snapchat filters can we please stop that what feels illegal but isn't flushing the toilet in the middle of the night probably is one of the most intense moments as a human being 2 a.m. in the morning it's late it's dark and you have just gone for a massive poop and you have to make the unprecedented decision to flush the toilet and potentially risk waking up every single other person in the household it's a risk that we need to take that just been to the subway with the missus she's never been before so I suggested getting a steak and cheese sub which she agreed to as I'm browsing the menu the woman behind the counter asked her what bread she wants how is she gonna say Warburton's yeah I'm not sure how picking the bread at Subway works Kanye sing these lyrics estelle I don't want you I don't think we should include this in the song Kanye I said sing the frickin lyrics Estelle Estelle fine I just met this five-foot-seven guy who's just my type last week I went to Costco and built a crate of water got down to my car and whilst opening my boots a man walked up to me looks me in the eye and picked my crate of water turned around and walked off context I'm a wheelchair user I don't know what to say about this man like part of me always finds it funny because it's like it's so absurd why would someone do that like what you just go to a buzz in a wheelchair me like yep I'm gonna NAB your water in ratatouille 2007 Remy gags at the smell of linguini soup brats are physically unable to gag or vomit which means that the soup was so atrocious it broke the laws of nature he's just like uh-oh sir I remember in one video a while back I I thought that the name of the rap was ratatouille instead of Remy and I don't think I've ever been as badly roasted in the comments before like that was bad I'm sorry okay me thinking about what to reply to a dry ass text hmm scientists say they can recreate the living dinosaurs within the next five years and this tweet was posted in June of 2015 um can we get an update on this yes 2020 NASA is pretty much been five years what's what's happening yeah I really don't think 2020 to go into plan like apparently we're supposed to be recreating dinosaurs at this point but no we're all inside playing Animal Crossing for 24 hours straight nice I picked the worst social media to get a hundred K followers on for real if I was on Instagram or tik-tok I'd be getting fat checks and brand deals but I'm on Twitter where I go viral and Facebook pages repost my tweets and get 1 billion shares and my mom ends up seeing my tweet about camera it has arrived fainted it would be an honor to be featured in House Twitter 316 High King and this guy is actually done it boys he's purchased sneak king for the Xbox 360 and I can see it's in sealed condition brand-new so this guy has definitely gone out and like bought this it wasn't just lying around in his cupboards from like 15 years ago or something Wow round of applause legend you always be remembered for being on house to the 369th good purchase bro I'm just gonna leave it there for this video hope you guys did enjoy wow sixty nine episodes guys 69 big funny joke and it seemed funnier because I don't get to perform this legendary act watch another video here subscribe to the channel I have an absolutely amazing day guys and I'll see you all in the next one much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 421,546
Rating: 4.9810929 out of 5
Keywords: how is twitter free, how is twitter free?, funny tweets, funny, tweets, funniest tweets, twitter, funniest tweets ever, fainted, How is Twitter free? #69, how is twitter free 69, top tweets, top posts, meme, memes, twitter memes, episode 69, part 69, series, playlist
Id: -ew9xLM6ArE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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