How is Twitter free? #62

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okay we got 46 thousand likes on the last episode guess I got to keep the series going on what's an upwards two house with a free hashtag 69 let's go baby you're not a sad boy bro you're 26 years old dudes with glasses talking about you hate to see it bro can you there's no grace of bonding experience than walking in the school bathroom and joining your 80 fellow male classmates in singing the halo theme song [Music] oh sorry guess which one I have feelings for it hurts so bad Bongiorno I miss you I'm a whack yeah the second guy's definitely the one who she likes in 2016 a swarm of 20,000 bees follow the car for two days straight because their queen was trapped inside simps peril sim summits a white girl between eight and ten in Starbucks just looked up at me and said Wow a beautiful chocolate man and her dad literally grabbed her by her arm and said ever we the Frick is the matter with you James Charles you're next sorry bro I only go for straight guys ghosts in college failing for classes watching reality TV on a Monday night like mom you're worried about the wrong bachelors I live in fairies and five tests later I done it and you can see she's just passed her driving test yeah get her off the road dudes be five foot six asking whether shorties at bro look in the mirror hardest picture ever oh my god me and the homies after leaving los santos customs nah pick one hashtag baby nuts hashtag Superbowl I guess we got to pick between baby nuts baby groots and then finally baby Yoda this is tough III mean overwhelmed by the cuteness I would roast baby nuts over an open fire made of baby Groot scoops to nourish baby Yoda if the opportunity presented itself this kinds of savage ha how could you do that to poor baby nuts and baby Groot I don't want my man to wear glasses I feel like that's a little gay fellows be honest is it gay to see correctly yo a test Hey stop stealing tweets Twitter what the heck Wow I never thought I'd see the day where Twitter stole it wheat for a verified account as well which is just the icing on the cake drop a pic of yourself and whoever likes it thinks you're cute so I thought I'd give it a try and I reply saying sup fellas ah ha and it's the image are applied with wide like extremely handsome I might say and if some of you guys replied to be saying yo can I get on how is Twitter free me too I'd faint if I got put on that amazing series you just ruined Josh's chances if there were any what do you have to save yourself um Frick ok salute guide tweets out saying let's make this happen and he really wants to bring dunkaroos back ok so he messages Betty Crocker on Twitter how many retweets to bring back dunkaroos how about 150,000 yummy yummy dunkaroos baby and when it's tweet got over 150,000 likes this happened uh dunkaroos has entered the chat wow they might actually be coming back then ok Jeff Bezos is allegedly looking at buying his girlfriend a 150 million dollar mansion for Valentine's Day the ultimate sim you really do be a simple I okay that's that's even worse than spending like five hundred dollars in a girl's premium snapchat for her then to go Steve I thought tick tock was gonna be for like weird dances but I like it [Applause] this host sound like his Packer punched my god actually does oh to be an art student with an apartment in Soho living off of generational wealth and hosting vintage Jean Paul Gaultier shirts on my deep up for fun for $600 and coming home to take pictures by my full-length mirror for Instagram subtly getting my Pollock painting in the frame how to make friends as an adult one say we should hang - do not hang free say we should hang six months later four cancel five reschedule six respect their cancellation seven reschedule eight actually hang nine say we should do this more often ten die okay that's deep next up marks tweets our video captions got the bull ref and all I see is Bob Martin standing there elegantly looking like he's just been unloaded on and a football on the ground this is about to be incredible not Bob Martin no please I've honestly grown to just adore bald Martin he seems like such a sweet blow mork's puts this man through so much stress in pain and what does he get in return this if my guy Bob Martin isn't getting a slice of that epoch more exact revenue then I'm gonna be fuming fist through the wall at this point I genuinely think Bob Martin has more clout than more oh my kids this was Sudan there is no man I have more respect for in this world than both Martin ei confirms that Sims 5 is going to be a next generation game including single and multiplayer whoa this dating stuff about a hit different yeah just imagine hooking up with your ego on a random game of sims 5 multiplayer like oh hey hey what's up girl you want to go back to my crib for a little bit Wow like seriously if they managed to make this game virtual reality compatible and multiplayer Wow things are gonna get very very very juicy gonna tell my kids this was fainted wait wait on on sir is that is that me and then they actually did another one which is really really cool man I wish I liked this handsome in real life okay next up with a video captions the most attentive husband okay boys let's take notes and check this up [Music] [Music] this could be us but you want to cut your hair whenever you face adversity in life to be honest I think if that was a normal guy and wasn't Prince Harry then people probably wouldn't be saying oh my god the most attentive husband ever dude like I'm pretty sure most guys would do that for their girlfriend but maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm wrong cuz I'm a virgin how the Frick is Stuart Little 2 for free and everyone thinks he's cute and smarts but I'm 4 for AIDS and suddenly I'm too pathetic to get into parties what the Frick next up Castro sweets are saying I used to play uno at my neighbors after school today we just won a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars Tony don't let dreams be dreams I love you all and turns out this man just won a hundred and twenty five racks for playing uno I'm so jealous next up this guy tweets our text to his dream girl captioned this is the end of the road for me okay let's see what's happened what's gone so wrong here hey I've had something I've wanted to tell since the moment I laid my eyes upon you I've been too nervous to say it to you and still am but I need to say it right now so I don't have to think about what could have been for the rest of my life so here it is I would like to take you out on a date when I think this Saturday at around 7 p.m. would be perfect nah when did I ask after reading this I don't think I'm ever gonna shoot my shot with a girl ever again man imagine getting a reply like this though so so harsh like she could to say ahh now sorry dude I'm not interested instead she goes for the level 100 roasts ouch me coming home drunk my dog bok-bok-bok brock me sorry ladies but I only party with bad girls oh my dog she is a bad bad girl there's just look at her I want to get a taste anyways I'm thinking I'm gonna leave it there for this video I really hope you did enjoy and if you did definitely do click on the screens to check out another one and also subscribe if you haven't already because we're getting close to that Mille now and yeah I'd really appreciate it for you guys I'll see you later have an absolutely amazing day much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 925,969
Rating: 4.9635897 out of 5
Keywords: funny, tweets
Id: WDxwGbMicp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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