Thinking about your Ex!

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hey hey it's on the guys in here and pop it in today and talk to you about your ex now maybe you have seen on my live Q&A s on YouTube about people always asking about their ex my ex dis my ex that my ex dad and really think about that when you give when you give away your future focusing on your past when you sit down and you look at it from the outside looking in it really doesn't make any sense to allow someone who left you two to have complete control over your life and so it's really when you look at it in a different way it's kind of like driving forward on the highway and imagine the busiest highway in your city and you're driving on that highway but the entire time you're looking in the rearview mirror so when there's a traffic jam ahead when somebody slams on brakes when it's time to stop you crash because you're focused on the rearview mirror instead of looking through the windshield and that's what you have to realize when you give your time your thoughts your energy trying to figure out your ex you lose the power in the present and you derail your future so you have to understand whenever you hear the phrase your ex is your ex for a reason you got to believe it you really got to believe you're gonna have to sit down and just say it over and over and over you may have to write it on your mirror when you get up in the morning and you go to brush your teeth your ex is your ex for a reason you may have to put it above your door when you're walking out of your room door your ex is your ex for a reason you may have to have it in your purse on your wallet your ex is your ex for a reason see what you have to realize is when you truly meant to be together you're going to be the and the person that's in the wrong that's the person that's gonna do the work to get in the right so if you're in the wrong and you want to be with your ex and it was your fault that y'all broke up then it's on you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you deserve another chance but this video isn't for you this video is for the person who it wasn't your fault the job broke up and you miss your ex and you're thinking about your ex and you're wondering what he's doing why he's doing it and how y'all fell apart and if he's ever gonna come back again that's where 99% of the questions about ex comes to me from and that's what I want you to understand and I've said this 1 million times is well why did my ex leave well because he didn't want you he did not want to be with you that that is why he left and I know that is hard to hear that is hard to hear but a man will never will never leave a woman or sabotage a relationship if he feels she is his wife so understand that now and anybody you see asking this question send them to this video I don't know what I'm entitled it yet but send them to this video get a link copy it have it on speed-dial you know have put it in your notes so whenever you see somebody said you just got this link before you come on live Q&A I already have this link copy and just paste it in in the chat because this right here your ex is stealing all your thunder stealing all your blessings blocking all your blessings hindering your progression keeping you from being your best and that's what you got to realize see we men especially and I'm coming at it from this angle so if you own another angle you may have to invert this information or this just man may not be for you share with somebody who is four but what you got to understand about a man is that a lot of men do not know what a wife feels a lot of men do not know what they're looking for in a woman really don't know all of the qualities they should be looking for guys if they get mature enough they'll come to me and say hey Tony what should I be looking for in a wife you know what makes a good wife and to be honest with you that answer is so broad and you know just such a long answer because a lot of the things that a man needs in a woman you really can't put it into words it's intangible and you feel it and you know it when you see it when you have it you know it and you cannot mistake it for lust or anything other than a wife and so when a man is just going it he's kind of like this he's trying to get to the refrigerator to get some nourishment for his body but he's he's like this this is how men are in relationships and he's feeling in the dark and when he feels that cold handle he knows that's refrigerating he's gonna pull that open and then he's feeling around for the water that's what a man is doing in a relationship and so he's going through just feeling in the dark and then when he finally gets to you he can feel okay and if he feels a stain a prick if it feels different then what brings peace what brings comfort what brings joy if he feels something different then guess what he moves on with his life and the thing about it is is depending on where he was raised who he was raised by that is what determines how long he can stay in that situation so his standards are very low and he wasn't raised to be an intentional person and he's just kind of you know going through life with no aim just wandering through life then he may make a pit stop with you and it may spend five years some men were raised so recklessly or so aimlessly that they can give you ten years 15 years of their life and not really care because they don't feel like they're losing anything because they never valued their life and see that's important when you meet a man to understand does he value his life meaning how was he raised who raised him what are his goals what is his work ethic like what is his ambition like like how does he see life you will find that out in conversation if you see he's just this happy-go-lucky no real goals no real aim in life then you know he will waste time with you but see the thing about it is what women get confused is just what you have to realize if you're a man's ex and he was with you for two years or more and y'all didn't get engaged or married then he just wasting time with you so if he gave you three years four years five years or more with no engagement and no marriage he was wasting time with you but cheating on you in his free time in his spare time may not have been full fledge you know drawn-out escapades but he was cheating on you and that's how he was able to waste three years four years five years or more with you he had other women that were keeping him busy now on the other side of this what you have to realize is that yes a man can meet you and not know what he's looking for and downplay you he can downplay what you bring to the table and he can think that there's better out there because if if I found you then maybe I can finally find better some men are under that impression so yes a man can meet you you can be an amazing woman you can you know incite joy peace and happiness love nourishment fulfillment he can fill all of these things but if he's a selfish person if he's a greedy person if he is a person who has a scarcity mindset and he's just always looking to get what he can get and he doesn't have a grateful heart with an abundant mindset then he can downplay what you bring to the table tell himself that there is something better and then he moves forward so he moves forward and then guess what he gets with another woman maybe another woman maybe another woman he may go through one two three different women he may get with one woman and cheat on her with one or two or three other women so now when he's gone for those six months eight months 12 months 24 months he may have received or gotten enough experience to compare to you and then what he's found is that these other women don't compare to you so now what does he want to do he wants to come back is it out of love no it's out of selfishness because if he operates with an abundant and grateful heart when he had you he would have just settled with you he would have settled down with you and said wow I found someone who really brings me to life I feel amazing like why be greedy and go looking for something else when I have everything I need I hear that's the type of man you want to be with if a man has to sabotage the relationship cheat on you make you leave him make you break up with him because he's not man enough to say you're not what I want and I want to move on with my life some men aren't so they will sabotage the relationship make you break up with him to stand up for yourself but you're just breaking up with him because really you just want to teach him a lesson and you want him to come back you you're waiting on him to come back in your life and so what happens is he sabotage the relationship you break up with him you're sitting still wondering if he'll ever realize your work then come back and he moves on with his life and he's doing all this other stuff and in this process a man could trip up on his wife find a wife he could get a woman pregnant they could start a family and you're sitting there standing still waiting for him to come back and so you've passed by your husband 50 times you've derailed your hopes and dreams of starting a family with a new man or getting married 50 times because you're standing still waiting on your ex to make up his mind and to come back into your life so you're treating yourself as an option not a priority you're treating yourself as sloppy seconds you're telling yourself that I don't deserve better I don't deserve a man who knows and recognizes and realizes my work the first time around you're saying to yourself I'm only good enough for a man who has to go out sleep around date around and compare me to multiple other women in my face with me having knowledge of him doing it and then deciding that I'm the one he wants to be with and then accepting him with open arms when he comes back that is the weakest and the dumbest thing that you can do and I excuse my French I just for lack of bed terms that is horrible that is absolutely horrible so listen to me whether he left you or you left him it's over it is over move on with your life move on with your life you're not waiting you're not standing still you're not you know sitting there twiddling your thumbs hoping and praying that y'all get another chance listen if it's meant to be he will come back and he will prove himself beyond a shadow of a doubt he will prove himself he would do everything and anything things that you're not even asking he will be doing those things and you will know and feel in your heart and be able to say wow he has changed and you will have the comfort and the peace and the inclination to move forward with him you will say you know what it's worth another chance even if it fails I can get back up and move on with my life if this fails but it's worth another chance I felt that much love and I feel that strongly for this person is worth another chance now if you cannot say that young lady asked in the Q&A one time she said well how do I not have resentment for my ex while we're trying to make it work and I say you shouldn't be trying to make it work if you feel resentment if you got to not try to if you got to force yourself to not feel resentment hate disdain anger frustration bitterness you know spite all of these toxic emotions and feelings towards your ex while and you've let your ex come back you made the wrong decision you should be able to forgive and forget if you're going to take your ex back you should be able to do coaching and work on the relationship with a smile on your face I call it service with a smile that's the space you should be in if it's meant to work out if you got a grit your teeth and bite your tongue and you know whose side do cool down techniques counting from 10 backwards then you're forcing it you're forcing it and it's not supposed to be that's what you got to understand that's what you got to understand and move on with your life because realize this now think about this and this where I was going do you think someone who had you a man who had you okay he was with you you gave him your time your energy maybe even your body maybe even your body aren't protected so you gave him the opportunity to impregnate you to in disease you we don't make that work you know that means to put a disease in you okay to disease you and you gave him the opportunity to do all those things like if you slept with him okay and especially on protector you're saying here give me HIV syphilis or gonorrhea but me do all of this you gave him you down there just like this give it to me hey Tommy you got it you gave him the opportunity to put anything in you you risk your life for him when you allow him to insert himself in your body you risk your life you risk altering your life changing your life forever even if it's just by child and that may be your situation so let me help you understand this so you saying to me that a man that you risk your life for when you got on your bike a man that you gave your time your energy and your effort to for years I'm not talking about for three months six months I'm talking about four years a year or more and he still sabotage your relationship or walked away from the relationship you're telling me that that man after going and sawing his Wild Oats and doing what he wants to do deserves to come back so your body that has just been sitting there waiting on him after he goes out and does what he wants to do and then realize oh she actually better than these other women oh let me go back to get her let me go back to get her since ain't nothing else out here that's what you want you want to be sloppy seconds you want to be a man second thought you want to give the chance give your life give your body and give yourself to a man who couldn't appreciate you the first time around who didn't want you the first time around but because he has no other options because he realized that you're gonna serve him and see this thing you don't mean that you better than other women you could be dumber than the other women you could be weaker than the other women and he want to come back to you because he knows you're the one he can cheat on he could be Don he could lie too he could manipulate he can use see you're the one who along in your car longer money left and live off for you let him live with you say he got fired from his job and he did living off of you you're the one he can get over on and this man does not want to be the countable this man does not want a woman that's gonna stand her ground or let's say you stood your ground and you broke up with him well if you let him come back and then you say well let's get coaching and he said no we don't need that we can work this out on our own we don't need a third party in our relationship then guess what he doesn't respect you he doesn't respect you he's not in love with you man he's not willing to put in any real work for you if you say let's get back in church on Sunday even if his closed down right now let's watch it online and he says no I don't want to do that I really don't believe in God I'm not really into that stuff that's not your husband if that's what you believe in that's not your demand for you if you say I don't want a man who's gonna be smoking because I don't want that in my lungs I'm asthmatic I don't want that in my child pours I don't want my wall turning yellow you know I don't want to be kissing an ashtray and he said well I'm not giving that up with this what I do this what me and dude that's not the man for you if you don't want a man who gambles who watched nasty movies who curses like a sailor and he does any of those things that's not the man for you what you have to understand is that if you have to make any concessions for your ex they have to deal with your morals your values your standards then you're choosing the wrong person and it's because of your desperation and it's because of a soul tie that you have not addressed and began to heal so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to get to the place to where you say okay in order to get over this here ex I gotta really kick it into high gear now I have some clients in this space and they're doing the work you're gonna need to do up to 12 sessions of one-on-one coaching and what I mean by that a weekly basis just you know getting it out you're just talking you're just expressing yourself you're just telling what you're thinking what you're feeling and it may seem redundant it may get a little boring you may you may not have much to talk about but guess what that's the space you need to get to because when you think about it when you're talking about your ex with all your friends and family they tired of listening to you and you're never going to stop doing that because it's not costing you anything but when you're taking and you putting your money where your mouth is meaning you're making an investment and now focusing on your ex is costing you your money your savings your you giving in the credit card debt because of your ex it's different when you just get to have free conversations talking to your friends and family driving them crazy and then they got to get off the phone and talking bad about you behind your back you know all she does call me talk to me about that man the Osiris thinking booty man she called me I got my own life to live you know I'm out here trying to fight this hill 19 and that's all she won't talk about it this man I've been telling her for the last two years that man don't love her he over there sleeping with Lisa and she don't want to hear she sitting there the girl ain't even babies in the last two days waiting on this man to call her and I just don't know how to get through to her I told her she needs white on the guy's video but she won't do that cuz she think that's a scam she take that deep people don't know what they're talking about but yes you want to call me like I know what I'm talking about I listen to it that's what your friends saying to her mama when you hang up with your friend that's what she called it y'all other friend and that's how they talking about you that's how they talking about you because they tired of you everybody in your life is tired of you talking and focusing on this thinking man that did not see your value and your worth and they want you to see your value and your work and to get up and move on with your life start waiting on the relay ship to be rekindled start waiting on the man to come back but see this a thing a lot of people see your your friends they can't tell you like I'm telling you they can't tell you that because they got to look at you they got to see you they got to hear from you they got to talk to you they don't want to hurt your feelings they don't want to hurt your feelings but when you go to a professional that's what they're professionally paid for to hurt your feelings to tell you what you need to hear so that you can do what you need to do that's what a professional is there for and that's what you're gonna have to do so you got to do some real work then you're gonna have to go on Amazon and start getting you some books it's all kind of relationship books out there and once you get one if you bought a woman's influence that's going to show you some other ones if you bought make it work that's going to show you some other ones and then as you start to see you start to look around and you start to see what's out there and you're going through these books whether you reading them or you listen to audio guess what it's gonna start to help you because you're gonna get new knowledge and I always talk about new knowledge but the thing about it is is when you take and you getting this knowledge and you hear a scenario that happen in your relationship and you didn't understand that scenario and when you hear about the scenario and what that means you're like whoa mmm okay so when he did that that was control that was of you oh did not know that so now you're able to take that thing that's been bothering you you're able to box it up put a label on it get it out your life instead of it being the elephant in the room and you just gone back and forth with all this stuff that happened that was saying I was done and you can't decode it because you're not a man and you don't understand it so but when you read this here book from a man and is describing male behavior now you like Wow or vice versa if you a man you getting over your ex woman man you read this book written by a woman or you talk to a woman professional and getting insight on what does this act mean what when she said this what does that mean now it helps you have closure so understand is you'll have to start with you thinking about your ex that means that you don't have closure you got to give yourself closure so you got to get the knowledge and when you get the knowledge now you're able to identify what every behavior meant next thing you're gonna need is you need affirmation you gotta affirm yourself you gotta smell yourself you got to remember who you are you got to remember who raised you now for some people that wasn't a whole lot and if it wasn't a whole lot then you gonna have to create your own affirmation what I mean by this if you was raised by wolves if you was raised you know if you were homeless if you were abandoned if you were in a group home if you went through that type of stuff then you may say well my upbringing wasn't much you know my upbringing wasn't something that I could be proud of then guess what now you gotta create it you gotta create it and literally you know be very practical about this stuff like you can get a three by five car and write affirmations on there that just says I am worthy I am enough I am beautiful I am smart I am talented whatever you need to say to yourself put it on that car and stick one on your mirror in the morning put one in your purse or wallet three at lunchtime at night you read it on your mirror again you reading this breakfast lunch and dinner you read this and you getting this in you and you saying you know what I'm worthy I deserve more the my wish is the universe command like what I say is what I'll have I'm speaking this thing into existence like my life will not in here I'm not gonna be stuck single and lonely for the rest of my life I'm going to attract love like be very practical about it and if you got to write it down and read it to yourself then do that write it down and read it to yourself but you have to stop focusing on your ex and so and a lot of times people say well I cannot stop thinking about my ex I can't stop look that's a soul time and until you immerse yourself in new knowledge wisdom to get understanding then you're gonna be stopped thinking about your ex over and over and over so what you're gonna have to do is you have to create your days you have to give your days direction it's never like a time it's like a direction so you got to give your days directions so today you plan your tomorrow and you break it down by the hour so if I wake up at 6 go brush my teeth and get ready ok 6:15 I'm reading reading my Bible 6:15 7:15 7:15 I'm getting dressed while I'm getting dressed I'm listening to a YouTube video I got phone sitting there it's on the charger while I'm getting dressed out of the house by 8:00 I'm leaving from 8:00 driving to work I'm listening to the YouTube YouTube video audio book going to work get to work now you focus on work work I'm gonna be the absolute best worker in this entire company or if you work for yourself I'm about to take this thing to a whole nother level boom I'm getting it they need people gonna want to give me stock in the company people don't want to shoot me up the corporate ladder cuz ain't never seen this kind of output you don't give your mind time to think about anything else other than your work and you try to be the most efficient and effective worker who's ever in history of this job done this you hit me and that's what you do last time boom you get your lunch you go sit down you put your audio book on or your YouTube video on and you listen you lunching and learn I have to launch you back to work all right after you get off work what you you got another video or another audio book that you stole your audio book that you're still listening to because they may be 7 - you know 14 hours long so blowing you back on your audio book you get home or you leave work you're gone maybe you work out an afternoon and so you going to the gym you're in the gym or you work out at home walking around the neighborhood in your house you listen to your YouTube or your audio you finish that now it's time to eat get them vitamins in you okay get your vittles in now why are you eating you listening and learning unless you got family if you got family you got kids we've got you know little brother sister mama daddy uncle cousin then it's family time you got kid boy homework time after work instead of the gym it's it's homework time it's family time dinnertime if you by yourself and you single then you listening you learn some when you finish lunch you call it your loved ones I mean dinner you call it your loved ones after you call your loved one you might talk to it might be three one two three four people that you want to talk to in your life every day your mother your father your brother your sister your best friend you calling you give 30 minutes hey I got 30 minutes wanna check in with you have some time if they have time then you talking to him if not you're calling the next person and you spending that time but here's the thing on these calls you let them know the first time when you starting this only cause your ex off-limits your ex is off-limits you can't talk about your ex they can't talk about your ex that's off-limits you tell my daddy you told my stock market on my is he'll tell my child president and you know and you know he got people drinking Lysol and all this other stuff and so y'all talking about that and then after you get off of that right there you might have your show eight o'clock might be your show 8:30 if you don't have a show that you want to watch then get back to your learning get back to your learning put your YouTube video back on or your audiobook back on and you listen to that come on nine o'clock 9:30 whatever your bedtime or you get your show in by 10 o'clock you need to be getting on ready for bed you might for your subconscious mind when you when your head hit that pillow stuff get quiet so I'll get quiet and everything that you've been running from your subconscious may try to come up and that's when you may think about your ex put this video right here a video like this that's talking about dealing with ex you might want to put something like this on and just let it play let it play to distract your subconscious so that you can fall asleep and then you keep that routine and so however your day look but I just walk you through a day when I changed my life to become the man that I am today I had to take drastic measures I literally had the ear part okay that's when we used to hide he got our paws not but he's here he's here this high used to be because I was at work working in the group home that's how I used to be they had it brought in right here just like this so I can hear you over here I can hear my clients like here my coworkers okay what you said all right when ain't listening to you I'm right back over here listening to the hill good YouTube video podcast and it just and so any when I'm talking to you over here okay I can hear but guess what why are you talking you're talking that foolishness I'm turning you out I'm looking at you not my hair but I'm listening just right here okay the workers my bosses they never told me tone take that out you can't have any take it out - yeah you know I'm not an EMT I if you're not a first responder then you how you one of these in here okay and so that's what I was doing and eight hours ten hours a day and and when I wasn't doing that I was working I was working on building what I'm what you see the date building my brand I was working on it I was mapping it out I was planning I was putting the pieces of the puzzle together how putting put my plays together and I was completely focused right there that's how I changed my life and so that's what you're gonna have to do you you got to stop playing with it okay you got to stop sitting up complaining coming on the Q&A all the time talk about that X and you got to start doing the work you got started doing the work and I let me tell you when the work really started at the payoff is when you truly make an investment in yourself when I took and spent three hundred dollars to go to a seminar oh oh yeah Oh once in the chain nine oh I'm finna change you even waste my money when I took in spent $1,000 on the course oh yeah we finna get some change in nine we finna get some changed when I spent thirteen hundred dollars on the seminar ticket flooded conference welcome to go to a conference in another state and you got to book a flight and you got to book a hotel oh yeah we finna get some changes we finna get some change when I took a spin hundred I was on the ticket for a seminar in another country always gonna get some change now just the act of me doing that it activated things in my life that $1300 event I bought the ticket for an event it was in somewhere Colorado somewhere like that and I end up getting booked to speak in the Bahamas that same weekend so I had to ask for a refund but he had a clause to where they keep $400 or 1300 and so lost $400 old raggedy michael hyatt SAR but kept ojala refund okay all right I gave that mic so yeah but even that 400 guess what it came with a return because I have made an investment in myself so this what I'm trying to tell you when you sitting there and you're just doing all leather free guess what you're not sowing a seed so you what you doing is you trying to make yourself you you want to pat yourself on the back cuz you saying I'm doing the word I'm doing a bird yeah I'm listening to YouTube every day yeah I listen to podcasts every day that's not a sacrifice there ain't no sacrifice because all that free so you need sacrifice and that's why you still ask about your ex or a year from now but when you taking you go by yo you go to Barnes & Nobles then you buy you a book when you're taking you go and you sign up for right now a virtual seminar I don't have anything for you when you take and you go sign up for a coaching session on my mentor dot life with one of those coaches even if the coach is $25 hours coach on that for $25 an hour guess what you just sold a C in your healing because when you take action when you really take action when you when it costs you something to grow when you got to sacrifice to grow that's when you gonna reap your harvest but when you just sitting there and you're going through the motions trying to fool people that you're doing the work but you really ain't doing the work because it relaying costing you know a real ain't no sacrifice for you you ain't got number time anyways then you're not gonna grow it's like this this what you doing this what you doing picture yourself on a treadmill right you're on a treadmill what you got a big box or KFC chicken and you on the treadmill and you like that huh and you own that treadmill then you get off the treadmill and you go get on the peloton okay and you own your bike at the house tonight did y'all know the peloton will let you finance for $39 a month just hang go pee outside man okay I got me one on the way $3,000 biosilk or not but you sitting out and you own your peloton but now guess what you're doing in your peanut butter and jelly that's how y'all look when you sitting and just going through the motions waiting on your ex waiting on your ex to come back but you're not really taking real action to heal and grow you got the video on between listening you're going to live Q&A on YouTube but you need paying attention your question to me asked 10 times G listen to the answer downtime then you come ask your question and you ask the same question somebody else's ass because you're not doing the word you're not invested you have told yourself I'm gonna wait this thing out to me and my ex get back together instead of telling yourself it's over I'm moving on guess what I wrote a book a long time I own office the ebook still out there they probably took it down that might be the people into it downtown my quality of it I wrote a book a long time ago called the road to destiny I don't thing is still owned killed I need to republish it but basically what I was talking about is life is like a road to destiny so what I'm saying is you got to get in your vehicle don't speed don't be looking in the rearview too long don't stop at the rest stop for too long don't pick up no hitchhikers so I gave these different analogies about being on the road to destiny and that's what you've got to realize and understand is when you break up with your eggs you got to hop on the road to destiny and I want you to picture this you hops and your Lamborghini okay even if you wanna tow your turf sale it's a Lamborghini today you hop in your Lamborghini in hmm you hit the flow okay you gon pedal to the metal and your ex you drop them at last rest on what your s gonna have to do to catch you your s gonna have to go into a bank account and call or uber get them over by today house get in a car get on the road destiny get on that gas and when you stopping at the rest stop they ain't got time to stop at the rest stop they got to be flooring it at the speed limit they don't go 10 15 miles per hour over the speed limit the make up time when you at the rest stop and so when you get back on the road they didn't gain the hour on you and you're s got to catch up to you on the road to destiny okay wave you down hey okay your ass got to wave you down all right why don't s Drive got to show you you hit me you're s got to show you the work didn't did so that when you look over there you're s you like a lot of work mmm they showing you me they put on the phone they got the phone you hit me so they didn't so so yo s not what's your XD your instant caught up to you and ain't just begging you ain't get begging and crying okay your instant to you everything they don't they don't did the coach they didn't read the books so now you okay okay all right you hit that Blanco you pull right on over then the rest stop okay all right let's have a conversation so so but see his thing you one sitting at the rest stop weigh in on your eggs you got back on the road the Destiny and you will bite your business your ex had to go through extreme measures to catch you you want sitting there waiting with the don't unlock and open you will bite your business yo s hat the flag you down catch you chase you flag you down and then when you get out at the rest stop listen because you'll already spent plenty of time with your ex when y'all get out at the rest stop and y'all talking in that 30-minute conversation you gonna know if your is really bought that change if your ex really made a change or if your ex is full of it and then you're gonna be able to make a decision on whether y'all gonna get it staying another shot or whether you gonna get back on the road to destiny and going back to your business part blank period listen to me right period yard it is not rocket science so you're gonna have to make a decision today you're gonna sit around looking like who shot John and forgot to kill them waiting on your sorry ex or you're gonna get up get on about your life close the door change the locks and going back your life you mean your ex need to come back with a warrant to enter your place and what I mean by that they need to come back warranting a second chance because of the changes that he or she has made and if you came see the changes on them smell to change his own here the changes in the conversation thank you hey great talking to you I'm gonna wish you the best but this is not gonna work so if you would not mind just come politely lose my number and please don't reach out to me or any of my friends or family members because I am moving on with my life completely and you just just nice cool calm and collected let your ex know that just let us know that any problems that your exhale we will have the boys in blue over here expeditiously and we are not entertaining and going back and forth not all the psychobabble you want to jump bad you want to be boohoo crying no need to show up and show the change or shut up and move on hey this Tony guy thing god bless I got to get rid of the coach coaching a few clients today if you need a life coach make sure you visit my mentor dot life I typically put it in the description where it says book a session with myself for another coach on my mentor dot life I've never hating I love to see all the coaches on the site getting booked so please if my schedule is is booked out too far for you find you another coach you know anybody a do they all certified and professional and listening to where your heart is that hey god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 59,725
Rating: 4.9377851 out of 5
Id: n5utqQfQR8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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